04 infocus june2014 summercamp 260514

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We caught up with Ledisa, aged 15, from Albania. Her family is very poor and has been supported by MWB (F2F) for several years. Ledisa’s three other siblings are now adults and are living abroad. Ledisa attended summer camp in 2012. She told us:

“Summer camp helped me to discover who God was and how much He loves and cares for me.

After camp when I returned home I decided to start the Bible Correspondence Course lessons

and these also have helped me to understand more about Christian values and how to relate to others.

The last lesson speaks about being part of the Christian community (a church). This is very important because it helps us to grow and if we fall down, there are other believers who can help us. Now I have decided to open my heart to Him and I want to follow Him. I will let Jesus guide my life.”

June 2014


T h e q u a r t e r l y n e w s l e t t e r o f M i s s i o n W i t h o u t B o r d e r s N e w Z e a l a n d

Ledisa (right, centre) and new friends in the pool at Summer Camp

Set for Life because of Summer Camp




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2 Summer Camps in FOCUS | JUNE 2014

Now Ledisa regularly attends a local church. She is a member of the youth group and she participates in different dramas and plays which she enjoys.

Her mother, Majlinda, is very proud of her daughter who wants to learn more about God. She has started going to church. “I felt very welcomed there and the love and respect I found there touched me,” Majlinda says.

For Ledisa Summer Camp has helped to play a significant part in shaping her young life for the better. It has led her into many other exciting adventures and has helped set her up for life.

(Note: If you have our 2014 calendar, Ledisa is pictured at front left of the group at 2012 summer camp.)

“Summer camp helped me to discover who God was and how much He

loves and cares for me.”

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Young people write in English to describe their feelings about Summer Camp in Albania. Summer camps

offer 3,000-4,000 the chance to experience good food, make friends, have fun and know God’s love.

TOP: Ledisa and her youth group meet in our Mission office for worship and Bible study.

FAR LEFT: Ledisa at home with her Mum and Dad.

LEFT: Ledisa enrolled in the MWB Bible Correspondence Course after camp.

Keeping in touch with the children afterwards is very important, especially as they face real difficulties and dangers as they grow up in impoverished communities or under institutional care. Here are some of the things we do to strengthen relationships:


Regular visits and outreaches by

children’s ministry teams

Summer Camps in FOCUS | JUNE 2014

Bible correspondence courses

“Jesus called the children to him

and said, “Let the little children

come to me, and do not hinder them,

for the kingdom of God belongs to

such as these.” Luke 18:15-17

A Kiwi Sponsor at Camp

“The 10 year old girl I was sponsoring was kindly

transported many kilometres to attend the camp

and for us to meet up.

The presence of love and care, along with the

good food, sport, fellowship and Christian

teaching permeated the camp and it was a new

experience for many of the children there.

Approximately 20 team leaders were there

from churches that support MWB and they

intermingled with the children the whole time.

My sponsored child clearly had more than her

share of difficulties and I soon realised that I had been guided to sponsor her and it was a joy to see her flourishing in the atmosphere at the camp.

Being able to go to camp is absolutely life-

changing for the children. I feel we as

sponsors and donors under-estimate the value

of the full-on effect the camp has on them.



Christian radio broadcastsOutings for youth

Dreambus outings (Moldova)

“I visited the Summer Camp in Rivne, Ukraine in 2012. About

140 children had come from orphanages all over Ukraine.”

Building on the Foundation

Puppet shows, Easter and

Christmas celebrations in

State Homes Children’s special outings

44 Helping to Change Lives in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine

Ukraine Update

The situation changes daily • What is constant: the huge anxiety under which all Ukrainians are living • Prices of food, household goods and fuel have risen steeply, making life harder for most • Young men are being called up for military service • Military checkpoints are on all roads leading into our base town of Rivne, with compulsory vehicle searches • Ukraine still must remain war-ready • Good news: churches are attracting back many looking for answers and hope, and inter-denominational unity is strong; summer camps for children in Ukraine are going ahead • 700 children are picked to go. to camps and camps are already running (camp venues had been reserved for government use for refugees).

PRAyER: please join with our MWB Ukraine colleagues in praying for good government and peace to follow the recent Presidential election. As well as prayer, our biggest need in Ukraine is more family sponsors ($45 per month).

For more news on Ukraine, you can follow us on Facebook or our web site.

MISSIONWITHOUTBORDERS (NZ) PO Box 56264, Dominion Road, Auckland 1446 Phone 09 309 6969 Email nzadmin@mwbi.org Website www.mwb.org.nz Reg. Charity No. CC37218 www.facebook.com/MissionWithoutBordersNz

OvercOmers magazine Extra copies are available – please contact us on 0800 469 269.

sUmmer camps Our field staff are deeply appreciative of the many Kiwis who have already helped send disadvantaged children to camp this year. Our life-changing summer camps start 28 May in Ukraine and the last one finishes 6 August Romania. If you would like to help send a child to camp, but haven’t as yet, it’s not too late! Camps cost about $20 per day and go for 10 days. You can phone us toll free 0800 469 269 or use our web site or bank account details below. Thank you for caring.

Your Final Word Leaving a LegacyIf you would like to include Mission Without Borders in your Will, we recommend you consult your solicitor or other professional adviser to make sure your wishes are clear in your Will.

The following sample wording is sufficient, but please check with your adviser:

“I give, free of all duties and charges, to Mission Without Borders (N.Z.) to be used for its work where it is most needed:The sum of $__________________ OR_______ percent of my residuary estate OR_______ [description of property or assets]And the receipt of Mission Without Borders (N.Z.) shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustees for this gift.”

If you need to discuss leaving Mission Without Borders a legacy, please phone 0800 469 269 or email nzadmin@mwbi.org

And if you do decide to leave something to us, do please let us know so we can thank you now!

Direct Credit Payments: Our bank account is 06-0185-0122206-12 If you would like us to issue a receipt for tax rebate purposes, please include or email us your name, supporter number (if you have one) and a reference code: SC: Summer Camp WMN: Where most needed For Bibles, please use account 06-0185-0122206-25 but please note that gifts for Bibles do not qualify for tax rebates.

In Ukraine, corporate prayer has taken on new importance

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