1. the celebration of the paschal mystery includes celebration of what?

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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2. Which three sacraments of the Church confer a “sacramental character”?


1. The celebration of the Paschal Mystery includes celebration of what?

1. The celebration of the Paschal Mystery includes celebration of what?

Christ’s Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension.

2. Which three sacraments of the Church confer a “sacramental character”?

2. Which three sacraments of the Church confer a “sacramental character”?

Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders.

3. What is the Epiclesis?

3. What is the Epiclesis?

The prayer prayed at Mass by the priest that asks God the Father to send His Spirit so that

the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.

4. What is Transubstantiation?

4. What is Transubstantiation?

The changing of bread and wine into the reality of the risen and glorified Body and Blood of


5. What is Apostolic Succession?

5. What is Apostolic Succession?

An unbroken chain of power and authority connecting the pope and bishops to St. Peter

and the Twelve Apostles of Jesus.

6. What is the etymology/meaning of “liturgy”?

6. What is the etymology/meaning of “liturgy”?

Liturgy comes from the Greek word leitourgia, which is used to mean a public duty or work.

7. In what four ways is Christ present in the sacraments?

7. In what four ways is Christ present in the sacraments?

In the minister of the sacrament.In the Word, since it is Christ who speaks when

the Scriptures are read at the liturgy.When the Church prays and sings and is

gathered in his name.In the Eucharistic species, his own Body and


8. What is the translation/meaning of “Marana tha”?

8. What is the translation/meaning of “Marana tha”?

O Lord Come

9. What is the translation/meaning of “Lex Orandi Lex Credendi”?

9. What is the translation/meaning of “Lex Orandi Lex Credendi”?

The Law of Praying is the Law of Believing

10. What is the translation/meaning of “Christus totus”?

10. What is the translation/meaning of “Christus totus”?

Whole Christ

11. Apocalyptic Literature includes what underlying them feature what sort of


11. Apocalyptic Literature includes what underlying them feature what sort of


The underlying theme of “kingship of God” that usually includes a combat myth.

12. The Easter Triduum includes what three days?

12. The Easter Triduum includes what three days?

Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday

13. When is ordinary time in the church calendar?

13. When is ordinary time in the church calendar?

The liturgical periods between Easter and Advent, and Christmas and Lent

14. Name four earthly signs used by Jesus

14. Name four earthly signs used by Jesus

Oil, Water, Bread, Touch/Acceptance

15. What is a tabernacle?

15. What is a tabernacle?

The receptacle where the Eucharist is placed in a church is modeled after a the tent used

during the Exodus by the Israelites.

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