). this type of mystery is defined by humorous narration, scrambling action, bumbling but lovable...

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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• This type of mystery is defined by humorous narration, scrambling action, bumbling but lovable characters, and just fun.

• Comedy is the primary goal.

Authors: Works:

Elmore Leonard Get Shorty (1995

•This type of mystery has a protagonist is usually brainy, eccentric, antisocial, possesses quirky areas of knowledge. Usually male.

Authors: Works:

Agatha Christie Murder on the Orient Express (1934)

•This type of mystery is almost entirely a female subgenre

•Usually include an amateur detective, cats, knitting or quilting, cooking, pots of tea, family, friends, and community

Authors: Works:

Nancy Atherton Aunt Dimity’s Death (1992)

Aunt Dimity Digs In (1998)

•This type of mystery is about spies and spying

•American version is also know as a “Thriller” and is more action-packed than realistic, often macho, includes gore and seduction

Authors: Works:

Robert Ludlum The Bourne Legacy

•This type of mystery uses crime-solving aspects of pathology, physiology, anthropology or archeology, psychology, and behavioral analysis

•Use trace evidence processing, fingerprinting, DNA, ballistics, document analysis accident reconstruction, bugging, wiretapping, computer technology, etc.

Authors: Works:

Patricia Cornwall Postmortem (1990)

Thomas Harris The Silence of the Lambs (1988)


•This type of mystery is set among criminals rather than crime fighters

•Typical storyline concerns revenge, vigilante justice, or the commission (rather than the detection) of a crime

•Formerly called “Sleaze”

Authors: Works:

Ed McBain Big Bad City (1999)

•This type of mystery is set in a previous era, or deals with events which occurred in a previous historical era

•Often feature real persons or events in some form

Authors: Works:

Jack Higgins The Eagle Has Landed (1975)

This type of mystery involves legal proceedings, lawyers, prosecutors and their English counterparts.

•This type of mystery had a protagonists are from one of the armed services of one of the world’s nations – usually a “superpower”

•Setting may include a war or military conflict, real or imagined

Authors: Works:

Nelson DeMille The General’s Daughter (1992)

•This type of mystery must be realistic depictions of official investigations

Authors: Works:

Ed McBain The Mugger (1956)

•This type of mystery has a governmental or public policy setting and focus

•They can vary from assassination novels, to Washington insider farces, to attacks for or against an issue such as capital punishment

Authors: Works:

Richard Condon The Manchurian Candidate (1959)

•This type of mystery is defined by a non-police detective, usually a paid professional investigator

Authors: Works:

Dashiell Hammett The Maltese Falcon (1930)

•This type of mystery typically have a higher level of random violence, explicit gore, and serious mental illness than any other

•Serial killer stories can be crosslisted in any subgenre except Cozy

Authors: Works:

Thomas Harris Silence of the Lambs (1988)

•This type of mystery is among the most loosely used terms in the genre, being applied to any book with even a little action or adventure

Authors: Works:

Dan Brown The Da Vinci Code

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