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Post on 06-Feb-2018






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Цель урока: контроль коммуникативных способностей учащихся по теме урока в рамках проектной работы.

Задачи: обобщение и систематизация фактического материала по изученной

теме, используя метод проектов; развитие языковой компетенции; повышение уровня владения языком, развитие общего кругозора,

получение специальных, необходимых для выполнения конкретного проекта знаний, развитие навыков свободной ориентации и активного существования в мире информации;

формирование навыков самостоятельной учебной деятельности, исследовательского, креативного подхода в обучении, формирование критического мышления;

достижение общих для команды целей и общекомандного успеха; воспитание правильного отношения учащихся к негативным

проявлениям в жизни подростков.

Оснащение урока: проектные работы учащихся; CD-плеер; CD-диски; компьютер.

Ход урока.


Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen! Good morning everybody. Nice to see you today. Welcome our guests and take your seats. Your home to collect all information about subgroups and youth organisations in Russia and abroad, to draw a scheme, to find illustrations to make your scheme clearer, to explain your scheme to the classmates.

I. Речевая зарядка. 1.Т.- How do teens express their individuality?P1. - A particular cultural grouping is a way for young people to express their individuality.T.- What subcultures do you know?P2.- HackersP3.- RockersP4.- HippiesP5.- BikersP6.- PunksP7.- ModsP8.- RaversP9.- GothsP10.- BikersP11.- Skinheads2.T.- Listen to CD with diferent music styles and guess what style is it.

(учащиеся прослушивают CD с записью музыкальных фрагментов и называют музыкальные стили)

P1. - Rock`n`rollP2.- BluesP3.- PopP4.- RapP5.- TechnoP6.- PsychedelicP7.- Classical

3.T.- What dancing styles do you know?P1.- Hip-hopP2.- TecktonicP3.- BalletP4.- brake dance

II Основная часть.

1. Презентация и защита проектов.

T.- Before you start your presentations I would like to introduce our special jury.Here they are:

1. Pochikovskaya N.V.2. The chairwoman Rogova L.N.3. Voronkina Anna 11B4. Kadamova Karina 11B

Проект №1 «Hippie»Бочина Варя 9ВБобкова Даша 9В

Проект №2 Goths and EmoМерзоева Лиза 9ВТян Наталья 9ВЖуравлева Кристина 9В

Проект №3 No DrugsЕжова Ката 9АМакарова Анна 9А

Проект №4 No AlcoholНовикова Юля 9БНиколаенко Ксения 9Б

Проект №5 Dancing stylesДавыдова Алена 9АУмряева Лиана 9ААстахова Анастасия 9А

Проект №6 Rock`n`rollАлдошина Мария 9АХарина Анна 9А

Проект №7 Russian RapКадыров Артур 9ААнтонов Сергей 9А

После презентации каждого проекта учащиеся задают вопросы(в режиме ученик – ученик).

2. Listening

T.- Listen to the texts about Mods and Ravers.

Mods is a subculture that originated in London, England, in the late 1950s and peaked in the early-to-mid 1960s.Significant elements of the mod subculture include fashion (often tailor-made suits); music, including African American soul, Jamaican ska, British beat music, and R&B; and motor scooters. The original mod scene was also associated with amphetamine-fuelled all-night dancing at clubs. From the mid-to-late 1960s and onwards, the mass media often used the term mod in a wider sense to describe anything that was believed to be popular, fashionable, or modern.

There was a mod revival in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s, which was followed by a mod revival in North America in the early 1980s, particularly in Southern California.Etymology.

The term mod derives from modernist, which was a term used in the 1950s to describe modern jazz musicians and fans. This usage contrasted with the term trad, which described traditional jazz players and fans. The 1959 novel Absolute Beginners by Colin MacInnes describes as a modernist, a young modern jazz fan who dresses in sharp modern Italian clothes. Absolute Beginners may be one of the earliest written examples of the term modernist being used to describe young British style-conscious modern jazz fans. The word modernist in this sense should not be confused with the wider use of the term modernism in the context of literature, art, design and architecture.

60-th For Ever!

Ravers.Ravers are the people who listen to the techno music and go to raves,

massive techno parties, or smaller underground parties and techno clubs. A "rave" usually refers to a party, usually all night long, open to the general

public, where loud "techno" music is mostly played and many people partake in a number of different chemicals, though the latter is far from necessary. The number of people at the event is unimportant; it can range from 50 people to 25,000 people. The cost of attendance is also unimportant - there have been good raves and bad raves at both ends of the cost spectrum (though in practice, the higher the price, the more commercial the event, and the lower the quality). At a rave, the DJ is a shaman, a priest, a channeller of energy - they control the psychic voyages of the dancers through his choice in hard-to-find music and their skill in manipulating that music, sometimes working with just a set of beats and samples, into a tapestry of mindbending music. A large part of the concept of raves is built upon sensory overload - a barrage of audio and very often visual stimuli are brought together to elevate people into an altered state of physical or psychological existence.

New Ravers

American Ravers

Club Ravers

В то время, как учащиеся прослушивают CD-запись и просматривают фотографии, жюри подсчитывает количество баллов по таблице «Критерии оценок».

Название проекта

Содержание проекта


Художественное оформление

Презентация проекта (культура

речи, умения заинтересовать, уверенность в

себе)0 - 5 0 - 5 0 – 5

Проект №1 HippieПроект №2 Goths and EmoПроект №3No DrugsПроект №4No AlcoholПроект №5 Dancing stylesПроект №6 Rock`n`RollПроект №7 Russian Rap

III. Подведение итогов урока.

1. Слово председателю жюри.2. Объявление победителей (1, 2, 3 место)3. Организация выставки лучших проектов.

T. - Our lesson is over. Thank you very much for your active and hard work at the lesson. It`s very pleasant to work with you and these are your marks for the lesson.

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