zionism movement seeking to establish a jewish nation u.n. resolution 181 adopted by the u.n....

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Zionism Movement seeking to establish a Jewish nation

U.N. Resolution 181 Adopted by the U.N. General Assembly Partitioned Palestine and established a Jewish

State 55 percent of Palestinian territory Jews represented 1/3 of population Palestine owned 6 percent of the land

May 15, 1948 Combined Arab

forces attack the infant nation

Egypt Syria Jordan Iraq Lebanon Saudi Arabia Yemen

January 1949 Israel controlled 20,000 miles of Palestinian

Land Palestinians fled or were forced to leave their

homes by Israeli forces Some stayed behind in Galilee (17 percent of

Population) Refugees went to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, West

Bank and Gaza Strip Treated poorly and confined to refugee camps along

the borders

What were the repercussions of the loss of Palestine? Years of conflict

between Arab and Israeli military forces

Guerrilla Warfare Arab governments

armed Palestinians Trained to harass the

Israeli military

Formed in 1964 to umbrella all Palestinian political groups

GOALS: Abolish the state of Israel Establish a secular state in Palestine

Many different factions Violence and terrorism

Palestinian National Council Executive committee/Legislative body

Some Organizations Fatah Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Popular Struggle Front

1960’s Operated out of Jordan Began attacks on Israel Yasir Arafat became head of PLO in 1969

1970’s Forced out of Jordan Moved to a weaker Lebanon Recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the

Palestinian people Arafat appeared before the UN general Assembly

1980’s Moved to Tunis, Tunisia in 1982 Moved to Baghdad, Iraq 1987 (Sided with Iraq in Gulf

War I)

1956 War # 2

1967 War # 3 6 Day War

1973 War # 4 Yom Kippur War

1982 War # 5

Egypt took control of the Suez Canal France, Britain, Israel invade Egypt Captured Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip 1957 UN forces pressured Israel to

withdraw forces

Israeli Defense Forces Launch Preemptive strike against: Syria, Egypt, and Jordan Destroyed all air power Results:

Israeli occupation of: West Bank East Jerusalem Gaza Strip Golan Heights

November 22, 1967 UN Security Council adopts Resolution 242

Emphasized “Inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war”

Called for the withdrawal of Israel from newly acquired territory

1973 Yom Kippur War Egypt and Syria mounted surprise attack Israel rallied and defeated Arabs Began the peace process

Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat Realized the toll of war on countries

economy Supported by U.S., Sadat began talk of

peace with Israel 1977 he traveled to Israel and addressed

the people 1978 Camp David Accords

Israel Prime Minister Begin and Sadat come up with agreement

While peace was put in action others disagreed

PLO considered these negotiations to be a “sell out” of Palestinian rights in Israel

Daily attacks (Guerilla and Organized) Israel Invaded Lebanon (1982)

Goals: Destroy PLO Bases in Southern Lebanon Defeat Syrian Army Install pro-Israeli government in Lebanon

PLO and Hamas (Islamic Fundamentalists) Arabic for:

Resurgence Throwing Back

Palestinian uprising in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that started in 1987 in protest against the continued Israeli occupation Rebelled against armed troops

Intifada. Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia. Helicon Publishing. 2005. eLibrary. Proquest CSA. SUMMIT HIGH SCHOOL. 07 Feb 2008. <http://elibrary.bigchalk.com>.

John L. Esposito, Ed. Arab-Israeli Conflict. The Islamic World: Past and Present. Oxford University Press. 2004. eLibrary.

Proquest CSA. SUMMIT HIGH SCHOOL. 08 Feb 2008. <http://elibrary.bigchalk.com>.

Conflict Timeline

Concepts Time

Demonstrate an awareness of chronology that links people, places and events through time

Task: Today you will create a timeline that

identifies people, places, and events of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It is up to you to identify “essential” information.

Tools: Notes, Book (615-622), Handouts, etc.

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