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Post on 10-Sep-2019






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ISSUE - 2017 © Q Squash Northern Region62 October

Play Squash for fun and fitness!

1 2017October TM: HWR:

Lisa CamilleriCourtney Mather



TM: This Month Highest World RankingHWR:

2017OCT -14 15 Ingham: Ingham 2018 Junior Qualifier (AJST Bronze Event)

OCT 26-29 Cairns: Pacific Toyota Cairns International ( PSA ASTM5/W5)

2018FEB 17-18 Cairns Junior Cairns: Qualifier (AJST Bronze Event)

MAR 17-18 Townsville: Townsville Junior Qualifier (AJST Bronze Event)

MAY 5-6 Mackay Junior Mackay: Qualifier (AJST Silver Event)

Ben Courtice 522 333

Well the Australian Junior Championships have commenced in Geelong.

Alec MacDonald is writing a blog about “52 on Tour” and Jules Condon is sending in a few photos of the Cairns crew.

There were no changes to the RedStar Awards following the AJC. Unfortunately, no NR players finished in the Top 2.

Hayley Hankinson, BJ MacDonald Courtney andMather were our best three players at the AJC finishing 3rd in their respective events.

The first year of the new system has worked well but we may enhance it just a little. Starting with the Ingham Tournament we will now recognise those players who finish 3rd.

Therefore, at Ingham players will receive 3 points for winning,

2 points for coming 2nd and 1 point for finishing 3rd.

Players finishing 2nd or 3rd will initially be

recognised in the Encouragement Award category.

Kim Schrammkim@squashmedia.com.au


As I write, our talented athletes are competing in the AJC. We are so proud of each of you and continue to wish you well.

Ingham Tournament - 14/15 October 2017Our next qualifier tournament in Ingham will be a very valuable pilot for a multi-tiered format and getting players 'doubles ready'. Please do your best to promote the event and get those entries rolling in. The tournament nominations have been affected by players' commitments to AJC, Brisbane Open and PSA. Nominations have been extended to 6 October 2017.

Farewell Rachel McDermottOn behalf of the committee, players and parents, we farewell Rachel McDermott from her valuable role of Tournament Director. Rachel's tireless work is evidenced in the resounding success of all her tournaments.

We are grateful to Rhys Mountford-Jones who will provide his stewardship to the committee for our tournaments, pending installment of a new Tournament Director. R s brings his experiences as a former representative player, current player, hymember of Q Squash board and assistant tournament director for State events.

Tournament Prizes & SponsorshipFrom 1 January 2018, Northern Region will introduce standard prizes for the winner, runner-up and plate/third finalists in the aged, doubles and novice/graded events.

Finalists will be rewarded in money, trophies or other prizes depending upon seniority and nature of the event. Clubs will be expected to fund these prizes by reserves, sponsorship, canteen etc. Please support your local club to get necessary fundraising, grants, sponsorship and voluntary assistance.

Q Rankingsueensland JuniorI have received passionate concerns about timeliness and processes of Q Squash determining State rankings. I’m confident that the board are actively discussing a practical step-by-step process to assure timely ranking decisions. It is critical that cool and calm heads work through their respective representatives to faithfully apply


the ranking policies. At least, our regional rankings are up to date, thanks to Janelle and Alec.

Of course, while rankings are very important, it is only one part of the important role of Q Squash. The reality is our peak state body has enormous funding and promotional challenges to increase and maintain participation.

For our part, we are focussed on building junior (and senior) squash and increase participation in our region, and we are doing marvellous things but need your help to promote our great sport.

See you on the court.Dean Morzone











Nominations have beenextended to 6 October 2017.

Written by Alec MacDonald

The 52 Team:Karen Dyer, Annette Hankinson, Alec MacDonald (responsible adults and Tour Managers) and the players: BJ MacDonald, Wesley Dyer and Hayley Hankinson.

Thursday September 28th - Day One - Travel to GeelongStarted at 4:30am finishing the last job that had to be finished before leaving Mackay5:30am arrived at Airport and checked in.Waited at the airport and were delayed about 15mins and left Mackay about 7:15am and arrived about 5min ahead of schedule in Brisbane prepared for a race to the gate for connecting flight. Arrived at the gate with about 5 minutes to spare before boarding only to find out this flight was delayed about an hour.

Arrived in Geelong about 12:45pm and got our luggage - nothing lost, about time something ran according to the script. Got the Hyundai I30 (known lovingly as the Bus) and prepared to leave Melbourne for Geelong but got hijacked by the infamous Imelda Marcos Twins (alias BJ and Wesley) to go to the airport Westfield shopping centre. Sad but true that a shopping excursion was demanded not by the women in the party but by the 2 boys in the party!

After approximately 2hrs we continued the journey to Geelong and arrived at our lodging on the banks of the Barwon River only to find that we were surrounded by Spies/Confederates in the form of the WA Team.

We went for hit at the courts at the Corio Community Sporting Precinct and did the grocery shopping. End of day one no fights, no crashes and as far as we yet know no traffic infringement notices – all in all a good first day of our adventure.

Friday September 29th - Day 2 - Public Holiday for Grand Final Day Parade. Wes wanted to go to Melbourne – not for the parade but to go to Sneaker Bros (yes, a shoe shop). Temperature was only 5 degrees – why do people even want to live here was the question we all asked.

After sitting in front of the heating air conditioner and having breakfast a shopping expedition was planned to the Geelong Wesfield shopping centre. We arranged to meet at the entrance between 12 and 12:30 and I must admit I was the last to show up – I was not shopping – I was having a massage to straighten out my back and legs after the flight the day before. We had lunch at the Grill Burger Bar at Wes and BJ's insistence and then joined the Queensland team for hit at the courts at 5:00pm.

Saturday September 30th - Day 3 Grand Final Day and the first day of the Championships. The kids believe they are blessed as BJ has his first game at 1:00pm followed by Wes at 2:00pm and Hayley did not have a game so allowed to sleep in.

Arrived at the courts and BJ warmed up by playing Basketball and was hauled on to court by Connor MacDonald as the prior match finished well ahead of time. His unusual warm up technique did not seem to affect his play winning quite easily in 3 against Nathenial Chang.

Wes came out firing and flew to a 2 -0 lead and then got a bit soft and fluffy in the 3rd and had to fight a bit harder to win the final game. He so demoralised his opponent that the opponent gave himself a stiff uppercut that landed with a very audible smack to his jaw. I think the South Australians need to work on their right crosses as there were no teeth broken or jaws shattered. A few more bicep curls and bench presses are in order.

Luke Eyles (seeded 11th) made a mockery of the Squash Australia Rankings by beating the #2 seed in 4. BJ & Wes had predicted this “Upset” and should probably be given jobs by Squash Australia as seeders for the next Tournament. A player from India who is an Australian resident ranked 25 also made it into the quarter finals!

Late in the afternoon an Omen was seen that appears to go well for the Queensland Sharks in the upcoming Teams event – The winning of the AFL Grand Final by the Richmond Tiger Sharks! The WA camp is very worried!

Sunday October 1 - Day 2 of the Championships First day where the kids had to be out of bed early. Wes's first game was on at 10:30am, but the courts were playing a lot of five setters and were nearly an hour behind. Wes started with a flurry of nicks and raced away with the first game. He then got a bit too enthusiastic without moving his feet and the nicks quickly turned into tin shots and Haanie Qureshi got the second game. Wes then settled down a bit and finished the next 2 games with some amazing squash which included at least 12 nicks.

BJ finally got his game under way at 1:00pm (scheduled to be 11:30am) and tore into his opponent like a Grizzly Bear just awakening from hibernation with a ravenous appetite. He played superb squash doing all the little things right – dying length, volleying, dropping the ball short and glued to the wall and there did not seem to be shot his opponent could do that BJ could not read and cover with ease. In the end an easy 3 set win.

Hayley finally got on for her first match of the championship at about 2:30pm and was so nervous she was shaking in the warm up. Once the game started however the nerves did not show and she took command of the T and hit the ball with serious intent and purpose, covering her opponent's shots with time to spare and hitting winners almost at will. Again another easy 3 game win.

Wes then came out for the quarter final match against Abel Jin from WA. The little maestro came out all guns blazing and was hitting nicks and solid drives right from the gecko, but Abel had not read the same script and hung in for dear life until the tsunami of shots coming from Wes's racquet slowed and he could then hit some shots of his own. In the end it was a very close first game that eventually went to the West


Abel then came out firing in the second and blasted Wes off the court. The third set became an Arm Wrestle of World Championship Wrestling proportions, with each player trading blow for blow until the pressure mounted by Abel and the score board finally told on Wes and he went down in 3 tough games.

So day 3 sees BJ renewing his rivalry with Gregory Chan in the semi-finals, Hayley playing the quarter finals at 9:00am (another early start) and Wes renewing his rivalry with West Australian Remi Young, who lost a tough 5 setter against ACT's Sam Sergo. Hayley will be playing fellow Queenslander Katie Davies in the semi-finals to round off the day. Hopefully, they will all fare better than the courageous North Queensland Cowboys.

Monday October 2 - Day 3 of the Championships – Semi finalsGreg Chan versus BJ MacDonald – always a match worthy of the admission. BJ opened up with a series of deft volleys and seemed to know what Greg was doing almost before he did! That first game was akin to the martial arts battle of the masters. BJ having played almost perfect squash won the first game 11 – 6.

Greg went into a huddle with his coach and changed his game plan – BJ said afterwards he was being sneaky and hiding the ball from view when going to the front so BJ was now having trouble reading what Greg was doing. Greg won that game 11-5. The third was an arm wrestle with each player trying to deceive the other – sometimes they even deceived themselves. In the end Greg held his composure to win a tight game 11-8.

By this time a crowd had gathered to watch the clash of titans on court and were getting quite raucous urging the combatants to greater feats of daring and racquet ability.

In the end Greg proved to be the master of the court with BJ running himself to a standstill just to keep in the rallies. No boring 20 shots up the wall in this game, nicks and winners being hit by both players and miraculous gets. A great match in the end which would have been worthy of a Final.

Halley went head to head with Katie Davies. This looked like an arm wrestle in the making with the first game being won by Katie 13 -11 with both players having their chances at game point.

The second brought new resolve and aggression to Hayley who came out with an absolute barrage of winners ranging from Volley nicks to full blooded drives that died in

the back of court and the deftest of drop shots up in the front of the court. The stage was set - a 5 setter looked on the cards as Hayley even things up 1 game a piece.

The two Queenslanders did not disappoint the gathering crowd with the 3rd game seeing the two players standing toe for toe trading blow after blow like a pair of prize fighters. Katie proved too strong winning that game 11-9 off an unforced error from Hayley (unforced if you call making an error after you have run the 10000 metre final just before hand).

It was going to take a mammoth fight back by Hayley to make it go to a 5th game. Hayley came out firing and looked on track to force the 5th game but the effort in the previous game proved too much in the end and Katie won the fourth and match 11-8. Another great battle by the 2 good friends.

Wesley found himself in the playoff for 5 to 8 positions coming up against a familiar foe in Remi Young. It was going to be interesting to see if either player could even move after their torrid clashes the day before. The first game started off with an unusually staid opening by both players going into a long rally of length balls deep down the backhand wall.

The two players were gauging just how each other was feeling and moving and like the Great Chess Champion Karpov, Wes won the opening gambit with a daring and decisive crosscourt nick. Game on. This game then turned one way with Remi seemingly getting on top for a few points, with Wes the greedy little urchin stealing it back with another nick or volley. Wes ran out winner 11 – 8.

The second game saw Remi having trouble with his movement – the prior day's battle seemingly taking its toll, and Wesley won it easily. After going into a huddle with his coach Remi seemed to have gotten his hands on a miracle cure for the soreness in his legs running everything down and smashing winners at will.

Wesley only knows one way and that is all out attack in these situations and started his attempt at mounting the barricades with a barrage of winners, but it seemed that his efforts of the day before were starting to tell with a lot of the winners going down.

Wes decided that he did not want a 5 setter and set about systematically dismantling Remi's game and came back with shot after shot finding its mark in devastating fashion. Wes claimed victory with a fist pump 11-4!

Tuesday October 3 - Day 4 of the Championships - Finals Day

It was a somewhat sombre mood in the camp in the morning with all our players out of contention, but with a reminder that Hayley and BJ were playing for 3rd places and Wes facing off against his old friend and rival Josh Penfold the banter was soon flying around almost like normal.

Hayley was up first against Ella Burge. These two had recently played at the Queensland Schools State Championship with the result being 1 win each in torrid 5 set matches. Ella had won the final and Hayley was out for revenge.

Ella came out in the first 2 games and literally blew Hayley off the court. It looked like revenge might have to wait for another day, especially when after an arm wrestle Ella got to a 10 -7 lead. Everyone in the crowd thought it was all over. Everyone that was except the girly with a steely expression and fire in her eyes.

Hayley decided she had not had enough squash for the day and stormed home to win the 3rd game 14-12 and the crowd was now hooked on the intrigue and all sensed a fuse had just been lit to a match that was going to explode into one of the major matches of the tournament.

Hayley seemed to be obsessed, absolutely flying around the court and not only getting winners back but hitting them back with interest. Ella matched her blow for blow for much of the 4th game but nothing was going to withstand the onslaught of North Queensland Cyclone known as Hayley Hankinson for too long. Hayley continued the merciless barrage in the 5th game to walk away the winner 11-4.

BJ took to the court next against West Australian Eric Gray next and seemed flat and half asleep. He had been complaining about being sore - thanks Greg we really needed that. BJ looked like he wanted to just lie down and go to sleep and Eric took full and I thought quite unfair advantage of the loose shots and low energy that BJ brought to the court and won the first game 11-8.

Would the bear awake from slumber in time to make a match of it? I set about prodding the Bear, making sure not to get within arms reach of him. He seemed to start firing up and took to the court for the second game and from the first point it seemed like the Bear had gone and had been replaced by BJ the merciless as he set about seeing how much Eric liked to cover the court by sending him to all four corners of the court, and Wes’s Punishment

cutting balls off with a variety of length and short volleys and even a drop shot that everyone watching thought was going short to the backhand front corner except BJ deliberately hit it with the wrong side of the racquet to send it to the forehand nick for a roller! Taxi anyone was the call from Wesley, who claimed to have taught BJ that shot. The result was never in doubt after that with BJ winning in 4.

Wesley took the court against Josh who has been a nemesis fo Wes in the last few national tournaments. The two great mates tore into each other like the terriers that they are and an entertaining match was played in a relaxed atmosphere with both players joking with each other and the referees. In the end Josh won in 4 and Wesley ended the tournament in 6th place.

So with two 3rd place finishes and a 6th place it wasn’t a bad result for the 52 on Tour Team. The next day was the main event being the free day – what were we going to do? It was decided to go into Melbourne for would you believe a shopping expedition. I have never been to so many shops in one day in my entire life.

In the end I had to join in and bought 2 knee guards and some pain killers as my knees just could not last. BJ and Wes were disappointed with a shop called Sneaker Boys, and believe it or not Wes did not buy a pair of shoes on the entire Tour – a remarkable feat!

Karen and Annette made up for it though over the next few days dragging me the entire length of Pakington Street in Geelong. A good time was had by all even me the reluctant shopper, and I think the Victorian Government should thank us for rescuing the state economy from its recession.

We then visited the infamous Geelong Jail or what we refer to as the future finishing School for BJ and Wes! This hell on earth was closed in 1991 and even as late as that did not plumbing for toilets in the cell! It housed Chopper Read for 9 months. Chopper said it was the worst place he had lived in his life and hated it with a passion. The Warden however liked Chopper as he kept the rest of the inmates in line. So when you think the going is too tough and you want to quit just think of Chopper and just HARDEN THE HELL UP!

U11B QLD NR Michael Lawrence 7thU11G QLD NR Kayce Hoani-Vincent 7/8U13B QLD NR Francis Morove 18thU13B QLD NR Lachlan Erba 11thU13B QLD NR Josh Porter 6thU15B QLD NR Jordan DiBella 13thU15B QLD NR BJ MacDonald 3rdU15G QLD NR Kiara Stubley 17thU15G QLD NR Amy Condon RetU15G QLD NR Hayley Hankinson 3rdU15G QLD NR Caitlin Porter 21stU15G QLD NR Kurstyn Mather 6thU17B QLD NR Kyle Hoani Vincent 28thU17B QLD NR Wes Dyer 6thU19B QLD NR Corey Condon 28thU19G QLD NR Courtney Mather 3rd

16 Players from NR ventured down to the Australian Junior Championships held in Geelong. Hayley Hankinson, BJ MacDonald Courtney Matherand were our stars finishing 3rd in their respective events.

Hayley Hankinson lost in the semi final to #1 seed Katie Davies (Queensland) in four 7-11, 11-0, 10-12, 6-11 (25m) but finished off the event well fighting back from 0-2 down to beat Ella Burge (Queensland) in five 4-11, 7-11, 13-11, 11-9, 11-5 (32m).

BJ MacDonald ran into his main rival Greg Chan (WA) in the semi final. Despite getting off to a good start MacDonald went down in four 11-6, 5-11, 3-11, 6-11 (30m). He then played Eric Gray (WA) in the 3 v 4 playoff and recorded a strong 7-11, 11-6, 11-7, 11-5 (28m) result.

Courtney Mather lost to Shehana Vithana (NSW) in four in her semi 8-11, 11-8, 7-11, 13-11, 7-11 (40m). She bounced back and had a very strong win against Grace Pattison from Tasmania 7-11, 11-9, 11-9, 7-11, 11-5 to take 3rd place.

There will be a more comprehensive analysis in next month’s edition.


Play in the Ingham QualifierStrive for selection in the 2018 Redbacks Team


Are you Under 19 years of age and love Squash?

There are many ways to your squash. improveDo some fitness training. Get some coaching - Private or Group. Do some routines with a friend. Seek out stronger competition. Play in junior tournaments. Work with a ball machine (if available).

Do you want more information?Phone Jules Condon on 040 0450 298Send her an email qsnrvicepresident@gmail.comCheck out the NR Website www.northernregionsquash.net

Northern Region Junior QualifiersThere are 4 per year. They are great fun and you get to play against kids your own age. Meet new friends. Strive to do your best and you may get to represent the .Redbacks Junior Team

Entries Close30/9/17

Now is a GREAT TIME to get some

coaching, do some training and get ready for 2018.

Play in the Cairns Qualifier

Keep striving for selection in the 2018

Redbacks Team

14-15 OCT

17-18 FEB

Play in the Cairns QualifierKeep striving for

selection in the 2018 Redbacks Team

Play in the Townsville Qualifier

Keep striving for selection in the 2018

Redbacks Team



17-18 MAR


You still have one more chance to make the team. Keep training and working hard ...

Play in the Mackay QualifierThe 2018 Redbacks Team will be selected after this event.

Frankie finished 2nd at the QJC in U11 Boys


If you are selectedin the Redbacks team you will represent NR

at the Queensland Junior Championships





At the QJC you get to play a major event - individuals and teams - over 8 days in the school holidays

In the QJC teams event the Redbacks play the other 3 regions. You even get to play Doubles!

At the QJC players strive for selection in the Queensland Sharks team

At the AJC you get to play a major event - individuals and teams - over 8 days in the school holidays

Do you want to improve, test your skills against others your own age, explore other and higher forms of competition and travel?

If so we would love to hear from you ...

Entries Close2/3/18

Entries Close20/4/18

Entries Close2/2/18

268 Gatton StCairns

Marc Forster0402 327 560

A will be held in conjunction graded event with the PSA eventDivision 1,2,3,4 s will be played on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October.

Entries for the open graded event will close . Monday October23Cost $3 /event. Entries to be sent to 5 cairnssquash@hotmail.com

Don't miss out on playing yourself and seeing the Pros in action. It’s an exciting event and one which produces fantastic Squash!

2017 STAR AWARDS REDIn an effort to recognise more NR juniors we have introduced a new system of performance recognition. From now on Each every finalist will be recognised. winner will be listed in the Achievement category and every finalist (runner up) will be listed in the Encouragement category.

Once a player has won an event they will be elevated and listed in the Achievement category even if they finish runner up in other events. If players are equal they will be listed in alphabetical order.

Players receive 2 points for winning a qualifier, 4 points for winning a QueenslandState title and 6 points for winning a National title (AJO & AJC). Players will receive 1 point for finishing runner up in a qualifier, 2 points for runner up in a State final and 3 points for runner up in a National final.

Even though the Ingham qualifier was played in October 2016 it is still a 2017 qualifier so the results from that event will contribute to the 2017 NR Player of the Year Award. A 2018 qualifier played in 2017 will not be included.

The player who accumulates the most points will be declared the Player of the Year. There will be joint winners if 2 players finish on the same number of points. The aim of the points system is to automate the selection and player results determine the outcome. The system is also designed to encourage players to support all events in their quest to accumulate points.

To be awarded points there must be at least two players competing in an age group.

If an event is combined eg U17 and U19 Combined then it will be analysed to ensure points are allocated to both U17 and U19. A direct match up of the best two players in an age group will determine the winner of that age group. Otherwise the highest finishing position in an age group will receive the maximum points.

A player can only enter up to 2 events so they can only be rewarded with 2 results. An U9 player who might win a combined event eg U9, U11 and U13 Combined can only be rewarded for the U13 victory and their own age group U9. If they were the only player in U9 they will earn points for both U13 and U11.

STARREDAchievement and

Encouragement Awards



Hayley Hankinson 17 Q15 Q17 Q15 Q17Wes Dyer 14 SF17 Q17 Q19 Q17 Q19Kayce Hoani Vincent 12 S11 Q11 Q11Michael Lawrence 12 SF9 Q9 Q11BJ MacDonald 12 S15 Q15 QF17 QF19Courtney Mather 12 S19 Q19Kiara Stubley 8 Q13 Q13Brody DiBella 6 QF19Shantelle Ale 5 QF13 QF13Matt Brazier 5 Q13Kurstyn Mather 5 QF15 QF15Josh Porter 5 SF13 Q13 QF13Mathew Finitsis 4 QF15Jordan DiBella 3 QF15Sean Julius-Wright 3 Q15

Mackay Townsville



Sarah Brazier 3 QF11 QF11Francis Morove 3 SF11Jack Butcher 2Bradley Martin 2 QF17Kaci Newman 2 QF17 QF17Summer Palmer 2Kate Butcher 1Quinn Douglas 1 QF9Lachlan Erba 1 QF13Liam Fascetti 1 QF11Danielle Hankinson 1 QF19Jake Webb 1

Mackay Townsville

Rankings as at 1st 2017.October

BOYS U9 BOYS U11 BOYS U131 Quinn Douglas 1 Michael Lawrence 1 Josh Porter

2 Liam Fascetti 2 Lachlan Erba3 Jack Butcher 3 Francis Morove4 Prabhneer Singh Marwaha 4 Tyrone Ale5 Shiven Sharma 5 Tyler Harris

BOYS U15 BOYS U17 BOYS U191 BJ MacDonald 1 Wesley Dyer 1 Brody DiBella2 Jordan DiBella 2 Sean Julius-Wright 2 Bradley Martin3 Matthew Finitsis 3 Jake Webb 3 Michael Sutherland4 Xavier Morzone 4 Kyle Hoani-Vincent 4 Corey Condon5 Matt Brazier 5 Alex Fox 5 Lachlan Forster

GIRLS U9 GIRLS U11 GIRLS U131 Kayce Hoani-Vincent 1 Kate Butcher2 Sarah Brazier3 Olivia McDermott

GIRLS U15 GIRLS U17 GIRLS U191 Hayley Hankinson 1 Kaci Newman 1 Courtney Mather2 Kurstyn Mather 2 Chloe Thompson 2 Summer Palmer3 Kiara Stubley 3 Danielle Hankinson4 Caitlin Porter5 Amy Condon


268 Gatton StCairns

Marc Forster0402 327 560

forster_marc@hotmail.com26-29 October 2017




FOR LEASE: Ingham Squash Courts, 96 Cartwright Street, Ingham.

The dwelling contains an upstairs fully refurbished apartment consisting of 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, large lounge, dining and kitchen area. A laundry and large study/gym room are situated on the ground floor level. The

dwelling also contains a lock up 2 bay garage.

The centre consists of 4 courts with showers and toilet facilities. A generous size working sauna room is an added feature. A fully fitted kitchen exists off the retail shop area on the ground floor. For more information contact:

Frank Chris Erba 07 4776 2639and on


If everyone supports, everyone gains!

Your affiliation to squash is invited and would be very much appreciated.

Junior PathwayJunior RankingsQueensland SharksPlayer, Coach and Referee DevelopmentPlayer Accident Insurance

$66 pa or $40 per half year

Contact your centre operator

for more information


Main Contact:Jules Condon040 0450 298

Dean MorzoneJules CondonDi WhitchurchKaren Dyer












JUNIOR PATHWAY:Club FixturesSchool SquashNR Junior QualifiersNR Redbacks TeamQJC State TitlesQLD Sharks TeamAJC & AJOOceaniaAustralian RepWorld Champs


Nominations have been extended to 6 October 2017.

Northern Region Junior Qualifier # 11 -1 October 2014 5 7







VISITORS: Do you require a BILLET?

YES NO Please circle

Availability times for Friday 13 October 2017 (after 4pm):

I have read the tournament conditions of entry and agree to abide by them.

Players Signature:



Under 21Under 19Under 17Under 15Under 13Under 11Under 9


Aged Championship: $40 for one event plus $10 for each additional age groupDoubles: $5 (for Aged Championship players only)Graded: $20 which includes limited affiliation. Age Championship players ineligible.

Northern Region Junior QualifiersConditions of Entry

1 Games may be scheduled for Friday evening for available players.2 Otherwise players are expected to be available between

8:30 am and 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday except with prior approval. 3 Doubles teams will be determined to maximise experience in that format. 4 The Graded draw is intended for new or less experienced players who

wish to compete in a separate draw with players of similar ability and proficiency regardless of age/gender. The players will be graded basedon ability by tournament organisers.

5 Graded events are not eligible for rankings or Redbacks team selection.6 All grading will be made relative to Q Squash guidelines and

the tournament committee reserves the right to regrade any player.

7 Best of 5 Games to 11 PARS - Tie break at 10 all. To win a game you must win it by 2 points

8 XX Yellow Dot balls will be used.9 The wearing of Protective Eyewear is COMPULSORY at this tournament.

Players Under 13 must also wear a mouth guard.

10 Players are to be present and checked in with Tournament Control 30 MINUTES before the scheduled time of their match.

11 All Players are to mark and referee the next match at the completion of their own match.

12 All players MUST BE Financial members of Q Squash and under their respective age group as at 15 October 2017.

13 Entry fees are due and payable once the draw has been completed. No refunds will be made.

14 Photos may be taken during the championship for use by media outlets,the Northern Region website and REDBACKS Newsletter.

15 All players must abide by the Q Squash JUNIOR PLAYER BEHAVIOUR Policy Version 2 Effective 1/1/09, which can be read on the Q Squash website.

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