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ty/.!J~t'f Sainte Cecile Cathedral, Albi, france. Travel sketch. 1959.

The exhibition, "The Architecture of Louis I. Kahn," held atThe Museum of Modern Art from April 26 to May 3D, 1966,was directed by Arthur Drexler, selected and installed byLudwig Glaeser, with the assistance of Ellen Marsh, and LanierGraham who also prepared this checklist.

The checklist records all projects represented in the exhibition, in order of the year in which design began. but onlyoriginal drawings and models are numbered. The accessionnumbers in parentheses indicate items in the Museum's col-lection. Ten drawings-numbers 83·86, 88·90, 92, 94, 97-were loaned by Donnelley Erdman, all other drawings andmodels by Louis I. Kahn. The Museum gratefully acknowledgestheir generosity.

The term "studio drawing" designates work executed primarilyor entirely by draftsmen. Dimensions are given in inches, heightpreceding width. The number to the lower right hand corner 01

each illustration refers to the corresponding catalogue entry.



Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut. Completed1953. (in association with Douglas I. Orr)

Traffic Studies, Center City, Philadelphia. Project, 1952·53.1. Plan drawing of proposed movement pattern. Ink on paper,

24V, X 42¥!" (389.64)CityHall, Center City, Philadelphia. Project, 1952·53.

,~3L:1.2. Elevation and plan sketches. Ink on tracing paper, 161,4 x').( 23'¥a"

It.," 3. Elevation sketch. Colored pencils on tracing paper, 161/. x16%"

4. Perspective drawing of two towers. Ink and pencil on trac.ing paper, 8V, X ll"qASC 10/661 35"'!,. '1


Penn Center Planning Studies, Center City, Philadelphia. Prn}ect.1956·57.

lL~~S5. Plan and section sketches of parking towers. Pencil andcolored crayon on tracing paper, 12V, x 23"

tf,.3l1 6. Plan, section, and perspective sketches of a parking tower.

Pencil and red crayon on tracing paper, 14 x 17lfa",1,37/ 7. Section and perspective sketches of a parking tower. Cray·

on on tracing paper, 14 x 17%(' i1". _5'7), .~,,~198~erial perspective sketchllCharcoal and pencil on tracing

paper, 12 x 18lfa" 3"'0,.,7G&.'3?'f9rl(Aerial perspective sketches. Ink and pencil on tracing pa-

per,15x21" 3",,710, Aerial perspective drawing. Ink and pencil all tracing pa-

per, 11 x 17" (412.64)11. Aerial perspective drawing. Ink on tissue, 11 x 14" (413.·

64)"J'7f 12. Perspective sketch of promenade area. Pencil on tracing

paper, 13% x 23"~~ s-¥.313'!t Perspective sketch of promenade area. Charcoal on trac-

ing paper, 9 x 14Vs"






tt.37'i14. Perspective sketch of promenade area. Charcoal and inkon tracing paper, 11 x 15%"

15. Perspective drawing of promenade area. Ink on tissue,8% x 14W' (414.64)

City Tower. StUdy made for the Concrete Institute. Project,1957. (Anne Griswald Tyng associate)

Market Street East Redevelopment Project. Study for the Cityof Philadelphia and the Graham Foundation. Projecl, 1961-62.

tt370 16!'XPerspective sketch. Ink and pencil on tracing paper, 12V,x 19V." 3'"'" 7

b,,~~117. Cast of the original model; printed in reverse. Plaster andwood, 5 x 49l'1 x 971'1"

American federation of labor (A. F. of l.) Medical Service PlanBuilding, Philadelphia. Completed 1956.

Alfred Newton Richards Medical Research Building and BiologyBuilding, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Completed1961; Biology Building addition completed 1964.

20 .HSey.~18. Plan and eievation sketches of service towers, preliminary

version. 1957. Crayon, pencil, and colored pencils on trac-ing paper, 12 x 20W'((ASC 6/66V 5t 3. ,'7 ..

19. Plan and elevation sketches of service towers, preliminaryversion. 1957. Crayon, pencil, and colored pencils on trac-ing paper, 21% x 231/,"IASC5/66) 50 'I, ,7

jlO. Perspective drawing, preliminary version. 1957. Charcoalon tracing paper, 23V, x 31" (ASC 1/66) 3(.5'·1.7

t 3')5211,1lEJevation sketch of service tower, intermediate version.I 1957. Pencil and crayon on tracing paper, 35 x 11%"

3C,,,. ""

22. Perspective drawing, intermediate version. 1957. Charcoaland colored pencils on tracing paper, 24% x 35" (ASe 2166) '3' '1, t. '7

bt .:37723. Elevation of typical laboratory, intermediate version. 1957.Studio drawing. Pencil and crayon on tracing paper, 40 x23YaN

". 3CJ~ 24. Elevation, intermediate version. 1957. Studio drawing.Pencil on paper, 23% x 27%"

25. Perspective drawing, final version. 1960. Pencil on tracingpaper, 23 x 23V," (ASC4/66) 3'" t 7

26. Model, final version. 1961. Wood, 14'l;\ x 22'l;\ x 13Vz"(MC31)

27. Structural model of typical laboratory unit, final version.1961. Wood, 28 x 18 x 16" (MC32)

Tribune Review Publishing Company Building, Greensburg, Penn-sylvania. Completed 1961. .

Ie ~'3 28.' Plan sketch. 1958. Crayon on tracing paper, 12 x 21" 3'10,' 71I,.'fo? 29. 'Elevation sketch. 1958. Pencil on tracing paper, 17V, ,

251fz" s 7/. t 7,~.io~30. Elevation sketches. 1958. Pencil and crayon on tracing pa-

per, 18 x 21%"" . '{".::to 1~' Entrance elevation sketch. 1958. Crayon on tracing paper,

12xI8'1." 37~,t.7u,«.» 32~ Elevation sketch. 1958. Pencil on tracing paper, 11% X

18V." 3'13... 7L(;.~6~33. Elevation drawing. 1958. Pencil and colored crayon on

tracing paper, 12 x 26%"bo. ';06- 34. Elevation drawing. 1958. Colored crayon on tracing paper,

12 X 251'1"6&, '10735. Elevation drawing. 1958. Colored crayon on tracing paper,

12 x 24lfz"/'&.'/o~ 36. Elevation drawing. 1958. Colored crayon on tracing paper,

12 x 25%"




I) \ \t'1r~\i" ry.. r-.

49 .u.iS)'

',.'1J3 37. Elevation sketch. 1958. Pencil 011 tracing paper, 12 x30%"

,I.. 'Ill 38'1lLElevationsketch. 1958. Pencil on tracing paper, 11'/, x29v," 37'f, , 7

u,-i/' 39['1 levation sketch. 1958. Pencil on tracing paper, 12 x28',4" 3'):>,' '7

6'. 4N 40~ Elevation sketch. 1958. Crayon on tracing paper, 12 x25V." 3 7<," '7

Lb.L{1741&l ntrance elevationsketch. 1958. Crayonon tracing paper,12,13W' :J '77, • 7

First Unitarian Church,Rochester,New York. Completed1963.(".-Nf 421\ Ian and elevationsketches. 1959. Pencil on paper, 18 x

21W' au· /,'743 Plan, elevation,and interior sketches. 1959.Pencilon trac-

ing paper,16,35" (406.64)44. Plan, elevation,andperspective sketches. 1959. Pencil on

tracing paper,15'12x 331/," (405.64)".-N. 45. Roof structure and light element sketches. 1960. Penciion paper,18'/, x 18'V,"

/'1" .,../16. Roof structureand light element sketch. 1960. Pencil onpaper, 15%, 18V,"

"I,. ilf9 47. Roof structureand light element sketch. 1960. Crayonontracing paper, 12 x 34%"

(',439 48 Roof structureand light element sketch. 1960. Pencil ontracing paper,12 x 25" 3'7,/, (.,7

6" '{5;r'-9.>tRoof structure and light element sketches. 1960. Pencilon paper,12,201'" s roo ''7

50. Elevation, final version. 1961. Studio drawing. Pencil ontissue, 16'!, ,27'12" (407.64)

51. Elevation, final version. 1961. Studio drawing. Pencil ontissue, 17\\ x 29W' (408.64)

52. Elevation,final version. 1961. Studio drawing. Pencil ontissue, 17\\ x 29%" (409.64)

53. Elevation, final version. 1961. Studio drawing. Pencil ontissue, 17\\ x 29%" (410.64)

Salk Institute for 8iological Studies. San Diego, California.laboratory 8uildings completed1965.

~~A,,~54. Site plan sketch. 1959. Crayonon tracing paper, 12,10"~(,. '103 55. Perspective sketch of site. 1960. Pencil on tracing paper,

11 'Va X 183f4.f11.1.. '1.1 56. Elevationsketch of MeetingHouse.1961. Charcoal on trac

ing paper, 9 x 11"57. Elevationdrawing of MeetingHouse.1961. Ink on tissue,

12,11%" (418.64)58. Elevationdrawings of MeetingHouse.1961. Ink on tissue,

12, 18" (419.64),".4CO 59 (Perspective drawing of MeetingHouse,view towards libra.

ry.1961. Pencil on paper,13'V" 31V," 6>'" 6'7., }f' 'i60. Planand elevation sketchesof laboratory Buildings, pre-

liminary version. 1961. Pencil on tracing paper, 10'1, x221'"

61. Elevation drawing of Laboratory Buildings, preliminaryversion. 1961. Ink on tissue,12 x 30%" (421.64)

62. Elevation drawing of Laboratory Buildings, preliminaryversion. 1961. Ink on tissue, 12 x 15" (422.64)

",/15Y61 Plansketch of wall elements in study tower. 1962. Char-coal and pencil on tracing paper,11'/. x 14","

£G. 47'1 64. Plansketch of wall elementsin study tower. 1961. Char·coal on tracing paper, 12 x 1T"

"/;' '/7/65. Elevationsketch of studytower. 1962. Charcoal andcray-on on tracing paper, 18% x 23J.A"

,~.L/7' 66. Perspective drawing, view through central garden; interme-diate version. 1962. Charcoalon tracing paper, 14 x 30"

u".'f67 67~(fIevation sketch of studytower. 1962. Charcoal on tracingpaper,15 x 21'/," :J 3~ . /,7

'&,7:l i 68. Planand elevation sketchesof study tower. 1962. Charcoalon tracing paper, 15,23%"

&.,'In 69. Plansketch of wall elementsin study tower. 1961. Char-coalon tracing paper, 1211. ,22%"

., •. 7JS'70,hWevation sketch of studytower. 1962. Charcoal on tracingpaper, 24%,12" 38''1··7

'~c'i7f?1~(perspective drawing of Laboratory Buildings. 1961. Char-coal on tracing paper, 191(, ,38%" 3t?if,"7

1.1. ..of 70 72. Plansketch of wall elementsin office wing. 1963. Charcoalontracing paper, 11 x 14W'

••• '160 73. Plan sketch of central garden. 1963. Charcoal on tracingpaper, 9 x 273;4/1

".'I8iJ. 74. Site plan. 1963. Studiodrawing.Pencil on paper, 30 x 48". '1. •.'If3 75. Aerial perspective of laboratory Buildings. 1963. Studio

drawing. Pencil on paper,30 x 49W'6Uflll 76. Planof Laboratory Buildings.1963. Studio drawing. Pencil

on paper, 30 x 47%"~~..~·1!1 77. Sections of Laboratory Buildings. 1963. Studio drawing.

Pencil on paper, 30, 4?'V."b6.:J/1I 78. Site model. 1961·63. Cardboard.Iycken and linen onwood,

,~.UQ79.a., '6, CJ G(.


?'V, X 27V. x 60'/2"Modelof typical study tower. 1963. Woodand gesso, 37 x24'(, x 27V."Model of Laboratory Buildings, with plaza between build-ings. 1961·66. Chipboard on wood,9 ,48,601/." (withLuis Barragan)

United States Consulate Buildings, luanda, portuguese Angola.Project, 1959·61.0. 811" Perspectivedrawing, view between the Consul's Residence

iI•.30 . t .(Ieftl and tile Chancellery (fight). 1960. Ink on racmgpaper, 1W. x 31"

Eleanor OonnelleyErdman Hall (Dormitory), Bryn Mawr College,Bryn Mawr,Pennsylvania. Completed 1965.

".s3S"BUUlan and elevation sketches. 1960·61. Crayon on tracingpaper,12'/" 16" (3 9~~t. '7

, 33083. Plansketches from sketchbook. 1960·61. Pencil on paper,~~, 10 x 7'12"".a33 84. Plansketches from sketchbook. 1960.61. Pencil on paper,

10 x 7'12"'6.33/ 85. Plansketches from sketchbook. 1960·61. Pencil on paper,

10,7v,""". '3:l. q 86. Plansketches from sketchbook. 1960·61. Pencil on paper,

10 x 7v,"cc . :JB9 87."Plan sketches. 1960·61. Charcoalon tracing paper, 12'/,

,1m" 3"', (,7'6,3 J.& 88. Plansketches from sketchbook. 1960·61. Pencil on paper,

10,7'12"66..3:1789. Plansketches. 1960·61. Crayonon tracing paper, II V, x

7314"'1..83'190. Plansketches from sketchbook. 1960·61. Pencil on paper,

10,7'12"H.3'7o 91. Plan sketch. 1960·61. Crayon on tracing paper, 18'/. x

1W.",r" 338 9f." Plan sketch. 1961-62. Crayon on tracing paper, 121/. x29Vl"




~,.3l'''93. Plan sketch. 1961·62. Charcoal and crayon on tracingpaper, 12 x 41 'Va"

11.,33>94. Plan sketch. 1962. Charcoal and pencil on tracing paper,. 17"" x 4211,"

.::1179. Ian sketch. 1962. Charcoal on tracing paper, 18 x 53%"3,1'1.'""3~196. Elevation drawing. 1962. Pencil on tracing paper, 17''\ x

29"Elevation drawing. 1962. Charcoal on tracing paper, 18V,x 36Y2'"

Fort Wayne Fine Arts Center, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Project,1961-.98. Site plan sketches from sketchbook. 1963. Pencil on

paper, 10 x 711," (399.641«,5'499. Model of pre-scheme #1. 1963. Clay on WOOd, 1% x 10

X GYa'l

·.,;/,"100. Model of pre-scheme #2.1963. Clay on wood, 211, x 10Ysx 6%'"

',.,)5,101. Model of pre-scheme #3.1963. Clay on wood, ]3;" x 10Ysx 6%"

"JSJ102. Model of preliminary scheme (first stage). July, 1963.Strathmore, paper, and [ycken, 5V, x 30'/, X 19'/,"

1/,15i'10t.JSite plan sketch. 1963. Charcoal on tracing paper, 12 x23\4" :J5'R, , 7


104. Site plan sketch. 1963. Charcoal on tracing paper, 12 x22 (398.64)

tff05. Site plan sketch. 1963. Charcoal on tracing paper, 12 x23'Y," (397.64)

II.'1-"il06. Site plan sketch. 1963. Charcoal on tracing paper, 12'/,x 21W'

.,'/!Jl07. Site plan sketch. 1963. Charcoal on tracing paper, 12 x151/z"

[,."n108. Plan sketch of Philharmonic Hall. 1963. Charcoal andpencil on tracing paper, 12 x 15%"

wl>7..109. Section sketches of Philharmonic Hall. 1963. Charcoal!J.<t and pencil on tracing paper, 10% x 17%"

' t: ,)SJ 110. Model of preliminary scheme (second stage). November,1963. Strathmore, paper, and Iycken, 8% x 30 x 19",,"


Mikveh Israel Synagogue, Philadelphia. Project, 1961-." r/I'-'";.l8111. Plan sketches. 1962. Charcoal on tracing paper, 18 x

3311," 3[/ 'l 6. 7"~3o/t,2'\\Perspective drawing, 1962. Charcoal on tracing paper,

23"" x 36%" 39<', 6. 7'6;\S1J 13. Model, preliminary version. 1962. Chipboard on, wood,~J 6-,c.

1411, x 30 x 56%" .114. Perspective drawing. 1963. Charcoal on tracing paper,

14"" x 17" (403.64)1.'1>711 .Tnterior perspective sketch. 1963. Charcoal on tracing

paper,18x23" 39/. (,.'7116. Interior perspective drawing. 1963. Charcoal on tracingill' paper, 23'/, x 21" (400.64)

1,~·3;lo117. Model. January, 1964. Wood, 1211, x 26% x 9"J] .

,,~Iq 118~odel of lightwell. January, 1964. Wood, 22% x 8V, x 9",,. .. ,,4119. Ceiling sketch. 1965. Charcoal and pencil on tracing

~per, 12 x 15v,-' 3 '/:J,{. '7/:'-"3,)120"' Plan and perspective sketches. 1965. Pencil On tracing

!ll-~per, 18Ys x 3011," ~ 9'3. , 71,~:lo121. Perspective sketch, 1965. Crayon on tracing paper, 18 x

35",," 3'1'(,".,

,- _r --.. -

112 .6t"i3~

Adele R. levy Memorial Playground, Riverside Park, New YorkCity. Project, 1961-. (with Isamu Noguchi)

",.:I~I22. Site model. 1965. Plaster and steel, 4% x 35% x 22%"

Second Capitat of Pakistan, Oacca, East Pakistan. Under con-struction.....

• /.5'1112 . Preliminary sketches for the Citadel of the Assembly.1962. Crayon, charcoal, and pencil on tracing paper, 24x 38W' 39;j~(.,7

124. Site plan sketch. 1962. Crayon on tracing paper, 10% x18%" (391.64)

125. Site plan sketch. 1963. Charcoal on tracing paper, 12 x18" (393.64)

~26. Site plan sketch. 1963. Charcoal on tracing paper, 13 x~,,, (394.64)

,5'0'12 . Site plan sketch. 1964. Charcoal and pencil on tracing,aper, 12 x 23Vz" 3U, "'7

,dI'1128. Site plan sketch. 1964. Charcoal, crayon, and pencil onpaper, 18 x 33'/," 39'7, e:




ll.""7129. Site model. April, 1966. Wood, clay, and Iycken, 2V, x48 X 42¥<>"

130. Plan sketch of National Assembly Building. 1963. CharcoalJin tracing paper, 10Va x 11Y," (395.64)

' •. 5JQ 13 .'PTansketch of National AssemblyBuilding. 1964. Charcoalon tracing paper, 18 x 24V," 3'13, t?

6,.53'1 132~p1an and elevation sketch of National Assembly Building.1963. Charcoal on tracing paper, 18'/, x 25V," 317 '7

1,/~/J.13 .liran sketch of National Assembly Building. 1963. Charcoalon tracing paper, 1714 x 23" 7'00..b 7

134. Section sketches of National Assembly Building. 1963.Pencil on tracing paper, 12 x 17" (396.64)

".5JJ.135:'section sketches of National Assembly Building. 1963.Crayonon tracing paper, 18 x 16V," '10/," '7

",,"ng 136~P~spective sketch of light elements in National AssemblyBuilding. 1963. Charcoal on tracing paper, 9 x 17%"4(c~Jt7

'UNo 137. Elevation sketch of light elements in National AssemblyBuilding. 1963. Charcoal and pencil on tracing paper, 12x 24" /fog, "7

••. 5"1'{ 13a"~ection sketch of roof structure and light elements inNational Assembly Building. 1963. Crayon and pencil ontracing paper, 18 x 19" ~o'l,t 7

1,.snI39""Elevation sketch of light element in National AssemblyBuilding. 1965. Charcoal and pencil on tracing paper,18x3114" 1'6",67

140. Plan, elevation, and perspective sketches of Prayer Hall,preliminary version. 1964. Charcoal and pencil on tracingpaper, 1414 x 14V," (390.64)

",J'Jt 14f. Elevation sketches of Prayer Hall, preliminary version.1964. Charcoal on tracing paper, 18 x 15" 1f06. 67

. r~US~I 142. Plan sketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Charcoal on tracing

paper,18x23V," If07,-.7~,,:'-;;:7 143~Plan sketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Pencil and charcoal on

tracing paper, 12 x 19V," 'fol!, ~ '7, •.5'3' 144. Plan sketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Charcoal on tracing

paper, 12 x 16""s;l314s1fran sketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Charcoal on tracing

• tJ?aper,9x17%" 'fIO.t'7(',,jl8146. Plan sketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Charcoal and pencil on

tracing paper, 12 x 22"." 'i/I, ''7,,4Sl114f'Pran sketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Charcoal on tracing

paper, 12 x 17',1,," '-11;<. {. 7.,;>30 14Bf1P'lansketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Charcoai on tracing

paper, 12'/, x 22%" 'f 13. (, '7","3~149~Plan sketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Charcoal on tracing

paper,12x20" ill'i,b'7

""33150~~ran sketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Charcoal on tracingpaper 12,16" '115,1,,'7In.i' '

".~·.3i151. pran sketch of Prayer Hall. 1965. Charcoal on tracingpaper, 12Va x 17%'/ '7-(4." 7

d.J"),7J,CJ ... ,~8 /he....• ••7<~·152. Study models of the National Assembly BUilding and

1- 3;1 Prayer Hall. 1964·65..,.5;1.153. Model of National Assembly Building with Presidential

Squareand South Plaza.April, 1966. Cardboardand paper,1014 x 88 x 48" (with Marie Kuo Paterson)

f.t.7il9 154~~spective drawing of hostels. 1963. Charcoal andc~red crayon on tracing paper, 18 x 2W' 07'7,' 7

",.511. 15s'1levation sketch of light elements in hostels. 1964. Char·coal on tracing paper, 173,4 x 19¥2" if'.I'.; , '7

Indian Institute of Management.Ahmedabad,India. Under con-struction."'''-",;r.b 156. Plan sketches of Classroom Building. 1963. Charcoal on

tracing paper, 9V, x 17Vz" '119.' 7

174,,~?'1. - d i"lQ...".~~715 . Plan and elevation sketches of Classroom Building. 1963.. ~rcoal on tracing paper, 18 x 26" ¥;Ja '7£6.5"0;( 158~Plan and elevation sketches of Classroom Building. 1963.

Crayon on tracing paper, 12 x 131y4" '1:1.1. t 7""03159. Plan and elevation sketches of Classroom Building. 1963.

Crayon and pencil on tracing paper, 12 x 143,4"160. Plan sketch of Classroom Building. 1963. Charcoal and

pencil on tracing paper, 1BV, x 2614" (424.64)61,2'f.l'161. Site model (first stage). March, 1963. Clay and Iycken on

wood, 2% x 40". x 31 'Is"u~'162. Plan sketches of Classroom Building. 1963. Charcoal on

tracing paper, 9 x 17"., ..247163. Site model (second stage). 1963. Clay and lycken on wood,

2% x 40'h x 31Y,"1,.Fo 7164"Pran sketch of Classroom Building. 1964. Charcoal and

crayon on tracing paper, 12 x 16" 'f.22 r. 7••. '1'%;16 . Plan and elevation sketch of Classroom Building and dor .

I)(}. mitories. 1964. Charcoalon tracing paper, 11 x 16'/," ;1;13 .." 7u.;/5"0166. Sire model. September, 1964. Clay and lyeken on wood,

2% x 40% x 321'8"

,.,.,51 167. Classroom Building. Model. August, 1965. Wood, 7V, x29 x 23%"

•• 'fg.'166~fJevation sketch of a house. 1963. Charcoal on tracing, paper,llV,x16" 'I:1.'f,"7

,t/(97169. Section drawing of a house. 1963. Crayon on tracingpaper, 12 x 19"

,(..418 170. Section drawing of a house. 1963. Crayon on tracing paper,12 x 20V,"

6b.'f9/171. Plan sketch of houses. 1963. Crayon on tracing paper,12 x 1414"

'b!{'fJ 172. Elevation sketch of a house. 1964. Charcoal on tracingpaper, 14% x 19¥<>"

b'f/-7b 173~ran and elevation sketches of a dormitory building. 1964.Charcoal on tracing paper, 11Y,x 17'4" '1d~" 7

4"1<j~1Jl(74.Perspective drawing of dormitory buildings. 1964. Ink andpencil on tracing paper, 12 x 13%"

, .. !i"ul 175. Perspective drawing at dormitory buildings. 1964. Inkand pencil on tracing paper, 12 x 18" "'::1.'., 7

Philadelphia College of Art, Philadelphia. Project, 1964-..,.'130 176. Site plan sketch. 1964. Charcoal on tracing paper, 12 x18"."

U:73/ 177. Elevation sketch of site. 1964. Charcoal on tracing paper,12 x 18\-'4" « a 7· .. 7

'.7"~17eSite plan and elevation sketches. 1965. Charcoalon trac-. irg paper, 12 x 20"." ":lit b'1

t •. '131179. Section sketch of studios, 1965. Charcoal on paper, 29%x4H'4" '!:J9,6?

",,:73;1180. Site plan sketch. 1965. Charcoal and pencil on tracingpaper, 12, 17V," '13~.(.,7".'I"" 1B1. Elevation sketches of library tower. 1965. Crayonon trac-ing paper, 12 x 123/4" 'f;J I "'7

r"t.,,,i3b 182. Elevation. 1966. Studio drawing. Pencil on tracing paper,18 X 3)1/,"

".3~61B3. Model. 1966. Chipboard, 120/, x 2614 x 30%"I

~Io. '733 179,.



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