1· .. t. h .e· .. p o i n .te r · blanks,•• quoth herbert s . with expul-h1·okpn. c'ach st...

Post on 27-Jan-2021






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  • ~~~-~m~-.~~m~~~~*-~-~-~~~~~~-.-. -1· .. ...... T. H .E· .. P O i N .TE R .. .. . ·; - MARDI GRAS NUMBER ~ I· SeriHlll Vol. I No. 9 S,ev,os Poine, Wis., Febru,cy 24, 1927 Peke 5 Cene, II ·; MARDI GRAS READY TO START I r~ WHITEWATER LOStS AND OSHKOSH 1 ·- ~arbt ~rag - (111· CARNIVAL TO BE ;: ; 1; WINS IN FAST WEEK-END GAMES I l3rogr~m REVELRY OF GAY =

    1_m.~, •• Purple Wins and Loses by Differ- Point_ And Falls _ ~1·:1~1~ t8~c -Gymnasium I MERRY MAKING m_ ' '. ~ ence of Single Point "116 L D b Suppc 1· - Home Econorni,'S I m m.· , • The econd out of town tl'ip by /YJeet n e ate Dining Room - 5 :00. Bal Masque and Union Vodvil to m.; . • m the Purple cage squad resulted in Stunt s and S ideshows _ I be Features m

    • the same pl'opol'tions as the first. On Tnesday, February 22, and 7 :00 - 8 :00. \\·ha ten ,· you might imagine

    11 · ·" One ga me was lost, and one came Wednesday, Febrnary 23, the Un_i on Voci.vii - Aucl itori.1:1m I about thi s impendi ng )fardi Gl'as ·~: out in Stcnns Point 's farn r. Point Negative team debated the - 8 .00 - 9 .00. you will neve r qu ite be able to ; 'l'h c Oshkosh battle was played Ri ver F all s Affi,.mat in team. at White Elephant Sale imag ine the splendor of it. It m

    on an odd floor . The \Vinnebago Ste,-ens P oin t and Amherst, res- Audi torium - 9 :00 - 9 :15. wi ll be as much more glorious m m gym is as long as the basket ball pectivcly. Ca mi va l Dance-G ymnasium than anything ever presented at '.Ii ~ rules allow - ninety feet , and it .-\]th ough both were non-det i- - 9 :t5 - 12 :00. the Stevens Point Normal School

    is on ly ro ,·ty feet wide. This sion meets, the Pointers made as the . tunt s, minstrels, dazzling •m, _ makes fo r specializa tiou in floor such a splendid showing that the , ,·ostumes, stunning caps, confett i work. 'l'hc Point has always home audience wished that a cleci- Queer Gift Sent . will blend in a rhapsody of r evel-played on a fa irly " square" sion had .been rendered, as they T B ld ry. ~{asked romance will add a m fl oor, and while they had been felt Slll"C that it would have been JO Dr. a win tinge to the mystery of the Grand W , coachecl for the Oshkosh comt, in favor of the Negat ive tea m, _____ lla l )Iasq uc. Music will keep m.·. , , t he odd sha pe hampered t hem c,·en though they had to compete P1·cs ident Baldwin is in receipt cadence with the hearts of the ~ somewhat. .',enrthcless they agai nst )farshall Norseng, who of a package sent by i\Ir. E. mcny-makcrs. It will be )la rcl i put up a ra ring good fight has made a mime fo r himself in ~IcLaughlin from Madeira, Cal- Gras as you d ream of i\Iard i Gras. m against a tea m used to th eir ow n 1his type of act ivi ty. il'ornia, con taining some Egypt- Popularity Contest Close ll~- ·. floo1·. 1IacDonald was hurt in The :-legutive team is composed ian or Kaff ir co rn and cotton . I t prom ises to be bi gger than thc' first hal f and had to come out of: Elizabeth Kelly, first speak- 'l'h e co rn , which is le[t on the cnr before. .-\II the elements d!!J:ing the second period due to c1·; Arthur )[cNom1, second I sta lk , bears a r esemblance to our that make for success and color ~ the injn1·y. The f inal score was spea ker: Donald Vetter, thir

  • 1~mmm·-·m~ -·mm~mm~m~~m~mm~mmmm~mmmm ' =~~~m1~~@.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~~~~: ~ ~ THE POINTER . · ~ I v.u THE POINTER """m. I HUMOR CAT.CH I ~ MORE OR L ESS COLU MN ~ ~ Sorn~:~t~~i:~~l.\\" cckly by the students of the Stevens Point, Wisconsin State I CATCH-CAN m ~ THE STAFF Catch what you can; m ~ Editor.in-Chief . . . . . . . . . Arnold M. 11.llmquist C:1 11 what you catch. ~ ~ J\ ssocint.c Edi:or Russell Lewis m ~ ~:~~:i:~t(fit~~litor . . . .. . .. ... :·.~·.·.·.·. ·.·.·. · ·· ···· .... ]fc~!!i'~ ~{~~~~= THE PENALTY We


    : ·.- : Soticl\· Editor Bernice Vinkle 11=: , : . HPporier~ . . . . 1\Iaric J.\Iollen, H elen ,vcber .

    High School . . . . ,Jargaret Taras DON 'T GET YOURSELF INTO m ~!.i?im~~o~~~.ks ... ·.·.·.·.:........... . 1-l:~f::;.r~"~l~~:~':J Isa\\· th ,• ,!~~~ i~~f.:ocs of m ' • S 1 . L.b kk ,·111l!t11·,.'.l1 l,· .... e11 : • @.. ' :. Pritnaries . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • • . . . • • . . . • . . . . • . y \"lfi I a ·en ~· .. ·m. _ Business Manager ..........•.... , .... , . . . • . . . • . . ... AIIC'n ?ll'cVey BL·mo1·sl' lrncl sWl'J)I hi~ rnc11tal

    Advertising Manager . . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . \\":iltc-r Was rud t hl' f'Sho ld tlNIII -m ~

    Circulntion Manager ...... . . . . . . .. .... . . 1-~dn: t Wa it rud .llis hands Wl'l ' l' it" l'. his tt,mplt:s ~ Faculty Advisor ... · .. ·, · · · · · · J. J. Rcllnhan I I I · ,.. ,' ·

    · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ' In filling out your income tax t 11·0 l ) Ill;.! .lll'e, • ' • blanks,•• quoth Herbert s . with expul- H1·okPn. C'ach st rin g- of l-lopl• 1s ,m•

    THE MARDI GRAS BAL MASQUE sion of tony words, (he was advising c·nd11 1·i11 er lyre. ~ Th e C:ran,l B,il 1\l asqu,· \\'h i of Ill'O· d1·ops :-;ra red his ch in-

    1111u11 cc- 1I rn C' ntality, du~ from th e beer ' 1 !' 'II ne,·('1· miss a .:\lan]i.Gras • • Sylvester Lives ristl'l'll or th ti ] 'tol('mic>:-:. i11 it:-: o riginrt l a:;ai11. n II-: ·. form: .

    p .\ RT VI Z:1h:-u tikkla h:tl,a 111okka hab:1 i-ajo go!-:.clonnooh. THE TRUTH II

    ' ·Dud ' . leaped up and without an excess g-estm·l· made fo1· th £• lrnck door. "Cops!" thought 8yl-,·e:-;ter. '' Cops ~·, J( e henrd '' Dud'' opr 11ing tht> l>aek door and hastened to f'ollo\\' hi111. Ile got to I he door just as 1 ·Duel· ' was being h:H'kccl into the• houst· by a husk)' plain-clot hes-ma n.

    " All right. stm1d ove l' there, .. said lhe office ,·. " Duel " and S.vl-,·ester compli ed, thou"h Sylvester had not th e sligh test idea \\'hy he should.

    ~Ieanwhi lc the office1·s at the front door hail forced their \\'H)' in . At the same time one of them 1·el11rncd from th e cc lla,· w ith sc ,·cra l bottles of illicit liquor anrl the coil of a st ill , another came do\\'n from t1psta i1·s with R{lgina 's father .

    It was then that Sylvester IParn-cd what was what. The ho use was " pinched·' for bootlegging !

    1 t tile ·f,·1·111te'.·· t ,11 itc of "Co111C', 11ohle 'hag-', k t ui,; 'neck!" "'ANrrED : Gi rl, pitit u itary •. to c cs .1·oy ,, "Relinquish 1·our moral turpitude, all(] lype, fh·e feet SC\'en, \\'Cight about • • attl'act1,C'ness. he was pushed , tc:1r with me oul hc-hind the .. phinx; I ~ violently, into it in the darkest of can get thC' old man'~ chariot t ' night. 11 ]20 pounds, brunette, clear skin ,

    11 hours. It had always occu i·ecl to " ' hi ch goC's to prov(' thnt Antone nnd hea lthy, small hands and feet, him that one was taken to J·ail in thl" rest of Cleo's gnng- kn ('w their pas. ab le good looks. l\Iust have- • • lin es t'\"{'11 though ttwy did IC't them Good teeth - J. Q. 11-1 or above- II

    the morning. That one liYed the dr:ig. i·ea:ona blc temper - excell ent , clay \\'ithin the sombre \\'alls, and ' t hat nigh I came like a comforting ' "Here's where I get off," said Mr. per ona lit.r - good breeding nncl

    11:. ,"

    rlimax: that one took it o-ratcful- Sp!ndler 's spectacles as the hand ap- presentab le ancestors to three _ Ir and Jay down to soul s;tisfying proached for the twenty.seventh time generations back - good reputa-s,lecp. · , in thirty minutes. l ion. i\fusica l, meehanica l and mo- II

    But, it was night 110\\': early PUNCH! PLEASE COPY! ~l~Pgt~~o.:lt: t~:e(~~·ii;; \cpqet~iirr~~ti~;~! II · lt I k } jj WANTED: ,vomcn to mangle ....

    morning. was car·: lOIT Y· Hav" lost art., but can use intuineu. . will be g iven fair chance to prove 0

    ' •

    ingly da ,·k. This ,ms too sudden. Moutuguc Crosby. thcmsch ·cs. Sy!Yeste 1· ceased to rega rd it as A I p · Off' II l'Omanticism . H e \\'as locked np ! ALL KNOWN - CENTS. PP r at omter ice. , . • l bl k d h h d t th Mr. Mott - " And I ' ve found in my 1 \\'aS ac ·, an C a no e contact with life that there's no fool BRAINLESS QUERIES m

    fa int est idea of th e size of his cell. like an old fool. " Why arc the seats in t he front ~ This was painful. Miss " What about the rows of the l\Iajcstic so popular

    The discomfiture of being lock- young fool that marries an old fool?" these clay. ? Especially on week- II cd up had precluded a ny though ts The following poem, reproduce,! encl nights. Of course, we would about the seriousness of t he from a prize contest in which all hate to say anything, bnt we sur- m charge against him.. members of the Pointc.r Mtaff partici · misc that the fact that a number ~

    H e had lain on t hat u ncom- pntcd, won by " neck. Its theme is of t he fellows in t he orchestra a re m p1·omising jail cot for more t han Lov~f'wo hearts that yearn pretty keen looking has some. -m: an hour, when his nerves seemed For Lo,·c's sweet pr ison, thi ng to do with it. How about

    Nothing seemed important a- to b kl s ddcnly ancl he j ump A k R t " Lew! for the m bout this business of being locked eel. l~~~ ~v~~ awake. lt was t he!; last ;,o ~es." US y S it , g ir ls? m up. As a matter of fact Sylvester that he sat np , sta red about h im Mr. ,vatson: Henry, t ell what II had often wondered how it would into th e blackness and r ealized Many n wandering mind has visited '-'011 kno,,• abOllt t l1e Mongo1·1an

    l I I h 11othing but the Ho.lluci Nntion~. ., . fee to )C put in a cell . to lCllr t C that he was in jail ; t hat he was- race. m lock click, the foot-steps of the so far as the world was concern- FREE MALTEDS. Hank I

  • ~m~~~~~~~m~~mm~~m~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    'l'HE POIN'l'ER 3 l!t ==================~~==============-=-_~_ Im ,~w=====/=====11 =====so=====c=====I =====E =====T =====Y=====/=====11 W=====· ~l llj-THE MA~RD-_r G-RAs. I

    Ma rdi-Gras Lunch To Be


    R l•mcm her to patronize the 1.'ea Boom chni nµ- ) l n rdi Oras. \Ve arc anti cipating all yo ur likes an d clislik c~. g-ct ling information fro m YOlll' frit•nds abou t what YO U lik(' t~ l'at and how 11H11.:h you iike to l'ilt. and on thrsr fa~ts and sup posit ions we a1·e fo nnul a1 inµ-ou r menu. And too, C'Vrryt hin g-,rill he in l'xpens in and thcl'cfo1·c st ill 11101·,• sat isfatto,.,·.


    1'h c J{nnil Departm ent has sta 1·tcd \\"Ork on the pla y \\" h ich wi ll be th e ir contl' ibut ion to t he su,·ccss of the ,\lal'cli G1·as. 'l'h cy arc nl so planning on g iYi11 g a music-comedy s pecial.

    J\l cmbe1·s of the Forum m1tl'h fo r specia l notil'c of a meeting. Julia Va n H ec ke ha s been appo i1 ,t cd cha il'man of th e Ma rdi Oras con,mitt ee. l:ly th e puzz led ex pression on he l' face we would say that s he has no t bee n id le.


    A twelve o'dock luncheon \\"US sc rve

  • mmm~~m~~~~~~m~m*~fflffl~~~-~~~-.-.~--m 4 T l!E POl:\'TER It m NINTH GRADE CLASS 1s sn vEsTER uvEs I i 1 m HOST AT FACULTY TEA c

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