1. most americans can traced their ancestry back to europe, what is the reason for this? p 135 ...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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1. Most Americans can traced their ancestry back to Europe, what is the reason for this? P 135

After Columbus many Europeans migrated to the New World.

2. Early North Americans continued to move south after crossing the Beringia Land Bridge, why would they not just stop in the northern part? p 125 Too cold in the northern part of North America. They continued to move south

for better climate.

3. What was exchange between the old and new worlds as a result of the Columbian Exchange? p 136

Many fruits, vegetables, animals and diseases

4. What is the natural resource that makes today’s transportation possible? (Think cars, planes and automobiles)


5. Present day Alaska and Siberia were once connected, how was this possible? p 127 During the ice ages of the Pleistocene Epoch, global sea levels fell

significantly in many areas around the world as the Earth's water and precipitation became frozen in large continental ice sheets and glaciers. As these ice sheets and glaciers grew, global sea levels fell and in several places across the planet different land bridges became exposed. The Bering Land Bridge between eastern Siberia and Alaska was one of these.

6. The United States has changed a great deal in the last 200 years, list some of the changes.

Cars, planes, trains. Paved roads, cities have grown, more communication

7. What causes the earth to have different seasons? p 49 As the earth revolves around the sun, it is tilted at a 23.50 angel in relation to

the sun. Because of the earth’s revolution and its tilt, different parts of the earth receive the direct rays of the sun for more hours of the day at certain times in the year. This causes the changing seasons and weather on the earth.

8. Explain the characteristics of soil. p. 65 Thin layer of weathered rock, sand, clay, humus (organic matter), air and

water. Supports plants and the word’s food supply. Different depths, texture, and humus determines the type of vegetation that can be supported.

9. Explain Plate Tectonics including a sketch of the illustration on page 38.

10. Explain the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. p 28 On and above the earth: Surrounding the earth is a layer of gasses called the

atmosphere. It contains the oxygen we breathe, protect the earth from radiation and space debris, and provides the medium for weather and climate.

The solid rock portion of the earth’s surface is the lithosphere, which includes the crust and uppermost mantle. Under the ocean, the lithosphere forms the seafloor. The huge landmasses above water are called continents.

The hydrosphere is made up of the water elements on the earth, which include oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and water in the atmosphere.

Together the atmosphere, the lithosphere and the hydrosphere form the biosphere, the part of the earth where plants and animals live.

11. Copy the illustration of vertical climate zones on page 208.

12. How do the westerly winds affect the climate of the northwestern part of the United States? p 124 The Pacific coast from northern California to southern Alaska, which includes

British Columbia, has a climate described a marine west coast. This climate is affected by Pacific Ocean currents, the coastal mountains and the prevailing westerlies – winds that blow from west to east in the middle of the latitudes. Creating mild wet summers and winters that are long and mild but rainy and foggy.

13. How does climate influence biomes? p 65

Soil, temperature, and moisture influence the type of vegetation that thrives naturally in a region. Climate has an effect on the temperature and moisture that is in a region.

14. Explain Rights and Land Claims in New Zealand. p 720 New Zealanders have a long tradition of concern for equal rights and the

welfare of its citizens. In 1893, New Zealand became the first country to grant women the vote.

15. Look up population pyramids online and explain what each shape tells us.

16. Explain how a population pyramid can help predict future needs.

Policy Planning: future housing, future schools, future jobs, future medical care, depending on the age group that is largest.

17. Look at the graph on page 78, what event caused the world’s population to double? After the industrial revolution, people grew more and better food and

improved sanitation methods and better medicine, all of these combined caused the population of the world to soar.

18. List some positive and some negative ways that people modify the environment.Positive

Pollution, fossil fuels.Negative

Grow trees, recycle, less fossil fuels

19. Explain what an igloo is and why would it be built. There are very little building materials in the cold northern part of North

America, so the native peoples, the Inuit, used the most abundant material, Snow.

They build them as temporary shelters for hunting trips. Sometimes for permanent dwellings in the winter time.

20. Explain GIS and what it is used for. p 13

Geographic Information Systems. It combines information from a lot of different sources and creates a composite map combining the information.

21. How did the human response to Hurricane Katrina help or hurt the destruction? Not getting people out, not getting supplies to them after the hurricane. This

made it much worse than it would have been if the city had planned better.

22. List the Formal Regions. p 7 The United States and Canada

Latin America


Russia and the Republics


Southwest Asia

South Asia

East Asia

Southeast Asia, Oceania, and Antarctica

23. Where are the Andes Mountains and the Amazon River located? South America

24. What are the pampas, where are they located and describe their climate. p 202 & 208 Argentina and Uruguay they are grassland, with rich soil and a temperate

climate. Good for farming and livestock.

25. List and describe the 4 basic economic systems. p 91 Traditional Economy: goods and services are traded without exchanging

money. Also called “barter.”

Command economy: production of goods and services is determined by a central government, which usually owns the means of production. Production does not necessarily reflect the consumer demand. Also called a planned economy.

Market economy: Production of goods and service is determined by the demand from consumers. Also called a demand economy or capitalism.

Mixed Economy: a combination of command and market economies, provides goods and serest so that all people will benefit

26. List and explain the zones of latitude. p 55 Geographers divide the earth into three general zones of latitude: low or

tropical, middle or temperate (where most people live), and high or polar.

Low based on latitude number; equator is 00 and the polar is 900

27. Explain Culture. Why would it be called a “blueprint for living?” p 71 (look up the word “blueprint”) Culture is the total of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared by and

passed on by the member of a specific group. It is a blueprint because it shows how to behave if you want to fit in with your group. It includes: food and shelter, religion, relationships to family and other, language, education, security/protection, political and social organization, creative expression.

28. How did the building of railroads change the western part of the United States? p 130 Railroads carried goods and passengers cross-country, promoting economic

development, so more people moved west.

29. What is the capital of Brazil, where is it located and why was it built there? p 237 Brasilia, built in the interior of Brazil. It was built to get people to move to the

interior away from the coasts.

30. Why were the first European settlements on the Eastern coast rather than the Western coast? Would settlement have been different if the Chinese had discovered the new world rather than Columbus? Explain. Use a world map for this question.

Because Europe is east of North America so they settled on the east coast first.

The west coast would have been settled first instead of the east coast. Then people would have eventually moved east. So we would have had eastern expansion instead of western expansion.

31. Describe Push and Pull factors. p 81 & 211 Push factors are those that cause people to leave their homeland and migrate

to another region, drought or other natural disasters, war, persecution of certain groups.

Pull factors draw or attract people to another location, jobs, medical care, and education.

32. Define Globalization and list the pros and cons. the development of an increasingly connected worldwide economy marked

especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the using cheaper foreign labor markets


Creates jobs in poorer countries

Governments are able to better work together on global issues

Access to foreign culture like movies, clothing and food, so more choices


Takes jobs from one country

Cultures begin to meld so less differences, people may lose their culture.

Greater chance of disease spreading worldwide.

33. Explain Sustainable development in your words not someone else’s words. Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the

ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

34. Explain subsistence agriculture and commercial agriculture. Subsistence agriculture: farmers focus on their family requirements. They

grow crops and raise animals to meet their own needs with little left over to sell.

Commercial Agriculture: large scale production of livestock and crops to sell at market not for use by the family.

35. Explain cottage industry. a system of production which takes place in private homes rather than in a

factory, with the tools and other means of production individually owned. Often hand-made or unique items. Usually run by members of a single family though not always.

36. Explain NAFTA and ASEAN. p 220 & 707 These are both free trade zones.

North America Free Trade Agreement: Agreement between Mexico, U.S. and Canada to make importing and exporting of goods easier.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand eliminating barriers to trade.

37. Explain the differences between a more developed economic system and a less developed economic system. p 95 Less developed nations have a low GDP and limited development on all levels

of economic activities, they lack an industrial base.

More developed nations have a high per capita income and a varied economy, and more quaternary activities, they trade huge amounts of goods.

38. Before planes, trains and automobiles what was the easiest way for people and goods to move? By water, so most people settled near water ways that could be used for

transportation. Modern technology, like cars, trains, and automobiles, has made it less necessary to live near water for transportation.

39. Explain the California Gold Rush. Include where it started, and how it affected migration. Gold was discovered in the Sacramento Valley in 1848 this sparked the gold

rush. As news spread of the discovery, thousands of prospective gold miners traveled by sea or over land to San Francisco which made the population of San Francisco grow. By the end of 1849 the population was 100,000 this made California a state.

40. Explain the following p 83 Democracy: Citizens hold political power, either directly or through elected

representatives. Example: the United States.

Monarchy: a ruling family headed by a king or queen hold political power and may or may not share the power with citizen bodies. Example the United Kingdom or Saudi Arabia.

Dictatorship: An individual or group holds complete political power. Example Belarus.

Socialism: the government controls most of a country’s means of production and the distribution of goods and services. Other aspects of the economy are subject to market forces Example Tanzania

Communism: the government owns and makes all decisions concerning the economy, holds all political power, and determines the distribution of goods and serves. Example North Korea.

41. What is the Kyoto Protocol?

A treaty to between many countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The United States did not ratify the treaty because they did not want outside countries dictating to them.

42. Describe the difference between Urban and Rural living. How do people in these two areas make a living, are they more or less religious, do they have access to lots of different products. In a city you have more access to different stores, and products. There are

more people who do not go to church and they have lots of choices for jobs.

In a rural area, there are fewer stores, jobs and most people go to church.

43. What two European countries colonized most of Latin America? What language and religion did they bring with them? And why is Latin America called Latin America? Spain and Portugal. Spanish and Portuguese are the two languages, which

come from Latin. And both countries are catholic.

44. What are the 5 pillars of faith in the Islamic Religion? Daily confession of faith

Pray 5 times a day

Giving to charity or paying the alms

Fasting during the month of Ramadan

Pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime.

45. Early immigrants to the U.S. were eager to assimilate and blend in with their new country’s culture, has this been true for 20th century immigrants?

No, Today’s immigrants try to hold on to the culture from the home country.

46. Explain cultural diffusion. p 72

The spread of ideas, invention or patterns of behavior is called diffusion.

47. Explain linguistic diffusion. What are some causes that would prevent languages from diffusing to other areas (think physical geography). Why are these physical barriers less of a problem today? p 77

Linguistic diffusion is when languages travel to other areas and are then used.

Mountains and large bodies of water may prevent languages from diffusing, but todays methods of transportation make language diffusion much more common. For example Spanglish.

48. List some changes to travel after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. What group was responsible for 9/11? Airline security is much tighter because of the terrorist’s attacks of 9/11 by al-


49. List some of the problems with the construction of dams to produce hydroelectric power. Risk of failure, if it breaks many people can die, homes can be destroyed.

Environmental may destroy wild life habitats, drain wetlands, and cause river pollution

50. Explain how the St. Lawrence Seaway works and why it was built. p 129 North Americas’ most important deepwater ship route. Enables huge,

oceangoing vessels to sail into the industrial and agricultural heartland of N. America. Ships go through a series of locks that raise or lower the ship so it can sail into the next lock.

51. Explain what fossil fuels are and the problems with using them. They cause pollution like smog and greenhouse gasses that are responsible

for global warming. The cost keeps going up and we will eventually run out. Also causes Acid Rain.

52. What are the benefits to using genetically modified crops? Pest resistance

Tolerance to herbicides

Resistance to diseases and cold

Tolerance to drought and salinity

Enhancing nutritional content

Pharmaceutical remedies

Remedy for environment pollution

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