· web viewword document also accepted) postdocs are required to ....

Post on 05-May-2019






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Montpellier, France, 20-22 May 2019

Grant Application form

Applications will only be accepted by email to be sent

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: As soon as possible and not later than 15 February 2019

NOTIFICATION DATE: between 15 and 28 February 2019

Grant conditions

This application form is restricted to:- In priority to students and young postdoctoral fellows (3-6 years after PhD thesis

completion) from developing countries (low to middle-income economies according to World Bank’s definition).

- If funds permit, to other applicants (good motivation required; see below) - People who have submitted an abstract (for oral communication or poster) which has

been accepted by the scientific committee.

Applicants must submit a complete and signed application form (see below), together with all required documents for examination by the Committee.

The grant will cover registration to the congress and / or travel and / or accommodation.

1. Details requested

First Name:      Last Name:                                Birth date :       Gender:              Email:      Function:            Dates of contract (Postdoc / PhD):

from:       to:                     

Institution:       Address 1:       Address 2:       City:       Zip code:      Country:      Phone:     

Please provide a complete Curriculum Vitae (preferably as a .pdf document; Ms Word Document also accepted)

Postdocs are required to include a list of their publications in the CV.

2. Explain your motivations in a few lines:

Please indicate the title of the session you are involved in:     and the number (Id) and title of your abstract:     

Why attending the World Congress on Agroforestry 2019 is important for you and for your career? (maximum 250 words, in the box next page)


Montpellier, France, 20-22 May 2019

3. Estimate the budget (please indicate all amounts in Euros €)

Airport of departure (closest to your research institution):     Intended dates of departure / arrival:     Airfares (Economy class):       € Others (e.g. visa, please specify):       €Accommodation:       €Congress registration fees:       €Living costs:       €Total estimated expenses:       €

Matching funds: Financial support obtained / sought from other sources (indicate funding source)

Name of funding institution:                     Amount Requested from other source:               

Only selected PhD students and young Postdocs will be asked to send additional documents such as the copy of student’s certificate, a proof of their status (Phd student or Postdoc researcher) by email to

Please note that grant awardees have to be involved in one of the congress sessions to get their grant (i.e. abstract accepted).

Date: Signature:

Please send your files as follows:FirstName_LastName_AF2019 grant_application_form.pdf (= the present form)FirstName_LastName_AF2019_cv.pdf (= your Curriculum Vitae)

Your motivation here (250 words max)

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