1 st quarter eqt review

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1 st Quarter EQT Review. Civics. What are the three main forms of government ? Dictatorship, monarchy, democracy. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy, while King Albert II of Belgium is a constitutional monarch. What is the difference? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


1st Quarter EQT ReviewCivics

What are the three main forms of government?

Dictatorship, monarchy, democracy

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy, while King Albert II of Belgium is a constitutional monarch. What is the difference?

Abdullah has complete authority, but Albert’s power is limited

Which are the ways to become a U.S. citizen?

Born in U.S. or territories, one or more parents is a citizen, become naturalized, under 18 when parents are naturalized

“Consent of the governed” gives power to whom?

Citizens or the people

Which are the duties of a U.S. citizen?

Obey the law, defend the nation, serve as witness or on a jury, pay taxes, attend school

What ideas or documents influenced the colonists?

Athens’ direct democracy, Rome’s republic, England’s limits on its king (Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights), John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu

What was the purpose of the Magna Carta? Who benefitted?

Limited the king’s power. The nobles

What ideas did Locke give the colonists? Montesquieu?

Natural rights and the separation of powers

What is the name for Montesquieu’s idea of a three branch government?

Separation of powers

According to Locke, what are citizens’ three rights?

Life, liberty, property

Why did the First Continental Convention meet?

Revise the Articles of Confederation

According to the Declaration of Independence, governments derives their power from whom?

Consent of the governed

Who was the main author of the Declaration?

Thomas Jefferson

What does the Declaration say people should do if the government stops protecting their rights?

Attempt to alter or abolish the government

Under the Articles of Confederation, who had most of the power?


What did many delegates at the Constitutional Convention fear a strong government would do?

Abuse power

What issues did the Great Compromise settle?

The number of representatives in the House and Senate

What is the name for the seven sections that the Constitution is organized into?


What two things did the Framers want the Supreme Court to do?

Interpret laws and settle conflicts among the states

Who got executive power under the Constitution?

One President

What are the goals of the Constitution (in the Preamble)?

Form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for common defense, promote general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty

Which branch of state and federal government makes laws?


What do first three articles of the Constitution describe?

The branches of government

Which branch of government can declare a law unconstitutional?


Which branch of government carries out the laws?


What idea is the Constitution based on?

Popular sovereignty

Which clause in the Preamble refers to replacing a weak national government?

To form a more perfect union

How can the executive branch do to limit the power of the legislative branch?

Vetoing an act passed by Congress

What does the “due process” clause of the 5th Amendment mean?

Accused people will be treated fairly under the law

Why did James Madison want Congress to prepare a bill of rights quickly?

To earn the people’s trust

How can an amendment be ratified?

State legislatures or state conventions

What rights does the 1st Amendment protect?

Individual freedoms - religion, speech, press, assembly, petition the government

What do accused persons have the right to?

Trial by jury, bail, remain silent

What does the 5th amendment protect?

Rights of accused people

How does the Bill of Rights make citizens’ rights difficult to interpret?

It is a broad description of rights

Which branch of government examines laws and determines how they should be applied?


Define “revenue.”

Money collected by the government

When was the Alabama Constitution written?


What state has the longest constitution in the world?


Most U.S. immigrants today come from Mexico. On which continent is it?

North America

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