10 easy ways to use poems with 8 – 12 year olds · 10 easy ways to use poems . with 8 – 12 year...

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10 easy ways to use poems

with 8 – 12 year olds

Julie Mills

September 2016

I tried to do my

I tried to do my homework but a show was on TV.

A song was on the radio. A friend was texting me.

My email chimed, and so, of course, I had to look at that.

It linked me to a video of someone’s silly cat.

I watched a dozen videos, and then I played a game. I almost didn’t hear her

when my mother called my name.

I looked up at the clock and it was time to go to bed.

I didn’t get my homework done; just other stuff instead.

I hope my teacher listens to the cause of my inaction.

It’s really not my fault the world is just one big distraction.

(Kenn Nesbitt http://www.poetry4kids.com/)


Who Has Seen the Wind?

Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I.

But when the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by.

by Christina Rossetti


Today I saw a little worm, Wriggling on his belly.

Perhaps he´d like to come inside And see what´s on the telly. by Spike Milligan



Witches, witches, skeleton and bats, Scary ghosts and big black cats, Whooo! Whooo! What a fright!

It´s scary, scary on Halloween night!


Friends and Family

This is my family. These are my mates.

Everyone´s different. Everyone´s great!

(Raps for learning English–Mary Glasgow Mags) 2.

The Zoo

Yellow tigers, brown monkeys,

Tall giraffe and crocodiles!

Happy lizards in the water,

Eating, running, swimming, playing.

What a nice day at the zoo!

My Zoo Chant

…………………………………………, ……………………………………… .

…………………………………… and …………………………………………!


………………….ing, ……………….ing, …………………….ing, ……………ing,

What a ………………………………at the zoo!




“Seagull, seagull,

Riding high,

What do you see

With your bold bright eye?”

“I see …………………………………………

On/In/By a ……………………………………………………………………

I hear ………………………………………………

On/In/By a ………………………………………………………………………

I see ………………………………………………

On/In/By a ………………………………………………………………………

I hear ………………………………………………

On/In/By a ………………………………………………………………………

I see the town

And a church with its steeple,

And the pavements full

Of hurrying people.” By ………………………………………



“Seagull, seagull,

Riding high,

What do you see

With your bold bright eye?”

“I see the sun

On a winter morning

Over the edge

Of the broad sea burning

I see the boats

On the harbor smoking;

I see an engine

With the stoker stoking.

I see the town

And a church with its steeple,

And the pavements full

Of hurrying people.” by James K Baxter


My sister, Kay.

She´s pretty and fun.

She loves walking with her big black dog.

She loves big chocolate ice-creams too.

She hears the telephone ring.

She sees the birds in the garden.

She wants to go dancing.

She´s pretty and fun.



He´s /She´s……………………………………………………………….

He / She loves……………………………………………………………………………

He / She loves…………………………………………………………………too.

She hears the…………………………………………………………………..

She sees…………………………………………………………………………………..

She wants ……………………………………………………………………….

He´s /She´s………………………………………………………………


My Hat byTony Mitton

Put the lines of the poem in the correct order 1 – 4 in each verse

Number –

…… the thoughts I’ve had ..1. Here’s my hat. …… and the things I’ve read. …… It holds my head, …… It hugs my hair (abrazar) …… It keeps out the wind. ..2. and warms my brain. (calentar) …… It keeps off the rain. …… There’s me below it, …3. It’s my lid. (una tapa) …… And I love it. …… the sky above it. Here´s my hat -

http: //www. poetryinternationalweb. net/pi/site/poem/item/8488/auto/0/0/Tony- Mitton/MY- HAT


My Hat

Here’s my hat. It holds my head,

the thoughts I’ve had and the things I’ve read.

It keeps out the wind. It keeps off the rain.

It hugs my hair and warms my brain.

There’s me below it,

the sky above it. It’s my lid.

And I love it.


Oliver Twist

Oliver, Oliver, Oliver Twist, Bet you a penny you can´t do this –

Number one touch your tongue. Number two touch your shoe.

Number three touch your knee. Number four touch the floor.

Number five do a dive. Number six wiggle your hips.

Number seven jump to heaven. Number eight bang the gate. Number nine walk the line. Number ten start again… Christopher Logue


Questions to ask our students

1. To introduce the topic of the poem …

Have you got a hat? Have you ever seen a …….? What do you like best about ……?

2. To establish the mood of the poem or poet….

Is it a happy poem or a sad one? (serious/funny/scary/silly/magic..) How do you know? Which parts/words/lines are happy/sad/etc…? Did it sound happy/sad…? Does the poet/student/seagull like the hat/homework/beach…?

3. To stimulate the imagination and encourage speaking…

How do you imagine the boy /girl / hat /car in the poem? (blond? tall? blue? old? clothes? etc) Where is he/she? What´s the weather like in this poem?

4. To focus on the poetic features (remind students of these when they´re writing)

Are any words repeated? Any phrases repeated? Which ones?

Why do you think they are repeated? (Are they important words or not?) Which words have the same rhyme? (like “cat + hat”)

Are any letter sounds repeated? (like “cold and cloudy”) 5. To encourage thinking + giving personal opinions..

Do you prefer this poem or the one we did last week?

Why´s that? Which words do you like in this poem?



1. Use only part of a poem (and adapt it to your class if necessary)

2. Give students a reason to listen - or read (and vary the tasks)

3. Recite in groups + perform (the extrovert kids love it, and the shy ones are


4. Play with pronunciation (role play” angry, sad..”; shout, whisper..)

5. Practise learning by heart (great for confidence, pron + parents!)

6. Review/Brainstorm useful words before writing (productive in pairs or groups; check spelling of tricky words; take advantage + input new relevant vocab at this point)

7. Use the same poem for different levels (make the task easier or more

difficult, and shorten the poem if appropriate)

8. Be ambitious with your questions (go beyond comprehension questions –

students soon pick up the idea of poetic features, repetition of words + sounds etc; accept answers in Spanglish)

9. Use models as a basis for student writing (display work where possible)

10. Online resources (lots of stuff!)


Useful links

Where to find poems for children -





Other related sites for using poetry with children -

http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/theme_poems/ (writing poems)

http://www.poemfarm.amylv.com/ (Poetry teaching blog)

https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/teaching-kids (British Council Site – teaching primary in general)


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