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Bypass Cycle

IBM RSC@Replenishment Supply Collaboration Application

External Release 3.0

Version 03

IBM UserIBM User

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Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................2PREFACE .......................................................................................................3

Document Structure ........................................................................................................................3GENERAL BYPASS CYCLE OVERVIEW ...............................................................4BYPASS REQUEST ..........................................................................................5

Data checkpoint.......................................................................................................................................... 6Display Bypass Request (BR03)......................................................................................................7

Basic flow of the function .......................................................................................................................... 7Menu Path .................................................................................................................................................. 7Transaction Path......................................................................................................................................... 7Display Bypass Request ............................................................................................................................. 8

General Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 12Status Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 13

History of Bypass Request (BR04) ................................................................................................14Basic flow of the function ........................................................................................................................ 14Menu Path ................................................................................................................................................ 14Transaction Path....................................................................................................................................... 14History of Bypass Request (BR04) .......................................................................................................... 15

Changes Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 18COMMITMENT ...............................................................................................20

Create Commitment (BS01) ..........................................................................................................20Basic flow of the function ........................................................................................................................ 20Menu Path ................................................................................................................................................ 20Transaction Path....................................................................................................................................... 20Create Commitment (BS01)..................................................................................................................... 21

General Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 25Change Commitment (BS02).........................................................................................................27

Basic flow of the function ........................................................................................................................ 27Menu Path ................................................................................................................................................ 27Transaction Path....................................................................................................................................... 27Change Commitment (BS02) ................................................................................................................... 28

General Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 31Display Commitment (BS03).........................................................................................................33

Basic flow of the function ........................................................................................................................ 33Menu Path ................................................................................................................................................ 33Transaction Path....................................................................................................................................... 33Display Commitment (BS03)................................................................................................................... 34

General Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 36

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PrefaceThis manual provides an introduction to the Bypass Cycle functionality of theIBM Replenishment Supply Collaboration Application

Document StructureThis manual is made up of multiple documents to facilitate printing and allowthe user to focus on the features they are interested in. All documents are inMicrosoft Word’97 format. The following table lists the available documentsand their contents:

Document Contents01 General Web External V30 General Introduction02 General Functionality External V30 General Functionality03 Forecast External V30 Forecast04 Refill Cycle External V30 Refill Cycle05 Inventory External V30 Inventory06 Pull Cycle External V30 Pull Cycle07 Bypass Cycle External V30 Bypass Cycle08 System External V30 System09 Help External V30 Help10 Spreadsheet Upload External V30 Spreadsheet Upload11 Menu Structure External V30 Menu Structure

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General Bypass Cycle Overview

The functions listed below are available in RSC@ 3.0:

Bypass Request:• Display Bypass Request• History Bypass Request

Commitment:• Create Commitment• Change Commitment• Display Commitment

Link to Shipping Details:• Create Shipping Details• Change Shipping Details• Display Shipping Details• History Shipping Details

There is a link to Shipping Details in Menu Refill Cycle by pressingShipping Details on Bypass Cycle.For more Details look at User Guide ‘Refill Cycle External V30’.

Link to Goods Receipt on Site:• Display Goods Receipt on Site• History Goods Receipt on Site

There is a link to Goods Receipt on Site in Menu Pull Cycle by pressingGoods Receipt on Site on Bypass Cycle.For more Details look at User Guide ‘Pull Cycle External V30’.

Bypass Cycle (BSXX)

Display (BR03)History (BR04)

Create (BS01)Change (BS02)Display (BS03)


(BS00)Bypass Request


Bypass (BSX1)

Goods Receipton Site (IR00)

Create (SD01)Change (SD02)Display (SD03)History (SD04)

Create (IR01)Change (IR02)Display (IR03)History (IR04)

ShippingDetails (SD00)

Refill Cycle(RCXX)

Pull Cycle(PCXX)

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Bypass Request(as the first step of the Bypass Cycle)

In order to request the part to send directly from supplier to the line, the IBMBuyer must create a Bypass request out of the RSC@. This data is the basisfor the following transaction (shipping details, which are usually used in therefill cycle).

A bypass request is a direct shipment request. It is created whenever the linewants to bypass the RSC. An IBM Buyer creates this bypass request and itgoes to IBM Management or authorized person for approval. After that, therequest will be visible on the web for Supplier. Supplier is responsible toprovide the commitment info.

The main key which is used to track the Bypass Cycle is the Bypass Request#. Thisnumber is the unique number which is generated from RSC@.

Note:No interfaceFor shipment, it belongs to Refill Cycle (Shipping Details)

Bypass Request


Pull Request






3RSC ProviderIBM

Bypass Request





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Data checkpointA data checkpoint must be performed within RSC@ with Material master dataduring creating of the Bypass request. There is no other interface but manualentry.

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Display Bypass Request (BR03)Basic flow of the function

Menu PathThe function can either be reached• per menu path

Bypass Cycle -> Bypass -> Bypass Request -> Display

Transaction Path• or by choosing Transaction codes BR03 and pressing the GO Button

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Display Bypass Request

The selection screen for “Bypass Request” will pop up.

This transaction allows external user to display Bypass requests. In case youwant to see specific data, clicking at restricted by.

There are 2 main sections, Selection criteria and Display Options on theselection screen:

1. Selection Criteria

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

Plant No Multi value field HG01Manufacturing Line No Multi value field HG01Material # No Multi value field 00000P1476

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Supplier # No Multi value field A26269Bypass Request # No BP200207100001Restricted by Yes Drop down box

It’s filtering the data.Choices of selectionApproved onlyCommitted onlyWithdrawn onlyNo restriction (default)

Created Date No System Date 22.07.2002(Created Date) To No System Date 22.07.2002Request DeliveryDate

No Default as today’sdate, but possible tooverwrite the newdate


(Request DeliveryDate) To

No Default as today’sdate, but possible tooverwrite the newdate


2. Display Options

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

List by Yes Drop down box

Transaction Type Yes Drop down box 1.Display (default)2.Download ALL Data3.Download as List by

Items per Page Yes Drop down boxSelection20 (default), 50, 100, 200, ---

List By the relevant sorting data and the sequence ofinformation can be selected from different optionalreports. Besides the sorting criteria the reports showadditional information as described in the nextsection.

Transaction Type Display display the screen on yourmonitor

Download All data download all data on yourhard disk of your PC

Download as List by download the data as selectedafter the List by definition

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Items Per Page the number of line items shown on a page or a screencan be selected.

Make your entries.The level of detail in your report will vary as more data is entered asSelection Criteria.

By pressinoptions an

The screenper Page o

The followion the follo


Page Num


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g List screen is shown upon the creationd the format of list screen depending on the sorting criteria.

displays the number of line items previously defined in the Itemsption.

ng function allows the user to page through the report by clickingwing items:

displays the previous report sessione.g.: pages from 1 to 10

bers displays the selected report page and thepage number shown in bold black number

display the following report sessione.g.: pages from 20 to 29

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By clicking on theRequest Details S

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on the right or left column the detailed Bypasscreen of the selected line item appears and is shown below:

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The BR03 Detailed Screen consists of 2 Header Tabs:

1. General2. Status

General TabThere are 4 main sections, Header, Request Data, Approve Data and CommitData.The status field can contain only one of the following status: “Approved”,“Withdrawn” and “Committed”.

1. Header Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Plant No HG01Manufacturing Line No HG01Ship to Code No M420

2. Request DataThe status field can contain only one of the following status: “approved”,“withdrawn” and “committed”.

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Bypass Request # No BP200207100001Status No Approved, Committed or

WithdrawnCreated Date No 07.07.2002Created by No RSCINT17Material # No 00000P1476MaterialDescription


Request DeliveryDate

No Local requestedDate


Request DeliveryTime

No Local requestedTime


Bypass Qty No 6000Contract # No 15124Contract Item No 10Supplier # No 61350Supplier Name No Celestica Italia S.r.l.Lot # No 23Comment No

3. Approve Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Approved Date No 10.07.2002Approved By No User ID RSCINT17

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4. Commit Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Commit DeliveryDate

No 07.07.2002

Commit DeliveryQty

No 6000

Commit by No User ID RSCEXT17Comment No

Status TabThere are 3 sections – Header, Bypass and Cycle.

1. Header Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Plant No HG01Manufacturing Line No HG01Ship to Code No M420

2. Bypass

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Bypass Request # No Generated BypassRequest number


Material # No 00000P1476Bypass Quantity No 6000Total Issued No Data from Shipping

Details, sum of all un-blocked Shipping Detaildirect quantities

Total Received No Data from IBMGR, sumof the quantities

3. Cycle

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Cycle Status No Open, Partial Closed,Closed

Details No Requested, No delivery, Tobe clarified

Close Comment No

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History of Bypass Request (BR04)Basic flow of the function

Menu PathThe function can either be reached• per menu path

Bypass Cycle -> Bypass -> Bypass Request -> History

Transaction Path• or by choosing Transaction codes BR04 and pressing the GO Button

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History of Bypass Request (BR04)This transaction allows external user to display the history of changes for eachBypass request. All of changes will be logged in history.

It shows only the changes, which occurred after requests have beenapproved.

There are 3 main sections, Selection criteria and Time Range History andDisplay Options on the selection screen:

1. Selection Criteria

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

Plant No Multi value field HG01Manufacturing Line No Multi value field RST1, HG01Material # No Multi value field 00000P1476Supplier # No Multi value field A26269Bypass Request # No BP200207100001Field Name Yes Drop down box

Default as ‘All’

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2. Time Range History

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

From No Default is 2 weeksago from today


To No Today is default 18.07.2002

3. Display Options

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

Items per page Yes Drop down boxSelection20 (default), 50, 100, 200, ---

Items Per Page the number of line items shown on a page or a screencan be selected.

Make your entries.The level of detail in your report will vary as more data is entered asSelection Criteria.

By pressinoptions an

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g the list screen is shown based on the creationd the format of list screen depends on the sorting criteria.

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This is the list display screen, which shows Timestamp, Changed By and FieldName.For more details see BR03.

By clicking on thRequest Historybelow:

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e on the right or left column the detailed Bypass Details screen of the selected line item appears and is shown

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Changes TabThere are 3 sections – General information, Change History Information andTimestamp.

1. General Information

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Plant No HG01Manufacturing Line No HG01Material # No 00000P1476Supplier # No 0000061350Bypass Request # No BP200207100001

2. Change History Information

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Changed by No RSCINT17Before Value No 3299Field Name No Committed byAfter Value No 3287

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3. Timestamp

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Date No Changes Date 09.07.2002Time No Changes Time 15:32:26 GMT

By pressing CONTINUE, the user come back to List Bypass Request Screen.

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Create Commitment (BS01)Basic flow of the function

Menu PathThe function can either be reached• per menu path

Bypass Cycle -> Bypass -> Commitment -> Create

Transaction Path• or by choosing Transaction codes BS01 and pressing the GO Button

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Create Commitment (BS01)

The selection screen for “Bypass Request” will pop up.

This allows External user to give the commitment to the approved BypassRequest.

There are 2 main sections, Selection Criteria and Display Options.

1. Selection Criteria

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

Plant No HG01Manufacturing Line No HG01Material # No 00000P1476Supplier # No A26269Bypass Request # No BP200207100001

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2. Display Options

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

List by Yes Drop down boxShows onlyrequests in status“Approved”

Items per Page Yes Drop down boxSelection20 (default), 50, 100, 200, ---

List By the relevant sorting data and the sequence ofinformation can be selected from different optionalreports. Besides the sorting criteria the reports showadditional information as described in the nextsection.

Items Per Page the number of line items shown on a page or a screencan be selected.

Make your entries.The level of detail in your report will vary as more data is entered asSelection Criteria.

By pressin the list screen is shown upon the creationoptions an

The list scr


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d the format of list screen depending on the sorting criteria.

een shows only Bypass Requests in status “approved”:

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To commit, press the button and put commit data in the next DetailedCommitment Details Screen (is described after the Description of the “fastcommit”-Button).

Additionally the user can select several bypass requests and press the “FastCommit” button.

Here the requested quantities and dates will be copied into the commit data.Afterwards it links to a confirmation List screen which looks like the former ListScreen, but added two more columns which contains the new commit quantityand date.

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Here after pressing continue it links to confirmation screen.

By clicking on the right or left column the detailed CommitmentDetails scr

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een of the selected line item appears and is shown below:

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General Tab

There are 3 main sections, Header, Request Data and Commit Data.

1. Header Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Plant No HG01Manufacturing Line No HG01Ship to Code No M420

2. Request Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Bypass Request # No Generated BypassRequest number


Material # No 00000P1476MaterialDescription


Request DeliveryDate

No 07.07.2002

Request DeliveryQty

No 2

Contract # No 15124Contract Item No 10Supplier # No 61350Supplier Name No Celestica Italia S.r.l.

3. Commit Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Commit DeliveryDate

Yes 22.07.2002

Commit DeliveryQty

Yes 6000

Comment Yes

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By pressing COMMIT –Button, the system stored the commitment for thespecific Bypass # and the user come back to List screen.

In case there is no more item in the details screen can be displayed, you willbe routed back to Selection screen.

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Change Commitment (BS02)Basic flow of the function

Menu PathThe function can either be reached• per menu path

Bypass Cycle -> Bypass -> Commitment -> Change

Transaction Path• or by choosing Transaction codes BS02 and pressing the GO Button

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Change Commitment (BS02)This allows user to change the commitment to the approved Bypass Request.

There are 2 main sections, Selection Criteria and Display Options.

1. Selection Criteria

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

Plant No Multi value field HG01Manufacturing Line No Multi value field HG01Material # No Multi value field 00000P1476Supplier # No Multi value field A26269Bypass Request # No BP200207100001Committed Date No To limit the list

display view22.07.2002

(Committed Date)To

No To limit the listdisplay view


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2. Display Options

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

List by Yes Drop down boxList committedrequest only

Items per Page Yes Drop down boxSelection20 (default), 50, 100, 200, ---

List By the relevant sorting data and the sequence ofinformation can be selected from different optionalreports. Besides the sorting criteria the reports showadditional information as described in the nextsection.

Items Per Page the number of line items shown on a page or a screencan be selected.

Make your entries.The level of detail in your report will vary as more data is entered asSelection Criteria.

By pressinoptions an

This showsand comm

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g the list screen is shown upon the creationd the format of list screen depending on the sorting criteria.

list of committed bypass request by comparing the requested dataitted data.

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The screen displays the number of line items previously defined in the Itemsper Page option. For more details see BR03.

By clicking on the in the right or left column the detailedCommitment Detabelow:

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ils screen of the selected line item appears and is shown

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General Tab

There are 3 main sections, Header, Request Data and Commit Data.

1. Header Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Plant No HG01Manufacturing Line No HG01Ship to code No M420

2. Request Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Bypass Request # No BP200207100001Material # No 00000P1476 (a 10 digit

alphanumeric field)MaterialDescription


Request DeliveryDate

No 07.07.2002

Request DeliveryQty

No 2

Contract # No 15124Contract Item No 10Supplier # No 61350Supplier Name No Celestica Italia S.r.l.

3. Commit Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Commit DeliveryDate

Yes 22.07.2002

Commit DeliveryQty

Yes 6000

Comment Yes

By pressing CONTINUE –Button, the system stored the commitment for thespecific Bypass # and the user come back to List screen.

In case there is no more item in List screen can be displayed, the user will berouted back to Selection screen.

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Display Commitment (BS03)Basic flow of the function

Menu PathThe function can either be reached• per menu path

Bypass Cycle -> Bypass -> Commitment -> Display

Transaction Path• or by choosing Transaction codes BS03 and pressing the GO Button

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Display Commitment (BS03)

This allows user to display the commitment to the approved Bypass Request.

There are 2 main sections, Selection Criteria and Display Options.

1. Selection Criteria

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

Plant No Multi value field HG01Manufacturing Line No Multi value field RST1Material # No Multi value field 00000P1476Supplier # No Multi value field A26269Bypass Request # No BP200207100001Restricted by Yes Drop down box

To filter data1.Fully Committed (nodelta)2.Delta Date/Qty3.Delta Data4.Delta Qty5.No restriction (default)

Committed Date No To limit the listdisplay view


(Committed Date)To

No To limit the listdisplay view


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2. Display Options

Field Name Required Field Criteria Sample

List by Yes Drop down boxList committedrequest only

Items per Page Yes Drop down boxSelection20 (default), 50, 100, 200, ---

List By the relevant sorting data and the sequence ofinformation can be selected from different optionalreports. Besides the sorting criteria the reports showadditional information as described in the nextsection.

Items Per Page the number of line items shown on a page or a screencan be selected.

Make your entries.The level of detail in your report will vary as more data is entered asSelection Criteria.

By pressin the list screen is shown upon the creationoptions anThis showsand comm

The screenper Page o


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d the format of list screen depending on the sorting criteria. list of committed bypass request by comparing the requested data

itted data.

displays the number of line items previously defined in the Itemsption. For more details see BR03.

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By clicking on the right or left column the detailed CommitmentDetails scr

General TThere are

1. Header

Field NPlantManufactuShip to cod

2. Reques

Field NBypass ReMaterial #MaterialDescription

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een of the selected line item appears and is shown below:

ab3 main sections, Header, Request Data and Commit Data.


ame Editable(Yes/No) Criteria SampleNo HG01

ring Line No HG01e No M420

t Data

ame Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

quest # No BP200207100001No 00000P1476No CARDPOP ASAKUSA-4


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Request DeliveryDate

No 07.07.2002

Request DeliveryQty

No 2

Contract # No 15124Contract Item No 10Supplier # No 61350Supplier Name No Celestica Italia S.r.l.

3. Commit Data

Field Name Editable(Yes/No) Criteria Sample

Commit DeliveryDate

Yes 22.07.2002

Commit DeliveryQty

Yes 6000

Comment Yes

top related