1 life to eagle process ver 2.1c information for a successful planning and approval of the eagle...

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Life to Eagle Process ver 2.1C

Informationfor aSuccessfulPlanning and Approval of theEagle Process

We hope this guideline will be helpful to the Troop Parent CommitteeIf you have any questions please do not hesitate to call.


Round Table Discussion of theLife to Eagle Process

When handling an Eagle Scout Rank Application, at what point do you send it into the Northern Lights Council office for certification?



Completed after all requirements for Eagle Rank are complete.

Signed by the candidate, Scoutmaster, and Troop Committee chairperson after the successful completion of the Scoutmaster Conference.

Submitted to the local Service Center for record check. The record check will be done by the Council Office in Fargo. The local Service Center will send it to Fargo.

* The “Eagle Scout Rank Application” can be submitted earlier in the process to check for any missing requirements.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Rank Application


Returned by mail from the Council Office in Fargo to the Scoutmaster or Troop Committee chairperson.

Resubmitted to the local Service Center, with appraisal letters and Service Project Workbook starts the process to set up a Board of Review.

Do not bind or permanently attach the application and Requirement #6 to your project workbook.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Rank Application



1 Boy Scout PerAdvancement Report

for Eagle Rank


Comments A Life Scout may work on his service project before he completes all

his merit badges. He should be strongly encouraged to complete his project write-up in a timely manner and not wait for completion of merit badges.

A Scout must complete ALL the requirements before his 18th birthday. The Board of Review must be held before he is 18½ years old. If a Scout has not received his Board of Review within three months of his 18th birthday, letters from the scout and the troop must be submitted with the application explaining the reasons for the delay.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Rank Requirements


Round Table Discussion of theLife to Eagle Process

Does your troop have a designated person(s) or committee to assist Life Scouts to move towards the rank of Eagle Scout? Do the scouts know who this person(s) or committee is?


Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Leadership Service Project (LSP)

From the moment a Scout becomes a Life Scout and learns about the “Leadership Service Project” (LSP) he should keep a notebook, A “Service Project Diary” and record the LSP's progress, dates and people worked, materials, costs, etc.

The scout should learn about and obtain the “Life to Eagle” material at his Life board of review.


General Information for Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Write-ups

The write-up is a demonstration of the Scout’s leadership and planning skills.

The write-up needs to be presented and organized in a manor to show how the scout will

demonstrate his leadership and planning skills.


General Information for Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Write-ups

The write-up needs to be completed in such a manner that the project can be understood by anyone.

….Details…...Details….… Specific Details Who What Where When How Answer question readers may have.

This should come from the scouts “Project Diary”


General Information for Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Write-ups

Exact location-include maps where appropriate.

Existing condition-strongly suggest before and after pictures where appropriate.


General Information for Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Write-ups

Organized list of specific materials needed, costs and how they will be covered.

Breakdown of the specific tasks involved. List steps; estimate of number of people and time needed to carry out each task.


General Information for Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Write-ups

Show planning done to recruit volunteers needed for all parts of the project.

Submit project for approval early, allow for revisions or additions that may be needed.


General Information for Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Write-ups

Tools needed-obtained where-if any power tools will be needed, must supervised by an adult(s) who is knowledgeable in the tool.

Tools need to be use in a safe manor and a safety talk before the work is to begin.


Round Table Discussion of theLife to Eagle Process

Who, what, When and How, does you troop inform new life scout(s) of the Life to Eagle process?

Does your troop have the Life to Eagle binder and the Life to Eagle Disk? Are these available to your Life scouts?


Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Troop Committee Life to Eagle Communications

A good place to start this communication is when the scouts passes his Life board of review. When the scout is congratulated, introduce the Life to Eagle Process information.




Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Troop Committee Life to Eagle Communications

Council AdvancementCommittee

THE LIFE TO EAGLE PROCESS,Eagle Scout Leadership Service

Project Workbook, No.18-927A (NLC)


Round Table Discussion of theLife to Eagle Process

How does a Life Scout present his Leadership Service Project to your troop committee?


Initial Approval and Planning The scout has taken part in a Scoutmaster Conference.

Has the project concept been discussed with the Scoutmaster. The project concept has been discussed with a representative of

the religious institution, school or community and completed the information in the workbook. The project must be approved by the organization,

Scoutmaster, Troop Committee, and by your District Advancement Committee


Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Presentation to the Troop Committee


Initial Approval and Planning Planning details: The Scout should:

Describe the project concept, present project condition, what methods he will use, materials, project helpers, time schedule and safety precautions. Describe where financing (money) will come from.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Presentationto the Troop Committee


DOES NOT Consist of routine labor a job or service normally rendered. Cannot be work involving BSA property or activities. Cannot be for a commercial (for profit) business, be of a

commercial nature, or be a fund-raiser. (Fund-raising is permitted for securing materials to carry out a project.) A Fund-raising??? Cannot involve two Eagle candidates one project for one scout. The project cannot be dependent on another concurrent Eagle project.

These guidelines are from BSA National and must be complied with. Any proposed project that fits into any of the above categories


by your District Advancement Committee.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project


Round Table Discussion of theLife to Eagle Process

Does your troop have a established committee to review proposed Eagle Scout Leadership Projects?


What they should be looking for! Approvals: signatures of approval in workbook; they should be obtained in the order presented. When the last approval signature (District Advancement

Committee) is obtained, the scout may proceed with the project.

If the scout does not have all approvals before he begins his project, he WILL be required to do another project after all approval signatures are obtained for the new project.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Committee


Guidelines for Presentation of Information for Eagle Scout Leadership

Service Project Workbook

Eagle scout leadership service projects (ESLSP) need to be turned into the district scout office at least one month prior to the service project date.

District Advancement Committee meets twice per month.


Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Appraisal Letters

Eagle ScoutAddressCity State Zip-1234

Troop Advancement ChairTroop addressCity State Zip-1234

Parent, Education, Religious, Employer… AppraisalTo be opened at the District Eagle Board of Review

The envelopes are NOTNOT to be opened by the Troop. They are opened only at the District Board of Review. The letters are confidential.


Final Write-Up Did he demonstrate leadership? Was he the indeed the project director, rather than doing the work yourself ? Was the project helpful to the religious institution, school or

community group? Did the project follow the plan? If changes were made, what were they and why were they made?

Answering these questions is required, and they are listed in the workbook. These questions will be ask at the Eagle Scout Board of Review and they will determine if a satisfactorily project has been completed.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project


General Information for Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Write-ups

Information may be typed or word processed, then sheets pasted on the booklet when information has been finalized. Photocopy before submitting.

Typing or word processing is not required but is strongly recommended.



The purpose of an Eagle Scout Service Project is to allow him to demonstrate his leadership skills , It is not to just do some work and complete a project.

Parents, you need to remember that your son will need your help and support to complete his project but it is his project, and you should not be doing it with his assistance.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project


Final Write-UpIf changes in your project are so substantial as to make it a

different project, you should receive prior approval from your troop and district. At least a letter explaining the changes and the reason for them would be prudent. Very significant changes may necessitate that a new project proposal be submitted for approval. Changes of this magnitude are very rare, but if you believe this is happening to you, ask your troop and district for guidance.

In no case should you abandon or give up on a project that you have started. If problems or significant changes arise, ask your Troop and District for guidance. An Eagle Scout Service Project's primary objective is for the candidate to show leadership. Thus a project can fail, but if the candidate used it to show leadership, it may still be a valid project.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project


Round Table Discussion of theLife to Eagle Process

How should an Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project look when your committee signs it?


The troop committee or sub committee need to insure that all of the criteria presented is followed. Before the troop committee signs the Eagle Scout Leadership

Service Project (ESLSP), it needs to be critiqued: For completeness Safety - safety talk, first aid kit, phone available…….. I the project routine maintenance? Is the project presented in an appropriate manor? Does it demonstrate leadership skills? Does the scout have all the signature up to this point? Is the project complete enough that the scout could turn the

project over to his SPL and he understand it and complete it?

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Troop Committee Responsibilities


Round Table Discussion of theLife to Eagle Process

What is and Eagle Scout Board of Review and how is it conducted?


The District Advancement chairperson will begin setting up the Board of Review when all the information has been submitted, including the application, Service Project Workbook and supporting information, and the letters of appraisal.

Most boards will consist of the Board chairperson, a District representative, a community representative, and two Troop Committee representatives. A Board of Review must have at least three members, but not

more than six members. The District Advancement chairperson will hold the board of

Review even if all invited members are not present, as long as at least three members are present.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Board of Review


The District Advancement chairperson schedules the boards and will provide the District and community representatives.

The Troop provides the District Advancement chairperson with the names and addresses of the two Troop Committee members who will serve on the Board. The Troop may choose to send only one representative, or

none at all; it is the Troop's choice. Parents are strongly encouraged to accompany the candidate to

the Board, but are not required to be present. Parents may not be members of the Board of Review. Parents may not be observers during the Board of Review; they must wait outside the Board of Review room, in the area provided.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Board of Review


The unit leader may sit in on the Board of Review as an observer. Anyone wishing to observe a Board of Review should contact the District Advancement chairperson prior to the board, so that accommodations can be made. An observer will be a

non-participant at the Board. They may not ask questions or interject comments; anyone not complying with this will be asked to leave. Observers are not encouraged, as they are likely to make the Scout more nervous or otherwise inhibit him. In no case should a relative or guardian of the scout attend the review, even as a unit leader. A number of observers at a single Board will not be allowed.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Board of Review


The Board will meet about ½ hour before the candidate is expected, to review procedures, read the letters of appraisal and discuss the project.

The Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster will be invited to briefly address the Board about the Scout and then to introduce him and his parents to the Board.

The Board will usually not exceed one hour in length (with the Scout). A decision by the Board will be made immediately after

meeting with the candidate.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Board of Review


If the Board does not recommend to approve the application, the candidate will be told why, how he can correct the problem, and given a time-frame in which to do it. Another Board of Review will then be held for the Scout when he has met these

requirements. 11 If the Board approves the candidate's application, that will be the

date of his Eagle. However, the application must still pass final checks by the National Office for the Eagle Rank to be official usually six to eight weeks. The Scoutmaster will receive notification and the Eagle

certificate when this process is complete.

Advancement CommitteeNorthern Lights Council

Eagle Scout Board of Review


Round Table Discussion of theLife to Eagle Process, Final Results




How to use the diskettes


Files will be distributed by emailLIFE TO EAGLE FILESEmailed files: the files will be approximately 2MB in size.

Attached are 14 files, (EagleProcess99.xxx and EagleWorkbook99.xxx) are the main files which contain "Council Advancement Committee The Life To Eagle Progress" and "Life to Eagle Packet Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 18-927NLC" with each file in 3 formats. (Word Perfect 6.0/12.0 for Windows, Word 97 for windows and Rich Text Format [.rtf] ) a total of 6 computer files and this read me file (readme.pdf). Use the correct files (2) for which word processor you are using. Also enclosed is a PDF file of the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook (packet.pdf). This file can be printed but not edited. This file is from the BSA home page, bsa.org.

Attached Files:

Name Size Type Last Modified

READ ME.pdf 4,477KB Adobe Acrobat Document 1/12/2005 12:10 PM

EagleProcess99.doc 207KB Microsoft Word Document 2/13/2003 2:30 PM

EagleProcess99.pdf 66KB Adobe Acrobat Document 2/13/2003 1:02 PM

EagleProcess99.rtf 194KB Rich Text Format 2/13/2003 2:19 PM

EagleProcess99.wpd 119KB WordPerfect 9 Document 2/13/2003 2:32 PM

EagleWorkbook99.doc 400KB Microsoft Word Document 2/13/2003 2:32 PM

EagleWorkbook99.pdf 83KB Adobe Acrobat Document 2/13/2003 2:29 PM

EagleWorkbook99.rtf 54KB Rich Text Format 3/19/2001 12:18 PM

EagleWorkbook99.wpd 306KB WordPerfect 9 Document 2/13/2003 2:22 PM

packet.pdf 216KB Adobe Acrobat Document 8/31/1999 11:45 AM

Other files that will help:

CheckLLists.pdf 14KB Adobe Acrobat Document 1/6/2005 2:16 PM

recommendation insert.doc 26KB Microsoft Word Document 1/8/2004 10:43 AM

recommendation insert.pdf 6,582 Adobe Acrobat Document 1/7/2005 2:49 PM

recommendation insert.wpd 7,893 WordPerfect 9 Document 1/8/2004 10:45 AM

The files are READ ONLY, so when you save them you will have to rename the file. The files are built so that the information can be added in the appropriate areas to complete the booklets.

PRINT OUT the Adobe Acrobat Document (pdf) files first to see how the document should look in your word processor. Some printer drivers will change the base ASCII font and/ or spacing. You may have to adjust the space, underscores and so on to get the text to line up. Please note the signature areas.


Northern Lights CouncilFrontier Trails District

District Advancement Organizational Chart


Boy Scouts of America

Web sites:Northern Lights Council:

http://www.nlcbsa.org Frontier Trails:


Other sites:http://www.eaglescout.orghttp://www.usscouts.org/http://www.macscouter.com/directory.html


Boy Scouts of AmericaNorthern Lights CouncilFrontier Trails District1720 Burnt Boat Drive, Suite 103Bismarck ND 58501

Phone: 701-223-7204Fax: 701-223-7205

District Executive:Sheila Remboldt

e-mail: sremboldt@nlcbsa.orgOffice: bismarck@nlcbsa.org

Web site:Northern Lights Council: http://www.nlcbsa.org National:http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?s=by

Office Hours:Tuesday -

Friday9:45 – 2:45

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