· web viewthe ecc values the bible as the word of god, the gift of god’s grace through faith...

Post on 27-Oct-2018






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PASTORS CORNEROur church is called United Covenant Church. The reason it is called United, is that back in the 1970’s two churches came together to form one. Those two churches were West Clayton Covenant Church and The Swedish Congregational Church in Clear Lake. Why are we called a Covenant Church? It is because we belong to a denomination called The Evangelical Covenant Church. The Evangelical Covenant Church grew out of a revival within the Lutheran Church of Sweden back in the 1870’s and 80’s.

For more information, please visit the sight at covchurch.org. The following information has been taken from the Covenant web site.

We (The Evangelical Covenant Church), are a multiethnic movement of 875 congregations in the United States and Canada with ministries on five continents of the world. The ECC values the Bible as the word of God, the gift of God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ, the call to extend God’s love to a hurting world, and the strength that comes from unity within diversity.

Our Mission: We join God in God’s mission to see more disciples among more populations in a more caring and just world. We pursue this through: Start and Strengthen Churches, Make and Deepen Disciples, Develop Leaders, Love Mercy Do Justice and Serve Globally.

For a deeper understanding of the denomination and greater explanation of the five braches mentioned please refer to the web site. We will be having a class on who we are as a church and on what is required for church membership. The class will be August 5th at 9:00 a.m. in the library.

I have been attending Covenant Churches all my life and I have been greatly blessed through its ministry. Again, if you have any questions, come to the class or call me at any time. God, bless you,

Pastor Dan

CREW CREW Hangout! Wednesday, August 29th at Jim and Cindy Mohrland’s home-more details to follow!

2018 FALL SCHEDULE KIDS BLAST…. “Very big mistakes & what God does about them” Wednesday evening Bible-based program for kids age 4 through 6th grade. Starting September 12th, 6:00 p.m. -7:15 p.m. WEDNESDAY NIGHT SUPPER’S….Wednesday night suppers will start on September 12th at 5:30 p.m. CREW….Wednesday night youth group for grades 7th – 12th will be starting September 5th, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL…For all ages! Starting September 9th, 8:45 a.m.  

PRAYERSweet Hour of Prayer

Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. in the UCC LibraryAnyone is welcome to come. Please write your prayers, with or without your name, on the prayer cards provided in the pews. Place them in the

Covenant Highlights Volume 39, Issue 6 August 2018

golden bowl located in the foyer. They will be kept confidential asking the Lord to give you encouragement, growth in your faith and abound in thanksgiving with praise.

SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING United Covenant Church

Semi-Annual Meeting-Sunday, July 15th, 2018About 30-35 people attended the meeting, held after the worship service and potluck. Lucas Carlson led us in a song of praise. Mike Pickard read from Revelations 4-5. All we do is to give praise and thanks to God. He then led us in prayer. Matt Thayer called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. He said the Leadership Team is open to new ideas and excited about where the church is going.

The Secretary’s Report from last year’s semi-annual meeting was reviewed. Mike Pickard made a motion to approve it. Jen Tanner seconded the motion, and it was approved. Financial reports were reviewed. Jen said the church is doing fine financially, bills are getting paid, and we have some money in savings. She noted that one figure on the financial report is misleading in that it accounts for the amount fundraised for youth over the past couple years. The amount, in fact, carries over and is eventually paid out, making it appear as about -$12,000. The church is sticking close to budget. Bonnie Eastvold moved to accept the financial reports, and it was seconded. The motion passed.

Casey Keller provided Leadership Team highlights from the first half of the year. Officers were selected. We have considered changing the sanctuary lighting to be more efficient and aesthetically pleasing. A consultant came, and an energy audit will be done soon so we can get some credits and save money. We considered credit card capabilities for giving but decided against it because of cost. A handicap-accessible bathroom in the basement may be needed but is postponed for now. A new heat pump was put in. We conducted active shooter training for the Leadership Team and Little Lambs staff. We discussed a Solid Rock scholarship in the future for students from our church. We have discussed becoming a partner in Feed My Starving Children with the Polk County mobile pack that meets in the spring at the county fairgrounds. The goal is $3,000 per partner church. No decision has been made. We decided to put the Eau Claire church plant funds toward a mission trip. We are looking to do some work on the church parking lot. We did staff evaluations for Zach Klein, Pastor Dan and Gina Arntz. We discussed a Sweden mission trip for August 2019.

We brought in financial advisor Steve Allison, hosted Cleansing Stream and built up prayer ministry teams and greeters. We hosted an Outdoor Expo and had events in conjunction with Clear Lake Days. We set a date for a Holy Land presentation Nov. 30-Dec. 2. We have been reading the “Lasting Impact” book about how to prepare to meet the needs of the unchurched.

Ministry Team reports: No reports were given for Deacon or Trustee. In Christian Education, Lynn Pickard said they’re seeking teachers and helpers for Wednesday nights and looking for more partners to help with classes. We’re responsible for VBS next summer. This will be a big undertaking, with about 100 kids here, and it takes a lot of people. They are seeking input and someone to head it up. Kids Blast this past year was great, with 30-40 kids most Wednesday evenings. We want it to grow so need more helpers.

Project Update: Jan Anderson said Lucas Carlson has stepped forward to head projects. This fall/winter, we will upgrade a few things, mostly with paint. If you see things around church that could use updating, tell Lucas. We are trying to keep costs low.

There was no Old Business.

New Business: Casey Keller discussed quotes to do the parking lot. ABC Sealcoating did it last time and can do it again for $13,191.50. They also will do the parsonage driveway. They will fill in low spots, patch and add striping. The Leadership Team is recommending we move forward as the longer we wait, the worse the cracks will get. This wasn’t budgeted, so we would need to raise the funds or use pie stand/fair parking money that we don’t tithe so we wouldn’t need to fundraise as much. Bonnie Eastvold moved to hire ABC to do the work this fall and use pie stand/fair parking profits, fundraising for the rest. Lynn Pickard seconded the motion and it passed.

Sweden VBS mission: We want to go on a mission’s trip, and Pastor gave an overview of a possible trip to help with VBS in Sweden in August 2019. The Covenant church in Sweden wants to reach out to children with the gospel. They are a pre-Christian culture, with not a lot of VBS or similar programming. This is an area in which we could be of help. We want to send a team there. The Swedish Covenant church would subsidize our effort, so the time we spent there would cost under $300 per person. We also would have to raise the money to get there. Other Covenant churches would be there, too. Zach Klein and some youth are interested. The trip would be 8-9 days. The cost to get there would be about $800 per person to fly.

Church donation agreement: The Leadership Team is looking into an agreement so that if someone donates something to the church and later, we don’t have a need for it, the church could sell it or notify the donor before doing so.

Little Lambs discussion: Little Lambs is currently under the UCC Foundation, but there is talk of wanting to go back under the church. There are disadvantages/advantages either way. The Leadership Team may or may not recommend action on this at the annual meeting, but no decisions have been made. The Leadership Team would make a recommendation for congregation to vote on. Money would need to be budgeted, etc. Cary Eastvold there is a feeling from some Little Lambs staff that they would be more comfortable being under church again as there could be changes regarding hiring staff in future (the day care is more state-controlled now). Staff are feeling a disconnect at times between the church and the Foundation. The day care was under the church years ago. Discussion is still very premature at this time, and information is being gathered. We are now looking into cost savings such as sharing QuickBooks and a phone line and maybe selling the Little Lambs van. Please pray about this.

Lynn Pickard said there are two TV’s downstairs that the church doesn’t need. People can take them if they want them, or they will be recycled soon. If you have a large donation for the church, such as a TV, talk to a Leadership Team member before dropping it off at church. It must be cleared beforehand.

Pastor’s Report: The recent Leadership Team retreat at Pickards’ went well. Our church’s mission is to help each other take one step closer to Jesus Christ/grow in faith. He read from II Timothy and talked about the importance of the church having long-term view of helping people grow in faith. He talked about faith at home, modeling our faith for children/grandchildren/co-workers. The Leadership Team will be reading “Church + Home.” We must always be reaching out to the next generation(s). Thanks to those helping with Wednesday suppers; these gatherings build community. Thanks to those helping with Kids Blast/Sunday School activities. We have to constantly live out our faith. God help us to be a Word and Power church. Be in prayer for the church. Plans are to offer a membership class again soon. There will be opportunity for water baptism in August, at outdoor church.

We closed with prayer and adjourned about 1 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,Heidi Clausen- Leadership Team Secretary

THANK YOU Thank you to the whole church family for the use of the church, your collective contributions, your presence at the benefit, your help and mostly, your prayers.

A special shout out to Lynn Pickard who went above and beyond, even when she had a flat tire.

With love and thanks,The Newville & Ferguson Families

Worship service will be held at the Clear Lake Park on August 12th at 10:00 a.m. Potluck following service. Anyone interested in baptism please contact Pastor Dan.

Informational MeetingSunday, August 5th at 9:00 a.m. there will be a class in the library for anyone who wants to learn more about our church and how to become a member.

YOU ARE INVITED….. Join us in celebrating Keith and Rosie Flanum’s 50th Wedding Anniversary on August 11th, at the Westside Café from 4:00-8:00 p.m.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY….6th: Katie Keller7th: Sharon Barr8th: Jacob Peterson, Sandy Olson9th: Marlys Knopp, Debbie Ellis10th: Gina Arntz, Paula Johnson11th: Mary Trepanier12th: Lily Elmer, Ruth Elmer, Millie Stewart14th: Hannah Elmer15th: Mary Benson18th: EllaMae Wallberg19th: Larry DeTar

21st: Dayna Prindle25th: Isaac Thayer29th: Amy Pickard

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY…4th: Nina and Gary Tonn5th: Aaron & Sue Spurrell10th: Duaine & Marlys Knopp11th: Gina Arntz & John Grahovac18th: Jeff & Jane Warren, Cary & Bonnie Eastvold27th: Jay & Gerianne Christensen

August 2018-10:00 a.m. Worship Schedule

Music Team: Service Leader: Readers: 5th: 1 5th: Cary Eastvold 5th: Scott Carnine12th: 2 12th: Mike Pickard 12th: Lucas Carlson19th: 3 19th: Derrick Meyer 19th: Craig Moriak26th: 4 26th: Casey Keller 26th: Lynn Schone

Nursery: 5th: Phyllis Luhman/Olivia Peterson12th: Katie Jurisch/Mikayla Peterson19th: Heidi/Hailey Clausen26th: Lynn Pickard/Addison Thayer

Greeters/Ushers: Larry Benson/Jack Tanner 5th: Keith/Jan Anderson 12th: Doug/Norma Otto19th: Jason/Jenny Tanner26th: Bonnie/Cary Eastvold

September 2018-10:00 a.m. Worship Schedule

Music Team: Service Leader: Readers: 2nd:1 2nd: Jim Mohrland 2nd: Pam Moriak 9th: 2 9th: Keith Anderson 9th: Sue Spurrell16th: 3 16th: Cary Eastvold 16th: Tami Linden23rd: 4 23rd: Mike Pickard 23rd: Lucas Carlson30th: 1 30th: Zach Klein 30th: Cindy Mohrland

Nursery: 2nd: Phyllis Luhman/Olivia Peterson 9th: Katie Jurisch/Mikayla Peterson16th: Heidi/Hailey Clausen23rd: Brenda Cogbill/Grace Grahovac 30th: Lynn Pickard/Addison Thayer

Greeters/Ushers: Larry Benson/Jack Tanner 2nd: Matt/Susie Thayer 9th: Doug/Norma Otto16th: Jason/Jenny Tanner23rd: Amy Pickard/Lynn Schone30th: Bonnie/Cary Eastvold

ATTENTION!!!If you would like to be a greeter, reader, or help in the nursery, please contact Gina at the church. Call 715-263-2665, or email unitedcovchurch@cltcomm.net. Thank you!

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