1 final what_influence_does_disney

Post on 18-Dec-2014



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As a child, I can remember getting up on a Saturday morning excited. Because the night before, my dad told my brother and I,

he would be taking us to go see Bambi.To this day, I can remember how I felt when Bambi’s mother got

shot. But as a child, what I did not notice were some of the messages that one could take from the movie.

Did this movie or other Disney movies influence me in any way? Maybe or maybe not, but it is very apparent that there is sexism

and racism in many if not all of Disney movies.

AladdinAladdin – The hero sounds and looks


Jafar – The evil character appears to be Arabic

Aladdin – Asks to be called “Al” an American name


"Where they cut off your ear if they don't like your face" is the offending

line, which was changed on the DVD to the much less provocative "Where it's

flat and immense and the heat is intense. A protest by Arab-Americans is

the reason for the change of lyrics in the song. The middle east is known for

cutting limbs as a punishment.

Villains tend to have other accents (non-American) while the heroes accent is

more American.

Some seem to think there are subliminal messages in many Disney movies. In Aladdin,

there is a scene where you hear, “Teenagers, take off your clothes.


Brer Rabbit and Tar BabyOriginated from slave tales.

Brer rabbit was considered to be like the slaves, weak and powerless. However, Brer rabbit would find ways to outwit his captures.

Although for its time, it was not considered to be racist, but looking at it today, it is stereotypical of what is believe to be how blacks talk and look.


A Few of the Most Racist Characters• In one of the songs, the Native Americans

explain how they get their red skin tone. Because, “A long time ago, a Native American blushed red when he kissed a girl….”

#3. The Indians from Peter Pan

• Made in 1989, these are cats portraying Asian-American criminals. They own a Laundromat and run illegal gambling in the basement. Their English is also poor.

#5. The Siamese Twin Gang from Chip

and Dale Rescue Rangers

• These are 5 crows with African-American stereotypes of jive talking, poor and uneducated, wearing pimp style hats, and professionals on all things “fly”.

#.7 The Crows from Dumbo

The Disney Princesses and Sexism

What Message Does This Send

I was appalled that this is in the movie for young girls to view. What sexist behavior being exhibited here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEBVGNyzmio&feature=related (4:03)

Subliminal Messages – You be the Judge

In the scene when Bianca and Bernard are taking off on the back of their friend, Wilbur,

there’s a very naughty image in the background. The Disney company doesn’t deny

this one, actually; they recalled the movie in the ’70s because of it.

The Rescuers

Does the priest really have an erection here??? Or is it really his knee? In the

remake, it shows it is just a skinny knee.

The Little Mermaid

Popular Disney Movies

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T41fCj9fag&feature=related 4:50

• The Beast was verbally abusive to Belle.

• Male dominance• I felt as if Belle looked at

Beast as someone she needed to help or tame, so she took the abuse.

C on c lu s io n

In researching the information on my presentation, one thing I realized is that we often think about the messages that are being sent to young girls, but what about the young boys who are watching too?

There are messages that boys have to be good looking and strong. How to interact and look at women more as an object than a equal. In the movie The Incredibles, it shows a boy feeling belittled and not being able to count on anyone. Not being respected.

Most relationships are based on heterosexual encounters between a hero/prince and a princess/heroine. With most of the males having chiseled bodies, strong, & handsome; while the females having small waistlines, long hair, and very pretty. Rather male or female, if the character does not have the above listed attributes, they are not looked at favorably.

Most often there is a battle between men to win over the female. While there are times where the females are using seduction to get the man. She is usually shown in a position of cleaning and doing whatever it takes to win over the affection of a man.

Males tend to dominate in the characters in the movies than females do. It shows still that the gender of males are shown to have a more important role.

It is important as parent’s to watch movies with your children, but to instill in them, they do not have to be the negative stereotypes that are portrayed rather it be in movies, books, or television.

Works Cited• MacKETHAN, Lucinda. "Racism Not Part of Tar Baby Tale." Latest Articles. Atlanta Journal Constitution, 27 May

2006. Web. 08 Dec. 2010. <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1639239/posts>.

• "Best Animated Disney Movies : Best Animated Movies." Disney Movies : Walt Disney Movies : Disney Movie List. 07

Dec. 2010. Web. 08 Dec. 2010. <http://www.disneymovieslist.com/best/animated-disney-movies.asp>.

• Joseph, Ben. "The 9 Most Racist Disney Characters | Cracked.com." Cracked.com - America's Only Humor & Video

Site Since 1958 | Cracked.com. 16 Nov. 2007. Web. 08 Dec. 2010. <http://www.cracked.com/article_15677_the-9-most-


• Z, Julie. "The Disney Princesses and Sexism | Fbomb." Feminist Blog about Women's Rights for Teenage Girls | Fbomb.

28 Oct. 2009. Web. 08 Dec. 2010. <http://thefbomb.org/2009/10/the-disney-princesses-and-sexism/>.

• "YouTube - Aladdin Subliminal Message." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 23 Oct. 2006. Web. 08 Dec. 2010.


• Hannah. "6 Subliminal Messages You Never Noticed in Your Favorite Disney Films | Cinemaroll." Cinemaroll | Film

Making, from the Viewers' Perspective. 06 Oct. 2008. Web. 08 Dec. 2010. <http://cinemaroll.com/animation/6-


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