1. executive summary

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Ungureanu Madalina. MCVP TD 2013-2014

Executive Summary

This year I’m applying for MCVP TD in AIESEC in Romania. Why? Because I believe that I can make a

change, I can have an impact and I can leave my footprint for this term.

I believe that now we are somehow at crossroads. We came somewhat to the realisation that we have

to work really hard in order to deliver our promises and it’s crucial what we’re going to do from now on.

It’s sink or swim time – will we rise up to the challenge and make the changes we need to make in order

to adapt to the requests or will we keep staying in the same comfort zone and feel accomplished by


This term we need to do our best, both in planning strategies and in actually implementing them. We

need to become more relevant to our target groups and find again our balance and focus. We should

think again what is essential and what things are simply means to an end rather than the purpose itself.

Personally, I take the commitment to work on the quality of the members’ education, making sure that

we recreate the exchange culture that was so strongly present some time ago. Also, I want to make sure

that the needs of every LC from AIESEC Romania are met and that at the end of the term we can say that

there is a real communication and a real sense of belonging and collaboration between LCVPs and

between the national network and the LCs.

This term I want to put my whole dedication into taking AIESEC Romania to the next level.

Thank you!

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