1 unit 1 first aid

Post on 20-Dec-2014



Health & Medicine



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Unit 1 :First AidGiving you the ability to care for your fellow fitness fanatic.

What is First Aid?-The assessment and provision of essential

vital function to a human being that is unconscious or incapacitated.Basically, you’re helping someone that’s


After this unit, you will be better prepared to help someone if they are hurt!

When you call emergency numbers, who is coming to help?Firefighters (119)

People that put out fires.

Police (110)People that protect you from violent


Emergency Medical Services (EMS) (120)People that help individuals that are

injured or unconscious.

What is EMS going to do?Emergency Medical Services do three main

things when they arrive: Check, Call, and Care.

Check the scene for danger.

Call out for additional help.

Care for the individual that needs help.

What do you see here?

3 c’s: Check if the area is safe!-Who are the individuals

affected in the accident?

-How are the people


-Bystanders, witnesses,

animals, etc.?

-Any moving devices or

evidence of the accident.

-Active electricity, water,

sharp objects, etc.


-Any other important factors.

Who are the people affected?This information is crucial to informing

EMS before they arrive.-Look for things like:




Remember to include the type of injuryEMS will want to know what type of injury

the person has sustained.Where did it happen and what happened to

the person? Examples…

Type of injury Location of injury

Stabbing Shoulder

Gunshot Chest

Cut Arm

Scrape Knee

Crushing Foot

Got it? Review your 3 C’sCheck

…the scene to make sure it is safe

Call…someone to help get emergency services

Care…for the individual

3 c’s: Calling for help!Calling for help isn’t easy. You must follow an

order.When looking for someone to help you, make eye

contact.Call out to them by noting something specific

and unique about them (blue shirt, red hat, etc.)Explain the situation (what you know about the

victim)Explain that you need them to call emergency

services and to report back when they have finished.

Ask if they understand!!!!!

This information is crucial!

Improper information sent to EMS could result in a person being inadvertently injured or killed!

Got it? Review your 3 C’sCheck

…the scene to make sure it is safe

Call…someone to help get emergency services

Care…for the individual

3 c’s: Caring for the personCaring for the person is important to ensure

they are kept safe and secure until trained personnel arrive.

You must check for three things: ABC’sAirwaysBreathingCirculation

ABC’s: AirwaysIs the person’s nose and mouth free of

anything that could prevent them from getting air?

ABC’s: BreathingIs the person breathing? Check this by:

Tilting the head backwards to open the airway.Placing your head above the persons’ nose and

mouth. Listening for their breathing.Looking to see the rising and falling of their


ABC’s: CirculationCirculation is a big fancy word that means…


Abc’S: Circulation-If the person is bleeding, you will want to pay attention.

-You will want to prevent EMS staff AND yourself from becoming contaminated with:

-AIDS, HIV, Hepatitus B or C, or any other blood born pathogens.

-More blood means more serious problems.

Abc’s: The rest…Once you’ve checked the ABC’s and they are

clear, make sure to check if the person is conscious or unconscious.

Got it? Review your 3 C’sCheck

…the scene to make sure it is safe

Call…someone to help get emergency services

Care…for the individual

Now, imagine the following situation…Remember, you are looking for the following

things:The scene

Check, Call, CareThe person

Airway, Breathing, Circulation

You walk into the mezzanine and see a teacher in this position…


3 C’s: Check the scene

Check: Is the scene safe?

Yes, for us the scene is safe.

•Approximately 20 - 30 years old.



•Suffered a weightlifting injury to his neck.

What do we know about this guy?

3 C’s: Calling for help!“Hey! You in the green

shirt! I have a 20-30 year old Caucasian male that suffered a weight lifting injury to his neck. I need you to call EMS! Report back to me when you are finished. Do you understand?”

3 C’S: Care forthe person

-Caring for the person depends on the nature of their injury, consciousness, and their ABC’S.

-Check to make sure that this person’s airway, breathing, and circulation is present.

-Finally, in the case of this person, they have sustained a neck injury. Place this person in a neutral spine position and prevent their arms, legs, head, neck and back from moving as much as possible.

Brace the person and wait for assistance.

3 3’s: Caring for the personMake sure the person’s ABC’s are present.

Support the arms and legs.

Ensure the person’s head, neck, and back move as little as possible until help arrives.

reviewUpon arriving at an emergency:

3C’s. Check, call, care. Check the scene for danger Call for someone to get emergency services (you

should stay with the injured person to monitor status)

Care for the individual until EMS arrives.ABC’s (airway, breathing, and circulation).

Nose and mouth should be free of any obstructions. Breathing should be heard, felt, and seen. Make sure the person isn’t bleeding out.

For Tomorrow…Pick a partner and design a Role Play for

an accident scenario.

Practice your 3 C’s as well as your ABC’s for the scenario.

Be prepared to act this scenario out in the mezzanine.

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