#1 enews league of legends malaysia community

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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The first edition story of League of Legends in Malaysia for Malaysian.







With the Freljord's winter closing in and an

almighty battle raging around him, one brave

poro bounds on in his eternal search for




Ever wonder why sometimes some champions interact differently with other champs? Ever

thought if there was a story behind League of Legends champions? Has it occurred to you

that maybe League of Legends has secrets in its game? Well then if you had thoughts about

these things or other things then this is the article for you.

We’ll be presenting you with the facts, fictions, stories and Easters of League of Legends

on this particular section. They will be ranging from stories of certain champions with others,

in-game interactions between different champions in the game, funny facts and more.

Without further ado, let’s start the “Do You Even Rift?” column.

That when there is a Zilean on one

team and a Volibear on the other

team, each one of these

champions will get a buff.

The reason behind these buffs goes back

to when the idea of Volibear was being

thought of. When Travis “Volibar” George

(Riot Producer and Volibear’s namesake)

first presented the idea, one of his

colleagues Tom “Zileas” Cadwell (Riot

Design Director and Zilean’s namesake)

thought the idea was absurd and was

completely against it.

Volibear gets the buff “Chronokeeper Hater” which if hovered on says “Not even Zilean

could keep an armored bear out of the League of Legends” this buff gives Volibear 11 extra

gold every time he kills a Zilean and sometimes adds an automatic taunt. Zilean also gets a

buff called “Armored Bear Hater” that also says “In my day, we would never have allowed

an armored bear into the League of Legends conflict lead to the pre-mentioned buffs. ”,

which gives him 10 extra gold when killing a Volibear.

"I do not pity cowards."

"I've seen your death, it was painful..."



The Freljord’s tribes are ruled by Ashe, Lissandra and Sejuani. Each

one of them leads one of the three factions. Avarosan is led by

Ashe, the Frost Archer who leads a peaceful yet powerful army

which is also allied with numerous champions being: Anivia, Braum,

Gragas, Nunu and Tryndamere. While the Winter’s Claw tribe is led

by the vicious Sejuani, the Winter’s Wrath who thinks that only the

strong deserve to live in the Freljord. Olaf, Udyr and Volibear have all

allied themselves with her. And lastly the Frostguard who is led by

Lissandra the Ice Witch. She plans on restoring her masters back to

their former lost glory. Only Trundle and his army of trolls have

allied themselves with her but rumor has it she plots to lure Sejuani to

work under her command. The fight between these three queens

is based on a long ago time where the Three Sisters; Avarosa,

Serylda and Lissandra ruled the Freljord together but ended up

going to war against each other, but that is a different story to be

told in a future article.

Interesting stories, aren’t they? Well, there are plenty more where

those came from and much more exciting ones as well. Who

knows, maybe future ones will blow your minds.

This dramatic. That Tryndamere and Ashe are

married. However, Ashe claims that their marriage was

only for political reasons and not romantic. Tryndamere

was named after Marc “Tryndamere” Merrill President,

co-founder and CMO of Riot Games. And Marc’s wife

Ashley is the reason behind Ashe’s name. Surprisingly

the creative design team had no idea that Ashe was

named after Marc’s wife and actually did it based on

the fact that both of them were leaders of the north.

"I will end your corruption!"

"I've killed so many queens I've lost count!"

"This'll be a slaughter."



Created from love, I am very sure all of us would know this adorable little character from

League of Legends. Can you guess it? That is right! PORO! The adorable little furry friend is

usually found in Howling Abyss map. Howling Abyss is the coldest and harshest place in all of

Runeterra, so you can think of poros as the manifestation of whatever warmth, happiness, and

love that still exists. Some little fun facts about Poro;

Poros are equal parts truth, valor, and innocence.

The color that best describes poros is “very light blue, like Freljordian snow” (Pantone P

121-3 U).

Poros have a heart-shaped underbelly because they’re made of love.

A poro’s horns perk up when it’s excited and droop down when it’s scared.

Poros paddle through deep snow with their front paws.

Some believe that poros are indestructible—though at one point we animated poros to

keel over and twitch if they ran into the Abyss’ fountains.

Poros stick their tongue out because they are incredible warm (hot, in fact). This is why

they can survive the harsh cold environment of the Howling Abyss.

Poro-Snax are frosted with Freljordian ice crystals.

Due to recent heroic deeds, Braum is a friend to the poros.

Vel'Koz has noted that the intelligence of people drops in the presence of these


Poros have a leader known as King PoroThe Poro King.

(wikia, League of Legends)

The origin of the Poro is actually from the inspiration of mountain goats,

reindeer, and polar bears. Writer Riot Preeti mentioned that the reason Poros were

brought to the map is because they would want to balance out the Abyss’ cold, serious map.

After the sketches were done by RiotEarp, RiotOtown modeled and textured the very first

poro, he and RiotCaptainLx decided to add a super huge tongue because the little guy

reminded them of a puppy. After a few more process in editing, the team agreed that poros

should pant just as they radiate with love, so they're extremely hot despite the Abyss' bone-

chilling temperatures.

Back in 2014, Riot Games came out with another idea with the Poros. During snow down

showdown, they came out with The “Legend of the Poro King”. The game mode is played on

the Howling Abyss; Legend of the Poro King is a 5v5 Blind Draft game mode, where your goal

is still to destroy the enemy team’s nexus. However, you’ll have some Poro companions with

you (to throw at each other of course), be diving deep to make big plays and work together

to summon some help from the legendary Poro King himself.



Her name is an anagram of word "Hair".

Ahri is an extremely powerful, extremely squishy, extremely high-skill-requirement mage who has

been a popular pick by top players at Worlds in at least two seasons!


Essence Theft:


Its charge concept, upon reaching 9 charges, next

her ability will heal her and amount based on % AP.

Orb of


To increase the movement temporary

and chase down the enemy.

Solo or group combat really useful as the

skill damage in lining.


This was useful when moving near the

enemy champions.

It is also using to SPAM the charge of her

passive ability.


This spell able to disable enemy

champion’s ultimate skill and also used

to trap the champions in moving towards


Spirit Rush

It can be used to pass through the crowd

enemy and focus to aim the enemy

champion or as an escape plan.


"Don't you trust me?"




Shauna Vayne has looked at League of Legends in horror. There are champions who have

clearly lost themselves to the blackest of magics. “Not all shadows are to be feared. At

least, if Vayne has her way”


Night Hunter : Passive

Gives you extra movement speed when facing an enemy champion (within 2000 range)

Utilize this as well when dodging skill shots for an increased movement speed boost


To kite enemies is easier with tumble

Position yourself for Condemn

Close the gap between you and your target

Silver Bolt

The ability that gives Vayne her late-game hyper carry status

Devastating true damage

All her attacks and skills can activate this skill


To peel for yourself, by knocking the target away

Initiating on an unaware enemy near wall

Finishing off ur opponent in combination with your silver bolts ability

Final Hour

Multi-use ability that passively gives you movement speed

This skill makes Vayne difficult to pin down in team fights



~ Vayne bears some resemblence to the

main character from the game Bayonetta

"Let us hunt those

who have fallen to




Morgana was not innocent, having plumbed forgotten ways to gather forbidden might to

become a powerful mistress of the black arts. Let’s learn how to control her black art.

START-UP SKILL: Simple guide about the 3 basic skill.


Ensure teammate kill the enemy. Assisting the team and can be used to

disabled the movement of certain assassin before they join the team fight.


In single lining (Top/Mid), easier to PUSH the lane and also SPAM enemy



This skill was likely as 3rd choice subject with opponent we encounter. Using

under 2 situation as DEFENSIVE or RUSHING into an enemy for killing blow.


Rushing toward your enemy, then cast the

SHACKLES (Ultimate SKILL). If they RUN AWAY, just

Binding and Torment them. Else if they decide to

engage you, do preparing to cast your shield as to

avoid being stun or etc. If the SHACKLES SPELL

manage to stun the enemy do binding them after

approx. 1 sec of Shackles stunned and use torment

as to ensure the killing.


Morgana and Kayle were

the first champions shown

to be relatives.

"There is no rest while Kayle's

brand of tyranny still exists."




Ionian Fervor :


One of the best passive in the game

40 percent tenacity in teamfights is absolutely massive


Increase the speed of your waveclear

This is pretty much all of your potential to outplay and make significant plays

Gap closer skill

Hiten Style

Highest sustain and sustained damage

Scales incredibly well with any attack speed

Activate W before Q for extra damage on Q

Equilibrium Strike

Unique abilities in the game due to the slow and stun difference, according to yourself and your enemy HP

This ability do a lot of damage with Sheen-Spellblade passive procs.

This is fairly one dimensional ability, single target CC with a cooldown

Transcendent Blades

This can increase your healing immensely in fights

Do not be afraid to just use this for wave clear

Short cooldown and you burn at least half of it just basing and walking back to lane

The ionians fought admirably, but soon ionian blood stained the land beneath the prints

of foreign boots. At the great Stands of the Placidium, Ionians prepared for surrender, but

were inspired to maintain their resistance when the young irelia hoisted her father’s

enormous blade and pledged to hold until her brother returned.

“There is no turning back”



~ The floating object behind her head is

the “Mantle of Decorum”, which is

ionia’s highest decoration



“The heart, is the strongest muscle”, Braum is one of the famous champions from Freljord.

Because of his tenderness, he is one of the villagers heroes. Braum will teach us to

protect others before ourselves.


Concussive Blows: Passive

Braum’s basic attack and Winter’s Bite applies a stack of Concussive blows

On the fourth hit, deals additional damage and stuns the target

The target cannot be stunned for the next few seconds

Winter’s Bite

Resets auto-attack

Applies concussive blows

A wide skillshots that slows the target

Stand Behind Me

Can setup many flashy plays

Can do various combo with other skills

Jumps to nearest allies/minions and give bonus AR and MR


Can block high damage projectile skill

Can combo with Q and make flashy plays

Glacial Fissure

Deal high CC damage to the enemy

Can be used to initiate

Using it to peel for your carries and zoning opponent front liner



~ In the ongoing Battle for Freljord, it has

been confirmed that Braum fights

alongside ASHE

"The heart is the

strongest muscle."



Renekton was a staunch gatekeeper of ancient Shurima, but in the centuries since the

fall of that once-glorious empire, he has been consumed by madness. Now, he is little

more than a rage-fueled beast who seeks to kill his brother Nasus, who he believes is to

blame for his current state of mind. Let us study how to manage his madness!


Reign of Anger: Passive

Weak passive that doubles our fury

Gains from both auto attack and abilities when under 50 % HP

Great during teamfights , allowing you to build fury faster increasing your damage and utility by empowering your spells more often

Cull the Meek

Main tool for damage and sustain in lane (mandatory to max first)

When empowered, the heal amount and damage greatly increased

A great tool to build up your fury

Ruthless Predator

Odd ability, because while stunning, you will be supressed for .5 second

Has huge ration when empowered, and doubles the duration of time from .75 to 1.5 second

Max last because this skill does not scale well

Slice and Dice

A 400 range gap closer skill, if hit a minion or champs, you can make it to 800 range gap closer

Will be used as your engage and escape mechanism

Shreds huge percent of the enemy armor


Offers a large boost of health point

Grants an AOE that deals insane DPS (works great with Sunfire cape passive)

Dominus increased Renekton size, causes Renekton’s Cull the Meek ranges to increase



~ His title was previously the EATER OF

SOULS, but was changed to the current

title by Riot after his sneak peek

"As I live, all will die!"



Sun shining bright and a gentle breeze blowing, you couldn't ask

for a better day to kick off the new casual 5v5 Weekend Cup! SP

four computer center in Setia Tropika had the honor of hosting the

first ever Weekend Cup. A total of 30 players participated in the

weekend cup along with their friends and family behind them

giving moral support. In the finals, Team 404 Error and Team Apple

fought long and hard, and after the dust had faded, Team 404

Error emerges as the Champions of the first Weekend Cup. Players

from other states should stay tuned to their local LoL Groups to

catch the next Weekend Cup and hopefully to Discover the

Champion in You.

Players from other states should stay tuned to their local LoL Groups

to catch the next Weekend Cup and hopefully to Discover the

Champion In You.

Game Mode:5 V 5 Smmoners-rift (8 Teams)

Champion:RM 100+500GS*5+LOL Mouse Pad

1st-Runner Up:300GS*5 +LOL Mouse Pad

2nd-Runner Up:100GS*5

"The Weekend Cup - Discover The Champion In You"



We will be using Tumblr as our

platform to update our

community product. Worry not as

everything was set properly and

for some of you who are using

smartphone that has google

chrome, can easy access the

webpage just by your fingertips.

Checked it out now!!!



WHY we need the QoS Router/Broadband?

your Transmitted data properly and avoiding the waste of

those data from other unused apps.

for your gameplay in the way of prioritizing the signal to

give a full data transition. Controlling the max/min value of those data transfer in KB/s

How exactly it works?

The way it works is subject with the game file that router is able to recognize and prioritize.

Example, when the data transmit pass through the router, it will be verified from which

segment such as LoL.exe (Game type) therefor it will put priority (Setting: ENABLED GAME

MODE) for every in and out of those data transmit for the file.

Interface and hardware type:

Certain types of router have their own user interface to set those network behaviors. Lately,

the latest router have an intelligent QoS where it more user friendly in a way, with one click,

those settings comes out automatically. Hardware is also a subject, as cheaper router can

only control by normal chipset. Hardcore ones, are those router that have its own RAM

(Memory) to process the data signal in more productive way.

Always put note in your preparation to have a better connectivity during online/offline

game as it must come together with a better technology

Did GAMING ROUTER or Broadband exist? The answer is YES, but not

100% true about it. The GAMING ROUTER term was used for the gamer

to understand about those router capabilities easier. Somehow the

exact term to understand this technology inside the router is known as

Quality of Service (QoS). The QoS technology is used to control the

way of your network data resource. Mainly it controls the priority of

those data in particularly by the type of the data transmit. (Video,

Sound, Torrent, Game, etc…)




Group Stages 23March – 25March (3 days)

No limit on registrations

Free registration

4 groups

Time: 9.00PM – 12.00AM

Playoff 30March – 2 April (4 days)

16 teams

Double eliminations

Best of 1

Time: 9.00PM – 12.00AM

Final (Date will be decided)

Best of 5

Register Link: http://e-sukan.com/lolamateur/

News: http://e-sukan.com/8821/esukan-leagues-amateur/

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