004 release 4 the human being

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  • 8/14/2019 004 Release 4 The Human Being




  • 8/14/2019 004 Release 4 The Human Being




    Full Moon of July 2007


    Dear Brothers and Sisters of the world:

    We have traveled across part of the path together.

    In A View of the World I presented you what I considered as a part of theworld scenario that needed to be reviewed in the light of spirit. I showedyou how I see the world. That is my vision. I never pretended you to fullyaccept it, what I was looking for, as I mentioned, was to create in you theseed of a new necessity: to meditate.

    The same objective was aimed in the essay named: A Path to Light, in it Icommented that the human being is a being born with a luminous missionthat can be seen as 3 paths: The path to honor the physical body and tohonor the Earth through that search; the path of happiness, which is thepath that leads to the acceptance of who you are and what you have and, atthe same time, the search for improvement and development; and the pathto honor God and because of this, to study His creation to understand andhonor Him by living a balanced life in all ways.

    I have said that my purpose when publishing these manuscripts is to start a silent revolution, a movement that leads to action in silence; one thatmotivates to start a search for the inner being in each of you. It is a path tobe traveled within each of us.

    In the previous manuscript, I made a call to the ancient traditions. I tried tocall them out in a magical act. We need to connect the man of the past withthe man of the future.

    However, an integration of humanity cannot be done by only thinking in joining people from several latitudes, it is no about only to unitegeographies, it is about to integrate the history with the future that is notwritten yet.

    That is the reason why I had to call to the guardians of the past and took


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    them where the germ of the new humanity was: the young people.

    But not to any young people, not to any young boy/girl, I took them tocommunicate with the young people who will be the light of the future.

    Just like not every day is the same in the life of individuals, neither all theyoung people are the same and they do not represent the same for thehumanity.

    There are days that write our lives history, that change our destiny; alsothere are young people that have been called to change the humanitysdestiny.

    And were those who I called to.

    And I am sure that the call has been listened to.

    The silent revolution has initiated.

    There are many more people who are meditating at this time and they aretrying to get the message from their spirit and that is fine.

    Now I will talk to you.

    This message is yours; it is for you who read these lines. Here, I am notwriting what had occurred in this world, I am describing neither past viewsnor future scenarios.

    I am going to talk to you. I am whispering in your ears, I am talking to yourheart. Do not imagine strange people and hypothetical situations that couldserve to other people. Do not say to you: I wish someone else read this,no. Do not let your mind playing to displace guilt and responsibility, thismessage is for you.

    I am going to talk about Man, with a generic term which includes woman, of course.

    I am not going to make genre distinctions as it plays down agility to theideas I present. Each time I mention Man, with a capital M, I will be talkingabout the human being in its two versions, man and woman. And I will talkas you were in front of me; usually it is in that way, except for the caseswhen my manuscript is being read in public. So get your ears ready and tryto keep your mind quiet, leave my words to permeate your being and letthe awake what it has to be awaken. Everything else will be part of anatural growth that will follow because what I will tell you was not told toyou in this way. They will the spiritual catalyst that will accelerate the


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    growth of the seeds what you were provided with before to be born. It isthe fuel that your inner being needs to finish awakening.

    That is why I am going to talk to you about parts of you that you do notknow but you will recognize them when you hear them in your inner voice.

    This will be a directed meditation. When reading, you will be reviewing yourlife and your being, you will light your inner chambers, where you havebeen keeping so many things you have forgotten you had. You are going torevisit inner mansions where you have dwelled before but your own life hadobligated you to leave them behind. We are going to see them with thespirit light. And I can assure you will understand yourself as never before.

    At the end of this manuscript you will find a key. Keep it jealously. It isyours, and no one elses, it does not serve anybody else, just you. It is whatyou found along the taller vivencial (experience-based workshop), but it will

    help you living a life full of spiritual meaning; it will change your future.

    So be it:

    Be welcome to this journey for the conscience!

    It starts the magic of the self-discovery.

    Come in to know yourself.

    I am Melchizedek.


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    Before you were born you already existed.

    Do not care about you have learnt at the school or in magazines. Listen tome carefully

    You already existed.

    And you were something more than a thought in your parents mind.

    You already were. Before your parents conceived you, before your bodystarted to form You already were.

    But when you were born you started training.

    You were trained to be another human being similar to those who alreadylived on the Earth.

    You were programmed to think and act as everyone else.

    That is why you lost many things of your memories.

    That is why all that you needed in this life was asleep.

    You sent all your memories that had to do with your spiritual existence tothe inactive archive, to the oblivion attic.

    Little by little you were identifying yourself with the character your parentscreated for you.

    In the great plot of life, you came to be a character inside your parents script. You came as part of the play your parents were writing for them yyou took the place of a character they assigned you.

    Or maybe, your parents did not receive you and they left soon and yougrew up under someone elses care. It does not matter, you came andstarted acting.

    That is you were trained for.

    And you learnt that very well.

    So well that you forgot you were an actor, not a character.


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    An actor can play several roles in his life. He can decide if one characterlikes him or not, he can choose in which play to act.

    But a character is tied for life to the play which he was created for.

    In the world there are many plays being presented.

    In fact, the life is a great theatre, with multiple scenarios.

    Each man is following his own play.

    But he does not have options because he thinks he is a character.

    He does not realize he is an actor.

    And this is a tragedy.

    Long, long time ago when you were a child, someone chose a name for you.You were labeled with it.

    No one asked if you liked it, they just chose it for you.

    And since then, someone else started to draft your future; they decided youwould be big, as your character would be.

    And they educated in that way sowing seeds of that future they decidedfor you.

    And you never were asked.

    Even though they did it you could have not answered anything.

    That is why now you live a life in which you feel strange many times. Youyearn for a change. A freedom you have not enjoyed.

    For that reason, while you are reading these lines I tell you.

    You are an actor or actress. You have the freedom of change the character.You have the freedom of change the plot of your play.

    This manuscript will help you doing it if that is your will, if you decide tokeep playing the role you have already taken, it is fine. That is yourfreedom but understand that you are an actor not a character. Play the roleyou wish, but do it with the freedom of an actor who seeks to perform thebest role in his life. Act as if you were to win the academy award for thebest acting and never never let the role you have chosen bind your walkin the world.


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    It is the actor who chooses the character, and not the other way around.


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    You live in a theater. You are acting your own play. But you do itunconsciously.

    And when you are with your friends, they force you to act according to theirplays; they have already assigned you a role. For them, you can be theentertainer, the one who scolds, the most daring, or the most cautious. Youare in their play acting a role given by them and you accepted it.

    But then, life puts you with your family. And there you play another role; adifferent one. But it is a role that each of them considers yours. Theyassigned to you. You may be the savior, you may be the sustenancesupplier, and you may be who appeals for sanity or who punishes. Whateverthe role you play is you accepted it. You have been playing it from years.

    And perhaps you do not want to do it anymore.But you do not know how to change it. For you think you are the character,and a character does not have power in a play, the character acts accordingto the script decided by the author.

    When you feel as a character in someone elses play you are only a puppetwithout decision, condemned to follow someone elses script.

    But when you are aware of that only you decide in which play to act, whenyou take up again the control of your life, you start writing your own play

    and decide in which plays to act.It is when the breakages come: relationships, non-sense promises,enslaved compromises, breakages with the past.

    It is likely that you finish very hurt, it is likely that your heart hurts a lotbut in the very deep you start tasting the sweet feeling of freedom.

    For years, you felt that it was important that everybody thinks you were anice or valuable person, that you were intelligent and hardworking,someone responsible, trustful. That made you to effort too much. Maybe

    you did it; you got a position respectable by everybody, or maybe you stilltrying.

    But today I tell you you already are important.

    And you do not need someone else tells you.


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    You do not need to act according to the plays imposed by someone else justto get their approval.

    You do not need a church for saving you; you do not need a man who lovesyou or a woman who respects you; you do not need that your children are

    afraid of you or your boss admiration.You do not need to act in the roles that someone else would like to see youin.

    You are free. You are an actor o actress. You are not a tied character.

    You need to realize this first.

    To taste that air of freedom to be able to decide how to act.

    To look back and remember how many times you had to suffer to keep thatrole they assigned you.

    To realize that if it was not for the mother, you are condemned to be thesuperwoman who solves everything in the family, or the superdad whonever rests.

    To be the older son does not mean to take care of all of your brothers andsisters, and to be the one who works does not mean you have to supportthose who do not work.

    Feel the freedom of being able to decide the course your actions will follow.

    You were born free but they enslaved you.

    Life is a theater where there are many roles and directors are abundant andthey want to contract you. They give you the roles when you have notasked for and then they accuse you of being a bad actor because you didnot act as they expected.

    They label you as bad friend, bad son, bad wife, annoying mom, etcbehind every word you gain, there is a role that someone else assigned youwithout your knowledge.

    And those words worry you.

    And then, you modify your behavior you try to fit in the role they areclaiming.

    You do not want to hear that you are a dab actor anymore.


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    And you start being a slave.

    You sold your freedom, in exchange for a compliment, a smile, an I loveyou.

    And that is fineAs long as you have done it consciously

    There is nothing wrong in wanting to be the ideal person for the other; aslong as it is done consciously.

    There is slavery when the freedom is delivered in an unconscious way andthen you suffer for being enslaved and not knowing how to free yourself.

    There is devotion and growth when the person, for love or for service, actsconsciously according to the other person needs.

    In the first case the character is the one who suffers in the second casethe actor is the one who triumphs.

    Think and think a lot. How many roles are you playing in your life and thatare making you to suffer? How many more will you suffer? How many didyou take unconsciously and how many did you get or were assigned to youwithout asking?

    Your freedom could be in the answers and decisions you make from now on.


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    Now listen to me carefully.

    When you were born, you came alone. You made alone your birth process.Even though you have born as a twin, you made it alone. The nature helpedyou only. Your mother, who maybe was afraid or fascinated in that momentbecause of the miracle happening in her body, was the only one whoaccompanied you and tried to do her best.

    But you arrived alone.

    When you die, it is very likely you do it alone.

    It is another necessary process and it is an integral part of life that has tobe traveled by you only.

    You arrived alone and you go alone.

    But in the course of life many being will be with you, many have alreadydone it. Some were important and many more passed and you do notremember them.

    Do you have an idea of how many people have been close to you until now?

    Do you understand the plot of life?

    All of them have been part of your life, their lives crossed with yours, some just a few moments and other were with you for more time. Some havealready passed this plane and other will do it after you have gone.

    In the path, all of them were looking for something; all of them werelooking for a place in the world. They were looking for happiness; theysought to find the secrets of life and how to get to their goals. They had away of thinking, from their own, the felt that life was in a determined way.The struggled, suffered, laughed; you were invited to be like them, they

    wanted you to join their causes, they shared with you moments thatenriched you to some extent and they left.

    Now you are still living. In your own way, fighting for you goals, for whatyou think it worth; observing in each morning the glory of God with thehope that is a better day. Sighing in every sunset, while trying tounderstand that days lesson. What does this day take away? What did thisday leave me?


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    That is the life; a collection of moments and lessons. It is a pearls necklacethat contains in each pearl the seed of a future we know by intuition but weare not able to fully predict.

    We are happy or dreamers; we fight for living life in our own way, trying to

    convince the world that we have to change; that something has to be donein order foe things to improve.

    I understand you.

    In understand what you feel because I live within you.

    I understand your anguish, your desperation, you powerlessness in trying tomake others understand the importance of being aware of where we aregoing to as humanity, as people, as planet.

    And I want to tell you it is good that you feel that.You are not the only one.

    We are living the spirit awakening.

    Today, the personalitys chains that have hidden the spirit for long time startreleasing themselves.

    The spirit starts growing, and it feels the personality as a too tight suit thatprevents it from moving freely.

    Why do I have to limit myself in what I want to do just because it may be alittle strange for the others? Why do I have to follow rules imposed byothers just to keep the so called good habits? Why only children can havefun freely? Why the adults must follow many and many rules imposed bysomeone interested in silencing the natural impulses of life?

    In this moment maybe your mind is asking where it wants you to go.

    But what really matters it is that you feel what I am saying; and not thatyour fears or prejudices feel challenged by this.

    Understand that you have been educated and programmed without restsince you were a child.

    Neither your name, nor your religion, nor your first school were decisionsmade by you. You did not choose your parents and brothers; you did notchoose the country in which you were born; you did not choose the timewhen you wanted to be born.


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    You have leant what your teachers have taught, what writers have writtenin the books you read, you think that you think, but your thoughts are notyours, someone else thought them before. You think you made your owndecisions, but in reality you have been conditioned by all the training youreceived.

    From the first moment you were labeled, you stopped being you. Youstarted a training that have taken you to think you are a very originalperson, when in reality you are the result of a society that has trained youto live according to its rules.

    All of this while your spirit lies asleep or half asleep within you.

    Now, wait a moment.

    Take a deep breath. Stop reading this manuscript that is just beginning.

    You can agree or not with what I am saying.

    But there is something you must not forget:

    Your judgments are tinged by what you learnt before.

    For your mind officially will be nice to realize it has been wrong.

    All what you thought it was yours; all that confidence feeling that let youknow you were a person with your own and unique ideas, who felt different,who have exerted to have a particular opinion about important matters.Now you realize that all you have done all this time is to reflect on someoneelses thoughts.

    We live in a psychic atmosphere that forces us to share the ideas from allwho have lived before us. We take what was left by previous generationsand we work on it to adjust it to our needs.

    There is no fresh, new knowledge under the sun.

    They are the same ideas put on different minds.

    Only what comes forth from the spirit can be new.

    Only the spirit can get connected to that source of inner wisdom, andcontribute something new to humanity.

    That is why I have been motivating you to meditate. To meditate is the actof connecting with that source of infinite wisdom that comes to us from theinner self and leaves us a feeling of freedom.


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    You have within the greatest power that a human being can aspire to.You have within the power you have always wanted.

    But you have not found it because you have looking for it in the outside.

    I understand this need of yours to feel confident and that it takes you tolook where others have already looked for; I understand you do not want tofeel alone when you have to decide about your life. I understand that youhave always made decisions by asking your friends, your parents, the priestor people who were close to you when you had to make them. I understand

    you.That is why I told you before: when you were born, you did it alone andwhen you leave, you will surely do it alone too.

    You know, in birds lives there is a very critical moment that each have topass. It is within their law to do that. It is a moment when they risk theirlife. It is when the fly for the first time.

    In that moment, they have to leave the nest. And they do not have morethan one opportunity to do it. Either they fly or they fall from the nest and

    being at the mercy of predators. Can you imagine what would cross ahuman beings mind if he had to do that? And the birds do it even whenthey are little.

    The human being must learn to live by making decisions himself. Decisionsbased on what the majority does only will take him to be like the majority.

    And you are different.

    I know that from the moment you took this manuscript you have beenrealizing you are different.

    The human beings are beings trained by society to achieve the societysurvives. And that is fine.

    That is why in my previous release I called to being a fight for the Earth of the future.

    But now I am talking to you.


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    The great paradox of this path is to know that the human beings are equalsin essence and different in manifestation.

    I have to make you aware that you are unique and different from everybodyelse in order for you to move away from the collective unconscious that has

    hypnotized you as most of human being from the planet and get in touchwith that treasure kept for you by your inner self.

    And once you have made contact, you will notice that all human beings areequal in essence.

    I am moving you away from who you think you are to take you to who youreally are.

    But that path must be traveled only by you. I am only showing the course.

    I am not here to tell you to honor such and such religion, master orphilosophic current, I do not even asking you to join a particular movement,I am not interested in counting how many are participating in thiscommunications; I am just interested in humanity, as a collective, wakes upto a higher reality.

    I work within each human being.

    I am not interested in working with associated, organizers, board of directors or congresses.

    I leave it to those who are organizing the circulations of these releases.That is their job. My job is talk to you. To work with you in the inside.

    When you do it, when you answer to this call I am now making from theoutside, then you and I will be together. And your life will start over.

    It will be the most glorious awakening that a human being can experiment.

    And the magic will begin.

    You will realize the great power you have had the whole time inside you.

    The power of living the life you have always wanted. To make your dreamscome true.

    Though, surely, what you wish and dream today will change when youperceive the real value of things.

    But some things will start happening when you are getting closer to thatmoment.


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    The world will seem more interesting and mysterious for you.

    It will seem that things start taking a different color for you; that people areas they were before. You will note something different in their way of being.

    You will start understanding the hidden reasons of why people act as theydo.

    You will understand the little whys of life; you will understand what there isbehind things that happen to you, and an inner joy will come forth evenbefore you experience that inner contact with your soul.

    Some external events will happen suddenly which are linked to thepurposes you follow in your path; they are called synchronies, eventsseemingly not connected will connect suddenly and you will be so surprisedthat you will attribute it to the path you have chosen.

    You will see come true the little things you deeply wished; loved people whoyou had empathy with, you will suddenly perceive them as they aredifferent from you while others you have not been close to, you will seethem much more interesting.

    The world will look different, but it will not. The world is still the same, youare the one who changed and that is fine.

    That will mean you are moving forward.

    That is the path of auto-discovery. That is the path I am proposing you.That is why I am here.

    That is why I have been talking to you in a personal level.

    It is enough of asking to people what you have to do or not.

    It is enough of you following someone elses true and believe it to theextent of adjusting your life to what they mark.

    It is enough of living a life that it is not yours, just because someone elsetells you.

    It is the moment of finding your own way.

    It is the moment for you to meditate and discover behind labels, behindbought true, behind the hypnosis that have had unconscious for so manyyears.


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    All the doors are within you.

    Ask yourself: What do I want for me? How do I want to live my life? What isit worth for me to look for? What does my inner self say?

    And when that inner self answers follow it.In that way you will realize that is real. It is you, the real you. The one whowas contained when you were told your name was John, or Mary orwhatever your label is.

    It does not matter if at the beginning you do not listen to well and if youfeel you are wrong; it does not matter if suddenly your inner self asks forsomething irrational, what it matters is that you already are incommunication with it.

    If there is any psychological pathology in your mind and suddenly you hearvoices saying insanities as that you have to destroy something, or stainsome famous painting be sure that it is not your inner self.

    Your inner self will never ask you for something that makes your lifedifficult. It will never put in danger neither your life nor someone else. It willnever ask you to do something violent or that violates the other personsright to think the way they want.

    Do you realize I am not forcing you in any moment to do what I am askingfor?

    There are universal laws that prevent from violating the human beings FreeWill and that is why I am calling you to a silent revolution because it is arevolution that starts within and spreads on the outside when the beingaware of his actions, changes his behavior and starts making a new society.

    But always through harmony and congruence between your inner peace andthe firm and conscious behavior of your personality.


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    5. THE FEAR

    There is a lot of fear kept in your subconscious.Your mind has been feeding from a great dose of fear.

    When you were a child you were scared of people who stolen children orscared of monsters; you were scared of demons or ghosts.

    When you were a little older you were afraid of things that happen in life;with drugs, with diseases, with police, with everything that could stop yournormal tendency to experiment out of the limits established by society.

    Maybe now you are older, your greatest fears are to educate your childrenso that they do not lose in their path; how to guide them now you see themgoing astray.

    You may now understand why your parents educated you by instilling fear.The same powerlessness you feel when you cannot control you childrensgrowth it is the same powerlessness they felt when trying to educate you.

    And the fear is the most effective weapon to control a life.

    And that fear has grown with you.

    Now you see it as real. It is your nocturnal ghosts.

    They are who appear every time your loved ones do not arrive at home ontime. They are the same who cross your mind when you ask yourself whatwill happen to your son or daughter when they grow up. Will they be alrightwhen you are not close to them?

    Those ghosts were the ones who prevent you from crossing the linesmarked by your spiritual mentors.

    Those are the undead that torment you because you gave room in yourmind and you have not expelled them.

    And the fear is the greatest enemy of humanity.

    And it is the weapon of those who control you.

    The church controls you with the fear.


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    Your children or your parents control you with the fear.

    Your bosses or your employees control you with the fear.

    And the news in television or in newspaper catches you with the fear.

    It is the fear and only that the great enemy of freedom.

    That is why I am telling you that the fear is defeated by acting.

    Do you want to learn how to live free of fears?

    Learn from your children. Watch them carefully. They live in freedom. Makethe test one day, just one day.

    Watch them without telling them No, let them act.

    Watch how they face life. Watch them how they act to learn while they arehaving fun.

    Their life is eternal fun, it is within their nature to have fun and learn. Theyknow what they do because they are following their natural impulses; theyare not contaminated by fear yet.

    They have been provided by nature with a common sense that protectsthem from some dangers, but not all of them of course, but they live happywhile learning.

    They are not distressed by what is going to happen tomorrow, they do notfeel remorse because of thing they made yesterday. They live their present.

    But you

    You have been taught that you have to plan your life to avoid such and suchtragedy. You have to plan your future, to decide it, to distress yourself because you have to solve things before they happen.

    And you have also learnt that you have to revise your mistakes so that youcan suffer again and experience the pain of being wrong every time.

    Perhaps nobody taught it to you with these words exactly, but you often doit.

    Your mind is always traveling between the past you cannot change and thefuture that has not arrived only to suffer.


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    All of this while the present is getting away from your hands loosing theopportunity to learn the lessons you have in front of you.

    Make a count of all your fears.

    Write them down in separate papers.Describe them carefully without extending too much.

    When you have them all, go to the fresh air where there is some sun andask yourself the following questions:

    a. Is it rational this fear? Can it really happen? If the answer is Yes, thenask yourself the following question.

    b. What would I do if this happen?

    c. Once you answer yourself, read the following paper.

    Continue with all of them until finish. Now you know what you would do if each of your greatest fears happened.

    Ask yourself: Is the fear over? For now you have answers for each one of them.

    Yes, as I suppose, fears have not finished; you just discovered the truenature of fear.

    Fear is not defeated by reasoning.

    You cannot convince one person that being afraid is something irrational.

    That is why I am telling you can defeat fear by acting.

    If you are afraid of doing something, do it. In that way you can defeat it.

    In the same way you defeated the fear to be drowned while you werelearning how to swim or the fear to crash while you were learning how todrive a car or the fear to fall down while you were learning how to skate.

    The fear is defeated by acting.Now I tell you. Meditate. Meditate. Meditate.

    Do not be afraid of not getting the results or what you receive is out of thecontext.

    Do not be afraid of you.


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    Do it. Close your eyes or contemplate the sun set, listen to music or lightincense, enter into a church or make yourself comfortable in your favoritearmchair, but meditate. Talk to your soul. She will be waiting.

    The entire Universe knows that some day your soul will call you and you will

    answer. It is an event that is marked in your spiritual DNA. It is part of thegrowth you will have in the future. Do not put off something you feel iscoming.

    I am only reminding you of your path.

    You felt the call.

    You asked what you had to do.

    Now I am answering to you.

    The fear is just a weapon that all the human beings have used to protectthe species for its survival. The fear has that function, but do not let itbecome your jailer.

    Free yourself!


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    Within you there are secrets that only you can discover.

    Secrets that belong to human being as a species.Secrets that patiently wait for the human being to finally discover them sothat they can be spread and be a heritage for the conscious humanity.

    Those secrets have been put there for the humanitys mentors.

    I am not talking about to spiritual or mystic beings.

    I am talking about the great wises who have written the most valuablebooks that humanity possesses.

    Those who have shaped the human being; to the great philosophers, thegreat scientists, the great spiritual leaders that have set the direction inhumanitys history.

    All of them have pun into you the seed of the highest wisdom they reachedwhen they were among us.

    The universal knowledge is not written in an oral language. This has beenan instrument that the human beings have invented to convey knowledge tothe minds.

    The universal knowledge that let the human race to triumph over theirpredators is inscribed intro the cellular DNA.

    But there was a time when the human being competed for the survival andfor the dominion of his surroundings. And that fight is over.

    It is not fight against carnivorous animals or the elements anymore. Thatfight is over.

    The Mans enemy now is the human being.

    Not even the diseases represent for the human being a powerful enemy. On

    a species level, the human being has been provided with the necessaryweapons to defeat epidemics even though this has taken thousands of lives.

    Now the main enemy of man is himself.

    And it is necessary to understand that this threat can only be defeated bybeing conscious of who we are and what we are looking for in the world.


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    The selfishness is nothing but another way of unconsciousness. Theambition and the wish of power have lead to Man to attempt on hisbrothers life in a monumental act of stupidity. And this is but a way of unconsciousness.

    That is why I am now calling to a silent revolution.A revolution of consciousness.

    A movement that does not want to be directed by visible leaders.

    An organization that has not ever existed on the Earth.

    It is a movement of the conscious masses of humanity.

    There will be someone who suspects that behind this movement somebodywho will claim the power at the end is hidden when it is evident that this

    movement has won presence in the world.And sure it will! But neither to claim the power, nor to claim richness, nor toclaim spotlights.

    That is something I do not care about.

    The important thing is that when there is conscious group acting on Earth,with enough quantity of persons, something will happen in the world.

    In fact, it is happening now.

    That is what permitted me to come.

    And that is what I am doing; accelerating the conscious awakening to whowe are.

    That is why I tell you that you have saved secrets that only you candiscover.

    And I am interested in you discovering them as soon as possible.

    It is worthless what I reveal to you; they would be someone elses truthwith the same value that has the truths you have learnt in the books you

    have read.I am not talking about those truths.

    I am talking about the secrets discovered by the great men of past and youkeep in your brain as biochemical chains.

    There are certain ideas inserted by the collective unconscious inside of you.They belong to the universal wisdom, to a collective psychological entity


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    that subtly governs the human masses behavior but it is dissolved whenyou look to study it on an individual level.

    What have been discovered by the greats in olden days is transforming on abiochemical changes level; in small fissures on a cerebral level that have

    influence on the neuronal paths which follow the electrical impulses of thebrain and make you to think in a determinate way.

    That is why the knowledge of the olden days is kept, in some way, insidethe human brain and, sometimes, you can find the same truths that theancient wises discovered, and you do that by following your own paths.

    Those are secrets that only are discovered in meditation.

    And in those secrets are kept both the Socrates deliberations and JesusChrists and Buddhas.

    Maybe the Einsteins thought is not in your DNA because is recent and it isnot in the ascending line of your ancestors, but the influence of his thoughtsaffects you in many ways and his contributions are of pubic knowledge andit is likely that you also have part of his knowledge.

    You are the depositary of all the humanitys knowledge.

    And you just have to meditate to discover it.

    When you do it and start feeling the benefits of connecting with yourself, donot expect to develop quantum theories or to write discourses about

    Critique of Pure Reason 1 , aspire to have that inner peace that preparesyou to watch the world and that sets the table for your inner self to revealin its all fullness.

    That is the goal we are looking for.

    That is the purpose that I follow when I ask you to meditate.

    Let me tell you that exists a great number of human beings that alreadybelong to that conscious portion of humanity; they have already waken tothis inner wisdom and they are part of the smaller circle that observes andworks from the inside.

    They are also waiting for you.

    Do not make them wait.

    1 Critique of Pure Reason book of the philosopher Immanuel Kant


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    7. WHO AM I?

    I am going to read your future.

    This is something that is of your interest.Because when I read it, I am going to direct you for the path that I want toshow you; the same I have been showing you since you started reading.

    You are a being who wishes light, truth, who looks all that human beingshave looked for since the beginning of time on his way.

    You have many questions and this writing is going to answer some of them.There will be other you have to answer by yourself.

    Just like your other brethrens of your race, you are a light being who wants

    to find it on the outside but who knows that carries it in the inside.You keep an eye on what is happening in the world because it interests you,but you look busily inside you, in your reflections the whys of the importantthings happening in the outside.

    You are interested in knowing if I am alive or if I am an entity like manyothers that passes releases from the spiritual world.

    You are worried because I am stating things as if it was part of your world,but at the same time I am stating them as if I were someone who sees thenfrom the spiritual world.

    And your worry comes from my words that challenge your paradigms.

    If I stated that I am a spiritual entity you would stay very quiet; you wouldthinks that everything is fine, that you have already predicted and,therefore, you would classify these releases in the drawer you have in yourmind with a title: announced things and that some day will happen, youwould understand that your responsibility is limited to know about what issaid on these lines and you would still be living as you have done so far.Maybe you would put more interest in them and you even wouldrecommend them as something quite good for your paths partners.

    On the contrary, if you accept that I am someone like you, that I live in thesame plane as you, then I am someone who has come to challengeeverything you know; your thoughts would flow like this: How a humanbeing like me can state everything you state with that authority you say youhave? How you dare to question what I have learnt before? How you dare tosay that some of the fields that nowadays have shown that function are


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    wrong? You speak as if only what you say it is true, and everybody else waswrong.

    The simple fact of calling me Melchizedek has challenged what you thoughtyou knew.

    ButI am not forcing anybody to believe in what I say.

    I am not forcing you to read what you are reading.

    I am not forcing your thoughts to worry you in the way they do.

    I warned you that my words were to remove pieces that you thought werealready solved; that they were going to test what you thought you knew.

    And that is my purpose.

    I cannot put over wrong truths the truths I have come to bring you.They would not stand it.

    There are many things that have been said about the spiritual word thatneed to be corrected.

    That time has come.

    But I do not have to talk about the wrong spiritual truths, nor the allegedlyspiritual entities that have been guiding some brothers with great capacityto believe.

    My purpose is not to generate releases that, as the news, only announcethings that never happen but that keep the spectator with an eye on hiscomputer. I am not sensationalist, in the sense that the public qualifies tothose who give spectacular announcements.

    I have already said my purpose, I am here to being a silent revolution andfor this I am giving instructions that allow to those who follow them todiscover within them the real spiritual knowing; the one born within them,not the one that comes from emissaries of a doubtful origin.

    Yes, I have come to challenge things you think you know, but do not worry;

    the only distressed is your mind, not you. You are a being who possessesthe truth within. That is the truth that I want to wake up. Though for that isrequired to do some mental cleaning first.

    I have had wonderful conversation with many of you.

    I have listened to you. To all of you who have called me: know that I havelistened to you. I have also answered, but we are in the process for you tolearn how to recognize the answers. I am so close to you that you have felt


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    my presence and that confuses you more, as if doing the practices I haverecommended you just do it to demonstrate I am wrong.

    But I am not a spiritual entity in the sense you give it to the word. I am asreal as you are and as spiritual as you are. I think you would be more happyif you could see a picture of mine, or maybe if you could talk to me withwords from mouth to ear.

    I would be too. I would be very happy that all of this could accelerate and Icould be with you sharing moments together. But I did not come to campwith you or to have brotherhood meetings where things are donesymbolically to improve the world.

    I came to work.

    For hundred of years, for thousand of years I have been working along withyou.

    I have come today to be with those who are conscious workers, moreinterested in working than in feeling close to a master.

    To generate those feelings you can turn to others whose function has beenthat one.

    My role is another and I am not going to generate false expectations.

    For now and until some things I am waiting for do not occur, mi place of meeting with you will be the inner self. There, in that place where I havebeen meeting you since the first release.

    I do not expect to appear in public until certain conditions I need are notgenerated. Again I state: I have neither a connection, nor a link to anotherMelchizedek that has come to you before me, either as a person ororganization. I do not judge their works, or their tasks. They are free tofollow their path.

    What I do state, and this is for those who have asked so many times, I amMelchizedek, the responsible for the humanitys evolution.

    I understand that you have learnt many things about spiritual matters; Iunderstand that you have listened too much about hierarchies and spiritualentities that maybe are being challenged here.

    I understand it and that is why I am dedicating the last of my writings of this first phase to that subject. 2

    2 This is the fourth release from SVM Melchizedek, he has announced that he only willpublish 5, the last one is titled: The Highest World and from there, he will pass to anotherphase of his job.


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    Now I am interested in you remembering that everything I have said it hasbeen for you.

    I am interested in you.

    Neither your mind, nor your conflicts, you have already had many of themalong your life to be worried about this conflict between what you thoughtyou knew and what I am telling you now.

    You are trained enough to solve it. And you will have to do it if you reallywait to have that mental clarity that is required to listen to your inner voice.

    When I have talked about you, your desires and suffering, your worries andyour fears, you have fully identified with that. When I have talked aboutyour heart, you have not had any problems to identify yourself with that;but when I challenge what you mind thought it knew, you move and feel

    assaulted. Take it easy it is only your mind defending its nave ignorance.It will always act like that. It only worries about putting an order on what itbelieves. It has the function of making you to feel safe, that is what yourmind is for and if suddenly it has to accept that I am here, that is going tobring many worries because it will force you to do something.

    What do I still study other religions and philosophies for if the one who Iwas expected has already arrived?

    If I belong to a school that does not accept Melchizedek, what am I going todo?

    If the responsible for the humanity has already come, what do I have to do?Do I have to look for him? Do I have to wait? Do I make him public? If ihave always considered myself a spiritual seeker and now someone comesto tell me that he knows what we are all looking for, where is my path left?

    All of these questions are inspired by a fearful mind.

    To change is something that inspires fear. I know. Do not worry.

    That is why I have wanted to make your decisions easier by asking you to

    look for me there, where you cannot fear. In your inside. It is the safestplace you have. Only there you can be sure of what happens there is yoursbecause it was generated there: in your inside. Everything else you havelistened to in the outside, all you have learnt from others, all that you haveread has come from the outside. It is not yours even though your mindthinks yes.


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    But I need to Talk about the future.

    Because in this communicate, the fourth of the first series of five that Iannounced, I seek to attract towards my all those that were coming waitingfor a mystical sign

    I came for all those that were waiting for me. I am here for joy of those thatthey knew and for sorrow of those that they were thinking about knowing.

    Your spirit knows, your mind feels it. I am the one that you were waiting

    I am the herald who comes announcing the great age of gold

    I am coming to prepare the path.But do not allow that your scanty understanding of the signs should confuseyou

    I am not the antichrist.

    That one already came and went away.

    And was very effective what he did.

    He filled with confusion your mind and your heart.

    Now there is a series of voices with authority crying out to four winds thathave the truth only them.

    The problem is that these truths clash with those that others say to have.

    And in the middle of this sea of confusions your mind seeks to stickdesperate to something that gives you safety.

    That is the reason to refuses to accept that the moment already came. Evenif internally gasps to take part in the holiday of welcome.

    But already I am here. I Am Melquizedek, the same one that inauguratedthe mystical priesthood in the beginning of the times. The one that has hadunder his security the seed of the humans. The one that has come toprepare the way in order that the Father takes possession of his kingdom.

    I am not working in the public World.

    I work in the internal world.


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    That one is my meeting place preferred with you.

    And that will be our meeting place for a while time.

    The big problem that you need to resolve, is your mind is what are youdoing now that you know I am here?

    Change?, Follow me?, Where?, Where am I really?

    I repeat again do not worry. You do not need to change anythingdrastically.

    Just meditate.

    Do it intensely. Do it with the same passion which you would seek to meetwith your dear or loved after the longest wait.

    Because when you arrive to that mystical place something will happen.Your live will not be the same.

    You will have your own internal light.

    The words from who will come guiding you sound empty. Without essence.Without contents.

    You will full of hope and you will see the thing clearly with a free maind.

    No with the scary mind who

    Not with the mind at that gets frightened on having listened to persons whowithout knowing myself criticize me

    Is easy to say that I am not exist.

    Is easy to talk about something that you do not know.

    But the words inspiring from frighten.

    The kingdom of the darkness will end soon.

    The kingdom of those that supposedly were thinking about knowing whatthey were saying is for ending, and now only the light will stay to illuminate.

    Do not afraid, I understand that you try to figure out betwen your feelingsabout me and what you listen against me.

    Watch and listen.


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    Look them, who criticizes me, if they can talk without fear in their faces

    Listens if their truths can contradict that I have said to you.

    Observes and listens.

    And later allows that your heart should judge

    An then, when your mind told you that it can be happen.

    Listen and Feel

    Listen your mind and your arguments. And analyzes if the truths thatargues in opposition to this that you read are truths authentic or learned of other wayfarers agree upon you. Analyzes if they are own or foreign truths

    And then feel if your mind talks to you and if you dont want to believe just

    because you afraid o because it is too good to be true.Because it is a definitive step.

    Your crises of conscience only are announcing that you are on the verge of going on to this mental condition of acceptance where we will be able tocommunicate finally without hobbles

    Work hard in meditate every day at the same time. You choose.

    Only allows your mind should dream a bit of the meeting. Imagine how itwill be this meeting, allows that your mind should travel in the imaginationand does not import what she you invents for you. What matters are thatwe are nearby, the sufficient thing in order that you could receive myanswers to your questions.

    Chooses a question, in which more you are interested throw it from theheart. With the force of the love. Remember that the love is the biggest of the feelings that a man or woman can generate. It is what exalts the humanbeing. It is the love the one that constructs bridges and windows, since it isthe dread the one that closes them.

    But now, it is the moment of which bays your free mind of prejudices, withthe love of your heart as key. It is not important if you are the minister of church, does not matter that you make to you call like I, does not matterthat your past is full of lies or of unsatisfied desires, does not matter that tillnow it have not been important anybody as(according to) you... I havecome for all.

    I come for all who are waiting my arrive.


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    Later I will come for the others.

    For now I need to creat a silence revolution. I am grouping my people andthe people of my Father.

    My people who are waiting for me.

    The people of my Father is all the World.

    With that people we will beginning the silence revolution.

    With the people of my Father, we will begin the ascension

    My Father and I are one. My people and the people of my Father are thesame people.

    Only one hard is palpitate in the World.

    There is an alone soul mundi.3

    Only exit one way and today is open.

    That way crosses the hard of my people.

    That is the reason, I will talk you throw it.

    Because of it is there where the mystical appointment of the son is done bythe Father.

    Because of it I have asked them from the beginning to meditate, meditate

    and meditate.The city of 7 hills has stayed in the past.

    The beast of that they all were afraid some time ago that moved back.

    The world has passed for the Apocalypse and they continue waiting for it asif it was permanent.

    Lose the fear. They shake the control. It is the hour of the freedom.

    It is the hour of the joy.

    It is the hour of meditate in the love.

    3 Of the Latin : anma mundi that means soul of the world ". Ancient expression used by the philosophers andalchemists, to say to the divine essence that it lives (inhabits) and energizes the whole life in the tangible universeand crosses the whole scale of material creation, from the mike up to the macrocosms, and this includes the planetand inhabitants of all the kingdoms .


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    This is your present

    Million of years ago a light went down the skies.

    It was a wonderful light.

    Beautiful and pure, pure and beautiful.

    It had born of the God's decree itself.

    This decree of which all the things had born.

    A Consent powerful lux, a Fiat Lux 4 , that had divided in two to the entireUniverse.

    A majesties rain of colors appeared suddenly in the middle of the darknessthat was wrapping to everything what existed though this everything wasnot at all.

    It was the first pronounced word in the Universe.

    And from this word the light arose.

    A light that first turned out to be complete, white, majestic, but veryprompt started taking colors and forms and sounds.

    The lights separated, became multicolored, danced with celestial musicaround the one that had summoned them.

    It was a majestic party of colors and sounds that only there could enjoyThat one that had created it.

    But the Universe was waiting

    Only it was a corner the one that was of party. Farther, only just farther,

    there was darkness.And it was what the Creator perceived.

    4 Fiat Lux: Orden verbal de Dios que se traduce como: Hgase la luz!. Esta frase FiatLux proviene de la traduccin al latn de la versin griega de la Biblia, que a su vez fue latraduccin de la hebrea (ver Gnesis 1:30).


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    Because of it there was a moment of wait. Of meditation. Of creativecontemplation.

    And another Word was pronounced.

    And the lights divided hasty to illuminating to the entire Universe.It was a great explosion.

    Since of million Suns.

    And the Universe was never the same again.

    Now there were stars and galaxies.

    In every galaxy there were million Suns.

    And every Sun could come million lights.

    And of one of these Suns, divided our light.

    And it travelled and travelled, for million years.

    Until one day, it descended to home.

    It was a beautiful planet, blue color.

    With a sky, ocean, woods and mountains.

    And there fall in love. It was the house of his Father.

    It was the home, his Father present

    And then understand a lot of things.

    Arrive with other lights, and together will go to take of their home.

    It should be beautiful and complete the homework that the Father givethem.

    They will have a mission.

    The mission was to do the things like God wanted.

    And when something happen he will come to visit.

    God himself would go down to be with them and to enjoy together it thatthey had constructed, for Him.


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    And then they worked hardly

    For million of years.

    And as part of this work. They were born new animals and new plants, the

    human beings and the cities were born.And the lights got into the bodies of some men and women and coexistedwith other men and women who had born of other lights that had not donethe same trip.

    But all together they were enjoying the same beautiful blue planet.

    Until they started some remembering that it was necessary to prepare thehouse in order that the visit that God had promised could be given.

    And then the work begging to be faster.

    There was a great riot and happiness. God was coming from visit.

    Some of them wanted to work but others were saying that it was a lie. ThatGod could not lower to such an insignificant planet. If he had not done it forso many years, he was not going to do it now.

    Then, only a few they started working.

    And others to criticize.

    Until the time reached them.

    And there went down because God had given them the orders to preparethe things.

    And this envoy called which they knew of the visit to organize everything.

    He did not call those who did not believe. Why? They did not believe.

    Only was worked with those who knew that God was coming.

    The first was to see how the Word was. Was the first vision.

    There he recognized to those that they knew and were working in order thatGod was coming soon.


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    Then he decided, to mark a way. It was important because there were manyconfusion and many voices that they were speaking at the same time andwere saying many barbarities.

    Later he did call those who resembled. To the lights that still were vibrating

    inside the men and the women. He called them in order that they werespeaking to the new lights that were starting growing, and they were sayingto them that the time of the visit had come. That was necessary to arrangethe house

    Then he decided to talk with everybody, although they do not understand tomuch, but it was necessary to shake something that have in their mind thatconfuse them.

    At the end, the last message. He wants to be clear how the thing in the skywas. He had to get out some masks. And a lot was mad. Evacuase their lies

    was beatiful and give them a lot of fans. That make them important.

    But nothing will be more beautiful that the true. And the light could not livewith the darkness.

    Later, his words changed, the work had begun.

    It was not going to have more so called.

    The original group of lights had been identified.

    All of them were working together with the same happiness that they felt inthat one magic moment when God had created them.

    Then they were busy preparing the visit

    While other many lights, without knowing what was happening continuedplaying an inventing histories where the fantasy and the mistake werecombining to entertain all.

    I am Melquizedek


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