1 test security policy 2013-2014 you received a copy of test security policy. you understand and...

Post on 30-Mar-2015






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Slide 2 1 Test Security Policy 2013-2014 Slide 3 You received a copy of Test Security Policy. You understand and will abide by this Test Security Policy. For administrators and test coordinators: You can re- deliver Test Security Policy *New* Questions to answer in small groups or individually 2 Slide 4 3 Page 1, Paragraph 2 Slide 5 No public school administrator or member of a School Board shall retaliate against an employee who in good faith participates in an investigation of testing administration improprieties or irregularities. Retaliation shall include discharging, demoting, suspending, threatening, harassing, or discriminating of an employee who in good faith reports testing administration improprieties or irregularities. Disciplinary actions may include a $500 and/or 6 months imprisonment. Legislative Act 534 in 2010 4 Page 1, Paragraph 3 Slide 6 5 Louisiana Educational Assessment Program February 3 March 14, 2014 Slide 7 I.Participation All Persons involved in assessment programs All assessments administered according to the state testing schedule. 6 Page 1, Section I Slide 8 II.Definitions Access Secure Materials Test booklets and answer documents *New* Student log-in information (EOC, PARCC) Material containing items or responses Testing Irregularities 7 Page 1, Section II Slide 9 1.East Baton Rouge Parish School System (EBRPSS) Test Security policy applies to A.all employees of East Baton Rouge Parish Schools B.only test administrators C.only classroom teachers in testing grades or subjects D.only school staff with access to test materials 8 Slide 10 2.Results of an investigation into a breach in test security by an employee may include: A.letter in EBRPSS personnel file B.disciplinary action including termination C.suspension or revocation of certification D.all of the above 9 Slide 11 3.Which of these is NOT considered secure test material? A. student answer document B. student test booklet C. student math reference sheet D. student log-in information for online testing 10 Slide 12 1. East Baton Rouge Parish School System (EBRPSS) Test Security policy applies to: A. all employees of East Baton Rouge Parish Schools B. only test administrators C. only classroom teachers in testing grades or subjects D. only school staff with access to test materials 11 Slide 13 2.Results of an investigation into a breach in test security by an employee may include: A.letter in EBRPSS personnel file B.disciplinary action including termination C.suspension or revocation of certification D.all of the above 12 Slide 14 3.Which of these is NOT considered secure test material? A. student answer document B.student test booklet C.student math reference sheet D. student log-in for online testing 13 Slide 15 3. It shall be a violation of security a. Administer tests in a manner that is inconsistent b. Give examinees access c. Examine any test item d. Copy, reproduce, record, store electronically, discuss e. Coach examinees f. Provide answers to students in any manner g. Administer published, parallel, previously administered or current forms of any statewide assessment 14 Pages 1 and 2 Section III A 3 Slide 16 h. Fail to follow security regulations for distribution and return i. Conduct testing in environments that differ j. Fail to report any testing irregularities to the District Test Coordinator k. Participate in, direct, aid, counsel 15 Page 2 Section III A 3 Slide 17 4.True or False The test administration manual is considered secure and should be distributed only on the morning of the test. 16 Slide 18 5.Which of these is considered a violation of EBRPSS test security policy? A.waking a student who falls asleep during the EOC test B.discussing difficulty level of specific grade 7 iLEAP questions with a colleague C.writing the starting time on the chalk board D.sending for staff to remove a student who becomes ill 17 Slide 19 4.True or False The test administration manual is considered secure and should be distributed only on the morning of the test. 18 Slide 20 5.Which of these is considered a violation of EBRPSS test security policy? A.waking a student who falls asleep during the EOC test B.discussing difficulty level of specific grade 7 iLEAP questions with a colleague C.writing the starting time on the chalk board D.sending for staff to remove a student who becomes ill 19 Slide 21 Pages 2 3 outline investigation and testing procedures. 9. *NEW* Seating Charts are required. 20 Pages 2 3 Slide 22 10. e. Only personnel trained in test security and administration shall have access or administer assessments. 10. g. Testing shall be done in class-sized groups. K 3 is twenty-six students. 4 12 is thirty-three students. Small group accommodation is eight students. 21 Slide 23 11 Why does the state void tests? a)Improbable gains b)Collaboration c)Missing materials d)Erasure analysis e)Plagiarism f) 12. Programmatic, evaluative, or graduation criteria is not met if there is a breach of test security. 22 Page 4 Slide 24 15 16. Data access 23 Pages 4 - 5 FERPA Signed security agreements Aggregated data of fewer than 10 Data displays Slide 25 17. State and District Monitors 24 Slide 26 6.Which of these is a new item to state and district test security policy? A.seating charts for all testing groups B.principal designates one person as the school test coordinator C.small group testing is eight students or less D.investigation of suspected cheating by students 25 Slide 27 7.Which of these would be considered an administrative error? A.Student has assistive technology (calculator) on the IAP. The calculator is given to the student for the entire math test. B.Student with an IEP that indicates the accommodations small group and test read aloud does not want the test read to him. Parent agrees to students request. C.During the grade 4 LEAP test, the Test Administrator reads the reading comprehension questions and answer choices aloud. D.Students IEP indicates she takes ELA grade 8 LEAP and math grade 8 LAA2. 26 Slide 28 8.Which is considered a violation of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)? A.an article in the school newsletter explaining SPS B.a sign in front of school announcing Honor Roll program C.a newspaper ad with photographs of National Merit Finalists D.a students scored written composition and attached rubric posted on bulletin board 27 Slide 29 6.Which of these is a new item to state and district test security policy? A.seating charts for all testing groups B.principal designates one person as the school test coordinator C.small group testing is eight students or less D.investigation of suspected cheating by students 28 Slide 30 7.Which of these would be considered an administrative error? A.Student has assistive technology (calculator) on the IAP. The calculator is given to the student for the entire math test. B.Student with an IEP that indicates the accommodations small group and test read aloud does not want the test read to him. Parent agrees to students request. C.During the grade 4 LEAP test, the Test Administrator reads the reading comprehension questions and answer choices aloud. D.Students IEP indicates she takes ELA grade 8 LEAP and math grade 8 LAA2. 29 Slide 31 8.Which is considered a violation of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)? A.an article in the school newsletter explaining SPS B.a sign in front of school announcing Honor Roll program C.a newspaper ad with photographs of National Merit Finalists D.a students scored written composition and attached rubric posted on bulletin board 30 Slide 32 VII. Administrative Errors Accommodation given or not given On-level not LAA2 District, state or guardian request a retest Louisiana Department of Education charges a fee for sending an additional test - $350.00 per subject, per test 31 Page 7 - 8 Slide 33 IX. Report Emergencies A. Fire Alarms B. Online Testing Emergency Plan 32 Slide 34 No cell phones or electronic devices Test Voided Viewed in the presence of the guardian Disciplinary action required Liable for test item replacement cost 33 Page 8 9 Page 8 9 *NEW* Procedures Slide 35 9. What is the best way to prevent violations of cell phone and electronic device usage? A.cell phones in the off position B.all cell phones and electronic devices collected prior to test session C.teacher uses her cell phone to call parent of disruptive student D.student signs a statement in test booklet that cell phone was not used 34 Slide 36 10. True or False In the event of a testing irregularity, the first call must be to the District Test Coordinator, Liz Frischhertz, or Backups Ruth Bennett and/or Cynthia Sampey. 35 Slide 37 9. What is the best way to prevent violations of cell phone and electronic device usage? A.cell phones in the off position B.all cell phones and electronic devices collected prior to test session C.teacher uses her cell phone to call parent of disruptive student D.student signs a statement in test booklet that cell phone was not used 36 Slide 38 10. True or False In the event of a testing irregularity, the first call must be to the District Test Coordinator, Liz Frischhertz, or Backups Ruth Bennett and/or Cynthia Sampey. 37 Slide 39 11.CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE (4 points) Using the EBRPSS Test Security Policy just presented, respond to the following items. You may refer to the policy to help form your responses. A.State one policy or procedure that is new to Test Security Policy this year. (1 point) B.Compare how this new policy was done previously with how it will be conducted during 2014 spring testing. (2 points: 1 point for previous action / 1 point for future action) C.Cite 1-2 examples from your past experiences or what you have heard to justify your response. (1 point; point cannot be awarded without specific examples) 38 Slide 40 11.CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE (4 points) Using the EBRPSS Test Security Policy just presented, respond to the following items. You may refer to the policy to help form your responses. A.State one policy or procedure that is new to Test Security Policy this year. (1 point) B.Compare how this new policy was done previously with how it will be conducted during 2014 spring testing. (2 points: 1 point for previous action / 1 point for future action) C.Cite 1-2 examples from your past experiences or what you have heard to justify your response. (1 point; point cannot be awarded without specific examples) 39 Slide 41 East Baton Rouge Parish School System Accountability & Assessment accountability.ebrschools.org (225) 226 7625Fax (225) 226 7605accountability.ebrschools.org Louisiana Department of Education www.louisianabelieves.net (225) 342 - 3490www.louisianabelieves.net Bulletin 118 http://www.louisianaschools.net/bese/policies.htmlhttp://www.louisianaschools.net/bese/policies.html House Bill 1442, Session 2010 www.legis.state.la.us/billdata/streamdocument.asp?did=72214www.legis.state.la.us/billdata/streamdocument.asp?did=72214 Testing Vendors ACT (Explore, Plan, ACT) http://act.org/aap/louisiana/act.html Data Recognition Corporation (LEAP, iLEAP, ELDA, LAA) https://la.drcedirect.com/ Pacific Metrics (End-of-Course Exams) https://www.louisianaeoc.org/.phpProg/EOC/Login/login.php Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) http://www.parcconline.org/parcc-assessment 40

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