1 prevention awareness gatekeepers of arkansas providing youth suicide prevention awareness talk –...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Gatekeepers of Arkansas Providing Youth Suicide Prevention AwarenessPrevention Awareness

Talk – Ask – Listen – Keep Safe/Get Help



H O P EPortions of the slides prepared by Maine Youth Suicide

Prevention Program.www.mainesuicideprevention.org

– Language, Statistics, and Myths about suicide

– Warning signs and risk factors– Basic intervention skills to use with

suicidal behavior– The aftermath of suicidal behavior


Today We Will Cover:

Language Considerations


MUST Avoid:“successful suicide”“failed attempt”

Please USE:“suicide” or “died by/of suicide”“non-fatal attempt”

Should Avoid:

“committed suicide”“completed suicide”“JUST a cry for help”

Please USE:

“died by/of suicide”“a suicide attempt”

Suicidal related communications include ideation - the direct communication of thoughts, talk, sharing of plans that may indicate a person is thinking about taking his/her own life. Suicide Attempt: A self-inflicted, potentially injurious behavior with a nonfatal outcome for which there is evidence of intent to die. Suicide: A self-inflicted death with evidence (implicit or explicit) of the intent to die.


Common Words & Phrases

Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for Arkansas’ youth ages 15-24

Of every 5 suicides, 4 are males

Of every 15 suicides, 7 are by firearm, 4 by hanging, 3 by drowning or poison.


Suicide in Arkansas

It is estimated that there are 25 attempted suicides for each death by suicide


Attempted Suicides

Attempted SuicidesSuicide

Ratio implies 900,875 suicide attempts annually in USA11,175 Arkansans


Attempted Suicide by sex/gender

Estimated that there are:

3 female attempts for

each (1) male attempt

Attempted Suicides Suicides



65 & over


Attempted Suicide & Age


1 male and 2 females have

probably attempted

suicide in the past year

In the typical high school classroom:


Support family/friends Acknowledge the impact, the fear Avoid judging, blaming Emphasize safety and removal of all

lethal means from household Encourage appropriate help


After an Attempt

1) T or F People who talk about suicide do not actually die by suicide.

2) T or F Suicide usually happens without warning signs.

3) T or F Talking or asking someone about suicide may plant the idea and cause a suicide.


Facts or Myths ?

Youth suicide is a problem.

We all need to learn about it.

Talking about suicide can save lives.


In Fact

SOME young children (ages 5-14) do understand the concept of death, are capable of planning a suicide and able to implement the plan. It is a rare event, but we must not assume that children can not or do not die by suicide. They do!

Some states have documented suicides in children as young as 8 years old.


A Word About Young Children

Warning Signs - the earliest observable signs that indicate the risk of suicide for an individual in the near-term (within minutes, hours or days.)

Risk Factors - long standing conditions, stressful events or situations that may increase the likelihood of a suicide attempt or death.

Protective Factors - personal and social resources that promote resiliency and reduce the potential of suicide.



Ideation Substance Abuse

Purposelessness Anxiety Trapped


Withdrawal Anger Recklessness Mood Change


Warning Signs

Useful Mnemonic: Is Path Warm?

Depressed / Anxious Increased alcohol/drug use “Roller coaster” moodiness Changes in every day behaviors Overly pessimistic, hopeless Neglects self, friends, usual activities

Includes Behavioral, Emotional & Physical Signs:


Early Warning Signs of Suicide

Talks of suicide, plans for how/when/where Refuses help Agitated, restless, picks fights Gives away favorite things, writes a will Shows SUDDEN improvement in mood (suicide

euphoria) Increased isolation Uses instant messaging or phone to drop hints


Late Signs/Behaviors May Include:


Listen for Verbal Clues

DirectI wish I were deadI’m going to end it all

IndirectI’m tired of it allYou’ll be better off without meWhat’s the point of living?


•Depression, anxiety, or mood disorder

•Current or previous suicidal behavior

•Being a victim of sexual or emotional abuse

•Conduct problems

•Access to lethal means


Risk Factors forAdolescent Suicide

Supports - Supportive parents, friends, teachers & other caring adults

Skills to think, communicate, solve problems, manage anger

Purpose & value in life-hope for future Personal characteristics - good health,

positive outlook, healthy choices Safe Environment – restricted access to

lethal means 22

Protective Factors

There is a lot of cross-over between Risk Factors and Warning Signs!

There is no particular set of risk factors that accurately predicts imminent danger.

There is no “typical” suicidal person - there are ALWAYS varying degrees of risk factors.


Very Important to Remember…

Crisis point has been reached Distress/torment/anxiety seems

unbearable Solutions to problems seem unavailable Rational Thinking is affected Ambivalence exists between wanting to live

and wanting to end the psychological pain Need to communicate pain is intense!


From a Suicidal Person’s Point of View


Worthless Lonely Sad

Hopeless Helpless


THOUGHTS“All of my problems will end soon”“No one can do anything to help me now”“I wish I were dead”“Everyone will be better off without me”“I won’t be needing these things anymore”“I can’t do anything right”“I can’t think straight”

Giving away possessions Withdrawal (family, friends, school, work) Loss of interest in hobbies Abuse/use of alcohol, substances Reckless behavior Extreme mood swings

PHYSICALLack of interest in appearanceChanges in appetite, weightChange in sleep patterns



Invitations to Help

Inability/lack of knowledge

Worry about doing/saying the “right” thing

Feelings of inadequacy

Belief in myths of suicide26

Intervention--Why People Hesitate

Ignoring or dismissing the issue Acting shocked or embarrassed Challenging, debating or

bargaining Giving harmful advice


What is NOT Helpful

1)Show You Care—Listen carefully—Be genuine “I’m concerned about you . . . about how you feel.”

2)Ask the Question—Be direct, caring and non-confrontational

“Are you thinking about suicide?”

3)Get Help—Do not leave him/her alone “You’re not alone. Let me help you.”


What IS Helpful

Use handout: “What Is Helpful 3-Step Intervention”1. Think up & write 1 or 2 phrases or ways

that YOU would use to “show you care.”2. Write two other ways you might “ask the

question” about suicide.3. List two ways you would try to convince

someone to “get help” and name two resources.


Practice Helpful Steps!


Resources for Help – Phone numbers

Arkansas Crisis Hotline 1-888-CRISIS2 (1-888-274-7472)

National Suicide Crisis Hotline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)•Or 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)•En Español 1-888-628-9454•TTY capability 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

 MYSPP Web Site: www.mainesuicideprevention.org

Online Crisis Chat: www.crisischat.org or www.arcrisis.org


Resources for Help - Websites

School Administrators School Counselors Teachers & School Staff School Nurses & Health Services Social Workers School Crisis Team School Resource Officer Any Trusted Adult32

School Resources for Help

When Any Concern Is Raised Contact: Principal & School Counselor School Crisis Team Parent or GuardianHave a Suicide (Risk) Assessment


Our school protocol is…

It is estimated that there are

6 survivors

Ratio implies 199,800 new survivors of suicide annually


Number of Suicide Survivors

A“suicide survivor” is someone who has lost a loved one to death by




in 2008

for each death by suicide

Struggle to make meaning of the loss Suffer from overwhelmingly

complicated feelings May take a long time to grieve Need understanding and support Youth survivors have special issues


Survivors of Suicide

Acknowledge the loss Share a special memory/story Use the name of the deceased Share your presence Acknowledge the good things Stay in touch Call local hospice center for grief support

groups 36

How you can help after a suicide

Age: Certain ages more than others. Gender: One gender more than the other. Stress: Troubling experiences that challenge

the person’s ability to cope. Warning Signs: Behaviors that can be

observed (Aggression, Sadness, Drug or Alcohol Abuse)


Factors Used in Estimating the Risk of Suicide

Current Suicide Plan: Whether or not there is a plan and any details of that plan

Prior Suicidal Behavior: Personal history of suicide or suicide attempt(s): including “modeling” by family, friends or others

Resources/Protective Factors: Physical and emotional resources which the person feels are helping, caring or supportive 38

Additional Factors Used in Estimating the Risk of Suicide

Your Rank Rank ___ Age___ Gender ___ Stress___ Warning Signs___ Current Suicidal Plan___ Prior Suicidal Behavior___ Resources/Protective Factors

54 6 3 1 2 7


Estimate the Risk of Suicide

Acknowledge the intensity of your feelings

Seek support, de-brief Share your feelings Avoid over – involvement Know that you are not responsible for

another person’s choice to end their life40

Responders – Take Care of Yourself!

The story on video we are about to see is true. It concerns a suicide intervention that occurred only days after the end of a suicide prevention learning unit done at a Maine middle school health class.

It is told by the real student and guidance counselor involved. No scripts were used, no rehearsals held and no special lighting or sound systems. A high school student did the actual digital filming.



Business Office: (479) 756-1995 Fax: (479) 756-2338Email: www.arcrisis.orgAR Crisis Hotline: 1-888-274-7472


Crisis Center


Any Questions?


Before You Leave…

Thank You . . For learning about suicide prevention

ADE Support: betty.welch@arkansas.gov roger.palmer@arkansas.gov

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