volume vi issue

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Physical Education and Sport Section

The Science and Art of Movement

Volume VI issue 2

ISSN - 1844-9131


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013



ISSUES REGARDING THE IMPORTANCE OF KINETOPROPHYLAXIS IN HERNIATED DISC………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 Florian Benedek, Sabina Orhei COACHING IN SPORTS GAMES……………………………………………………..…13 Florin-Valentin Leuciuc THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOVING-SPEED QUALITY AT THE PRIMARY SCHOOL THROUGH MOVEMENT AND PREPARATORY GAMES SPECIFIC TO FOOTBALL………………………………………………………………………………………20 Bogdan-Marius Grosu THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL EXERCISES APPLIED THROUGH KINESIOLOGY IN LORDOSIS CORRECTION.................................................................................................26 Elena Raţă, Florian Benedek SPORTS LUDICS AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN DEVELOPING SWIIMING SPECIFIC SKILLS AT AN EARLY…………......................................................................................34 Giconda Burac, Gheorghe Pricop COORDINATION DEVELOPEMENT FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN THROUGH SWIMMING MEANS.............................................................................................................................43 Oana Paţa, Elena Raţă THE ROLE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF REFEREES IN FOOTBALL………………..……48 Florian Benedek, Sorin Raţă THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL SPORTS PREPARATION FOR CHILDREN PRACTITIONERS OF MARTIAL ARTS (VOVINAM VIET VO DAO STYL…………….....53 Gheorghe Pricop CURRENT GUIDELINES OF TRAINING PARTICULAR TO VOVINAM VIET VO DAO PRACTITIONERS…………………………………………………………………………….…61 Gheorghe Pricop PHYSICAL STATE OF BOYS FROM PRIMARY CLASSES IN THE RURAL AREAS OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA………………………………………………………...……..71 Adelina Ghetiu STUDY REGARDING THE CORRELATION BETWEEN SOMATO-FUNCTIONAL INDICES AND PHYSICAL ABILITIES TO 31-40 YEARS OLD WOMEN………………….80 Sorin Raţă

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013




THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013




THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013



Associate Professor dr. Florian Benedek

Orhei Sabina University "Stefan cel Mare" of Suceava

Keywords: Physical therapy prophylaxis, herniated disc, sciatica Abstract: Today, the concept of degenerative disc, as an essential factor in generating the lumbago-sciatica syndrome, it is widely accepted. Herniated disc has become one of the most widespread diseases of contemporary society. Much diagnosed and much discussed, it constitutes, by frequency and impaired work capacity, a problem with important economic and social repercussions. The attention of a large number of specialists, through large surface of pathological manifestation of herniated disc, it makes imperative the existence problem of a diagnosis consensus and especially therapeutic. Introduction

Lumbago, lumbago-sciatica and sciatica are very commonly encountered in everyday medical practice. Often, the clinical lumbar episode "lumbago" it is the first stage of a lumbago-sciatica, as often “sciatica” is the final episode. But sometimes, lumbago can appear at the end of a lumbago-sciatica, and sciatica can be the first manifestation of a suffering that later betrays its lumbar origins.

One of the most used methods to detect these diseases is the McKenzie method. This method is also known as Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), and it was developed by New Zealand physiotherapist Robin McKenzie. MDT does not only means the extension exercises; it is about a comprehensive approach of the spinal column, based on principles and fundamentals, once they are understood and followed, therefore they have a great success.

The algorithm that underlies this process is well defined and leads us to a simple classification of the back pathology, classification that is based on the cause - effect relationship between the behavior history as well as the painful response to movement tests, posts and activities during the evaluation process.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


Nowadays, the concept of degenerative disc, as an essential factor in generating the lumbar syndrome, it is widely accepted. Herniated disc has become one of the most widespread diseases of contemporary society. Much diagnosed and much discussed, it constitutes, by frequency and impaired work capacity, a problem with important economic and social repercussions. The attention of a large number of specialists, through large surface of pathological manifestation of herniated disc, it makes imperative the existence problem of a diagnosis consensus and especially therapeutic. The spinal column is the essential element of support. It has a great degree of mobility. This mobility refers to inter-vertebral joints, having variable amplitude from one region to another region.

The curvatures of the spinal column have emerged as adaptation to upright position. The thoracic curve we find to the new-born, the cervical curvature occurs when child is seated, while the lumbar curve appears when walking. Now there appear the solicitations of flexor and extensor muscles of rachis, to support balance.

Human spinal column is formed by a sequence of 32 to 34 vertebrae of which we have:

• 7 cervical • 12 thorax • 5 lumbar • 4-5 coccygeal Material and method:

I started from the main hypothesis that kinesiology means can be used in recovery of patients with disc protrusion.

As secondary assumptions that were developed over the research, we have added: - Can be the kinesiology ’means used as preventive methods for spinal column' diseases? - Will the chosen kinesiology' methods give positive results in order to improve any deficiencies? - Did the quality of life for my study subject increase?

The aim of this work was to verify the formulated assumptions and on the basis of the obtained results, to contribute to the efficiency of the recovery process.

In order to achieve the intended purpose I had to follow a few objectives which I will briefly describe:

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


- Consulting the literature in order to determine the level from which I will start and where I will get, taking into account the current development of research in this area - Determination of assumptions, followed then by the ways in which they will be checked Although it is not the first step, in my case having a representative case, it was the first thing that pushed me to choose this topic for research. Activity organization, namely the compliance with the principle of continuity, so that research timing has been a binding target. The last thing was the choice of recording technique, their interpretation, and then drafting results in order to promote them among the specialists in the field.

Table no 1. The Dallas Test 1. Pain and its intensity To what extent do you need treatment against pain to make you feel better?

Not at all sometimes always

2. The movements of everyday life To what extent does the pain disrupt the movements of your daily life (lifting of bed, brushing teeth, dressing, and so on)

Not at all I cannot get out of bed

3. The possibility to pick up a few things To what extent does the pain limit when you want to lift a weight?

Not at all I cannot pick up anything

4. Walking To what extent does the pain limits the walk perimeter, compared to the one you would go through before the occurrence of back pains?

I walk as before

Very much

5. Sitting position To what extent does the pain causes you discomfort in the sitting position?

Not at all I cannot sit down

6. Sitting position To what extent does the pain causes you discomfort when you stay bent too long?

Not at all I cannot stay bent

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


7. Sleep To what extent does the pain affect your sleep?

Not at all I cannot sleep

8. Social activity How much will the pain disrupt your social life? (dancing, games or entertainment, lunch with friends, getting out and so on)?

Not at all I have no social life

9. Movement by car To what extent does your pain affects movement by car?

Not at all I cannot drive

10. Professional activities To what extent does the pain disrupt your work?

Not at all I cannot work anymore Results and discussion The timing of the recovery program:

Date of entry into treatment: 05.11.2012 Date of removal of the treatment: 20.01.2013 Objective 1:

• Pain reduction • Lowering the radicular irritation • Relaxation of lumbar contractures • Flatten of the lumbar column

Used methods and means: McKenzie exercises for the extension are used basically to push

above the affected discs, reducing pain and preventing its erasers on the lower members.

As a result of the initial and final test, it resulted the data in Dalas tables that later were represented and interpreted in the graphic.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013










Initial 5

Final 4


Grafic 1 Grafic 2 The graphic represents the initial and final testing of the subject,

in order to determine the intensity of the pain at the lumbar level. At initial testing, the pain was at level 5 and at the final one at 4. The graphic reveals the importance that the pain has, in order to damage the possibility of lifting things. As a result of prophylactic program it was obtained a decrease of 2 degrees.

2 2







Initial 2

Final 2










Initial 5

Final 4


Grafic 3 Grafic 4 The intensity of the pain maintains constant while walking. The

graphic integrates the intensity of pain in achieving the movements from everyday life. You can notice a decrease of one degree as a result of physical therapy treatments.









Initial 4

Final 2


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013










Initial 5

Final 4










Initial 5

Final 4


Grafic 5 Grafic 6

In the sitting position, in initial testing the pain level reached the

maximum odds, and in the final testing it was found a slight improvement of the condition, the pain dropping to level 5 at initial testing, and to level 4 in the finals. The intensity of the pain in sitting position is clearly defined in the chart above, so we initial have level 5, obtaining in final testing level 4.

1 1







Initial 1

Final 1


2 2







Initial 2

Final 2


Grafic 7 Grafic 8

The above chart is aimed to highlight the intensity of pain during

sleep. Notice that the patient does not suffer of visible disorders within the complex action determined by sleep. Social activity within this graphic is not affected by the intensity of the pain developed at lumbar level.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


4 4







Initial 4

Final 4










Initial 4

Final 3


Grafic 9 Grafic 10

Pain intensity during travel by car is at level 4 and there have not

been signaled major changes. The pain has decreased from an initial level of 4 to the final one of 3, in the context of professional activities.

Notice that the level of pain intensity decreased by one degree, so, professional activities were also affected, dropping a degree and the work carried out in standing or sitting position won a lower-intensity qualifier. The most pronounced comeback was the possibility of lifting various things, this thing being the most visible, which directly affects the professional work, leading to a notable improvement in the quality of life. Conclusions

As a result of the obtained results I have reached the following conclusions:

• As a result of the study there were checked the assumptions set at the beginning, to which there were added some new ones to be brought in for analysis within the framework of possible future themes.

• Becoming true, general hypothesis the secondary assumptions were also stated.

• After performing the physical therapy treatment it was an improvement of the symptoms of low lumbar disc protrusion.

• Immediate application of the physical therapy program can prevent the installation of herniated disc.

• After performing the physical therapy program there was a considerable improvement of the quality of life. Bibliography 1. Florian Benedek, Biomechanics. University Stefan cel Mare Publisher

Suceava 2008

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


2. Adrian N Ionescu, Physical exercise in the service of health, Stadion Publisher 1971

3. Arseni C., Stanciu M., Lumbar degenerative disc. Medical Publisher, Bucharest 1970

4. Antoaneta Creţu, Rheumatic diseases which receive physical therapy Biblioteca I,E,F,S 1996

5. Clement Baciu, Functional anatomy of the musculoskeletal system, Stadion Publisher Bucharest 1972

6. Constantin Albu,Tiberiu Leonard Vlad, Passive Kinesiology, Polirom 2004

7. Mariana Cordun, Kinetologie Medicala , Editura Axa 1999 Titlu:Aspecte privind importanţa kinetoprofilaxia în hernia de disc Cuvinte cheie: kinetoprofilaxia, hernia de disc, sciatica Rezumat:Astăzi, conceptul de discopatie, ca factor esenţial în generarea sindromului lombosciatic, este unanim admis. Hernia de disc a devenit una din cele mai răspândite boli ale societăţii contemporană. Mult diagnosticata şi mult discutata, ea constituie, prin frecvenţă şi afectarea capacităţii de muncă, o problemă cu importante repercusiuni economice şi sociale. Interesarea unui mare număr de specialişti, prin suprafaţa mare de manifestare patologică a herniei de disc, face imperioasa problema existenţei unui consens diagnostic şi mai ales terapeutic. Titre :Questions concernant l'importance de kinetoprophylaxis dans hernie disque Mots-clés: la prophylaxie de la thérapie physique, hernie discale, la sciatique Résumé: Aujourd'hui, le concept de discopathie dégénérative, comme un facteur essentiel dans la génération du syndrome de lumbago-sciatique, il est largement admis. Hernie discale est devenue l'une des maladies les plus répandues de la société contemporaine. Beaucoup diagnostiqué et beaucoup discuté, elle constitue, par la fréquence et la déficience capacité de travail, un problème qui a des répercussions économiques et sociales importantes. L'attention d'un grand nombre de spécialistes, par une grande surface de la manifestation pathologique de hernie discale, il est impératif que le problème de l'existence d'un consensus de diagnostic et surtout thérapeutique.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013



Associate Professor dr. Florin-Valentin Leuciuc University "Stefan cel Mare" of Suceava

Keywords: coaching, sports games, performance Abstract:The role of sports training is to ensure an optimal development level of motor abilities for athletes, in physiological, physical, technical, tactical, psychological, theoretical terms contributing to good behavior in competitions and the achievement of performance targets. The coaching process is a systemic one that takes into account the entire life of the athletes and the entire context in which they are located and act. This is also why the changes resulting from a coaching process reverberate in all areas of their life. The essence of coaching is to facilitate change, evolution, development of athletes to a higher level so that they reach the performance they wish to get. Coaching method has important meanings in shaping the motivational profile of athletes with a key role in obtaining a high quality of training and achieving performance in competitions. Introduction

People have always wanted to stand out in a society dependent on the performance. This is not new, however, since ancient times people tried their forces in an organized way to prove their supremacy. A good example is the Olympic Games, ancient or modern, where the dream of every athlete was / is to be the first. In all its components, personal fulfillement is achieved through awareness and strengthen of their values, building out of these attitudes, behaviors, patterns of thinking and acting in order to reach personal goals. However, behind this dream there are many hours of training coupled with a strong inner motivation, maximizing the use of resources and personal potential, the desire for self adaptation to permanent change.

Training is a "complex teaching and biological process, systematically and continuously conducted, a gradual process of adapting the human body to physical and mental efforts of different intensities in order to obtain results with certain value in one of the forms of competitive practice of exercises "(Encyclopedia of Physical Education and Sport in Romania, Volume IV, 2002 pp. 44).

Sports training or athletic training is an educational process through which athletes are trained. This process is extremely complex, with cyber

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


valences involving other components: biological, psychological, sociological, ethical, medical.

The role of sports training is to ensure an optimal development level of motor abilities for athletes, in physiological, physical, technical, tactical, psychological, theoretical terms contributing to good behavior in competitions and the achievement of performance targets.

Contemporary period highlights more clearly the need for technical staff to work as a team to ensure achievement of optimal and efficient training of athletes. Each component of atheletes’ training should have specialized staff: physical (physician), technical – tactical (head coach and assistant coach), psychological (psychologist), theoretical (computer expert), recovery (physical therapist, doctor, nutritionist). The presence of experts team involves integrated work that must contribute to reaching the goals of training and competitions.

There are two main principles of sports training: general and specific. Teodorescu, S., 2010, pp. 46-55 and Dragnea, A., Mate-Teodorescu,

S., M., 2002, p. 200-215 consider that principles of sports training guide the whole training activity. The settled principles cover the entire area of sports training features offering solutions for all variables of training (stage, level, phase, sports branch, etc.) in order to maximize athletic performance:

- the principle of adaptation to progressive demands – training involves the development of progressive physical and mental efforts leading to functional and structural adaptations of one’s body;

- the principle of compensation and overcompensation – it is based on the relationship between effort and rest (pause), they underlie the preparation process, the overcompensation producing a major disruption of physiological homeostasis of the body and should be followed by compensation in order to reduce or eliminate the effects of effort in physiological terms and preparing it for further training at a higher level;

- the principle of cyclical training – it is caused by the phasic nature of sports form and its whole process of production, recovery and loss;

- the principle of individualization – that highlights the need to harness athletes’ maximum potential to develop their performance capacity;

- the principle of motivation – it is the basis of sports practicing and obtaining performance, being conditioned by the aspiration level;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


motivation in sports has two forms: intrinsic (represented by the athlete’s inner need) and extrinsic (due to external influences).

Sports training has in its structure a number of factors (components) that require a complex solution of sports training: physical training, technical and tactical training, intellectual training, education. Physical training aimed at developing physical qualities of the athlete in order to increase the capacity of maximum effort, it should be oriented towards the development of physical qualities necessary to sports practice. Technical – tactical strategy aims at improving specific technique in conditions similar to those of competitions, being used in making tactical actions. Intellectual preparation involves continuous completion of knowledge related to sports preparation which should be useful for training and competition. Athletes’ education should lead to the formation of independent individuals, responsible and useful to society (Harre, D., 1973, pp. 12-13).

Mental preparation is "the basic educational activity for developing and improving mental functions and personality characteristics of the athlete in order to ensure maximum effectiveness in sports." Mental preparation for competitions is "full adaptation to the concrete conditions of the sports struggle ... aims at providing information about the competition, about the conditions and the opponent, setting a plan as realistic, providing a good balance, emotional lucidity and rational thinking to solve problems "(Encyclopedia of Physical Education and Sport in Romania, Volume IV, 2002, p 297).

Psychological preparation aims at developing the mental qualities needed to achieve performance. Components of psychological preparation must be identified in order to be developed throughout trainings. Sports practice believes that there are four categories of mental qualities: basic (training unit, self – awareness, creative thinking, trust), performance quality (cognitive perception, focus, effort), personal development (acquisition of identity, interpersonal skills), team (leadership, communication, cohesion, team confidence) (Tenenbaum, G., Eklund, RC, 2007, pp. 288-289).

Studies of sports psychology have demonstrated the link between competitive behavior and success (success cycle) as self – determination, positive attitude and self – esteem are reflected in the evolution of competition. So the psychological/ mental preparation for the competition is essential to the athlete's personal development (Bull, SJ (ed.), 2011, pp. 138-142).

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


From the perspective of the sports training, the term of "coaching" - means, according to the Explanatory Dictionary, a "complex and systematic training process for that an athlete should have a good behavior in sporting competitions in order to obtain performance" or a "series of methodical exercises to develop sporting qualities. " More specifically it is a partnership based on a creative process that stimulates thinking and inspires individuals to maximize their personal and professional potential.

The purpose of coaching is to help people to define goals bolder than they initially thought to be reasonable, then develop action plans to turn them into reality.

Coaching is a professional relationship between a qualified coach and a person, a team or a group in order to obtain extraordinary results, based on settled goals. Such people focus on the skills and actions required to produce relevant personal and professional outcomes.

The coaching process is a systemic one that takes into account the entire life of the athletes and the entire context in which they are found and work. This is also why the changes resulting from a process of coaching reverberate in all areas of athlete’s life. The essence of coaching is to facilitate change, evolution, development to a higher level so that athletes reach the performance they want to achieve. Matherial – method

The purpose of this study is to determine the role and importance of using the method of coaching in sports games.

In carrying out this work I used the following research methods: studying the bibliographic material, graphical method. Discussions

Coaching is a psychological practice and process involving behavioral change. Coaching is a methodology with an increasing recognition that allows the construction of conversations with impact on self – knowledge, revaluation and personal goals and building effective solutions to achieve the latter.

The difference between training and coaching is that training involves proper use of dosing effort in training and coaching is the methodical and psychological support to achieve sports performance following the completed training. The difference between these two concepts is listed below (Dragnea, A., Teodorescu, S., 2002, pp. 539-540):

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


Training Coaching

Complex training process for getting sports performance

Systemic process of maximum exploitation of individual and collective capacities

Increased performance capacity Enhancement of the performance capacity

Development and implementation of training programs

Develop and implement strategies to achieve performance in competitions

Developing self – confidence The belief that the expected results can be achieved

Development of specific and general driving ability in concrete situations

Application of motric information in competition conditions

Training, specialization Stabilization, stimulation

Analytical and global practice

Applying gained knowledge

Practice, automation Applying in typical situations the learned information according to existing situations

Descovery, correction Analysis, highlighting

Discussions, decisions Clear statement of objectives

Exigency in applying training program Conviction, discipline in training

Regarding the method of coaching, in order to maximize the performance of athletes or team, emotional factor is crucial in motivating them. Schematically, the relationship looks like (Tenenbaum, G., Eklund, RC, 2007, pp. 67-68):

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


The contribution of coaching to maximize athletic performance in sports games is quantifiable in each training component.


In the physical training, the result of applying the coaching method is identifying and understanding the role of combined and complex motor skills particular to sports games throughout trainings and competitions, coupled with the motivation of maximizing athletic performance.

Technical preparation is particular to each sports game and another unique element of these games is the existence of game posts that require training tailored to specific demands; coaching role is to ensure a methodical and psychological support.

Athletes' feelings

Coach's experience

Coaching context

Athletes' behavioral


Coach's involvement

Coach's autonomy

Coach's style

Athletes' skills perception

Athletes' autonomy perception

Athletes' relationship perception

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

of athletes

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


Tactical preparation aimed at establishing the role and specific tasks of the team for making full use of individual and collective capacities.

Psychological preparation aims at developing mental qualities that promote sports training process and successful participation in competitions.

Theory aimed at acquiring expertise through discussions, views and sessions to deepen the knowledge required in sports trainings and competitions.

It can be concluded that coaching method has important meanings in shaping the motivational profile of athletes with a key role in obtaining a high quality of training and achieving performance in competitions.

Bibliography: 1. Academia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică “Iorgu Iordan – C.A. Rosetti”, 2009, DEX-Dicţionarul Explicativ al Limbii Române, ediţia a II-a, Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold, Bucureşti 2. Bull, S.J. (coordonator), 2011, Psihologia sportului: ghid pentru optimizarea performanţelor, editura Trei, Bucureşti 3. Dragnea, A., Mate-Teodorescu, S., M., 2002, Teoria sportului, Editura FEST, Bucureşti 4. Harre, D., 1973, Teoria antrenamentului. Introducere în metodica generală a antrenamentului, Editura Stadion, Bucureşti 5. Nicu, A., coordonator, 2002, Enciclopedia educaţiei fizice şi sportului din România, volumul IV-Dicţionar descriptiv şi explicativ de noţiuni şi termeni, Editura Aramis Print, Bucureşti 6. Tenenbaum, G., Eklund, R.C., 2007, Handbook of sport phychology, third edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey 7. Teodorescu, S., 2010, Teoria şi metodica antrenamentului sportiv la copii şi juniori, Editura Discobolul, Bucureşti Titlu:Coachingul în jocurile sportive Cuvinte cheie: coaching, jocuri sportive, performanţă Rezumat: Rolul antrenamentului sportiv este de a asigura un nivel optim de dezvoltare al capacităţilor sportivilor în plan motric, fiziologic, fizic, tehnic, tactic, psihologic, teoretic care să contribuie la un comportament bun în competiţie şi la îndeplinirea obiectivelor de performanţă stabilite. Procesul de coaching este un proces sistemic, care ţine seama de întreaga viaţă a sportivului şi de întregul contextul în care acesta se găseşte şi acţionează. Acesta este de altfel motivul pentru care schimbările obţinute

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


în urma unui proces de coaching reverbereaza în toate ariile din viaţa acestuia. Esenţa coachingului este să faciliteze schimbarea, evoluţia, dezvoltarea, sportivului spre o treaptă superioară, astfel încât acesta să ajungă să la performanţele pe care doreşte să le obţină. Metoda coachingului are valenţe importante în formarea profilului motivaţional al sportivilor cu rol esenţial în realizarea unei pregătiri de înalt nivel calitativ şi obţinerea de performanţe în competiţii.

Titre :Coaching dans jeux collectifs Mots-clés: coaching, sports collectifs, performance Résumé : Le rôle de la formation sportive est d'assurer un niveau optimal de développement de capacités motrices niveler athlètes, physiologiques, physiques, techniques, tactiques, psychologiques, qui contribuent théoriquement à un bon comportement de la concurrence et la réalisation des objectifs de performance. Le processus de coaching est un processus systémique qui prend en compte toute la vie de l'athlète et l'ensemble du contexte dans lequel il se trouve et des œuvres. C'est aussi pourquoi les modifications résultant d'un processus de coaching se répercute dans tous les domaines de sa vie. L'essence du coaching est de faciliter le changement, l'évolution, le développement, l'athlète à un niveau supérieur afin qu'il atteigne à la performance que vous voulez atteindre. Méthode de coaching a des significations importantes dans l'entraînement des athlètes profil motivationnel de rôle dans la réalisation de la formation de haute qualité et de réaliser des performances dans les compétitions.



PhD University Lecturer Bogdan-Marius Grosu University "Stefan cel Mare" of Suceava

Keywords:moving-speed, primary school, games, football Abstract: The systematic practice and good organization of sport activities during the physical education hours, contributes to the realization of an active function of all body systems at the childhood, adolescence and youth. Thus, we shall have guarantees that when they

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


are adults they will be propagators of the movement idea and frequent probationers.The implementation of the physic education is made with more success when the moving capacities of the students have a higher development level which will be turned upon the luggage of moving skills and abilities, too. Introduction:

Our work tries to find the most efficient ways of improving the speed of any kind of manifestation, through games specific to football. Being a study for a long period there were used that instruments, which are simple, efficient and perfect adaptable to the conditions of a primary school from the town. So, the arguments which were on the basis of this theme choice, were bounded to the attempt to search new forms of the moving qualities, raising the interest students’ interest. In the literature of specialty the theme of this study can be found, but the solution methods of the proposed things do not coincide, this aspect being the ,, innovator factor’’ which is asked for a scientific research. Material-method:

Also a study upon the speed development in all its manifestation forms for a period of eight month using very diverse methods to operate, I consider that it can become the theme of a research work which suggests to increase the teacher’s experience who compares himself day by day which a series of transition problems.

In bearing with the speed development of the school curriculum I anticipate particular instructiv-educational objects to each class and it indicates the main exercises and activities on which elements are formed acting systems used in the class’ lessons for the achievement of objectives. So, in the classes I-IV it is anticipated the education of all action forms of speed – reaction speed, execution and repeat speed in direct relation with the adoption of general movement basis, space orientation, the movement perception, the adoption of moving abilities and skills and the practice of movement games which request this capacity.

The football as a sport through the complexity of the involved moving acts in the execution of all moving acts, and through the use of the technique and tactic elements that it has, represents an important source of possibilities through which it is possible to operate at all moving capacities. In this work we start from the idea that even from the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


instruments assumed from the football game, such as dynamic and movement games proper to the football, it can be done the speed development.

To support the theoretical ideas of this work, its purpose will be in the finding of the more efficient instruments and methods from the football which will influence positively the speed (with all its acting forms), both in general and in specific form. To get this purpose there were set the following tasks:

- the knowing of the initial trading level of the research sample; - the study of specialty literature attached to the themes; - delimitation of those means which have the higher effect in the

speed amelioration; - the permanent application of the acting system in the class

hours in the IV-th link, during the first and second semester; - the distinguished setting of the operational methods according

to the subjects’ physical training and age level; - the initial and final probation, in such a manner that it will be

evident the development progress in the moving quality; - registration and statistic - the dates statistical registration and processing;

This work has as a result the theory which asserts the idea that, through dynamic games and preliminary games particular to football, the speed development can be positively influenced. The improvement of this moving quality could be noticed through the results’ comparison of the two experimental classes during the eight month of experiment. To demonstrate this aspect there were used the following tests: Class tests with specific character:

25 meters running – on a flat ground, in a length of 25 meters; the pupils will execute the running in maximal speed. Each running is registered in seconds. The start will be taken from arisen position and will be given by the teacher. The timing is made at the first motion of the pupil’s body. This probation has an effect the speed development of the movement.

Rounds in two 20 seconds This test has as an effect the following of the reaction development. Two students will stay front in front at 3 meters distance. At a sign of the teacher they will begin to pass the ball between them for 20 seconds.

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10 meters running with high start – it is verified first of all the reaction speed and its progress in time. The children will run on a 10 meters distance from high position but only on the teacher’s sign. The teacher will time from the control moment.

Dribbling and stakes – there are used by 3 stakes put at a distance of 2 meters between them, on a reduced football ground and on a length of 20 meters. The child with a ball has to get in dribbling the distance, among the three stakes. The test is timed by the teacher.

The initial tests took place on the date of 14th of October 2012, and the final on the date of 15th of May 2013. After the execution of the initial tests, the witness group (120 boys) has used to achieve the objects the traditional methods which are presented in the school curriculum. The experiment group (120 boys) has used after the initial tests the proposed methods (dynamic games and preliminary games specific to the football) for the speed development.







25 metersrunning

Rounds intwo 20


10 metersrunning

with highstart

Dribblingand stakes

The difference of the final means between the experimental an witness group

Final mean-experimental group Final mean-witness group


This work is about an experiment which lasted 8 months. In this period the students who have participated to this experiment have got at each test particular controls, which had to confirm or weaken the theory.

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It has to be specified that in the tests choice it was looked for that this moving quality to be underlined in the most representative acting forms.

The results collection, their interpretation, their reflective way in the moving act of the subjects offers a series of conclusions which can be also considered solutions for improving the activity of the one who has worked with the children. The getting of this results, the way of their raise, attest that the chosen methods, have been efficient and have influenced the wished moving quality. Thus, the inclusion of preparatory games specific to football raised students’ interests and the lesson improved its efficiency. The methods alteration anticipated by the school curriculum but also the dynamic games and especially those specific to the football, had as an effect the getting of equal index in the development of the moving quality and of the all acting forms. The use of materials and grounds common for the pupils had as a result their participation without accommodation efforts.

Thus, we state that the alteration of the curriculum methods with the dynamic games and specific to football, prove that these are very closed and for this situation represents teacher’s ,,operator block’’. The raised problem in the work theory has found the fit answer: the speed can be developed with success and through the dynamic games and through those specific to the football. Bibliography: 1. Stela Coman - Educaţia fizică şi metodica predării ei la clasele I-IV, editura Spiru Haret, Iaşi, 1995 2. Elena Firea - Metodica educaţiei fizice şcolare, Editura didactică şi pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1979 3. Mitra Gheorghe - Dezvoltarea calităţilor motrice, Editura sport – turism, Bucureşti, 1977 4. Georgeta Chiriţă - Educaţie fizică prin jocuri de mişcare, Editura Sport – Turism, Bucureşti, 1983 5. Programa pentru educaţia fizică, Ciclu primar, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 2003 6. Ion V. Ionescu – „Football – Tehnica şi tactica jocului”, Ed. Helicon, Timişoara, 1995 7. Apolzan Dan – „Fotbal 2010” – Federaţia Română de Fotbal, 2000 8. Cernăianu C. – „Fotbal – Manualul antrenorului profesionist”, Ed. Rotech Pro, Bucureşti, 2000

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Titlu: Dezvoltarea calităţii motrice-viteza la ciclul primar prin jocuri de mişcare şi pregătitoare specifice fotbalului Cuvinte cheie: viteza de mişcare, şcoala primară, jocuri, fotbal Rezumat: Practicarea sistematică şi bine organizată a activităţilor sportive în cadrul orelor de educaţie fizică, contribuie la realizarea unei funcţionări active a tuturor sistemelor organismului la vârsta copilăriei, adolescenţei şi tinereţii şi, conştientizând aceste generaţii, vom putea avea garanţia ca atunci când vor deveni adulţi vor fi propagatori ai ideii de mişcare şi frecvent practicanţi. Îndeplinirea obiectivelor educaţiei fizice se realizează cu mai mult succes atunci când calităţile motrice ale elevilor au un nivel ridicat de dezvoltare, nivel ce se va răsfrânge definitoriu şi asupra bagajului de deprinderi şi priceperi motrice, care se pot îmbunătăţi prin jocuri dinamice specifice fotbalului. Titre : Développement débit primaire de qualité de conduite à travers des jeux de mouvement et le football spécifique préparatoire Mots-clés: la vitesse de déplacement, à l'école élémentaire, les jeux, le football Résumé : La pratique d'activités sportives systématiques et bien organisées dans les classes d'éducation physique, de contribuer à un fonctionnement actif de tous les systèmes du corps dans l'enfance, l'adolescence et de la jeunesse et la réalisation de ces générations, nous aurons la garantie que quand ils deviennent adultes, ils que propager l'idée de mouvement et couramment pratiquée. Objectifs d'éducation physique atteint plus de succès lorsque les qualités de conduite des élèves ont un niveau élevé de développement, un niveau qui aura une incidence sur le stock de la définition et la conduite des compétences et des capacités qui peuvent être améliorées par des jeux dynamiques spécifiques du football.

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PhD University Lecturer Elena Rata

Associate Professor dr. Florian Benedek University "Stefan cel Mare" of Suceava

Keywords: lordosis, physical exercises, kinesiology Abstract: In the case of this new research we selected and applied the most effective means of correcting the lordosis, physical exercises with the highest degree of correction, as well as the intensity at which these must be made to achieve as rapidly as possible the desired results.Corrective exercises are necessary in the kinesiology recovery and that is why finding the best methods and their application in treating lordosis positively affects the treatment process of this disorder. The treatment period needs such an intervention and obtaining results as favorable during treatment sessions. Introduction

Lordosis or “back in the saddle” is a medical term used to describe the anterior curving of a part of the spine. Two segments of the spine are normally lordotic: lumbar and cervical.

Lordosis can be found in all age groups, affects especially the lumbar spine, but also the cervical spine. When physical lumbar deficiency is revealed, the patient presents back in the saddle, proeminent buttocks and exaggerated posture.

Lumbar lordosis can be painful, sometimes affecting movement and it can be treated through the laying on of the abdominal muscles and by wearing of harnesses.

Physical therapy treats effectively 70% of cases of scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis and abnormal posture of the body.

Individualization of each recovery program was one of the best ideas for achieving the best and most effective results for each individual patient.

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In the lumbar lordotic the basin is leaning to the front, it is located in the so-called anteversie position, with the horizontalisation tendency. The abdomen is apparently increased, due to the accented curvature of the lumbar spine that is pushed to the front. These changes of posture are accompanied by the hyperextension of the knee or “genu recurvatum”.

Emphasizing of the physiological curvature determines a change of position and of anatomical relationship between vertebrae. Thus, forces that act normally on the vertebrae are no longer uniform distributed. Higher forces acting on the lower surfaces will eventually determine attrition damage to the vertebrae and their degeneration with the installation of the cervical or lumbar spondylosis.

Most of the times, lordosis is fully recovered with kinesiology and orthopedic treatment (corset). Material and method:

Kinesiology program should be made by a specialist in the field because it requires an evaluation as clear as possible of the physical possibilities (muscle and articulation) of each person. Treatment is thus individualized and no person will react on the same way as the other.

Kinesiology program should be entirely overseen by the specialist. It is very important that the exercises should be performed correctly in order not to overburden the spine and to avoid accidents. Depending on the progress of each case, the treatment can suffer changes adapted to the patient’s condition at that time. This flexibility of the program is required for a quick recovery, depending on each patient's response. It is preferable that this form of therapy to be carried out in a suitably equipped recovery room. Thus, it considerably increases the chance of recovery by specific means that are available.

Methods that we have at our disposal are: massage, physical exercises that are systematically repeated, supporting materials that we have in the kinesiology room (supports for the physiological curvature, stick, medicinal balls, sand sacs, elastic bands), physical therapy, swimming.

The aim: - improve posture -increasing the spine flexibility (spine mobility is limited especially in the lordotic area) - the increase of muscular strength – toning the abdominal muscles -toning the big buttocks

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-toning and rebalancing the paravertebral muscles Treatment Program:

• somatoscopicos examination – assessment of height, anatomic landmarks alignment from profile at the median line;

• Kinetic exam -functional sample sitting or squatting; • Examination with the lead wire -at the vertical of lead wire, or 00

line of CAS, applied tangent to the tip of the curve it measures the lumbar arrow (normal = 30mm);

• The mobility of the spine – medius index – ground for the previous plexia;

General clinical examination performed: • Constitutional type weight and height • Assessment of the skin, the tegumentary integrity of the existing

wounds, excoriations, the color of the skin, tegumentary elasticity, skin temperature, and also through palpation we can feel the scars, scars mobility

• Subcutant tissue made up of fat and fibrous tissue, modifications for the purposes of the region size given by the edema, muscular hypertrophy, deposition of bone tissue.

Exercises program for lordosis’correction

Day 1 Table.no.1

The adopted positions

Examples of exercises No. of iterations

No. of series


1. Dorsal decubitus with bent knees

- lifting and lowering exercises of the shoulders, with the head on the ground; -leaning the head to the right and to the left, with a tendency to stick the ear of the shoulder;

10x 10x

2x 2x

-neck remains all the time on the mattress

2. Position on the knees, support on the palms

- bending the elbows, with approaching the chest to the ground; - on the knees, hands behind your back: bending the trunk forward

8x 8x

2x 2x

-elbows remain folded -keeping your arms behind your back -Prevention of imbalance

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3. From standing or sitting positions, exercises with the stick held at both ends

- from fandat walking, with stick fixed at shoulders level; -from walking, extension exercises of arms with arching up and sideways;

6-8 x 6-8 x

1x 1x

-stick remains fixed throughout the entire exercise

Day 2

Table no.2

The adopted positions

Examples of exercises No. of iterations

No. of series


1. From dorsal decubitus position, with bent knees

- arms near the body : approach and distance of shoulders; - lifting up the cervico – dorsal region off the ground (the head remains the support point); -slow lifting arms by side, until they get in the trunk extension – inspiration ; the descent of arms – expiration

10-15x 8-10x 10-15x

2x 2x 2x

- keeping the head in the support position - ensuring a correct inspiration and expiration

2.From ventral decubitus position, with crossed hands under the chin

-the successive putting of chin and forehead on the hands; -carrying the chin to the left shoulder, then to the right one

10-15 x 10-15x

2x 2x

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3.From standing or sitting position, exercises with the stick held at both ends

- stick resting on shoulders, trunk bending forward at 40˚ – 50˚ with arching and head up – comeback; - from sitting on a chair, diaphragmatic breathing, with the relaxation of the abdominal wall in inspiration and contracting it in expiration

10-15 x 8 x

2x 1x

Day 3

Table no.3 The adopted positions

Examples of exercises No. of iterations

No. of series


1. From the position on the knees and support on the palms

- elbows bending with the lifting of chest and raise of head – looking ahead – comeback; - elbows bending with alternative lifting of a stretched back leg – comeback; – lifting the arm and the opposite leg – comeback - repeat with limbs on the other side

8x 8x 8-10x

2x 2x 2x

-maintenance of sight before -the correct execution of the leg-stretched

2. Exercises in sitting position

- Spinal flexion is performed, trying to approach the palms to the floor - keep 5 seconds; -on the ground, feet apart, arms up: leaning the chest to the left foot, to the right one and up front with exhalation: comeback with inspiration

8-10 x 8-10 x

2x 2-3 x

- performing correctly the inspiration and exhalation

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3. Applied exercises -squat walking; - walking on the heels, hands on hips; - squat walking with ball held above the head; - lunge walking forward, hands on hips; - Frog jump - squats


As a result of carrying out correctly and systematic the physical exercises required by the recovery program, it was found that over a period of two months


The recovery program will be continued, including exercises with weights, with increased intensity, exercise program for home and recommendation for practicing a sport (for example: swimming).


Improvement of lumbar physiological

curvature in a proportion of 2-3


Increasing the flexibility of lumbar


Muscle toning: the big buttocks

muscles, abdominal muscles

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InitialAfter recovery

Graphic no. 1 Conclusions: Following a treatment program composed correctly, but also repeating the exercises repeatedly there can be favorable results in order to improve the deficiencies of the spine.

Scientific research of this deficiency, and getting the physical exercise that gives us the best efficiency, has made easier the recovery by means of kinesiology, more affordable for patients who present different degrees of lumbar curvature, and allows us to differentiate and individualise each patient individually.

The program should be continued to obtain the best possible results, continuing with the maintenance gymnastics, physical exercise for a correct posture.


1.Vasile Dan, Mirela Marcu, 2010, Manual de kinetoterapie, Editura Vasile Goldis University Press Arad 2. Mihaela Ganciu, 1979, Indrumator metodic; Editura Medicala Bucuresti 3. www.romedic.ro Titlul: Rolul exerciţiilor fizice aplicate prin intermediul kinetoterapiei în corectarea lordozei Cuvinte cheie : lordoza, exerciţii fizice, kinetoterapie Rezumat :În cazul acestei cercetări noi am selectat şi am aplicat cele mai eficiente mijloace de corectare a lordozei , exerciţiile fizice cu cel mai

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mare grad de corectare , precum şi intensitatea la care acestea trebuie lucrate pentru obţinerea cât mai rapidă a rezultatelor dorite.Exerciţiile corective sunt o necesitate în recuperarea kinetoterapeutică, de aceea găsirea celor mai bune metode şi aplicarea lor în tratarea lordozei influenţează pozitiv procesul de tratare a acestei afecţiuni.Perioada de tratament necesită o astfel de intervenţie şi obţinerea de rezultate cât mai favorabile în timpul şedinţelor de tratament. Titre : Le rôle des exercices physiques appliquée par la kinésiologie dans la correction de la lordose Mots-clés: lordose, exercices physiques, la kinésiologie Résumé: Dans le cas de cette nouvelle recherche, nous avons choisi et appliqué les moyens les plus efficaces de la correction de la lordose, des exercices physiques avec le plus haut degré de correction, ainsi que l'intensité à laquelle ceux-ci doivent être prises pour atteindre aussi rapidement que possible les résultats souhaités. Exercices correctifs sont nécessaires à la récupération de la kinésiologie et c'est pourquoi trouver les meilleures méthodes et de leur application dans le traitement de la lordose affecte positivement le processus de ce trouble de traitement. La période de traitement a besoin d'une telle intervention et l'obtention de résultats aussi favorables lors des séances.

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PhD. Daniela - Giconda Burac Assistant PhD. Gheorghe Pricop

University "Stefan cel Mare" of Suceava Key words: early age, ludics, skills, swimming Abstract: Based on the specific activities early age, one can say that they gather around playful behavior, mainly at this period of children's lives. Besides learning basic and utility - application motor skills that take place in the family, kindergarten, swimming specific motor skills must be learned and refined in a special place (swimming pool), under the guidance of specialized personnel (trainers, coaches, swimming teachers). If the activities proposed for learning these skills include games and contests to avoid stereotyping and boredom of the children, they will assimilate faster and better, their work being carried out in a pleasant, relaxed, and later they will learn all the swimming strokes, being fit for selection and evolving into future athletes. Introduction: In developing of the motor skills specialists distinguish several stages, considering that this process is very complex. These are the steps: physiological (radiation, excitation concentration, achieving dynamic stereotype) after P.A. Anohin (1957, ”Functional system theory "), psychological (formation representation, segmental or analytic learning, organization, consolidation, automation) method (familiarization, learning, unnecessary movement, strengthening, improvement, automation). The age of 3-6/7 years (second childhood) is considered the "golden age" of childhood in which the progress of the sensitivity of all the sense organs and anthropometric dimensions increase with a slight difference in favor of boys. At this age, the need of motion is essential. It is the way in which children practice their motor acquisitions and satisfy their desire and need for knowledge.

They love the movement game, which is the important factor of training, developing and education of the motor skills. These are basic motor skills (walking, running, jumping, throwing, catching), utility - applied skills (balance, traction, pushing, transportation, climbing,

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


dragging) and specific skills of sports (athletics, gymnastics, basketball, handball, swimming, skiing, skating.

Playful behavior is activity (a subjective internal and external motor action) manifested by acts of behavior that include internal subjective phenomena, bringing the organic acts of behavior. In this context, the game is a form of specific activity and unexpected child's mental development. Sports include the word ludics (playfulness) - which concerns the game – lifelong, and sports term - referring to how this behavior is implemented in the further sports training and competitive activity. The game as the way of social integration

The origin game comes from the primitive commune (engravings, paintings), the expression of the activity related to the serious labor process: hunting, fishing, war. The first toys were the bow, sling, hook, a.s.o., while children imitate adult activity. In Ancient Greece, Galen (doctor) 381-201 BC describes ball games (sferistica) that stimulate limb symmetry, health, the virtue of soul. Greek’s culture peak was the sacred Arena, where the chosen sons of Hellas competed, from 776 BC - 394 AD, for 1172 years (the Olympics). All exercises were called race games. In the Middle Ages, Comenius 1650-1654 from Racozi School defines the game as a mean of education that rests the body, relaxes the spirit, grows the dexterity. Guts - Muts, another theorist of the Middle Ages, names the game features: important nothings, body knowledge, and soul winning.

The conceptions about the game were study objectives for pedagogy and psychology. From this point of view, games are means of expression of the hidden characteristic traits (aggression, combat, hostility, violence) which must be controlled and calmed down, otherwise degenerating into disorder, anarchy, opposite indices of the soldierly discipline. Early intervention in the aquatic environment means addressing playful learning perspective, where the game is the key to progress in the aquatic environment.

Games for aquatic and underwater adaptation are varied and appropriate to the stage of learning and some of them some can be extracted from the imagination. Through imagination, children learn to experience different roles. Through games of imagination games, a safe environment allows them to express their personal thoughts and feelings. Water imagination games allow children to improve their aquatic skills

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and also to shape their emotions. The games for floating and positions the water are the race games with emulative character. These games are useful for developing strength, muscle strength and fitness. Require more than one player.

Depending on the aquatic skills of the players, they can be divided into groups of equal value or in pairs.In the games for learning swimming strokes it is better to use exercises to improve the movement of legs and arms in freestyle and backstroke, which can be used as dynamic games in which swimming is combined with other individual and team sports. In this way, lessons are not dull, they avoid stereotypes, and children and the teacher use psycho - pedagogical resources, in order to transform intrinsic motivation into extrinsic motivations.

Material and mehod: In practice there were two groups of children, each consisting of 10 members. One group began swimming initiation activity following the traditional strategy and the other group was prepared through the new strategy, where the playful behavior and contests have been used mainly.The strategy used is modern concepts of praxeology: objectives - contents - strategies - assessment tests:

Image No. 1 The Scheme of the praxeological circuit









Forms of


Contents: knowledge

skills competences

Assessment Assessment


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Designing an effective teaching strategy is a rational process that combines the most effective targeted operations (choice of 3 M, combining the most effective of their choice and the principles, rules, forms of organization, creating situations of performing tasks), using general and specific principles of the operational dimensions at a epistemological level. Methods: Considering the age of the children who go through this programme, the most appropriate training methods are:

- The emulation method (competition) – involves childrens’ initiation in confrontations of individual or team values, according to certain rules, in order to determine a winner. This creates a conducive environment to spreading performance capacities during lessons, given that at this age all children want to be winners. It is used to avoid stereotipy and to encourage the active participation of the children at the teaching event.

- The playful method and contest preparation method - Two basic variants of this method are characteristic: - The playful method – feature to the early age, is extended to the

old age, responding to necessities and needs: childish – to the children and compensatory for the stress – to the adults (Epuran, 1976).

- This is the way that agonistic events are educated: competitive (compete, competition, performance, opposion, struggle, combativeness).

- The training through competition method – it is a combination between playful and emulation method.

- In addition to these methods, the regular ones are used, such as the demonstration method.

Results and discussions: Following the initiation lessons in swimming where children were taught basic specific skills related to this branch of sports, the following results of the two groups were obtained for the experimental group and the control group:

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No. Control group

Age (years,

months) T1


T3 (s)

T4 (buc.)

Putting the

face on the


Detachment from the


Move- ment (m)

1 O.G. 4,6 + + - 0 0 0 2 P.D. 4,9 - - - 0 0 0 3 A.S. 5,3 + + + 2 4 2 4 M.T. 4,2 - - - 0 0 0 5 O.I. 5,4 + + + 1 3 1 6 L.B. 4,7 - - - 0 0 0 7 C.D. 4,3 + + + 0,5 3 1 8 B.M. 5,6 + + + 1,5 4 2 9 N.C. 4,8 + + + 0 2 0 10 A.V. 5,3 + + + 1 4 2

T1-The test of courage, voluntary entry into the water.

No. Experimental group

Age (years, month)



T3 (s)

T4 (buc.)

Putting the

face on the


Detachment from the


Move-ment (m)

1 M.G. 4,6 + + + 2 4 3 2 P.P. 4,9 + + + 3 3 1 3 M.D. 5,3 + + + 0,5 1 0 4 S.O. 4,2 + + - 0 1 0 5 A.A. 5,4 + + + 1,5 4 2 6 M.A. 4,7 + + + 2,5 5 3 7 G.R. 4,3 + + - 0 2 1 8 O.D. 5,6 + + + 2 5 3 9 A.V. 4,8 + + + 1 3 1

10 D.S. 5,3 + + + 1,5 4 2

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T2-Putting your face on the water, carved edge, move with supporting materials;

T3-Underwater exhale; T4-Collection of the objects that sink

Grafic No 1 Results of the experimental group

Grafic No 2 Results of the control group


Underwater exhale (s)

Collection of objects that sink (buc)





4 O.G.P.D.A.S.M.T.O.I.L.B.C.D.B.M.N.C.A.V.


Underwater exhale (s)

Collection of objects that sink (buc)





4 O.G.P.D.A.S.M.T.O.I.L.B.C.D.B.M.N.C.A.V.

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Grafic no. 3 Results experimental group vs. control group Following the graphical representation of water tests that were carried children of the two groups, one can make several observations: - Most children in both groups were able to adjust in a new environment seemingly hostile, and some of them have had excellent results from them, given to their young age; - However, all children in the experimental group entered the water voluntarily, to those in the other group, where three children were unable to be persuaded to enter the water without any encouragement; - Moreover, taking all tests as a permanent play and a continue contest, children in the experimental group achieved better results in tests where the results could be quantified (movement - meters, putting face in water - seconds, collecting objects that sink - pieces). Conclusions: Practicing exercises, games and contests pursues the following objectives: - strengthening health; - stimulating growth and development processes; - stimulating and improving major organs function; - development of body muscles in order to create balance and coordination relationships between body segments and muscles of the

Movement (m)

Underwater exhale (s) Collection of

object that sink (buc)


Underwater exhale

Collection of objects that








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body as a whole; - formation of a correct posture in all positions (standing, sitting, travel.

Playful activity is controlled in all educational institutions, from nursery school, kindergarten and ending with higher education, reorganization old native games is the basis for inventing new sports (basketball in the water, underwater hockey, and a.s.o) and getting children to sports practice in a pleasant and attractive. New trends in education promote the elimination of social and racial barriers, the realization of the human experiences’ connections, volunteer experiences and technical progress, pursuing a versatile conduct targeting child survival, adaptation, and promotion. Bibliography: 1. Bratu, A. I, (1985), Deprinderi motrice de bază, Editura Sport Turism, București 2. Cirlă L. (1999), Aptitudinile psihomotrice şi pregătirea tehnică , Ed. Printech, Bucureşti. 3. Colibaba – Evuleț, D., (2007), Praxiologie și proiectare curriculară în EFS, Editura Univ. Craiova 4. La Rosa, D., Aulestia, L., Gayte, E., (2001), La ensenanza de la natacion a traves del juego. Revista internacional de Medicina y Cientias de la Actividad Fisica Y el Deporte vol 1(3). p. 205. 214 5. Rodomista, K., (2006), 101 Cool Pool Games for Children, Publishers Group West 6. Verza, (1994), Psihologia vârstelor, Editura Pro Humanitate, București, pag. 94

Titlul: Ludica sportivă şi importanţa acesteia în formarea deprinderilor specifice în înot la vârstă timpurie Cuvinte cheie: deprinderi, ludic, înot, vârstă timpurie Rezumat: Pornind de la activităţile specifice vârstei timpurii, putem afirma că acestea se reunesc în jurul conduitei ludice, preponderentă acestei perioade din viaţa copiilor. Pe lângă învăţarea deprinderilor motrice de bază şi utilitar - aplicative, care se desfăşoară în familie, la grădiniţă, deprinderile motrice specifice ramurii înot trebuie învăţate şi perfecţionate într-un cadru special (piscina), sub îndrumarea unor cadre specializate (instructori, antrenori, profesori de înot). Dacă activităţile propuse pentru învăţarea acestor deprinderi includ jocuri şi întreceri

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pentru evitarea stereotipiei şi plictiselii copiilor, aceştia le vor asimila mai repede şi mai bine, activitatea lor desfăşurându-se într-un cadru plăcut, relaxat, iar ulterior vor învăţa procedeele tehnice din înot şi vor fi apţi pentru selecţie, putând evolua spre viitorii sportivi de performanţă. Titre : Le sport ludique et son importance dans la formation de compétences spécifiques en natation à l'âge de début Mots-clés: compétences, ludique, jeune âge Résumé:Sur la base des activités spécifiques de l'âge précoce, on peut dire qu’elles se rassemblent autour du comportement ludique, dominant de cette périodede la vie des enfants.En plus de l'apprentissage des habiletés motrices de base et utilitaire-appliquées qui s'exécute dans la famille, l'école maternelle,les habiletés motrices spécifiques de la natationdoivent être apprises et affinées dans un cadre exceptionnel (piscine), sous la direction du personnel spécialisé (formateurs, entraîneurs, professeurs de natation).Si les activités proposées pour apprendre ces compétences comprennent des jeux et des concours pour éviter les stéréotypes et l'ennui des enfants, ils vont assimiler plus vite et mieux,leur travail étant effectué dans un cadre agréable, détendu, et puis apprendre les techniques de natation et seront en forme pour la sélection,ce qui leur permet d'évoluer vers de futurs sportifs.

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Assistant PhD. Oana Paţa PhD University Lecturer Elena Rata

University "Stefan cel Mare" of Suceava

Keywords: swimming, autism, physical development, coordination abilities; Abstract: The paper aims to demonstrate the beneficial role it has swimming, in coordinative capacity development, specially balance, space orientation and mobility, to children with autism. By applying a swimming program tailored especially appropriate an 8 year old, a child diagnosed with autism, it aims to develop coordinative capacity indicators, balance, spatial-temporal orientation and mobility. Introduction

Autism is the most common disability in the group of pervasive developmental disorders (TPD). It presents itself as a global impairment include skills deficits ranging from one person to another. Behavioral and mental deficiencies characteristics also vary from one manifestation of a very severe environmental level. People with autism show a distinctive combination individualized needs and qualities.

Material and method

Swimming is a great sport with a particularly attractive and important in growth and physical development in children is a basic means by which to meet basic objectives of physical education and sport, on maintaining optimal health, combating or correct attitudes or physical disabilities.Topicality is to bring into question the possibility of coordinative capacity development, balance, spatial orientation, mobility, differentiation, to link and combine movements through specific exercises swimming to children with autism.

In children with autism, learning basic movements of swimming technique is made less difficult, requiring a large number of training sessions, requiring the execution of a large number of repetitions, with direct involvement specialist (physiotherapist).

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Which is more important in a swimming session with a child with autism is that work is carried out in a climate recreational, playful, active and physiotherapist responsible involvement. Gradually work can turn into a lesson for learning specific skills of swimming, games and exercises compensatory.

The research hypothesis We hypothesized that if we use swimming as a means of practicing

movement in children with autism, will contribute towards the development of coordinative abilities and intermediate (mobility, balance and spatial orientation).

The purpose and objectives of the research The purpose of this study was the development of swimming exercise

programs that ensure a harmonious development of the body of a child with autism increase and develop general phys ical and coordinative capacity and intermediate (balance, orientation in space mobility).To this end, the research objectives were: somatoscopic discovery failures by examining the subject; identifying and selecting the most appropriate methods, procedures and techniques that can optimize motor learning processes swimming, depending on the particular subject on age, sex, disease and physical possibilities; structuring swimming exercises step by assessments and subjective reactions.

Organizing and conducting research The research was conducted at the swimming pool in the swimming

complex and kinesiology, University "Stefan cel Mare" Suceava, in swimming courses.

The research was conducted on a single topic, which followed a special program for learning specific techniques swimming in 25.09.2012 - 03.19.2013, carrying a total of 24 swimming sessions , one per week. The research topic was a boy of eight years old, diagnosed with autism by the age of three years old.

Stages of research Search and interdisciplinary study of literature and on autism and

specific techniques for teaching swimming to juvenile age and coordinative capacity development .His parents used the application accepts the inclusion of the topic in the current research.

They made learning programs specific to swimming exercises to develop coordinative abilities.

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The final stage was made to analyze the evolution of the subject from the application specific exercises swimming learning program in terms of coordinative and intermediate capacity and drawing conclusions.

Applying swimming program Program exercises performed in water greater. The general objectives of the program: - Learning swimming skills - To adjust the water; - To acquire equipment foot crawl; - Develop the ability to float balance; - Develop the ability to orient in space, moving from one position to another; - Develop mobility back and scapular-humeral; - To correct poor kyphosis attitude. - Toning muscles elongated; - Develop coordination qualities (mobility, balance, orientation in space).

Analysis Topic The patient, male, aged 8 years, presented at swimming courses, on

September 15, 2012 with a diagnosis of autism, the parents desire it to perform physical activity by which to improve the general health.

The results of the program are shown in Table below. Clear progress is observed in all three samples that I checked the development of coordinative qualities. Progress both in terms of spinal mobility in the previous plan and balance and spatial orientation.

Testing First test Final test

Mobility 47 cm 8 cm Balance 9 sec 25 sec Matorin Test 90˚ 265˚

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The result from first test to final test

First test

Final test


Following the results obtained from the three samples are observed progress concerning the coordination of development indicators tested namely: mobility, balance and space orientation, which proves that swimming is an extremely beneficial for children with autism. Evolution of the patient during the program was especially favorable because at the outset experienced moments of joy and excitement coming into contact with water, materials for swimming and children who participated in the course.

In the experiment conducted we analyzed and found favorable results coordinative capacity development in children with autism after application programs swimming exercises.

Thus it can be said that the hypothesis started was demonstrated and confirmed. By applying learning programs with specific exercises to swimming in children with autism, were properly processed coordinative qualities: balance and spatial orientation, mobility and laterality.

Swimming programs have contributed to the development of all basic motor skills at the end of the experiment the child having a physical posture more correct and beautiful. Specific swimming means have contributed to the harmonious physical development, proper growth and kyphosis attitude was corrected.Also interesting was the fact that the subject was not indifferent to other children present lesson and show a strong interest in addition to positive emotion of joy. Bibliography: 1. ****** (2011), "Ways educational -therapeutic approach to children with autism " PIM Publishing, Iaşi

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2. Karst GH, (2000), Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Sports, Publisher AN- DA, Bucharest 3. CORDUN, M., (1999), Kinesiology Medical Publishing axis Bucharest 4. DAN, E., (1986), School and peculiarities of his age, Medical Publishing House , Bucharest 5. DENISIUC, L. (1990) Methods of assessment of driving ability. Tests, methods, apparatus, Vol II, Center for Scientific Research and Documentation CNEFS Bucharest 6. Dragan, I., (1989), The practice of sports medicine Medical Publishing House, Bucharest 7. GALERU, O., (2008), Swimming Theory and Practice, published by Pim, Iaşi 8. IONESCU AN, MAZILU V, (1968), Normal growth and harmonious development of the body, Publisher National Council for Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest 9. NICULESCU, II, (2009), Assessment in Education motive, Universitaria Publishing House, Craiova 10. TUDOR, V., (1999), Conditional capabilities, coordinative and intermediate - components of driving ability, Rai Publishing, Bucharest Sites on the Internet www.otac.org www.autismromania.ro www.medterm.com Titlul: Dezvoltarea capacităţilor coordinative la copiii cu autism prin mijloace specifice înotului Cuvinte cheie: înot, autism, dezvoltare fizică, capacităţi, coordonare Rezumat: Lucrarea urmăreşte să demonstreze, rolul benefic pe care îl are înotul în dezvoltarea capacităţilor coordinative, în special a echilibrului, orientării în spaţiu şi a mobilităţii, la copiii cu autism. Prin practicare programelor de înot, special concepute pentru un băiat de 8 ani, diagnosticat cu autism, se va urmări dezvoltarea indicilor capacităţilor coordinative, echilibrul, orientare în spaţiu şi mobilitate. Titre : Le développement des capacités de coordination chez les enfants atteints d'autisme par des moyens spécifiques de la natation

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Mots-clés: natation, l'autisme, le développement physique, capacité, coordination Résumé: Cet article vise à démontrer le rôle bénéfique posee des moyens specifiques de la nation, notamment l'équilibre, l'orientation spatiale et la mobilité chez les enfants atteints d'autisme. En pratiquant des programmes de natation, spécialement conçus pour garçon de 8 ans diagnostiqué avec l'autisme, sera élaboré le développement des indices de capacité de coordination, l'équilibre, l'orientation spatiale et la mobilité.


Associate Professor dr. Benedek Florian University Lecturer Raţă Sorin

„Ştefan cel Mare” University from Suceava

Keywords: referee, football, physical tests Abstract: A referee is the leader of a football game. The referee has full authority to apply the Game Laws, according to the game to which he was appointed (Law no.5). Also the referee's decisions regarding the facts that are connected with the game are final. The referee is helped by 2 assistants (linesmen). In games played at the highest level there is also a fourth official. This one can replace the referee in the case when he is unable to lead the game anymore. Introduction

In order to acquire the referee qualification, you should take a course organized by the Referee Commission from the County Football Association from of the County in which you live. This usually takes place in autumn-winter period, lasting 15 – 100 hours and Central Commission's recommendation being that all courses for football referees to take place between15 November – 15 March. Though, each CFA can adapt the "Organization Regulation", with the agreement of CCA,

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according to the existing needs in that County and the conditions that they can ensure in order to have a proper organization of courses.

In order to get the badge of whistle knight, it does not matter if you are a boy or a girl, if you played or not football, the important thing is to like the king sport, to want to become a referee and to be able to make sacrifices for achieving this thing. Being a referee is not as simple as it seems. This activity involves, in addition to talent, a lot of work and many other things that you need to take into account if you want to have performance. [2] Those who have practiced or practice football, regardless of level, apart from the benefit of knowing the phenomenon they “feel” differently the game compared with those who had met with king sport only through the TV.

To become a referee you should pass both theoretical but also the

practical tests: I. Example of a theoretical test for referees [1] Written test - Referees IV League – Suceava, February 2013

1. How will the referee act when it finds the existence of a racist behavior inside the stadium?

2. What decision should the referee take if the ball breaks or becomes damaged during the execution of a penalty kick as soon as it moves forward and before this is touched by another player or to hit the crossbar or goal post?

3. How should the referee act whether a substitute player enters the play field to replace another player at the beginning of the game, without the referee being informed of this change?

4. How does the referee act if at the beginning of the game he notices that the two goalkeepers have the same color and neither of them does not have a spare t-shirt?

5. What are the circumstances that the referee needs to take into account when he decides to apply the advantage or to end the game?

6. At the execution of a ball by the referee, after it touches the ground, the ball is bounced directly into the goal. What decision does the referee take?

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7. What are the circumstances that the referee needs to take into account when he decides the elimination of a player who is guilty of preventing scoring a goal or a clear situation of scoring a goal?

8. How should the referee act if he forgets to raise the arm to show that it runs an indirect free kick, and the ball is sent directly to the other gate? Motivate your answer.

9. Each half should be extended in order to recover all the time lost due to:

10. Which are the ways to resume the game in which the contractor must send the ball with the foot forward-only?

II. Example of a physical test for referees

Scoring system for physical tests - Referees and assistant referees GRADING MINICOOPER

TEST MIN 1500/1800 in 8 min



GRADE 5 Between 1500 – 1600 m

7,41 – 7,50 sec 34,01 – 35,00 sec

GRADE 5,5 7,31 – 7,40 sec 33,01 – 34,00 sec

GRADE 6 1601 – 1700 m 7,21 – 7,30 sec 32,01 – 33,00 sec

GRADE 6,5 7,11 – 7,20 sec 31,01 – 32,00 sec

GRADE 7 1701 – 1800 m 7, 01 – 7,10 sec 30,01 – 31,00 sec

GRADE 7,5 6,91 – 7,00 sec 29,01 – 30,00 sec

GRADE 8 1801 – 1900 m 6,81 – 6,90 sec 28,01 – 29,00 sec

GRADE 8,5 1901- 2000 m 6,71 – 6,80 sec 27,01 – 28,00 sec

GRADE 9 2001 – 2100 m 6,61 – 6,70 sec 26, 01 – 27,00 sec

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GRADE 9,5 2101 – 2200 m 6,51 – 6,60 sec 25,01 – 26,00 sec

GRADE 10 ≥ 2201 m ≤ 6,50 sec ≤ 25 sec Note: To pass the physical tests, referees and assistant referees from the County squad must run over a distance of minimum of 1500 m, and referees and assistant referees from the fourth League squad should run over a distance of minimum 1800 m all in the time of 8 minutes.[1]

Material and method The research was carried out with students from the VII and VIII

classes from the General School No.9 Suceava, first semester, 2013-2014 year. There were formed 2 experimental groups: - The experimental group “Steluţa”: being formed from 2 football teams, each team having 8 students in the group; - The experimental group “Champions”: being formed from 2 football teams, each team having 8 students in the group; The experiment was carried out like this: experimental group “Steluţa” played a football game, during the two halves of 25 minutes each, with no referee, and experimental group “Champions” played a football game, during the two halves of 25 minutes each, with a referee.

The aim of this work is to observe the level at which are the children at this age, how well do they know the game's rules and how do they react when they have to accept the decisions of the referees. Results and discussions

The experimental group “Steluţa” had difficulties in complying with the rules of the football game, there were 3 injuries because they did not use the necessary equipment, players argued all the time because they did not have a referee and the game was not held with fluency.

The experimental group “Champions” recorded a progress towards the first group because they had a referee and he imposed respect towards them and towards the game, there was no injury because the referee did not start the game until they had all the appropriate equipment for football game, due to some deviations from the regulation a player was eliminated.

- studying the behavior of the two experimental groups we can see that the first group was more disadvantaged because they did not have

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referees and the game took place after their own rules, and the second was much more disciplined and it is an example to others.

Conclusions and proposals 1. The chosen means, that is a match with the referees and one without referees are effective, the obtained results after the performed experiment being good. 2. The game must take place with referees because: - lead the good performance of the game along with other assistants and officials - ensure that the ball and players' equipment respect the regulation - stop, suspend or end the game at any moment if any of the Game Laws stipulation is broken (the used term for the referee's action is, “at his discretion”) -ensure that any player who bleeds is sent off the game field to receive care - takes disciplinary actions (warning, flashcards, elimination) regarding the players (holders or not) and regarding the two teams' officials if he considers that a felony has been committed 3. A proposal would be that football games to be held with the referees still from the earliest age in order to become familiar with compliance of a regulation, education of the fair play spirit. Bibliography: [1] Game regulation and guidelines for football referees, Publisher: The National Council for physical education and Sport, 1972 p. 82-87 [2] http://www.frf-cca.ro

Titlul: Rolul şi importanţa arbitrilor în fotbal Cuvinte cheie: arbitru, fotbal, probe fizice Rezumat:Un arbitru este conducătorul unui joc de fotbal. Arbitrul are autoritate deplină pentru a pune în aplicare Legile Jocului, în concordanţă cu meciul la care a fost numit (Legea nr.5). De asemenea deciziile arbitrului cu privire la faptele legate de joc sunt definitive. Arbitrul este ajutat de 2 arbitri asistenţi ( tuşieri ). În jocurile disputate la cel mai înalt nivel există şi un al patrulea oficial. Acesta îl poate înlocui pe arbitru în cazul în care acesta se află în imposibilitatea de a mai conduce meciul.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


Titre :Le role et importance des arbitres en football Mots-clés: arbitre, le football, tests physiques Résumé:Un arbitre est le leader d'un match de football. L'arbitre a pleine autorité pour appliquer les lois du jeu, selon le jeu auquel il a été nommé (Loi n ° 5).Aussi les décisions de l'arbitre sur les faits qui sont connectés avec le jeu sont sans appel. L'arbitre est aidé par deux assistants (juges de lignes). Dans les jeux joués au plus haut niveau, il ya aussi un quatrième officiel. Celui-ci peut remplacer l'arbitre dans le cas où il n'est pas en mesure de mener le jeu plus.



Assistant PhD Gheorghe Pricop Ştefan Cel Mare University of Suceava

Keywords: physical preparation, martial arts, children Abstract: Physical preparation plays an important role in the complex structure of the sports training, influencing the manner of the training during throughout all stages of the macrocycle. Special physical preparation can not compensate for lack of the general physical one. The two components of the physical preparation are closely linked and are mutually interdependent. The preparatory period will focus on improving the manifestation indices of general and specific motor skills; and during the competitive period there will be used those means that aim at maintaining the levels previously achieved for simple motric and combined physical skills particular to martial arts practice, namely the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao style. The purpose of this paper is to determine the role of physical preparation for training the martial arts practitioners.

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The fundamental conclusion of the study is that at the age of 6-8 years (beginners level), the share of the physical preparation is large, to ensure the motric support necessary for acquiring the basic technique of this style. The performed exercises are general, being borrowed from other sports branches (gymnastic, athletics, games), but also relays, pathways applied.

Introduction In martial arts the share of the training components is determined by

its own methodological requirements determined by the sporting calendar. Their share varies from one stage to another, but also within the same period of training, trying to pursue the sports form in certain periods of the annual cycle.

Improving training components in order to achieve higher indices of individual and collective training has some particular characteristics tailored to the need for a clear premise for achieving high performance.

The share of sports training components on various periods must achieve quantitative indicators determined by the orientation methodology developed by experts of the field for a competitive season [1, 2, 3, 4].

Physical preparation plays an important role in the complex structure of the sports training, influencing the manner of the training during throughout all stages of the macrocycle. It must be consistently balanced for each of the driving skills that martial arts practice at performance level.

Making a presentation of the motric skills required by the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao style, these are: strength – speed, speed – endurance, coordinative abilities, mobility [5, 6, 7, 4].

Physical preparation is the process of education for physical skills of the athletes. Through this, all the organs and body functions develop, motric qualities are improved such as strength, speed, endurance, skill, detention and form a large number of movement skills, thus creating the basis for the successful development of sports activity [8]. Physical preparation is a fundamental prerequisite for learning the technique and tactics of the sport discipline and its application in competitions.

Physical preparation for martial arts practitioners has two aspects, namely: general physical preparation and specific physical preparation.

General physical preparation is the practical activity that focuses on ensuring a good working capacity of the body in terms of exercise. High

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performances can be obtained only by athletes who get high indices for speed, strength, endurance and skill [9].

Achieving planned physical preparation during all the training stages, paying its due share, depending on the purpose and tasks of that period, ensures the formation of a large stock of motor skills that facilitate strict specialized workout [10].

General physical preparation takes different characters from one sports branch to another, both on motor skills development and general physical development. The structure of general physical preparation for martial arts practitioners differs from that of the athletes of other sports, in terms of the means used to achieve it.

Specific physical preparation is the process of education for motric specific skills of the martial arts. Special physical preparation aims at providing the necessary qualities for athletes in order to be able to compete with the specific manifestation requirements for speed or for strength, skill and endurance application [11].

Special physical preparation can not compensate for lack of physical general training. The two components of the physical preparation are closely linked and mutually interdependent.

The practice of physical preparation aims at developing the motor skills of the athletes during the pre – competitive periods and improving or maintaining them during the competitive periods. Physical preparation results depend largely on the method used by the coach, and also the efficiency of the used means [12].

The fulfillement of general physical preparation is specific for the pre – competitive period, and the transition to the multilateral on will be gradually done, so that at the end of the period, the largest share should be reserved for the specific physical preparation.

During the pre – competitive period, the focus will be on improving the manifestation indices of general motric and specific skills, so that during the competitive period there will be used those means aiming at maintaining the levels previously reached for simple and combined motric skills particular to martial arts practice, namele the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao style. The transition period is particularl characterized by individual or group training sessions in order to eliminate the gaps regarding the physical and technical preparation of the athletes, but also the maintenance of an optimal level of motor skills levels previously achieved.

Material – method

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


The purpose of this paper is to determine the role of physical preparation for the instruction of martial arts practitioners.

In carrying out the work there have been used the following research methods: studying the bibliographic material, graphical and tabular method.

Discussions In high – level martial arts the share of the training components is

determined by its own methodological requirements determined by the sporting calendar.

The share of the components throughout the different training periods must achieve the quantitative indicators recommended by the general methodical guidance given by the writings in this field for the sport category and the appropriate competitive level. For seniors, the share of the preparatory factors (table no. 1) is the following [5, 6, 7]:

Table no. 1 The share of training components in senior-level training

Components of training

Physical preparation

Technique preparation

Tactics preparation

Seniors 25-30% 35-40% 30-35%

As it can be noticed, the share of the preparation allocated to the

development of motric capacity for seniors is between 70% and 80%. The situation for children and juniors level is different because and

training objectives are different (table no. 2).

Table no. 2 The share of training components for children and juniors

Components of training

Physical preparation

Technique preparation

Tactics preparation

Children 40-50% 40-50% 10%

Juniors 30-40% 40-45% 20-25%

Improving gradually the training components for children and juniors, in order to obtain higher indices of individual and collective

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preparation and to participate in competitive activity, has some inherent characteristics adapted to the peculiarities of both age and the need to ensure a clear premise for the perspective of achieving a higher performance level. So that, for children the share of the time allocated to the motric capacity development is over 90% and for juniors between 80 and 85%.

Technical preparation is the component with the largest share in the training of children. To the established percentages there are inevitably added the effects of the competitive exercises and exercises in the form of games, undertaken with the primary goal of improving physical preparation. Although the share of this component is large, its structure is limited to the fundamental technique that children need to learn correctly, to enhance and even to perfect in some circumstances [13, 14].

The share varies from one stage to another, and even within the same training period trying to reac the sports shape in certain moments, table no. 3 [5, 18, 4].

Table no. 3 The share of the components during the preparatory stages

Period Preparatory




Competitive period Components of


Physical preparation

50-60% (general and

specific physical preparation)

25-35% (specific physical


20-25% (specific physical

preparation) Technical-tactical preparation

35-45% 60-65% 70-75%

Psychological preparation 5% 5% 10%

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


Development of motric capacity 80-90% 60-70% 50-60%

For seniors, the share of the training components has a high stability,

attaching to a particular type of share for longer periods, taking into account certain factors: the potential of the practitioners in terms of general and specific motor skills, material, competitive calendar.

The situation is different for children and juniors as they set short – term goals, and according to their reaction to the training program, there is settled the next stage for strengthening new learned motor skills and developing motric skills in general forms of manifestation.

The development of motor skills oriented towards the particularity of the sports branch is one of the main aspects of the future development of the performance capacity. General and specific motility is one of the elements that must be present continuously in the structure of training, regardless of the preparation stage or phase.

Regarding the preparation planning, it should be noted that in martial the dominant energy system is the one that uses 90% of the energy supplied by ATP (adenozintrifoforic acid) and CP (phosphocreatine) with accumulation of lactate and 10% the system based on the supply of oxygen [2, 15, 16]. Depending on the dominant energy systems there should be chosen the means targeting the physical preparation of the practitioners.

In noncontact and half contact styles, the intensity of the effort is smaller, meaning for the category of heavy efforts (intense and the best), but there are not excluded the exhaustive or maximal intensities at certain times of the struggle. The efforts of the severe group are met in extra – full contact rounds of the contact styles. The breaks between rounds last one minute, during which the participants partially recover themselves [17].


Along with the other training factors (technical, tactical, psychological, theoretical), the physical component contributes to a sports training that ensures for the practitioners a successful participation in the competition.

At the age of 6 – 8 years, which interests us in this research, for the beginners, the share of the physical preparation is high, to ensure the motric support needed to acquire the basic technique of style. The

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


exercises used are general, being borrowed from other sports branches (gymnastics, athletics, games), but also relays, pathways applied.


1. MANNO, R., (1996), Bazele antrenamentului sportiv, S.D.P, 371-374, Bucureşti

2. CHIRAZI, M., (1999), Jocuri de luptă, Editura Fundaţiei Chemarea, Iaşi

3. CIŞMAŞ, G., OZAREVICI, C., (2001), Sporturi de luptă, Editura Printech, Bucureşti

4. LEVET, P., (2006), Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, l'art martial, l'histoire et la culture d'un peuple guerrier, Vovinam World Expansion Office (Singapour)

5. CHAU-PHAN, T., (1999), L’essentiel du Viet Vo Vao, Editions Chiron, Marseille

6. AVALONE, M., (2000), Arts martiaux traditionnels vietnamiens, Les Presses du midi, Toulon

7. TRAN VAN BA, J., (2002a), Le Lam Son Vo Dao: Livre I – Vô, Edition L.S.V.D., Paris

8. THOMAS, R., (1995), Aptitudinile motrice, structură şi evaluare, C.C.P.S. (S.C.J. 110, 111), Bucureşti

9. NICULESCU M., CREȚU M., MATEESCU A., TRĂILĂ H., (2006), Bazele științifice și aplicative ale pregătirii musculare, Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, Piteşti

10. BAROGA, L., (1984), Educarea calităţilor fizice combinate, Editura Sport-Turism, Bucureşti

11. HIDI, I., (2008), Fitness bazele antrenamentului, Editura BREN, Bucureşti

12. NICULESCU M., (2001), Ştiinţa pregătirii musculare, Editura Universităţii din Piteşti

13. BRĂDĂŢAN, N., (1993), Jocurile didactice în aer liber, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, Bucureşti

14. BADIU T., (1995), Exerciții și jocuri de mișcare pentru clasele I-IV, Editura Alma, Galați

15. DRAGNEA, A., TEODORESCU, S., M., (2002), Teoria sportului, Editura FEST, Bucureşti

16. CONSTANTIN, B., MIHAI, T., (2003), Judo fundamental, Editura Vasile Goldiş University Press, Arad

17. MANOLACHI, V., (2003), Sporturi de luptă. Teorie şi metodică

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(luptele libere, grecoromane,judo), INEFS, Chişinău 18. TRAN VAN BA, J., (2002b), Le Lam Son Vo Dao: Livre II –

Dao, Edition L.S.V.D., Paris



Cuvinte cheie: pregătire fizică, arte marţiale, copii Rezumat:Pregătirea fizică joacă un rol important în structura complexă a antrenamentului sportiv, influenţând modul de realizare a pregătirii pe parcursul etapelor componente ale macrociclului. Pregătirea fizică specială nu poate suplini lipsa pregătirii fizice generale. Cele două laturi ale pregătirii fizice sunt într-o strânsă legătură şi se condiţionează reciproc. În perioada pregătitoare se va pune accentul pe îmbunătăţirea indicilor de manifestare a calităţilor motrice generale, dar şi specifice; urmând ca în perioada competiţională să fie utilizate în pregătire mijloace care să vizeze menţinerea nivelelor atinse anterior la calităţile motrice simple şi combinate specifice practicării artelor marţiale, stilul Vovinam Viet Vo Dao. Scopul lucrării este de a stabili rolul pregătirii fizice în instruirea practicanţilor de arte marţiale. Concluzia fundamentală a studiului este că la vârsta de 6-8 ani (nivel de începători) ponderea pregătirii fizice este ridicată pentru a asigura suportul motric necesar pentru însuşirea tehnicii de bază a stilului. Exerciţiile folosite au un caracter general, fiind împrumutate din celelalte ramuri sportive (gimnastică, atletism, jocuri), dar şi ştafete, parcursuri aplicative.



Mots-clés: entraînement physique, arts martiaux, enfants RÉSUMÉ: L'entraînement physique joue un rôle important dans la structure complexe de l'entraînement sportif, influencer la manière de la phase de préparation pendant une partie de la macrocycle. Entraînement physique spécial ne peut pas compenser le manque de gène de l'entraînement physique. Les deux côtés de l'entraînement physique sont

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étroitement liés et sont interdépendants. Dans la période préparatoire se concentrera sur l'amélioration de la motricité indices de manifestation de généraux et spécifiques; et au cours de la période à être utilisé dans la formation des moyens compétitifs visant à maintenir les niveaux précédemment atteints d'attributs physiques combinés arts martiaux simples et pratiques spécifiques de style Vovinam Viet Vo Dao. Le but de ce papier est de déterminer le rôle de l'éducation physique dans les arts martiaux professionnels de la formation. La conclusion fondamentale de l'étude est que l'âge de 6-8 ans (niveau débutant) part entraînement physique est grande, pour soutenir moteur nécessaire pour acquérir la technique de base du style. Les exercices utilisés sont d'ordre général, étant empruntés à d'autres branches (gymnastique, athlétisme, jeux) et le relais, passes appliquées.


Assistant PhD Gheorghe Pricop

Ştefan Cel Mare University of Suceava Keywords: instruction, Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, practitioners Abstract: To understand the current orientation directions regarding the specific training of martial arts practitioners, particularly the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao style, we must understand the traditional aspects of how this sport discipline has evolved and the requirements of its training practice over time. Vovinam Viet Vo Dao techniques aim at achieving a perfect synthesis of body, mind and nature, the emphasis being on one’s inner strength, on one’s spiritual power, on one’s internal energy of the body. The purpose of this paper is to identify the guidelines in preparing the

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practitioners of modern martial arts style, namely the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao style. Due to the strong competitive feature significantly in recent years, but also to the organization of wide competitions and the promotion to higher grades exams taking place internationally, it is necessary to organize and conduct the training so that to focus on methodological modern guidelines of sports training. Introduction

In order to understand the current orientation directions of the specific training of martial arts practitioners, particularly the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao style, we must understand the traditional aspects of how this sport discipline has evolved over time and the requirements of the practice instruction.

Vovinam Viet Vo Dao techniques aim at achieving a perfect synthesis of body, mind and nature, the emphasis being on one’s inner strength, on one’s spiritual power, on one’s internal energy of the body by creating the "triple value" (figure 1) [1, 2, 3, 4].

1. moral value – educational character, aspect. 2. physical – technical value, practical aspect, self – defense and

competition. 3. energy value – the unification of the physical body with the

universal energy; mastering the energy and physical body, specific elements to maintain and even obtain health.

From this perspective, the martial arts are a blending of three distinct categories:

1. elements of self – defense 2. elements of morality and philosophy 3. specific elements to maintain and improve health; establishing

harmony between what we think, what we do and how we feel. The elements of morality and philosophy are the educational feature

of the practitioner, based on one’s methods and means of external discipline. Learning respect for oneself and others. Learning, understanding and respecting the moral principles underlying this style.

Educational aspect

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Figure no. 1 Martial arts system Material method

The purpose of this paper is to identify the guidelines in preparing the practitioners of modern martial arts style, namely the Vovinam Viet Vo Dao style.

In carrying out the work I have used the following research methods: studying the bibliographic material, the graphical method. Discussions

Martial arts are a particular emphasis on the connection between morality and practice, and this bond is formed by understanding some basic instruction principles.

However, there is a theoretical basis that the athlete must appropriate and prove in order to have access to higher levels, which comes to show the great importance that is given to the moral aspect of martial arts practice, which is reflected by:

1. Striving to attain the highest technical level in martial arts and discover the purpose of martial arts.

2. Respecting the discipline of martial arts and helping develop the style.

3. Living in harmony with others, respecting elders and peers. 4. Knowing the rules of VovinamViet Vo Dao style and keeping

intact the honor of practicing martial arts. 5. Complying with all styles of martial arts, using force only in

self – defense and in defense of justice. 6. Working hard for conquering himself personally and


Practical aspect

Sano genetic aspect

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


7. Living with honor, humility and nobility. 8. Developing one’s personality, so to overcome all obstacles in

life. 9. Developing a robust and healthy judgment and acting wisely. 10. Having self – confidence, self – control and good will,

evaluating constantly themselves to achieve new performances. These principles are the most important aspect that makes the

difference between art and sport, from here there is expected the beginning of respect for oneself, for those you teach, what one does for all those around. The greeting is a real value in the idea that it is the most direct form of simple gratitude and effective content for what one gets.

In Vovinam Viet Vo Dao style, the fight starts with the ceremony greeting, from a sitting position, which is generally used in special occasions and there is also the standing bow greeting, the most often used. Regarding the greeting, the hands are close and their position differs depending on the philosophy of the practice method. Then the greeting has also the value of recognizing the practitioners of the same style, less conclusive today, but with great value in the past to prevent from fratricidal struggles.

In other known forms of greeting, the salutation is identified by sticking hands in front of the chest and equalizing the Yin and Yang energies, by tightening one’s fists, bonding one’s arms body, trunk lean forward, lifting one’s right fist, sticking the unfolded palm of one’s left hand at the chest height, lifting one’s right palm on the heart.

The greeting is sacred, and through this the participants thank in advance for the gifts that they will get, meaning the the technique, the partner, etc. So they thank for everything that they got and show their respect for them, but also for all that they will receive.

The greeting of VovinamViet Vo Dao style is the theoretical essence, the physical form, one's right hand on the heart, reflecting the principle of this style "iron hand, good heart" [1, 5 4].

In the past, due to harsh conditions, this style was practiced outside, in nature. Nowadays everyone is looking for covered halls as luxurious and elegant.

The training hall called Dojo is regarded as "the path location" and not just as a gym. Here the practitioner comes to meet his particular way, to travel the road to wisdom.

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The respect for the hall (Dojo) is special. The practitioners welcome every time, both incoming and outgoing. The students come specially equipped with the proper attitude, they act on principle.

The clothes, cares, daily problems, everything is left at the entrance. In the hall there are rules, written or unwritten but understood by

observation, to be followed very strictly. The head of the room has his own place on a bench, a chair that nowbody is allowed to sit. It is the place of intimacy and silence. Just as, in formation, on the left side there are the assistants and the high grades and the lower grades are aligned on the right side.

Trainer, coach, teacher, master, either way, under any name, but in that order, is leading a training room, a workout hall. Among these names, there is a difference of grades given by a certain person or, as we have seen above, by the type of courses completed in this field.

The instructor has a role in educating and training young people as future fighters, both physical and moral education. The respect for instructors and masters is very special.

The self – defense elements are determined by the technical level reached by the student, and the real ability to cope with a possible physical or mental aggression, by specific technical elements of self – defense.

At certain times, the instructor or coach nominates the students that he considers ready to submit verification exams in order to obtain a higher grade. Between exams there is a minimum period of time which is six months for children in the first years of practice and then a year, but not a maximum period. If the instructor believes that the student is not ready, then he or she will wait until the next exam.

The recognition of technical and mental progress of the practitioner is reached following the examination by providing degrees, so often visible through the belt worn around the abdomen.

Generally, in all martial arts we have to do with three levels of evolution. We have the beginniers, then the advanced grade, followed by the master or expert grade.

The first stage means grades to the Black Belt, regardless of style or practice. In some styles there are colored belts, starting from white to darker and darker colors, ultimately obtaining the Black Belt, so that the practitioner could paint the same belt, if he/she wishes to keep it. The philosophy is that the student starting from the level of bud, flower,

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passes through the fruit stage and then he reaches the ripened fruit stage. In other styles, there are added only colored stripes on the white belt.

The second level is usually between the Black Belt including and the 4th Dang of the Vietnam styles, Dang signifying the same idea of grade or level. Here we are dealing with advanced practitioners. Normally they should have around twenty years of practice to be able to reach these higher levels.

From the 4th Dang someone is recognized as a candidate for the master grade and then recognized as a master from the 5th Dang. Normally, every country, every style, shows one single master or master candidate.

The self – defense in turn can be divided into two categories, self – defense against moral-energy aggression and self-defense against physical aggression.

The self – defense is "a set of techniques (resulting from one or more combat sports) so one could be saved in case of danger" [6].

Self – defense - all the means we have available, own or incidental means that allow the safeguarding in the easiest way in case of real danger. The efficiency in case of aggression:

- takes into account both our physical and technical possibilities and the ability to manage the situation favorably.

- the main objective is victory as simply obtained, and not how. - the lack of any obvious moral rules, both for the opponent and

for us. Martial arts competition takes place in two separate samples:

- Technical sample including traditional and simple weapons - Struggle – half contact for children and juniors and full contact for seniors The competitive struggle of VovinamViet Vo Dao style (THI

DAU), is made with full protection, aiming at checking the technical level reached by the practitioner and not hurting one’s opponent or even oneself.

The unification of the physical body with the universal energy. Mastering energy and physical body, specific elements to maintain and even obtain one’s health.

The influence of martial arts on health is very studied by experts. Since ancient times the masters have created specific forms to maintain or obtain health. At the beginning these were called breathing and exercise forms for the human body and had great importance in the

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practice of each style for one’s body recovery after workout, especially in the practice of a certain age.

Moreover, the Western conceptions of health say that the individual must strengthen defenses against disease and death, by exercising the body and preserving the physical strength.

Since ancient times, the martial arts masters, besides the fighting techniques, had to have very good knowledge of medicine. So, they studied and got to know very well the traditional medicine. Over time, there has been established a very close connection between martial arts and traditional medicine, knowing perfectly the two is defining for a true master.

Working on the human body, it is normal to have to know this perfectly, to know exactly its weaknesses, but also to know how to give a possible first aid.

Centuries ago, the martial arts were practiced at a level much tougher than today and it was evident that the masters had to intervene often in injuries like sprains, strains, fractures.

Also the actions on the vital points had to be the preserve of the masters, who had to know very well the physical and energetic body in order to use during the combat the attacks on the vital points, but also to prevent, control, or treat any such attack.

The vital points could be divided into two categories, namely the vital anatomical points and the vital points of energy.

In order to act effectively on the body in general, the traditional medicine is made up of two large sides, existing as a whole, not being effective one without the other.

Knowledge of the physical and energetic body. From the physical point of view, we have the muscular, skeletal, circulatory system, knowledge of internal organs, knowledge of even overall body awareness.

It is necessary for the individual to be able to express oneself, to succeed in a technique, since many methods are based on knowledge of the body and how this works.

Knowledge of the energy body. Here there are some differences between the Eastern and the Western design. In West there are still live dispute between those who accept the existence of the energy body with all its implications and the skeptics who "do not believe until they see." They all agree with the existence of the nervous routes and that sometimes, the energy points are located on these routes, which means

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there is indeed an effect. But nothing more, skeptics consider. Those who accept the existence of the Oriental design, are still considered visionaries.

However, in East, things are different. Medical experts believe that the "khi, chi, qi" energy is responsible for the life and health of an organism. The existence of the routes, the meridians, is a good that "belongs" to the Orient for over four thousand years. Acupuncture is the one who brought information in West about the Oriental design.

Methods of actions. Obviously, to be able to talk, one should first study, then will know what to do and then talk. That is why there is said that the practice of traditional medicine, acupuncture, supposes a period of twelve years of study. The graduation exams are very tough, the candidate must exactly find the acupuncture points on a mannequin marked with those points, but the mannequin is covered, with a thin wax layer, not to see the points. It should be noted that the points have a pinhead size.

Besides acupuncture, we have the practices of energetic gymnastics and massage which also require a long period of study. The exams consist of very difficult tests, the candidates must demonstrate exceptional qualities.

The knowledge of medicinal plants and the ways to use them is another very important area and appreciated by the experts of Oriental medical practices. In practice, they insist that in every area, country there are medicinal plants to be cure for any disease occured there.

We do not say it would not be enough medicine today, but it is a way to be closer to nature, closer to which the nature gives us. One way to be more careful with the fact that, most often, all we want exist around us. We should look around and not necessarily elsewhere.

The effect of medicinal plants on the physical body is recognized worldwide by all peoples since ancient times. What is perhaps less known is that the plants have very good results on the energy body. This is exploited by masters working hard martial energy practices. Therefore, it is very important that there is no practice by ear, hearsay, from books or under the guidance of the uninitiated persons. The secret of a successful practice is to know how to profit, to learn from the experience of others and not experimenting on oneself. When that experience exists.

It can be said that it is very important that sometimes look back into the past, to traditional values that have made humanity to resist so far. After all, having basics knowledge about one’s body, about the

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microuniverse in which people live, is a cultural factor that should be part of every personal culture of each human being. That is actually what masters want to teach us, masters of any style. These things are perfectly normal and of common sense.

The competitive struggle of the VovinamViet Vo Dao style (THI DAU), is made with full protection, aiming at checking the technical level reached by the practitioner and not hurting one’s opponent or even oneself.

The traditional weapons work only after the student demonstrates his willingness to be on a path to martial arts and not only his desire to impress the others.


Due to the strong competitive feature significantly in recent years, but also to the organization of wide competitions and the promotion to higher grades exams taking place internationally, it is necessary to organize and conduct the training so that to focus on methodological modern guidelines of sports training [7, 8].

- using programs and plannings sports preparation (macrocycle, meso cycle, microciclu, lesson plan);

- using video analysis techniques; - decomposition of movement in subassemblies and parts by

using methods and means of other sports fields for learning and enhancing them;

- paying attention to each factor of preparation in order to achieve an effective sports training;

- determining the dominant motric skills and their possible combinations in Vovinam Viet Vo Dao style (speed under force, expansion, anaerobic endurance, mobility, coordinative capacity), along with finding the most effective methods and means for teaching and developing the students;

- using the traditional weapons (short stick, wooden sword) at younger ages (8-10 years) to be familiar with the specific motor skills of handling them;

- establishing the role of the psychological preparation in the martial arts and define the fundamental constituents (mental training, withdrawal of senses, visualization, concentration, meditation, contemplation).

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


References 1. CHAU-PHAN, T., (1999), L’essentiel du Viet Vo Vao, Editions

Chiron, Marseille 2. AVALONE, M., (2000), Arts martiaux traditionnels vietnamiens,

Les Presses du midi, Toulon 3. TRAN VAN BA, J., (2002a), Le Lam Son Vo Dao: Livre I – Vô,

Edition L.S.V.D., Paris 4. LEVET, P., (2006), Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, l'art martial,

l'histoire et la culture d'un peuple guerrier, Vovinam World Expansion Office (Singapour)

5. TRAN VAN BA, J., (2002b), Le Lam Son Vo Dao: Livre II – Dao, Edition L.S.V.D., Paris

6. RAISIN, L., (1998) Ghid de autoapărare, Editura Teora, Bucureşti, p. 10

7. BOMPA, T., (2002), Teoria şi metodologia antrenamentului, Editura Ex- Ponto, Bucureşti

8. DRAGNEA, A., TEODORESCU, S., M., (2002), Teoria sportului, Editura FEST, Bucureşti


Cuvinte cheie: instruire, Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, practicanţi Rezumat: Pentru a înţelege direcţiile actuale de orientare în instruirea specifică a practicanţilor de arte marţiale stilul Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, trebuie să se înţeleagă aspectele tradiţionale privind modul în care a evoluat această disciplină sportivă şi cerinţele practiii instruirii de-a lungul timpului. Scopul tehnicii Vovinam Viet Vo Dao este de a sinteza perfect între corp, spirit şi natură, accentul punându-se pe forţa interioară a individului, pe puterea spirituală a acestuia, pe energia internă a organismului. Scopul lucrării este de a identifica orientările moderne în pregătirea practicanţilor stilului de arte marţiale Vovinam Viet Vo Dao. Datorită caracterului competiţional pregnant din ultima perioadă şi a organizării de competiţii de anvergură, dar şi examenele de promovare la gradele superioare care se desfăşoară la nivel internaţional este necesar ca în organizarea şi conducerea pregătirii să se pună accent pe orientările metodologice moderne de pregătire sportivă.

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Mots-clés: formation Vovinam Viet Vo Dao, les praticiens RÉSUMÉ: Pour comprendre l'orientation actuelle de la formation des praticiens spécifiques d'orientation des arts martiaux de style Vovinam Viet Vo Dao doit comprendre les aspects traditionnels de la façon dont a évolué cette discipline sportive et les besoins de formation practiii au fil du temps . Techniques Vovinam Viet Vo Dao objectif est à la synthèse parfaite du corps, de l'esprit et de la nature, l'accent sur la force intérieure de l'individu, la puissance spirituelle de celui-ci, l'énergie interne du corps. Le but de ce document est d'identifier des lignes directrices pour la préparation des praticiens de style arts martiaux moderne Vovinam Viet Vo Dao. En raison de la forte concurrence récents et des compétitions toute l'organisation, et les examens de promotion à des grades supérieurs qui se déroule au niveau international est nécessaire pour organiser et mener la formation de se concentrer sur les orientations méthodologiques modernes pour la formation sportive.


Adelina Ghetiu,

Doctoral candidate,State University of Physical Education and Sport,

Republic of Moldova

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


Key-words: village’s primary school students, physical development, motor preparedness, vertebral column, orthopedic deficiencies, scoliosis, flat foot, obesity, locomotor system, physical exercises, physical therapy. Summary. The present article describes the experimental-analytical information about state of physical development, motor preparedness, the existence of negatives factors (scoliosis, flat foot, and obesity) of village’s primary school students of Republic of Moldova. This information will permit to know the situation and form a process of education and development in physical education, taking into account the state secondary school students in cities Nowadays, a very up-to-date topic is strengthening the resistance for the increase of labor and intellectual capacity, for physical development, maintenance and reinforcement of health, which are possible only by planning the activities of the human body in an unfavorable social, economic and ecological environment, that contribute to the development of specific motor skills. To this end, a great importance is paid to motor development of the young generation, and namely of children who, if developing in a favorable environment, will reflect the state of their health and of the entire society. It should be mentioned here that the necessity of movement and intense motor activity are the most important biological characteristics of the body of a child. Reduced muscular activity does not only hamper the development of the body as a whole and damages health, but also leads to serious future consequences, such as the decrease of the capacity of assimilating knowledge and of acquiring essential motor skills. A very important age stage in the development of children is the twelve-years school education, which contributes to the intense development of intellectual, psychic, psychological and motor-functional capacities which, as a whole, represent the level of instruction and health of school students. In this context, we can state that an important aspect at this age stage is also the motor development of children which, at its turn, improves the physiological functions of the body, encourage the physical growth and development, increases the level of intellectual capacities of school students [1;2;3]. Nevertheless, currently a great number of researchers have found that the instructional-educational process from the educational institutions is characterized by the increase of the volume and intensity of educational-cognitive activity which

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influence the reduction of the level, insufficient as it is, of the motor activity. Such an orientation and tendency in the development of a modern education institution is in absolutely no correlation with the necessity of settling the issues of physical development of school students, from the viewpoint of sufficient neuromotor activity and appropriate physical development. Moreover, the lack of appropriate conditions and non-execution of sufficient motor activities by children at home, in pre-school and pre-university institutions lead to the appearance of disorders of the function of the muscular and locomotor systems, such as scoliosis and flat foot (platypodia), which practically cannot be cured along the life but can be prevented and stopped by practicing correctly selected motor activities. The presence of scoliosis and flat foot phenomenon, as well as of insufficient motor activity of healthy children leads to an inappropriate physical training, which at its turn generates disorders of the motor development, influencing in the same time the psychic aspect of the child and reduces his communication capacities, an important factor in the creation of school student’s personality. In the light of the above, we have organized and carried out a pedagogical research within the national project „Modern tendencies in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, by means of prophylaxis and rehabilitation of locomotor system’s disorders of school-age children, using physical development methods”. The implementation of this project supposes the study of the level of physical development, of motor training and of negative factors in the motor development of school students from different districts of the Republic of Moldova, including primary schools from Edinet, Chisinau, Stefan Voda, Causeni, Singerei districts and from Tataresti locality. For investigating the physical development level and the motor training of school students and for detecting negative factors, we have applied an optimal number of tests, for various categories of children and school environments that would provide sufficient validity, credibility and transparency of the studied phenomena [4]. Types of conducted tests: a) for the evaluation of the physical development of school students: -height (cm); -weight (kg); b) for the evaluation of the motor development of school students: - shuttle run 3x10m (sec);

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- standing long jump (cm); - bench push-ups (no.); - sit-ups (hands on the chest) in 30 sec. (no.); - forward bends on the bench (straight legs) (cm); c) for determining negative factors of the physical development of school students: -flat foot (platypodia) (%); -scoliosis (%); -obesity (%).

We would also like to mention that the results of physical development tests complexly reflected the motor state of school students, according to the competencies of development of force, force-speed, coordination of body movements and elasticity. Hence, all tests had been conducted in accordance with the established methods, represented at full extent in the relevant literature and their results had been analytically – mathematically processed, emphasizing basic statistical characteristics from the entire selected data, which constituted the basics for an accurate comparative analysis in accordance to the Student’s t-criterion. The obtained results allowed us to determine the level of physical development of school students and to analyze, using the comparative method, the preponderant regional difference of physical development between the northern, southern and central parts of Moldova.

Tables 1, 2, 3 and picture 1 represent the results, based on which can be determined the physical and motor state and the presence of negative factors at boys from primary classes from Tataresti, Singerei and Causeni districts. Thus, in table 1 had been presented statistical data of the investigation performed on these children according to their physical development (height, weight and their correlation with the Quetelet index, DE- diaphragmic excursion), as well as to their motor state, based on tests which reflect the development of basic physical qualities and the presence of negative factors: flat foot, scoliosis and obesity. Table 1. Statistical characteristicsof investigation results over primary classes boys from rural educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova, according to their physical state, motor development and the existence of negative factors in their development. District centers (villages)













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THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


1st grade Tataresti 123,80±1,

68 24,70±0,90





1,00±0,68 4,40±0,33 5,60±2,60 33,33

6,66 - 100,00

Singerei 130,33±1,19



9,05±0,15 119,33±4,47


2,67±1,49 3,73±0,22 5,53±1,04 46,66


- 100,00

Causeni 118,20±2,69


0,19±0,16 10,00±0,12



1,55±1,01 4,70±0,44 3,44±1,12 26,66

- - 100,00








1,74±1,06 4,28±0,33 4,86±1,59 35,55

6,66 - 100,00

2nd grade Tataresti 132,00±3,

72 28,70±3,10

0,20±0,01 10,80±0,19



2,00±0,40 5,30±0,24 8,50±1,86 33,33

6,66 - 100,00

Singerei 134,60±0,82



9,06±0,13 125,00±3,94


2,00±1,04 4,27±0,37 3,53±0,74 53,33


- 100,00

Causeni 130,80±0,79


0,21±0,15 9,31±0,06 121,70±6,16


2,70±0,46 4,90±0,20 1,70±1,12 33,33

6,66 - 100,00





9,72±0,13 128,90±4,60


2,23±0,63 4,82±0,27 4,58±1,24 40,00

8,88 - 100,00

3rd grade Tataresti 135,70±1,

68 30,0±2,91 0,21±0,01 10,30±0,5

5 131,20±7,25


3,20±0,36 5,00±0,72 8,00±1,69 20,00

6,66 - 100,00

Singerei 133,30±1,23






2,80±0,64 3,50±0,20 8,50±1,64 40,00

6,66 - 100,00

Causeni 132,60±1,13



9,11±0,02 161,60±3,23


3,00±0,80 4,80±1,30 1,50±1,62 20,00

- - 100,00








3,00±0,60 4,43±0,74 6,00±1,65 26,67

4,4 - 100,00

4th grade Tataresti 139,70±2,

15 34,16±2,01

0,21±0,02 9,32±0,38 141,80±6,67


3,90±1,05 5,80±0,51 5,40±1,43 20,00


- 100,00

Singerei 139,08±2,16



8,96±0,09 152,46±4,99


4,46±1,33 3,92±0,50 3,85±1,41 40,00




Causeni 136,63±2,28


0,23±0,06 8,77±0,15 140,27±4,76


4,36±0,81 6,00±0,47 2,45±1,33 26,66

6,66 - 100,00





9,02±0,21 144,84±5,47


4,24±1,08 5,24±0,49 3,90±±1,39





Average general indexes of boys from primary classes Tataresti 132,80±2,

31 29,39±2,23





2,52±0,62 5,13±0,45 6,87±1,90 26,66

8,33 - 100,00

Singerei 134,33±1,35



9,52±0,17 135,82±4,50


2,98±1,12 3,85±0,32 5,35±1,21 45,00




Causeni 129,56±1,72


0,21±0,11 9,30±0,09 135,97±4,94


2,90±0,78 5,10±0,60 2,27±1,30 26,66

3,33 - 100,00





9,77±0,20 134,60±5,13


2,80±0,84 4,69±0,46 4,83±1,47 32,77

8,33 6,66


Table 2 represents the comparative statistical analysis of the obtained results on the physical and motor state of the investigated boys from primary classes. The results of the obtained statistical analysis show that from the physical development criteria, and namely according to height indexes, boys from primary classes from Tataresti and Causeni have basically a similar development (with P>0,05). In the same time, boys from Singerei district have a higher and accurate body development comparing to the primary classes boys from Causeni district (P<0,05). This means that primary classes boys from Tataresti and Singerei district have higher results (in height), comparing to their peers from the primary classes of Causeni district. The comparative analysis of the weight investigation results show that primary classes boys from Tataresti and Singerei districts have a greater weight than boys from Causeni district, but these differences are not statistically confirmed (with P>0,05). This fact is also available for Quetelet indexes which, according to the standard tests, is observed at the boys from Tataresti and Causeni

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


districts (100%), followed with a slight difference by the primary classes boys from Caseni district (93,34%). Table 2. Investigation results of physical and motor development and the presence of negative factors of the motor state of boys of primary classes from the educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova.



Statistical characteristics X ±m Comparative analysis

Tataresti Singerei Causeni 1-2


1-3 Tataresti-Causeni

2-3 Singerei-Causeni

1 2 3 t P t P t P I Physical development

1 Height(cm) 132,80±2,31 134,33±1,35 129,56±1,72 0,57 >0,05 1,12 >0,05 2,19 <0,05 2 Weight(kg) 29,39±2,23 29,10±1,26 28,24±0,69 0,11 >0,05 0,28 >0,05 0,25 >0,05 3 Diaphragmic

excursion (cm)

5,13±0,45 3,85±0,32 5,10±0,60 2,33 <0,05 0,04 >0,05 2,21 <0,05

4 Quetelet index 100,00 93,34 100,00 — — — — — —

II Motor state

1 Shuttle run 3x10m (sec) 10,48±0,33 9,52±0,17 9,30±0,09 2,59 <0,05 3,47 <0,001 1,16 >0,05

2 Standing long jump (cm)

132,00±5,94 135,82±4,50 135,97±4,94 0,51 >0,05 0,51 >0,05 0,02 >0,05

3 Bench push-ups (no.) 2,52±0,62 2,98±1,12 2,90±0,78 0,36 >0,05 0,38 >0,05 0,04 >0,05

4 Sit-ups (hands on the chest) in 30 sec. (no)

19,10±1,26 18,36±0,84 19,51±1,59 0,49 >0,05 0,20 >0,05 0,64 >0,05

5 Forward bends on the bench (hands down) (cm)

6,87±1,90 5,35±1,21 2,27±1,30 0,67 >0,05 0,02 >0,05 1,74 >0,05

Note: P – 0,05; 0,01; 0,001 t= 1,980; 2,618; 3,374 Table 3.The existence of negative factors of physical development of boys of primary classes in the rural educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova No. Negative

factors of physical

development Tataresti Singerei Causeni Average


Distribution of places according to the existence of negative



THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


1 Flat foot % 26,66 45,00 26,66 32,77 Singerei Tataresti, Causeni

2 Scoliosis % 8,33 13,33 3,33 8,33 Singerei Tataresti Causeni 3 Obesity % — 6,66 — 6,66 Singerei — —

To a certain extent, the physical development degree of boys from

primary classes is reflected by the DE (diaphragmic excursion) results also, which characterize the evolution (state) of the respiratory system. As proof, it had been found that the DE index is lower at the boys from Singerei district, comparing to their peers from other districts. Hence, according to the evaluation of physical development of primary classes boys from rural educational institutions of Tataresti, Singerei and Causeni districts, we have found that in the majority of cases the body and the physical state is being formed in accordance with age physiology and also under the influence of certain negative factors and the ecological environment. The investigation of the motor state of primary classes school students from the above-mentioned localities showed that according to the majority of tests, indexes which characterize force, force-speed and body elasticity show in different areas a relatively identical development (unconfirmed) with P>0,05. Exceptions are the „shuttle run” test results, which characterize speed and coordination possibilities of primary classes boys from the investigated districts, out of which the boys from Singerei and Causeni districts (relatively similar, with P>0,05) prevail, with a high degree of credibility, over their peers from Tataresti district, with P<0,001. Thus, we consider that the motor state of primary classes boys from rural educational institutions of the investigated districts corresponds to an unsatisfactory motor activity during their time at school; the speed and movement coordination capacities of primary classes boys from Tataresti locality are low, comparing to Singerei and Causeni districts.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


Picture 1. Graphic presentation of final results of investigations over primary classes boys from rural educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova Moreover, the most concerning fact is that children from each investigated area have bad results as regards motor preparedness during subsequent education stages, after the primary classes (Table 1). We consider that these results are, to a great extent, improving in essence only due to the natural physiological growth of children. From our point of view, these aspects prove the fact that the efficiency of directed physical education of boys from the investigated primary classes is very low and is lacking development characteristics. The study of negative factors of physical development of boys from the primary classes in the rural educational institutions, shown in Table 3, proves that according to the presence of flat foot, the first place is held by the boys from Singerei district (45%), the second place – by the boys from Tataresti and Causeni districts (by 26,66% each district). According to the number of boys from the primary classes who have scoliosis, the first place is held again by Singerei district (13,33%), the second place – by Tataresti district (8,33%), and the third place – by Causeni district (3,33%). The presence of the first stage of obesity at boys from primary classes had been found at a relatively lower number of boys in Singerei district (6,66%), which corresponds to their Quetelet indexes (93,34%). Hence, the investigation results of the boys of primary classes from the rural educational institutions of Tataresti locality and of Singerei and Causeni districts show that according to their physical development, children grow and develop in accordance with physiological age laws and the existent regional peculiarities, including negative ones.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


The motor state of the investigated boys of primary classes from the rural area shows that in the majority of cases is relatively the same in all localities and reflects, as a rule, the insufficient motor activity during studies. The efficiency of directed physical education of boys from the investigated primary classes is very low and is lacking development characteristics. Moreover, the insufficient motor state found at boys is directly linked with the existence of negative factors, such as the flat foot, scoliosis and obesity, which hamper their motor development, found in all educational institutions from the rural area, especially in Singerei district (45%, 13,33% and 6,66%). The insufficient motor activity of boys, including the one following the mandatory physical education program in schools, causes the emergence of the first stage of obesity at primary classes boys, which is already recorded mostly in the fourth grade. Bibliography: 1. Balisevich V.K. „Онтокинезиология человека: Монография. Москва: Теория и практика физической культуры”, 2000. page 275. 2. Bubnovskii S.М. „Концепция построения комплексной универсальной лечебно-оздоровительной методики для применения в средней школе, гимназиях, лицеях в качестве уроков физического воспитания.” В: ЛФК и массаж. Москва, 2002, No. 3, pages 9-11. 3.Zavalisca A., Tuchila I., Demcenco P. „Particularităţile de reabilitare a elevilor cu deficienţe fizice din ciclul gimnazial în procesul educaţiei fizice: monografie.” Chisinau, 2010, page 490. 4.Zavalisca A., Demcenco P. „Metode matematico-analitice de cercetare pedagogică în cultura fizică.” Chişinău, 2011, 490 p.


Cuvinte cheie: elevii de şcoală primară din sat, dezvoltarea fizica, pregătire motrică, coloana vertebrală, deficienţe fizice, scolioza, picior plat, obezitate, aparatul locomotor, exerciţii fizice, terapie fizică. Rezumat: Prezentul articol descrie informaţiile experimentale-analitice, despre starea de dezvoltare fizică, pregătire motrică, existenţa unor factori negativi (scolioza, picior plat şi obezitate) a elevilor claselor primare de la sat, din Republica Moldova.Această informaţie va permite

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


să cunoască situaţia şi forma procesului de educaţie şi dezvoltare în educaţie fizică, ţinând cont de statutul elevilor de gimnaziu din oraşe.



University Lecturer Sorin Raţă Ştefan Cel Mare University of Suceava

Keywords: woman, somatic-functional and physical abilities indices, correlation Abstract: Scientific research has been focused on studying the somatic-functional and physical abilities indices level of development on women aged 31-40 years and the correlations between them. By practicing physical exercise can satisfy not only the driving tasks, but also mental and emotional tensions are largely reduced. Introduction

Following various studies (Adler, 1991; Dragan I., A. Demeter, 1990; Famose JP, 1976 NA Ionescu, 1988) XXI century woman, due to multiple obligations that are imposed on society that can not be solved in time, they have an activity that leads to monotony.

Most women have a daily work schedule from morning till night, so the next work day begins without having had time to produce complete relaxation of the body and especially the CNS. So it is no wonder that in this age most women forget about their own health. From this point of view it is considered that a healthy man is a great value for our society. Not maintaining the biological laws that require our body movement, not duty to them or to society.

The social environment of women outside the home is largely technical in his time. Advanced resources of information, television development, widespread public transport, decreased personal space travel than the default human movement, things that are so important in his life.

Due to these aspects of life, lack of exercise can lead to very serious situation in terms of human health and longevity.

The solution to these problems lies in finding a balance between technical and natural environment between the requirements of

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


adaptation to daily life and physical and mental free life, at each individual disposal.

It is believed that domestic work is predominantly motor, but it will not satisfy the idea of compensation, balance and recreation, just organized exercises can provide well-balanced support individual lives.

By practicing physical exercise can satisfy both motor activities, but also mental and emotional tensions are largely reduced.

In recent years we can see that physical and mental health of the woman is threatened by various XX-XXI century diseases, evolving from simple exhaustion from the worst effects of depression and life sedentary, headache, back pain, illness cardiovascular disease and obesity. All this combined with smoking, lack of sleep, inadequate nutrition lead to premature aging of the body. Materials and methods Purpose

It consists of knowledge certain correlations between the values of somatic- functional indices and motor ability. Hypotheses

This paper started from the following assumptions: if women aged 31-40 years falling within parameters of functional somatic age; whether women aged 31-40 years have a capacity corresponding motor of this age; if there are correlations between physical, functional and motor indices at this age. Work tasks

Literature study, constitution of research sample, tests applies, evaluating the somatic-functional and physical abilities indices, somatic-functional and physical abilities indices analysis and interpretation.

Research subjects were the 25 women between 31-40 years of age. The research was conducted in Complex Swimming and Therapy of the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, in the period January to June 2013.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


Table 1. Statistical analysis of experimental data and values



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1 A.B. 1.67 82.00 84.00 14.00 8.00 16.00 1.45 4.00 -0.98 0.97

2 A.D. 1.70 78.00 82.00 13.00 7.00 19.00 1.44 7.00 -0.94 0.93

3 A.L. 1.63 69.00 76.00 12.00 6.00 18.00 1.40 12.00 -0.72 0.73

4 A.S. 1.71 79.00 83.00 14.00 8.00 17.00 1.50 8.00 -0.89 0.88

5 B.O. 1.70 71.00 79.00 12.00 7.00 19.00 1.39 7.00 -0.92 0.93

6 B.I. 1.60 76.00 86.00 15.00 8.00 16.00 1.37 8.00 -0.84 0.85

7 C.A. 1.64 79.00 92.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 1.10 6.00 -0.52 0.57

8 C.O. 1.73 75.00 83.00 14.00 8.00 13.00 1.32 11.00 -0.56 0.57

9 D.I. 1.69 71.00 75.00 14.00 7.00 15.00 1.75 10.00 -0.76 0.73

10 D.B. 1.72 84.00 89.00 13.00 8.00 13.00 0.84 3.00 -0.98 0.98

11 D.L. 1.63 74.00 77.00 12.00 6.00 16.00 1.58 7.00 -0.91 0.90

12 E.G. 1.65 69.00 81.00 13.00 6.00 14.00 1.13 5.00 -0.91 0.93

13 E.N. 1.74 89.00 87.00 15.00 8.00 11.00 0.94 3.00 -0.98 0.96

14 F.L. 1.75 94.00 93.00 14.00 7.00 9.00 0.74 2.00 -0.99 0.98

15 H.A. 1.68 75.00 84.00 13.00 7.00 10.00 0.96 5.00 -0.85 0.86

16 L.B. 1.70 84.00 88.00 14.00 8.00 7.00 0.87 4.00 -0.84 0.82

17 L.F. 1.66 79.00 81.00 13.00 7.00 9.00 1.14 8.00 -0.58 0.54

18 O.F. 1.61 74.00 85.00 14.00 9.00 7.00 0.65 4.00 -0.78 0.82

19 P.E. 1.71 88.00 92.00 15.00 8.00 6.00 0.64 5.00 -0.61 0.58

20 P.T. 1.74 81.00 89.00 14.00 7.00 8.00 0.95 6.00 -0.66 0.66

21 R.E. 1.68 74.00 82.00 13.00 7.00 11.00 1.05 7.00 -0.75 0.76

22 R.O. 1.69 76.00 84.00 12.00 7.00 10.00 0.90 7.00 -0.69 0.71

23 T.A. 1.70 68.00 79.00 12.00 7.00 14.00 1.26 8.00 -0.77 0.81

24 T.F. 1.69 77.00 81.00 13.00 7.00 11.00 0.89 6.00 -0.84 0.82

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


25 T.L. 1.70 71.00 77.00 12.00 6.00 14.00 1.35 8.00 -0.81 0.81

Based on data obtained from the tests described previously was done in table 1 have been assessed on the final two columns: -The correlation between height and weight of the subjects and of cardiovascular parameters (heart rate and blood pressure). These values indicate the quantitative relationship between the two variable vectors. Values close to unity I presume a close relationship between the values of strings of data retrieved as a result of the test[3,5] - The correlation between cardiovascular and paramerii results of motion. An objective interpretation of the values obtained in the tests shall be carried out by comparing calculated results with certain values determined by correlation tables depending on the number of test subjects, type connections and materiality required[4].

Figure 1. Representation of the absolute values of the correlation between morphological and functional indices and the motor one, calculated in two

different ways

The graph in Figure 1 shows that over 60% of the subjects had higher correlation index first second so there is a better correlation between morphological cues and clues AB.

The graph in Figure 2 shows the difference between the two correlation coefficients evaluated resulting in an approximation of the two values, with a few exceptions (C.A., L.F., O.F., T.A.), mostly to the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


advantage of the second index. This indicates the need to improve the first correlation index, which can be done most simply by changing the weight of the subjects.

Figure 2. Representation gap between the absolute values of correlation between

morphological and functional indices and motor indices Conclusion

- Since there may be correlations of fields with different sizes were evaluated motor indices correlations (abdomen - Running resistance - push-ups) with two sets of morpho-functional indices: height - weight - heart rate, heart rate - blood pressure

- Other correlations between dual fields of the table no. 1 did not lead to interpretable results.

- Although opposite in absolute calculations are found close correlation between the two indices. A coefficient of 1 indicates a perfect positive correlation (change in value of a variable will predict a change in the same direction in the second variable), while a coefficient of -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation (a variation of variable predicts a change in the opposite direction in the second embodiment).

- Out of the 25 subjects, obtained correlation indices raised 68% of subjects achieving remaining weak correlation indices indicating the need to introduce special training programs (eg, CA, CO, LF, PE, PT, RO).

- The graph in Figure 1 shows that over 60% of subjects received higher correlation index of the second so there is a good correlation between morphological and motor indices.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum VI issue 2/ 2013


- The graph of Figure 2 shows the difference between the two resulting correlation coefficients rate of the two values as close a few exceptions (AC, LF, OF, TA), most of the advantage of the second index. This indicates the need to improve first correlation index, which can be best achieved simply

Bibliography [1] Adler A, 1991; http://mathbits.com/MathBits/TISection/Statistics2/correlation.htm [2] Drăgan I., A. Demeter, 1990 http://www.r-tutor.com/elementary-statistics/numerical-measures/correlation-coefficient Famose J. P., 1976 Ionescu N. A.,1988 [3] Milici L. D., Milici M. R., Raţă G., Irimia D., Computing analysis method for performances evolution in humantraining program, Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering 2008, ISSN 1790-5117, published by WSEAS Press, pag.21-25 [4] Caliţoiu D., Milici L. D., Modeling with Non-cooperative Agents: Destructive and Non-Destructive Search Algorithms for Randomly Located Objects, în Search Algorithms and Applications, edited by Nashat Mansour, ISBN 978-953-307-156-5, published by INTECH, 2011, pag. 14 / 504 [5] Milici L. D., Milici M. R., Consideration about the evolution of performance in nature and technology, European Journal of Science and Theology, vol. 9, no. 1, feb. 2013, ISSN: 1841-0464, pag. 157 – 166;



Cuvinte cheie: femeie, indici somato-funcţionali şi motrici, corelaţie Abstract: Cercetarea ştiinţifică a fost axată pe studierea nivelului de dezvoltare a indicilor somato-funcţionali şi capacităţii motrice la femeile de vârsta 31-40 ani şi a corelaţiilor dintre acestea. Prin practicarea exerciţiului fizic se pot satisface nu numai activităţi motrice, dar şi tensiunile psihice şi emoţionale sunt în mare parte reduse.

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