1. thw ban the sale of cigarette for people born after 2000

Post on 22-Nov-2015






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1. THIS HOUSE WOULD BAN THE SALE OF CIGARETTE FOR PEOPLE BORN AFTER 2000Everyone has already known that cigarette contains some dangerous substances such as tar and nicotine which can cause bad effect for humans health. For example, lung cancer, circulation problem, heart disease, hypertension and many others that can lead to death. In the US only, cigarette causes 480.000 deaths annually. This proves how dangerous cigarette is. We dont want to let more people die just because of cigarette, thats why we propose this motion. From this proposal, were about to create the first tobacco-free generation. People who were born after 2000 are not allowed to buy cigarette so that they will never try cigarette at all even though they have been grown up in the future time. This mechanism makes the new generation wont be exposed to cigarette at all and in the end of the time no one smokes cigarette at all. We have 3 strong points why we really agree with this motion:1. Children are the best target for making tobacco-free societyWhy do we start making tobacco-free society from children? Because children have not been exposed to the usage of cigarette at all because the country has also prohibit the children underage to smoke, moreover parents also wont let their children smoke because they know its not good for them. Then, we believe that they shouldnt be exposed at all. Based on psychological theory of children development, children is a golden phase where individuals are easier to be told to do something and the right phase to create their mindset about how bad cigarette is. So children will be the best for breaking the chains of dependency of cigarette. Moreover the number of children has increased so fast. From 2000-2014, there are approximately 1 Billion birth worldwide. By applying this rule, we have already prevent 1 Billion people from smoking. Government has the duty to improve the quality of peoples life because government is the highest authority that can regulate societys life and we all know that cigarette is bad for people thats why government is trying to eradicate the existence of cigarette by applying this kind of rule that can create the first tobacco-free generation.2. Motivate people born before 2000 to stop smokingWith this regulation government shows that they really want people to stop smoking. And also with this regulation the campaign of the danger of cigarette will be increased. For example, if I am a smoker, how bad I feel when I see this kind of rule because the government really show their seriousness about making people stop smoking. This will make the image of cigarette worse than before. So thats how this policy can decrease the number of smoker for people who have already smoked. Beside that, they will feel ashamed if they still smoke because they feel like theyre the role model of the new generation that already known all about the bad effect of the cigarette like how does parent feel when theyre smoking in the existence of their children and then the children ask dad/mum why are you still smoking? Isnt it bad for us. Parents will be so ashamed because of this. So that, this kind of policy will also motivate people born after 2000 to stop smoking.3. Eradicate the industry of cigaretteThere are two possible scenarios:1. It will make the manufacturers limit the production of their product because the low number of the consumers. It is intended that the company can choose the next step for switch to the other types of business. However, with this kind of policy that only doing partial banning to the people born after 2000, the cigarette companies still have so much time to prepare to switch to the other types of business. And at the last, there will no more cigarette companies and create a tobacco-free generation.2. by applying this policy, the number of smoker will be lowered so that the number of cigarette. Cigarette becomes something rare and its really possible that the price of the cigarette will be increased. That makes people who wants to smoke think twice before buying cigarette.(NEG)Our concern about who should smoke or not is the age. We will still sell cigarettes but only for people after 18, it is better than banning cigarette for people born after 2000. Moreover status quo is improving. We promote the campaign of cigarettes danger and even putting scary picture on the pack of cigarette to make people dont want to smoke. Because as we know when people has grown up they are mature enough to make their own decision and in this case they have right and they already mature enough to choose whether they want to smoke or not. Even though were disagreeing this motion, it doesnt mean that we stop all the campaign about stop smoking that has been done by the government. We have 3 strong points why we really disagree with this motion

1. The harm of the cigarette is still tolerableCigarettes also have positive effect, we can see that from psychological aspects. Cigarettes can reduce stress by relaxing the neurotransmitter in our brain then it can make people feel relax. And the dangerous of the cigarettes such as hypertension, heart attack and cancer can be avoided if we give limitation for the cigarettes consumption. just like junk food that we consume, we will not sick because of it because we give limitation for the amount of our consumption. thats why we believe the government just have to continue the campaign of the stop smoking, instead of banning the cigarettes consumption for people who born after 2000.2. the cigarette company have a great contribution for the country. We can see it from the tax that they give to the government, the health campaign that they join to promote healthy life style and the sport and education scholarship that they give for the citizen and also the the great number of the employee that they have. In Indonesia, th ere are 2,4 million people earn life from tobacco industry, start from the tobacco farmer to the laborer in tobacco factory. Imagine when the government apply this kind of policy that means the government want to erase the existence of cigarette and that can make the employee from the cigarette company lose their job and it will increase the number of unemployed people approximately 2.4 million. This is a big burden and government will create another problem to solve. Thats why we believe cigarette shouldnt be banned.3. Shift of burden from government to the private companyThis policy will harm the cigarette company because the number of cigarette buyers will be lower and at the end of the day will be no one at all. This is unfair for the cigarette company because the cigarette company had already given enough contribution for the government and the environment such as paying tax. The intention of a company is not to protect the society but more about providing what people need, in this case is cigarette. Meanwhile the duty to protect the societys health is governments intention. With this kind of policy, it is the same as the government shift the burden of protecting peoples health to the company. Thats why we believe government shouldnt applying this rule.

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