10- 10:45-11:15 11:15-11:45 1:30-2:30 guided reading 10:15 ... › _files ›...

Post on 26-Jun-2020






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Weekly Timetable w/c 08/06/20

Year 4 Week 2


Guided Reading


















Oxford Reading Owl (register for


Book title: Grace the Pirate

Link to eBook: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/digi


Read chapter 1 and 2


1. Whose diary is this?

2. What did all the great pirate

captains had in common?

3. Who is this story about?

4. Who is Grace Barry?

5. What was the punishment for

bringing girls on board?

6. What did Captain Cutthroat decide

to do with Grace?





LO: To read coordinates in the

first quadrant.

When do we use coordinates in

everyday life? Think back on

the previous term’s geography

lesson. We used coordinates to

locate places.

Look at the PowerPoint

Presentation Café coordinates

(position and direction) on Twinkl

(use your Twinkl login to access)

to read coordinates.


Complete worksheet attached on

reading coordinates. (Monday-

Maths worksheet)

LO: To recognise features of limericks.

Last half term we learnt about Haiku

poems. This week, we will learn about a

new type of poems called limericks.

Click on the following link to find out

what a limerick is: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z4mmn39/articles/zw3yw6f

We can identify a limerick poem by

spotting the syllable patterns 8-8-5-5-

8 and rhyming patterns.

Have a go at reading the following

limericks and guess who they describe.

Look at the features carefully: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/quizzes/loathsome-limericks


Read the attached poems and sort

them into 2 piles, limericks and non-



Use the features of limericks to help

you identify the limericks.

LO: To locate areas of similar environmental

regions, e.g. deserts.

When you think of deserts, what comes into

your mind?

I think of hot sun, sand, camels, snakes, cactus,

dry land etc.

Flash news!!! Did you know that Antarctica is a


Antarctica is considered a desert because it

receives little rain.

Click on the following link to find out more

about deserts in the world.


Look at the PowerPoint Presentation All about

Desert Habitats on Twinkl (use your Twinkl

login to access) to find out about different

deserts in the world.


Complete the attached worksheet on deserts in

the world.

Link to eBook: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/digital_books/1270.html

Read chapters 3 and 4


1. Who do you think was the sailor

who saved the pirates that stormy


What is



LO: To plot and describe

positions of coordinates in the

first quadrant.

Look at the PowerPoint

Presentation Under the Sea

(Position and direction) on Twinkl

(use your Twinkl login to access)

to read and plot coordinates.

LO: To experiment with performing


When we learnt about haiku poems, we

talked about what we need to include

when we performing a poem.

We talked about using body language,

facial expressions and changing our

voice e.g. reading a poem like a robot.

LO: To identify the position of significance of

Equator, N. and S. Hemisphere and the Poles.

The Earth can be divided in many ways.

Today, we will learn about the seven most

important divisions on the planet:

• equator

• northern hemisphere

• southern hemisphere

2. What happened to Grace as the

ship sailed in close to the bay?

3. How did Grace feel when she

reached the deserted island?

4. What did Grace do to survive

after arriving on the deserted island?

5. What did Grace use to make a

fishing rod?

6. Who are Bill and Nan?


Complete worksheet on reading

coordinates (Tuesday-Maths


Watch the following clip by Michael

Rosen explaining what you need to

include when performing poetry.



Now watch him perform :





Now watch some limericks:




Yesterday you were asked to identify

some limericks. Choose three poems

and have a go at performing them,

remembering to make your

performance interesting.

Use the checklist to help you!!!

• tropic of Capricorn

• tropic of Cancer

• North Pole

• South Pole

Look at the PowerPoint Presentations Equator,

Hemispheres, Tropics and Poles and All

Around the World: North or South on Twinkl (use your Twinkl login to access) to

learn where they are located on a map.


Complete Tuesday’s worksheet 1 attached.


Using the internet, choose one of the countries

in the Northern Hemisphere and research key

information about it.

Use the attached worksheet 2 as a template.

Link to eBook: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/digital_books/1270.html

Read chapter 5


1. What was the grim discovery that

Grace made?

2. Who did the treasure belong to?

3. On pg 37, why does the author say

‘her heart beat faster?’

4. Find the simile that the author

uses to describe how the treasure

trickle through her fingers.

Have a

go at




LO: To plot and describe positions

of coordinates in the first


Are you masters of reading and

plotting coordinates on the first

quadrant yet?

Let’s check!! Look at the PowerPoint

Presentation Coordinates Maths

Mastery on Twinkl (use your

Twinkl login to access) to check

your understanding of


LO: To identify rhyming words.

What is a rhyme? What does rhyming

mean? Rhyming words do not have to be

spelt the same even though they sound

the same.

Watch the following video to learn

about rhyming words.




Find and highlight the rhyming

words on Monday’s poems.

LO: To identify the position and significance

of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn by

comparing the climate of the tropics with a

that of the UK.

Yesterday you located the Equator on a globe.

Did you notice the lines above and below the

Equator? Do you know what they are called?

They are the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic

of Capricorn. These lines are like the Equator;

they do not exist in the physical world but are

drawn on maps to help identify areas and

climate zones.

The area between the lines is known as ‘The

Tropics’. The weather between the Tropics of

Cancer and Capricorn is hot all year round.


Complete mastery worksheet on

coordinates (Wednesday-Maths


Look at the PowerPoint Presentation All Around

the World: In the Tropics on Twinkl (use your

Twinkl login to access) to

learn about the weather in the tropics.

The weather here in UK is very different. Click

on the following link to find out about the

weather here in UK.




Using the attached sheets (Wednesday -

Geography worksheets), compare the UK’s

climate with the climate of a country of your

choice near the Tropics. What is different?

Are there any similarities? Prepare a weather

report and present it to a member of your


Link to eBook: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/digital_books/1270.html

Read chapter 6


1. How did Grace keep count of the

passing days?

2. What does the author mean by

saying that Grace’s heart leapt?

3. How do you think that Grace felt

when she realised that the ship was

the Sea Devil?

4. What are some of the rules that

Grace changed when she became the

Pirates’ Captain?

5. How did the pirates feel about

having a girl as a Captain?

Can you





LO: To translate shapes.

Today we will learn about

translating shapes.

Look at the PowerPoint

Presentation Translation of

Shapes on Twinkl (use your Twinkl

login to access) to find out how we

translate shapes.


Complete worksheets on

translating shapes (Thursday-

Maths worksheets 1 and 2)

LO: To brainstorm ideas and begin to

write a limerick.

Revisit the features of a limerick poem

by watching the PowerPoint

Presentation on Twinkl(use your Twinkl

login to access)

Remember! Limerick poems are

normally about silly things/nonsense.


Use the Twinkl template attached

(Thursday -English, Limericks 2 pages)

to plan and write your own limerick


LO: To learn about the ‘Golden Rule’ and

explore different forms.

Today we will learn about something called ‘The

Golden Rule’. Have you ever heard about the

‘Golden Rule?’ What do you think it might


The ‘Golden Rule’ is about treating people as

you wish to be treated yourself.

Think about your own religion, is there a similar

rule? Look at the poster attached (Thursday-

RE-Golden Rule). Do you agree that many

religions teach similar ideas about what is right

and what is wrong?


Make a list of behaviours /actions that will

demonstrate following the Golden Rule, eg.

Speak politely to others.

Link to eBook: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/digital_bo

Are you LO: To translate shapes. LO: To learn about the suffixes

-ous and – sion.

LO: To explore how we might apply the ‘Golden



Read chapter 7


1. Why does Grace say to the chief

gunner to keep the powder dry?

2. Why does Grace tie up her hair

under a handkerchief?

3. How did Grace try to make herself

look fierce?

4. Why did the captain of the other

ship handed over his cargo?

5. What did the pirates decide to do

at the end of the story?

a Rock



Watch the following clip to be

reminded what translating shapes





Complete worksheets on

translating shapes (Friday-Maths

worksheets 1 and 2)

Watch the clip on using the suffixes -

ous and -sion by clicking on the

following link:




Write five sentences using the

following words:






Complete the worksheets attached

(English- Friday) and activity two on

the above link.

Yesterday you learnt about the Golden Rule.

Why do you think is called the “Golden Rule?’

Gold is the most valuable metal and this is very

valuable/important rule.

Think about what would change in our world if

everyone followed the Golden Rule in:

a) Our friendships

b) Our class

c) Our town

d) The whole world

Close your eyes and imagine a playtime when

everyone followed the Golden Rule.


Design a poster encouraging others to follow

the Golden Rule. What would be the benefits

of following the Golden Rule? How would you

feel if others followed this rule? Would the

world be a better place?

Monday- Maths worksheet

Monday- English (Sorting Poems)

A talkative man from Seattle

Spent all his days speaking to cattle.

When asked what he said,

one old cow shook her head,

and replied, “Why it’s nothing but prattle!”

The school trip was a special occasion

But we never reached our destination

Instead of the Zoo

I was locked in the loo

On an M62 Service Station

A bald headed man from Dundee

Lost his wig, in the wind, in a tree;

When he looked up and spied it,

A hen was inside it,

And it laid him an egg for his tea.

I slid across the kitchen floor,

And hopped around the cat!

Then expertly rolled over,

Jumped back up and grabbed my hat!

I got up late for school today,

And nearly missed the bus!

I hurried down the stairs,

Wolfed my toast, and caused a fuss!

There was an Old Man of Kilkenny,

Who never had more than a penny;

He spent all that money,

In onions and honey,

That silly Old Man of Kilkenny.

Pardon me, that was so rude,

It was not me, it was my food.

But then again it could be said,

It's the little person in my head.

Who sits up there all day long,

Burping out a silly song.

So pardon me, it's about to worsen,

Please pipe down you little person.

It's raining, it's boring,

I feel like exploring.

But I'm stuck here,

My face a sneer,

Just staring at the flooring!

It's thundering, it's lightning,

My misery is heightening.

There's nothing to do,

But sit here and stew,

As there's no sign it is brightening!

There was an Old Man of Quebec,

A beetle ran over his neck;

But he cried, 'With a needle,

I'll slay you, O beetle!'

That angry Old Man of Quebec.

There was an Old Man who supposed,

That the street door was partially closed;

But some very large rats,

Ate his coats and his hats,

While that useless old gentleman dozed.

There was an Old Man with a beard, There was an Old Man with a flute,

Who said, "It is just as I feared! --

Two Owls and a Hen,

Four Larks and a Wren,

Have all built their nests in my beard.”

A serpent ran into his boot;

But he played day and night,

Till the serpent took flight,

And avoided that man with a flute.

Drink your food and eat your drink!

Throw unused dishes in the sink!

Splash water on the kitchen floor!

Drop mucky spoons into their drawers!

Clean windows with a dirty rag!

Toss just-cooked food in dustbin bags!

I'm tidying to be a help,

So why does my mum wail and yelp?

I love every flavor.

Cookies & Cream.

English Toffee.

Chocolate Chip.

Rocky Road.

Even Strawberry and

Almond Fudge.


Monday- Geography worksheet

Tuesday-Maths worksheet

Tuesday- English

Performance poetry checklist

Change your tone of voice

throughout the poem

Change your facial expression

throughout the poem

Change your posture and

stance throughout the poem

Decide which words or phrases

should be emphasised

Use movement and actions

to describe what is

happening in the poem

Tuesday-Geography Worksheet 1

Tuesday-Geography Worksheet 2


Wednesday-Geography Worksheets

Wednesday-Geography Worksheets

Thursday-RE Golden Rule

Thursday- English (Limericks Template)

Thursday-Maths worksheet 1

Thursday-Maths worksheet 2

Friday-RE Worksheet

Friday-English (Suffixes -ous and -sion)

Friday-Maths worksheet 1

Friday-Maths worksheet 2

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