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Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 1


Innovative Planning Solutions has been retained by 2440511 Ontario Inc. to

complete a Planning Justification Report in relation to Zoning By-law Amendment

(ZBA) application for lands legally described as Part Lot 13 Concession 12, and

Lots 24 & 25, Registered Plan 1213. This project is known as East Village Urban

Towns. The subject lands are known municipally as 521, 527, and 531 Big Bay

Point Road. The lands possess 96.5 metres (316.6 feet) of frontage along Big Bay

Point Road, with an area of 5,025 m2 (0.5 ha). Figure 1 below provides an aerial

view of the subject lands.

Figure 1: Aerial photo of Subject Lands Source: Simcoe Maps

A comprehensive development plan has been prepared for the subject lands. The

Site Plan process will occur concurrently with the ZBA application, and will be

conditional upon it. Proceeding with the simultaneous Site Plan & ZBA processes

allows for greater development detail than what would typically be available during

the ZBA process.


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 2

A large portion of the subject lands (521-527 Big Bay Point Road) have recently

undergone a Zoning Bylaw Amendment (City File No: D14-1619), receiving zoning

approval from Barrie City Council for 36 back-to-back townhouses (RM2 SP-546).

Through this previous rezoning process extensive feedback was gained from City

Staff, members of Council, and the Public. The development evolved significantly

from inception (standard Townhouses) to ultimate Council approval (three-storey

back-to-back townhouses with basement parking).

2440511 Ontario Inc. has now acquired 531 Big Bay Point Road for the purposes of

expanding this project, resulting in a more uniform and balanced development,

while maintaining identical built form to that which was approved under the previous

RM2 SP-546 zoning for 521-527 Big Bay. Through discussions with City Staff it

was determined the appropriate course of action was to proceed by way of ZBA on

the consolidated property (521-531) rather than only the newly acquired parcel.

This report will review the applicable policies and justify the proposed development

under good planning principles. The proposed ZBA aims to rezone the subject

lands to the Residential Multiple Family Dwelling Second Density zone with Special

Provisions (RM2 SP-__).

The following report will review the applicable policies found within the documents

noted below to justify the proposed applications under good planning principles:

• Places to Grow: Growth Plan for the Golden Greater Horseshoe

• Provincial Policy Statement

• City of Barrie Official Plan

• Intensification Area Urban Design Guidelines


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The subject lands are designated ‘Residential’ in the City of Barrie Official Plan and

zoned as both Residential First Density – R1 (531 Big Bay) and Residential Multiple

Family Dwelling Second Density Zone Special Provisions 546 – RM2 SP-546 (521-

527 Big Bay) in the City’s Zoning Bylaw. The lands are located within the Painswick

South Planning Area however they are beyond the limits of the Painswick South

Secondary Plan. The lands are currently occupied by three separate single

detached dwellings and possess vegetation along portions of the perimeter. The

subject property possesses approximately 96.5 metres (316.6 feet) of frontage

along Big Bay Point Road, with an area of 5,025 m2 (0.5 ha).

The subject property is located partially within the Big Bay Point Road and Yonge

Street Intensification Node, as identified on Schedule ‘I’ of the City of Barrie Official

Plan. It is also noted that Yonge Street (located approximately 140m West along

Big Bay Point Road) is identified as a Primary Intensification Corridor where future

medium-high density residential and commercial development is anticipated.

Access to City of Barrie Public Transit routes 4A & 4B are available along Big Bay

Point Road while access to routes 8A & 8B are located along Yonge Street,

approximately 140 metres west of the site. These routes provide convenient access

to various locations throughout the City including Georgian College, the Downtown

Bus Terminal, Allandale and South GO Stations, as well as interacting with all other

transit routes in the City. Commercial amenities are readily available along the

Yonge Street corridor and at all four (4) corners of the Yonge / Big Bay Point Road

intersection. A major retail development is located at the southwest corner of Big

Bay Point Road and Yonge Street. Many commercial uses are located within

walking distance of the subject lands including a pharmacy, a number of eateries

and restaurants, financial institutions, grocery stores, convenience stores, etc.

Beyond the above, other important uses nearby include but are not limited to the

following: Yonge Street Go Station (1.7km), St. Peters Secondary School (700m),

Mapleview Heights Elementary School (1.3km), Painswick Branch of the Barrie


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 4

Public Library (700m), La Source French Elementary School (1km), Warnica Public

School (950m), Painswick Park (350m), and trails associated with Lovers Creek

(550m). The surrounding area has generally been fully developed with an array of

commercial uses and very few residential uses beyond existing low density

residential lands.

Figure 2: Subject Property and Surrounding Land Uses

Source: Simcoe Maps



























North: Commercial development (Thrift Store), single detached dwellings, some of which are similarly located partially within the Intensification Node, Warnica Public Elementary School.

South: Commercial Plazas including retail stores such as Bulk Barn, Shoppers Drug Mart, restaurants, convenience store, a barber shop and a financial institution. Vacant (future development) commercial lands. Painswick Branch Library. Retirement facility.

East: Single-detached residential dwellings, Painswick Park.

West: Single detached residential dwelling (within Intensification Node). Existing gas station (Petro Canada) with car wash. Variety of existing commercial uses including several financial institutions, restaurants, and a LCBO.


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The proposed development consists of a total of sixty (60) back-to-back

townhouses, within three (3) buildings. Each building will be identical in size and

will possess 20 residential units. Each building will be 3 storeys in height with 1 full

level of basement parking per building. This development equates to a density of

120 units per hectare.

The design of the buildings will incorporate unique aesthetic properties while

utilizing high quality building materials to ensure a façade and structure that

promote a distinctive urban character. A symmetrical design will also provide for

excellent and balanced streetscape along Big Bay Point Road.

All units fronting Big Bay Point Road will possess direct access to the individual

units both from their underground parking space, as well as direct pedestrian

access from Big Bay Point Road via walkways. These walkways will facilitate

pedestrian interaction and connection with the existing sidewalk on Big Bay Point

Road. The design and orientation of the development also focuses the front of

each internal unit towards the centre of the site (courtyards) or toward the

commercial development to the south. It is important to note that none of the

proposed townhomes will face the existing single-family dwellings to the east or


The units facing Big Bay Point Road are proposed to possess a front yard setback

of 5.0 metres in order to accommodate the City of Barrie’s Multi Modal Active

Transportation Plan which requires a 3.5 metre protection area. Landscape

planters will protrude from the front façade of each unit approximately 1.5 metres,

providing excellent aesthetic appeal. A 1.75 metre road widening will also be

deeded to the City of Barrie should the applications be approved. The front yard

setback will provide for an appropriate setback to the residential units from Big Bay

Point while offering the opportunity to integrate a well-designed façade and

streetscape including a strong urban street presence. This minimum front yard


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 6

setback mimics the recently approved front yard setback established within the

521-527 Big Bay Point Road ZBA (RM2 SP-546).

The units facing southward shall be set-back a minimum of 5.0 metres from the

south lot line. This proposed rear yard setback mimics the recently approved rear

yard setback established within the 521-527 Big Bay Point Road ZBA (RM2 SP-

546). The combined front and rear yard setbacks proposed shall allow for a

courtyard between the two buildings of 10.0 metres in width. This courtyard space

allows for extensive landscaping / vegetation between the two buildings.

This development is accessed via one condominium road extending south from Big

Bay Point Road. This condominium road provides convenient vehicular access to

each of the three underground parking garages, and to the visitor parking area.

The internal condominium road has been designed to a width of 6.4 metres while

incorporating an 8.0 metre wide entrance from Big Bay Point. This wider entrance

allows for two four (4) metre wide vehicular lanes on the north portion of the

development. It should be noted that the wider (8.0 metre) entrance extends more

than half way into the development. It should also be noted that the proposed

development does not require three (3) entrance / exit lanes, while the 8.0 metre

entrance width is required to facilitate a centralized sidewalk connection.

All townhomes facing Big Bay Point Road shall be directly connected to the existing

sidewalk on the south side of Big Bay Point Road via concrete walkways. Internal

sidewalks have been provided, each connected to one central sidewalk which

connects out to Big Bay Point Road. The central (main) sidewalk connection from

this development to Big Bay Point Road is conveniently located adjacent to the

condominium road. The extensive use of sidewalks throughout this development

provides for easy pedestrian movement.

A total of 76 underground parking spaces are provided, with each residential unit

possessing at least 1 of these spaces. A further 6 exterior visitor parking spaces

are provided, 2 of which are barrier free (1 type A / 1 type B). A total of 82 parking

spaces are provided within this development.


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A large (350 m2) consolidated amenity area is present at the south-west corner of

the site, equating to 5.85 m2 of consolidated amenity area per unit. This amenity

area shall provide a central meeting place for future residents to gather and engage

in leisure and recreational activities. Several mature trees are currently positioned

within this area and will be maintained as part of the proposed development, should

the detailed grading and stormwater management plan allow. The positioning of

this amenity area also shields it from Big Bay Point Road, both for resident safety

and for streetscape appeal.

Each residential unit shall possess 6.15 m2 (370 m2 total) of unconsolidated

amenity area in the form of 2 balconies per unit, for outdoor enjoyment. The total

combined (consolidated & unconsolidated) amenity area will be 12.0 m2 per unit

(720 m2 total), meeting the total required amenity area per unit within the RM2

zone (albeit partially unconsolidated).

Each of the back-to-back townhomes will be three storeys in height, and will range

from 100 m2 to 110 m2 (1,100 ft2 to 1,200 ft2). Each of the townhomes will

possess 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 balconies.

Two inground garbage enclosures (Molok system) have been provided adjacent to

the visitor parking area. This system allows the garbage enclosures to be

appropriately screened from view (underground) while allowing for convenient pick-

up. As the City of Barrie disposal pickup program does not allow for the Molok

system, garbage collection for this development will be private.

A snow storage area has been identified north of the visitor parking area. Should

this area prove insufficient in size, the amenity area may provide temporary relief

for snow storage and/or the excess snow will be removed from the site by private

means (condominium corporation).

Extensive landscaping will be provided throughout the entire development. Each of

the proposed townhomes will possess landscaping planters along the front façade

of each of the units. Both the planters and grassed areas of this development will

be irrigated to ensure vibrant vegetation throughout. Both the east and west side


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 8

yards shall be 1.8 metres in width as required by the Zoning Bylaw. It is the intent

of this development to plant columnar trees, particularly on the east side yard, in

order to provide additional and extensive privacy to neighbours.

In order to provide City Staff, Council, and the Public with as much detailed

information as possible, Site Plan level detail has been provided for this ZBA


The proposed development concept, including Parking Plan and building

elevations, can be reviewed under Appendix 1


The subject lands are currently zoned Residential Multiple Two Special Provisions

546 (RM2 SP-546) and Single Family Dwelling Residential First Density (R1) in the

City of Barrie Zoning Bylaw. In order to facilitate the development of the lands as

outlined in the Concept in Section 3.1, a ZBA application is required. Through

discussions with City Staff, it was felt that rezoning the entire site (521-531 Big Bay

Point Road) was appropriate in order to properly identify the necessary special

provisions required while accurately representing the proposed development.

This ZBA application aims to rezone the lands to the RM2-SP-__ zone to permit the

development concept. The proposed special provisions are as follows:

1. THAT notwithstanding Section 4.6.1 and Table 4.6, a minimum of 1 space

per unit be allowed for residential buildings containing more than 3 dwelling


2. THAT notwithstanding Section 4.6.4, a minimum of 1 Type A parking space

(5.5m x 3.4m with a 1.5m aisle) and 1 Type B parking space (5.5m x 3.1m

with a 1.5m aisle) is permitted.

3. THAT notwithstanding Section, a maximum density of 120.0 units per

net hectare is permitted.

4. THAT notwithstanding Section, a minimum of 12.0 m2 per unit of

unconsolidated amenity area is permitted.

5. THAT notwithstanding Section 5.3.1 and Table 5.3, the following

development standards shall apply to lands zoned RM2 (SP-__):

i. Front Yard (Min.): 5.0 m


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 9

ii. Rear Yard (Min.): 5.0 m

iii. Gross Floor Area (Max.): 150%

iv. Lot Coverage (Max.): 45%

v. Building Height (Max.): 12.0 m

The proposed ZBA aims to introduce new text and amend Schedule A of the City of

Barrie Zoning By-law to reflect the new zoning and add special provisions as per

above. A copy of the Draft Zoning Bylaw and Schedule can be viewed under

Appendix 2.

To put the proposed special provisions into perspective, Table 1 compares them to

the zoning requirements under the RM2 zone as well as the Council approved MU-

1 zone.

Table 1: Zoning Matrix RM2 & MU1 Zones

Standard RM2 Zone Proposed MU1 Zone

Front Yard (min) 7.0 m 5.0 m 1.0 m

Rear Yard (min) 7.0 m 5.0 m --

Lot Coverage (max) 35% 45% --

Gross Floor Area (max) 60% 150% --

Building Height (max) 10.0 m 12.0 m 25.5 m

Density 40 units per hectare 120 units per hectare --

Parking (min) 1.5 spaces / unit = 90

spaces 1.35 spaces/unit = 82

spaces 1.0 space/unit = 60


Barrier Free Parking 4.0 spaces 2.0 spaces 4.0 spaces

Amenity Space (min) 720m2 consolidated

(12m2/unit consolidated)

720m2 unconsolidated (12m2/unit


720m2 unconsolidated (12m2/unit



Through extensive engagement with members of the Public, City Staff, and City

Council, significant feedback was received through the recent ZBA approval on the

521-527 Big Bay lands. All feedback received has been analyzed and responded

to either via revisions to the development concept, or further rationale within this


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 10

report. The following sections summarize the main comments received and how

the proposed development addresses the comments:

3.3.1 Desire to remain Single family neighbourhood / Location of property

within node.

The subject lands are positioned partially within an Intensification Node within the

City’s Official Plan, where significant growth is to be targeted.

When analyzing section of the City’s Official Plan relative to locational

criteria for intensification outside of intensification areas (for the remainder of the

subject lands not positioned within the intensification node), the subject lands

achieve all of the required criteria and represent an ideal location for the proposed

development. Locational criteria achieved by this development is as follows:

i) adjacent to arterial and collector roads (Big Bay Point Road)

ii) in close proximity to public transit (Transit Route 4A / 4B), and

facilities such as schools (St. Peters Catholic Secondary School, Pope John

Paul II Catholic School, Warnica Public School), parks (Painswick Park),

accessible commercial development (Major Commercial amenities at Yonge

/ Big Bay Point intersection); and

iii) where planned services and facilities such as roads, sewers and

watermains, or other municipal services are adequate (all provided for within

Big Bay Point Road)

The proposed development represents an appropriate and logical built form for the

subject lands and their position within the City.

3.3.2 Traffic and parking

Under Schedule D (Roads Plan) of the Official Plan, Big Bay Point Road is

classified as an Arterial Road within the City. Big Bay Point Road, adjacent to the

subject lands, is currently 30 metres in width with five (5) traffic lanes. The City’s


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 11

Multi-modal Transportation Study has determined that Big Bay Point Road will in

the future become a 7-lane road. Given these characteristics, an access from the

proposed development onto Big Bay Point Road is appropriate and logical.

Within the Design Standards and Policies section of the City’s Urban Design

Manual, Residential developments under 75 units in size are generally exempt from

the requirements of undertaking a traffic study. Given this approach, City Staff

have not required a traffic study be completed, however the applicant has

endeavoured to commission and complete a Traffic Study by JD Engineering. The

results of this traffic study can be reviewed in further detail under Section 4.3.1 of

this Report; the traffic study has also been submitted with this application under

separate cover.

Relative to parking, under the Council adopted (currently appealed) Mixed Use

(MU) zoning, a parking ratio of 1 parking space per 1 residential unit is permitted.

The recently approved zoning for 521-527 Big Bay (RM2 SP-546) permitted a

parking ratio of 1 parking space per 1 residential unit (36 units / 36 spaces). The

applicant is proposing to increase the amount of onsite parking from 1 space per

unit to 1.36 spaces per unit. The development concept in its current form provides

82 parking spaces for 60 residential units.

For aesthetic and urban design purposes, over 90% of parking spaces will be

hidden from view within the basement of the proposed buildings, while the visitor

parking will also be hidden from view along Big Bay Point Road.

3.3.3 Privacy

Previous design iterations of the proposed development contained ten (10)

residential units facing single family dwellings to the east along Big Bay Point Road.

In order to specifically address these privacy concerns, the proposed townhomes

have been rotated 90 degrees such that they are horizontal to Big Bay Point Road.

All units / balconies within the revised development plan will now face Big Bay Point

Road to the north, the Commercial plaza to the south, or internal courtyards within

the proposed development. No residential units / balconies shall face existing


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 12

single family dwellings to the east or west, addressing the privacy concerns of


It is anticipated that the adjacent property to the west will be redeveloped in the

near future, given its position fully within the Yonge / Big Bay Point intensification

corridor. A 2.0 metre (6.0 foot) high tight board fence is required on the east, west,

and south perimeters of the proposed development and will be provided. This tight

board fence will offer an additional layer of privacy protection to surrounding land


Previous design iterations of this development contained sidewalks and minimal

vegetation lining the east and west side yards. The proposed development has

been re-designed such that the full east and west side yards shall be vegetated.

Opportunity exists, and it is the developer’s prerogative, to ensure columnar trees

are planted lining the east side yard, offering further privacy protection to the single

family dwellings on the east side. These columnar trees shall be specified and

agreed to within the Landscape Plan & Site Plan process.

As an extra measure offering privacy protection to the single family dwellings to the

east, the developer is willing to entertain utilizing raised windows within the four (4)

residential units flanking the east lot line. These windows would be raised within

these four (4) residential units whereby they permit light to enter the units, however

are above eye level.

3.3.4 Snow storage

Previous development concepts did not contain any dedicated snow storage areas.

The proposed development has been reconfigured such that it now offers 50 m2

(535 ft2) of dedicated snow storage area. Excess snow if required will be removed

from the site privately at the responsibility and cost of the condominium corporation.


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3.3.5 Entrance location

Previous development concepts had positioned the entrance either on the east or

west sides of the subject lands. The development design has been configured

such that the entrance is now central to the subject lands, sufficiently away from

existing / surrounding residential driveways.

Traffic / vehicular sight lines are acceptable in each direction (east / west) from the

proposed access point to this development.

Further entrance information can be reviewed under Section 4.3.1 of this report, as

well as within the traffic study included with this submission under a separate cover.

3.3.6 Waste Disposal

Given the nature of the proposed development as infill / intensification, combined

with large turning radii required for municipal waste collection, the proposed

development will utilize private waste disposal at the sole responsibility and cost of

the condominium corporation.

For aesthetic appeal and site functionality, the developer has chosen to utilize the

Molok waste disposal system. The Molok is a modern and effective waste

management solution which combines excellent design, quality and functionality.

Experience has shown that the Molok container is suitable for a wide variety of

environments and locations, storing most waste underground while incorporating

excellent above grade design features.

3.3.7 Drainage and Grading

A preliminary functional servicing report has been completed, and future detailed

engineering plans will be undertaken, by Pinestone Engineering Limited. Grading

will be designed such that all stormwater will either be infiltrated into the ground, or

drained via stormwater management infrastructure within the proposed

development with an outlet to the City stormwater infrastructure within Big Bay

Point Road.


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The proposed development will have no adverse drainage effect on any adjacent /

surrounding properties.

3.3.8 Site congestion

Previous design options for the subject lands included several standard

townhouses designs. These previous designs included more roads, more

driveways and surface parking, decreased open space / amenity area, decreased

privacy to neighbours, etc. The modified built form currently proposed (back-to-

back townhomes) has allowed the site to be designed much more efficiently,

improving all of the above noted characteristics.

3.3.9 Site Massing

The City’s Intensification policies allow for buildings of up to eight (8) storeys in

height within intensification nodes. It is acknowledged that such height would be

most appropriate toward the centre of each intensification node. Development

height should transition from the maximum 8 storeys at the centre of the

intensification node outward to 3-4 storeys along the periphery of the node.

The proposed development is partially positioned within an intensification node,

and does achieve all locational criteria for intensification outside of intensification

areas (discussed in Section 4.3 of this report). This development represents an

appropriate transitional massing at 3.5 storeys.

It should be noted that existing zoning permits adjacent single family residential

properties to be reconstructed at 3 storeys in height.


A series of technical reports have been prepared in support of the application.

These reports were established through pre-consultation meetings with the City of

Barrie and provided under separate cover as per below:

1. Functional Servicing Report


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 15

2. Stormwater Management Report

3. Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan

4. Traffic Impact Analysis

5. Urban Design Brief


Section 4.0 will outline the applicable planning and development policies impacting

the proposed application. Each subsection will outline the applicable policies and

contain planning rationale on conformity and development principles.


The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) has been reviewed

relative to the proposed application with particular emphasis

placed on the following sections.

Section 1.1 Managing and Directing Land Use to Achieve Efficient Development and Land Use Patterns

Section 1.1.3 Settlement Areas Section 1.4 Housing Section 1.6.7 Transportation Systems Section 1.8 Energy and Air Quality

The proposal promotes and facilitates an efficient development and land use

pattern which sustains the financial and social well-being of the area while

providing a housing type in limited supply in the general area. The proposed

development will also enhance the neighbourhood character by utilizing innovative

architectural design in accordance with the Intensification Area Urban Design

Guidelines. This development promotes the concept of cost-effective, compact

development which minimizes land consumption and takes advantage of existing

infrastructure thereby reducing costs for servicing as identified in Section 1.1.1 of

the PPS.


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 16

Section 1.1.3 of the PPS provides policies relative to development within settlement

areas such as the City of Barrie. The PPS provides that settlement areas are to be

the focus for growth and development and continues to provide that development

within settlement areas shall promote densities and a mix of land uses that

efficiently use land, support active transportation, and avoid the need for the

uneconomical expansion of infrastructure and public service facilities. The subject

lands are located partially within an identified intensification node; the application

proposes a residential density that is appropriate in the context of the City’s

Intensification and Locational Criteria Policies. The development has access to

existing servicing (municipal water and wastewater infrastructure), is located in an

area with direct access to public transportation and services, while being in

proximity to a myriad of commercial, institutional and open space lands, providing

an increased opportunity for active means of transportation.

Under Section 1.4.3 of the PPS on Housing, planning authorities are directed to

provide for a range and mix of housing types and densities to meet the

requirements of an expanding population. As such, the PPS promotes all forms of

housing including residential intensification and redevelopment that minimize the

cost of housing by facilitating a compact form. The proposed development provides

for a type of housing that is appropriate for the area, compatible, compact,

affordable and in limited supply in the general area.

Sections 1.6.7 on Transportation Systems and Section 1.8 on Energy

Conservation, Air Quality and Climate Change both focus on promoting compact

development and promoting the use of public transit which are accomplished by the

proposed development. Despite the provision for personal automobiles, the location

and surrounding land uses lend themselves to the use of the Barrie Transit system,

the GO system, and alternative active modes of transportation.

Based on the above the proposed development is consistent with the Provincial

Policy Statement.


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The Growth Plan has been reviewed relative to the proposed

application with a particular emphasis placed on the following


Section 2.2.1 Managing Growth Section 2.2.2 Delineated Built-up Areas Section 3.2.2 Transportation Section 6 Simcoe Sub-Area Similar to the PPS, the Growth Plan places an emphasis on certain locational

criteria for intensification developments. The location of the subject lands benefits

from and is poised to make efficient use of public transit, major transportation

networks, commercial, institutional and open space amenities at a density

supported by the City of Barrie Official Plan. The subject lands are located partially

within the Big Bay Point Road and Yonge Street intensification node which to this

point generally consists of built up commercial lands and low-density single

detached dwellings towards the periphery of the node. The inclusion of the

proposed development partially within the node will accommodate a housing type in

limited supply in the area while providing for an increased population that will have

the opportunity to utilize the existing amenities of the area in conformity with

Section 2.2.2 of the Growth Plan. It should also be noted that the portion of the

subject lands located outside of the City’s Intensification Node are fully supported

by Locational Criteria for intensification within the City’s Official Plan.

In accordance with Section 2.2.2(1), a minimum of 60 percent (up from 40%

previously) of all new development within the City must be within the built-up area,

which includes the subject lands (Schedule I, City of Barrie Official Plan). The

proposed development will assist the City in satisfying this target.


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In accordance with Policy 2.2.2(4), the City of Barrie has identified various

intensification nodes and corridors, including the Yonge and Big Bay Point node

where intensification projects are to be facilitated and promoted. Further,

intensification is to be promoted generally throughout built up areas and to achieve

the desired urban structure / scale while transitioning to surrounding areas. It is

noted that an abundance of commercial uses are provided in the core of the Yonge

and Big Bay Point intensification node, and beyond. There are also large tracts of

undeveloped commercial lands along the Yonge Street corridor. As a result, this

diminishes the need for additional commercial uses on the subject lands while

maintaining a suitable to the adjacent residential use (east side). The surrounding

commercial uses and lands can be accessed conveniently either by active

transportation (walking, cycling etc), transit and/or personal automobile. The

residential density added to the neighbourhood by this development will be poised

to make good use of these pre-existing amenities and is logical and ideal for the

property’s location in and near to the Yonge and Big Bay Point intensification node.

Section 3.2.3 of the Plan provides policies relative to the efficient movement of

people and specifically focuses on adequate use of transit services as well as

investment in public transit. The Plan encourages increasing the capacity of transit

systems in intensification areas coupled with directing increased transit servicing to

areas that exhibit, or are planned to exhibit, transit-supportive residential densities.

The proposed density would aid the City in satisfying the provisions of Section 3.2.3

of the Plan via increased populations and potential users of pre-existing transit

routes, as well as providing transit supportive residential density in an area targeted

for such use.

Based on Section 6, all lands within the City of Barrie are recognized as a Primary

Settlement Area in the Growth Plan. The proposed development is support by and

should be promoted within Primary Settlement Areas such as Barrie. The

proposed development conforms to the policies of Section 6.3.


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Based on the above, and through a review of the Growth Plan, it is determined that

the subject application and development conforms to the Growth Plan for the

Greater Golden Horseshoe.


The lands are designated Residential in the City of Barrie

Official Plan, Schedule A. The lands are also located within

the Painswick South Planning area however they are located

beyond the limits of the Painswick South Secondary Plan

(OPA 81) and as such the policies contained within do not

apply. The applicable policies of the Official Plan are

outlined below, including a review of the General Growth Management Related

Amendments contained within OPA 40.

The Official Plan, under Section 2.1 on Growth and Development, provides that a

significant amount of the forecasted population and employment (as per the Growth

Plan) will be accommodated on lands within the former City boundary. The subject

lands are located within the City of Barrie former boundary and will thus aid the City

in achieving the required forecasts. Section 2.3 further provides that this rate of

growth (as per the Growth Plan) reflects high density growth within the City’s built-

up areas. Generally, the forecasts are to be achieved via a mix of new

development and intensification. Given the location of the subject lands,

surrounding land uses and characteristics, the proposed development represents

an appropriate and logical form of development.

The General objectives and policies for Growth Management within the City are

provided under Section Subsection (d) specifically provides that the built-up

area (as per Schedule I of the Plan) can accommodate an additional 13,500

housing units, 61% of such are located on lands outside of the Urban Growth

Centre, which includes the subject lands.

Section of the Plan provides for General Housing Policies. The objective is

to provide housing units at density in accordance with the policies for Intensification


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 20

areas. This will result in broadening the range of type and costs of housing in this

important area of the City of Barrie. The lands benefit from convenient access to

public transit, countless commercial amenities, institutional uses, and open space

amenities, all of which are encouraged in the Official Plan. The policies of Section are satisfied by the proposed development.

Section of the Plan provides policies relative to Affordable Housing. This

Section states that in accordance with Provincial Policy, the following policies shall

apply for the provision of affordable housing throughout the City:

(a) It is a goal of this Plan to achieve a minimum target of 10% of all new housing

units per annum to be affordable housing in accordance with the following criteria:

i) In the case of home ownership, the least expensive of:

(1) housing for which the purchase price results in annual

accommodation costs which do not exceed 30% of gross annual

household income for low and moderate income households; or

(2) housing for which the purchase price is at least 10% below the

average purchase price of a resale unit in the regional market area.

Low and moderate income households are defined as:

a) In the case of ownership housing, households with incomes in the lowest 60

percent of the income distribution for the regional market area;

Based on the City of Barrie Affordable Housing Strategy (February 2015) and data

from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the upper limit of the 60 percent

of the income distribution for 2014 for the County of Simcoe including Barrie is

$85,800. Thirty percent of $85,800 equates to $25,740 which based on the

definitions can be used towards accommodation costs with the unit remaining

affordable. Monthly this equates to $2,145 towards accommodation. The

anticipated starting price point for the new townhomes will be approximately

$399,000. Based on this purchase price, with a minimum down-payment (5%), in


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 21

conjunction with current mortgage rates as an example, a 3-year closed term at

2.94% (TD Canada Trust August 28th, 2017) over a 30-year amortization results in

a monthly payment of $1,586.19. This mortgage amount is considerably less than

the 30% of gross annual household income for low to moderate income households

for accommodation.

Based on data obtained from the Canadian Real Estate Association, the year to

date up to and including March 2017 average price for all homes within the Barrie

and District area was $547,847. Ten percent below this average purchase price

within the Barrie and District area equates to a purchase price of $493,062 which

would be considered affordable as per Section (a),(I),(2).

Based on the above, the proposed development will satisfy the Affordable Housing

policies within the Official Plan, using either of the two methodologies for

calculating affordability. Generally speaking, it should also be noted that given the

nature of the proposed development, specifically the housing type (townhouse), the

development is geared towards providing more affordable housing than lower

density forms of housing such as single or semi-detached dwellings. Townhouses

are generally more affordable in the realm of affordable units within the City of


Section (e) of the Official Plan on Residential Densities states that high

density residential development shall consist of developments which are in excess

of 54 units per net hectare (UPH). The proposed development is considered high

density given the proposed maximum density of 120 UPH.

Section on Locational Criteria provides policies relative to areas where

secondary plans have been prepared and adopted by the City. In areas where a

secondary plan is not in effect, the locational criteria outlined in the remainder of

this section shall apply. Provided that the lands are located beyond the limits of the

Painswick South Secondary Plan, an amendment to the Plan is not required and

the locational criteria of Section applies as follows.


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 22

Relative to Section, the subject lands are located partially within an

intensification node, fronting on an arterial road (Big Bay Point Road) where transit

is provided. Four schools are located within approximately 1.3km radius, Painswick

Park is located approximately 350m east, and several commercial developments

exist at Yonge and Big Bay Point. Lastly, the subject lands are in an area where

planned and existing services are adequate. Based on the location of the subject

lands partially within an intensification node, in conjunction with the surrounding

land uses, the locational criteria for high-density residential development are met.

The design policies of the Official Plan are provided under Section The

provision of necessary parking and functional amenity areas have been provided in

the proposed development. The proposed built form of back-to-back townhouses is

preferred as opposed to higher built forms (5-8 storey apartment buildings) in an

effort to provide a suitable transition from anticipated higher density developments

and built forms towards the centre of the intensification node. The Official Plan

provides that where high density uses abut low density development, buffering

protection will be provided to minimize the impact to the lower density uses. The

proposed development adheres to the Zoning Bylaw side yard setbacks, while also

offering significant privacy / buffering characteristics such as building orientation

facing all units away from adjacent low density residential, a 2.0 metre tight board

fence around the perimeter, columnar trees planted within the east side yard, and

elevated windows within the proposed residential units along the east side.

Extensive thought and design has gone into the proper transition outward from the

Yonge / Big Bay Point intensification node radiating eastward along Big Bay Point


Section of the Plan provides the Intensification Policies. Intensification can

be achieved by redevelopment to promote an increase in planned or built densities

and to achieve a desirable compact urban form. Section echoes other

policies of the Plan by encouraging and further, focusing intensification in

intensification nodes. The Plan provides that intensification will contribute to

development that is more compact and will efficiently use land and resources,


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 23

optimize the use of existing and new infrastructure and services, support public

transit and active transportation, and contribute to improving air quality and

promote energy efficiency. The proposed development, partially within an

intensification node while meeting all Official Plan criteria for intensification outside

of intensification areas, will facilitate redevelopment of the subject lands in

accordance with these policies.

For the above stated reasons, the proposed development is in conformity with the

City of Barrie Official Plan.


Throughout the City’s Official Plan, traffic is discussed in many sections. Traffic

impacts from new development are to be analyzed and effects are to be minimized

or mitigated. The Official Plan advises developments should ensure safe and

efficient movement of traffic, while ensuring that the adjacent municipal road(s)

have sufficient traffic capacity to service the proposed developments.

Although not required by the City’s Official Plan or by the City’s Engineering

department, the developer has completed a Traffic Impact Analysis for the

proposed development, as a result of public feedback throughout the previous

rezoning process. This Traffic Impact Analysis was completed by J.D. Engineering,

a firm which specializes in Traffic analysis.

Big Bay Point Road is a five-lane arterial road as defined within the City’s Official

Plan (Schedule D) with an urban cross-section and sidewalks on both sides of the

road. Big Bay Point Road has a posted speed limit of 50km/h in the study area.

The proposed development has been designed such that the condominium road on

which future residents will enter and exit the site, is centralized to the subject lands.

The condominium road is spaced such that it is equally balanced east to west from

the adjacent residential driveways. The corner clearance from the Site Access to

the existing adjacent residential driveways, east and west on Big Bay Point Road


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 24

respectively, exceeds the minimum driveway spacing requirement identified in the

TAC Guidelines (Figure for an arterial road (20 meters).

Internal to the site, parking will be diversified into four (4) different areas of the site,

including 3 basement parking garages along with a surface visitor parking area. It

should also be noted that no visible parking areas will be adjacent to or nearby to

surrounding residential properties.

According to the City’s MMATMP, a five-lane arterial road has a lane capacity of

850 vehicles per hour. Consequently, the design capacity for Big Bay Point Road is

1,700 vehicles per hour in each direction. Based on the JD Engineering Traffic

Analysis, Big Bay Point Road will be operating with a volume to capacity [V/C] ratio

of between 0.18 to 0.71 during the AM and PM peak hour in the 2031 horizon year.

This indicates that Big Bay Point Road provides significant excess capacity over

the 14-year horizon to accommodate the additional traffic generated by the

proposed development. According to the Traffic Analysis completed, the estimated

traffic generation of the proposed development will be approximately 22 egress

trips during the AM peak hour, and 21 ingress trips during the PM peak hour. The

configuration will provide sufficient capacity to service the proposed development.

Relative to sight-line distances, the available stopping sight distance east and west

on Big Bay Point Road at the Site Access is significantly greater than the minimum

sight stopping distance requirements identified in TAC guidelines (Figure

for design speed of 60 km/h (85 meters). The available sight distance at the Site

Access is sufficient for the intended use.

The Traffic Analysis completed by JD Engineering concludes that no additional

infrastructure improvements are recommended within the study area as a result of

the proposed development. The configuration of the proposed Site Access

driveway will provide the necessary capacity to service the proposed development.

The additional traffic generated by the proposed development is expected to have a

negligible impact on the existing traffic operations along Big Bay Point Road.


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On December 9, 2013 Barrie City Council was provided with a Planning staff report

outlining the proposed creation of new zones targeted for intensification areas,

known as the Mixed Use 1 (MU-1) – for nodes - and Mixed Use 2 (MU-2) – for

corridors - zones. The purpose of the new zones is to facilitate medium and high

density development projects within designated intensification areas as a means to

achieve growth targets as prescribed in Provincial and Municipal planning

documents. Ultimately, Council approved the Mixed-Use Zones on October 5th,

2015 (Bylaw 2015-097, Bill No. 098) however they remain under appeal and

therefore not fully in effect.

Despite this, City Planning Staff encourage development applications on lands

within the intensification nodes to align with the Mixed Use zones as closely as

possible. The proposed Development aligns with the development standards for the

under appeal MU-1 Zone as shown above in Table 1. The Zoning provisions are

further encouraged through the City’s Intensification Area Urban Design Guidelines

which generally promote intensification areas to be developed at higher densities

with pedestrian friendly streetscapes, high standard of design and readily


Given the availability of immense existing and anticipated commercial amenities in

very close proximity to the subject lands at the Yonge Street / Big Bay Point Road

intersection, the subject lands do not represent an ideal or necessary location for

additional small scale commercial uses. Bearing this in mind, each unit has been

designed strictly for residential use, negating the need for a 4.5m (14.7 ft) street

level floor height which is intended to accommodate various commercial uses. It is

noted that despite the reduced street level floor height, the proposed units meet the

minimum building height requirements of the Mu-1 Zone.

Relative to Section of Bylaw 2015-097, it is required that no more than 8

block/cluster/townhouse units shall be constructed in a row. The proposed


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 26

development concepts provide for a maximum of 10 units constructed in a row. It is

understood that the intention of this provision is to eliminate long stretches of

building façade within intensification nodes and corridors. The proposed

development is an urban type built form with narrow unit widths (4.1 metres). The

building façade along Big Bay Point Road of each of the two buildings fronting the

municipal ROW will be 41 metres. For comparative purposes, eight standard width

townhouses (6.0 metres) would create a building façade of 48 metres along the

municipal ROW. The proposed development will also contain high quality building

materials and architectural design as displayed in the attached elevation views.

The proposed 10 units constructed in a row shall have no adverse effects.

Based on the above and in consideration of the zoning provisions for the MU-1

Zone as approved by Council, the proposed development is aligned to achieve an

appropriate built form and function, generally in conformity with the City of Barrie

Official Plan and MU-1 Zone.


While the MU-1 Zone as discussed above has been approved by Council, the

zones remain under appeal and therefore not in effect. As a result, the proposed

application aims to rezone the lands to the RM2 zone with Special Provisions as

noted in Section 3.2 and 3.4 of this report. This Section will review and provide

justification for each special provision while demonstrating consistency and

conformity with applicable Planning Policy.

In order to facilitate the development a ZBA application is required. The proposed

ZBA aims to rezone the lands to the RM2 zone with the following Special

Provisions. It is important to note that while various Special Provisions are sought

under the RM2 zone, the concept has been designed with the intention of satisfying

the MU-1 zone requirements as envisioned by the City for the subject lands and

outlined in Section 4.3 above. Further, the development concept has been

developed to align with the intensification area urban design guidelines as required,


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 27

and also to align with the recently approved ZBA (File No D14-1619) on 2/3 of the

subject lands (521-527 Big Bay).

4.5.1 Reduced Front Yard Setback

A reduced front yard setback is proposed along the Big Bay Point Road frontage at

a minimum 5.0 metres whereas 7.0 metres is required by the RM2 zone. The

proposed development provides for a 1.75 metre road widening to be dedicated to

the City upon approval of this project, a 3.5 metre wide protection area to allow for

potential road widenings which may be required through to the year 2051, and a

1.5 metre landscape planter protrusion from the front façade of the buildings.

The intent of the front yard setback is to ensure that the building has sufficient

distance from the travelled portion of the road while also fostering an appropriate

pedestrian connection. The site design and proposed 5.0 metre setback will provide

a strong street presence while also ensuring pedestrian connectivity is not

compromised as the development will provide for front doors of residential units

lining and facing Big Bay Point Road.

The City’s urban design guidelines encourage reduced front yard setbacks to

promote strong urban streetscapes. Additionally, this Special Provision would not

be required under the Council approved MU-1 Zone as the minimum and maximum

front yard setbacks are 1m and 5m respectively. Lastly, a 5.0 metre front yard

setback was recently approved under the RM2 SP-546 zoning on 521-527 Big Bay

Point Road. The development subject to this application provides for the exact

same built form and street interface to Big Bay Point Road as was approved under

RM2 SP-546.

The proposed front yard setback reduction to 5.0 metres should be considered

appropriate given all of the above information.


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4.5.2 Reduced Rear Yard Setback

The proposed application seeks to permit a minimum rear yard setback of 5.0

metres whereas 7 metres is required. Based on the existing lot fabric, there are two

portions of the property which represent the rear yard, both of which are located

adjacent to an existing commercial development to the south. For the purposes of

this Section, the rear yard areas will be referred to as the west rear yard and the

east rear yard. It is noted that in the west rear yard, the building setback is

approximately 20.0 metres from the rear lot line whereas the east rear yard setback

is 5.0 metres. The proposed east rear yard setback is considered appropriate as it

will provide for a suitable rear yard space adjacent to an existing commercial area.

The reduced rear yard setback also allowed the development design to provide

further separation distance between the two eastern buildings, resulting in a larger

courtyard and more sunlight to residents. Previous design iterations had the

courtyard between the two eastern buildings at 6.0 metres while the current design

has in excess of 10.0 metres, resulting in part from the reduced rear yard setback.

Given the location adjacent to an existing commercial development, no negative

impacts are realized to residential property owners. It should be noted that this

Special Provision would not be required under the Council approved MU-1 Zone as

there is no rear yard setback requirement abutting commercial zones. Lastly, a 5.0

metre rear yard setback was recently approved under the RM2 SP-546 zoning on

521-527 Big Bay Point Road. The development subject to this application provides

for the exact same built form along the rear yard to the adjacent commercial

development as was approved under RM2 SP-546.

The proposed rear yard setback reduction to 5.0 metres should be considered

appropriate given all of the above information.


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 29

4.5.3 Increased Maximum Lot Coverage and Gross Floor Area (GFA)

The application aims to increase the maximum lot coverage from 35% of the lot

area to 45% and the maximum GFA from 60% to 150%. The increases are a result

of the proposed intensification of the subject lands as envisioned by the Official

Plan and supported by Provincial Policy. The increases are considered appropriate

in order to facilitate intensification without detracting from the overall function of the

site; specifically, the provision of amenity space (see Section 4.5.6), landscaped

open space and parking spaces (see Section 4.5.7).

These Special Provisions would not be required under the Council approved MU-1

Zone as there is no prescribed maximums for lot coverage or GFA.

Given the above information, the proposed increased lot covers and GFA

provisions should be considered appropriate given all of the above information.

4.5.4 Increased Maximum Building Height

The application aims to increase the maximum building height from 10 metres to 12

metres in order to facilitate the desired built form and unit designs in accordance

with the intensification objectives of the Official Plan and Provincial Policy. This

urban built form provides for 1 parking garage in the basement of each building,

with three levels of residential living space above grade. The building height will

allow for a desirable urban built form along Big Bay Point Road.

The proposed increase of 2m above the permitted height is reasonable as a means

to achieve the intensification goals for the City of Barrie. It should be noted that

single family dwellings are permitted at 10.0 metres in height on adjacent

properties. It should also be noted that this Special Provision would not be required

under the Council approved MU-1 Zone as the minimum building height is 10.5m

with a maximum building height of 25.5m. Lastly, a 12.0 metre height provision

was recently approved under the RM2 SP-546 zoning on 521-527 Big Bay Point

Road. The development subject to this application provides for the exact same

built form as was approved under RM2 SP-546.


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 30

The proposed maximum building height of 12.0 metres should be considered

appropriate given all of the above information.

4.5.5 Increased Maximum Density

The application aims to increase the maximum density of the site to 119.4 units per

hectare. As noted throughout this report, the subject lands are located partially

within an intensification node, in proximity to a primary intensification corridor, while

satisfying all of the locational criteria for intensification out side of intensification

areas under the Official Plan. As such, the proposed increased density is

considered appropriate and justified.

This Special Provision would not be required under the Council approved MU-1

Zone as there is no maximum density prescribed in the Zoning Bylaw for MU-1

zoned lands. The proposed maximum density is consistent with the Official Plan

which provides a range of 50-120 units per hectare within Intensification areas.

4.5.6 Permit Unconsolidated Amenity Space Area

The proposed development has struck an excellent balance between private

(unconsolidated) and public (consolidated) amenity area.

A large (350 m2) consolidated amenity area is present at the south-west corner of

the site, equating to 5.85 m2 of consolidated amenity area per unit. This amenity

area shall provide a central meeting place for future residents to gather and engage

in leisure and recreational activities. Several mature trees are currently positioned

within this area and will be maintained as part of the proposed development, should

the detailed grading plan allow. The positioning of this amenity area also shields it

from Big Bay Point Road, both for resident safety and for streetscape appeal.

Each residential unit shall also possess 6.15 m2 (370 m2 total) of unconsolidated

amenity area in the form of 2 balconies per unit, for outdoor enjoyment. The total

combined (consolidated & unconsolidated) amenity area will be 12.0 m2 per unit


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 31

(720 m2 total), meeting the total required amenity area per unit within the RM2

zone (albeit partially unconsolidated).

As noted throughout this report, the subject lands are positioned partially within the

Yonge / Big Big Bay Point Road Intensification node. Under the Council approved

MU-1 Zone this special provision would not be required as amenity space areas are

permitted to be unconsolidated. It should further be noted that a large municipal

park (Painswick Park) is positioned only 350 metres (4 minute walk) from the

subject lands.

For leisure activities, future residents of the proposed development will have the

benefit of personal / private amenity area in the form of 2 balconies, consolidated

condominium amenity area on site, as well as a large nearby municipal park. This

development allows for considerable outdoor leisurely area for each resident.

Given the above information / justification, the proposed unconsolidated amenity

area should be considered appropriate.

4.5.7 Permit reduced parking

City of Barrie Official Plan (Section 4.2.1) identifies the minimization of parking

spaces. The reduction of the total number of spaces required for this development

assists in achieving this. It is also appropriate to reduce the number of required

parking spaces given the proximity to commercial services, transit, and local parks,

all within walking distance of the subject site (500 metres or less).

It should be noted that this Special Provision would not be required under the

Council approved MU-1 Zone as the minimum parking provision is 1 space per 1

residential unit (60 spaces required). Further, a parking ratio of 1 parking space

per 1 residential unit was recently approved under the RM2 SP-546 zoning on 521-

527 Big Bay Point Road. The development subject to this application provides for

the exact same built form as was approved under RM2 SP-546 however the

concept provides for 1.35 parking spaces per unit.


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 32

Given the above information / justification, the proposed reduced parking ratio area

should be considered appropriate.

4.5.8 Permit reduced barrier free parking space

The recently approved RM2 SP-546 zoning on 521-527 Big Bay Point Road

required 1 barrier free parking space for 36 residential units / parking spaces under

City Zoning Bylaw 2009-141 (Section 4.6.4) when it was approved in June 2017.

Table 2 illustrates the barrier free parking space requirement at the time of this ZBA


Table 2: Barrier Free parking space requirement June 2017

In July 2017 a City wide Zoning Bylaw update increased the required barrier free

spaces such that developments with between 76-100 overall parking spaces

require 4 of them to be barrier free, versus the previous requirement of 2 barrier

free spaces for developments possessing 51-90 overall spaces. Table 3 illustrates

the barrier free parking space requirement as of July 2017.

Table 3: Barrier Free parking space requirement July 2017

The development subject to this application provides for the exact same built form

as was approved under RM2 SP-546, adding only 24 additional units, while

providing for 1 additional barrier free parking space (2 total).


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 33

The proposed development built form, including three flights of stairs per residential

unit, is not inherently barrier free in nature. Generally speaking, residents requiring

barrier free parking spaces for their permanent residence gravitate toward ground

oriented dwellings (bungalows), or apartments / condominiums where elevators are


It is felt that two barrier free parking spaces are sufficient and reasonable to service

the proposed development.


The subject lands are designated Residential and located partially within the

Yonge/Big Bay Point Intensification Node as per the Official Plan. The lands are

currently zoned Residential First Density (R1) and Residential Multiple Family

Second Density Two Special Provision 546 (RM2 SP-546) in Zoning Bylaw 2009-

141. In order to accommodate the proposed development, a ZBA is required. It is

proposed that the lands be rezoned to the Residential Multiple Family Dwelling

Second Density Special Provision (RM2 SP-__) zone in order to permit the

development of the site.

The proposed application will permit a logical and appropriate development type for

the subject lands, extending and building upon the recently approved RM2 SP-546

zoning on 521-527 Big Bay Point Road. The development is consistent with the

intensification goals of the Province and City of Barrie, and will facilitate

intensification within and nearby to the Yonge/Big Bay Point Road intensification

node. This development proposes to create an urban built form (back-to-back

townhomes) in a location ideally situated for such development. The proximity to

schools, public transit, recreation and major commercial amenities all contribute to

its suitability. Given the existing developments central to the Yonge/Big Bay Point

Road intensification node, it is anticipated that lands on the periphery of the node

will be redeveloped in order to achieve an overall density of 50-120 units per

hectare as desired by the Official Plan.


Zoning By-Law Amendment September 2017 IPS File No. 14-530 Page 34

This application seeks to introduce a well-designed and balanced condominium

townhome development that will enhance the character of the area by

implementing a high level of urban design.

The justification for the approval of this application is based on conformity with the

goals and objectives of the Provincial Growth Plan, Provincial Policy Statement,

and City of Barrie Official Plan. It is my professional opinion that the following

Zoning By-Law Amendment application represents good planning.

Respectfully submitted,

Innovative Planning Solutions Greg Barker, B.A.A. Senior Planner


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