treherne.0 •• '. .0 0 , \' ......... '...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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-Uft.~~~·~~~~~:l~~~~ ~ X~I 27, FRIDAV,M"n"n 25th, 1921 ~ R. J: RICHARDSON, ,,~UBLIS~~R, TREHERNE, ,ITOBA Member Canadian . " ::.< ~~~:~~": ~::;~;::P=.T=.=IO=.N=.S=,=.=$.=2.=.O=~=. P=~=~=:=:=~=~=~=.M=.=. = .• = .. ..... O;.'OUUOU.O)·~.~ .. OHH·~~~o)oMoo~*O)O)O)~O)'O">.: •• :.·:: HERE AND THERE ON THE ICE TRAGIC DEATH OF ~*<.o)o)#o).)o)~-:u ...... ) ............................... > .... : .. ) ...... : ........ 0) ....... : ................... ) •• )1-

;' . 't;2 ~ .. , ., . t " , ARTHUR STANFORD WALD'ON ~" I ' • ',.

! W A-T 'C JH[ E ·S.:!<~· <', i An enthusiastic' a'!!1 n'olay' crow.11 ';...The COI:lnlUnity wal! 8hoCke~ lind ~ Our ]plan ·Serviice~ co co co ~l~ : .. ' ." '" ,I:, witnessed the hoc~e'y. game stllged be· IIllddened on 'l'uesdllY morning to iT. '. '. :~

- .... ;;.;.----~.~.,,----- ' r '.1 tween SWlln Lllke lind' .'freherne III 10llrn oC the sudden death of AI'lhur We matnta'm for the convelllence of our customers I a .;-If you need a Watch for Spring;then of course you want a good, the rink ,tast Friday, !hlght.', DUI'lng ~Valdon. Which oc~urJ'cd wheu the' Plan Drawing Department, which is. 'of course. Free to our P~l- ::: ,. hi . k W . It ' 'th f II .. ' W t hI' the first ten minutes Swan Laku' young man was watcring horses at W . . k ',' !e la . e bme- eep,.er.;. e: eep:. e,. 0 oWing aces ~ wa~~ . scored two points; Trchelllo sOlln tie, ~hc Frcd Staples home. frons. e can gIve you qUlc . returns, ::: In stock. all of wl1lch are all~olu~ely gua~ante~d. , " , . : Ing the score. In the sel:01\d pcrlod I ,Mrs. Staples noticod tho unCorlu· f Building Materials are within 3.16 of the )I'ice of 1914 :~

.' ~,' 'f. TI:eherno scored another al,d In ttle n,ato young IIIlIn lyIng on· tho Icc. uIHI IUd b d'. . I . .;-.J;.~ ~,o 1. first threo minutes of tpo Ollrd Illay. Dr. Lalllont was callcd. 110 dIBCO\". n ou te Iy the to purchase IS NOW. We have no guar- :': .WALTHAM ~ {: still another. Swan Lake fl~llod to .c,roU that Mr. Wllldon's neck 'WIlS antee that the coming huge demand for buildin~ requisiles will .:-

" .... '. , '~" ELGIN ~ scoro Ilgaln. although they tried des· brOken. e\'ldenlly by Il fall on the Icc. ' not have its effect on the market 'and cause it to strengthen. :~ ,. ' ," ·1' perately. and during tho last perIod and thllt dcath Imd been InDlanla·, '1.

. ;" " t every minute looked hopeful for, tllcm. noous. ,f Wt:. are now in a position to supply your demands for ::: , REGINA. . t The. commblnatiOll play of the vlsi· .. 1111'. Walton WIlS born Ilt AffJ'llcoPlbo. f home and barn-building. material. Our prices are undoubtedly :~

. ., tors foraI'd line 'was .the best seen' Npl'th Devon, England. on August 8th, 1. . I d . . :l: .HAMILTO~ ~. he~? Olls ~Inter. Th.e splendid wOI'k. ~.90. at which Illllce 'he resldod until ~ rIg It. an we want your busllless. I' .;-

. -? of Hoppy", Treherne s go~lIe. lind th", hI? came to 'l\~anltoba ten years ·ago. s: G ' I d' f \ d '11 b :1: / ... marvelous defence put up by the' st 'Me haa b I thl d tl R th' . II' et y~ur pans an prIces rom us, an you WI e sure I

fl. . re cen n 8 an 10 a ~C'I . I' M . I d I' SERVICE ' •• ~. of Ol~ local team. was, howeye~'. t~ .. ~ s~I'!ctii o\'el' since,. with the exccll; t lat you are gettmg qua Ity atena an qua Ity . :i: .r. much for the Visitors. lind they wel'l) min' of one yellr In SlIskatchewan Ilnd . H YOU . d f I P f I' f .:-;, out ot luck by the score ot :C·2.' ~he' ~·;yeal' In' the arrny. 'and at the tlmos a.v~ receive y~ur copy 0 our atest ort 0 10 0 :1. 3' eWlln Lake toam .Is one of the fas~estl ;\,V.hen he .fllled his homestead duties' at Homel? It IS well worth readmg. Call and get yours. :~ .r. nggregations that has visited hel'e thll! at. Rose du Lac. He Is survivcd by '. . . , 0}

\. Ir. season. They put up a good, ,clean iils Cather. motileI'. three brothers and OUR PRICES WENT DOW~ WHEN THE IMANUFACTURERS 'J' , , gaIDe. and Treherne may take-great 'Utree sisters at hiJI Old. home In Eng· WENT DOWN-THEY ARE NOW AT ROCK 'BOTTOM. f

A fuJI line of Goggle d S GI . ' .' t k • satisfaction In having put it over them land. His only relallves In this dis. . . ., . . I an. now . allel m I oc . t. . , Petel'son scored two gOllls, Barkwell' b'lct are his cousins. W. n. and W. J. t

If yoar Spe~tadel need repairing, bring t~em to UI. Spedadel :1: aryd Coulls counted one each. ,Jack Waldon." '. -- SAT~SFACTORY SERVICE :f • $ R • d hi! '. . , .~ Smith draped the fence fOI' one minute, MI'. Waldon was an adherent o( the • '1.


D G d < ,':. good game throughout. Wilson was vices were to be conducted this . ' '1'

•. 00 man} Jeweler' " ~~ Treherne :!: In his usual good torm. and Parkel' ;'('l:huJ'sday) afternoon at the Metlw .• ' A. J. P. ESTLIN, MANAGER PHONE 57. TREHERNE. MAN.. :::

,; .' epasre w e !OU wa~t... , ::: -ror some slight offence He pla~ed 'a !'Iothodlat church. and funeml ser'l THE CORONA LUMBER CO. Ltd. :;:

, . I.,' .. ' , ~V' . . , A.: :l:, ILnd D1l?low as subs were veady to dls~ chur9l1, Interment ·.to be made at· 0000 Q ~.+~« .. :-:."xOO: .. :+»x .. : .. : .. : .. )o: .. : •• : .. :..: .. )o: .. ;.-:.-: .. : .. : •• :-.:.-:-(.::: -: .. :-<-o)+~<..:.~-X~ ... -..t~ ... :-$-:-.~..:.*<<<..: ......... ....." ... ~.:;'.;' ..... : ... jump In and do.their part at any tlme .. Ea,st Treherne ce'!let~ry. • • • , ' ... • " .. ~ .-.-.. • ...... :" .... ~ -:'" Considering the warm day, the Ice . . . •

• I w!ls In very good shape. SALE OF HOME COOt(ING ......... IIIIII .. IIII11BlIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIIiIIlIIif.llilllllllKiIIlKilliliililtlllilliilillilliIHilUlillillill!!II , ,The second carnival of the season : ' ': "".' r..·' 't •

was held last Saturday evening, and . The Rebekah8 11'111' hold a lale, of "~~ , I was probably even bet.ter than' the home cooking. only, at. the~ba:ck ,of

., . first .. A great variety of attractive Ru"to~'s 8to~ on SatunlaY'IAprll 2.~d. , For, Cigars, Cigarettes. Tobacco. Pi~es, . and, Sniokers· and comic costumes were en display, S~I~ cc.>~ence8. at 3 p. m. and cloaes

~~ SiiDnlies. ' , ;, i ',', f' '. . but In the adult' classes the winners I\t ~6; p.m. Will all Rebekahs plelUle "1I:r l:" were easily pIcked. Miss Duncan'si bring donations of cakes: bread. pies,

: For fine Chocolates. always fresh. anCl as~~rted ~dies. and Mrs. Parsons' costumes .were very doughnuts. or candy etc. Don't torget ' For Fruits of all kinds. in th~ir season. cleverly ·made up' and gave a ven -at Ruston's on the 2nd Inl$t, -,

"For Soft Drinks-ice cold in Summer-hot and cold in pleasing effect. The Highland Sbep·" .. ;,,: ___ '-"--__ _ WI·nt'·er. _ -. herd's costume was exceplIonally good ~,t,: 'POLICE COURT '1. •


"SARKWELL'S" nee NORTHWESTERN Life As'surance Co. ,

'. /' t I



ASSURANCE .J • ..1 .....


: t •

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and so completely disguIsed the wear· ":':, See'.-For a place to spend a pleasant evening., Snooke~ and and so completely. disguised the wear· , t '. Our Policiel iive Greatelt Value. : ;., pocket\pool. '. \ , er that he\was recognized by scarcely:: On "Wednesday. T!tes; Perkins of

\,' ..... \. • anyone. Teddy Caln's clever"c·ombl~. ,.Rat,hwell appeared befol'e 1IIaglstrat~ . A. F. NELSON TURNBULL General Agent

! II ,

For a,place to talk It over after an excltmg game of atlon of Peabody's and his war sou.' Moore and pleaded' gu.llty to the'. , . . , . : Hockey or Curling this Winter., ' . venlrs ~ansf?rmed him Into a ioo~ 'ch~rg~ .cif as~a~lting 'and C~USI~g·'~7::_ •••••••••• III ••••• ""'.!I! __ ."'III •••• !I!lIIl11l11l1!lIIi11¥1101111'"

. .... ~ representation of/the' arch·Hun,' Per'- 'lly;hann to' Enoch- Chandlei:""hlle .In;' . SERT : SARKWELL,. Proprietor .. -.,. ,Main"St.:::. ·,-.;:-...TREHERNE"-k ~bap~: ~~ ',~O.8t~ .t~(~ng .. C)~8t~~e~·:~,e!,(~~h,~,~elleCut109',q~w.~,t!~.t!!l.!'~~~;1t!~~:~;~*ii~_M!iIi\WHl ..... ilHii.lI~IIIw.~iliiMtiiliil!!l!liillilliljr •.

' ,,... ", .' , , -- _ .... "',. " . .,: ~ .'/ .. 'those.;woIj by,.'the""two:·lIttlef Vlgar' c1p8.t'f9mcer.;~·He'was:ftnl!d"~O;!l0.aDd. " . :- r .... .. . ni \. .}glrls:'who appeared as Ii pall' of very -CORts; or Ii ,month'!, hard lubor. nnd, H' E 'A L T H ' Hi "

-===9====7==::=====""';'==='~=7!'\='~==~';= pretty and. dainty falrles. . ordor to furnish. tiond~ to keep the \ iH~ - The Olen's' race WIUI' taken by Pat peace •. and In default, 3 months 1m· m

Coutts In vel'y easy style. with Frank"prlsonnu;mt wIth hard' labor. w ......... ~ ..... J.. •• ~ =--------------------------"!~ .. j:; second. Frank won out In sev· What wiD give you Go!»d Health? ? ? ? ? ill

• I eral events. including the' high jump ;, , ill Optonl~etrv and obstaclo race. Bap. 1II0reau wen , COUNCIL MEETS Anlwer: -. Good food carefully prepared plus good 1'1

,a J' /' -.. the barrel jumping contest In a very clean. healthy teeth is the foundation of a healthy body. : I good exhibition. . :'. ' Council mot last Friday, with a big !

S. N. COCHRA~pt~me~st IIItss .Fer~ Palmer had things her assortmcnt of bills to go OVOI' and What is the use of having good. clean, wholesome food i ~ '\ qwn way In the ladies. racll. with Mls(l ordor paid. They placcd themsol\'eb I d d ~l

Esplin a good se~olllt.' . on record as opposed to the Provincial placed before you if your teeth are ha f missing, or ecaye ,or ~ There were plenty of races for the Government abollslilng the ltiuniclpal your mouth laden with germs and pus from,diseased gums, and ill

y~unger folks. and we appear to have Commissioner Levy and substituting , roots which are abscessed. ~l Quite an al'l'ay of budding ~peod ar· theroforo Ole Inco~lIe 'tax. ' I 1!1

'II' lists In eur midst.: A good crowd ·was Court 'of Rcvl~iori will ,be held en ,Call at our office and get expert advice on tllc condItion ~! on. hand. Those. In charge are to be May 11th this' yoar (OJ! those 'Vho f h' HI" I I d bodS . hI

. conIEratulated on ·the 'emcient way In thInk they al'O assessed too high .. As~' 0 your mciut, ave t lC mISSIng teet 1 rep ace y go am- HI which the dlffer,ent foatures were \sossment notices '(O~ tlie yoar loa! .tuy Bridge Work. Have those decayed teeth filled. Have ill.

of CumlD '* I .~. I

will be in.T reherh~ (all day),' " ' .' . . • w)

Thursday, March·.~lst-;··' "\'. !' .. ~.,. " .


The many satisfied patrons who have been stictess-,' . fully fitted to Glasses. in Trehenie du!ing the past 'five

) years is our best recommendation." . ,'" . . "-

handled, aDd 01 fairness or the judge' 'have' recently. b_(DlILiled ,to rate·, those roots extracted without Pain. is plates ~you. need, p.! In.

g.• ..; : '.' payel·s. }o!m Ca~t~r was aIIPolnte~, ask for prices and data on our "Perfection Plate." We are the ill Mens Race (18 laps)" -.·lat. Pat Weed Inspcctor' fOl' Wards 2 and 4; m ". ~':, '.

-ASK YOUR FRIENDS- • t. .:. I ~. "

Then call ~t Mr.' CurrY'1 Store 'on ab6ve date, for' a .. scientific ~ p~hstaking Eye 'Examination. 'GJd'sse~", :::-,' will ~ot be fitted. unless required •. Charges moderate· ,;' :) ai;d ,llie satisfaction great. ", '. .

,~ ~. -

'Ceutts. 2nd. ·Frank Parker. Jr. Thos. Natress (or Wards land 3. The originator of this plate. and. made in this office. we guarantee !k -Boys ~6 and under (10 laps) :-lst. simlo ferrymen' who were op the job absolute satisfaction as to fit, comfort, durability and perfect lil Tom.1IIarti~. 2nd .. Tom Syer. .'" Illst year. were appointed: .' : . Lq

Boys 14 and under (6 laps) .-lst. A report was ·r.ccel"ed 1'0 the condl· appe~rance. Wr'lte f'o"r 'Ap·.Do'lntm/ents. II! :,c..;ft.alrIlEI.·':SYIlI~.: 2nd, Steel,\-\ tlon o( affali's at .L,\vullualll School. ~ r.~

(~ lalls) :-lst. wlui reference to: the .skln dlsCl~se ~I "~IJ.)nUllaICU ~fetealce. that. has been trouh!lng I.he children " DR. PAR.SONS li! un~ler' (3 laps). - 1st" there. Conditions a,'o saId to be 1111' )' ill

In Sanderson., I' ... , .' 5 PAm:! .: .... ,'.'_. :':""lIIlss ~'ern' lll'O~,~g .' Fuhion.Craft BI~ck' WINNIPEG ,2 8 ortage ve. : I

Esplin. ''') , , . '. . !.i

. .

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, \

• ",;" A~ , (3 . laps) : -1 s ~ U,' F. .M. M E E TIN G lIIIIIlIIlIIlII •• IIIIII*IIIIH1I11I11I11lt1it!iII;'U.UI!!IIltIlII!I!lIIj'<!I!H!lI!iII!I!iII:!I!I!lI!!I!~';iII;lii!miil!lI!il!j!!!IIl!!!IIi!!ll<;

Sanderson _. . > • ':;::=:::;:::=::~:::::::::::::~ ~, - 1st •. Mlss 'TI~e U .. F. M.· (TI'eherno Local) held --- >' •• J 1 iFranl~F'arl<er, Jr,' 1',' a'meetlng at the Orange HaU 1a8t Sat·

'\~~I~,~~~~~:'<~:~~j:~~lll'.~~~:{.~~;:? Frank ,urday aftllrnoon to discuss' the' 1'1'0' .. .. ., .••. :0 .1 • t' "Inclal poUtical platform. Phil l'rc51- ,I, "

h'~Dn".l'a'rk.,r·Jr. denlcstated that at the hUlt.convcntio!l F. ARMER'S! I eorgo (3ft. in'Drandon It. was decIded to cnler thc "

, provhiClILI. IlOiltical. lIeld. !:;uv,ol'al . ,. '·lIIor.'llu (6 'AI" suggostions ,had bO~D sent. from hcud·


., '. bal" ' QuartcI's .In connection th

. These were read and Crilel),juld "He,st ;r.'I;{ome.;nii!~e'. CO!~t.ull1le: :+-Ei;>:IP:, ' ,'" .. delclae'u.'


a F~~nirig Mill, ~me , ·graip. r~ady to' sow or mar-,

. "r \ ke":~t~Qlrileji1 'and see' them demonstrated.

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•• .. .

No Cake Wasted

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In 2, 5, 10,' and 20-lb. tins

G ives 'a wonderfully fresh flavor to every kind -of cake, pie and pudding-the last morsel is as moist and digestible' as, the first. It does lower the cost of baking. '

By far the most popular table syrup, for cooking, baking and candy-making.


CrO,wn Brand ~~rup 'Che Great Sweetener 27


, o ,

r I. h ; 'til 'I d' "11 ortunate t an emse ves an WI write to me, I shal1 be glad'to them into communication wi the, n,eedy, ones,

'... ... J(.

'" This p'age is conducted for the benefit of our women readers by "P ... ' W "h' , nlJne or.lan w a IS anxIous

all times to receive hin ts or , as to how ~he columns

/ Cutieura Girls Are Sweet and Dainty

. '" . ;t' .. : ~"'''' ... ~~ •• \. -,eo, "':'·0 ....... : •. :.!.: -.: •• ,'.6° .... 000 ••••• ; ,. ': •• 0° .,:.: ... ~.~ ••• .: •

....... 0 0 .... 0 0° .0 •• 0 ... 00' : ... 0. '0, • l .,. .' ~. , . " .

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I A WEEKLY CAUSERIE OF MA TrERS-TREA 'fED I ~ • IN LIGHTER VEIN ~ 1I0UlIINIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIClllllllllllltlllllllllllllOllllllllll'ItlllUlllllllltllllllllllllltllllllIUII11ClIIlIIlIlIlIIIlIIlIIlIIlIICllllllllnntllU 0 . \: ~ •. 'io 'io '10. '10 '10 '10 '10 '10 '10 J(. '10 will think of us and our music; Ii- '10 what will they write about; how 'io The editor regrets that in '10 far they will have advanced and

, ,


r·~'·1 Women's I § B

Then there is the, stone of pleasure seeking. How many people are madly seeking enjoy­ment~ They must be on the move from week's end to week's end. To my. mind there is no greater sign that a person is mis­erable than this continued rest­lessness and desire tq find happi­ness where, alas, it' c'annot be found. Excitemen if Yes I Ex­hilaration? Yesl Thbe may be found, but these are not happi­ness. A rested contented mind; a calm, unruffied outlook, a con­tinued inter.est from day to day and a hope for the 'days to come; a faith which is founded on a sure and solid roak. That is happiness.

may be improved.- "Prairie Wom­an" will be glad I to secure de­sired information on any subject, and is open at all times to advise and help in problems of domeatic or human interest. In these days there are complication in many lives and burdened hearts which may be relieved by telling the trouble to some sympathetic ear and "Prairie Woman" assure's 'each reader that her letter will be treated in the most sacred confi­dence, so do not be afraid to write. Address your letter "Prai­rie Woman." 903 McCallum-Hili Bldg., Regina, Sask.

Notiling BO insures a healthy. clear com­ple",on, 60ft. wh'te hnnds. nnd glossy I Iu::uriilnt hair as Cuticura Soap, assistca by Cuti/:ura O",tment when >lcccssnry, CI!:icura Tnlcum'is delicate. dellshtful. <!iotinlJ\l~. It Imports to the person n charm Incomparable nnd peculiar to Itself. 501p25" Oj~tment2S.D!lSOr. T:1lcam2Sc. Sold thr~uc:hout theDomimon. C:::mndinn Depot: L,=" •• Ib:llt.d, 341 51. r.d 51,. W.bMont .. ol. ~Cuticura Soapsho.veswit. out mUB.

.'10 our article dealing with the II- grown in comparison to us. I .~ matter of the restoration of '10 could not help wondering too I(. Westminster Abbey, we I(. whether it might be the intention ~, omitted to state that sub- II- of that record producing company II- scriptions for .this fund may II- to leave for the delectation of ,. be sent to/His, Lordship, I(. those far-off generations some of II- Mr. lustice Embury, the II- the "jazz" so popular nowadays, II- Court House, Regina. Mr. II- but probably_ they desire the pea· .y. acting as honorary'}:" plcs of tha t Future time to think of II- treasurer of the fund, and II- us as kindly and gently as pas· ." will be very glad to receive J(. sible and so will only leave the II- subscriptions from all who' classics-the'" best of us-We II- are interested in the matter. J(. hope so. (fi I(. •

I(. J(. I(. J(. J(. J(. '10 '10 J(.#¥ If. ,"

" . , ' -




iuillllltlllllllllllll[lIlIllIlIllIl[lIlIllIllIlIl[lIIl1l11l1l11'tlllllllllllll[lh~ , ;, , "And they found the stone rolled away, from the sepulcre." St. Luke 24 :2.

The story of the crucifixion of Christ, apart from our belief in His divinity or otherwise, is an

, agonizing one. Full of love and sorrow towards mankind, but de­~pised and rejected, Routed and Icorned, finally, crucified I Bpt to me there are no words more hope-ful in Scripture than those quot­ed above: "And they found the

, 'stone rolled away'" That stone placed at the mouth of I-lis grave and sealed by Hi. malicious ene­mies because He preached a dif­ferent creed and btought a new message to the world, was'rolled away by the Omnipotence of a hgher power that the few .heart­broken and discouraged disciples might know that He really was the Christ.

, Have you evel thought of the black cloud of discouragement and disappointment which must have descended upon the hearts and spirits of tho~e disciples be­

the time of Christ's cruci­and His resurrection f To the hope which had been

sweet for so long must have a.,nu," ,dim. Between them and

Then there is 'the stone of Sel­fishness. And so far as I can see Selfishness is at the root of most of the evils 'in the world. Why do people do anything for money. Nothing is too mean, too gross, too dishonorable for some people to stoop to for the sake of money. Is it not for the pow­er, the prestige, the social di!\tinc­tion, the gratifications ,which money will bring to them and to theirs} \Vhat a dreadful stone that must be between the soul and the marred vision of the Saviour who was the personifica:: tion of selflessness; who never thought of Himself but always of



, The woman of, the hour In

Greece is Princess Anastasia, foil merly Mrs. William B. Leeds, financed the needs of· King stantine to the extent of.~30,O 000 drachmas' (about $) 0,000 000), and succeeded in' restor' him to his thr'one., \

;i!11II1II1I1I UlllllllllllltlUlIlIlIlIlI[ll1lllllmntlllUllllnllDlllllnlllllQl!

i " Martha " i ~ 5

i, ,fHE H~ME OF I :; HER ADOPTION. . 3 :; \ C ~. BY E. L. ~ §' -~ ill

Th~ stor!es 'of th: vast wealth ~ (All Rights Reserved) ~ of Princess AnastaSia huve capo' '~CIIIIIIIIIIII[lIlIlIlIllIll[IIlIllIllIIllIlIllIlHIIIII[lnllllllllll[lllllllllll!ii tured the fancy of the people of ' Athens to sllch an extent that when she an ived in the city and Synopsis was stepping f Tll1n her carriage Mnrthn. ftn exceedlnuly Intelligent "nd they II'fted her lip I'n trl'umph and l",uutiful girl of .bout thirteen yenrs finds

hcracU on lhe wuy t.o Cnnnnn from Enkt~ carried her into the royal' resi- lund ns the word of a Inr~r. Institution--

there is nn l\ccid~nt to the "eM8~t nnd the dence, to the cry of "Viva .Prin- I,R:~~:~'~;'':.''~ nrc nil token off In life· boots, cess Anastasiol" F or the first r nnd her little friend Glory, n charm·

S{ child. ohm u wurd of the insliLution. time since the marriage of the come In contact with a MnJor-who Is much P Ch h b h f

interested In Mnrtha nnd gives her his cord. rince ristop er, rot er a telling hur to nppenl tn him If evur sh.

King Constanl ine, Queen .sophia, need. h.lp. rhb ,:I,"tl"O\un who Is a per· tlon of much rluhnctlon in EnRlnnd hnll 11

the King' 5 wife. looks with favor bonutlful w,r.. '''0 "m' nnd n daughter upon Iler sl·ster-I·ll-I"w. When thl's l .• noro who I. n grent source l of

"4 anxiety because of her nrrngnnl. wilful union betwee the Amerij:an mil- wuy.: Thu l.\8t reoult of one of h~r .cene.

is the rC'9Htlllltton of her governess, B Miss lionairess and the Greek Prince Ste"nrt. " young womnn of u very good was first proposed great opposi- fnmlly. hut reduced In clrcum.tnnces. who

dccldt'~ to go to Cnlludn to loin her brother tion was raised by Queen Sophia, Phillp.1 n fine youn~ man W \0 I. runnlnll n

h h I f I h lQ'l~c ranch in Sll~kntchcwnn. One cloy I\S

W 0, thoug in exile. sti let t at MI •• St'ewort .It. <>l,t 11\ tlie IInrden un old her brother-in-law was marrying hllg .huffles round the hou •• nnd ooks Iwr

50l11e questions ubout the handsome Le-beneath him if he chose as a wife nore. then chuckles ns .he

u ~ v, an Amerl'can who had been a show. Annn. MI •• Stew"rt. the photoRrnph .. • "I' 'T' "I' of a very bcnutilul child whose name she


t h d t t tl lelis her Is "Marthn" and who h her A'nd at thl's Easter tl'de what s enograp er an secre ary a le b d M nrund.dour,hter. ut nt present a war In shall roll away tLese stanCil from late Mr. Leeds. . • Inrge Instllutlnn which sends Ito children

I~ "N '11 I k . to Cnn"dft. I our hearts and lives. Simply be- ever WI spea to you Mnrthu und Glory arrive ut lh. Home. In II'ef I'n HI's 10vl'ngkl'ndness . you insist on this marriage," Conhdo .ond Marth. has J\lot I.r,rncd thut

1 she is to be sepa.rated ftom Clary nud is

longsuifering to usward·, - bel was reported to have said. Sti I 10 b. pluced In Sn.kntchewun. with n Mis. P . Ch . h .. d Stewnrt who is to call for her nnd toke her

trlat He is able tet roll them, nnce r1stop er InSlste to her new home. MI.s Stownrt snlls for d . h h w' hat has turned alIt to be a CanAda nnd has n vision of tho chUd of the

lil ellire on our part to ave t em' photograph of the old hng'; goqe, He knq,w!! ou~ hearts, 0Vr' investrpent. 0therwise King I ~


It is rather surpnsmg to ob­serve that no action is to be taken against the doctor in Toronto who recently administed to two wo­men the wrong drug, causing al­most immediate death. In our opinion there can be very little ex­cuse for such carelessness on the part of any man admitted to the practice of medicine. It would seem to us as though life; today, is coming to be heldl/'ar too light­ly when such an occurrence as the one' quoted 'can belpassed over with---so little comment; no exam-

• •• pleJleing made of, the person re-sponsible for the hastening of two victims of his negligence to eter­nity.

....... ¥

The calling of a doctor IS a serious one. He holds too often the balances of life and death in his hands; he is the 'Ias't' appeal to so many of us that only such men as those who by earnest diligence and training are i:-:JIT.:me from the possibility of such mistakes as the O:le which caused this terrible tragedy should be allowed to practice. '" Surely an error of this kind

should be at least willcient to de­bar the cuiprit from the practice of his profession lur n period duro

It is only about three years ago since divorce was almost unheard of in Saskatchewan. Today it is fairly common, and we are be. coming somewhat used to the no­tices which appear In the' daily papers.

Divorc~. with its mnnifold complications will never be any­thing but a sordid blot on any pa­tion. At the same time we do not .deny that there are cases in which a clean cut severance by law is the only solution to the tangle into which some marriages have become snarled. But (we still think that on going to the root of the matter the majority of· di· vorces should never have been marriages in the first place. Pea.' pie become thrown together in the most indissoluble ties by ul­terior motives, not knowing· the meaning of love which can be the of a truly happy home and distress and shipwreck can but re3ldt.

J(. :"" .y..

Speaking of diMiri(;;ested love. the writer was this.ljwe~k reading again the inimitable story by Charles Dicketns, "A Tale of Two Cities," and in the sketch of Sid· ney Carton we think' the author has surpassed himself.

'''',: .. :':'',,", Lord was a great stone; they weak, human frailty', and I be- stan tine would, still have beep * ~ '" lieve that the simplest exili;,; as funds were low and

_ 'i/1g !Which time he might be mnk. , : IIlg himself more Ht to minister to

breathed of sincere, earnest e- cause was considered lost. ,as Anna was in her element look. suffering mankind such fitness to

ing after the sick mother and the be determined by ilis Reers.

You will, perhaps. remember that Carton adored Evremonde' s wife. Evremonde, an aristocrat from a noble French fun)ily, hat­ed by the people, was to be guil· lotined. and Carton. nn English­man. who resembled him in ap­pearance, changed ptoces with him, by an arrangement with the jailor, and suffered death in his stead, while the friends whom he had served so nobly escaped from the unhappy country. Remem­ber, Carton for love of Evremon.' de's wife gave up his life that she might keep her husband, and as we read and re-reud the story we cannot help but wonder if a baser thought ever entered Car­ton's mind-the thought, for in­stance that had Evremonde been guillotined. the woman he loved would have, been free, and may­he, in time, would have turned to him, and 'although we know such: reasoning would have 'been mere-j Iy human, yet it seems sacrilege in conne/:tion with him, who became truly the hero of that wonderful

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. '

not even gaze upon His be­loved 'countenance in death. ,

What a symbol of the hind­rances which prevent our greater .ervice to Christ is that .tone today. The things of the world so afton come between us and the vision of our Master in the form of great, heavy .tones through which ,we 'cannot see and over which we certainly cannot climb.

" ¥-¥:(o \

The biggest .tone of all it seems to me, is that of Unbelief,

,We work and strive and struggle and grumble along trying to get'

, ~ what we consider enough of this world's goods until we become blinded by materialism. We "'Tlnv

to think that things which we aet-", ually see nnd feel are so. much

more important than those things which we" cannot see. Indeed, sometimes we get llo steeped in 'our struggle for existence, which I admit is often a hard one, that we come to believe there is rioth'-'

else, that only the necessities body and the things wIi

are real and tha just as well, make of what we have,'

we are so 10 uncertain of the future holds. What a outlook I What"a narrow in sl.\ch a' marvellous urli-

sire fat Him will not fail to have Venizelos was In power and King Akxander was amenable, to his a response. # •

1 '" '10' '" We hear it breathed and

than breathed at time's Christianity has proved a

suggestions. more For the present 'the people

in solving the problems of a sor; rowful and stricken humanity. How mistaken I Religion may have proved a failure, but real, earnest Christianity has never failed to succour broken lives

that dwell on the idea that their new Greek princess is so enormously wealthy that she will share' her great' wealth I with the peopl'c., They little realize that the prin­cess has ,to thirik of a SOIl by her first marriage, who must be thought of before even 'the Greek royal family: 'young Leeds now is sharing in the pppularity of his mother," and though not at tile royal palace, is- the guest at a hotel. His co~gs" 'and goings are fu!I of interest to the' peaRle 'Of Athens, who never tire of dog. ging his' footsteps. The \ royal family are planning' for llim, al­though he 'is not cognizant ,of it, a marriage with a Greek, so th~t the Leeds milIion~ shall remain in the kingdom., Y,oung Leeds is e8-sentially an American boy,' ~ho must in a way remain subserviant to his mother, but in realitY he is anxious to return to live in Amer­ica, Probably when he is twenty~ one years old-he is now nine· teen-he may. be allowed to fol­low his ,own bent ,and settle in

heal the broken heart. The fail­ure has been that the' wo'rld as a whole has not accepted Christiane ity. Individuals have accepted' forms of religion which have proved as -worthless as the empty husk of a nut, and the world 'ha. come to confuse Christianity with mere religion, but there u. a yut difference. 'The' heathen are' re­ligious, but alas very few of them arc Christians. <;:htistianity is not a form of religion, it u. • matter of the heart a!1d the ·life. It livlIII and will purify, beautify and en­noble all with whom it comes in contact. If individual Ghrhrtians have failed, it has not been their CHristianity which has been at fault, but their lack of 'th&:'faith which they have professed. .. . ' '" . '" nice some

America. '.-Although it· is hoped that the

Alm~~ri'( :an money, will be useCl to e" royal resi . it is

;v~h,etllel',\ Princess :'PI,nas­VI"r~le I How is it possible for in Athens,

think, to live, and have' ,sam", [,rji\'::::iljeing' not to believe that ic~;uritl')'::VI~bo'~al

f the great fl.nite ar.Y"l~h,o~i" be reve<llea SOlme!', , day,

are they d yet have

• ••• •••• • . ' .. \... . . :.:....... .. " :.. .'. ... ..... •••• , •• 0 ....

, .: .: ' ..... ~ ;.... 0 \:;I

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tiny infant. She had in her that • spirit of true womanh00d which • • • is ever anxious 10 succour and In view of the sad fact that En· help the suflering. Ar.d the doc- rico Caruso, the marvellous opera tor daily grew more interested in singer, is reported to have lost his : is 'quiet, gentll" assistant, and voice, it is a comfort to reflect t, e'y became very frien,dly. Many that the wonderful music which were the walks and talks they en- he has 'already given to the world joyed on the promenade deck, is not lost to us-'-nnd' not lost to but things did not materialize as our children, In connection with

uicklY as they might,! have done this thought the writer heard the was 80 utterly un'con-' o~er day, ,that in the 'large

scious, and -apparently indifferent new building' to b~' erected in to all males apart from her won- Muntreal' by a ~well kno)Vn derful brothel, at least so thought Gramaphone. Record Produc­the doctor. ing Company, Maste~ records

I t was the' last day of the trip. of each of the' great artists of our Anna's charges were wc::11 on the day are to be built into a cham­way' to recovery: and she stood ber in the walls of the building so looking quietly into the deep blue ,that-say 'a thousand years from depths of the ocean from'the side 'now, should some ca'ta"tron,he

f the ship. ' '" have effaced our race' and its , It had been such a happy trip Etclry for a period of time and then

she mused-surely a bright .auger our remains should be unearthed for her futurt life in a' neW, c~:lUn- by_the beings who may replace us try. ' on this sphere, they would be able

"'H~ppy thoughts. Miss, Stew~ to listen to the musi~ which \ de­a'rt?" queried Dr. Graham: as, he lighted tht; ears -o-f the natives in stood beside her:, . the twentieth centuryl , - "Very happy," .he .replied. ,"I That is rathe! a' wonderful idea was thinking what 'a pleasant trip is it' notf Ana ,makes us specu­it had been arid hoping' that thE" late as to what those mythical be-

hold much of ings-a thousand years ahea'd-" '


story, .

, Perhaps there are thoee among us capable of such .self-forgetting sacrifice. After all it takes the oceasio'; to bring out the noble deed and should circumstances warrant we think there are more heroes in our midst that we are aware of. " . -E. L



li,ake a piece of yellow tissue w.,ill too. I wonder if it lonely out there," .he,

small I half to herseJf .. (To be, c.Qntinue~)J

~ " .. -

v",'rv.1 pape~ 40 inches long and 5 in,ches wide'; fold it in half lengthways­that is to make a double strip 40 in<;hes long and 2 Yz inches wid~; then with a pair of scissors cut Ii' fringe about 1 Y4 inches '. de~~

,EJelllreu! right, along the strip, beginning from the folded side, not the out- ' (side edg~s. Ho paper in th~' left.hand, arid right'hand take the end 'paper' " and , .

-:"'."~ as ex'plain­stalk take 'n

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,. / ' .' at d


Allbough' Easter comes early this Spring We are Ready, 'and will have our.flrs( showIng of Spring Millinery

• I ' I '".' ~. .,'. \ •

. : WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23rd, and Follownlg Days. l ~ 'oO. ,

t • ' T' • I

" We may as well try to tell you of'every Flower, of every Fea-., . ther, or of all the grasses and' straws thal grow, liS to allempt to :

" .. gi~e you an Idea of tbe beauly; st~le and variety _you will hav_~, to' choose from. ',' I "', ' ' -: :, STORE CLOS'ED ON GOOD FRIDAY. ' I

~ " -:' ~. ~. t' ,

., , " , ,


, .


. ' . " "T '~i fIMU, 'fiE~~iUU, MAN.

. , ..1/


Anyone wanting to buy Pure Brea Cattle and get Into a better grade .of

', should leave their order with T. C. Stinson, live stock dealer. He has sold two ,extra. well-bred Short-' horn bull. during h(e ,last week, the' buyer. being Messr •. Ernie Clark and Robert Green, both of Treherne. . .

. 1II1ss B. Cameron came up from tho cIty Tuesday noon' after a week's vIsIt.

71111'. W. E. Staples will sell a quan­tity. of good feed oats al lIIrs Lamont's sale on ·Saturday, the 25th. Tcrms, cash.

. .


. ,

. ~ ..

' .. , .

. ~, , .,,~ _. ... , ... ,oO . ,

• \ • .- • •

. ' .. "


Scott's Footwear For Men, Women, Children ,


................................................ ' ..... J. D. Scott has purchased the' Run­acres property on Griffith St., now oc . cupled by Jas. Cowie, and will OCCUllY lho same soon,

/ .

" , George's Cafe Purity Ice Cream and Cones. Fruit, ,Su~daes and soft Drinks

Everything Good. Meals at All Hours Cigars, Cigarettes, . Tobacco, Candies, etc: . Parlor, Table and Counter Service. '

Ceo. Shing, Prop. T reherne, Man. , ,

Remember lhe Rilio of home' cookIng In Ruslon'/! store on Satul'day, April 2.

, m: E~ster come~ early this year and with it the requirements for New Easter Shoes. We invite. you to see our line of Women's Oxfords-one and two eyclet ties. and Street Boots-..:.the newest lines in stock for our Easter Shoe trade. '

......................................... ~ ........ .

A new Indoor S\lOl·t has ncen stllrled IIn'Troherne this .wlnter-lhls debate buslnss. The Epworth Lcague stlu·tcd It, lind now lhe U. F. M. has jUlllped Inlo tho ring, In Hie good old days, .John CoullCl' and GcorgeGl'Ilhalll hcld mllny an IntereHlIng sessIon, dcbatlng on Ihts lind Ihal.. but nc"el' on tho Bame side. Thc r1IROIIRO has SIIl'OIIlI, and Is aboUl t.o develop 1n10 n ragc.

Fum and Fine Shoes for Men. Boys and Children: -Our stock com~ prises a good assortment in all these lines. Inspect our shoes and be your own judge of the exceptional values which are here awaiting you, See our Men's Farm Shoe at $4.00, 4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 per pair. .

Whether, selling, buying or ship~ ping grain or. live stock. the Bank of Hamilton will take care of all your financial transactions for you. Careful attention to detail a~d courteous treatment are features of Bank' of Hamilton service at all times.


White T eeth,HealthyGums, and a Clean' Mouth,

PEOPLE who use Klenzo Dental, , Cre~e regularly, tell ~s·th,atit~''';,:··

,keeps their teeth "hite-their gums ~rm-and their mouths, hea1th~-. c:lean. and c:omrortable, with· tliat Cool, Clean, Klenzo Feeling.

" AriCi Klenzo Is a sare dentifrice, approved by the dental profession because it does all that any dentifrice ou&ht to do.

.. Try it.



3·~·,:¢:, ~ • ...J I . ' .

• ,'~. I \

, Ir , , ~, ..

1I1rs. (Dr.) Chrlstlnw'lInd 1111'S, AI. Poll on. a,ro "lsi ling In WInDlpCg this week.

Thc School Children's Entertain­mont ,was witnessed by quite a nUI11-bOlo In t.hc a[lcl'Doon 11011. II IIll'go lIucl­lenco WIUI pl'eRenl In lho cvenlng, , Mrs. L,' Fllmel·ton spcnl a rew days In town lasl woe II, rclul'Dlng Saturday to Restoil, accolllpaniod by hcr hus· band.

Miss Vera Stllplcs WILS' a Wlnnlpog visitor lasl week.

I Mrs. J, P. Lano lert on SatUl'day for

Slough ton, Sask.

. ~lIss Laura Palmer visited boro for lwo days this week.


Mrs. Rose of SourIs, spent the week " end 'wIlli her sister, l'1rs. Ames,

J Wesley SmlUi and wIfe o( Portage arrived In lown Tuesday. ,

'Enos .Wlllctt and daughler, MIss Elizabeth visIted the former's daugh­leI' at Reston last week ..

Mrs, Andrew Ross returned on Thursday of last week, after II 10_ days

, vIsit In lho clly. • / MI's. Runacl'es, of ~Innlpeg arrived

back In Trehel11e laSt week. "

FARMERS!~What about-those Harness Needs for the Spring Rush. Come in and see the quality and price of our strong Farm Harness. It will not pay you to loose valuable time of man and team when the old harness breaks. Are your Collars in proper shape?. A good-fitting collar is the most important part of th~ harness. We sell pure Neatsfqot Oil and Eureka Harness Oil by the quart or gallon.

If you want"your Harness dipped, bring it in NOW.

III"" ••• 1.1';:;:.1,.111111 ,.,. II ••• '·';" 11'1'1 1I!!II!II!II**!II*illHit!lIillHl!lt!!IIlI!lIIlI!lIill!llillili!!I!lI!iI!lIIlI!Hiifilliilffi;m!lIl1ill!itim~,!l\!lI;;lI!lmm!lIillill!!l!IJ!. . '. ,,' . , . ,

fun""for 'Women to Diamond,·Dye

Skirts Wal.t. Co;lt. .Dre ....

Klmon .. Curtain. Swester. Covering_

Glngh.m. Stacking. ' Draperle.' . Everything,

•• 1111.... I. II .1111

.. , , ~

FaurXllllers! ,Ranc1h<ersX m

N "h . I Hi Spring is about' here. ow IS t e tIme to pure lase a Hi Farm or Ranch. m

I am well supplied with both. Have some splendid op~ ~~ portunities for ranching in B. C. §i

'.. Ben Crooit came up from lhe city on ... ~! tho 17th. wi \

Women are' findIng It fun lo dlam­ond,dYe and add yeal's of wear to any shabby, faded garment ,or drapery.' Easy directions In package: Don't' rink your' material In'poor dye lhat streaks, Rpots or fades. Buy "Diamond DyeR," -no olher kInd, Tell YOUI' druggls't. whether your material Is wool or silk, or If Il Is colton; linen, or a mIJUw·e.

!II If you. want a 'real bargain in Farm Land. you will get ~i

it her~. \ .,~ .. !,:_ W

i ' , Cash payments are now within the reach of all who ~ .' . Mr. WIshart was a Wlnnlpe~ vIsitor

last weok. want a farm. a~d the deferred payments are easy in most cases. m ,

J. Wlnn of G1enboro attended the ., I. 0: O. P. Ball. 16 rloh colors. .

, If you are not quite in shape to purchase a farm. call Hi and see if we cannot arrange it for you. ~!



T, Syms, J. H. Robertson and wife went lo Hqlland on Friday In the In­lerests of tho U. F. M. Othem who journeycd lo Holland on Friday lasl were: Mrs. ias. McNeil, MIss Ames, R. C. Parsons and T. PrIce. ., .

,n. C, Day wenl to Cypress FrIday, while W-,: J. R)lslon wenl on to Carroll,

Mrs. R. J. Mills went Into WinnIpeg 011 lhe'18lh. '

ill . Loans are now easier to transact than they were in the m s. N. Cochran, Optometrist, oC Car. beginning of the year. 'If you require a Loan, call and see me. fH

man will vIsit 'l'rehel11o' on Thursday, ~, . (all day) March 31st: for the' pracllce ill of,,~ls(I)~ofesslon.', Appo!ntments may Jo Go. C~ rrOnn .ill also be made for Wednesday evening ~ ffi afler 6 'o'clock by phonIng G. T. Curry. ~.l

'A Flem, Day '~~d Baskel :Plcnl~ '~III T reherne, Man. f~ be held ~ Vlncenl~s Grove at. liar- .Ii

lIIlIIIIIlII!IIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIi!ll!lllllllllllll!ltllllilEltIilliIIltIlt!!tilI!lI!lt!illlI!illltIlIiilii4ll11i1!lt!lt!iI!lII!I!ililllillililt!i!iil!ilaM! land's . It' rry on June ,3 (lhe KIng's' , blrtbday) under' lhe ausplcell .0Ltho ""';';""'~~';""~!!!!!!!~~~~",,",E= .. - - ",... _, : _. _ • :'.

Wes. ' Clegg' an'd wife s'pent tile 'past S 'I Nfl ~~·">:~+:-'~X-')->X":"»:":":.':"»'X-:":":":'-:":">-:'.: ........ : .. : .. : .. : .. : ......... . OUL I 01' 0 k School Board Assocla- '" • • .:. wee~ In the city. 'I tlon. Dr. Thornlon" I\lInlster of EdU-I' :~

Mrs. Jas, Rogel's of Wlnnlpcg aI'- caUon, and ,Mr., Glenn, .Presldenl or • ~ • 'rlved"on Saturday'and 18 'vlsltlng her the ,Manitoba SC,ho·ol. Board Asso?la. .r:

tion will address, the gatherIng. All ' .• !. ' l ' I 'i I , • r ,.,

parents,( Mr. and,Mrs. S, Bullied. chlldren"belween' the alles o( 1 and .'. . ·1II1s8 K. Rlordon 1 of WInnIpeg aI'- 100' are 'cordlally Invited. :lo come and .;-

" . " havii aflrst'class'tlme:' '. '",',' , :1: rived Saturday and Will, 'work . at' J., "\ .. ', .. '.", "" ., ,,\ .,' Scammell's: ',' ',I, " . Manager'Falconer .is' to: be congra- .\. ' " IN Ii. GROUP c •• :':

' • • ":' .I, .' I '~ \ , ' ',' :

" ,. ..- tulated for ,the fine .manner, 'In .whlch· . with the home atmosphore of our modern studio SUIToIIIHllIlg· YOII. IIml ',' . Mr. and Mrs. Jones 'of WInnIpeg ar; the 'rink has been conducted, thIs wIn- I nono of 'lhe ,old-tlmo Btlff backgrounds,lVo clln get RllecC)R~flll 1'\1010' :!:

" rived last-week 'and wlll work ',Ja8 .. ter,. and' the splendId condition of lhe : ,graphs' or' you, 'If you III'ofor It plcturo of yoursclf nlone, \\'0 fool 'i' T "]h . plfn" ' .. Mc~ell's f~m.. . '·'1. ico at all times .. Joe Stinson Is also equally sure thal we clln plOilse you wll.h 0111' artlKtic \\'urll hi :': . uOlC 'IC\WO~IC\ ,~DOx'~a","y" , ! ", ". ,~,.:'I".. .', ',":;: largllly responslble/for'lhe splendid: ." .' P~RTRAITURE. , . .:-

· . , ...... "

. .0. ~ ~.u..u..u.,-, , ~.u.: , '~.u.. . ~ , ", ", j FritzIe, Mr. and Mrs; DIetrich's pet I I tl b I ... t I " " 'Ve;'bave an up-lo,dale, equipment lind ovory flll'loIly rOI' doing '1' " , . SlOW ng Ie, II anco s .. ee , SlOWS '. " . I r I II I W I I '.' . ,..,. . . . . dog'dled of old age a week ago" He hI h k J dId I • ' work n.ccordlng lo lhe 1lI0st IlI'pI'OVeC 0 11101 orn IIII' IOC H. 0 WII 1 .• ' •

. LLOYD, FUMERTON, Propr~e,or, ;".' " ,wa~'aiuiost i5' yeara old.''' , '.' . . ,w CWOI'. oe gral S., I,' . you to' like 'the ,qual tty of our work and tho courteHY lind II)'UII) 1)llleHH .:. '. " '" . " . ", ',.'. '. ;. ' ", , ". A drovo of, cattle has be on running of our 'sol-vIce. " ,- . . '. :::

.DRUGGIST & ~"ST~TION~R.',.,· .. ''', ;i Mrs: .~~s,to~~~e*t to"Cypress la~~ about (or .~~e. p~~t soveral days. G<!od, 'A SANDELL ' •• ' Photographer .~ TREHERNE .::: '\ .: "TREHERNE' " , '1 . 'j' ;!. :", ?,nJ ,z:;a,turd~Y. .. \ ~". :," " exercl~. ~or. t.hose who' . follow them, i '. ,' .. ,.', . " :!:

I ,'" , ,_'. 1/\, ,!' ',1, .', I, " \ I , " • < '...1 .dodgtng(around 'or'·wa.dlng thl'ough. • • .A.A.AAA..A.~:.. .... :...AA~~..A.~ .. :..:..:.< ....... -..: •• : •• : •• : .. : •• >-: .. : .. : .. :-.: •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. ~. ~:=":~c:~==.:·=·='.:=;=;::=:;=:==;;;:~;;~Mm,,~hn.~~~rand,Mm.~~. "."~ .. _~~ .. ,.1<,, ,.~ ;~~~~~~.~~~.~~'~~~~~~~~.==:=~~~=:~~~~::~:~ " '., " ':Park61' .wero cIty vlsltors~thls,week;, Justiiwben :tbe,edllor:was aboul to ~ •• M ....................... ; .......... .

;,s .fl,l'\"" I f~ . " I r ' ",<,.". "~ I:'. purchase' a 8hot!gUDr to shoot, a duck •••••••••••• • .' ' . ,: <', ~ : "'- . .:' ;. with, ,they' go ·and paSR "1 law "lIgln" . • .

• • • • •

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',., .. ,~~QmRN~;; .." .... ::~~ ~V:,~::;::~ Jll rST . ~~CEIVE~! ,;:,)f".r\\~·" .", An~th~~ Carloai:of the Famous

·:·':,ROYAL " HOUSEHOLD FLOUR • , ;. A :fe~ 'ba~~ .. of ~ VVhole 'Corn for \

--,'.'''' .".,":"', P;~~ltr)','·$2;2S 'per:~al'o~ ro,o Ibi., ", \;, 1 ' , .' ;j' .'HI~~""t\ 1~','-! " ,



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_~a. ~,-':": ;":"'.,;;;' ;W. ......... ;...,;;.; ................. _ .......... __ .;.;. ..... ;..a. ..... ~~ ________ --.:.;;..0;. .......... '. rHE TIMU,: TRitH£RNE" MAN: ..... -------. ____ ....... _____ 'M!" _____ ~~~-_"'!',_~_~ .. _~ .. ~. .. ~ "':""'" .. . ,---..o, - ..... __ .~ ...

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. 'nlE.TREHERftE·TIMES' -~ THE EXPERIMENTAL' , I FARMS SYSTEM ", Treherne, Man. , . , ' ,

" ','" I Elltabllshed 11911 __ I : -Re'Dl~1'k bas several times' been , '. ~~


It. J. R'·I_ha'r2.dOO.onPer year. Editor ,made:"In:; Parliament' and! elsewhere'

, "' ~ '! thllt··the splendid· work: performed by I :.:1 " 'ADVERTISING 'RATES .;the·' Experunental 'Farms'System ,'0.


.. ! I I

, , . ,

.' !l 'I , • .,. • I •

. , '



,PLAYS ALL, MAKES OF'RECORalu".1. . . .. ,.'.,.--/ ..... _.,

. -, '\ ,Make .us"Prove It! '--

The leading magazi~es contain an intensely interesting - i~teryiew; .~,tJ.i ~.r::, ~,s~~.' ~~ich_ Y~, s~~':lle:t..~~d. ' .' !'I~' _~ays L

_ "I ~ very, gl,~d .th!lt r~cords of all the'pri~cipal talk- ' ing maminifcomparues can 'be played' on the' New. Ed:: ison with the best possible 'results." .'. :., .', ',' t' • ".! - l' . 1 . ; . , ., . . . ~, ..

I , }' • '1- I •

" We shall be gla,d to prove Mr. Edison's statement.' ·Lat­eral cut (ne~.dle machine) records sound better on the New Edi­son than 'they"do on tlie talking 'ol'a'ChirieJor whi~h they we~e. made, Don't forget we are anxious to prove it to you. .·'-I'.il 'j

• '1" , • • 41:' ....... ~ "',;, 0 ..

, Understand, ple\lse, they ~I\'not sound lik:e-Edison R~­CREA nONS, but' they 'Wilhourid better; tha~~ypu; 'ever heard' them sound before.

~The NEW -EDISON: , 0." I ,

"The PhOll~graph with' a Soui" . ,-.

'Treherne Pollon Brose," . , '

(EtrecllYe June lil, 11120.)" . '! Caniid'a Is·not 'noarly 'IiO "'fdelY· known Local, 52' l;rl~;ti~Di ! p~~" ~!lat:, 1IC.: and: app~clated I1S" It· ShO~ld:'lie. ' In

\Jer column Incb. ' ' ) the ·Agrlcultural 9azettl~ oC <!~ada tor " 'I'ranslent:' DlsplaY,.:25c ... per .. Inch. ! January' thoro' appears' anI. ouUlJie or

Legal, 'per lIn9, nc.:8c.-8c. ' i I tbe.systelI\ and tbe "tasks In wbl.cb" If Liners, 5 IInl/li or 108S, 50c. for firat ,Is I ongaged: The Central Experlmen­

Insertion, 25c. tor I/acb BubliequeJ;lt i tal Farm', at"- OllU:~;~ Is 'the-' beadquiu'- ' IDsertl,on. • I 'tors:,of: th~: twenty' brancli' oHauxlF , , Duslness and professional cards, per' d It ltd

':year;::"17:60.'«?Ci1.rds of Fraternal Or:' laryl ralnns anf

,stallions. b' t' Stb'S ate ders pel' ': yenr~ "5.00. Auctioneers, : tbere s one ann n. eac 0 e, pro-$12.00,' ',: ,,'t,-. ) ~. • 'vlnces ot Prince Edward Island, New

FOREIGN' ADVERTISING: - All i Drunswlck and Ontario, ,two In Nova :lla'te,~"17lh'0. per column Incb. Set, SCO,tla, 'rou~ In 'Quebec, two In ~Ianl-'~ller;,~6c. per IJicb.. toba, tilreo In 'Saslmtcbewan" two In

Frlda;'~ March 25th,.1921 , ': Alberta and four Ih British Columbia. y, i There are also two sub·statlons In AI-

.,. " YOU'VE'SAID A '\~ ,


; berta, two In tho Yukon and one In Brltlsb Columbia. In ,addition, ,work­

.Ing wltb the system are tobacco sta­tions at 'Farnham, Que., and; Harrow,

• i Onta'rlo.' At all' of thes,,'experlmental · and research work ot national .Impor· : tance' Is carried ·on, Elgbty illustra­tion' or 'demonstration statlons,'bave

· also beon' 'establlsb'ed In New Druns­wick;' Nova I Scotia, 'Quebec, 'Alberta

'and Saskatchewan. Eacb brancb 01 ,agriculture Is 'dealt Wllll In actual'ex­perlment, and ,; the-· results are made

, public . through the press, qnd by , means .. of. addresses, demonstrations and exhibits: 'In' short, evory etrol't' IB

· mado to encourage, advance and bene­fit· agriculture, tbe bllSlc In!1ustry or 'the !country. -

. "\


Tbe man wbo' edits the average 'country nowspaper ,cannot well·avoid A '.' I- 'd' tr~adlng on somebody's toes occasion- pp Ie ' .. --

, ally.' -He· must expect to be· censured ,'otteti;.must work~bqrdl~d g~t.II~t1e - l.rte'·iit·'Sba:l,.eng I

.' thanks, mUst expect to ·be callod, cow- JI. ail 1 :.' ~ , ,\ \

'ard ,~ecause he·doe8·~ot,lpltch.,lnl,to Of", • 1 _ " '"

that somebody I think,,: 'Is '. Keeps' the' Skin· Soft !l0d.v. a fool if ho·speaksiout 'tl:\O " 'Smooth ' "

on 'things ·tbat 'boo thinks' Is ' , r ff f ~


remedy for InfantS alld ChOdrell. V";"JI'[·:A'~:'; .1t*11&l1~,' n .... ~ .... lM !tir: babie.. A Itaby'. medkla.

j~::5~f:f:l~;~~~~~~.~~~~j .. ~R~e~m~e~4i08 priDlarny prepaftd It was the need of 'a 'of Wants· and' ChDdrell that CUtonatiefore:the' publlc"dter yean ohelluch, and' no ' hy' be~ made' for' It" that· lbi' ... ,for 'Over. ,10 years hu .. ~~,t" ~!,~!eD;. ' I

W.hat is C.ASTO·RIA? Cilt~ria "U;' a 'h~ess ~ubstitute for cUtllr :Oil,:'Par~iorlc,

Drop. and Soothiillf Syrups. It is pleasant"',,1t:'containB neither Oplum,',!4orphine· no'r. other' narcotic . S)1blltance. Ibi alte, is its guarantee. .For :more than'thirty \yeara it has' been in constant usc for the reifef of COn'stipatioli, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea'; ".allaYing, .Feverishness arising therefrom, and by' re{tUlating' the 'Stomach.' and' Bowela, aida the assimilation of Food; giving healthy 'and natural sleep. ,T~~ .Chi1d~e~~s _C~mfort~The: ·Mo.ther~s Friend. ..

~~N:UINE ~C~~-T~,~:l.A "'j~LWAYS Bears the Signature of ,

,_ • ...~ .4 • t ........................................... ' ....•. '.' ... ,1' _ . J.

, ••• , ' ',~I I" J .' •

,TIMES , Adlet. do the Bu.u1eu

Almost any farm utensil, household ar· tide, ~r head of li~e-~tOck '\Vill sell readily if ad­

'vertised among the Time. Adlets. 99 per cent. of them do the work required of them. Don't cost much, either. Those who have tried Time. Adlets~use them frequently; Cash with order, five lines or less,

~"TIMES: .-.Adlets 'd~ the' B':'iinel. I


He Is expec'ted' to :grlnd' other' 'M ANY men su er rom' lle'()pl~I'8' axes and turri' tbl! ,grlnds~ne, irritatiori of the skin ................................................... ..

1 himself. He can write 'up, a, cohilUp, of,. as a result of shaving. W~th -====::;======='==' ========:====~i:I: ; pleasant things and never receive f - , , even' brleOy expressed thanks, but, let some'it assumes a form 0 FOR SALE OTHER TABLETS NOT . him pen a single line In lVhlcb ,thoro. Is .'eczema iuid-- becomes' most ' .

" , II •

accidental, mlsropresnteatlon of any- annoying' and" unsightly. A quantity of clean Marquis Secd thing, 'and' someone III ready to murder r· , ' , ' • ' I . Wheat. Apply PhOlie 94-6, ASPIRIN AT ALL him: .. 'Aild we' may add that when be' : By/ applying; 'a little. of . Dr. J. A. lIamiltCln, Rathwell -hIlS ~ade ploa~ant '1llentlo~ ~~9 'umes Chase's Ointment 'after· ;shav­of some person, place or thlJig, ,and on jng the irrita,tion is ~v~rc.ome the thousandth times tails to do so, he . and such ailments as 'Barber's rilll~t eXlleet the vengoanco oflhades to "Itch' ana Eczema are avoided .. ' falllon 'his hoad, Suroly,thls\ls a'queer _, "'.'- ,"', . . - ., " old world,' and, thero are an awfulilot, l!O·cent. a bOl<, al\ deftlcrH. or Edman8on, of inarrow-mlnded ,people ,In It. :'_:"" I' BllteR & Co., Ltd., Toronto.' '-,,, .

; -'-Elrose Review. -'

Jack MArrk'a

"1 ' ,-A'· Firat-Cia.. 4-Chalrr T~n.orlai·

~ •• ~.~ '\' ~ .,~ ~f Parlor." .' 1" )1 •• f1t:(

r ~"1;< :, •. .1,'~':l': h .; •• 'i(f~( . WhJen kcomt!!'~) ~~ c ~,I,:,nl~.,II'. ~~n;; on ae, a

( ..... ) .. 0 ,.. I" . , } , !~ J I .. 'J" ,', 'I ,"'\ 1;( , 214,MeDERMOTT"AVE •. ·.'

:, . <!<t. 'Main St.) . ,.,- .1

,-.(, ph,one, A5740 ... 1' "

"'.L"",,,,.r. ~I." It, t •. J I • • " I ,; • , 0 ,,\.,


, I, FOR SALI!: Maytac Washlnc Macblne with at­

tached oll,(ne; In-first class condition . ! Milton George,

23ttc ' Treherne '-

FOR ,SALE ·A quantity ot pure DeariUess Darley,

good for seed. Also a qUII,lltity or sbeat teell. Apply , . '

,28P (

H. Carroll, ' I'bone 73'J2.

Only, Tablets with, "Bayer Cross" I

are Genuine Aspirin

Tr you don't sec the "Dayer Croa ... FARM FOR RENT. 'on .t1.'~ tnhlet., YOll nre not getting

% sectlon 2 miles south oast Qt Aspmn-Qnl" an nchl imitation. ' Trehorne, tho whoat land ,plowed and The "nny~r Cross" Is your' only -"BY roady to seod. Immedlat6':.poSBesslon of kn?wing thnt you arc get~lng' jceriuin"

..:. Apply to. J. R. Scott As plr'll! , prescribed by pll,slcians ,ror . ' I • over nilicteen yenrs and p,oVt·d .afCI by

\ ~-I l ' millions for lIeallnehe, Neu~alglll,'ColdJi, I, .c.,) .... LOST, HheumntislI1, Lumbngo, Nelll'llIs, Rnd tor

A Lady's Shawl between w: Spinks' ,''':11 WIII'I'ully, "Iude in Canada. corner' and" town: tWill 'Onder' kliidly .Bundv' tin boX'r~ of 12, tableta_lso roturn"to:MjiI: L. T~ LoilllsliurY. / I l'lrl;erl. sized "Bnyer!',' paobgiii CAD 1M

• lwd n~.drug ~t?rrd. ( ~ FOR SALE'" , .Aspl~ln,l~ p.ulJtrRde mArie (regiKterPd

• " • in Cnlllllln), of Dnvrr ~Innuf"cturc 'of ,100 bushels';-Pllt~toe9,. -- QU&D!fty of. ' ',Qacclicneidcst"r.'of'Snlicyllcftcltl.

beet., carrota" and ·OIIlonB.f ~80 PUI'O "'hile 'IV is·llvell kilown thMt Aspirin - bred Roolltere-2 Plymouth· "Rocks, ,.'"lI. n"yer manufaoture, to !laelsl u,,, '1 Andeluslan ··and 2 Black Mlnorcas: ' . ,Ii" 'goipsl. imitations, the Tableta of ~_,-;,. ... ; -_c-"·';Appl,. D: Bn(cKenzle; ./;cl· C~I~P.B.!.'y':_ Lt~!" '!,1I1 .• ~=~t~,,~pl'<l 87D .. "y'>.'.,.:.. .. '~."~""'-'TrehArnA' ,'., tli\'i~ I!cllcrlll tradU mark; Ui. • ~ , • ".... "'\. o' ••• '-~ 't - ··"lu.ycr'~croia'·i'oo-''''''''' \ ......... .:J: .... -~_1·· "~"'\"ol rt - ! I ~. ~ ...-.... ..~1 '" .. .,. ~~ • ; "Y'O'

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. · •• :,~~~~i:~~~[:~~.~~I~r~ '=f~i::i::~~#;:$;,;=~¥;:=~=~ •. tl FOR SALE ' ·1 (~ '=. f: Puro LEADER oatil for s'eed:' 'also \, , th,~io'lilt:uary;otl:a'~I~i1tllo'lB.ccltlzell. '··good-;Beed 0.ats:1 Soc.: 23·8:10:' I Does your label'Say "17 Ma'k It'<

, • . Peter Robertaon .... .. e._ 1\"'"-.}(,,")f.,'''.',)I),,. ' ,; oj ~ ~. I J .... ~ '.I~ .' ... l ~. j • '.. • \; " . ,

", ., , "


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~r~.~~~,~~~-~'7-~~~~"-~'~-~·~-~-~-~··r··--~--ft_-_~~I~.·i·~~~~~~~~~~~~-~--~~~7-~·:··~:~··~~1"~;;-I:.-~I-~~·'1!K,~~ N~~;~CAL:2·" w~~~~~.~_~:~5~!~Q~.~.~.?~-~-~lm~~··~--~·~·==~'~:~='=;~;~;~s==~:=~~~=?~~=~

./ /

I ~~ :~'; ~,I' --; ~. ~ - • i '\ _ r .' .. , • \ 'oJ • oj • • f"

, M~s .. England, of ' Regina, who has been "Isltlng relatl,'es here, returned

, .




, !

, .

'.(lra;f()noT~:' . , : ," , .. , :.,' . '.... .

"a~fla '. :~,~ ¢o;rds , . ,

~ ,


Let, US play these and 'many:.'~thera for you: ,. . '

Abld".WI.i~ ~i'e I'nJ J eaul. Lover of My. Soul. Graveure and Co umbia

j ~~~ pu,,:!t~tte. ,A68~O, $1.66


When, The ,Roll Is Called Up Yonder. Peerless .':. Q~~rtett~!~G!lJILH!!ard :rhe Voice o[ ·.Jesus Soy,

Franlt Croxion. , Al:JtlS. $1 (10 I' ! " .).

What a Frle'nilWe Have In Jesus. Stnnlevand Dolrr ,,: Iorio/ Throw Out the Life Llne;Hcnry B .rr. '

Ai!66. $1.00 0l!".rd, _Chrl.,tl~n Solders; Col'lmbh Qllnnelte. anJ

SiUe In 'ftle ~rnl.'bfJe~us, Henry Dw·r,· . ' " ./W4. $1.00

',':'Hear S~e~t"HY9!Ds:J~~d . ;'Sacred jSongs,; aL "orne

", -Rain or shine. 81~et and sno~, or bitler

. cold, even if you can't go to churc'h you need never' be without the sacred m~bic that s~othell and comforts you. , .. Colu~bia Records played ,on ;he Col· umbla Grafonola reproduce so realistic·

,\:.'IY a!l 'of your favorite .~cred Bongl fight In Y9ur own home that you' Clln close your eyes and see the church,

On C~lurnbia'R~cordll ~o~ :~iil:f1nd, ihe l.ymn's "that .your ,mother, and. her

, me ther sang,' tlie':h'yriirill'-'th~'t' y'rikve I., ,', d 011 hllppyl Sundays: throughout' ;. e g rea ter part of your. life.

, I

'; ,

Ne::r"r, My God To Thee; Bllri"one Solo Gnel Let '1:ho ~n:wer Ii.lli,hts Be ,nurnln~, Ha~isun pnd Anth"IIY. ." '/'" ~1;~247;$1';OO

IC5UIJ, Sllviour, Pilot ]ll.c. Oscar S~agleand Co'umbla S: dbr Quartette, anJ WHI Tilere' Be 'Any ('Stars In lI~y Crown? Oscar Seagle."; ,,' ,A2S0S;"'S1:00

Hyn;ms of The 01'\ Church Clloi'~,r' Pe~i~ss " Q :I.rte!te, ~"J, 'Chert> Is !. Green Hill Far Away, Harry McClaskey. .111769 ,1.00

, '. " . A:! I

TREHERNE PHARMACY • , ' • •• i" ,-.

Columbia ,Dealers !


homo last'week. . I ,

• 'l' '/,

. F;'rank Osborne, who badly scalded hlmselr' last 'wee'lt; 'Is' gettlng' better again; we arc' pleased to say, under the care, o{ Dr. La.mont.

I , :Piap.o Genius is Embodied in-the . '

.' , , Jia1lll,

, '(

lIlrs._ Woodworth o{ Winnipeg, wli,Q has

l been: ,:151~ing her 'children

hore returned home' last week. , , ,

Herbert Catl, who Is bilsy' !liking ou.t sa~·logs I~, expecting to ,starJ; to saw lumber soon. . ..

F.rank and 11 arry. , Osborno' havo I ." .. ' , •

1II0ved on, to Ule 'old lliace and intend fal'lnlng oil ~ 'hlrger . 'scali:. .'

::: :?tlr. and 'Mrs. Will McCallum who live norUI o(l\l<iOI'el;or and who'llI\vo beoll visiting relatives bero' returned bomo Wednsday.

Our teacher paid Il flying visit last week end, to 'Wlnnlp~g. .

Whist drives are tho order o[ the day . ,

,-A country editor,' who evidently

spanks frolll experience, describes '. tho "Dlggest Trust,"':as '[ollows: "The biggest trust on earth Is Ule ,weekly

., newspapel·. U trusts everybody. gets \ cussed for trusting, mistrusted {or cus­

Hing, ami If It ,busts [or trusting. gets cussed -[or busting."


Oood m.,..,rl .... and careful workmanship are ... llhln the reach ever)- plano manuracturer •

But In tho Oourla,. Plano you'll Ond morc-lho ,'cr), 10uch 0' genlu.. -800 the m .. ler·hanrlln the artlltle h..-Uly of '1'" d .. lgn-doU • caw. relined, llraeefulln ovory Uno •. ~d lbe f .. el~aLlnll 'r1dhn";. ~f the 00urla1'0 tone I. an aehlov,," mont of lIenlus-toamL>d throullh many tV"" of experience and lbe .collorlng of hlllh Id .... ts In plano era t. . Oooluolo tbero-Oenlual. wanUolt In every Oourl.y, ,-


HavIng so\11 Iny' {arlll, I will soli at Soc. 16·g·g; 2 miles east of Rathwell,lftl.....,\J the following OD

'ILLIAIfILl. ,r~~W,SCALE PIANO AND ,PLAYER·PIANO '/Vrl"\" and BRUNSWICK Phonographs. Victor Records,

.Tuelday" March. 29th HORSES: -' 1 horse: g yrs" 1460,

horse. rising 6 yrs" Mare, 13 yrs" 1350, horse and marc," 12 years, (general purpose); good mule, 6 yr8.

CATTLE:-3 cows (two milking); helter, 3 yrs .• In calf; 2 steers, 2 f!lll calves. I

IMPLEMENTS:-ninder, 2 mowers, 19-shoe seeder, gang plow, 2 will king' plows, Wagon, set "triicks, sleighs,' hayrack, hayrake harrows, buggy, cutter, 4 set_II jlaI11ess, .an:a .great. !ls-sorrment ot,other useful artlclos. .,

• • .' ",,1

30 Chlcken8. 250 bushels Seed Oats, 10 bushell(,

TurniPS: 60 .bush.els "po\~toes. ,: [

and all Musical Instruments. Consult me before you pur-• chase any Musical Instrument. It will pay you.


MINAltD'S LINIMENT .'.' "·'.Ki'ng of Pai,.· .

p, old rclia6k r,,,,,.11 for Rl1t11motism ~rtJ Nttlrdl,i4t Sttrt Throo'. SprainJ, SlraiPJJ, , Suvllirtf tI/ t11:11 Jorl and Bru'J"


:. Mis.,'Ruth.T.rktn~ton. 11 Tr{'faliilr Stu St ThomM, Ont, liMy grMdmolhf'r W~! , .ublrd to ,heumatblm a'nll u!lCd to CIIII tnt!: fro", my "taymatr. to li:0 to the_dru!;.. -"" to pi Minard', Unlmcnl. I •• , nh," unwillin; .00 d,d.rf'l! I hal('lllh.t 01lJ .tun, Lut 1Il000 found out how tnori h." .. I ft)t l\CuraIKl.:l: Gr.ndm. tame wh'- the Unlmrnl .",1 applltd. it to myhud.nd [was ~ry much lurflrUN 10 lI:el how "ul~ylt Rileytd Ih. p.ln:' •• ,...~. > ••• \ • •

Liniment Company , 'Llmltc4 "

, 1'1, • "" ,1 .. '" HOUSEHOLD OOqDS: - ,R",nge,

box stove, beater, chairs, ~ tables, etp; MAIL ORD'ER' ADVE'RTI'SING TERMS:-Usu!ll ere~lt till next Oc:

.1 • ~ ... • ~

. , . ,Thi~ years Ford is the ultimate in light car construction.

, ,~~~lete' in' v.,:.r'i. '!: it is trouble-proof. ec~r\O~ical of : gas and oil-just the car' for those who \vish the best of service • "with ,a:,miww_wP. <Jf.~r~l;Ipl~: expense and labor.

. , "nle~~t~~ti~g ,and lighting system is' 'reliable. sure. and'

• ." I '

,1921 Fo~d. complete with starting equipment. Touring

.,e~y (0' Uild~rstarid.'" Anyone can'di'ive:a' Ford. with 'an hour's I ; ., ,I I.' '}.. \. I.' '> ", ,j • • ~ "

.p~actlce . , .

model;'$860,OO, F. O.~ B. Treherne. - Without starting equip-.. r' ... " . . ~ F';:i.'" -' -

ment. $760.00. <.1":' ,". " " , .. ' ~\')~~' . ~

j t" ~.,..... . ", . , WILLARD"" EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE

. " :.\'. , "{' ,~ ..... ~ ,. , . ",-'~ "

. ., . ,. ',. ~ "~ .

,.:,~,~;}9.~~~,~~n l~~~~~ge .. ,::, ': ,iPhone;66 '",": '. f , " ,:-. • ,Tr~lier .. '~ M.~~

• y , ,

• ••• • • . ,

, tober."'.... ··r An exchange pats itself on,tbe bac~ T. J. GIBBONS, Auctloneer, ,Ownerj

furdecllnlng=~~llie~'~~~~~f;===;;;;~;~~~~:::::::=;:~;;;~=~~;~~==:=:::::: Co. a~vertlslng:' DUt' that 'samo ex-change Is qlilfe ,well '1111ed with adver' , . e -"'-T .. ' - ' 'Uslng'of local mercballts. 'n iocal mel'! :; cbants were ,n'llFonly' not advertising. but Investing their, money' In promot-Ing the welCaro of Il. compoting Instl· tut.lon, we venture to guess', that Ule' exchapge tbat makes a virtue Of:IVfuB, Ing Ule, E!lton advertlalng~ would reo . / ,I

\ gard Itself justified In accepting It. It' Is all a matter of business. 'There Is ' Ol,lly one' prlnclplt~ to' be uphold and that Is the right ot a piabllsher to ad-, 'I.' ! ' , vertiso ,any law(ul business., There

• , " • ,,' I' , " I '

was a time wben the Press declined to accept ,the ¥latoD, advertlsbii;. ' . nut tbe attltudo ,of ,local merchants: from

I time to time educated us: to build on, a foundation or libsolute Independence' I

of'theni. And that Is where "wo are' to­day. We haye.a given amount of , space' to sell and It Is going to those who' want to use' It Illwfully. ..When. 10c1lI: mercbants ,take all w.e have. tbel'e will be nono' left {or Eaton; but "110, long as

'Iocal' merchants, 'finance our; compeU." tor and advertise In that ..shoet to keep It allve,.we' are',golng to:exerelse (Iur flnallenable\'rlght, to 'prlnt ,tor. 'every,­body who, our" service.' .And,· candidly, we prefer~ to' prlJlt for Utose . 'wbo" liavo' no other.· alm,',than' to: get business as :dlstlngulsbed .(rom Bueh as regard 'thel~ pjl~ron~ge 'a..!'.' a ·.favor-: " for whl~ we ,Bhpujd,. b~ :dl?y~~tly thankful; Press 'rel\ders' are respect­fully reQuested to; peruao our adve ... '· tlslng columns I to take advantage' i

I)lay boo ofr.~rd: .f

'the ,~Neo'pa'Ya' rerers 'to Itho' '. Troherne

t"r'"RR:'Edltonls'rlght <pll'rtl.eulars. .. : round,

hn;"A';',;r' ritci·re'molnIlY 'thnt-!s there 'Is

In T~berne, . and the. 'lti Is tor' us to get· a sbaro 'or It .. Tlme~ cOluptns are ~OT open to advertisers 'who only wlllh to holp ,the, paper' a,iong-,,:e' don't re·, quIre any belp:rrlf; there I( any a~ver tislllg,.ln ,U!e~e ;~ol~m~s"nW !"Rrtb th\ eosf wo' wlur a'sk' )the advertisers' to

• '\, ~,,~ .' ~, ~; ...... " ,t '~,' h,avo, It taken .out;, , -', '

~ ..: ... , .. ~{.",-,. ... ~.. - '

, . -,


. "YotJf"-f eleph,one . Service • .;

,~ ,


, -- ' .

What • It Costs .: .. and , .


. IN' the Province of Manit~~., ~ubide of Winnipeg. over four thousand citizens "', J. , • ' ,

who, .pplied' for teleph~nes have been waitipg for a long time-some o( ,1'; ," \. ,.

"tbe~ f~r y~arl-for wire. and instrumentS that would_conned them with their

neilhbori: " " , " " : \ - ' ",' ( . ,

Dilrlns,the past three years Ilevolopment or our Telollhone System hns heen llranllcnl1y at & stapdstlil. ,Extension of rural lines has been Impossible, The' cQulpment IIvaliahle -which IIbould have been In reseI'Ve for emergencies and to glve'flexlbliity and contln· ,ulty'to service-has been used ~p to ,provIde as, llIany eonnoct\onR IlR pORslble. The sys· tern is now congosted to' an extent that makes satisfactory service tllnlcult. . '

, The publlo. all over iho.'pt'ovln~e, are aaklng for-Rntl are enllUml to-extcllHlol)B of SOl'-

vice, and to a standard 0[, service l'alsed to, a blghei· plane. . .' ~ , ' ~ 'I:

. ,',' ,ll ..." )J , " '

The, pr.oBonl rates ~en~ Into errect In 1912-elght,antl one·half yenrs ago-!Jasl..'<i 011 Lho' 'colUi 'and the size or tlie, that time;, Ilntl IIt'O not 8utnclent to'Dllllntaln tho p·rcs· sent service. let alone to Pl'oville ncedell illilirovclllents anti eXlensluns. ' Xwo 'primarY. 'causes contribute ~o Utls:' . .'


,,' \

.' , .. ~ , . . . 1st-An Increa~o or i12 llor"cont.-In coat of II\-bor. ' .

. An Increase'0c'·(rom'·65' per cent. to 160 per cent. In cost o( matcrlal's. . '\ \ 'I,. •

~, I' "

" '.!..: ,,' , ~ . , \ llnd.,-:-Tbo Datural law:of'ple tclephonoB, whCl-cby UIO coat of oporation

per telepbono ~Creallell':,aK ,tho •. slze o{ the s~slelll Increases . ; ... " 'i "'.. . . I \

.' ,. .~ ""

You e~n ~ow_unh~ok your 'lnstru11l.e~tl\ml talk to Imy Olio' ,or 67,030, subscrlberll of tho Maultoba Govol'DlUont TelollhoneH. III 1912, wholl the' present ratus wont Into olIcct, ,you could only talk to .37,599, . ,:,. ',' . ' ";' : 'I

, , , . -.


• • o' o ", ~ '.. ..0 .' •• .' . , ' .. • • • •

• • , .



• • • • • .~. • • •• eo • • •• ;:: . .. 0 .0'·· '" .. ~:' ~.

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'~\I;~~', ::~'.'''''''''''·--''''=_''M'''=_=_'''7C'''t_ ..... "", .......... ' ........ _.;.''.' •.• '. •. '.' ...... : .. '----.... ;..;,;....;" ......... ' .. ' -~.;.;:~ ... ,,;;·:;..;....:;""TH~ TIMU, 'r~~H~ftN~, MAk ....... __ ......... · ... · ... sr ... ZC .. ' .. tZ .. · ... ' ... · ... 7' ............ , ... J,~ .... ' .. ' .. ·_-_ ....... ·.SD;Di-......... ' ...... '_""!" .. SiliS .. ' ... C"" ........ S_" ...... s ..... __ -ioot_ ........ __ iii.S .. Z· • , '1 .. ::,,:, ,: .. : .. »>' ... ).: .. : .. :-:+r).: .. : .. :":..: ... .., ... >: .. Y.-~:..:+~~~.).'"*" 1 1 J • . '.' ' ..

A\JCTlONEERI (Rate $12.00 pllr Y


" '" ,x It to me by mall. It will be ,repaired ' ','t,':·: '.' The Ho\us~ of Qyality, ' I. ~:}:~u:thil~~s:::~~~:g:!:~~:n~:~: SHE WAS AFRAID (Rate '7.60 per Year.) . -AUCTIONeERING_

r t D. GOODMAN Jeweler T~eherne :

• ~: .' .~' Andrew\ Turnbull returned h~me on "FRUIT.A·TIVES" Mad. Her W.II, r 'Str~... Viaorou. t ' ' , Monday IUter Bp'endlng the past two

. ~' ".~ARGAINS ALWAYS" , .. weeks at ~,the Spring Assizes, at Por, ';

, ~,-'." .' ' .. ; . Very best. 96'piece sets dis,'hes~. two patterns; regular price tage la P~~lrle. /,

.... ct, .. O f k I $2900 Miss Ella Wilson of Holland Js

.~'(" Ii. "'"' R~d~:t~~Cin Ov:;;j'i~ .. ~~d .. ~~;k~:· .. ~~~ .. ~~i; .. ::· ... · ... :~ ... :· ....... $2: 75 home unt~ after Easter. _

~l,' . , , Our prices on boots and sh<ies cannot be beaten by any mail , J. ,K. l\[~Lennan of Vltlorla, Ont., Is /1.1 J spending a few days In our berg. >I,'~'. " ·t' order house.. Compar,e them!i. . I:, ~~ 1. J d f S h f d d f J. Irwin. and T. E. h-wln returned \~' .' f. ' , . u~t receIve part 0 our prmg s Ipments 0 ry-goo s, i last week;after several montlls' holl. , h f. ' We would appreciate your insPction on same. days In the west.

1-' ·t"· Fresh Groceries alway~ on hand, s~lr De~lal Weele. .Next Sunday at 1 "t, \"!. .f.

, , , r Y.: 11 a. m. there will be 'au Easter Sm', 3: YOURS T{:O SATISFY, ; vice In the Presbyterian Church: l\Iu· ", , :t sic will be furnished by 'the Mission '" I Dand, Rev. Mr. Careroot' will give ' MADAME ARTHUR BEAUCHER ~' . ' an address~ Collection will be In aid '. ~, ; of the deficit of the Women'sMisHlon, , ~ C~ier St., Montreal,

" i, Smle th B' r' 0'" the-r' s· ary Society. Sacrament of DaptislIl "I lIuIl'ered terribly from Com. '. ~, will be obs'erved. ' "ripclion and Dyspepsia for many years. ,', 'IJelt pains after.eating and had gas, 'J; , You may. buy, sell, exchange or rtn .f, I almost. any'thlng through the medium constant headache, and was unabie

-'!' I , to'sleep at ni"'M., I was gettin'" so ~: oC Times adlets. 'Tlu)y almost'lnvar .. .. ~ R th II M' Ph' e 39 iably do the business. They cost jus thin that I'was friJl'htened anel SIlW <:. a we, an,. on , severlll physicians who, however, did ~: ~: a trifle .. three times for ONE: ,DULLAR not seem able to help me,

~: .. ::(o(·(o(": .. :o( .. :"x .. : .. :":o( .. :«,(o(o( ... ~o#<o#~~:~ Cecl! Mulholland arrived last week, At last a /ritmd advised me to take . ', . bring with hl~ a bride. 'Fruil:{l,tiues'. I did so and soon I

• 1II •• II .......... II!~!lIIII!III1.III1iIt!II! •• lIIW.III.!lti!lI«IIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIII!III1.1I!1II E. Chandler was a Treherne visitor felt some rellef. I continued with

1 Shl'P Sto', ck r-, on Tueaday. 'Fruit.a,tivcs' and In a short time, the Constipation was banished, I fclt

H. Litton was a city visitor last no more pains or headache or the'

I week, attending his brother's wedding. disagreeabie Bensations that foilow

Regular Y The Girls' Khalel Club of Rathwell dyspepsia. Now 1_ -ll. slronG and

Watch this paper for call me up

dates, or



. .. '. tInson" TRE~~~~~~MAN :: •••• III.III~III11I1111 .. IIIII·~~~ .. ~RQ~ .. ~HB .. ~Ma~ .. ..;

I, ....... ~ ................•.................... ~ ...... . " ':} THE COST OF RUNNING A' PAPER IS A STRICTLY CASH " • PROPOSITION' . ~ , Many subscribers neglect so small it thing as a

. : ' subscription, debt. Put yourself in the Editor's .. ~ place. 'Expl(nses Ilave to be met week after 'i week. We have to rely on just such small ac-': counts for our income. , , : . Consult your label N0\Y, and pay the first time

'are holding a bail In Scammell's Hall tJi&ororu." on Friday, April 1st. Drandon music. ' Madame ARTHUR BEAUCHER. Everybody welcome,

.... Does your label say 21? Malee It!.",


The Masquerade Ball given in the Orange Hall, ,Indianford; was a great success. Costumes of many kinds' were to be seen, and some very pretty home·made on·es. First prize, home: made' costume-Miss Edith Orrock­"Circus Olrl." Best Oent's-Mr. Per',

IiOc.a box, 6 for $2.IiO, trial size 25c;. At all dealers ,or from Fruit.a,Uv~ Limited, Ottawa. Ont.

...... , I 111111 II III" ,

'" III I II.

"Cascarets" . if' Sick or Bilious

cy Sturton-"Indhm Chief." Dest C9m,' ;..~~ .... --.--........................... --....j Tonight surel It pleasant, harm,

Ic-Mrs, Watson. Dest Comic-Mr. less CaBcn.ret work while y'ou slcep !lud Clay ton' Ross-"Clown." The judges' have your livcr nctive,' hen.d clcar, were Mrs; W. T. SmiUl, Mrs. W. Fer· stomach swect nnd bowcls moving rle, Mrs. J. Ollch,rlst, Mr. W. T. Smith, regular by morning, No griping or in. Mr. E. Hayward, Mr. J. Ollchrist. - convcnience. 10, 25 or 50 cent boxc8,

Arter a dainty lunch had been 9hlldicn love this candy catllnrtic too.

COMI'!IUNITY SALE served, dancing continued until a late hour. 'Everyone reported having a very, enjoYl!-ble and exciting evenl~g., ~. , town. '

• . ., ",., I ~ ".. ,,~ ... I wJlI sell at Shnl'pin's Barn, Rath. <o>.~ •• ~ ................... " .................. ~.~ .......... Does YOllr label say 21? Make It!"." well, on

'-"":"--""'~' ----------., ,I Saturday, March 26th, . F h' t' W" -..., Ule following Llvo Stocle and articles: C d " . t ' 'es' t . Severai teams of Horses. , ana a s ar· es :' " " :~'; ~I~;~l~~ C;::I~'I~r~~~lorr~~~I~~ick Bin. ' , "'. "J' , • • .' " , .' ,', del'S. 2 or 3 Seeders. Several Gang

. -,

. !

S~und, one 9~ tb~' de:llrlltt'll1l .e!ml' hardly ponible In tbue

qulek ·and eal, travi!!, of ~J;;~i;,{;:i~l~:~e~t~;~rd transportation" tbat ;,' be a coalt on Vancouv!!r

a lea board of over 460 is practicall, ,

temperate 'a"ltUlle of 46 d!!&,. '

" Plows, among them a 3·furrolV John '" peere neariy new. I ,

A number of windows and doors. In addition to these items the fol.

,:; lowing good have been listed: '" , MasseY·Harrls and MoCnnick bin, . der, 5,sectlon DialDond dlsc,harrow. ',I i 'Imperial gang plow, buggy, mower, , '18 Ford cal', two teams good ,horses,

~ , small, cultivator,' 2 sewing machines: . 'and 6ther Items,' , , .

) Cyclone Dick, a t)'ave11!ng handcuff , 'expert, put on a shciw after the carni, vai last Saturday nigh t. His escapes , ' from ,tin cans, straightjackets, h-unks,

.;i handcuffs, etc.; were marvellous; and " his stl'Ong,man stunts call for consld· " arable explanations. . ,i Those having goods to olTer for sale

.: . may make arrangements with me up . :tllI date of Sale. . '( TERMS :'7"Usual Credit.

CI·rAS. OOULD, Auctioneer . • ,I "

r:~I~a,~~~~'!!~~I~!~~~i~f, villace' aild" :' ", , . " Ii' lon&,' lum.' ::. :. '. '.

,around ia >;- , . . .

',lI'8l1OlIne boatl;, "e'AS-rO'R I A , : For Inf~ts and Children '

, :In,Use For Over 30 Year. ; .'Always 'be;'rs ~" . :, . 'J ' ,,;, "

I,.', , .. cthc. ,~r,.~ ~ , I : • ~ ,

) \'H! ' ~!'l"' .... ~.. .... """,~".' • ~ ~ 1 , '

, .'

H you Intend;havlng a Sah" see the man who has always given eood eat. isfactlon. ~Ie II! still in the ring. Ho I.s your friend always. Juat phone your wants on Reverse Checque .

Phone'93, Ring 1.2, Rathwell. THOS. A,' GIBBONS Auctioneer

AUCTIONEERING! J guaranteo satisfaction. Sales con,

ducted anywhere. Call on reverse ticket. Farm lands for sille. W. E. STAPLES Treherne

Licensed Auctioneer

DR. J. LAURIE LAMONT a.A., MAN. ~I.B. Cll. B., Edinburlh Physician and SlIrcllOn

Provincial Coroner Omce Boyne St.

\ Phone :4


Physician and' Surgeon. Manitoba Medical Collelll Graduate. Ofllce Smith St. Phone 1111

DR. G. A. BOWMA~ V.S., a,v. So. lIonor Graduate Toronto Unlveralt,

Olllce In Smith's Livery Stable Broadway, Troherne, Mall.. '

Residence Pllone ,.' • No. 88

W. G. Henry. Licensed Auctioneer (Rato $7~6~G:e~ Year.) Post·ofllce address, Lavenham. Phone ___________ -"._-.:_ via Portage la Pmlrle on a reverse checlc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Saies conductcd In any part oC the Province.

HENRY &. AIKENS , Portage 457.3 .' ,

LICENSED AUCTIONEER Dates may be arranged at the Times

Omce, Treherne, or by telephone on reverso ticket. I gUIll'antee satisCac, lion. W. TURNER Holland Man.

J. GRAHAM, Licensed Auctioneer Rossendale, Man.

Salos conducted In any part of the Province. Terms very reasonable. Phone 416·Rl .. I, Portage, on Reverse Ticket.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

LICENSED AUCTIONEER I guarantee satisfaction. Sales con.

ducted anywhere. Dates can be art ranged at my shop.

Phone 16

Jas. Sharpe Rathwell


R. C. PARSONS, a.A. Barrister, etc.

OlIices: Railway Ave., Treherno, Man. SOlicitor for the Canadian, Dank oC Commerce, Dank Qf' Iiamllton, aDd Ule Municipality oC' South Nortolk

F. H, MITCHELL, B.A. , Attorney,at·Law

Office at A. Martin A&,ency,Droadw.y, Trelieille.

Phones A 6839-6830

WALLAR, MONTEITH, KANE 4 Co • Barrlstera &. Sollcltorl

3rd floor Allan, Killam & McKay BC . Winnipeg Man. .

J. F. Walla", L. L. D. C. L. Monteith P. Kane, B. A.

MELVILLE E, STAPLES, LL. a. Barrister, SOlicitor, Notary Public, eto.

OFFICE: 721 MCintyre Building Telephone N6\l57


MORRISON 4 POPP Barrl.ters, Solloltorl, .tc .

403405 Huron &. Erie Bldg. WINNIPEG, MAN.

SatiSfaction Guaranteed. ducted Ilnywhere. Call 'rlcket.

Sales con, J. W. on Reverstl

Morrl.on, LL. a, #

John Popp, LL. a.



Sollcltorl for J. F, McKenzie, Ltd., Manitou Rema. dies, Ltd., Dawson Road Pack.Comp. any, Ltd., Associated Implements Ltd., Red River Drainage & Improvement Assoclallon, etc. Phone N7445.

INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL Rate $7.50 per Year Builder and Contractor ~

Concrete work, etc

~ ., C~':l~~I.t, ~s concern~ng your ~ ~ , . Building Requiraments ~

J. COULTER Fire Insurance A/I'ent

Issul/r' ot Marriage Licenses TREHEUNE MAN.

db:. , eJ .,. I II II I --~------~------- .

J. A. FERRIS Agent for the I'O!·tage la Prairie Far.

mer Mutual }o'ire Insurance Co.


, Phone 21 ." Trellerne, M&ri.


. Livery Stable "

, ,

A first,class Livery and Feed Business; good and reliable Horses; stylish RigS; every, thing up·to·date.

Prompt and obliging Service.

I Special attention to Commer· clals.

! . .\ Phone 117'


• 'J, H. Smith , Phone 117

, , , ... .

.. " • ,I


, I


Roal Estate, Mortgage and Insurance Agent.

Representing several ot the beat Loan and !nsurance Companies. Com mil· sloner. ' OFFICE Broadwa,.


Agent tor Mutual Life Assurance Co., o[ Waterloo, Ont., and

Brltlah America' Inauranc.· Co. Merchants' Casualty Co,. Wlnnlpe.

W. R. OREENWOOD :rreherne

Agent tor Canada LIte Aslurance Co. ot Toronto &riel Winnlpe,.

See me before you buy Protection.

FRATERN~L SOCIETIES (Rate ,5.00' per Year.)

'. --------~--------TREHERNE LODOE N~ 51

A.F. 4 A.M. ,\Ieots Friday on or beCore the tull moon at the Masonic Hall, 'rrobernli: ViSiting Drathren cordially WeJCODI8. n. W. Dro. John' Coulter, Secretary

J. W. Clen, W. M. , .,

IND. ORDER OF ODDFELLOWa " Treherne Lodge No., 44 meetl In' the

Masonic Hall evary Tbursday e,el.lo. at ~ 8 p. m. All OddfelloWI In lloud standing are welcome.

J. Wlnn, N. O. 'll. A. Adair, Sec.


Meets. In Masonic Hall Mond~1 OD or ;, ",before full mOOD, at 8 P. m. VllltlD,

brethren always welcomo. Chief Ranger i· . J. Corbett , ,


" ' ... :



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"Pure, Clean" r Preserved 81. sold oal,. ill Sealed ,air-ti.~ht p~ck~ts .

I.· mllllQMi :u.a "_ i: ":'-""ICD55lmnilllniliWlnlaU""""iltJIIII~lItt • • fix 'er: He never will play' with " if "'. .. ~ more than two playmates at once,

, Economical',' to, prese,rve its native =,::;:, ======= ' goodness.

!!i G t R .' · " f 1 95th 5 while in that corner is his sister,

ael r~a e1UniOn O. '.. ·1 :t~I~~~:t::e~x~:~~ ili~e~~mber 5 ,Battalion to be in Regina' I th~;~,ut why? I don't.understand

~ ~ Dictionary smiled.a wise smile

1_'1.' ,_;;_ ' Mar~h 22nd 1 __ ::=, ~E~e:al:a~n o~i~o~~~~~:~li~e vo!::! v = :..: superlative degrees in your com·

- - position class? Only hear about '''. , ~ Elaborate' arrangements are being made for a re~union . ~ them in the composition I class?

'. .) fj of the members of the 195th BattaliOl';" to take .. place at~, § Y ." :» ~ the' Veteran Block ori March 22nd 'at 8 ·p.m .. Those in, ~ e10:~y laughed. "Myl but I

II , .

_s~-" charge of the re·union hope that all memb'ers of the batta.· '~ think you're clever. I'd like to I B574 ., lion will endeavour to be present. and they also desire 9 come again. I guess I must go

,Used hi Millions of Tea-Pots ,Daily s that as many of the relatives of deceased members"as pos- ' ~ home now, because it's getting ! I is= 5ible will also,'C=om·e.' A nominal charge is made for merri· & late. but can I come again?"

jC'H"i'Lo'"n"EN";s"l i. +' ,E.OR~ER +

~:' Th" Chil~~n of To~ are the ~ Parenti.' and Cltb:en. of To. ~ morrow. In .Year. to Come I i1i .' the D •• tlnie. of C1anada 51 . Will be in Their Haada P.'tllllllllll;;:OIIIUIIIIIIIClliIlIllIlIlOIlIlHllllllnlllllllmnCtlllllllll'.

My d~a~ Boys and Girls: • I am printing two letters from

my correspondents this~ week. as I am sure you are each interested in the w,ridngs of each other and' it gives you a ve'ry good idea of what you are all doing from day to day to read these ·Ietters.

We have quite a number I>f Club members now, don't think} And it seems, to me at

,it would be possible to arrange seime kind vof ,a competition very soon 111 whi~h each member may take !Dart. Perhaps a [uzzle guessing ccimpetition woul be a good idea? I wonder what you think about it. However, in an. other couple of weeks I will an· .nounce what tha: next competition is to be,.

bers and they will be entitled to 'bring a lady or a (ri~nd. '. s Just then he heard a loud noise Though everything remained I ~ ~:~be;:~11 be no charge made for r.e1,atives of deceas!:~, '= =: and. looking around, he Baw a

n and flourishing in the plains § you are, to be surel However, word which in the dim light look-ow. the inheritance of the three! ~ It is intended that this shall be a real gatheririg of 01C! § won't you come in',;):': .. ', ed like "Can·." It seemed to be

was 'Ii desert. All their I ~ oomrades and' their friends-of the household as it were-,-' 5 Tommy stepped iils~de, What greatly disturbed. "What's the money was gone and they had § and there \\fil be many an old battle fought over again and ~ a strange place it was "ThDre were matter with him?" nothing left but some curious old 9 many an experience' exchanged... 'J 5 b'ooks everywhl;re' a·nd'. de~ks, "He was taking' a nap. You fashioned pieces of gold plate. § The,] 95th Battalion wall essentialy the ,City of Regina . ~ stools, papers, typeWriters, ptms disturbed him by calling his name.

"Suppose we tu~n l~old. ~ battalion. having been the only uhit that was recruited ~ and pencils. " There were wotds You should have called his sister's 9miths}" said Schwartz to Hans, 5 entirely in the city. They carried the crest and oolours' ~ everywhere printed in large let. name," - . f R . B "It is a good knave's trade. Wel~ 0 egma. . a tei'rs Ion co'!-rdboara tha't hung' "His sister?" aan put a great d~al of copper 9 It 'was recruited by Colonel Garner. who, after returning ~ from .the cei~ing. There ,were pileI "May." said Dictionary. m into the gold without anyone find- § from overseas, opened o,ffices in Regina on' Feb, 9th, 19'16: iil of wo'ids on 'chairs, in tne: corners, an'swer to Tommy's question. Ing It out:' ~ At that ~ime most of die men who' were military iry ·their ~ on tlie desks, "and tlit; little man 'PMay and Can are brother .. and

The thought was agreed to be § association and experience. had gone to the war .and the 6 seemed ,mado' of word's;, becausD sister. you know, yes,. sir." a ve'ry good one;' they hired a I ~ recruits who were, then avalable for enlistment Were those § he had on a funny little. suit all "Ohl" exclaimed Tommy, "I, furnace and turned goldsmiths'l~ young men who f~t that it was their duty to ass'ume the § covered with letters. ,. shoulct"have said 'May I 'come But two slight oiroumstances af. 5 burdens ~f their c!itizenship. ~ "Whyl What place is this}" again?'!' I'm very stupid. Please fected' th~ir trade--the first that i ~ By June n 7th th'ere were 1,100 men mobilized and under § cried Tommy. forgive me:' people did not approve the ~ training and on November 10th, 1916, the battalion ar- '6 "Oh. don't you know?" asked "Never mind, Tommy, Better eo'ppered gold; the second. that ~ rived in England. The battalion, equal in training and dis~' ~ the little man. 'This ill Wordland. next time--next time. Yes, sir." the two elder brothors, whenever ~ cipline to any which up to that date had arrived in England. ~ My name is Dictionary. 1 have And he looked so kindly 'lnd they sold anything, used to leave ~ After arrival overseas the battnlion was rroken up as' rein- ~ many servants, indeed, pens, pap- 'friendly that Tommy determined littl\!l',Gluck to mind the furnace ~ foreement for Saskatchewan battalions' which had been § ers, pencils, typewriters.. chalk more than ever never to do these and go and drink out the money § decimated owing to the severe fighting which prevailed at' 'g and various others who aid me in things again. in th,e ale house next door. . ~ that time. • " ' . ~ making words." Tommy looked "Now I know why' folks have

So ,they melted all their gold §l 'Out of 31 officers 28 got .to France and held tlieir rank. 5, puzzled. "Making words is my to write compositions. Yes, sir:' without making money enough to B and of that number there were 17, casualties, 8 being killed. § business. you know, Yes, sir. But Tommy laughed as he found him-buy 'more and were at last reo ~ Of a total.,f 800 :ank and lile there were 503 oasualties ~ what are you doing here?" self using Dictionary's phrase. ''1'11 duced to one large drinking mug § and 160 killed. ~ "My pen-" began Tommy. surely come again. and I thank which an uncle had given to little ~ Particular significance is attached to, this re-union not § "Of course. your pen, to be you for being so kind to me." Gluck, and of which he was very § only on accou~t o'f the endeavours A'hich are being mnde ~ sure: Pe.ns always like to pring' "You're'very welcome, I'm, fond and would..not have parted 5 to have it a real family gathering. but owin~ to the fac.t . § folks here. 1 SUppose, it'!! be- sure, and bring some of your with for the world" tl;ough r he § . th. I til c 195 th were p,",culiarly asosciated with the City of ~ cause word. mean 80 much to friends next time. 1 nlwnys like never drank any thing, out of it §l ~,.",j .. ~ ~I'rl thnt ~ety,;'!cn f~ur and five hu.ndred men were i I them. B~t."come, I'll show you to se~ r:.ew folks' in \Vordland. bu't milk and water. The mug ~ aetn' ' .. , .. t· .. n on In the SaSKatchewan capital. ;;; about a bit. yes. Sir . was a very old mug to look at, sa \ 5 "Th k "'d T "I Tommy bnde Dictionary good-The h,mdle was formed of two iJ1l1lm1nllC1II1II11IIUP1I1I1II1 .... " ",. l"IIi'I,,';'''''IIIIIIIIIWIIUlllllllrll'' '1I11111[IJIIIIIIIIIII!llllllllllll~lIIl!lllll!lbllllrnlu::: think. til~t' :~~;fut~ice ~f;;:;." bye and hurried bf!ck up the nnr-wreaths of flowing ,golden hair: - . - -_. -- "Look out I" said Dictionary. row passage. "\Vell,'~ he ex­so finely spun that it looked more anyone from. Ston)? Plain writing I use it. it'll ~tay .shiny?' Now. "If you haven't stepped on "Aw- claimed. rubbing his eyes. "That like silk than metal; and these 10 I thought I would write. I were getting to the composition ful' and 'Nice: " was a funny dream. But I know wreaths descended into and mix. tHink it is a ver~ good paper. I part .. If you I~arned how to write now what my composition will be

' S d S h I 2 d CI th t II Tommy looked where Diction. ed with a beard and whiskers of go to un ay c 00 at p,m. wor s on paper, anu a was a , about-my visit to Wordland." Th ' N 52 h W h I II th d 'I d ary pointed and saw the two lit. the same exquisite workmanship, ere 19 a con~. o. ere. e w y a ose wor s you earne h fi h h ff Id b . '( I'k h k'f II tie words fi'ghting. "What'. the which surrounded and decorated ave ve teac ers on testa . wou e JUS let e nJ e" a matter with them?"

a very ·fierce little face of the red. My ,. teacher's, name is Miss brown and dull because you nev... . dest gold imaginable right in the Trimble. I am in grade six and er used them; but writing compo- "Why," said Dictionary. shako

Buy your out· supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents.

front of the mug. with' a pair of think I will be a teacher when I sition. writing down what yeu ing 'his head, "folks will put them eyes in it which loemed to com. get big, I will tell you about .my think on paper. just keeps 'your I together and they norv,er can agree mand its whole circumference. pet if it is' not to late. Who, got mind that you don't have. to stop with 'one another."" You've just When it came to the mug:s turn the prize. or haven't you given it and think about them when you done it, you Bee, alld ,there's the to be made into/spoons, it hnlf yet) , ,,{ant to'use them. So it isn!t 'ter· result." ',f.·· ,I'

broke' poor little Gluck' 8 heart; '" ribly silly.' 'but lots of fun, keep. Tommy deter'mjned them and


b t th b th I I h d t "My P,et Jer~y" ing the words you know' all pol-I there nDVllr to do ,it again. General Booth, who visited To-u e ro ers on y ~ug e ~ I" iahed by use and. letting " new ~ The next: t1ling:he saw was two ~im. tossed the mug into the melt· . We ,ot our cat when: h'e'waa a" I J'ttl ' Itt d' . h h' ronto Borne weeks ngo, has alwnys

mg pot and sta~gere~ out to the wee kitty, Hil name is Je~ry Ke- ones. too. " I I e .. e te~s II a,n mg ~It t elr been ori/linal. He it was'who i1i-ale house, lea,(mg him to pour wanis Donald.on When the firet' Tommy ~nt over his, .' paper bthaek:s tOdo~eh another

h· Whod?re vented coffin preaching. He had

th Id ' t b \ I 't .~ a"ain and His mother left hini ey. an w yare t .. ey stan mg a coffin made to fit hl'm, and. e go m 0 ars w len \ \~u Inow came he did not v.:",Dt to CO .. " • h th . b k th' ? " ap,ready. . out aa he was afraid of. it, When alone .to write h.i', ,compoiition: ,Wit elr IIC I to. one ano e~ wrapped in a shroud, stood in it,

(To be eontmued) hD il hun~ry he IOes and sits He got 'about half Wily dow'ri tnti ,.;I~h~y. ~8:'fAd .. a little clo~er,l';and and preached from the text, "Pre-.. pag'C wnen, hi. :pen llipped' an'd :f ommf "law "that ,~?ey were pare to meet tlly God.... ,"

, ,db?wn fbY hia diahd, bWDb holdl,,~i~le made a. hole ri,ht throuch the': Hadn t and Ought, He need. He held meetings outside every LETT~RS TO AUNT BICTTY Its 0 meat an e ege me a pll"p'e·r. ',,"" ' .. ",:,,', ' .. ',." t. ',~d no explanati.·on, for hadn't hi. th d I II h

L L dog., Ona night • mother _. .... , . I th t Id h t entre an music- la w en peo-~ '.'Now ''1'11 have' to copy it lill .rno er 0 1m neve1;'" 0 say pie werD paying for admission,

fought him and the Plext morning '. i '. ,,,' 'th . h't T .. ·~'hadn·t·,oullht"). ,'.'ol...n,/'.Il""'" I I I d h h

I suppose you are each one Jooking forward to the Easter holidays; easter eggs, little fluffy chickens and the other good things which go to make 'up' a boy's and girl's idea of Easter tide. Well. I am going to try and make our page for Easter week. a renl Easter. page. tell you how to color your eggs for break. fast on that day to make them look pretty; as well as tell you other things in c~nnection wi the season, so I do hope you wlll look forward to your page and rea~ ,it 'very carefully when it comes O,tlt. You see. boys and gjrls. this is your paj1;e and I want you I to remember that it is your interest ana ,help which makea it a: goo'd page. ' If you have any. thing you would like to see on it, .any stories you would· like me to print. any specil!llly' interesting

. things which you have learned to -do anc\ about which you would. lik" . . to tell the., ) , . ,other boys and girls, do n0t for- Bo;x 125 Hazenmore. ~ask.,\ h Id' Ik· H _L over. again, OUI ommy. . .~. "T unti t 10 po ice stoppe im; e

eldclou J~} waM, I' e. Wet" ~ yJ.r "J:!odk at tli;' bi, ink 'potf'~' 'Hia .~o excla!med. . "'My mpth'er :,told parsded the atreets in 'Backcloth; o ut ouy., y lln._, aY.I an.' '1 k'd t h' . d "d me thid ! . ,',' \ I." • ...,', th 7th '. pen 00 e . up a' 1m an sal:, Th .. ,. . , . kl . literally weepina' for the sin,S of

e " :',Would,y.ou like .t~ go tllroulth :.'. . ere ~a. a tmy twm e,l I'!,n the world. • Your lo';ng fri_d" that' hole: 'Tommy."like I did?" '~IChpnary s .eye, tiS ,T~m~r. ',:S~,I,a:: He is the e1deahon of the foun-

QUEENIE DONAlDSON ,Bf:in::'very much lurprillcd,to' t ~~. h . . "/,,,, 'dcr ~f the Salvation "Army. and til (All'. Ii) hear."ihia Plm;' voic·e,. Tommy reo : . <?veci h~r,: m tha,t" chrner'f WIlS only twelve when he prench-

Alta pliea; ':y~s, !',:,ould,:',. , :~ontmue ,lctlOnary, ,~:s t e·~u:- ed hi9. first lermon. General StoIlY Plain, . .o~eym: .hls <pen S' direction. Booth IS 65 yeaJl of age. was mar ••

get' that you have a whole page . F.ebruary 18~h, l~? I. il;l you~ paper in which you may, Dear Aunt Betty: " tell it. ' . We .only just S'tal.'te'd taking

, .

I am still taking down the birth, th~ Aneroid Magnet about a week days and have sent several cards agb, but I have been reading the away. If'you have not yet sent "Children's Page" ever .ince. I in the date of your birthday do am going 'to send my birthday not"forg.Ft to do so. as I am anx· da.t.e in; it is on the 3rd of Q. __ ~ ious to' have' them all. ' -.>q>

, . With much; love, hoping' to tember, 'I will be 16 my next birthday.

Ii' h'!ve'many letters from you soon. ,Don''t you think it would be,

Tommy pushed through the ,little' ried when,he was 26. and has 'two hole:; They went down' a 'long, A FARMi' R~5 CH~ N(f sons and four daughterB. narrow. passage. way. It, waa 10 . ' 'II TOMMY .MAKES A VISIT

.. Affectionately. nice to have a name for our page? I .... ' AUf'lT BETTY, I think it w~uld, ' , " compositio~s, JY1ot?er~'

'Address yo~r' letters "Aunt I I go to ,scnool with my sister it's ,terribly' silly,",', Tommy Bctt?': ',' 903 'McCallum.HilI Bldg.; and two' brothers, . but we have' kin's mother, smiled and s'aid: R S k ~- 'to stay at home for quite a '.'Do you rememb'er' that silver. egma. as. I ';,~ •

, . ' , ow. as we have had small' handleCl knife Uncle, John sent ~ ;', ,11"'.· ... \";.' ..

dar.k 'thaftT~mmy couldn't aee, D. YO,~\';jlDt 10 farm in ';'Velt,' '."~ ~··biirk RevelatiOns P , tl h' "d "1'11'1 .ern Canada, on .oil .f inc:ompnr. res.e!! Y Is.p~n .. "1 : eaTe' Ilbl .. fartility; 'wher .. the, rninfall YO';l.her~.:: J~~t' :r!,p, on that door II i" .. bu .. do.nt, ond there i. Reith .. " to your: right. • blowing wind. DOl' aummer frost •.

T omroy .beard the scratching: 'I t. fear, 010 ... to railway a...t tb. of his pen "pi he 'made hil way city of Winnipelr witbin 30

"Why 'did you br!!ak dff your cn~agement with Mild\ed?" .... ':'B-e'caus'c" her parroE was al· WHYS: ·'01i:.~iJlli::k; dont; ..

l' ~" r

" . . I' shall be so 'glad to get I you' . from' y.; nshington, with the ./ ,'THE. KIN'C' OF THE '" .~~'::'~' t'~ 'school again..' ,',[ I picture' of the capitol :on.: it'?"~

~ " GOLDEN RIVER ' 'very. fond . of . crocliet Tommy"nodd~d. ':. ,. '_,

biu:k .. :~~a'l:h~, c~'u.1(,see; ~he tiny ; milE'?'" v.:;ile me for; parllculara gleam of liI-ght that came' froln the'l of two aeotion. of .p1endid grllin tiny 'rol~ !p.lo~~.h t'rhic~ . .they, had>', IBnd mostly open and ;cody for come, ,!lut-It..d~ sc:e~, far .away. the plough; with ,n ,!few' poplllr

"But wh,a~ difference did that make> ' . ,Y (jUt. 'enliage'ment was not.n secret.:' ..

"Bu't' my ~,,~me is not Jack."

• \

• '. ..

: ·e ••• '. ~. . '. .' . .. . . .

South 'W~8t Wind Esquire was as good, as:his word, He entered the Tr~a8ure V~lley no more; and wllat wa's Worse he'-hi.d 80 much influen'ce" with 'his' relations.' 'the' West Winds in gen'eral, and used it '110, effectually, ' .. that they all

,ndop.(ea:,a similar lind 'of ·conduct.

\ .... ork. al~o embroidep; and 'hem,] ,; "B,u,t ,what's ,that got to ,do with stitahing. " .' , ,- .",' .;, writin:' compositions?" , . ~.;.

Well. I must, close now as my . ,"And 'do you rememh'er," con. letter is getting'. too 'long:: ," ,tinued ~other. :'your brin\fing

With ,best v.:ishes, 'from' to day' and stiying. '-"" • ; :, ,MOU:X.MA • this,kriife isn't any

\, .' t 'shiny like' it was. dull.' Then I

wll,sn t shiny 'and be,c~IlISIl ' it" h'adn' t

Olishi~d'it' fo'r you, 1.~ld;·,.ir:.elne'ml)er, said~ 'So.

, ; 't'S~. 'ili(j raiii' h the valley " f~om ,one the' Qtllelr;JClub

• •• •• •• • • • •• tI • " .. • •• •

• . ., • • • ••

After-a .little bit his eyes became bluff •. iust enough .for fuel: and ".~ . --,

. , Ii .; , , , f""lcing. . The IlInd ia level, .lInd accustomed to' tne dancness free f~om .~pne. and .Ioughi, 'the Canadian Ship. Paned SlIn Diello he saw fhe'door on which' h'e/was .oil i. II blaek veg~t'lble lon'm of The crui ... Aurora nnd the torpedo to rap;" and.' 'becoming more cur· gr~nt depth, lind the' pri'ce i. only boot de.troy" .. Patriot and Patrician, ious':every minute. Ile· rapped.' , Twenty Dollar. pel' lIer,,·.' one gift. from the mother country 10 the , Pres'ently the do' or quarter e".h and balllnee over i 0'" f C d '1 d f S' . , omm.on 0 ana n, Inl e rom an I . IIY. years. j • •

s owly ana n little man Will oell' either .ection .ingly Diego In.t week for E.quimnlt, B.C. whiskers co'nfronted him, or bothitogether. ' , During'tho 48 hou .. the three wnrahip.

, "H~w' do y~u' 'do?:' Apply tq' , ,.' , " were there, office .. Rnd;~ kept Tommy politely. \""" ,:::: "'E~' M, RIGHA'RDS. l bu.y with" round of entertninment.

"V ' til k " BId R .' provided' by San Diegon., nnd. '0 ffi C"rs an ,you, g., egmn.· m~p! " ' , ~?~, illllllllllilll.IIICIII'IIII11III1ClllllllllllltJIIUIIllIllIi2l1l11il!IIIIICIIIIIIIIIII~! nnd mon of thn Americnn Pnci~lc ReoL




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-~., . , ' /' .. ,'.. ' ,,_ ~,.-----.~I ..... - THR"TIMI!., TRI!H~'-NE, MAN. _ ' ~ . : ,',

"<'~<-~...cH:o(oMo(«":+)oX<<"*"'~ , THE ELLIOTT" FAMILV CONCERT 'OU,R SKAT,ING R~NG .: .. :.-:~ .. : • .x,-:,,:,<,(o(o(.o:-.»:-+-:+:+: .. :-.,..~t .. et~:::i'

t, Ruston's €ash Store The grabd concert glveu/~y the EI- The uplceep.oC a r'lnk Is h~~h, ~~ CurPU" s General Store I .(. , '. 1I0U Family Orchestra lD Pollon's Hall ,But It's", place where you. lind I .,. , .. J _ , \'

.,. A 'S' D I h' C . on the 22nd Inst, was one of tiltl most enn spend"a pleasant hour or two :~ '; THE FIRST OF EVERY' MONTH IS PAy.DAY.! • : , quare ea o~: ~ e orner pleasing prograw.~ ever heard by a . With friends who ,Heldom visit you ..• 1.

t Treherne !audlElDce, and '"omelhlng It Is a winter health resort, f"1;~'~' ;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;rm;;~:;;=:;~;::;;~~mtITrilhij .,. that 'the ~overs or good music will And at.t!le rink th.,e local sport 'I' r never rorget. , Can find attractions which entice :(

.I '~ ~. ),:

. ~ :r. ~' ~ ',' ',' 00;' .'. ". '.'

" <

... I

, A The program wall made up trom the Six nights a 'l'e!Jk his feet on Ice. + ..

world's best mu.~lc, and Included Over- The children all :al)preclate ' 'I' lure'!!: "U,ungarlan Lustslllel" by Ke- > The rInk at w'hlcl,l they learned to ~' ler Bela; .. "Orpheu~ In the Under· skate;. :' X weldt't by, J. Olfenbach, selections J! It should be closed or burned down .!" trom Gounod's opera, "J.'aust," and Each childish, face would wear ~ :i: troUl Puc~(nl's "Madame. Butterfly." frown., . .;," Their 'pro~ram also lJicluded a number The ladles .who are In their prime :( or poPula~ 'marches and selections, Have at the rink a pleasant time. + comet sololl; violin solos and duets, They skate each night till ten o'clock :!: vlolbl anJ flute duets, plano, 'cello Then round the stove tileY sit al\(i 'j • , y and ,violin. ,etc. For lack .or space we talk. , . , '1'

are unablv to comment on the excel·, The rall·birds-that's their sporting :( lent manner In which each number name, I 'l' was ,\t:endered. But the skill dls- Turn out to 'every hockey gamem :1:

I' , S played by this gifted famny In their And It tile puck should reach the net 'I'

. I ' •• exec)1t1on or "Faust," a,nd ,"Madame They cheer until their faces sweat. +

~ YOUNG MAN! ," rr.. ~ ;..." *' Rem~mber that we are the exclusive dealers in this dis·

Butterfly'" and the fille -expression The business men and merchants too, :1: they' brought out In the niany delicate A very thriving business do; 'i' passages would be a delight to. the And when they see their profits swell, :1:

I ' • most critical. . They sar, "Go to It! AII'Is well." 'j'

~,' t ,trict for HO~BERUN and 20l~ CENTURY, Made-to-Measure : , , i . Clothing. Our Spring Samples of Cloths are here, and choice is f. '\ " t beiag made rapidly. Come in oow, and pick your New Suit, as

Such a :fine muslcnl program Is sel- -Ex,change. :1: 'w" • * dom, It ever, henrd outside the large • 'j'

'.' cities. Manitoba should , Indeed be - .;. • ""ur new :z: proud to 9wn such a talanted organl- THE TELEPHONE GIRL :1: 07-' ,


.r. znt!on, for· their work Is of public ser- 'j' s,pnl-"TG' 'to vice:' , , ' The Te1tphone Girl sits In IH~r chnlr :;: ~ ,1"-:~ The Times wishes to take advan· and listens to voices from everywhere .• ;, UTFWrr..-f cancellations may depri ve you of ,the cloth you would like.

'6 1,;., \'J ~ - . .~



_. Nole our New Price Reductions • OD leveral fiae. of

Grocerie.: -,


Lard, 3 lb. tins, $1.00. 5 lb. tins ................................ $1.50 Crisco. '1 Ill. tins, 35c. 3 lb. tins ......... __ ._ ........... ~$1.00 Lennox Soap, 4 'bars for .. _ ................... _ ................................ Z5c.

Taylor's Borax and Dingman's Elecric, per ~ake ..... .10c. Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, per tin ................................ !_: .. 20c. Jelly Powders, 2 for ........... : ................................... _ ..... _ ...... 25c. Beehive Corn Syrup, 5 lb. 6Se. 10 Ib tin ..... , ...... $1.Z~ Jam.: Pure Raspberry apd Srtawberry, 4·'1b t.ins, $1:35

Pure Cherry and Black Currant, 4· lb. tins, $1.Z5 Pure Peach and Plwn, 4 til tins ._ ........................ $1.15

• Burdick'~ Marmalade, 4 lb. tin ........................ _ ............ $1.10

Ogilivie' 5 Rolled Oats; tube~, Z5c. 8- lb. sacks, SOc.

20·1b. sacks, $1.00. . Special, while'They Lut: -. \ .

Prunes, "Plwne·' Brand in p,ackages .................. 9~c. Onions, per sack of about 100 tbs. _._ ............. _~~ .. _ ... $Z.O

or 10 Ib s for Z5c. ' I Orang'es, per dozen .. :: .............. _ ................ _ ....... _ ...... _ ............ 25: , '. ,~


, .

,. ,

>, THE CORRECT TIME TO ;- ... 'I ~. I

The ea~ly spring Is time to order,your Monument &11 It elves' us ample' time' IUpply your memorial and and make delivery of It for soUlAe; ao tho.e who de-alre having thll work In tho Iprine w.1U d!, weU to see' my' design. and lelect) the monument at onco. We have some handsome deslpi. IA .tock for Immediate Ihlp· menlo Those who get thein now get the benellt or the prices year. Make your. appllcatloll earI1., .

• jl \, •


For full partlculara, apply·t. .. '


;, , ,

~ '.' , '

'Trehirae' S. W,"EVEREST, \ I - - -

j \'" '. ;' I I .,

.to tage or this opportunity In joining the Hears all the gossip, she hears all the :1: L .L;\ '.' many others In thLs province In con- ne~s, she. knows who Is happy al\(I -'. ' " . ;

gratulating them and wishing them who has the blues; she knows nil ou!· ::: A good "Front" is the best backing a Young M an can the success they (leseI've. ". ;, sorrows, she Imows nil our joys; she :l: have. It helps him socially and it is a necessity to success in

knows every girl who Is chasing the .!, Business; because-when you look successful you can get boys; she Imows every woman who :i: or

, SALE OF LIVE STOCK ha.s had a dark past; she.1mows every .1, hold a job., ,'y"

Under Inlltructlcns rrom Mr. Jonn man wl/o's Inclined to be fast. . In fact :i: We ha~e the to~Y.'c1othes ttl. the low price. stocke!" I will sell on the Joe Woods there's a lIecret 'neath each' saucy curl :i: " place, 2 miles soutll ot Elm Creek, the of'that quiet demure-looking telephone .1, LADIES'. rollowlng stock, on .glr'\. It the telephone girl would tell :l: \

Friday, April 1.t. all she knows she ,,",ould tUI1l half our .1. 30 HEAD HORSES:-Consllitlng of friends Into bitterest foes; sbe would :i: Only a few more days left till Easter, Ladies. How

about )0 well mafch,ed teams, weigh· sow a smull wind tbat would soon 'be .!. about a new Tie-back Sweater Waist in silk or all wool, for Eas. InK rrom 1250 to 1600 Ibs .. each, young a gale, engulf us In trouble unll land :j: H I'd \V/ I . . . d II and Bound. Most or tills lot are well us In jail. She coull~ let go II story :l: tel' ~ ays? we lave ,some nice ones Just arnve , in a broken, and quiet, steady good work- (which gaining In' ror~e) would cause .', shades. • ers. One can find almost anything lD ,half our wives to sue lor divorce. She :i: We have also a nice range of Georaelte and Silk Waists In this olferlng If he Is .looking ror a would get all tbe churches mixed up .1, • young horse,' This lot ranges In age In a fight, and turn all our days Inlo ::: in all the latest styles. \Yhy not have one of these to wear with from 3 to 8 years, and are In just sorrowing nigh t. In fact she wou~d :1: your new Easter Suit? • • good flesh. The number of hliad M.r,. ,keep the whole town In t st~'~ If s~;e (~ :;: ' . Also Ladies White and Col~red Silk and Chamois Glove. St ker carried· this wlJiter made ··It tell one-len th part of tie t I ngs la , Im~:s8Ible' to groom and fit tills lo~ she knew. Now doesn't It, make your :l: for Spring. . " to ~. high standard, but this Is,. In the' head all In a whlrl when you thl~1t :l: buyer's favor. 'They are In tlp·top __ what you owe to the .telephone gh I. .:-shape but their coatS are a IltU~, rough Exchange. :::

'-and there 18 no s(lk to, pay for, yo,u ::: "'II.-be,able to buy a good youn,g ho~se NEW CIRCULAR QN 'I' at tbe' right age ahd In goptt workl~g • ' :;: condition at a right price. ' POISONING GRASSHOPPERS ','

10' head of Cattle;. work harnelle'I, .... Will ,Western' Canada have more ::: and farm machinery: will allo be

6 lol~, grasshoppers In 1921 than In 19201 :i:

. TERMS:-Usual credit, with per. Nobody can answer that question with 'I' cent dlsco.unt tor cash, on credit ~ums. any degree of certainty; but It might, :;:

Trains will be met, and lunch pro- " "1'


Call in and look over oui new range of Men'. Suils, ranging in price from $Z9.S0 to $4S.00._

..... ' We also have ~ nice'range of Men's Tier. You will

want orie of these for Easter.

Boys' Suits cut away down in price. $20.00 Suits for

$13.00. $21.00 suits for $13.00. Also many more reductions

in Chiidren'lt Suils, , h f dl tance ·occur. '" j 'j'

'Vlded ror t 08e rom as.' " As a precautionary step the Manl- ~. GROCERIES E:i'D:' MORSE, Auctl~neer" Star~uck. toba; Department 'of Agrl~ulture. has r;

, ,


, ,'. , . , '", published a new circular; "Poisoning :i: Prunes, in' 5- Ib bo~es ......................................................... $1.6Q . 'THE NEWSPAPE" 'SPIRIT <. Grasshoppers." ThIs Is wl'ltten by Mr. :l: !" Seedless Raisins in 5- tb. box for ................................. $Z.09 ... , ;1. • : . • ; ., A. V. Mitchener, of Manitoba AgrJcul .. • 1. P'5 ID b I $2 00

Markl TwalD was once proprietor ,or tural College, who directed tho. flgh t :;: I :' ears, - ox .......................................................... j.:............ • a country newspapea:.·, In one, of h'ls In the field last· summer:: ,I. ' Peaches, 5- tb box ................................................... : .............. $1.95 stories ihe tells about a country .edltor The circular Illustr'ates and de- :i: Special for Saturday: -15 bars Lennox Soap, $1.00 who, altbough he WAS a count,ry edl- scribes' the' mixing maclI:nes which ,I, ' ' tor, was st\l1 bl,ghly I'~spected; In IUs had to be Invented and buill last year '.~.' -,:", --..... ---~ . .;..--~---------~---........... --

d dl d d : STORE CLOSES AT 6-30 EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SATURDAY community· The goo ,.ban, . f! ' a~, In order to handle the cal'loilds of mat· 'j' , , 'out''ofirespect ror him; ,every )l~slne!!s erial used In making polson baits. All :1:, piace'ln town closed"up durlng",,\ls the various formulas are given; amt {, G' 1J::IIORG1J::II T CURRY' fuJier&;l. except one-,~he ,new~pape~ the method of scattering 011 me land :::.11:4 .11:4 0 omcie.' . The next daY,.was paper day. Is described and Illustrated.' I & , '\

BORN:-To' Dr. a~.d Mrs:, A. W. Cdples, ot 'lhl cll'culal" may be had'i' PHONE 102 TREHERNE, PHONE,I06

'Myles, at Winnipeg, M~rch.1~th, a ~~n on application to the Publications :1: . ' " , . '(Jo~n Andrew.) , Br~nch, Department 'ofl Agriculture, ,+:--.-..: ... ~~)o: .. )o>-:.-: ...... *-'(o.,...w. ...... : .. :..:":.~.: .. X ... ~>C •• OcoO oO~->·>·:··:·~·

-:..,---'.....,...-'-"..,.-..,.-. " ••. Wlnnlpeg. {lj " ::===========~=~===.================ , . ',MAT>CH.ET·~~I.L:,L:E ';;., '_---,':-__ "---:-'

." \ ~' , _, I

• '" "C, • ,':. " CANADIAN PACIFIC ANNOUNCE A:congregatlonal 1JI1!6t1l\g was he.hl

In the'church .last'Wednesday evanlng "GREAT LAKES SERVICE 'I . ., , \

u,e,ports were read by 'representatives ' ~< , ' • IThe Canadian, Pacific Great Lakes' ,or the. varl~us departments" 1~1I· t~le Steamship service for tlui' seasor'l*l921 bran' ches a' ppeared'to be holdln'g tllelr . .:;...,". , .> ." will be Similar to last'yelLr according wn' At the close of' the business a ' " , '

~==========~==============~v , ~

:".~OLl~H "W 0' R RY 1" INANCIAL, , !



, .0> . , , . to anno~ement.' The tir'st' sailing' '. ~~IlIiM .. ~~~iiIH .. iH~DH .. lIIi1lll .. H, ....... ~IIIIIl .. ~ .... '.~IIIIIl.,..' .'=:; social h,?urs ,was spent, and a d~ln~y from Fort Wlllliull eastbound will' be"'.,':

rlC',IIII."'lllC"'·" NlCE",STOCIC Of,I'FRESH:KII, 'LED BE,E, .F=-,· .' I~nch"w,as ,served." ,:i " ,:; , the S.S, "Manltoba",'on Thursday; May

I A .. CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL: DO IT Gives a la~i?er return':for life t"an ill obtainable

from any other form of invest."len~with absolute ,. ~ uiu: ·bas returned 'ylth' bls, brUle. 6th. to Owen Sound. This ste~mer

This should prov.e specially, t~ptinB ju.s~ now ~', Thel'communlty ,wishes· .lIealtn, Ilap~l. will ply on the Owen ,Sqund route, ~II , 'whl'le th·er";' 1'5 SO fr-"en' meat.'bem· .. sold. ness' and prosperity to them. Jlummer" sailing each rhur~day there"

'" \Ho • . 'I" . .• ' / , atter untiLthe last trlp,.September 29. , . Choice ..... b .' , '0. H.... : . 'The'roads'are pretty bad these·days. '~he s.s: "Asslnlbola" and "Kee-::

. Stili: we Iiadrservlce on"SUlldaY. ' watln" ",111 commence 'service be­,,/ '. ":,' ; , , " , " ' '." '. . ..' ',liLeen Fort William and Port MCNlcolI . Next Sunday Is Easter Day.. Make .­

, 'I I', tr t t aUend church. that' with tbe first sailing May 26tb, thence ~ IIpec a ~ ~r 0, , > • , '-. : ellcll ,Wednesday' and Saturday un,t" •

,day.' If_ you cannot get, to ,M,atchett, ,October 1st. S'peclal boat train will .' ville. go :t? .!he most ,convenient. B,ut, be operated In connection with these ,

go·to churc~:a,nyw~y. \' '. \ 'sRlllngs, 'leaving Winnipeg ::ruesdaYI ' and' Friday ti\·enlngs.,. This ~raln' WIll operate through~ to the' ship's side at

seer rity, \ ", . l?ree from Dominion Income Tax. , Any person resir'entor domiciled in Ca'na"a:over

t"e a:c 0" 5 may purchase. to bedn at once or a~ any later date desi cd an Annuity of from ~5;" to $5;,000 •

, to b~ paid in m'_nthly or quarterly in5ta·ments. ' 'An,< two permns may pure ase jo:nt y :

, E:' ,p'oy'crs may p Irc" for; t' ci- emp1oycet. . ,

APl,ly to your po~rnHstel" or write, p"stnge ,·ree. to 5. T. Basteclo. ' :'llpc~'n,.n,jent' of Ann"uities, OttawR, for new booklet ant! other n'?rn1l,(on r.quj~ed ,Mention Rl!c)nst t,irt~day. .' ~

, ' .


. ;

some transfers.~' . ,,' ,,': 'J;' ;,=~~===:#;:i:;===:========";==============~=I1!1=~~ ;'1 ',;. " ' .. "'~"';:'::

, . "

•• •• • • •

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; ,



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