1 welcome to north toronto c i 4/26/20151. 2 arc public meeting # 1 4/26/20152

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Welcome to Welcome to North North

Toronto C IToronto C I

Welcome to Welcome to North North

Toronto C IToronto C I

04/21/23 1


ARC Public ARC Public Meeting # 1Meeting # 1ARC Public ARC Public

Meeting # 1Meeting # 1

04/21/23 2


Arc Agenda

1. Welcome & Introductions - 7:00 pm

2. Introductions & Information - 7:05 pm

3. Presentation on Process - 7:20 pm

4. Questions on Process -7:50 pm

5. Presentation on Planning - 8:20 pm

6. Questions - close - 9:pm


What is an ARC?

• An Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) is a Board-established committee formed during an Accommodation Review. It is made up of parents, students, educators, a city councillor, a community member, and Board officials.

• TDSB forms an ARC to seek community input of the future of a school or group of schools in a specific area.


Ontario’s Challenge

• Most Ontario school boards are experiencing declining enrolment.

• It is estimated that Ontario will have 140,000 fewer students in 2010 than in 2002 creating many empty classrooms and under-utilized buildings.

• The Provincial funding formula is based on the number of students.

• As the number of students declines, a Board’s revenue base declines.

• Fewer students means less money to maintain and upgrade schools; buy books and computers; and hire Vice Principals, specialty teachers, librarians etc.


TDSB’s Challenge

• Our cumulative enrolment decline from 2002 to 2010 is about 35,000 students or 13%. The decline will continue into the foreseeable future.

• Millions of dollars in provincial funding will continue to be lost.

• The majority of our schools were built prior to the early 1970’s and now range in age from 35 to 120 years old.

• These schools have 100’s of millions of dollars in deferred maintenance.


What is an Accommodation Review

• School boards in Ontario are responsible for providing schools and facilities for their students and for operating and maintaining their schools as effectively and efficiently as possible to support student achievement.

• An Accommodation Review is a Ministry of Education process that school boards must follow when determining the future of a school or group of schools.


ARC Timelines

Timelines are mandated by the Ministry of Education.

• An ARC must have its first public meeting no less than 30 days following the Board’s approval of the ARC process. ( October 28,2009)

• There must be a minimum of four public meetings to allow the public to engage in conversations about their schools.

• The ARC’s consultation period must be at least 90 days.

• After the ARC submits its report to the Director or Education, there must be no less than 60 days notice prior to the meeting of the Board when trustees will vote on recommendations.


Our Four Public Meetings

Meeting 1 - December 8,2009 - NTCI - Intro & Background

Meeting 2 - January 19,2010 - NTCI - Draft Models

Meeting 3 - February 17,2010 - NTCI - Depositions/Ideas

Meeting 4 - March 30,2010 - NTCI - Recommendations

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Establishment of an Accommodation Review

• Board shall approve the establishment of an accommodation review for a group of schools or a single school.

– Cody, Davisville/Metro Deaf, Eglinton Hodgson, Spectrum

• An ARC shall be established for 3 reasons

1. Consolidation of 2 or more schools

2. Closure or redevelopment of a school

3. Relocation of a grade, grades, or program where the change would affect more than 50% of the enrolment

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Mandate of the ARCARC SHALL: (3 obligations)• Assume an advisory role & provide recommendations that will inform the

final decision made by the Board of Trustees• Study, report and make recommendations on the accommodation options.• Provide the Director of Education a report with its recommendations, including

the reasons & evidence for each recommendation

Board Administration SHALL: (2 obligations)• Develop at least one alternative accommodation option for consideration• Provide necessary data to enable the ARC to examine options

ARC SHALL NOT: (3 restraints)1. Make recommendations about the future use of a school (surplus/sale)2. Make recommendations about the future use of a school for program

purposes or for external organizations or partners (full-service schools) 3. Make recommendations about creating partnerships or linkages that are

intended to occupy vacant space within the schools named in the ARC.

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Membership of the ARC

Voting Members

2 Secondary school students

• Appointed by secondary school principal in the area

1 Community member

• Must be independent (cannot be staff or related to staff/ no children or grandchildren attending schools in the review/public school supporter/appointed by Director of Ed or designate)

2 Parents from each school named in the review

• Appointed by School Council in collaboration with the principal• Cannot be staff or related to staff

1 Principal from outside the area named in the review

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Alex Konson-NTCI, Andy Ruffett-Northern

Shelley Laskin

next slide

Michael Rethazi - CALC


Parent Reps for Eglinton/Davisville ARC

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Davisville: Rob MCcready, Patty Wilkinson

Eglinton: Katharine Hancock, Carina Parnham

Hodgson: Heather Johnson, Diane Goldie

Maurice Cody: Kathleen Morris, Graham Leishman

MTSD: Melanie Haynes

Spectrum: Caroline Caldwell, Lynn Ruggles


Non-Voting Members

• Superintendent(s) of Education (Michael Smith) – for the schools named in the review

• Principal of each school named in the review (Tricia Boyce, David Ehrlich, Shona Farrelly, Wendy Keene)

• Local trustee(s) for schools included in the review (Josh Matlow) • City Councillor representing ward of schools included in the review (Michael Walker)

Membership of the ARC

Support Pool for ARC (non-voting)

• A facilitator (Georgina Balascas )• Central planning staff member (Joanne Magee )• Central facilities member ( Gabriella Sicheri )• Any other staff deemed appropriate by the chair

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Roles & Responsibilities of the ARC(terms of reference)

• ARC shall: Review the terms of reference

Review the SIPs (School Information Profiles) for the school(s) under review & modify the Profile(s) where appropriate

Rely on the SIPs as tools to assess against accommodation strategy

Review, analyze and comment on the accommodation option(s) presented by the school administration

Gather & review community input

Determine whether to consider alternative accommodation options which should be consistent with the objectives and Reference Criteria outlined

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Roles & Responsibilities of the ARC• ARC SHALL:

Determine if accommodation options require new capital investment. Where no funding exists, the ARC with support of Board admin, shall propose how students would be accommodated if funding does not become available

Ensure all information relevant to the accommodation review as identified by the ARC is made public on the Board’s website or making it available in print upon request, and

Adhere to the Ministry of Education's Pupil Accommodation Guideline

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• ARC shall NOT: Recommend the future use of a school (surplus/sale) Recommend the future use of a school for program purposes

or for external organizations or partners (full-service schools) Recommend creating partnerships or linkages that are

intended to occupy vacant space within the schools named in the ARC.


• At the call of the chair, when consensus cannot be reached, only the named voting members can vote to move the ARC forward.

Role of Voting Members

Role of Non-Voting Members

• To actively participate in all discussions that will lead to consensus

• Board Administration shall act in a support role for the ARC by:

– Providing background data & analysis– Offering Administrative support– Ensuring communication support to parents, staff & the school community– Board admin shall provide their recommendations to the Board of Trustees.

Recommendations may differ from those of the ARC

Role of Board Administration

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• Attend all meetings• No substitutes

Expectations of all members

Meetings of the ARC• The Arc shall follow the timelines prescribed

• Public Meetings must be well-publicized in advance

• Structured to encourage an open & informed exchange of views

• Meeting Notes shall be kept & made publically available on the Board’s website

• Respond to questions they consider relevant to its analysis

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Reference CriteriaGrade Configuration

– Aim for JK-8, where opportunities arise in local revitalization processes

– Where JK-8 configurations are not practical, local revitalization processes will devise solutions to acknowledge that research is conclusive that fewer transitions for students are more desirable.

– School/grade configurations must respect capacity / pathway / space / boundary issues. There is no “one-size-fits-all” model.

School Size• In general , a larger school of 450-650 receives more staffing & will be

more likely to have capacity to assign specialty teachers

• Provide for full implementation of the Early Learning Program ( full-day kindergarten) by 2015

Utilization• Aim to achieve between 80-90% utilization rate for reorganized schools

( based on Ministry Capacity standards)

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ARC Deliverables• A report including accommodation recommendation(s) consistent with

the reference criteria

• Report submitted to Director of Education

– Posted on the TDSB website

– Available in hard copy

• Board Administration shall:– Review the ARC’s report & make its recommendations – Include these in a report presented to the Board of Trustees

• Board of Trustees will make the final decisions regarding the future of the school(s)

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Planning Context

• Accommodation Review Area

• Programs

• Historic Actual Enrolment/Utilization 2004-2009

• School Facility Data and Projected Utilization including Early Learning- 2015




• Three Regular Junior School Programs Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6

• Two Senior School Programs Grade 7 & 8: Regular and Alternative

• French Immersion Senior Kindergarten to Grade 6

• Extended French Grade 4 to Grade 8



• Head count (HC) - Count of students in a school• Full Time Equivalent (FTE) - amount of instructional time a

student spends at school i.e.: - kindergarten students are counted as half-time or 0.5 FTE

• Ministry Rated Capacity - number of pupil places available in each school

• Utilization Rate – the percentage of the school that is being used

• Early Learning Program – full day learning for 4 & 5 year olds to be fully implemented by 2015



Actual Enrolment

Ministry *Prelim

School Capacity 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Davisville Jr PS 384 257 223 201 190 190 197

Eglinton Jr PS Spectrum 486 342 383 369 371 380 388

Hodgson Sr PS 285 262 284 294 291 288 305

Maurice Cody Jr PS 520 416 425 440 456 471 500

Totals 1,675 1277 1315 1304 1308 1329 1390




Actual Utilization Rates (FTE/Ministry Capacity)

Ministry *Prelim

School Capacity 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Davisville Jr PS 384 67% 58% 52% 49% 49% 51%

Eglinton Jr PS Spectrum 486 70% 79% 76% 76% 78% 80%

Hodgson Sr PS 285 92% 100% 103% 102% 101% 107%

Maurice Cody Jr PS 520 80% 82% 85% 88% 91% 96%

Totals 1675 76% 79% 78% 78% 79% 83%

Actual based on Full Time Equivalent


Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 / French Immersion Kindergarten to Grade 6

Year Built 1960

Site Size 3.8 Acres

Facility Size 85,068 Square Feet

Facility Condition Index 2009 22%

Facility Condition Index 2018 43%

Ministry Capacity 384

Projected Headcount Enrolment 2018 361

Projected Utilization - 2018 - including Early Learning 94%

ARCDavisville Junior Public School


Eglinton: Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 / Extended French Grade 4 to Grade 6

Spectrum: Grade 7 & 8

Year Built 1998

Site Size 1.6 Acres

Facility Size 61, 754 Square Feet

Facility Condition Index 2009 4%

Facility Condition Index 2018 18%

Ministry Capacity 486

Projected Headcount Enrolment 2018 523

Projected Utilization - 2018 - including Early Learning 108%

ARCEglinton Junior Public School/ Spectrum Senior School


Grade 7 & 8 / Extended French Grade 7 & 8

Year Built 1914

Site Size 4.2 Acres

Facility Size 64, 796 Square Feet

Facility Condition Index 2009 36%

Facility Condition Index 2018 42%

Ministry Capacity 285

Projected Headcount Enrolment 2018 357

Projected Utilization - 2018 - HC 125%

ARCHodgson Senior Public School


Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6

Year Built 1928

Site Size 2.9 Acres

Facility Size 59,546 Square Feet

Facility Condition Index 2009 30%

Facility Condition Index 2018 90%

Ministry Capacity with a two classroom addition (2010) 566

Projected Headcount Enrolment 2018 668

Projected Utilization - 2018 -including Early Learning 118%

ARCMaurice Cody Junior Public School


Total Ministry Capacity for Schools in ARC 1721 pupil places

Total Projected Headcount Enrolment 2018 1909

Total Projected Utilization - 2018 -including Early Learning 111%




Potential Accommodation Options

Close a school to optional attendance Reorganize the school’s timetable & use of space Add stand-alone portables to the school site Relocate non-school administrative school uses Reclaim rooms from non-child care tenants in the building Relocate Continuing Education Programs and Contracted

Services Programs Acquire rooms from joint users of the building Designate new residential developments to schools outside the

area Renovate existing space to create additional classrooms Use space in a nearby school – campus model

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Potential Accommodation Options

Relocate self-contained programs to schools with space available

Reclaim rooms from child care centres Lease space from another property owner Add a port-a-pack to the school site Change the school’s grade configuration Adjust the school’s attendance/catchment area Construct a permanent addition Re-open a closed school Construct a replacement building Construct a new school on a new school site

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