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Post on 15-Jan-2020






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· · ~) Babi 1-fUltrlliea:. . ~-. -· - -.. ~ -- -· . " . ·. -

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· NP peribtf . . . . · . lil~tinj tvlll bj ott Sirit¥2$; own tauJtl, The at tbe bl>trtt <t! lltt. W*W' Stadt-:

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. Returned l~om· Deil•er' · ,-_ - .- . . -- ' . . _,_, .

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Chandler Ptude:•nd& ·lla., • .-. .,... · 'troiu ·fhttver, whmt


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AN IIJE LIVE'. Lll • I ·.:

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ot tk ......... .,. --~ . JN!Iit ., '" J:a.c~ .......... ..,.. u.... . . ~·ri·~- ....... . ·~n~~..-~am•

;ONDI.NIEO ft f; 4 0 lit Oft 'rtf& ...-~t:. '11M~ Ymt Wllff U ._ 1f. fiiJU)QfiEII Oi' &VIllfTt AT ~.tJw llltl:tloritJ "~*, Wii,J C'IUit 11)' ta.

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Nt!wMexlco and Arlrmut · •

1110tlt6. HOM I AHD ~flf9AP. . A WJ~Iefll f.lfHv-Cdl to l&JJ!fpc bml:r I · · lS'.el\t MexJrr>•M 'IWhiJOI .. IU tblt .

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._MinN. ffl AI\ fllaOVIlP .V IHONMFTa

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JI'Qt,~c;v ~AftO~ . · .. • . .

SD!l'J1UI Jhjt, ~te•dt'r . fltf wlf1 }l~ trO~It tifJU,OO(t to 4'.100.000 · ;,..;;..;.;_ · . . . . ' . [ · · · ... • ..... ,.. • :..! .... , •• -Jill·· "'""' .. _ RA s "s ·a 1 · · ' · -····=fBOM .. ALl·S.OURCES. .. ,;~t~~~. ~trdftoi-~oim~r;:~:-·~·· . .~1\, •. ,v~~- ._.I~ JBIKEt~· :~I[_ EO .· ,

• . . . . · • ~lie . fu~: -4Ji.!:ll!~ til~ .. tmUet \vlie.IJ .. --.....,.... . . , ,. - . · ' ot lllU tJlWPB!J;A 31'!.1;.t.1!tfnl#.ttd lll(4lt ~1Htw tlrel* . • . · . · · · · · · · '· · · .

. SAViNo•,. ·no, N'O•- A~HJIWI£. ~lal add~t'~rec;elv~~ in,JfttrtJttr<tm ~r.t· . \wur .1trtvf1,1;:1 dhid •r G~NlOIIIl;~ UiiUetJtf, J,IQT ·~~tgfll. . Mfi:NT •. IUF,EIIJHG• .HbPa• . . ~or• JJt :)f),ooQr '()t tl!e" 16,<100. ./ . . , .. TIONEJJ IH N!::W .P-.Ac-. PA~T . : ..



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. ,. ' " . , · . · -.r, lf6lt prtwnel'lt llnfl the: . cthe,...!!lutti: !llaa,.tr(lll& W'JTJi s~t:N':r'Y..Fiva;,~ ..... 9APf•~ T .. AND F4!AliJ OF MANf5;1ND. l!UJea .lind WDJiJidl'd.. . . . . p.... · · .·. · .. · . . . · t ~ ·· · · : : · ' · · · · ~~~!'~~ niu'di,I:IJ;'~. ot)?en)tllumt. lh~ · · • · · · • -~ · ·.

'"'"'""·- .... . ' . ,.

'.........,.__ . ' JH)I OUibi!Jli.!Ad()J' lP F.mll<'(>, 'IJirt to. , (:11it"lf!:'~.-1'h'~ JWjk)• ·~~tfJiliU~CA' ~t · ... ,

WUDRN · . . . i · · ,ftl.!illt n.l1tit •o . .tlJ~ .rteildt · . . ·. . . · I. tJJt~~~ttJklng rmh¥l*Y hltoJil•rutta _.,ull•, · ' ' .

. •. ~. . .. . ' '


An IPJI'rnllUnnal tt>ut'etcnee tot t~e Sil Wllh:lt the r>t'the.lttctwest J.t• ,mi~ n; ~ J~IVt'llr ~frlf$"' ll!At.l<lr/tp rontrr1l ot ·tho nur('(ltJc l.r~tttJc l.lf . · ~lateJJ lt. . ~ll!tW(!,Cn Tr>trt!IIt:l~~on . 6fgn ·l4 ii~Artttf* ~l!('u .,.~m1~1~pt, tor by u reJ.WIQUc>n · JJII) qJII,IU~ . flf /'lfi!V ®ll'n lO}Ile JntJithJ!JII.IllradH. :t.f{!)i,t'ttdl<n'!, lt . , fiiJUHC ot 0epUUt'4 .(jt Ulf.l. • ,l'hpo ih'JJII'p~ fit l'W. t!MetJ;, 1hlllltl.'enif tllg H.ttl~~ Pn. tfiJin · · ... · ~J.IIJ«::JIUI · rhurda, ln con\'C!Jl• . . rtiPlcUr. . . . thirtY. til' 1J'ftt•i1.f•)' ~~~ tl11: :ro2'J~l.Ril# '1 , . ·'

· flon sat l•o~:tltind, Oret. . und tiUi'- .tenii{Jl# . .· N~t!lr UllJl<Teltnia, n '!<!llWn.f ¥lw11 . · . ohJle< tMintty ivJUdumtcr4l<l ., , . , ,

. Womt'll Jtetntl>timill$: tJt Mon.t(uui wm llt~l))l >l:l!llf!:lt;!t . . . tWit . !itrl~cr, •l!f.!!l llt . Mil . JJotltu JP, f\lbll· . ll<v.:Qt.fadlt~~ _Wltlt )Sr. . ·····.·ThffJ. ' ; ·e'·_. ·. F.'-.•. e' ' .. d.. . . e· .. ·-· .f..t:.:··. t.·.·.· ·.ou.·· ... · .... ·. I, ·1 .... 1,' "" 111ven ,, .vo.l<:e tn thlt j)art¥'JJ 4m• ~.llflll# ~QniiUitu:vs . ~\<'J11~ll. . . ./l'fiJ!HliJ~J'!I!~t :.III~.ulnCIJ ·J•:a ..-u .. ~t ·~.llltJuuu:e, .!ill4.' . _ . .. . . . .· .. . . . '''"MD bt tl11J or~nnlzutlon ot un a~¥· Jot VcpJzeh>J wlU l;fiJt't~ to r~tPtJI" tQ Ortlr~rlf. m:o IJ¢lJ.l'ellfn~ (or· R. ~1 !)tbct!( ~li!l, mnd- to ·ll!!~ept · •llur.v cxecullvo c:mamlnec of wotncn (Jrt!(!Cc, Jr WIJIJ d~)AI'f:l' .II( tbc /llrJIIilr wotker who ls "nh1t<HIIl'Vfl utr~~ck pcamq:¢nul!: • : · · .- . ·. "· , .

' ':· ,' .'

• e: . ' ' . '

1tnll liJIJIOiolment ot A wotnun 48 11tuto oreok p~rnlcr't¥ lft>uifqU.Urtent itJ' 111tl'ls. • Witll :tll(l !}!l~o!llll:(ltlitmt ·. ' · ·u·-.t- of · ,. \ · .. · -..:.::_.;.. __ "_ •leo danll"lllan, uc:CI)rdJog to Joseptl D. l~lght r.nlncl'l upiJ OJle poftrctpu!l · At work 1p (IUrilellf. 1Jilll1,il l•hiJ,W~ IJ('aOO JIM f,fta•nit~d tc'lm~t ....-~ . . p~ ~~ .. ~ · Srnnluo nr Mllca City, cbalrmun of lho weru killed und." nJUnber ot JWNI<ID4 rarlrolld rJ'11JII .fort Wottla •9 'Tlfetr~ d~fUlitJI flif-4rttJQlfo» UJR~, .. . · • . · · · * uu1c c:eotrol commluloo. InJured Jn 11 riot ~t Jlltlmnrekbutte, <>arl. Col, c. II. J•owcl ot Chlctt"o t. WwticlJT, J>r~1dt~t •'t Jf!ll;: ·~ ~..ul~'.IUn'Jlt~tori~-

:rtontun"'' whe1n crop wm bo <n·c:r I•oUsb Upper Hltf:'lllu, The troitbht b~ 11endJm: out •!Ue#IIQJtnAirf..'$ to 4fr 1Jiu! pel .reJIJ'(!Hentuttn~.. · · · · · · · · · · .., · · · ·' ·· ·· ·• · · · · · U,IJOU,OW bu•bele, within ,. mllJion ~:nn wtu.>n n11nera obJected to IJefns em ~lld l!Uf.dnceb men f!IQJJ~r ·~o roM IK'Cllrfflll1l <'llllljlupy IIJJhl N~ e~nte • epated · t9 ~;:~;ulke · · i~.

ouebclt at tho larscst whe:.u crop ever Vttld In 1•oJ1~1 nutrkti, IIUherto JaavJng No recent worJC flllil ~a trol fl~,OOO.OOO llhl<;k,. ,\)Is . · h ,___ and L.ll of S. lfi'U\Vfl In thu erato. ·rile CJat crop w11J re'!cSred tfii!Jr ~uce• lf!< Gcrr~un.•cur· done on tl1c rona.

1 • fllbJo fot n,esqrluUmtH ll~~U.t !lUll-. ~ c)~J:Qe : ·~ · . ~-;

be 80 r•er ~'lmr lnrter tbun lust yeur. tCDI,')'. · · The rlrst "H••mc JtodrJ.~.~" to be beJ4 ed Jn •ll~ D~t'lllt!i.'nt. , · · · · ,;;...._1

:....1 " lrft. l'lto ntulu corn wop will be lllo lnrr· Twcnt.r•Ch•c bodle• Jun-o been recnv•:· ln Cluyton touk plucc rCt:flnOy wbep Tllc ~cc. ll'-1'~ru;n-~ !or 11 s.ettle.. Wax•wrapped alld ~ ·to P ttst In 111 IIIJtory, Tllllll yeur'e \'I'C!OI ercd trnn• the ~"' t In wJJJeb ~~111 one ol the lur;;e11t crowaa ~ver m met~~ ot Uul llh"f!mJ:Il H #trl~e on ln<U· t·ro,, 1v111 lly IG.OOO.OOO vouuat. meu '"lll'41

Httr~o'UIJIIJrfruw ·Vlllro l'nlted Bruun and ~ouda lTI.lru Ju Ul• 1 ••ndanl"'l u& t!ull l.aiUJ CUy · "' tbo IIU!Iltllllf of UI!J Uroll, Ccllonu.lo una W)·utulus llf.•c:tlon ot tbu Amerfron CUI· lt•j~O of Hurg~'f.IDII. ellbl<fl UDd I.'!IUII!Ul oJa•numatrutltmn \l'l•ru bl'ltl 111 tltra.'O Jo­··ul lml'llill ulu und tlltl nurt;t!'fJHII lleld 1.1

' oatcruDt'll ut o lurul holul.

Un•ablv tu let 'IW ot u IIYC ~1·Jru bo hutJ'tl ID II NI'.JI WIDe D :tar CJIIe­lwu, Wuuh., J. llobertaun urdcrvd hill wn, who bud IK•cn working IVftll bltu, lo I'I?U!UI hla t'ffortll lU Wt\'11 hllll leal r he IIUL nhuuld lone lito Utu. .HU!IIvJJitt wll lmd bt'l!n rwrluunly burned In hl11 "ndo·u n ., to reeeuc bin Curlier ho run fur und In I hi M,Y IIIIIIU(cll UUI.', , . .,,'1.1 ... 11 ·1n baring 1110 c.>urrl'nt lllrnlld urt. 'rtw futhvr cllorl eooh uftorwurtl.

roclt ruld rho prcsencu ot Sttll nro Juunpurtn~: res~uo SQUIIdtt • uJIIJ It Ia frmrcd (ho ph will hnvu tn Ire liCUied. liB wn11 rbo t'll!JC u~lll!ll l:JU wnrk.eN! wcro ' lout In a llllll!hlmrlo" IIIIDu lu 1010. '

Tho rwuotl(rJ:JDB bctwct~n 1 he Ut•r­rrnn .:on•rnnii'Dl und the fJcl~rlun n. llllnt•lnl tlelc.>guii'B hu\le fullun lhrou~th. ouln~t to tlw hllrmal!lblllt.v of shu Hl.'l· l.(l.un ltO\'IlfDIIII'DI'II III'C't!plnDt'll of liD c.!Ut•tutlun u( tllv I M'llllllr'JI bill II tu bu III.IIIJI'd hy CJI•IIIJIID)' tn 11ll:hh'1•D Oumthn lr.alt<IIIJ vf IIIX' llfOillillf. to IU'NlFtlllllt'U "lt.h 1110 n>rttnl dl't•h'Jiuo u! till! tVII' UMtllunu coiunrululun.

tt ur .. ut IJrltolrt lllluulcJ hu\t: rl•u culn­tuMUntl tu b11 t•httUlll'll In nnnllwr ltlit "ur. II '" tlllrc 111 ltrllrlh•t lluu 11n ''"""" ur "1!111•11 llhllt>ll" \\Ill Ullltt'llr ttiiiOIIJt bt!t • Jilt nf t"llliUIIJIIt•ll. .. W II r DI'UI'IIlllllh Ill

b~t rldei'IS und rot,~ra In Union, . lng anrl Colfru epunde'f VIII"U{'$Jl4fcd In tho niUfl)' onmte and Hllecltll tJrlze.ll \\"Oro IIWntc!cd ll.t tl16 Winners,

lJntwey IJurkett wus found s;ullty .,r llet'ond drt:~rt'(! murder In hill trlul at Fort tlutn1wr, t•Jnrrr:ea \VI!h the killing or Urn Jioll, llllfll" Uknrdo, l~t·b. 6. nnd llentenl'tld lo tnrty to fifty ir.ara ln tbL• (JenJtenUury. llltt Qltorney guve n~ttlct• ot Olll•t•uf. The tucn were nml.'lletll, and rbo kllllnu fullrnv~>d a dlliJ•Utc O\'l'r nmgc htnd.

'l'he. ll{IJ•ft• ut tlio· Wea\'CJ' c:onl llllne ut Oullur1 Willi burned rt!l-entty. Jndl· ••utlcm11 ur.- rhe nrc wua ut lnc:endiiU7 orlmn. .\taUmrttleil arc Jnv(•liUgnUng, l'lle IUIIIJ ltt tllt•jfhlJlft• C'UUGI.ld Q rom· pluto l!Ull]lC'UIIJJJU vt Oflt•nttl0118 At IIIII mlile, throwing 172 n11nem out at ttodl tlltnJIOI'(Il'Jiy, 'rJ10 dltntU(ft! WUII ~Ctl· muted 111 340,{)0(). •

tire· roJimvlng : tl~'llll!llt. nt. J)J:tl/Wllt, \\"I>Uld

np}l!y to obout •mc-(4>\ll'th of fhC Cltu111 ] l'Of#(l!l Of tflt> C'I'IQfltty,

AU men returnlnq to work lt"OUld chJ rio nt tht> Jlfel'ldiiii!J l'tt(e of J.lllY• whlt'll flllt'd h>· tlw l!nfted H,rutell roiJroad lobur bmtNI, <'ffectlve on July t. IJJe da; tllfi llttlkl! ortl~·r Wt!llt -Into Pf[f!'('f,

Rfmforfty Wltl< Dill IIJII>t!H}l<uiJy HII'D•

Uunt'fl l'n fbi' u.r...,.~'f'mt•nt, ulthuugh It wn11 prl>VIdt~ rhur llw own return to work In "1~<111Jt1ons ur rhc c:lnmr" they lwld twroro rh~> lltt'lllll b<~l."ll..l.

IJllfJJIJt('jj on•r lht•· "rt•lnth·e ntn!lll· lnl(' ot old nnt1 Dl'w uwn 1\'otJid he rc­rc•rrl'd 1o n lnmrd of MIX roll ottJdula und no ('(Jbul number ur rflllrt'Bentu· II Vl'n of the men.

WRIGLBY.'S it 6ourrd t:o . be ~the &..t tba~ can be made l

' It's good-and good for you.

aiding digettion whitening teeth clearing breath

Sootbini to over.. , • wrouP,t nerves and •. aenerai pick•me-up.


. . . . ' ' ..

tta• Air.

j 1' J


t!ltnMilll'rc•ll 111 ho lhu llMI lft!twrul fl'rto. "Kiwll llltoc•lt" hJ doolurcd ru be wlwlly mllllrutllnll. bt'f'lJUIIu II c('t'rtrre«J ro pu· tlt'fliH wltn f11uJ nu\•e•r b(lt'IJ ov1m \\ lth· In ltt'lllin~: ur u tllll'llhurur.

It 11lro wnu llnnldl'\1 tl1nt the rotHlll llbould tJnd )illlt'4'1l ror the llfdken.a wlto hare not t'IJIIlllllttrd nc•t11 or vlplcnco ITllllin ffrlrt)' dar" utter thc• ~tgroement IIC'('(Imelf dl:et.>tlvn. "She wants -a new ~own."

"\Vhnt torr' . "Boo here,., laid the aD1t7 CU.t.Dmer, "11'heo I order poultr,y trom ,1011 .aptrJ J don't wnnt you to ~ttn4 tne 1111 oJ tlloSll nlrptano chlcll:etu. ..

. .

Wbut Ill mD!l.ldt>rCld N'<'ortl fJrll't'll for llulnteln rattle Wt>fll ami<) ul lUndt•t~t(J, I 'nllt., 11!('ff)tl,)'; '"'" for u rt>ltlf11crt•d buJI and a rrulmrecJ row. Tho JJrlustt•· furd·llolatf;1n llulrlrll ot l'uUt>fllt!O llnld to the J•nbnt ulot'k tum1 of Oronomu­wOt·, \VIra., llu JlriW lllr(J 1\lnu ltrnb1 .\lrurtr-u l•riiJJ fur #'.1.'l.OOO, whllv lo'runk llo lf•h, """"' dulrFtnnD, IILI2tl hl11 JlriXt• utnntnu rm'. A' a MtJtlt•l llumwnt>ld, •••••ond fur (lr.,tlUO t'rt•d ltnrhwotr or l'lun Frunl'J~~t•u, ·~Wlll'l of the ramnuJJ I ~tnlu>rt:lthu IIIIJt•lt frlrm uf ldiUI!C'r•

'Mit•r .• 1\1111 a ('IJDidtll'rtlblt: ltltm nt lll'v wh~·h 11"1 O••r!IIIJJI Rtt•urmw UuJUUIOOIII f<~UIIth>rl•d flit Vlszu. (.'onrl.ruturton of thlfl 1\1111 uhruln~•d wlu•n lhtl Uri flail t'llrtunur Klnfuuns <~11rto dnekl'd ut :Utili h!IIIIJI(DO \\ Jt h 2$1 Of tit I' rt'II('Ued a•uuiWDJtN'II nn bunrd. f'..nJthtln Duy, , .. ,mmnntll.'l' ••f tlm ICintuunA (~nlltltt, •uld IIICI lnllll or II ft• r•ut~alhly would rt•Jll'h ••lt:hty. Uthena ma honrd C!UII· ~DIIletJ lhl' dl'lltl Ill If'~.

Cnmmltttw~~1U'n hurd nt work on lb" PIIUltl for tlw bls lndlnn tulr whle!J la to be IJi!hl In flnllup, Sl'tJt. 28-29 and 30 In the 4~t)' park. lluJ Ah1<'h Qlld l.llko lUrk, lndJan trndel'll!, buvc IJne(l 11(1 lndtnn dUU('f'JI Ull tollown: The nre llnneo. ur d1o Nnvajo11, tim ('.ornnncltt• •vnr dnnL'U ot tlJelnlctnll. tlte ~umo und tho Uuttl!rtly •lonre ot tho lloJJlts. .

The uiD'E!('mPJ:JI, .,. fur 1111 unlloUn<'cd, made no menuon of worlrJng ('()lltll· t.lona. Olllllldc t'ODtnu:tlns,t by the roods '"' Jarladlrtltm by thl' labor 1Jottl'1J, QU ot l'l'ltlrb tt.l11o, fit:Urotl In the nlrllto no 11 le:ullng (JI:Inl•.

"Silo'• gollls to atng over thl' radio next woelt and abo couldn't thlnk at nppearlng for nil those pooplo In n rown abe bas already 'IVOJiD twJ~,.­I>etl'olt Froe I>tC!U.

.. What kind do 1011 meur. Allr2"' • "Tho sort that oro nil '~~flap and Ill& ebllie.ry, und no m~tt-Bostob Trab · •

11hhu, lll iJun>bllllt•r uf Uw I'CIU

WABimrGTON ··t unll' ll"CUJI to Pll)" rhar I urn~ .,,

uu dluturtwd: that I am n~tt \\ oTI'h'tl In the lcrncr \Vuy," we" U11r only eolutnt'llt Atlornt•y Urm•ntl llurr.y )I Uuuuhur· 1y In t'JJtruao u-rwn tlllrlt: .. d uf tlw mu­'I on t!Uil'n'tl In llw llrnull' by ltPfll'l .. ""ntutho l(vllnr. lltopoltllr•lfn. ~llnnt!­hllltl, . 1 nJ' t•ftun to ltii(Wtlt'b tbc at· 1 urory UClncrul.


I ' Tile nudo bod)' ot GU)' Detnlt•r, well·

ltnowb In J'ho~nlx una tllri!Ughmu Arl· wnt, wn~~ routld, tlo:attn~: 1n UH! Atl­tonu «'Unul. ntt:~r IUnrt' ._~.un(Jn 1"0311. llbout el~;llr mlle11 frum l'boenlx. On UIC) Uu·.,at wu11 found a «lCI'Jl nlmllllon lliJII tho t•lll'llt \\'110 brUhiCd In o UCIII· h••r ot Jlld!'nll, About hctlt a mile ttll

WUJl thellt> tenuA till u bnn'Ti!1 H)'JltCru fl'derniJorus un roariK not now Jt:trtJC!J to tllfl a~mrnt uro uulhorhed to f'D• tKOO~ morgntlotfong wltft Pl'VVI!I' l'UU· roud otnt'lalu. L•tull Uit!IIO t>tllplp)"da a,., h'tuJ'JU.>d to \n,rk', lbPy will be ua­lllllltl'd flllnorlnlly fly tftoiJt\ who nro f')liJ121J)Tl'li.

I~ l'niUifll nr 197 trunk rattrn:rtlu "bft'Ja OJJt1miCI llllllill Of lllCI f'OQDirJ•'n rull mltc:nav umountl'd to JJ®.ZW,uou In Jul.r, OI'(.'Ordlna tu f'fltnpllrlrlotllt wu«lo pub Ill" by 1 lio Act:ut-lutluh ot rtcllwa1 I~«'UIIrw Tlllo wua ...,,. mulrd to lbdll:lliD un onnuul hlllltn rulc1 of U» llCf' «'01 on ftltl vnluo of rullruad Pmflt"rt1 Clll IMllntlveJy nl(t>tl h,Y tlto lnH•fllltnlo C."t•Jumt•fi!O t."nrnmtil· Ilion and was llllghll1 loa• Uum €'am· IDUJI r'C!t'OTded rur the r::tlllo moniiJ or ltl'JI. and alrnwn 87.000.000 bt!luw lfto nee rarnln(lll ot Joo~. Jrr.::.t

Prndut·tlnn ur onthrcll'lfo mul hue ufrourn rr.un whf!ri' tho body wn11 dhi· bPt•n r••uum(•d. nn!l 1/l!"a.fiOO hurd MUll AWt'rNl l>t•rnll'r'll nutorrwblll' rnJG

111 111:••,... huvv rt•lumf'd to I heir tmrk fnund 11tunllln11 on !11" banl.!ll ot tho<'~· In l't•llllll)h"ulllll urtl!r ldh•llltmJ oC Dnl. On IIJe llt>UI bill (lloUll•ll h11d bt!t'.tJ "'"r•• tl111n rhu ntonthll. Dl'nll)' nrr&mJlrd.

Uolh Of'w rmm llfl•l thr Htrlkt>r,; wfll IJO rolniced by ,the l"!lltroadll l!lgnlng tbe Jm.-c!lf.\VlllunJ ngrwmcnt. Thn old rum ore tci rotnrn to thE'lt ronul!r IJO• ttltf(mll nt the prcsrnt rnte lit pay not lnll't' limn thlrt,r •1:&.)"1! uftl'r lbr ugrec­ment 111 fltWll.'d. / ~·trr y-.:•IJtht 1111'11, ull hnr u r .. w ot Two brt«JM In n doublr (IJoJ•emrnt __ ----

·rbo rh·er and hartmr lltlJirot(!mttnl hill ~qiOt'lt.Jina tor proJectll "'tlllfrj which ill"'"fllllllll [unibmu¥ tAHIIJt!lll. "Ill (>d b,- lin• &onute nfle>r ulltlltlll• lll<>DIO III'O'I'Idlnu (1\r tP(JPI'QI D('(Jtlfld· lion 11f flU> ('uJio t"od, lJa~. Utltl (If~~> 111111 thvamr•. \'lrutnfn·Nnf'dt t."tJI'IltiQil nmatn. hmJ bN<n oduptru The hill nu·>l j,'t>CII lu C'Ohff>l'"\'ll('(•

\lllflnt llh' union rnlnor11 uf \VIIIIumrtun 1\'ho ltro bNng cletnlnerl In AlbuquN·qu~ fn.Junctlon Rearing ConUnutL ('(ountJ·, llllnnln. 11tutul tmllrted rur tollowln!l thn urn•11t11 1;r their lmllb!Uldil Pl•lmgo. _ rntle.tvrred b.J rt•pom or mllfdt•r. ou tho urtvruu11l1 nr tl•v ums- on 11 eltnt'Rc of lun·Jn~: t!lolc.>D thl' tu-n 11 JJCZ!oo no.'l'tremPQI llt!tween tho ntrlk· ll."l~'I'V or Jmw :!'.!. nonrl lhm'lu. iiutonmblh!ll 10' Whli'll llu•y c•nml! lwru Jll;{ llbop N'111tll and 0 purUon or the

Abnvrmnll,r wurru u euUwr hua 011 the1lr honP.Pnoon, fl'IJUI!ll1(!(1 re;'S'f ('r}tmtr,·n nlflro:1dll. th() l;fll'l'rUruc.>Dt ellUIIetcJ c·oi}lllderublu tlumug11 to tbC~ 10 nil ow rht>rn to qbraln work In Altm· oontlnued to Introduce· l'VldenN? rrom N<~brulllin t'OI'b l'f()Jit lll-etJrdln;; 10 tho JUUf(JIICl uud not he rt!tum•<d to thl'Jr (Ill JOrtn ot Ulf.>. oountr.r dmr,;lng vlo­\\t>t>lfl)' <'rup I:IUIIIlliUf¥ IUU1.'1.1 by tho hBme!l In I.ICnuniP, Wyo .\uthorJUoo Jlltlro tllld loUruJ!lilUon b)' JJtrlh:m'll, t)fi \lrnlltl!t bUI'C'IIU Ill IJnroln nnrJ ND· l'(•eeJw!d ruh 11'(!$1 to hold I.e~• t:. Gro:~t the ll'lta~{;tla ot tVbSthJt Ill ~:~king an t•urrud In b1 lru,·cJJin~: wpreAcor:uh·es. and Jnlllllll A. llnlutlnr. tlw bri!W- ll>jun('(Jon ngnlfllf 1ft~. Attorney Oen­ut lcwnl b:mldnt: lnt«ltuuun~~o 1\'bu huvc il"(loma. for uuthortUI?ll nr ( 'lt(•;renn«>. ('nll D;tcgbmf'4 ~gnts -\'i"nrlu•d to bt•m• nlllldns u ll!urvvr ut the IJltun• Wro .. whvrt! the uutmuubiiCll un> nl· lll;on- 11 fflilt'ill1l'd (!(fort to•lntl'rrtlpt tlun. ICi:tld to han• b<'<'n fltuh•n. and df!'llti'OJ fntem,. tt'nfflt·.

Aflllr o CPan>h OiClr uu1 J•unlmndlo Ettee:lve llt·r. 1, thu WU!:l'ft of all nt l•lul'" fln~t'tl Auu-, -1. Joo 1-'urrlrl, emplnyt1n nr lilt> lhiJ t '.oru;nUdntt>d Cup. Conu~ti~ J!~ll1 Tn~ C.ontrol. "llllf-t

1 'n ftt"llt>etffill t\'ltlt tht> DftttOt• JJU ColnJlnn.J n:Jm Url" fi:Jid by tflet d::ir a •-- '"". 1.• .., ' ""h ffl 'J " T •


•• will be llll'romwd 10 twr fi!lll. nfuwtll "'""• •"• .,;.,,.._ e 0 cia f'l:· w..: uf .hw ltuntl1"11. lhnllur «'l'UIIwr, tan;moa ot tho llltl.'mulinnol Ty(IO< ""• mtJIU~I In till! brullb Hot• Offldnln of ltl<' t'Oal <tUin"n to tile J;:mfililrol C'nlun Cbroogb lho ml!dlnltl rldl, Wmdt. Tim f'ut;ltho lmd bt>Oil 11'1'· \"f<'llllty or Uarun rt>pnrt thut the IO::n 1ng un tn•rrloli\, fillh nml f1•1rii11 en1r wnuu trulfl, \\<'Ill lnh• t:ffl!t't thtJ Clm of lfJJ Otm'.t!IP:JJ»!r, 'IVJil lw rontrulled br

· f "'""l u b Tl t • tbe "'<'IIJl!ll!li!nrt•lve' cll'l11l'tlt, whlt>b liflli't' tilt• llllllfJflUS, \\ hl('b lll.'t'Uftt,f() fnl• 0 "'"'•• I! I er. Ill II Of> WttA tnm,~ to • low ln.: u llilll.llno OYt•r mon(l~ UU\Itlll'#. tnllko tbe wa~to (j('lllt• tho II<JJnt'.as Urllt l;t-utt>d a rlcton- at tho annnul ('(IU\"en-

. of ~mpt!Utl\'e fit•ldll. Uno lwn- ll:l bo\'tng John W. llnra ('Oil· Amcrtmo lr."lnlittn nrv lntltoo b)' tho S'~>:~rt.v ~'~llllllh•ro l't'U111Ul Ill lltulntl'A .,_,1 1 - lilTrnltur·nh'tle ltUblknlfon. JTr.

I ......_.._ vf....-.,. -. .. "Iiili'"""" Jtmt lilt>- *'*'"" m nuey titntflrtft'li lWTl'rDIIIMll ot lulU, tn ft f'tlbllllUili\•:J• "'""' ..,, . .,.,.. .. "''" IDMt Ot' {'OJnDII'I'I:'t< -ftiTtml tl t)Cll'l't':l@O fli:IJI#, u·JJo halli Pflltt'll rlu• (lllpl'r for tlon mncle &llltdll' b>· ttrv titntl' lk'f)ttrl· Rt•publh<an llllli.l!t; hntl brtm tf'lut'flrd ()Lll,'MJ..J}~r ('(!1}1•111 tbt> htmller <'Ut of l!lztl'('D $f!:lnt. In JW~·rNury·trt>llmtrer tJf mc>n1, to 11tt> btdil hfi u ruutt!mp- In ortin•. ~Nintur J."tedf'th•ll, Unle nnd ,\rl.~:onn and Neu· AlexiMI OJIIIIl dllrirl,: &f•e tUilon. 'l'hc ClJIII•mltlon tr• llnya hi It'd h:1Jtlt> .. r nt (lll,fl'r~ul On\', 1

1£'1'\'h nl llti~Uif "lt~t\' t'dlll'l\fld (Cl lO'Jl tlVt>r the llt't't•edlng )"l>:lr. l'ht>St' \'h\A ll>d •• ,. Jobn MrPnrlttnd Iff N('w

hundA of Nt•rlllll ,\ ar flrt~ $41l,OOO.OOO offit.., lt.Y muulrt'l' [lhtl'llftJl'3 num they tft;ure:t arc ttltl N!KIIlt flt 11

earehtl t"t!rl• · tnrk. · lnnu J•ruvliJnd tor ln Uto '{II'Otllt'OI ••t fi!ft.>}vtrd wlleu ••llllltl.lll lll lil:W. 'l'ftlt uu~ ut tbu tumbt'f' lndtzstt(Ptl ht tlte$1.\ ~' -c-- ---- .. ON. !1, tutU, brl\\t'f'Jl Unm nnll Uu.• 1lt'1111lN'aUc Hlte t!bOWOO {l f4ttln M 1\(l' Gl;ltfl1 tt!Mudoo b.v lbt• ntim'lu 4( tlln · ·Dufgart~ns Threllten War on 'rtirt<ll. l'nllt>d Mtatt:;a,. 1

1btt bnntl» uiU ttm~r r, ·tJrnldtillttl'l)' O,(IUO, wltUc tho Uenubll• . · n'"mrtm,,tit of Co•

11mP'"'"'• t-



r tl . •t •· t. I ""' f'IA "'"' ~. ' "'- ' tj(lllllva-:nul~rt:r. fa llT~'l•:trlng lW '"'r <'\'Ut lntt~l"l'.lll unrJ mnrtu{l tn Ul.')~ «'lUi votn e a~ . uturn '"'" "''"'·"""• In t'(f.QJll!l'aHun Wlth u1o .. ore•,.

T 4

' .. ~ Jll1 j(l \'fllt" llt::llniJt Uttce•' Ill' ~~ '-1'(1$Uit . A hill llt11!J!l{ltld til llf(!\'fnt Uw ti:Jt'fl• l)t.\'th!tfllltlfltll hl 11\it \lntteil ~ltlf~ ftt!h'J(!(I, t!nlt.,.l flhlftl!l X>ep:trtmenti ar (lw (l"ft-()tf dtitt'nt b).' tlle l~lrk~ to th'tl of dnrut~Uc onlnmln 11t lltfq)' il.Ull tlh' t1t:ut lt~.trh~ Wltllfn,n rtmr- \(Jllltt• . Attdrt,;ltUr!'. New llr~l('(l'A Ot[fiJilt tdf ·t'tttcrn the) uhJ l:illtzurlnu boiln\1:-u:y Ju 1u1v" l'tl.iltlnrdt \York tmu rm- tnt"'·· · t;lllil!! n naull &Jt\·II.'U' ott l~ll' *!ent. Wltlld Utat at Arh:ona

.r HJ _,_. lrtUl IU&.L,,. t;I•!Jffltr.l..!i~~t!@(!t' m: _._tlJJ~: . •llll'tld b, !lt't1rll!lmtUUl\'o . !R~rdhat: ta lnf'(lrtll\ltlon.f1!{:l>U;i!(t. llUll!li;'llllf ·wrurutll!lttilt -- ·it ur ~t~ tbilt . · m.. 15\ b olri!OOrtJ. • •• · · mtl) f.lllt~ot~• nom · ~·~ 111rukea ~~tit

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ltepubJlean State Ticlu~t · :

Governqr · · · · L. c. Hill, Donn Apa County

1 .

Meutennnt Governor Eufracio Gnllcgoe, Harding

County · J uotice Supreme Court ·

R. P. Barnes. Bernalillo County Commissioner Public Landa

Fritz Muller, Santa Fe County Secretary of State

J. A. De9 Georges, Taos County


-· . '


, ..



. ' ,.


I •

. . . ' - ' -.

' -~- ••. <;l-~.,..·f,:; .,, -- ... ----:~

•-~ ..... ., .... li:JIIIIIJ! ............. _. -b ·-··-11';• :;,..~-- ,;,;..,.;. '-··-·· -~·~·-..:.:..-- -- .;,;,... - ·-••• ............ .,. ..............

1'HE. · -TARIFF· .....


• •

.,, '

. . " ' ' . . . ' . .

' \.- • "j. • •• ' ' . . • • ' . • > ••. , • • •• • ·-

.. ·. .~"mw Mexfci. mUJt _proteetiv~ .lariif .·... . ~ bear1voot~otijerpr®u~te> ·.· · : ·· ·~ · .

. . . -· . . .· .u. . . - •.' ,, :II ' • . . ·' . . • . . . . • ·:~ . ' .; ' • . .

. ~ · ()tb~ •U~w• · tt¢ed lU'<>teetJc>n. !<rt. t b .. e l r : . · · .. _. rlrod~ebJ;, :t«tkut~J, _tnin~r•l · ..• ri~ . ·man»~ae.. . · ... ·

--~·--,-~,u· -...:s· .. _,. ... -:--,.·".: ..... :~~--~- ... :. __ ... _,, ·-·- .... ~- _______ . ~---.--:~ -·::· .-·- '_ -. -~~ . _· /\ . ..,_,.u,. . -. ..,,_~ . ·"'-. . .. .. · . --. -.. ~ .. . . . ~ ....

·. 'T · ltep~bU~...;:~reve in pr~te~tion foi all . . , ' . . ' . ·' ' ' -.. - .-' ' , .' wbo '0~~ it. .Wbati,$: fair !or one -iJf fair :tor . · . · anotb~r~ . · · · . · , . .. , · : _. ·· , · · : : . · ·· · . " · ·The!'~ _ ~r~ d~~oe.;~, _s~a~lo_g by ·- ·

vot~ff. w:Qp b~hev~ in: a P,w.teetiv~ ·mdtf fqt _ · ' ~ tlW J)roduew PHb~ir ow# ~tp.t~B~ ·ba.t }Jot fpr · #;- • other JStftwa. · ~ · · · - ... ·

• -~ • ' • " • {l.

·.,. ,.;··· ·'· ·~ .,· t

·tbls · if1 wrong fn pdn«::iple, tor it repre- .. · s~nt~ tbe. beiBbt of ~elff~hne$-.. · ,lt is bad in prue~Jet;. for ·no ~Jtf can b~ written on such ;1

po$itf~n in ~oo(l_~tlt. but tbese·iiemocrats are not fools. In tbis world, he who gets ·must

give. • · ·

STEPHEN B. DAVIS, Jr. We cannot have a protectiv&tarifr'tor-New

Mexico and no protection for the rest . of our .. .or-.--,.......1!-11--- ~~-~=-

STEPHEN B. :{)AVIs, Jr. Hilario A. Delgado, Santa County . i Senator • ,

State Treasurer 0. A. Matson, Bcmalilld Oounty

' Attorney General . A. A. Sedillo, BemalilJo County

• I . . . I

Supt. Public Instruction Mrs. Mnude L. Blaney ----· ------··------- ~-----~ _ • __ _

1__ __

Lincoln County come in up to a certain number. FOR "SALE---Nice Four Roomj Catholic Church Corporation Commissioner If Engfand. France, Germany, bungalew: ever>jf!~f Jn first Father Glrma, .Petor P. H. HIJI. Jr .. Rio Arriba Sweden Norwt!.Y do oot want class condition; U tenna to Sunday meetings. .

County -ol ~their citizens to come purchaaer. Inquire ~Jt th's office lat Mass, 8.11. m., preaching m '---~------...J they can refuse them a or at ··tbe Lincoln State Bank. tf Engldfs~ t

9 80 h

TilE couNTY TICKET passport. It such a citizen can . 2n ~sa a : n. m.,. ·preac


County Treuuror IRA O. Wm'MOKE

A,uc•aor ltOBEKT UUitl'

County Clerk SAMUEL K!LSEY

County 8upf1rlntctndcmt of Sehoola MISS FLORENCE SPENCE

County <:Ommlaalonor lat Dlotrlet PAULINO ALDAZ

County COlnmlouloner 2nd DietrJct BRACK SLOAN •

Count}' Commil:alonlll' 3rd DlttJiet t'RANK £. ntCUABD ·

RcprcuumtnUve Lincoln Cotnlty Wm. ULANCUAitD

Probato Judre AGVSTtN CU.AVEZ

County Surveyor A.O.DARVEY

get a J>Msport, he can come In Indian Potttr)',Cbi~UJO mg in Spanish. If a few for~alitJes are observ· Rup -for ule at the -.-----------ed. Our law cheeks number~. Outlook Oftlee, FOR RENT-New 3- room Flat not qualities. Th L- h with eleepfng porch. Will be

Secretary of Labor Do,vls saya e ueat way to ave rendr_ for occupancy on SApt. 6. lt is all wrong; thnt tho law ~ friend• 11 to be one See E. 0. Prcbm. tf should be revised: that what we SCATTER SUNSHINE need is to stop the undesirable -WITH-at its source, not alone nt our GREETING CARDS shor€s. ·

The American peopJe, which . OUTLOOK OFFICE

----·--··-----·------·-Several one and one quarter

inch Studebaker wagons at redu· ced P.rices. Titsworth Company. Cnantnn, N. ltf. means you

1nnd you, and you,and ______ .,;_ ___ _

only tbe american people, can FOR SALE-Rabbits. Phone Plato and Decorated crepePaper,IOe take tbe ifl'!,tnfgratfon Jaws out of 17' tf a roll and bp.-outJook pmee. polities, ana see that construe- _ ·-ttve ones are enacted.

WANTED '1'0 TRADF.....Good 1.2 room ltealrlcnco ncnr Carriw&o for Lapd­lnqulrc at tho Outlook offieo.

FOR SALE - Ono Counter ana ¥ c.- Two Show Casco - Eure Food


For Shuttr If you ar~ looldn" for a real i

Au tho Ropubltcan nomlneo for tba bnrgqfn In either DOW or UDCd ' office ot aborliJ of l.lneoln count,y J "'Utomobil""'· n 0 ($ Sears Bros., I respottfully~ 1101lelt tho voto of tbe •• "'"'· "' pooplo. -- LEOPOLflO GONZALES. Capitan. N. M •• tho HUDSON '

· 'cou11tr Clerk . and ESSEX deniers. tf ' OelnQ' ro~IUiarly nomlnat~;d on the lit h" t p i""" aid for hides

Ropubllean tlckot for cvunLy clerk, I g cS .. r """"' P aok tho cupport of tbo vowra ot thi11 and pelts-Ziegler Brotbero. rounly rcgrudloao ,, pBtlt p11rty affi· lilstlono -IJAtJ liEl.SEY.

What Sort of lmmiarantt Would You Want?

cCapltal Nawa Son'lco) What sort o! Immigrants

woufd you wont to oce come to tho Unlt~d States? Do you want people of aood chnrncwr.thrifty, young, able, vigorous: men and \YPOlOn anxious to "mnkc good," to. becomo aood Amoric:ans. to bt workers, savers. Eeonontic foe tors? ·

Or do you tblnk that wou!d bo better ott wlt.h drones, idlcrB. nnarobiets. Bolshovlke, and erl'\}illal!t? •

Jr you bad . tho: rbrbt to ~ay wbat Americans ahould cmt~ate tp oth€!1' lllnd,, WtJ,Uld )fOll tbnd tho proa~rous atid:'bcalthr mind.• et~. ot~ the .. erltnttlal •n4 loaterf · · · ·



Make Yourself at Home

WESP£CIA~tZt()M S.:U N D A"¥·· .. CHICK.EN Dl NN ER-.S

. PRICE GO CENTS" ' " .. A . _:~ ....


FOUR REAtlONS. WHY YOU SHOULD BUY HEDSTROM HO~EY laL · Wi!i~ u~G CJuttn Exdudcro; thC.:la aot>arato ·tho :$IOU!lfi booa trom tho HONI-1\'. You go.L tho l'UJtE UONEYWltb tb~r toruo fl~voronty, 2nd~· Wolo<wo &bo HONEY on tbo hlvlillnnd lo~ tho bm!4 1'1POI:I It'. Thlll ~ttvco tb£1 HONEY lho bCIIt nnvor ond tc Wllllteep Ito inlo tl"'tt.or nh:'tn!\'11'. Wo too:ve nr~Ukml rlJX~nlna alone. llrd: Wo extl'ilet eur HONEY tlY mnchtnory, !l4 lhld tnouru ob~»lt.lto eloC!onllntcll. flh: Wo molto prompt dollvC!rica .and 011r prlcca nrc LOW :for tblllll_i}!b-grnde .lfONEY. .


FIVE POtrNb PAlL. 76e. Shipping weight 61bs. ' TEN POUN() P"AIL, $1.40; shipplnf1Weight 11 lbs. 60 POUND CASE, $7.60; by expMS or freight.

Send in Your Order Today. • •


ERN LUM8ERCO.INc. (Successors to FoxwQrtb·Galbraitb;Co.)

Dealers In---

• .. •



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You either spend aU o£ the. money you r:na~e ~nd rimy)]e more or ygu save a part of Jt._ _ .... ·: w •

l~oing into debt- is disastrous; merely breaking even never gets YOJl ~head. ·

· Saving and putting in~o the bank regularly a part of the money you make, is the SURE way to succeed. , .

. Begin NOW to bank your money •. · We welcome your account. . .

THE .;;;;.;::-;. STATE BANK

• 1 . '

• . •

EVERY D A Y ;:r:== = i . ;; , SERVICE CAR


·Carrizozo and ·Hondo -"">

Leave at 6:30 a. m. Leave Carrizozo at 5:16 p. m. W. R. READ, Owner and Mgr. HONDO, NEW MEX. .

• • • •

B .. PAYNE'S Cafe, Clean Quick

and Reasonable

"The Place to Eat" • CAPITAN, NEW MEXICO

lti COME 1n and BUlJ

'gou't' PHO'rO

SUPPLiES .. aba -

lrM 1CODA K:>. OurKodilb,

. '

Our Filmst and Pl•tes

1ud Developers ( . ar~ always. rilht ·

We art Ca:reftll DhJtlista. . • . .• .1 .. . . -" - . - .. ' - +-•-#·-··

ROLLAND ·BROTitERS · ·!i'- • - '

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Carrizozo, N. M. Phone U9 • Box ABSTRACTS:ALL KINDS INSURANCE: Quickest available In all cl11sses of com· pensation insurance and Surety Company Bonds. ... ----

' FOK lllSNT - Good ~ve • room ,J~··.·,;I{tlilieJ~lose in; Electric lights · · f• ~., .W~h~~··,convienences.

,· i L · · ·. . · w: w.-::Stadtman. agent. tf

' . . ,,


-~ _..__ -··-"- "-----~· _., ..• . .

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• There are times that the nverng~ farmer finds his finnnces in n more or less depleted condition, unless he has n constant source· of revenue at his com-m~nd. ·

Just such a year round revemie irr lJTU -v t-d -e- d through the medium of a good dairy herd.

The cream checks pour into .his account a steady stream of dollaro that are o. constant reminder

to him that dairying is a · really profitable brand of · the inrm industry.

. We wish to encourage dairying - it in nn lm· portan t factor of · o u r community'o .Prosperity.


•'The Dank for YOU In 1922'•

. . ' . •

e Cari-y In Stock Bale Ties Spark Plugs Dry Batteries · Binder Twine Grain Bags? Lubricating Oils Lime and Cement Barbed Wire

.- Dynamite . . Fuse- ·caps

. '




. '

Sulphur •

Shaving Soap, Cream Vaseline Camphor lc~ Mellins Food Brushes and Hot.Water Bottles Horlick· tl Malted Milk Safety Razor~ Patent Medretnes

. ' • · Su~}!lies·. . · Putman'Jrl)yea · ···

' I

- __ __._ -·--

. rr •.

r-•~~·- ~---- --~-- ~ _ . .:...--~""····---·:·_ ~--_:_"-~....,..----~-~-_.,_---..........2'.:-' ~~..:.·~-.....,-1::.~---~

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· · · .. · C~pita~;, New Mexico · . · · ' ~ » {t

~ • -1 • • • • ·. \ . ~" - "' .. ,;· c' ,..C.C • .c; <A<;'"f:,OCcC""""' "'dC',,.CC"':'~::-• A.C'o'>o•<'"'"Jt•~=!• ~'."'~ ,;:,._,,.,.;,,•,,,_,L~,;,O ~"' "i;o;.,cHo<;, 1'"', :;r . .;!".,.;;-~.o;):.. :o.-•_:,.~~~o.·;~ ~~': .. .,.....;,~i>~;;.·;='·';i.~.:_..;,.-t;·-;;t_:~:"",":.:i~ :'l;_'.;_;z-~~.:z_-;,;. ·:::.;:;.·i_,... ~:e.;· ' ,. " ,. , .,

. . - .

j • ~

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-,... ... -I' ' ; ' -

' • , Mayer's Cash GroCery

'~ - -

• f .

·Offers you many Barg,.ins in GrP:-. - · .. -* ceries ~nd Fr~~h Meats· ·_ . , _, . . . .

~ ' ~ , . . ,.

' .... . . '

• ' '

' ' ' .

. ·,· • ' .

' • . . . . .)'~. 'lir ~--·· •• ·-. ... . ' ' .

_ · 8 ·Jba, Advance, ShqJ:tning. ·" o

· ~~;U~ Sugar1 Sack · ..• · .-. Potatoea · · .. • : 1 Do~~ Cans Milk, _Sm~ll. 8 Doz.- Cans Milk# Tall ·

•· . ,, •

. / . • " ' .

" • •

~. . ~ .. '

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• • • •


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• . . ' 1.50 .. ' . ..

' .. 9·00 fo ~ .. ' .

• ' . 3~5.0

·~ . • 75 . . .. . ' 1.00 .· 0

l ., • .. ~ -~ .... ·- --~·- --~-,_ __ _ . ~ .....,_.__ ... -------


One-fourth of the wheat we grow is the result of the researches of the Government. After years of untiring experiment and investigation. the Government, through tho Department of Agrb:ul­ture, WU ennbled to. inttodut:o lnto this C:OUI'ltry the remarkable Durum wheat through which our produc­tion has ooen increased fully twcnty-fivo per cent. This bas been only ono of manv surprising but little· known aecompliohmonto ot the Government. whteh ate eovcred 1rt the intcre::Jting. aerten at otorieo for whteh we havo tho excluo1vo rtr,bt ..of dtnttibutton tn th!JI community.

We'U send this literature to vou each month wtthou.t obli~tton on your part tf you wU! a:;k for lt.



may be "better t h a n no brt."ali., nn the proverb goes, but half a loaf of our bread is onl)• an aggravation. fo'or it Is flO light and too.tbsome, so ••moreish" in flavor, that even a whole loaf (COPS n very short viay in snt1sfying the wants of those who try it. If y 0 1,1 would kn()W what perfect brend is try some of ours!

• "The Uome of the A110el f'ood BrQad"





Doerittg Bldg. Carri:zozo, N. !J. • • ·: : $ 1 .:....__ .. ::: :::: .. : .

re "

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.. ·Hay, ~riJ.if( ape! _feecl- · ·· ~;· ·· ·· ··--"-~~-:,--Stock" Salt~- Oil Cake·'~-~-·-,- -· · .. · .

. . -· ·· · ··-~···· • '

. . . . ~ . ·~· . ' / , ~;

·"""·- .,,.._.,\,=·~·.· • Ptices"·b'tl~~s~ind-:Seivicre13~n=:~··~ ~,~ ,_,- • •r ' .._: ' ' ,- it ---- ·•• :~> -·•·--· •

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I~N.HION/4 tor rho rorr:olt«•o ludlnD

'J'hl'rt• In n 1>111 (fl. It l:ll) pend· ln~r In l'<lfll:rt•ttu "to l'liCNtd the pro· \'lul.,nn nf till' JH•ru;lun .UN of r.tay 11, ltll :!. ro rim ullkt•rn and t•ntlutt'tl rnrm nf ull tdnlt' mllltlu rmd utlwr fltnUt "ro;nulr.III h•o11 c hut rr•ndP.rt•d tW1'\"Ir•u '" fl,,. t•ror .. n r·uun•• tlurluu 11111 ('lvll \1 n r tnr II Jll'rltotl Of fl{l dn) H t>r Prllltt•

"'··I '"'"'''"'" Jt•·n~f"n" fur l~l•lr \\lduw11. mlnur ~ ,,,111r•••• uncJ dPiu•ntJrnl atnrt•hln.."'

w ro "' ""' 11111 \t 1111 rt••·••n ll>' llhllt•r r•unKidetuUon I•} ffw ""'"'r "llllug In •·••mtnlllf.'•• ut llu• wt10lc.

' ''''"'"'''llfllll¥"0 1-:•hvurd •. 1.1111•• l•f KnDIIIIIl mndt• en "·'''"·~IIIII{ IIJ""''"h \rhld• "lwnn UJ» U!l _rdmont_ r-.r ~~"""''II hll or A m••rlr•nn hl,.tllr)' n nd thr ~Wrvlro:J •. r '''' l·:f~tl•l•·,.nllr nnd !'im•·tt'i•nlh linrumu rovulr)'. Kn•·l \lr 1.11111•

· .\1 r 1 'hulrmun. loP! wt•••n ""' riOtif' or tltP. Civil ... r ••·" 1111• lu•11111nlnu ut tho R~ttmlnl. wnr In 18!l3 .,,.. I 1111 ••II Hlulc•u rzm ••tntnC'tlt t>lllllltCcl only two I•'I(IIUI•IIf II 0( ~UIUillf'<'f 1"11 ntJt}' 'J'htl l{l'IJtlllfflnD

''""' '"•nttwli) tunk•·a " J>tJlrll or o~lrr. lie did ''"' •n• """' II wuu, hu! · I l•r014un\n ho lll«'.unll

. . .

. . ' . '

. ' • il ' • ' . .

• •

1 hN' ""'Y oln nut lu•lllllll lu !hP f~l vii wnr trll"tiPIJ U41m nre tnrcn•stlns:'f.'r)JIII rrutn 1\lr, I.Jtttc'll ""' '" 1 hr tlJurniJih 1vur trouJall. und ~~eo them Ill 1:.10 addrcm!:.. · ·' . "'"' tr. • httl"o \\orld to rakc Cllrtl nt the>m." (Jcl1. l'ldllp u. Kb~rldnu, tltc areute!at cttvnlrt

:\h l.n r~J:II")'- \\hut I hnd In mlnr1 wu•• lhnt Utili «'hlcl' tlro world ever cow, nod uno ot tl)c ·~treatcnt 11 u 11111 l.lcnllnu with tha Cl vu wqr l~>atllltJtJon. Jlllll lncllnn tll:l!fm'l wn ovpr hnd on Ulp bor<l<!t, ~11 .. u .... ,. '"''" r11 mr> llllu 1 be 11e>n h'" 11111>r I he Q'ivll In hill ot November 1. 184tl1 tJmt In th" " a r "'"" ""'" la&:t uh: fi'Uf'U the! Jndlqnn rllonu tho border l1ad

llo I.IHIP.. llvn• nrr• ,,,..., vulnntl't>r rc~;IUU!tllll, murcJ<.tl.'ed more tlmn clabt humtred men, women and rhr only rmru In n III'Dllrlltlon that did not nnd rtlltdrma. Tho Sovcnth United States ctl\'nlrlf hoYr n l'lvll wnr n>1·ord or n Kl•anlnh wnr llervii'O. nntJ·.(Jul Elghti.'C!ntlt nntl Nlnct~ntll [{nmma rcgl· '11,.•t rlu nut twluug to llll.t!IJlnu. NClbtt!l)' .rorrul llWnlll rorrl.lld .ou.lhe. rnmpnlgn .ngrJJlll~ Ul~ IIOUth--•DTI hi n11 nbout whnc hnflf>l'llll to th••rn, nnt1 tho wct~tcm lndlan•-tho Choyellnen, A&lflc:')t'\.'lf. Klo-po!l••ll•nn mnlll'tl tlu• point fll ord1•r. Nnw, Mr. Willi and t11o CoullltlcheB. Tho Elgllwcnth ltnn.aue (Jbalnnt~n, l wlll rrr•t.r to tho pnlnt of onJor by . eavnlr,. wns OJ'I:tlnh:mt tmdrr n drcnlnr or June ~~t~broi•.,natna o wlloPIIII. nod tCJt u11 find coat whether 21. 1807, C'rom mllllnf1 hrndquarttlru Cor· ·tJto--DI· u Ia rlaht to 11o nny!lJinc I niQ rro•Una rrom rho vl.aloo of aU!i~~Uuli. and Wits mutdered In nt Fozt ollwhtl n>JtOI't nr ncn. fll>nl'l!fl A rutJtcr: llark('r, Knn., from July 13 to 11), lSlJT. and ltlUII·

• .,,,., Jmlnt at t<rhkh ~r tuuad tho <'hoyMUie temd our Utero Novf'mbcr ,10, 1867. An epidemic V"lllllUil Will In 'fnnll. on lhll K~R1tWtttnr. about or cltolcm nttuckcd the Eh:hlornth lmmlldlatelt ten ITIUNI Wl:!lll or , .... atuto line. ncroro doDIIIJi at Fort 1Jork1.'1' and tWCDtJ' or tJI(!Dl dJcd. w1 ropnrt 1 d"alrt> '" •·all thP nttP.otlnn nf tho Companfca U nnd C touullt tho Cberenno Irs· majur aoot!I'QJ <'ttlmnnndlns: to lho uuvaf1IDI J:O(ld dltllla on l'mlrlo Dog crook on Augu11t 21 nnd 22. <"UtHiurt to( thla •·ouuunnd 11lnr., It undcrtonii the MaJor Armoa or the Tenth l1Ditl'd Stnlca <'nvnll7 morrlt. Wo nl11rhld wll h nil lhr rotlonn nnrt for· rotnntft)ttod tho offiOOT!l nnd moo In tJICl ftlillest · age thnt rould "" ubt alur>d. nPitlwr nuffirlf!Dt for Ierma. 'l'ltP)' prcuervcd Um rtuto ot K'unnan from thr llmf' tor wbl<'h w1• bnvc uln>:uly llci'D out. further tndlnn dl'}lrodutlonll nt tbnt tlmc. On ·An· l•'lf"lll, 11 bc'('OilJP llf'<'l.,.R:tn In rculuro the nnwunt J:llllt ItO MaJ. II. 1 .. Monro ot lhL• Blahlct'nth nnd uf mllouo; afll'nY~trda 11 IIIII! urc>ntf'r rt'ClUf'tiOn hill IDI'D t.onchl ll10 msmo tndtonfil UflBID. '1'11111 w11" urt't!tll:4ry; nod tunlo:ht 1111111t of m1 mnn mndr l!"llfllft>JUnn Wall ODI' of tn)' J•l'l'dl'CI.'mi.ONI In tho llll•lr htJI•P<'rll l'rntn thr llr<•h nf tnllh•JI thllt hl\VI.' ~'~"DUI'fllllJ ot tho Unltrd MIOIPII, IH\\'In£1' IU!I'Vt'd ln diP<J un 111(1 mruds trnlllJ' tmru alannthnL \\'hrn tho Flfty·Ullnl "''DIItl'fl.'\ und hf' nrtPrwardn tii'I'Ved •·aii"'J Ufion In mo~r In ll~thl mnl't'hln~t order ttu•,r n11 MJmmnndlnu (lffi<'t'r nt tho Nlm•tl!c:>nth Konnnll. alocuulnno'<l '""'" nnd hlnnk••lu wltbnut 0 murmur. lwlna lleuh•nunt rolnnPI, I IIC'Illl~P.. 'l11t' llt>Utl'O·

llltf rolonrln of bnth thll Nlnt•!Pl•ntb nnd Twl'n· "" hou&:h mtu·h •·f '"" murdo hna bPf'D mru.le> tlur· tl<>IJt l<o!Wiis hov/IIPM•oo In thi'I'C hn1l11. ThP lnu flu• "''"f'rt'nl wlnl Pr WC';tlllPr I bu \"ll PlCJW.rl·

~'nmrmlt:n nuult> by UlP f.!l.:htr-t>nth ttnnn.:m In 1001 ro• ... , In I IIIII lutlludl• I ·1 hr .,.,,..,.., nn<l mult·!l ut I hiM ffimmnuol hnn• dmvo tll11 lrllllullll to Wlntrr qutu•tPnJ nntf l~f t tfl

au hal at, .. , 11tt J n th•r llrn upun nr•tldru: htlt I%R1t'D I"Mnth.•r 1Wt11Pml'nfll or Knnllalll In t'Cimparorh·e • nlluuwuud bath. JlUTilllr <til IZiflt:O Jtrl"ut!unn tlw (Jt':1C'(' .

.. a: .... ra ,,.,., rnrn mnlntniDNI n m•l:lt Mrllt'rful 1'l1e fulluwlnr;: rror thP Nlnetl'flntf. f(nmma Will!

llt•lrll. &>nd I huuw nul "hal I ndmlrc mnnt, tb('lr rnu~<tllrt'd In by t'OlU[lanh•a from Ortobl.'r :0 to :!0. era llantry tn IHlttlo ,., tht> lt:!tlvnt but GO\YO'ferlnil lSGS, tit Topelm, nnd mulltPrt'd out ut trort tfn11J, l•4'niilatcnf'(> cncl o•nrntJ wllb whkh Urt\1 llnvu Kunn.. April fS. lS!lll--orttnnltetJ untll'r nllthnrlty. \t·lthlltClf.'d tho mnny tll~t.'lUI't'«lbll' otclrols flf tldo uf n tl'll't:tom from tho ~fl!lnl')' or wnr UJ Lll'llt. .-umvnlan 01.'n, William Te<'Umtmll Sln.1rmnn. dntcd Octnlwr

R A a I lao tPnn or IIPJ'TIC'(' or .411~> NIU\'tl'l'fltll Ktlll· o. J!l&IL On ll(l\'l!rnlwr n. tE(iS, tt\1!' r~lment ~:<~II rovnlr;r Ia npJ>ronC'hlnu It~ 1C>rmlnatlnn. und 1 muvc:tl from T!)l)clm f()\'I'Ol'd tho Mt·nnt::ll rh'er. ru11y nM auorn Mvo 111~ ~~~MfiiC')Iun o.r ''!!m~1~1!i ~Jnu nt Wtt:h1ttr, morclmd gouthtll!Yt, mrtt ;lotnmt Ina tlwrn during nC'tltt> flllm'tltlonll. 1 d~>slre to I:"W-. tho Sovcmtb Unl~ Stnte.ll'ettvnlry net\f the Jt~nrtlun ()ffilflt'Dt1 thc:m-~mrorll ttM lni'D. ·til ... ., fnvot- ot Denvt>r t'l'«>h nll!l North' Cnmtdlnn, ua mlte:l ebl<t notlro of tho l't•mnmn•ttna jtt>nrrul. Rervlng f;t'!Utb ot Fort Dt'ltlt:Cl. nt the ("fUll Supply ronton-Clll root, tbC!J hove mol't'hc>d In u rnnnner nnd nt n nwnt. Owing to wvaro anoa~tornts nnd the en-nuo ttmt would amt com" nf tho f'flltUiar ftl~l· tnngl~mllnta nf thP ClmQrrc.m "l'ttJU'(IDll. tbc> reai-CQolltlll of Jnrnntry to tho bltlllh, Jlllltcarl ot ~eying tlumt r\l!lrht)d C'nniJl Sup\)11 nf Uto t!nd ot tl10. out tor ott~Ptr wnflODII to trnnnJwrt ttulm, oqcb tnonth. QoueruJ fihcrlll~n ~YIH cuorntnu &ttoey rnnll mntthM wltll flit tfMt'- nnd- t!Th~ l\'stnu:nt 1t111t tta W.ttY• 1\llfL bl'('OIUI!lR en· wtult rutabt bo tnhe.n na nn (!JttUn&llo bJ Jtllll!fl of tntwJ.l."'t1 ·tn d1o ron)'flnll (If tlw (!hnal'l'on nnd I~ t1-.c1 uno ofllllllru ot tho· rt'l{Uinr tnrnntry.-wt-otnfi!Uir tilt 1keP JllMV, lt t'6Ull.l 1\ tni\ko 1U1 :Wll1 out tufll oftlC'Cire mttrdtcd «'iiUlurly on ft)()t At tb~ lit!:td of ·wtUi lfi It bitd Jtx,. • • • H bmJ l!~en IIUbllflitln:Jr ctnllt l'f!i.ptlt1lve corurmnl~. un!l a(IW, whtl"l ali' r..n bttn'nllt ffl-r tllbt rn- nln~ tlijJf< • ~ • Onieel'lt ~thlb& tbtt- ttttntnallon-oof.--it -tna~it4tHrit""-~Jld-.too~&~dmlrablf--ttt-tl!t-tl'll~ir·· ·

· tb~ ••undNd rnllet. on W'oat11 dii!Jt'lni!t r.ttoM. tJ\'iU 1ft Wblctnl,,i '1\1~· tlltt:!«</' . · . .. lJittVI} ii)'tt H•·'llll ·tb~ ttl'llt ttftt~t~ll~~., · . . . . ·t.tlk flf ~~i~l~ n\oft4 cfo'l\'n th~

Wl#lltl Olln. A • .C'11MiJt: ~llftt . liCmti ' · .Of· lbftt· C«'ltt lftn tltWJl1 llftll 110tnt at tir~r. Itt \Vlil(lll nr .. , 'ttl!'

• .. ? " ••

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.. . f'ew•il!lhtd .... L• '"

11. s. Jll'.UAU OP a&Jilts • , Wul:tm&WBr: »~ o.. ···



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, · .Dye~· Now> ·. r . . . . -t • • • • '

.. Mucfl · Chearfer·. '. ~~ili'~-g;t_.Jt !Jl]_.l'll.

' . . . . ' "' ' .

lb& ~odal·. tJl~an.~f$ and · .nyel1 t;J11· SROAPWA.'(, b.¢NV~R. ~01.,'0.

.INl•OiutlA'I'JUl'J . .UEfl.AR'(MENl'


l.:UIIIIl.Wl"du lilt} II l'ie!i .. A1Uj\VC!f~d .,~ •nftiJ'J•mii~Jn gludJy ftrruft~becl without l"f•~t. 1\cldt·fc'SII llllJ flrnl nbowe, , t,.;:--~...!..!;::;;;::p ;,::, ;, ::: ::4"1 ::;: h ... ; •• :; .... ,;; :::

prJBWJerA, and by u threat of e:ti.!Cullon thllt tribe wuo forced to l'l'port ot i<'u~ Cobb, together wlltll tbo OonUUlchen nnd Apnchea, nnd 1lniJli.Y tndncel! to gq on ttwtr rcscrvntlon. •

ll'tom !<'ott t'.obb tbo command mll.l'cb\!d to till! baGe ot tho WWJbttn mountains nnd eutabllshed h,4lrt Sill, near MedlcJno Blutr. On the 211 of Mare!J following t11o Nlnetee.ntl• Knnsua c:nvnley and tho SevcnllJ United Stnten envnlcy, under the -COIDII.lUIUl. .of'- Otmentl CuRter, went In vunmlt Ibn ('bryennl'fl.

Tl1o Cheyenne traJI wan etruek on S:llt :r.•ork on t110 Oll1 of ~fnl'l'll, ·1861J, and tollowe<J to the ruirtb along the otwtern odl(e ot tbe Llnno F.stacado unUJ tJu.1 :wth of Mnreb. when the Cbe)'ennes we~ mugflt romped on "Sweetwater creek. nbottt ten mlle.s. wWit ot thl' 4r.lstom nne or Texas. ThU mon:h WM made- PmctlcnUy without tronsporta• Uon (Jr ndt>f!uate supplle!J, and for the lnst tew

Allun~ LUUjCt:U Dlt:tU. huUlUl)',

Dntry a•roauc:t..._ Duacr •nnr·••"'" firm. J..ll:llt recclptt:r

II.DII "~llt< 1 t:; "' tlnu 1>~"'"<1"" ut cuor •• u.,ratu., tn!f uont:o.:. Uupurt.o from '-"H:a.moues 111 ... .U.l~ t-roducLIOn .tJhowlug u:l11tlvvr)' . .bernh.:o duc.omuu e11c11 weul<. CJuzung- puc..,,., u:: ucuru buLLer: ttuw l urh. ~!h~ '-.:lUCllc,u 66 h.l'- 1 .&"IUU.I,d~phlU H.l4.:. Huotull .ith.. · . ~ _t..

Chtlcrw ma.rlt"L" AdVIl!;lCeci tllltrbtl;y. ll.Uillll""" IUVW lJUL d1Cll.d)l !UJIOWID~ 11<1• \llllcc"' &'rh;c" ut W"lt>t:qplflll "runury ctu:e:td aua.r.Aulq. Tw!tus 1"~""• d.Bhtie-d lOI:,t1.UUUUIO UU.l.dU!d .J'f.&t.t. )'UU•Jl;;· ...UCI .1.:1 ... , 'CihbUUlUlS J:J'li;-C-, litjUU.CO ~f QliJ ~ • 'Ill "' ).. .

Yrulta IIQd ~5111UIIIl'>a, New Jur .. tJ)' pou~toc.a, cobb1ul'll

$1, ,., tu 0 lou II llt:f j.lJU "uUQ<llS; I{UUlt.a, o1>u '" ••·'" ct.r~\cru cluu.a, t&.to 1.:111• .. u.wut; Uo>U Lu c "" 1, v. b. DlilPPillH lllllJILI>. .Maltlll <l<Jbuocra. t:rll.,bUy W.,.ltor, .. uatun u.;;u Lu u.<'ll; .Nurllt rounu IVIlHc" f•·<>U tu •H•., ~lllCinnutl, ca.&- lOUI t:bscaau Wu lu ;>l.Ub. Wt!4tcrn WbUe ~tU"ItlUcll, •l,Ull w ¥l.1C. mrll•wcetern t;lUOtlj .PlJunt.:liOtu. CIUI)' 01UUl:l, 1110 to ~llo \lblt.:aJ:Su, ••·"" tu tt...IO 1.:1uc:tun.aa. •()c to blltl t. u, II. CDillllhlt; P<>IAI.II; o:uDb1cr10, aGe to !lOt.

t-iu1v ll.orl~ avp&c.a, A ll~ir we.o.ltlitcs. U to U.%1> pur uUcaul "<lnclnnatl and a'ltt.ouuq;h; bV...Uli New lfo.rl£. U \u ~-.10. Al1UI11u WC!IfWm oiODtllll!Wl:l, l!.'IC. tu' liS Chlc.r.uu par ut.#llcl; bnnau Ctty, fl t~ U.:111• {J!lJifortUU. 110~1:<1 \iC!"I.VOJI• lltCinn fil.:¢ll l<> ll:.ilU l.>illW Y iJr~ AU()• tlun JJudi"gu uvufilljo $&.::&. 1!.'61:1 :Y orlt .t:lborw. pcac:buu, ciA<'& uou buu.ncl bu· ~CJU. $l.1G tu ,~.~... AllC!llUIIIJ 111lcl l.!ploroou Slborw.... to $:1.21> 1A lcadlna.; mackut., A:llCJllf>o.Jl ato .. K, fl.l:!t I. U. b. #IIIPPIDJ;l Pulllta.

Llnr titltl!k •..a aleuta. Chlc~"U price .. : .l:lo~:o, tup. u.70;

bulk ut rmlWIIo •a.uo at •'· 7u; mctllutn and 100011 oci:t ,.Locn~. · ~·1.:10 lD J10.40; llUtcliu CQ~Va u.od I~GI> at n.:c,; tocaor .lllfXII"M. J:l,llll lO '": ll&"hl and ml:dlwn vca1 calvct~, $11.20. a\ Ult.fG; f&\ Jam&J..a. $!<1 tu 1111: :lecdln~: &amb., JU.Gf to $1::.16; ye:uUus., •11..:c. ro •n: tat ewce. fll to 1G.'i6. . ..Ptlc .. lrOQd wcai.JII• · JJce $16 to 117> vdl1 UG to flll, laulbo Jll3 to Ul. tnuttoc '' to f.W~O. lllfb\ purlt loin• •~r; tu fill), JIC4V)' tolrur Ull to UO.

Tax, R•c•fpta Fall Off. ·: • Wusliln~;ton.-fl.ovt-J'llllll.ffit tax lei'

rei Jib! fi'l! oft mo1-e tlmn $40;()00,00() ln ,. Jul~·.. 1111 t·utnpnrNl witll ttle. allme

.!itutfl>4lt>nt pf dusslfl~d collections Ia· I!Ut•d by th(' lntrrnn.l revenue burenu. l•'m· th(• rnont.b tu~ collcctlollB tot;nled $1UU,8l:IU,77ll, fill ;rgnli\St l$1U3,843,:U7 dUI"Illg" JUil", lO'..!f.

· Jn .. un•t• und lll"uflt tJilCC's umountlng to $2U,7·1:l,OOO during tlto month snowea 11 <ll'f•J"I'Ilt<e of 'l>'D.S48,000, eompnred \1 UJJ July .t .)t•m· ugo, while e~tato • tuxt•N uggn•gtttlnu $4.071,000 declined ~~~ $10,! . .'7u,OOO.

'l'axl.'tl un tU11tllled Blllrltll nggreg~t· In~-: $:!.6&1,000 for the ~nonUl, dc~Uned h~ $:.!.811,000 ugnlnilt. July, UJ21; mltt­<'t•lhanf'oUI! l.tllws, uurt1 ua tr1U11!portn· tlnn nnd 111111111rruent~ 11mnuntlng to $4!1.·143,000, fell orr by W,117,000, W hllo tObltl'l't.l truteH llGJ:regutlqg $26,• OHO,OOO rcfltJ<'ted· an ln,cn.mtle ot $3,· 772.000 IU!I ll!lliJDIIt the same ID()DtJI laSt f!'Jtll. !:::...:: ~-:-:.-:-.:;:. -=--.. . .. - .. ;-:--s-- -,

W~> twvo helped tbou11n.nda. Lot u• b,.Jp YoU. Wrtto tor c.o.t.o.toguo.

~~~ Coltnx and Coron11, DtJnvor, Colo.

t::: • ' • • - . ....!:! ·.::::..___.

Color11do Road• Excei'Tb()u of Eaa~ Jlt•n,·or.- -Jlondt1 lh Co lorn do nrc rut

:;:uod · uH till' rullllB In tho Eastern stntea, dcclnrel1 l>r. UC!Orgc I•. SehU· murker, u mPnaber ot the Denver no­till')' l..'lub. Dr. )J.c:humnckcr hlliJ Just rc>tumctl from n 7 ,()()().mile nutomobiJe trft• througl.l mrrcntcM of Ute En&tcrn · Bl11tes. un•l .bo sold tbnt ntwr rtdJnc over rho .,.,,.dlt of 1ho otbcr atates he dt.•cldetl rhut C41lorndo runds were ,;ood. "I mndl! better tttno tmvcllnll o,·er Colorudo road.!r than I dld In nny oJt thn l':UIItcrn state!~," Dr. Schu· marker unld.

ctars tbo men aublllated on mulo meat without 1 ------b-~cJ or a:au: M()ffat Road Muat Reduce Rat ... ,_, DE:'n'ER MARKm'».

CJenernl Sllonllon. Oenerul Cust('r and Colonel Olficlnbl ot the Denver A Salt tnko Moore. wltb tlle IWldlers ot the Elgbteentb lian· cattle. UloCtnt) nrulrond lt11VC boon ordered Wlll, tbf' Nlnetetonth ltnnsnsr nnd file Seventh Ulllt• Good w.r atot.b I!Oid Ill $1 to by tbtt StnJ,e i>Ubll<! uuuues ConunJll· ro Stntl'll rind Tenth United Stnt(!9 cnaiJ7, res- anel .:11oku nteel'll at $1. Til. l!omo ~~!i:~ 1·hlnn to t!fCnet frelli:ht hlte reduetlolllf cued thP wonwn prii!UOI'f"ll rrom tile Jndlnns In tbe ~:t4' rro::. Q:~~~d ~! 'l;~G.. k{'&.l.r .• flU lntr.nlltnto ~bll!mcnts nntl d.t!Jnmentll Texn11 l'nnhnmUe nnd drove tim Indlim.s tnr !Dto co.wa wcro •cUing ,.rro- $4 to to.I>enver In kee[llng wltll the n><tuco t~ll t.lnno l<Mncndo and pr~rv~ eouthw~tt!lil ~t~Jlr;,~eat>::m~'d ~~~ ::~o cbolc:o ttmtll demllnch!d ae\'ernl weekS ngo bt Knn!Ju11 tnr nil lfme, prnrtlrntly, tmm lli!llnn n!J.(It wCl1lcor tb.o.n tor tJm,.Inwrstnte f'.omml!rre Conunll!l!I(!D rmutta Thi!S' followed una roufllt the Intllnun ltJ . f:O~a.':!.dt~#f.1f:w:h~~a fill tnnontnt(l slllPllll!ntu. llembem of driving 1Unrmn. or tlmPB with no resoUIX'f>B but the j wc:ro qUoted nt ;c. CliP !4ffilP •·•>lnn•lm!lon notified the tnll· bufl'nln thPy ldiiPil. rmd the ohl.lgntlotuJ the South•IIIOid o.t $6'.:1G ana $UO. W11u1 to' file WIUL tllt> commtll:llon tor-

t •- ·• b t - b C?()re ..allln.: trom ;& to Jo.50, \Yell ..,. un .. er to t em •nvP nmer 1'\'niJy et>n nt" . oneo trom $&.nu Lo as. moJ noll<:"<" ot the rednred rutes on or fmot\'IPII~t«< by thD ~ro~ecnment u'l the UnJtetl a«tlon auld fnun U tc. '"'· br!on• l'l~t. 11. Stutt'll Wt>ltO qUiJ\cd from U to $-t. ------~

'rllll IDtl!ll r'OtnltUtiC' (I'Qtul'e Of tbe ctltnn;:{(,.,... m:!S . llop. •~ ,.... WtUI

tlw ~ ot Um wlllJIPn from I.oJmn rounty, J(rm. atld h~:~ mf:~ G:l.B; w1tom tbt>y found tn the- PunhlUldltt among · Ff[JW4• fGt UfiitecJ Sf::~tell Show Slight !he lmllnns. Wllom they bunt af!Pr a fl('J"C'p fight. • '""'1" • Deellnt in· Year.

· C'.tlpt. John Q. A. Norton ot I,:,Wf('ttee, J{an.. who aow11 lo CN'dlhnl with mnrchlns;r nlonc.> In front of n C'ollo tc~dor W:tGhiDUton.-The World~s whent ted~>rete b::Ut€'1')', told mr ~roonnU,r the Plll:' cbofc<l vrotfortlon this )"(!nr wm be letll tlt:m tll'tllnm or thtlt epioodl'. a tale flint would 1111 It wnR In"*' ~ear, bUt t'Onllldt:!tllbly crndlt to the pt!n ot a DUtlllliJ. All General (.'Uster 1:1'(!atc•r than the prr-war average;. IW-


l!4Y-. In hl11 repnl't: . t'tlrdln;:- to l'tltimnte~ lli!Ulb Jl)lblle bY. <~tn flbtnlnlitg .the ~IP'J.Se ot tlt~ eptlv~ WllltE t~~m;.:.~~~~u t1te Ilepartmt>nt of Agtlt'llltnre;·,Ai.!,<', , - ''

women:'" dh.J tlltlt. too; -wftbout ran110m, the men f~~'ri!~~~:: ~1-:!:F:~~~~ nl, ('llflmntes unrl rondftl(!p: ·n~,fff ;; '~.". . ot tuy comtfililld, •nnd Jmrtll'tllt.rly those ot the. 0 wo1~· front reporting c•onnttlet ,jnllfe~\IF· ,; ·~ ,.;;·•· · .


Nltt~>toonu• JtnnMn, wh<, wttro callt'4 Into service · !~;~~~~rc:~~d:~::l;l tll'ht tltiR rrnr ot a.otO.r.2(i,().j.JIHNiw~f,..~ ; •.. ·<,;, '" owing to tbo munters nnl'l d&pl'1..'11allona ot wbl(lh ro I'OI'lpnJ"t>tl With Ute, lll'u{it~f ll4'h .. ',: . tbe cmptul'(1 ut tllt!$0 Wflmtln formed n llnrt. teel >'l'nr ot DIO·Jil' '. · . . · [ moro fUltf re}1nttl tor tll«> tmrtlahlpit they ttnve en· uvcrnge or · " r -4htrt1fl tlltUl lt tfte,v bud wrvlvl!d an overwholmlll"' JJI!N'VEtc ilVGAit ClUtwATioxs. Rep(lrtll rmm nll

... • . • ........ ~ 1.'dee. vlefttr,r ovet tl!l ~ndlctn&" · • Ituru;ltt tlltltl crqp con

Col. lL C, t.frld!lOJ (I! Ut(J 'l'Wl' oruble und \\'flU! d teed ~tne. In tlie Spnnl$ll 'Wtlt, "\flU!! a sergennt mnjot' {)f • ·• ·;~~;~;;' ~d~ ·· ·· · . rear. eltmtnntlng tho UIG Nl..,et~~u.h S"I\QlittiJ unddl'" COtnnel Moore. • . ... *ed tdtt>at. .NeariYt.tiU tdfn NortM. rl ~Idler ot tbe i!MI Wll~, tJrit • • ·•• t.." .. • ... • ..,.,. • • •·• • • ...... $' lH<'"" howew•n~ · caD.• ............ ~ ... ~ •• ,. ...... ,~!i'~ .......... a.oa q., ,~ .. j.

R.- nt t.nwten(.'{ll • .nnd tift . '

to llmdul!e' Pni:ed wttli the, pl"':!<wJtt a\'4!11\~

·. .

thleauo Jalt~ .

•• • •


· .

. :t...,tit u. lieart)J< hi• '­t~t~t_.~nn!t:!!.<!li~tJ. .

ft)ri!wn .tnl<J ·!l

• .. •


• • •



. . •

l· . i t


~·' .·

Pastor Kn~lt to Pray · and Found Lost Roll ncrr, S. D. Oongcr or Clyde,

o .. knelt down to pray the other morntng, no usunt Illalng, be

. aw' sometllJng green under tho t(OTe. lnvestlgutlng, he found Ulat It was $45 tn current-y bo .upposed ho had lost oovcral

' ·dais · previous when ln an in­tal'lU'ban trolley etnUou. lie hna n' Ideo how the money got on­del' tho atoTe.

·Mr. Wallace Picks Out the Red-Heads • . .

. It. .zotae t.r mt hr,ri.d ··llia4. afo()t'

• • '

' , •

• ;:tat In Hl1 Pocket. . Fremont. 0.-:John J. Lcbmnnn .dl·

\'Idea biB tlme between hlo l:nv offit'll ll1 Frl!mont and .l h farm In St'ott township, Deccntb a ln111e rnt at• tack11d him when be l!.llt~l the grnnnl')'. 1'lrec rat l~red at Lehr6nnn and landed head flint In the pocket ot Lellmann'o trou!l!tll. Lehmnnn tried to hold tile pocket Ill J rnlled for help. Tbe rat s;ot bts n!leaoo qalckly when he bit the man's band • .. I gneas whl'n I )'l!tlt!d llelgabon for mtlc>IJ nround hen.rd me, tov many cnme to m; OJI:BIMa.nce," Lehmann s:rld •

• • . .

• . '


• •

Bclng plcUII wltJ1 younelt Ia n wndltton o mind not Intended tor ~15!1 lli!.NldC. -

"' .).. - . -'


. -. .

. . .....

·- ~~1'1 ... .. ~ - . .( ' ' ' .

T.- ~~ N• JIIIM4l fw ~to­

Oitn ldttK l..lfbttL

that from 12 to 18 month11 will be aaved IUid tbe boys will be tuiHiedged plumbera In two ancl a bult or three )'etlrs l~stead ot four. 'rho opprentlc."H will be pot4 tor the thoo thex nre at work, but not for time at •cbool. -

Going Down. Bluc:kston~~-"la :rour wlft> 11tlll rt>•

ducln~r Web11ter-"U you me11c my tncomt)-yes."

. . .. ··---Itelldtns mnketh o full man, t•ourer· u rendy man ond wrltlll; a.n exnct mrm.-Fra.nclt Bacon.

11.\NDl' ;JACK-ono man «!~08 ..... ,... raclul. bouo, ec.... from crouo4 ont• •M•• and orr. F. LOV!llii.NU, rr.r:ooat, N•h

'Children C For •

Speclal Car6 of Baby. !'hat Baby lhould han a bed of Jhl own an are agreed. Yet It

11 more reuonable tor an infant to llecp with crown-ups than to usc a mn'a medJdne Jn an attempt to reauiate the delicate organism of

''that nme InfAnt. Either P3Ctfce Is to be shunned. lfeithcr would be tolerated b.J'IpedaUshlln chUitten'a dlselllel.

Your Pb:Jiicfan will tell you that 'anby'a medfdne must be prepared with even greater care th!lD B..lby'e foOd. ·

A 1JabJ'• ltomach when fn good health fB too often disarranged by fmpro~ food. Coul4 you for a IDDment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything b1lt 11 mecUcluc espedally prepared for Inflntl and Children ? Don't be deceived.

Jlake a mental note of thfs:-It Ia Important, Mothers, that -:ron- sbonld remember tlult to funetfon weD, the d.Jgestiv.e organa of :rour Baby muat receive lpeclal care. lfo Baby is 10 abnormal that the desfted results may be bad from the usc of medJcJne. primarily pn!pl1'e4 for g:owu-upe.

110111£111110CllD ltAD THIIOOIUT 'IVAT • AIOOID lYtiY IOTfll Of' IUTCI.Il"l c.arrota


Bears the Signature of

. ' ' I ...

,J' I •

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• . I

. ' '• .. " '

• •

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. . '

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' - < • "'

< . AND THE MOS1: ELABORATE. . . . · LIN•E·· ·o. · f:· : · .. · ~ ·.. . · . ' ,. . . ~ i - r ,, ~ .._

• •

. ' . . ,. ' "' .~

• . I

l . ' •

• r:;;:£1-~

'.. , • • ... • • • ' .

• .. . •

Pure-Twill. : · Dresses



. ' . "

' . •

The Store of Class Quality and Service


• •

" •


, Styles that herald a Brilliant S~ason here in Bright ProfusiOn ,

Autumn Millinery

Ne~ Fait ·Sweaters

. .

- ~ . - -

In preoenting the Now Autumn Froeks and <'...oats In our comprchenolvc aelectiono. We Invite particul!ll' attention to the beauty and deatgo, tbo.aplendid qunli· ties of materials, the elegance of tbe trimmings, work• mnnablp, tnilorini' and smnrtne~as of the modela. Coa~ nnd Dren!cs charmingly and distinetly auitad for every pnrtleulnr t}Ipe,

The Coat a

The Dresses

Canton Crepe. Crepe de-Chinf, Twill and Trlcotlno


·.·.· ... AltlV~· .to: match ""t·•w""''''''''l'ii_i~·:'*~M'·-~(itjO ••••• ~ .. ,,.,.,,,,rtl:;iol":,, I ,,.,...~·· 'i-,''"2"'"~'- ·.··-· .. _ ,' .... "

the Falt:Ftock• _· ·. · New ._tetlalafor.tll~Fall~ .-. , . · ... " .

·' • • ' '


. -' . . '. ' ' '

,. , . . .. ..


' •

.· . • . . . .

' .

' - \

,;L'"'•"-~-:~•-~-.;;_~--·c,:·,·, '~.o=;,,;~C";>'-.---'~i.' c';•;,;_·--_;:;,,- .· .


. ' .• t .

' •

. . . . '

• • •


.... .. ... • • ..


•• ••


Found here in th~ theatre a small silver mesh ba(t With keys nnd small chrmge in tt.. · ·.

• . . t


' . . ' ·~ . .

' . •

. "" •



. . . ••

• ' . . ..... .


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