10 important points teens must know before start driving

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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10 Importan t Points Teens Must Know Before

Start Driving

Introductory: As soon as we step into our teenage years, among all the other

“learn-to-do-new” things, learning how to drive is a must. So we gear up, coaxing our

parents to take us to the driving school and get our first hands training. But what

teens must keep in mind is the “behind the wheels” responsibilities. Driving schools

play a crucial role in teaching students the art of driving along with traffic laws, rules

and safety measures to be followed as without these knowledge, it is easy to break

traffic rules.

Image Source :- www.sadrivingschool.org

So, what are the things teens must know about driving? Let us read in the following


Driving is a huge responsibility as any callousness and a person can end up

risking his or her own life as well as others. Driving schools teach to drive

responsibly, not drink and drive or text while driving.

Reading driver’s manual before giving the driver qualification test or to become

aware of traffic laws and following them is a very good habit inculcated by

driving schools.

Speedy and rash driving is like a style teens wear on their sleeves which often

leads to tragic accidents. Driving school do a good job in telling teens that

instead of giving into the temptation of racing other folk on the road, teens must

remember to drive slowly and monitor their speed to stay under speed limit is

like prevention better than cure.

Don’t forget about your blind spot. Peeking over your shoulders can make a big

difference while merging in traffic so tell yourself that you aren’t susceptible to it.

Mirrors fail to cut it at all cases hence don’t put too much support on it.

One should always be aware of one’s limit and take heed in never overdoing or

crossing them.

Image Source :- www.searsdrivingschools.com

Having a good night’s sleep or taking plentiful rest is equally important as is

following driving rules. One must never drive when overtly tired. Falling asleep

while driving can cause some really horrifying accidents killing innocent people

and the responsible person will never be able to shake away the guilt.

While teaching driving, driving schools make sure to teach students not to let gas

gauge way too far being near empty just before refilling.

Among all other rules, driving schools make sure to highlight the rule of being

careful and not endangering oneself and others. Teens must respect fellow

drivers and follow ethics.

Driving schools make learning to drive fun filled and at the same time make sure

that besides enjoying it as a hobby, teenagers must learn to take it seriously and

drive responsibly.

Driving schools tell teens that driving becomes fun and an enjoyment when all

the rules are followed and one takes care of themselves and drive safely.

Conclusion: teens must go to driving schools to learn driving properly and learn

about all the rules and regulations so as to make driving both an enjoyable

experience and a safe ride.

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