10 best node.js frameworks for developers

Post on 06-May-2015






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Node.js is one of the most popular and widely used javascript framework to build scalable network web applications. There are different type of Node.js frameworks such as MVC framework, full-stack framework, REST API and generators. These frameworks makes it more user-friendly and easy to use, also supports a large number of features and functionality to develop huge web applications.



Collection of 10 Best Node.js Frameworks for Developers

Node.js is one of the most popular and widely used javascript framework to build scalable network web applications. There are

different type of Node.js frameworks such as MVC framework, full-stack framework, REST API and generators. These frameworks

makes it more user-friendly and easy to use, also supports a large number of features and functionality to develop huge web


Collection of 10 Best Node.js Frameworks for Developers 1. Sails.js

Sails.js is Node.js MVC Framework like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the modern, data-oriented style of web app

development. This Node.js framework makes it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps. Sails.js API scaffolding is

nothing like Rails scaffolding. Instead, Sails automatically builds a RESTful JSON API for your models. This Framework supports

HTTP and WebSockets.


2. Koa

Koa is a new node.js framework designed by the team behind Express. A Koa application is an object containing an array of

middleware generator functions which are composed and executed in a stack-like manner upon request.

3. Express.js

Express is a high performance and minimal Node.js web development framework. Express Node.js framework is a great solution

for single page applications, web sites, hybrids, or public HTTP APIs.


4. Flatiron

Flatiron is an unobtrusive framework initiative for node.js. Flatiron’s approach is to package simple to use yet full featured

components and let developers subtract or add what they want.Flatiron promotes code organization and sustainability by clearly

separating development concerns.

5. Restify

Restify is a node.js module built specifically to enable you to build correct REST web services. Restify comes with automatic

DTrace support for all your handlers, if you’re running on a platform that supports DTrace.


6. SocketStream

SocketStream is a new type of web framework that uses websockets to push data to the browser in ‘realtime’. It makes it easy to

create blazing-fast, rich interfaces which behave more like desktop apps than traditional web apps of the past.

7. Total.js

Total.js is one of the best Node.js framework for creating a rich web sites and web services. The framework has good

documentation and contains many examples. It supports friendly URL, XHR, JSON, LESS CSS (CSS 3), JavaScript minifier, XSS

protected, resources, modules and supports MVC architecture.


8. Locomotive

Locomotive is also another Node.js Web framework . Locomotive supports MVC patterns, RESTful routes, and convention over

configuration, while integrating seamlessly with any database and template engine.

9. Socket.io

Socket.io is realtime application framework for Node.JS, with HTML5 WebSockets and cross-browser fallbacks support.


10. Frisby.js

Frisby is a REST API testing framework built on node.js and Jasmine that makes testing API endpoints easy, fast, and fun. Frisby is

built on top of the Jasmine BDD framework, and uses the jasmine-node test runner to run spec tests.

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