1 biblical guide to angels · 2019. 4. 24. · acknowledges my name … i will satisfy him and show...

Post on 26-Jan-2021






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  • 1 Biblical Guide to Angels

  • 2 Biblical Guide to Angels

    Table of Contents

    Are Guardian Angels Real?3

    17 Facts About Angels From The Bible10

    8 Powerful Prayers For Protection16

  • 3 Biblical Guide to Angels

    Are Guardian Angels Real?

    It’s not wise to think about the reality of guardian angels without

    considering who angels are biblically. Images and descriptions of

    angels in the media, art and literature often give us a distorted

    view of these magnificent creatures.

    Angels are sometimes portrayed as cute, plump, non-threatening

    cherubs. In many paintings, they look like feminine creatures in

    white robes. Increasingly in art, however, angels are portrayed

    as strong, masculine warriors.

    Many people are angel-crazy. Some even pray to angels for help

    or for blessing—almost like wishing on a star. Collectors in Angel

    Clubs amass “everything angel.” Some connected with New Age

    teachings conduct angel seminars to help people communicate

    with angels for “divine guidance” or to experience “angel therapy.”

    Unfortunately, angels can serve as an otherworldly focus to

    appear “spiritual” but not deal directly with the Lord.

    Even in some churches, believers misunderstand angels’

    purpose and their activity. Are there guardian angels? Yes--but

    we have to ask some questions. What are angels like? Who are

    they guarding and why? Is guarding all they do?

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    Who Are These Glorious Creatures?In Angels, the Host of Heaven, Dr. David Jeremiah writes, “Angels

    are mentioned 108 times in the Old Testament and 165 times in

    the New Testament.” I find it odd celestial beings are mentioned

    so many times and yet are so poorly understood.

    Angels are God’s “messengers,” His special creations—called

    “flames of fire” and sometimes described as fiery stars in the

    heavens. They were made right before the foundation of Earth.

    They were created to do God’s bidding, to obey His will. Angels

    are spirit beings, not bound by gravity or other natural forces.

    They do not marry or have children. There are various kinds of

    angels: cherubim, seraphim, and archangels.

    How Does the Bible Describe Angels?Angels are  invisible  unless God chooses to make them

    visible. Specific angels appeared throughout mankind’s history,

    because they are immortal—not having physical, aging bodies.

    The angelic host is too numerous to count; and while they are

    not all-powerful like God, angels do excel in strength.

    They can exercise their own will, and in times past, some angels

    did choose to pridefully rebel against God and pursue their own

    agenda—later becoming mankind’s greatest  enemy, however;

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    an innumerable number of angels stayed faithful and obedient

    to God, worshiping Him and ministering to the saints.

    Although angels can be present with us and hear us, they are

    not God. They have some limitations. They must never be

    worshipped or prayed to because they are  subject to Christ.

    Randy Alcorn wrote in  Heaven, “There is no biblical basis for

    trying to make contact with angels now.” Although angels are

    apparently intelligent and wise, Alcorn says, “We’re to ask God,

    not angels, for wisdom ( James 1:5).”

    Still, given that angels have been with believers throughout their

    lives, they have observed and know us. They have witnessed

    many of the blessed and crisis events in our lives. Won’t it be

    wonderful to someday hear their stories about what was going

    on behind the scenes?

    Who Do Guardian Angels Guard?Contrary to popular thinking, the Bible never says angels guard

    everyone. In  Psalm 91:11, the Psalmist, referring to the Most

    High God, says, “For he will command his angels  concerning

    you to guard you in all your ways.” It’s important to know who

    the “you” is in this scripture.


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    The answer is suggested in verses 14 and 16: “Because he loves

    me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he

    acknowledges my name … I will satisfy him and show him my

    salvation.” The angels are “ministering spirits” sent out from

    God to serve “for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation.”

    Angels are commissioned to watch over and protect believers at

    the Lord’s command. They don’t work independently from Him

    and they don’t understand everything. They are not omniscient.

    Angels are curious about the salvation God offers humans and

    how He chooses to work through His people. Paul described the

    apostles as a “spectacle” not only for people, but also for the


    Does Every Believer Have a Specific Guardian Angel?Now let’s get to the heart of this issue. Among other things,

    angels guard believers, but does every Christ-follower have an

    assigned angel?

    Throughout history, considerable controversy arose about

    individual Christians having specific guardian angels. Some

    church fathers, like Thomas Aquinas, believed in assigned angels

    from birth. Others, like John Calvin, rejected this idea.


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    Matthew 18:10  seems to suggest “little ones”—new believers

    or disciples with childlike trust—are cared for by “their angels.”

    John Piper explains the verse this way: “The word “their” certainly

    implies that these angels have a special personal role to play in

    relation to Jesus’s disciples. But the plural “angels” may simply

    mean that all believers have numerous angels assigned to serve

    them, not just one.”This suggests any number of angels, who

    “see the face” of the Father, might report for duty when God sees

    His children need special intervention. Angels are continually at

    God’s command as overseers and guardians.

    We see this in scripture when angels  surrounded  Elisha and

    his servant, when Lazarus was carried by  angels  after death,

    and even when Jesus noted He could have called 12 legions of

    angels—around 72,000—to help him at His arrest.

    I remember the first time this imagery captured my thinking.

    Rather than looking to one “guardian angel” to help me as I’d

    been taught from childhood, I realized God could rally thousands

    of angels to assist me, if that were His will! And more than that,

    I felt encouraged to remember I’m always in God’s own care. He

    is infinitely more powerful than the angels.


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    How Are Angels Active in Believers’ Lives?The truth is, if we’re thinking in terms of “guardian” angels,

    we’re selling the ministry of angels short. We’re limited in our

    understanding of what they do for God’s children and in service

    to the Lord.

    Christians are most familiar with the idea of angels  guarding

    and protecting  us. But that’s not all they do! Angels also

    can deliver, guide, enlighten or reveal  information, provide for

    believers, serve as instruments of God’s judgments, carry out  some

    of God’s answers to our prayers, encourage, strengthen, serve,

    and help God’s children at their time of death,  carrying  them

    to  heaven. That last one intrigues me. Because Satan is the

    ruler of the power of the air, theologically I can picture angels

    being enlisted to protect us as we pass from this world into our

    heavenly home.

    When I first studied how angels interact with believers, all I could

    say was, “Wow! Thank you, Father, for these powerful gifts to

    help Your people!” Angels definitely are influential in believers’

    lives—in my life!

    We do not become angels—angels do not experience the

    wondrous  redemption  Christ provides for His children—but

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    perhaps these special agents of God will be our teachers about

    heavenly things. After we leave this world, the immortal angels

    will likely still be our heavenly companions. These magnificent

    beings who express emotions like  joy  and  curiosity  have

    intersected our lives in so many ways, and as they carry us to

    heaven, they will perhaps be the first ones to see our amazed

    and joyous expressions as we pass through heaven’s gates.

    Angels are remarkable, marvelous, but it’s important to keep

    a proper perspective about them. Dr. David Jeremiah wrote:

    “Angels are sent, but the messenger is never more important

    than the sender.” Our focus must be on Christ who created and

    purposed these wondrous creatures.

    Though misunderstood and underestimated, guardian angels are

    real. If we will learn from their example, angels can help us guard

    our hearts. Perhaps their greatest role in our lives is to model

    absolute, holy  submission  to God, unquestioning  obedience,

    and faithful worship.

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    17 Things the Bible Tells Us about Angels

    1. God created the angels before He created anything else in the universe. The angels watched God work and shouted for joy at the results

    of the creation ( Job 38:4-7).

    2. All of the angels were created simultaneously.They are unable to procreate. (Matthew 22:30). The number of

    angels has always been constant.

    3. The number of angels is incomprehensible. Revelation 5:11 records the number of Angels: “Ten thousand

    times ten thousand and thousands and thousands.”

    4. Some angels rebelled against God. Lucifer, who was in charge of guarding the throne of God and

    with bringing God praise and worship, and who was apparently

    co-equal with the angel Michael, chose to rebel (Isaiah 14). A

    huge number of angels rebelled with him. Fallen angels (demons)

    live in one of two places today: (1) On earth, attacking and

    discouraging humans; and (2) In Tartarus, a prison cell in the

    lowest hell, waiting to be released during the Great Tribulation.


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    5. Angels are powerful.Only one angel was needed to wipe out 185,000 Assyrians in a

    single night (2 Kings 19).

    6. Angels were created to praise and worship God around His throne.Revelation 5:11-12 “In a loud voice they sang, “Worthy is the

    Lamb, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength

    and honor and glory and praise!”

    7. Angels are charged with the responsibility of guiding the affairs of nations.We learn from Daniel 10 that angels are intricately involved in

    guiding our heads of state. Every nation also has a demon charged

    with the responsibility of bringing that nation to destruction


    8. Angels fight Satan and his demons until the victory is won at the end of time.Revelation 12:7-9 “And there was war in heaven. Michael and

    his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his

    angels fought back...”


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    9. Every church is assigned an angel to watch over it and to help protect it.Revelation 1:20 “The mystery of the seven stars… the seven stars

    are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands

    are the seven churches.”

    10. Angels will separate the wheat from the weeds at the final judgment (the saved from the lost).Matthew 13:38-42 “The field is the world, and the good seed

    stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of

    the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The

    harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.”

    11. Angels minister to those who believe in Christ.Jacob’s dream of a ladder, by which angels ascended and

    descended between heaven and earth, is a beautiful picture of

    their incessant activity for us (Genesis 28:12).

    12. Angels provide for physical needs of believers as in the case of Elijah under his juniper tree (1 Kings 19:5-7).After a Wednesday night service several years ago, a lady told

    me of an angelic protection. Driving on a lonely desert road

    in her VW with her children the car’s engine caught fire. She

    stopped and tried to open the hood. She couldn’t; it was too hot.


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    Suddenly, another car pulled up behind her. She thought that

    this was strange because she’d seen no other cars on the road.

    He pulled out this big pair of asbestos gloves, opened the hood

    and used a fire extinguisher to put out the blaze. She turned

    to thank the man and he was gone. Both he and the car had


    13. Angels protect believers from danger Angels watched over the three Hebrews in the furnace (Daniel

    chapter 3), and also watched over Daniel in the lions’ den (Daniel

    chapter 6).

    Once when Brianna, our oldest daughter, was just learning crawl,

    Julie heard me yell from the back bathroom. “Julie, come quickly!”

    At the same time I heard Julie call from the back bathroom,

    “Roger, come quickly.” We both ran quickly to discover Brianna

    about to tumble headlong onto the tile of our three-foot-deep

    sunken tub. We grabbed her just in time. Julie said, “I’m sure

    glad you called me to get back here quickly.” “I didn’t call you,”

    I said. “You called me.” “I didn’t call you,” she said. We had an

    angelic visitation from Brie’s guardian angel!

    Experiences like these make Psalm 34:7 come alive: “Angels of

    the Lord encamp around those who fear God and deliver them.”


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    14. Angels sometimes reveal the Lord’s plansFor example to Daniel (Daniel 9:21-23), to Cornelius (Acts 10:3-

    6), or to Mary at the birth of Jesus (Luke 2).

    15. Angels Minister To Us At Out Time Of Death.Luke 17:22 “The time came when the beggar died and the

    angels carried him to Abraham’s side.” A cold chill runs up many

    of our backs to think that sometime in the future, and perhaps

    in the very near future for some of us, the Death Angel will be

    dispatched from Heaven to Earth. If we are Christians, we need

    not be afraid of the Death Angel. They may be our rod and staff

    which brings us through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

    16. Not all angels are good.Galatians 1:8-11 “But even if we or an angel from heaven should

    preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him

    be eternally condemned… I want you to know, brothers, that the

    gospel I preached is not something that man made up. I did not

    receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it

    by revelation from Jesus Christ.”

    17. Have you ever wondered about guardian angels? Matthew 18:10 “See that you do not look down on one of these


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    little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see

    the face of my Father in heaven.”

    I pray often for my guarding angel. I pray for him/her (it?) to be

    “strong” on my behalf in the spiritual battles that I fight. When I

    am praying for someone about to undergo surgery, I never fail to

    pray for their guardian angel, assigned to them at birth, to help

    guide the hand of the surgeon for a successful surgery. I want

    him/her (it?) and me to be good friends. I am looking forward to

    seeing him/her (it?) in heaven.

    I hope that this short primer on angelology is helpful to you on

    understanding the work and ministry of angels.

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    8 Powerful Prayers for Protection

    Protection is on our minds daily. In a world filled with hatred,

    danger, and violence, how should we respond? Our children and

    families are at risk, and we shoulder the responsibility for their

    security. What can we do to shield them from harm? How can

    we enlist God’s help for their safety?

    God has ordained prayer as the vital force we can all use to

    guard us and our loved ones from the evil around us. If that’s

    your desire, here are several prayers that might help you voice

    your thoughts to God:

    1. A Daily Prayer for ProtectionLord God, I pray for Your protection as I begin this day. You are

    my hiding place, and under Your wings I can always find refuge.

    Protect me from trouble wherever I go, and keep evil far from

    me. No matter where I am, I will look to You as my Protector, the

    One Who fights for me every day. Your love and faithfulness,

    along with Your goodness and mercy, surround me daily, so I

    will not fear whatever might come against me. My trust is in You,

    God, and I give thanks to You for Your love and protection. In

    Jesus’ name, Amen.

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    2. A Prayer for Your Husband’s ProtectionLord Jesus, I ask You to protect my husband and shield him from

    danger. Make him strong, defined by Your character, so that he

    can lean hard on You for wisdom in any situation. Guard him by

    the power of Your name, and allow nothing formed against him

    to prosper. Hold him close to Your heart, with his eyes focused

    always on You. At home, work, or wherever he goes, keep his

    heart and thoughts pure. Lead him away from temptation,

    and help him to be continually aware of his enemy’s efforts to

    distract, deceive, or discourage him. Cancel every attempt to

    discredit my husband or his salvation.

    May Your right hand strengthen him daily as You guard him

    with your presence. Help him wear his spiritual armor well, as

    he tries to lead his family with integrity and honor. Seal up the

    exits that cry for escape when responsibilities grow heavy on his

    shoulders. Thank You that You promise to carry his burdens and

    lighten his load in the daily battles of life. Preserve his testimony

    and keep his faith rooted deeply in You, Lord. You are His Sure

    Defense, and You are the only One who can truly keep him safe.

    Thank You, Jesus.

    3. A Prayer for Your Children’s ProtectionFather, I entrust my children into Your loving care. You are the

  • 18 Biblical Guide to Angels

    most powerful influence in their lives, so I ask You to surround

    them with Your constant presence and safety. Because You love

    children, You are even more concerned than I am as a parent.

    You take their protection seriously. Place Your Holy Spirit around

    them like a bubble that deflects any harm aimed their way.

    Guard them from danger at school, whether from outside or

    inside. Place Your angels in strategic places, ready to move on

    their behalf. Let no evil come near them.

    Give them a steadfast faith and trust in You that puts their fears

    at rest, knowing they will live in safety with Your solid protection.

    Guard them from temptation and those who would try to make

    them compromise their convictions. When trouble comes,

    let them cry out to You, their Deliverer and Refuge. May their

    security rest not in this world, but in their relationship with You

    and in their eternal future. Impress on them daily that this world

    is not their final home, and that nothing and no one can ever

    separate them from Your love. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

    4. A Prayer for Protection Against EvilLord Jesus, evil is such a harsh word, and yet Your Word uses

    it frequently to describe the opposite of good. While we are all

    capable of sin, I ask Your protection against those who call good

    evil, and evil good. Guard us from those who scheme against

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    righteousness and from those who twist truth into lies to

    accomplish their evil intents. May Your angels hover ever near to

    eradicate fear and fight against dark, spiritual forces we cannot

    see. Help us cast down every imagination and thought that our

    enemy tries to use to exalt itself against You.

    You dealt our spiritual enemy a fateful blow on Calvary when

    you died on the cross for us and were resurrected on the third

    day. While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your

    blood rises up to defeat and bring us victory against every evil

    planned against us. While malicious actions may disturb us, we

    use the armor of God You have given us to stand firm. You will

    bring justice in due time for all the harm and needless violence

    aimed at Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence,

    aligned with Your purposes, and we look to You as our Supreme

    Commander and Protector. Help us to avoid temptation, and

    deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One Who

    will ultimately bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe.

    5. A Prayer for Protection from Earthly EnemiesPrecious Jesus, You know what it means to be pursued by earthly

    enemies. And because of Your compassion and understanding,

    You know the harm we and our families face every day. As

    Christians and followers of Yours, we will be marked as enemies.

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    Our children need protection from bullies, from misguided

    avengers, and from false philosophies that attack their spiritual

    heritage. Fiendish plots pursue our children’s hearts daily and

    try to entice them into harmful practices. Hold our loved ones

    tightly, Lord, and never let them go.

    Command Your angels, Lord, to keep us in all our ways, so that

    no harm or disaster will come near to our home or our lives. Our

    trust is not in our ability but in Your stability as our El Shaddai.

    Our weapons of warfare are spiritual, and we look to You for

    victory. Show us when to speak up, when to listen, and when

    to act, always aware that You are fighting our battles for us and

    with us. Teach us to love our enemies, to pray for them, but

    to resist evil in Your powerful name. We don’t fear those who

    might try to hurt us physically. We are confident in our eternal

    security. Our fear is a holy, righteous reverence based on Who

    You are and Whose we have become in You. As Commander and

    Chief, You will defend us from all earthly enemies. And as long

    as You are with us, we fear no evil. In Your name, Amen.

    6. A Prayer for Protection at WorkLord God, I pray for Your physical and spiritual protection in the

    workplace, where our influence, our priorities, and our character

    are tested daily. Help us to remember that every foolish action

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    reaps consequences, and every careless word carries weight

    among our coworkers. Others are watching, Lord, so set a watch

    before our mouths and guard the door of our lips. Protect us

    from those who try to sway our convictions or tempt us to

    compromise our standards in the name of success. Place an

    invisible banner over us that reminds us of Your protective love

    and that we belong to You.

    Our work is important to You, so turn us away from slothfulness

    or misplaced priorities. When others aim criticism our way or

    when misunderstanding arises, guard us from impatience or

    anger. Protect us from our own sinful nature and help us to always

    take the high road of love in dealing with dissatisfied customers

    or disgruntled colleagues. Thank You for Your promise never

    to leave us or abandon us, and that Your Spirit lives inside of

    us to give wisdom, understanding, and security against those

    who want to pull us away or harm us. You are Lord, and as our

    Employer, we look to You to preserve all benefits involved in that

    relationship. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    6. A Prayer for Good Health and Protection from HarmWe bless You, Lord, for You are our Jehovah Rapha, the Healer of

    all our diseases. Our body is the temple of Your Spirit, so we pray

    for protection from that which could bring harm to us physically.

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    Guard us from stresses that steal our emotional strength and

    lower our immunity to fight infection. Heal us of past traumas

    that may affect our present or future health. Teach us how to

    discipline our bodies so we can grow stronger and increase our

    physical stamina. When challenges arise, we need not fear, for

    You have given us a spirit of power, of love, and a sound mind.

    As the Great Physician, You know us so well. You ordained every

    part of our body even before we were born. Help us to treat our

    bodies with respect as Your beloved creations. We want to serve

    You with excellence, so in our weakness, grant us strength and

    good health so that nothing will prevent Your plan for our lives.

    Protect us from contagions and disease that can riddle the body

    and bring dangerous results. Safeguard us with wisdom to use

    well the rest You provide as we wait on You and with You daily.

    Our lives and our health are in Your hands, Lord, and our trust

    and faith are in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    7. 5 Psalms that Remind You God is NearEven though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil,

    for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

    Psalm 32:7 NIV

    You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and

    surround me with songs of deliverance.


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    Psalm 34:17 NIV

    The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them

    from all their troubles.

    Psalm 91:14 NIV

    “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will

    protect him, for he acknowledges my name.”

    Psalm 145:18 NIV

    The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in


    God doesn’t want fear to rule our lives. As our Great Protector,

    He is more concerned with our safety than we are. When we

    trust Him and His promises of protection and security, we can

    live boldly and confidently, knowing He is in control and will bring

    good out of every experience. Nothing escapes His attention,

    and nothing can remove us from the Father’s hand. When we

    pray and call on Him, He hears us, ready to meet every need.

    What a joy and blessing to have that kind of personal relationship

    with the One who knows us by name. What a sweet place of

    protection to rest in the arms of our loving heavenly Father.


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    8. A Prayer for Supernatural ProtectionAre you feeling exposed today? Seeking the kind of shelter

    described in Psalm 91? Run to the Father’s fortress with these

    words on your lips and in your heart, knowing that God will stand

    guard over any area of your life you surrender to Him. Will you

    pray with me now for his divine protection?

    Lord Jesus,

    The world is changing so fast. Every day the media relays tales

    of those who disregard law, devise evil, and destroy both people

    and property. And because of what’s happening, fear sometimes

    rises up in my heart—for me, for those I love, and for people

    everywhere. Yet I know you are in control.

    I ask you today for your supernatural protection, Lord—both

    personally and globally. Please station angels around my home

    and family to guard them from danger. Lead us away from

    temptation, and help us to run from the presence of questionable

    activities or harmful influences. When we’re weak, help us to

    look up to you and to hold on tight to the truth that you love us

    and want the best for us.

    I will run to you, Lord, whenever I feel afraid. I know your hand

    will protect me and lead me into your shadow, Almighty God,


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    where I can rest and be safe. I know that bad things can happen

    to all of us, but you are always there to bring good out of it. And

    you’ve promised me that no one can harm my spirit/soul—the

    innermost part of me that you’ve destined for eternity. Because

    I belong to you, you will give me safe passage—all the way to my

    eternal home.

    But while I’m still living in my temporary house on earth, I pray

    you will not only guard my heart, but also my mind from foolish

    thoughts and actions. Expose the lies that try to twist the truth.

    Give me discernment, Lord, and wisdom for the good times, the

    hard times, and all the in-between-times. Let me never leave

    home without your protection and without the spiritual armor

    you’ve given me.

    I place my trust and dependence on you, today, Lord. Like the

    commander of a great army, you are in control, and you will go

    to any lengths to insure the safety of those under your wing

    of protection. I believe you want good, not harm for my life.

    And I am asking that you will replace fear with the confident

    assurance that you are always here with me, protecting me from

    harm. Others may try to hurt my body, Lord. But they can never

    destroy my soul. I’m safe with you, Jesus.

    In Jesus’ precious name, Amen

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