1 nete4631 mobile cloud computing lecture notes #10

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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NETE4631Mobile Cloud Computing

Lecture Notes #10

Security Mapping - Recap Determine which resources you are planning to

move to the cloud Determine the sensitivity of the resources to risk Determine the risk associated with the particular

cloud deployment type (public, private, or hybrid models) of a resource

Take into account the particular cloud service model that you will be using

If you have selected a particular cloud provider, you need to evaluate its system to understand how data is transferred, where it is stored, and how to move data both in and out of the cloud


Securing Approach – Recap (2)

Techniques for securing applications, data, management, network, and physical hardware

Comply to compliance standards


_aaS applications – Recap (3)


IDaaS (Identity as a Service )

CaaS (Compliance as a Service)

Lecture Outline Mobile market Adopting mobile cloud applications

Mobile web services Service discovery

Push technology


Mobile Market


Number of Subscribers


Adopting Mobile Cloud Applications

One application on cloud can be accessed by multiple types of clients.

Mobile cloud computing A model where processing is done in the cloud,

data is stored in the cloud, mobiles device serves as a presentation platform or a display

Advantage of cloud apps to mobile cloud Thinner devices -> less processing, consume

less power, and have better battery life Avoidance of vendor lock-in.


Adopting Mobile Cloud Applications (2)

Customized clients and GUIs for each specific type of client. e.g., Featured phones with light weight

operating systems. Smart phones with sophisticated

operating systems. e.g., iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Symbian.

Less processing power, memory and storage but needs to be aware of bandwidth and display resolutions.


Android Market


Apple Mobile Me

Picture from Alexandra Institute 11

iPhone Application Hosting by Amazon

Picture from Alexandra Institute 12

iAWS Manager

Picture from Alexandra Institute 13

Mobile Web Services

Mobile web service are those in which information is transferred between applications (browser) and services over the internet.

Can make use of specific information about the context of the device and its users. Physical context Logical context


SOA Approach to processing requests using contextual data from mobile users


Service Discovery

Web services are useful only if they can be discovered by mobile devices and accessed by mutually supported protocol.

WS-Discovery from OASIS Standard WSDL (Web Service Description

Language) UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery,

and Integration) SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)


Mobile Web Services (2)

Mobile interoperability needs to be addressed in terms of Variable screen size and resolution. Slow network transmission. Different methods of navigation through

the interface. Vendor lock-in

Exclusion of support for certain file types such as PDF, and cookies, and technologies such as Adobe Flash.

Onerous transmission costs.17

Homepage of New York Times


Push Technology Can make use of push services for

Automated software updates and installations Instant messaging Email RSS services Performing synchronization of data with cloud

Can use SMS services in case of unavailability of internet.


BlackBerry Push Service



Chapter 20, 21 of Course Book: Cloud Computing Bible, 2011, Wiley Publishing Inc.


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