1 linux cli fundamentals m1 slides

Post on 05-Sep-2015






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  • Linux Command Line Interface (CLI) Fundamentals


    Andrew Malletttheurbanpenguin.com


  • Want to Be aCLI


    Mastering the Linux command line interfaceYou know you will work quicker and smarter

    You will become the go-to guy (or girl)The person that everyone turns to

    PresenterPresentation NotesMake the line taller if you have more info

  • Relationship With Other Courses

    Device SecurityLinux Installation

    and Initial Configuration

    Getting Started with the Linux Command Line

    Location Services

    PresenterPresentation NotesHere is an example of using icons and chunking.

  • Certification

    Linux Professional Institute LPIC-1 Exam 117-101

  • What Will We Cover?

    Working at the CLI

    Analyze Text Files

    Basic File Management

    Command Line Pipes

    Process Management

    Regular Expressions

    Using VI to Edit Files

    PresenterPresentation NotesUse when you need to list 6 types of something or 6 details about a topic. If you have 4 types, just delete two squares and center.

  • Brilliant, What Do I Need?

    The Linux distribution you use is not important for this course

    We will use Debian on the Raspberry Pi for most demonstrations

    Access to a Linux or UNIX console will aid your enjoyment

  • Why the Command Line?

    90% of employers find it hard to locate skilled Linux


    Linux on servers will be command line based

    Dont judge the Linux CLI on other command

    prompts -- this is awesome

  • Access terminals

    Identify connected terminal

    Bash historyWorking on the Command Line

  • Heads and tails

    More or less

    Cat or TacAnalyze Text Files

  • Copy, Move, and Delete

    Listing files

    Zipping it all up

    Basic File Management

  • Input and output

    Named and unnamed pipes

    Append and overwrite

    Command Line Streamsand Pipes

  • Procps packages



    Create, Kill and MonitorProcesses

  • Learn PCRE

    ^ $ ? *

    Comic book profanities

    Search Text Files Using RegularExpressions

  • .vimrc

    Key mapping


    Using vi to Edit Files From the CLI

  • Summary

    Firstly, YOU are going to enjoy this course

    LPIC-1 117-101

    The course is going to help you streamline your use of the Linux command line

    You will be the go-to guy

    Linux Command Line Interface (CLI) FundamentalsSlide Number 2Relationship With Other CoursesCertificationWhat Will We Cover?Brilliant, What Do I Need?Why the Command Line?Slide Number 8Slide Number 9Slide Number 10Slide Number 11Slide Number 12Slide Number 13Slide Number 14Summary

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