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Unit 7: 405007

1. The existence of God

2. The Characteristics of God

3. Revelation and Enlightenment

4. The problem of Evil

5. The compatibility of Religion and Science

6. The Afterlife

© Mrs Kerr 2011

CCaauussaattiioonn:: ‘‘TThhee aarrgguummeenntt tthhaatt

eevveerryytthhiinngg mmuusstt hhaavvee bbeeeenn ssttaarrtteedd ooffff

((ccaauusseedd)) bbyy ssoommeetthhiinngg eellssee..’’

SStt TThhoommaass AAqquuiinnaass

CCoossmmoollooggiiccaall AArrgguummeenntt == CCaauussaattiioonn ((tthheeyy aarree oonnee aanndd tthhee ssaammee!!))

AArrgguummeennttss ffoorr tthhee EExxiisstteennccee ooff GGoodd

11.. NNootthhiinngg

hhaappppeennss bbyy



nneeeeddss aa ccaauussee

22.. TThheerreeffoorree

tthhee uunniivveerrssee

mmuusstt hhaavvee aa


33.. OOnnllyy GGoodd

ccoouulldd hhaavvee

ccaauusseedd aa

uunniivveerrssee ttoo

ccoommee aabboouutt..


tthheerree mmuusstt

bbee aa GGoodd..

•• TThhiiss aarrgguummeenntt rreelliieess oonn ssoommeetthhiinngg ccaalllleedd ‘‘ccaauussee aanndd eeffffeecctt’’..

•• EEvveerryytthhiinngg tthhaatt hhaappppeennss ((eeffffeecctt)) mmuusstt hhaavvee ssoommeetthhiinngg tthhaatt hhaass mmaaddee iitt hhaappppeenn ((ccaauussee))..

•• EE..gg.. aa rrooww ooff ddoommiinnooss ffaallll ((eeffffeecctt)),, ssoommeeoonnee ppuusshheedd tthhee ffiirrsstt oonnee ((ccaauussee))

•• OOrr aa uunniivveerrssee eexxiissttss ((eeffffeecctt)),, ssoommeeoonnee ((GGoodd)) mmuusstt hhaavvee mmaaddee iitt eexxiisstt ((ccaauussee))..

The Second Way: In life, everything we experience

is CAUSED by something else

11.. WWee sseeee tthhiinnggss

mmoovvee aanndd wwee

kknnooww tthhaatt

tthhiinnggss ccaannnnoott



22.. SSoommeetthhiinngg

mmuusstt bbee mmoovveedd

bbyy ssoommeetthhiinngg

tthhaatt eexxiisstteedd

bbeeffoorree iitt

33.. TThhiiss ccaannnnoott ggoo

oonn iinnffiinniitteellyy ssoo

tthheerree mmuusstt bbee

ssoommeetthhiinngg tthhaatt wwaass

nnoott mmoovveedd bbyy

aannyytthhiinngg eellssee..

TThhiiss iiss


wwee ccaallll


The First Way: - All changes or movements happen

as a result of something else

The Third Way: Everything we experience in this

life has to EXIST

11.. EEvveerryytthhiinngg

ccoommeess iinnttoo

bbeeiinngg aanndd ggooeess

oouutt ooff bbeeiinngg--

EExxiissttss oorr ddooeess


22.. TThhiiss mmeeaannss

tthhaatt tthheerree wwaass

aa ttiimmee wwhheenn

tthheerree wwaass





ccoommee ffrroomm




mmuusstt aallwwaayyss

hhaavvee eexxiisstteedd--


Do you think this argument proves that God exists or at least a power capable of

creating exists?

•• TThhee pphhiilloossoopphheerr,, WWiilllliiaamm PPaalleeyy,, uusseedd tthhee iiddeeaa ooff ddeessiiggnn ttoo ttrryy aanndd pprroovvee tthhee

eexxiisstteennccee ooff GGoodd..

•• HHee llooookkeedd aatt aa wwaattcchh aanndd ssaaiidd iiff ssoommeetthhiinngg lliikkee tthhiiss rreeqquuiirreess aa ddeessiiggnneerr,, hhooww

mmuucchh mmoorree wwoouulldd tthhee uunniivveerrssee nneeeedd aa ddeessiiggnneerr

DDeessiiggnn:: ‘‘TThhee iiddeeaa tthhaatt tthhiinnggss wwiitthh aa ffuunnccttiioonn oorr ppuurrppoossee mmuusstt hhaavvee

bbeeeenn ccrreeaatteedd ffoorr tthhaatt ppuurrppoossee..’’

TTeelleeoollooggiiccaall AArrgguummeenntt == DDeessiiggnn AArrgguummeenntt

33.. TThheerreeffoorree,,

aa bbeeiinngg wwiitthh


aanndd tthhoouugghhtt

mmuusstt hhaavvee ddeessiiggnneedd iitt..

44.. OOnnllyy GGoodd ccoouulldd

hhaavvee iinntteelllliiggeennccee

aanndd tthhoouugghhtt

eennoouugghh ttoo ddeessiiggnn

tthhee uunniivveerrssee..

11.. TToo ddeessiiggnn




aanndd tthhoouugghhtt..

55.. TThheerreeffoorree,, aass tthhee uunniivveerrssee eexxiissttss,, GGoodd mmuusstt eexxiisstt..

22.. TThhee



eevviiddeennccee ooff



1970):- Was concerned with the

question ‘Why is there ‘Why is there ‘Why is there ‘Why is there anything at all?’anything at all?’anything at all?’anything at all?’

Many people cannot accept this statement as it does not answer

WHY the universe exists

Many come back to

the argument that

there must be a

starting point

“I should say the universe is just there, and

that’s all”


DAVID HUME (1711-1776):- He suggested that

• We can not jump to the conclusion that things need to be explained in the way Aquinas tried to


• Maybe things have always existed-back to infinity

• Some claim that the universe cannot be explained by itself and therefore God must exist

• However:- they are happy to say that God doesn’t need an explanation

• Just because the universe might need a cause, does this mean that the cause is infinite

Do you think the first cause argument leads to a belief in one God?

•• TThhee pprroobblleemm wwiitthh bbootthh tthheessee aarrgguummeennttss iiss tthhaatt aa ppeerrssoonn ccoouulldd ssaayy ‘‘IIIIIIIIffffffff GGGGGGGGoooooooodddddddd

ccccccccaaaaaaaauuuuuuuusssssssseeeeeeeedddddddd////////ddddddddeeeeeeeessssssssiiiiiiiiggggggggnnnnnnnneeeeeeeedddddddd tttttttthhhhhhhheeeeeeee uuuuuuuunnnnnnnniiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrsssssssseeeeeeee,,,,,,,, tttttttthhhhhhhheeeeeeeennnnnnnn wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhoooooooo ccccccccaaaaaaaauuuuuuuusssssssseeeeeeeedddddddd//////// ddddddddeeeeeeeessssssssiiiiiiiiggggggggnnnnnnnneeeeeeeedddddddd GGGGGGGGoooooooodddddddd??’’

•• TThhee CChhrriissttiiaann aannsswweerr iiss tthhaatt nnoo oonnee mmaaddee GGoodd,, hhee aallwwaayyss eexxiisstteedd.. HHee’’ss wwhhaatt AArriissttoottllee

((aanncciieenntt GGrreeeekk pphhiilloossoopphheerr)) rreeffeerrss ttoo aass tthhee ‘‘pprriimmee mmoovveerr’’ ((tthhee ffiirrsstt oonnee ttoo mmaakkee tthhiinnggss

hhaappppeenn bbuutt ddooeessnn’’tt nneeeedd aannyytthhiinngg ttoo mmaakkee iitt hhaappppeenn))..

‘‘EEvvoolluuttiioonn’’ aanndd ‘‘nnaattuurraall

sseelleeccttiioonn’’ ((ssuurrvviivvaall ooff tthhee

ffiitttteesstt)) wweerree tthhee rreeaassoonn

aanndd nnoott ddeessiiggnn..



TThheerree aarree ttoooo mmaannyy ffaauullttss

iinn tthhee uunniivveerrssee ttoo ssaayy iitt iiss

aa rreessuulltt ooff aa ppeerrffeecctt GGoodd’’ss




Arguments about the design arguments

Aquinas also had a design argument:- He said

• An arrow will not hit a target by itself

• It needs someone to shoot it in the right direction

• It also needs to be designed and made in the right shape etc

• This can not happen by chance

• Therefore the whole universe needs an intelligent designer: GOD


• Some people claim there is order in the world around us, eg the perfect balance of gases in the air

• Some people believe everything is random

Do you think the design argument proves the existence of God?

Is it possible to proveproveproveprove that God either existsexistsexistsexists or does not existdoes not existdoes not existdoes not exist?

Term agonostic


A person who believes we cannot be sure whether or not there is a God because there is insufficient evidence for his existence.

argument from design

A proof for the existence of God based on the idea that there is so much design and purpose in the universe that it could not have happened by accident; there has

to have been a designer, God. Otherwise called the teleological argument.

atheist A person who believes that there is no God

cosmological To do with the nature of the universe. Used in particular with the cosmological argument that says there has to be a God to explain the existence of all things.

faith A commitment to something that goes beyond proof and knowledge, especially

used about God and religion.

first cause argument

A proof for the existence of God based on the idea that there had to be an uncaused cause that made everything else happen, otherwise there would be

nothing now.

fundamentalist A person who believes in the basics of a religion, particularly believing that what is contained in a sacred text is an accurate, almost factual, record that cannot be


philosophy Literally ‘the love of wisdom’. The study of ideas and the nature of knowledge and


proof Evidence that guarantees the truth of something

reality The quality or state of being actual or true.

teleological To do with design or order, particularly the attempt to prove the existence of God by

showing that there is design and order in the universe.

theist A person who believes in God.

ultimate questions

Questions about the nature and purpose of the universe. Those matters that cannot easily be addressed but which affect the way most people respond to life, e.g. Is

there a God? What happens after death?, etc.

valid Something that supports the truth of a statement or fact.

humanist A person who says that only human beings and values are important and who

reject any idea of God.

inclusive terms Words that are not specific to a gender or a particular group.

interpretation A way of explaining the meaning of something.

language The use of words and phrases to pass on a meaning or idea.

polytheism The belief that there are many gods.

The Existence of God



One of the qualities of God; showing concern for the

sufferings of others. Literally ‘suffering with’.


Without limits in time; outside time


The different ways in which people picture God.


The idea that God is very close and is involved in what goes on in the world. He is not distant or uncaring.


The idea that God is a force or abstract idea and cannot

be described in human terms.


A quality of God that stresses God’s willingness to

forgive the wrongdoer.

personal When used about God, the idea that God cares about the individual and is involved in the individual’s life.


The belief that God is beyond space and time, and that

there are no limitations on what he can do.


The belief that there is only one God.

The Characteristics of God

• The idea of God is that he is

infiniteinfiniteinfiniteinfinite which means he has

no limitsno limitsno limitsno limits. • It is therefore difficult to use

any words about him that make

sense and describe him


• Some people try to use pictures to

show their idea of what God is


• However they the have to explain

their picture

• For some religions e.g. ISLAM ISLAM ISLAM ISLAM and


and capture the nature of God –

Why do you think this is?

Write a short description of what you think God is like (even if you don’t believe in God)_____________







Judaism: -First to accept

the idea of one God. For

Jews the name of Godname of Godname of Godname of God is so holy it is never

written down in its

complicated form and

never spoken by

humans. God cannot be

shown through images

because it is limiting.

Christianity: - Also believe

there is only one God who

has entered into humanity

through Jesus. There are three persons in one Godthree persons in one Godthree persons in one Godthree persons in one God- God the Father, God the

Son and God the Holy

Spirit. This is known as

the TrinityTrinityTrinityTrinity. . . . They believe

God is involved in creation.

There is no problem in

representing Jesus in

Pictures because he

appeared in a limited form


God is a central feature

and their statement of

faith (Shahada) is

“There is no God but All“There is no God but All“There is no God but All“There is no God but Allahahahah””””.... For Muslims it is wrong to

portray God through

images. They do however

have 99 names99 names99 names99 names of Allah

which each represent a

quality or attributequality or attributequality or attributequality or attribute of Allah

• Moses asked God for his

name and He replied “I am

who I am. This is what you

are to say to the Israelites:

‘I AM has sent me to


• ‘I AM’ is not a name but a

definition of God

• ‘ I AM’ defines God as self-


• ‘He is the Most

Compassionate and Merciful.

Allah is He, other than whom

there is no other god’ Qur’an

• ‘God’s alone are the

attributes of perfection’


Hinduism:- Say there is only

ONE God- BRAHMAN- However they say that Brahman

can be seen in many forms

Which each show a

different nature of Brahman

What does Hinduism teach about God?_________________________________



__________________________________________What do you think about this

belief in many forms of one God?_________________________________________




The TRIMURTI:- This is • Brahman – the Creator god

• Vishnu – the Sustainer god

• Shiva – the Destroyer god

Each has a female counterpart




All powerful



Judge Creator

Forgiving Loving- BENEVOLENT

Sustainer King All knowing- Omniscient

Unique Perfection Fighter

Many people question whether it is right to

use the word ‘He’ about God. Why do you

think this is? However is there a

better word to use e.g. ‘it’?

• There are many words that have

been used by different religions

to describe their idea of what

God is like.

• For each of the following

try to explain what each

word tells us about the

nature of God

Omnipotent Omniscient Benevolent All-compassionate

God as KING:

• Protects his people

• Rules/governs over them

• Leads them to battle

• Is to be obeyed

• Royal

• Strong and respected

JEWISH quotes: These words were said by God

• ‘When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt

I called my son…’ Hosea 11:1

• ‘It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by

the arms…’ Hosea 11:2 These words are referring to God as father

• ‘But you are our father’ Isaiah 63:16

God as FatherGod as FatherGod as FatherGod as Father: This

word has been used by

many religions to

describe the nature of

God e.g. Judaism and Christianity. This shows an intimate

relationship with God

and that He is loving.

Christian quotes: Christians follow the example of Jesus who addresses God as Father

• ‘At that time Jesus said “I praise you, Father, Lord of

heaven and earth…”’ Matthew 11:25

• ‘He went away a second time and prayed, “My Father,

if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away

unless I drink it, may your will be done.”’ Matthew 26:42

• ‘This, then, is how you should pray: ”Our Father in

heaven, hallowed be your name…”’ Matthew 6:9






• Christianity teaches that evil entered the world as a result of Adam

and Eve giving in to temptation in the Garden of Eden – this switch

from a perfect world to one containing evil is known as The Fall.

• Christianity teaches that every human being was born with a flawed

nature after the fall – this is the idea of original sin. It’s believed that

this excludes us from Heaven unless we’re reconciled with God.

• Christians believe God created humans with free will – it’s up to us to

choose whether we sin and perform evil deeds or not.

• Christianity has also personified evil as Satan or the Devil.

• Christians might refer to someone who has performed evil deeds as

being possessed by the Devil although this isn’t modern Christian


• In Christianity there are sins of thought as well as sins of action.

Evil and suffering can be divided into

two types:

Many people have tried to define evil and work out what it is or where it comes from.

ˡl˴˴̇̇̈̈̅̅˴˴˿˿ʳr˘̆̉̉˼˼˿˿ˍ̱ ‘‘TThhiinnggss wwhhiicchh ccaauussee ssuuffffeerriinngg bbuutt hhaavvee

nnootthhiinngg ttoo ddoo wwiitthh hhuummaannss..’’

• This kind of evil and the

suffering that comes

with it is caused by the world in which we live

and is no one’s fault. E.g. floods and hurricanes

ˠɣ̂̂̅̅˴˴˿˿ʳr˘̆̉̉˼˼˿˿ˍ̱ ‘‘AAccttiioonnss

ddoonnee bbyy hhuummaannss wwhhoo ccaauussee

ssuuffffeerriinngg ttoo ootthheerrss..’’ • Suffering is brought by cruel

actions of people. E.g. murder, war, rape and

torture. The person causing the evil is able to make a choice about what

is morally right or wrong.

TThhee eexxiisstteennccee ooff eevviill aanndd ssuuffffeerriinngg iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd iiss oonnee ooff tthhee ssttrroonnggeesstt

aarrgguummeennttss aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee eexxiisstteennccee ooff GGoodd..

IIff GGoodd mmaaddee tthhee wwoorrlldd,, wwhhyy ddooeess hhee aallllooww tthheemm ttoo eexxiisstt??


TThhee CChhrriissttiiaann rreessppoonnssee ttoo tthhiiss ssttaarrttss bbyy ssaayyiinngg wwee mmuusstt ffiirrsstt aacccceepptt tthhaatt tthhee wwoorrlldd iiss nnoo lloonnggeerr aass GGoodd ccrreeaatteedd oorr

iinntteennddeedd iitt ttoo bbee,, aanndd tthhaatt mmaannkkiinndd hhaass aalltteerreedd iittss nnaattuurraall ffoorrmm tthhrroouugghh ppoolllluuttiioonn,, wwaarr aanndd ddeevveellooppmmeenntt..

TThhee ‘‘PPrroobblleemm ooff EEvviill’’ aarrgguummeenntt aaggaaiinnsstt GGoodd ggooeess lliikkee tthhiiss::

• Evil and suffering may lead some people to question their belief in God or even to

reject their faith.

• This might be because they can’t believe that a God who is good would allow such things

to happen or because they feel that their prayers are not being answered.

• Other people might argue that God can’t be very powerful if he is unable to prevent


• Some Christians would argue that most evil come about because of how we humans act.

After the ‘Fall’ we have the choice to do evil and it is our responsibility not to do so.

• Some Christians think that evil is necessary for there to be free will – without the

choice of doing wrong what freedom is there? They believe that there has to be evil in

the world for it to be possible to do good.

• Many Christians believe that all the suffering in the word will in the end come to good.

God has a plan.

55.. TThheerreeffoorree,, GGoodd ccaannnnoott eexxiisstt..

11.. IIff GGoodd iiss

bbeenneevvoolleenntt,, hhee

wwoouulldd wwaanntt ttoo

rreemmoovvee eevviill

aanndd ssuuffffeerriinngg..

44.. EEvviill aanndd

ssuuffffeerriinngg eexxiisstt..

GGoodd iiss tthhoouugghhtt ttoo bbee aallll--lloovviinngg ʻ̒˵˵˸˸́́˸˸̉̉̂̂˿˿˸˸́́̇̇ʼ̓ʿʿ aallll--kknnoowwiinngg ʻ̒̂̂̀̀́́˼˼̆̆˶˶˼˼˸˸́́̇̇ʼ̓

aanndd aallll--ppoowweerrffuull ʻ̒̂̂̀̀́́˼˼̃̃̂̂̇̇˸˸́́̇̇ʼ̓ˁˁ

22.. IIff GGoodd iiss

oommnniisscciieenntt,, hhee

wwoouulldd kknnooww

hhooww ttoo rreemmoovvee

eevviill aanndd


33.. IIff GGoodd iiss


hhee wwoouulldd bbee

aabbllee ttoo

rreemmoovvee eevviill

aanndd ssuuffffeerriinngg..

Coping with Suffering • Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians often pray for a saint to

intercede with God on behalf of someone who’s suffering.

• Christians also pray to God to accept suffering as part of his plan.

• Many Christians believe that when we struggle and suffer we are closest to Jesus as he struggled on the cross.

• One argument that Christians make for accepting suffering is that that life is worthwhile if Jesus chose to come and share it with us.

• Many Christian organisations (Christian Aid) work to alleviate the suffering of others.

Term Definition

evil The opposite of good. A force or a negative power that is seen in many

Traditions as destructive and against God.

free will Having the ability to choose or determine one’s own actions.

free will defence An argument to justify both the existence of a loving God and the existence of evil. It is based on the idea that what makes humans special is their ability to choose. For this to

happen they have to live in a world in which things can, and do, go wrong

karma Action. The law of cause and effect.

moral evil The harm that results from a bad choice made by human beings misusing their free will.

natural evil The harm or damage that is done to people and creation as a result of the forces of nature

and the structure of the Earth.

reincarnation The Hindu belief that after this life the soul moves on to a new (usually

Bodily) form.

rebirth In Buddhism, the belief that after this life there is continuity into a new life form that is

affected by the karma gained so far.

soul-making The belief that suffering makes it possible for people to ‘grow’ into more

mature individuals

suffering The experience of something bad or painful.

CChhrriissttiiaannss bbeelliieevvee tthhaatt eevviill iiss nnoott aa rreessuulltt ooff GGoodd,, bbuutt ooff cchhooiicceess hhuummaanniittyy

mmaakkeess.. FFoorr GGoodd ttoo iinntteerrvveennee aanndd ssttoopp eevviill iitt wwoouulldd mmeeaann ttaakkiinngg aawwaayy oouurr ffrreeee

wwiillll aanndd iimmppoossiinngg hhiiss wwiillll..

GGoodd ddiidd nnoott mmaakkee ppeeooppllee aass rroobboottss,, tthheeyy ccaann cchhoooossee ttoo bbeelliieevvee iinn

GGoodd,, oorr nnoott;; tthheeyy ccaann cchhoooossee ttoo ddoo wwhhaatt iiss rriigghhtt,, oorr nnoott;; tthheeyy ccaann

cchhoooossee ttoo hheellpp ppeeooppllee,, oorr nnoott..

Jesus set and example for Christians today.

• Christians believe that in his willingness to suffer and die on their behalf, Jesus set an example which they themselves should be prepared to follow.

• In dying on the cross Christians believe Jesus paid for all the sin of mankind. The Bible teaches that God is merciful but he is also just so our sins will have to be paid for.

Free Will and EvilFree Will and EvilFree Will and EvilFree Will and Evil

CChhrriissttiiaannss ssaayy GGoodd ggaavvee hhuummaanniittyy ‘‘ffrreeee wwiillll’’.. TThhiiss mmeeaannss tthhee aabbiilliittyy aanndd

rriigghhtt ttoo cchhoooossee.. IIff GGoodd hhaadd nnoott ggiivveenn ffrreeee wwiillll,, tthheenn ppeeooppllee wwoouulldd hhaavvee nnoo

cchhooiiccee bbuutt ttoo bbeelliieevvee iinn hhiimm aanndd ffoollllooww hhiimm,, wwhhiicchh iiss nnoott ttrruuee ffrreeeeddoomm..

Term Definition

dream Images, ideas, emotions that occur during sleep.


The gaining of true knowledge, particularly in the Buddhist tradition, that frees a person from the cycle of rebirth by seeing what the truth about life

really is.

faith A commitment to something that goes beyond proof and knowledge,

especially used about God and religion.

general revelation God making himself known through ordinary, common human


near death experience

Some people, when they are close to death, claim to have had a sense of themselves leaving their bodies and seeing what exists beyond this life.

prayer Communicating with a deity through words of praise, thanksgiving or

confession, or requests for his help or guidance.

reality The quality or state of being actual or true.

resurrection Rising from the dead or returning to life (applied to souls after death).


God shows himself to believers. This is the only way anybody can really know anything about God.

special revelation

God making himself known through direct personal experience or an

unusual specific event.


Something that supports the truth of a statement or fact.


Seeing something, especially in a dream or trance, that shows something about the nature of God or the afterlife.


Ceremony or prayers showing love and devotion to a deity, an idol or sacred object.

Revelation and Enlightenment

Revelation through mystical and religious experiences.

CChhrriissttiiaannss bbeelliieevvee GGoodd iiss iimmmmuuttaabbllee

((ddooeessnn’’tt cchhaannggee)).. AAss aa rreessuulltt tthheeyy

ffeeeell GGoodd ccaann ssttiillll wwoorrkk mmiirraacclleess..

MMaannyy ppeeooppllee ssaayy iinnccrreeddiibbllee eevveennttss

iinn tthheeiirr lliiffee aarree aa mmiirraaccllee.. IInn FFrraannccee,,

LLoouurrddeess ggeettss tthhoouussaannddss ooff vviissiittoorrss

eevveerryy yyeeaarr hhooppiinngg ffoorr aa mmiirraaccllee..


MMaannyy ppeeooppllee ffeeeell tthheeyy

MMaakkee ssoommee ffoorrmm ooff ccoonnnneeccttiioonn wwiitthh

GGoodd wwhheenn tthheeyy pprraayy,, wwhheetthheerr tthheeyy

ggeett wwhhaatt tthheeyy aasskk ffoorr oorr nnoott.. PPeeooppllee pprraayy

iinn aallll ssoorrttss ooff cciirrccuummssttaanncceess,, oouutt ooff

nneeeedd,, ccoommffoorrtt,, aanndd tthhaannkkffuullnneessss,, ffoorr

gguuiiddaannccee aanndd ffoorr ootthheerrss..


TThhiiss ffeeeelliinngg ooff bbeeiinngg oovveerrwwhheellmmeedd bbyy

tthhee sseennssee ooff tthhee pprreesseennccee ooff ssoommeetthhiinngg

ggrreeaatteerr tthhaann yyoouu iiss aa ssppiirriittuuaall eemmoottiioonn..

TThhee ffiirrsstt mmaann oonn tthhee mmoooonn,, NNeeiill

AArrmmssttrroonngg,, ffeelltt tthhiiss wwhheenn hhee ssaaww hhooww

aammaazziinngg ssppaaccee llooookkeedd lliikkee ffrroomm tthhee


NNuummiinnoouuss CCoonnvveerrssiioonn

CCoonnvveerrssiioonn iiss aallll aabboouutt

CChhaannggee.. IItt iiss tthhee cchhaannggiinngg ffrroomm

oonnee rreelliiggiioonn ttoo aannootthheerr oorr ffrroomm nnoo

rreelliiggiioonn ttoo ffoolllloowwiinngg oonnee..

CCoonnvveerrssiioonn uussuuaallllyy ffoolllloowwss ssoommee

lliiffee aalltteerriinngg eevveenntt tthhaatt ccoonnvviinncceess aann

iinnddiivviidduuaall tthhaatt tthheerree mmuusstt bbee ssoommee

ssoorrtt ooff GGoodd..

Religious Experience

• According to Christians there are lots of ways to experience God. These experiences allow you to know God.

• God can reveal himself in many ways. • Christians believe that the truth about the world and their rules for

good behaviour were revealed to them by God. These revelations were written down in the Bible.

• Most Christians believe their scriptures were divinely inspired. That is that God revealed himself to the prophets and apostles who then wrote the Bible on those experiences.

1. Prayer is an attempt to contact God directly. It usually

involves words and can be thought of as a conversation with God. A person might feel the presence of God in an answered prayer.

2. Meditation – a believer clears his or her mind of distractions and focuses on God. This could involve repetitive prayer, reading scripture or fasting. It doesn’t need to be in a place of worship. Meditation can result in vision and voices as the believer draws closer to God.

3. Some people believe miracles occur today and that these miracles show God’s power and presence.

4. Religious Ecstasy – these experiences range from singing, dancing, shaking or crying during worship to speaking in tongues, having visions or prophesying.

5. Sacramental Rituals –rituals in which Christians believe God makes his presence felt directly. According to RCs there are 6. sacraments, baptism, confirmation, reconciliation, Eucharist, ordination (becoming a priest), marriage and anointing of the sick. In the Eucharist, RCs believe in transubstantiation.

Jesus Most Christians believe that the Jewish prophets spoke for God but they believe that God revealed himself fully in the person of Jesus. Christians believe he was both fully God and fully human. Jesus’ teachings were written down during his life and passed on in the Gospels. They include the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 -7, Read this and you will find tonnes of Bible quotes to put in many of the essays) which many believe is Christ’s most important revelation. In Jesus’ death and resurrection. Christians believe Jesus showed his divine nature to man.

The Bible as a Guidebook

The Old Testament (OT)

The OT is the Jewish and Christian

scripture. Written in Hebrew and Aramaic, its 39 books include the

creation story, the books of Law,

the 10 commandments, various histories, prophecy, poetry and psalms.

The New Testament (NT)

The NT is specifically Christian.

Written in Greek in the 1st Century CE, its 27 books include the 4

Gospels, the Acts of the apostles,

13 letters by St Paul, 8 other letters and the Revelation of St John – an apocalyptic vision.

Christians accept the Bible as authoritative in forming their beliefs and guiding their actions.

Literalism: Many Christians

believe the Bible literally, Jesus really did walk on


Fundamentalism: This is a form of literalism.

Fundamentalists believe that it’s wrong to question anything from the Bible and it is the word of God.

Conservative View: This view is probably the most common

among Christians. They believe that the Bible was inspired by God but not dictated. Readers must use their intelligence and

the guidance from the Holy Spirit to understand the writer’s


Liberal: Liberals believe it can be read symbolically.

Term Definition

argument from design

A proof for the existence of God based on the idea that there is so much design and purpose in the universe that it could not have happened by accident; there has to have been a designer, God.

Otherwise called the teleological argument

big bang The beginnings of the universe according to many scientists took place when a singularity exploded and from this explosion, all the matter that

makes up the universe came into being.

compatibility When two or more different ideas can be used together without

problems or tension, e.g. whether a scientific view of the origins of life is compatible with a religious one.

cosmological To do with the nature of the universe. Used in particular with the

cosmological argument that says there has to be a God to explain the existence of all things.

Creation The act by which God brought the universe into being.

Darwinian view Named after Charles Darwin who pioneered the idea of evolution; the idea that creatures have gradually changed and adapted to suit the

environment, “the survival of the fittest.”

evolution Scientific belief that life forms have changed over time, developing

from simple to complex creatures.

teleological To do with design or order, particularly the attempt to prove the existence of God by showing that there is design and order in the


awe A feeling of great respect mixed with wonder

contradiction When two words or phrases seem to say opposite things and cannot

both be held to be true.

Religion and Science

Scientific arguments for the origins of life: Cosmological Theories – How the universe came into being. Chief amongst these is the big bang theory. Evolutionary Theories – How living things are like they are today. In 1859, Charles Darwin published ‘On the Origin of the Species.’ In this book he argued that all life on the planet originated from simple cells. Life evolved over millions of years. These theories are at odds with many religious arguments, however if you don’t take the Bible literally, scientific and religious arguments can exist in harmony with the science saying how and the religious saying why.

1. Christian thinking is base don the idea that God created everything. If the Bible is taken literally the process took 6 days and humankind didn’t evolve but is descended from Adam and Eve.

2. However it can also be viewed as a symbolic description of a more gradual evolution. This means it’s possible to believe in the Big Bang and the Bible.

3. In 1996 the RCC accepted the Big Bang theory. Environmental Issues Problems in the world include global warming, deforestation, extinction,

pollution and scarcity of natural resources.

Stewardship – God put humans in charge of the earth to care for it.

1. Christians of all denominations believe that God gave us the Earth but

expects us to care for it – stewardship.

2. There is pressure on governments and companies to sell goods and services, even at the expense of the environment. Although it can be difficult to balance taking care of the Earth with providing for

humankind, this is what Christians must try to do.

3. Christianity teaches that everything is interdependent so driving a species of animal or plant to extinction or harming the planet

eventually ends up harming us.

4. Christian organisations CAFOD, Christian Aid, are concerned with putting this responsibility into practice.

BBiigg BBaanngg SSoommee sscciieennttiisstt bbeelliieevvee tthhee uunniivveerrssee ssttaarrtteedd aass aa rreessuulltt ooff aa hhuuggee ccoonncceennttrraattiioonn ooff

eenneerrggyy ccaauussiinngg aa mmaassssiivvee eexxpplloossiioonn tthheeyy ccaallll tthhee BBiigg BBaanngg.. TThhiiss ccaann bbee sseeeenn aass

ooffffeerriinngg aa sscciieennttiiffiicc eexxppllaannaattiioonn ffoorr tthhee uunniivveerrssee wwiitthhoouutt tthhee nneeeedd ffoorr aa GGoodd..

˘̆̉̉̂̂˿˿̈̈̇̇˼˼̂̂́́ʳrʹ́ʳrˡl˴˴̇̇̈̈̅̅˴˴˿˿ʳr˦˦˸˸˿˿˸˸˶˶̇̇˼˼̂̂́́ MMaannyy ppeeooppllee bbeelliieevvee eevvoolluuttiioonn aanndd nnaattuurraall sseelleeccttiioonn aarree mmoorree llooggiiccaall

eexxppllaannaattiioonnss ffoorr tthhee eexxiisstteennccee ooff hhuummaanniittyy.. CChhaarrlleess DDaarrwwiinn bbeelliieevveedd

IInn oorrddeerr ttoo ssuurrvviivvee,, lliiffee ffoorrmmss mmuusstt aaddaapptt ((eevvoollvvee)) ttoo tthheeiirr cchhaannggiinngg

eennvviirroonnmmeenntt oorr ddiiee.. TThhee ssttrroonnggeesstt aanndd ffiitttteesstt wwiillll eevvoollvvee mmaaiinnttaaiinniinngg tthhee

eexxiisstteennccee ooff tthhaatt ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ssppeecciieess..

˘̆̉̉̂̂˿˿̈̈̇̇˼˼̂̂́́ʳrʹ́ʳrˡl˴˴̇̇̈̈̅̅˴˴˿˿ʳr˦˦˸˸˿˿˸˸˶˶̇̇˼˼̂̂́́ CChhrriissttiiaannss bbeelliieevvee hhuummaanniittyy iiss ssppeecciiaall,, mmaaddee ttoo bbee aabbllee ttoo ccoonnnneecctt ssppiirriittuuaallllyy

wwiitthh GGoodd.. AAlltthhoouugghh tthheeyy wwoouulldd nnoott nnoorrmmaallllyy bbeelliieevvee iinn eevvoolluuttiioonn ((ee..gg.. ffrroomm aann

aappee)) tthheeyy wwoouulldd aacccceepptt wwee hhaavvee ddeevveellooppeedd iinn sskkiillllss,, tthhiinnkkiinngg aanndd eevveenn ppoossttuurree..

TThheeyy ppooiinntt oouutt tthhaatt tthheerree aarree ffaarr ttoooo mmaannyy mmiissssiinngg lliinnkkss iinn tthhee cchhaaiinn

ooff eevvoolluuttiioonnaarryy tthheeoorriieess ttoo bbee aacccceeppttaabbllee..


˕̞˼˼˺˺ʳr˕̞˴˴́́˺˺ TThhee ccrreeaattiioonn ssttoorryy iinn GGeenneessiiss ssttaarrttss bbyy GGoodd ssaayyiinngg

‘‘LLeett tthheerree bbee lliigghhtt’’ aanndd ssoo mmaannyy CChhrriissttiiaannss sseeee tthhiiss

aass GGoodd ccaauussiinngg tthhee BBiigg BBaanngg wwhhiicchh wwaass hhiiss wwaayy ooff ssttaarrttiinngg ccrreeaattiioonn.. TThhee

sseevveenn--ddaayy ccrreeaattiioonn iiss sseeeenn bbyy mmaannyy aass aa ppooeemm nnoott aann hhiissttoorriiccaall aaccccoouunntt

Term Definition

eternal life Everlasting life after death.

Heaven The state of eternal happiness in the presence of God that Christians believe will be granted to the faithful after this life.

near death experience

Some people, when they are close to death, claim to have had a sense of themselves leaving their bodies and seeing what exists beyond this life.

paradise The ideal place in which the faithful are rewarded for all eternity; a name used about heaven especially by Muslims.

resurrection Rising from the dead or returning to life (applied to souls after death).

Afterlife What happens to a person when the present life comes to an end.

preparation Getting ready for the next stage or phase.

Answer the following questions based on your opinions. You can discuss them with those around you first if it helps. 1. Do you believe in…..

• Ghosts?

• Heaven?

• The soul?

• Reincarnation (being born again)?

• Life after death? 2. What TV shows have you seen that are based on believing in life after death? 3. What do you think happens when we die? 4. Have you ever experienced anything ‘supernatural’? 5. Do you believe that it is possible to talk to people who have died? Why? 6. Do you have to be religious to believe in life after death?

Life after Death

7. What do you think an ‘out of body’ experience is? 8. Some people describe near death experiences and they have features in common including

• A tunnel with a light at the end

• A bright light

• A feeling of well being or extreme happiness

• Seeing other family members who have already died Do you think that these experiences prove that there is life after death? Why? 9. Why do you think people believe in life after death when scientists can’t prove it happens? 10. Do you think that the possessions of dead people can be imprinted with the essence of that person? 11. How do you feel about places where people have died and dead people’s possessions? 12. Which do you think is more powerful, fear or love? How might these emotions affect belief in life after death?

The Afterlife

B6 (a) Explain the differences between resurrection and reincarnation. (6 marks)

B6 (b) ‘There is no heaven or paradise.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about

more than one point of view. Refer to religious teachings in your answer. (6 marks)

B6 (c) Explain how belief in an afterlife affects the way that people live. (6 marks)

B6 (d) ‘Near death experiences prove that there is something beyond this life.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about

more than one point of view. Refer to religious ideas in your answer. (6 marks)

The Existence of God

B5 (a) Explain the First Cause (Cosmological) argument for the existence of God. (6 marks)

B5 (b) ‘Arguments against the existence of God do not work.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about

more than one point of view. (6 marks)

B5 (c) Explain the different beliefs of a theist, an atheist and an agnostic. (6 marks)

B5 (d) ‘Faith in God does not need proof.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about

more than one point of view. (6 marks)

The Compatibility of Science and Religion

(a)(i) Outline the Darwinian view of evolution. (3 marks)

(a)(ii) Outline a fundamentalist view of evolution. (3 marks)

(b) ‘Science and religion can never work together.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to

religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks)

(c) Explain the role of humanity as shown in at least one creation story. (6 marks)

(d) ‘There is no need for God in creation.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to

religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks)

Exam questions to practice: Exam Tips

• plan your answer before you start writing (draw a small mind map)

• Always show you have considered more than one view

• Include your own views

• Draw a conclusion to each answer

The Characteristics of God

(a) Explain why some people find it helpful to use words such as ‘Father’ and ‘King’ about God. (6 marks)

(b) ‘It is not right to use words about God that suggest sex or gender.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about

more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks)

(c) Explain what it means to say that God is:

(i) all-merciful, and

(ii) all-knowing. (6 marks)

(d) ‘It is impossible to have a personal relationship with God.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to

religious arguments in your answer.

(6 marks)

Beliefs about the soul:



Near Death


Key Words







God as Judge

Death and the


God in many form


The Trinity

God in the world

Words used about God

Key Words










of God

Christians might care for the

environment by:


Science and

religion can agree


Key Words





Big Bang


The Big Bang

Religion and


The E


nce of







Natural Evil

Natural Evil

Natural Evil

Natural Evil:

Moral Evil:

Moral Evil:

Moral Evil:

Moral Evil:

Key Words



Moral evil

Natural evil


The Devil

Why is there evil in the world?

Christian responses to the problem of evil

Right and Wrong

The Problem of


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