092209 gov criminal procedure 100m

Post on 08-May-2015






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Good Day!

DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY1) Write: Date: 09/22/09, Topic: Criminal Procedures2) On the next line, write “Opener #17” and then:

1) Plot your mood, reflect in 1 sent.2) Respond to the opener by writing at least 2 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Other things going on in the news.Announcements: NoneIntro Music: Untitled

Agenda1) Criminal Procedure Overview2) Introduce Mock Trial Facts

What you will be able to do:1) Know what to do as a victim of a crime.

Reminder1) Prepare for Mock Trial Thur-Friday

Participation (10 points a week)Negative Mark: Minus 2 Points Each0 Check: 6 Points1 Check: 7 Points2 Checks: 8 Points3 Checks: 9 Points4 Checks: 10 Points 5 Checks: 11 Points (+1 EC)6 Checks: 12 Points (+2 EC)7 Checks: 13 Points (+3 EC)8 Checks: 14 Points (+4 EC)

Find 4 sources on your role, and attach a Validity Sheet to each source.Due: Block

Find, read, highlight, validate.

Review1) To Bring Order: Courts deals with 3:a)Interpretation of the Law: You vs. GovOutcome: Stop law or action, force action.b) Criminal Cases: Society vs. AccusedOutcome: punishmentc) Civil Cases: You vs. OthersOutcome: Money or action. Personal harm

cases are called torts.

When you harm someone. You can be sued by the gov for criminal action (guilty “beyond reasonable doubt”) and sued by a person for civil action (lower req: “clear and convincing” guilt)

2) How to Win:a) Arbitration/Mediation (Criminal: Plea Deal):95% of cases are settled before ever a trial.b) Prove Innocence (Create Factual Doubt):To a jury, guilt: 12/12 jurors, civil: 9/12 jurors

needed to defeat you.c) Dispute Law or Evidence (Case Precedent):To a judge, dispute the law or exclude pieces

of evidence that were gained illegally.“Even if I did what you said…”

d) Flee to a country that doesn’t have extradition with the US: Venezuela or Iran

3) Roles in the Criminal Process:Police: Gathers evidence, makes arrestDistrict Attorney/DA: Prosecuting lawyer for

gov, decides if gov will prosecute.Defender: Hired lawyer for the accused.Public Defender/PD: Gov hired lawyer for the


ReviewJudge: Rules on issues of lawJury: Determines guilt (reality)

Notes #17a, Title: “Legal Procedures” 1) Roles in the Criminal Process (this is your

procedural DP-states must give thanks to 14th):

1) Investigation2) Warrant 3) Arrest4) Bail (possibly)5) Preliminary Hearing or Grand Jury6) Indictment7) Plea Bargain (possibly)8) Jurisdiction Hearing/Trial9) Dispositional Hearing/Sentencing10) Appeal?

2) Warrant: Right to search your things or arrest you. Requires probable cause. “Reasonable person would believe that probably…”

3) Arrest: When you are no longer free to leave. You’ll be read your Miranda rights.

Miranda Rights:You have the right to remain

silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of

law. You have the right to have an attorney present during

questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Difference Between Detention and Arrest

a) Arrest is when you are no longer free to leave. You’ll be read your Miranda rights (unless caught in the act of a crime).

b) Suspect detention: Hold you until the DA’s office is open or for your safety, 24-72 hours (or till parents arrive).

c) Witness detention: Beyond a few minutes is typically not accepted

4) Bail: Judge decide if you can go home before your set court date or if you must stay in jail.

Bail is money you give court in place of your body. You get it back if you show up at your

court date.

5) Preliminary Hearing: Judge will decide if there’s enough evidence for a trial or if to let you go.

Grand Jury: In fed cases, instead of a judge, a jury gets to decide if there’s enough evidence for a trial or to let you go (same function as a prelim hearing)

6) Indictment: Formally charged, it’s if a prelim hearing or grand jury says you need to go to trial.

7) Plea Bargain: After indictment, and before trial date, DA tries to give you a deal where you confess for a lower punishment. 90% of cases.


8) Jurisdictional Hearing/Trial: Trial to determine guilt with a jury. What you see on TV all the time. Jury Criminal Case: 100%

Hung Jury: Not 100%. The accused can be tried again (it would not be double jeopardy)

Jury Nullification: When a jury decides to all 12 vote someone is innocent, b/c they don’t like the crime, even if the person is clearly guilty.

9) Dispositional Hearing/Sentencing: If found guilty by a jury, judge decides punishment, if death penalty, separate jury must approve it.

10) Roles for Sentencing:Neutralize: To stop the crime.Rehabilitation: Help fix the

person.Retribution: Help the victims

family.Deterrent: Stop others.

Work #17a, Title “Sentencing”Neutralize: To stop the crime.Rehabilitation: Help fix the person.Retribution: Help the victims family.Deterrent: Stop others

1) With a partner: write down the ranking order of most to least important. Strike a cross through any category that they think should NOT be a factor (include their name in the end).

Work #17b, Title “Mock Trial Prep”1) What is the definition of murder?2) What is the definition of manslaughter?3) Summarize the info/advice on car-related manslaughter (back side)?4) Should texting w driving and/or street racing be murder or manslaughter?5) What are the “standard objections” that can be made in court? (2nd handout: focus just on objections)

5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections

Work #17c, Title “San Diego DA”

1) Copy Source Title: Law&Order

2…) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion (include their name at the end). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections

Pre-trialDiscovery: Gathering info from the witnesses.

Mock Trial Structure1) Opening statement of DA2) Opening statement of PD3) Direct examination of DA’s witnesses4) Cross-examination by PD6) Direct examination of PD’s witnesses7) Cross examination by DA8) Closing argument by DA9) Closing argument by PD

Post-VerdictSentencing and appeals

Work #17d, Title “Plea Deal”

1) Copy Source Title: Frontline

2…) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion (include their name at the end). Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Work Sections

Case 1: People vs X1: 10mo Baby, 2: 17yr Female, 3: 1st Trimester Fetus

Mock Trial Structure1) Opening statement of DA2) Opening statement of PD3) Direct examination of DA’s witnesses4) Cross-examination by PD6) Direct examination of PD’s witnesses7) Cross examination by DA8) Closing argument by DA9) Closing argument by PD

Post-VerdictSentencing and appeals

No Opener

Mock Trial Structure1) Opening statement of DA2) Opening statement of PD3) Direct examination of DA’s witnesses4) Cross-examination by PD6) Direct examination of PD’s witnesses7) Cross examination by DA8) Closing argument by DA9) Closing argument by PD

Post-VerdictSentencing and appeals

Time Check: 15 minutesLawyers: Decide who is saying what (outline speech)Witnesses: Be ready to answer lawyers questionsJury: 15 minutes to relax (you will be taking notes later)Judge: Prepare your jury statement (summarize p code)

Mock Trial Structure1) Opening statement of DA2) Opening statement of PD3) Direct examination of DA’s witnesses4) Cross-examination by PD6) Direct examination of PD’s witnesses7) Cross examination by DA8) Closing argument by DA9) Closing argument by PD

Post-VerdictSentencing and appeals

On a Separate Piece of Paper Title “Jury Notes (Only for Jury)”

Write down key information from judge, lawyers, and witnesses.

Case 2: People vs X1: 17yr Male, 2: 28yr Male, 3: Miscarriage (month later)

Mock Trial Structure1) Opening statement of DA2) Opening statement of PD3) Direct examination of DA’s witnesses4) Cross-examination by PD6) Direct examination of PD’s witnesses7) Cross examination by DA8) Closing argument by DA9) Closing argument by PD

Post-VerdictSentencing and appeals

Workbook peer check:

Have your partner look at your notebook to see if the formatting is correct, get their signature under Work#5a

Workbook Check: Remember you workbook is turned in each marking period for 100 points!

Homework: 1) Prepare your workbooks to turn in

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