the most logical way to grow a business is to increase your customer base and increase your sales....

Post on 27-Sep-2020






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Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Attitude ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Why attitude is critical to rapidly growing your sales .................................................................... 4

The Attitude Cycle ....................................................................................................................... 4

Changing your attitude ................................................................................................................ 7

No customers – no business ........................................................................................................... 8

Four ways to grow a profitable business ...................................................................................... 8

Why Customers leave ................................................................................................................. 9

Marketing is not selling .............................................................................................................. 10

The Sales Funnel ...................................................................................................................... 10

Stages in the sales funnel ......................................................................................................... 11

Prospecting for leads is not cold calling ..................................................................................... 12

14 Growth strategies to grow your sales ....................................................................................... 13

1. Develop your value proposition ............................................................................................. 13

2. Hire Talent ............................................................................................................................. 13

3. Develop a powerful elevator pitch .......................................................................................... 14

4. Personal networking .............................................................................................................. 14

5. Offer to help others ................................................................................................................ 15

6. Cross-promote your business ................................................................................................ 15

7. Develop a social media presence .......................................................................................... 16

8. Give away some free samples or advice ............................................................................... 16

9. Join in on-line forums ............................................................................................................ 17

10. Email marketing ................................................................................................................... 18

11. Host a free seminar or webinar ............................................................................................ 18

12. Contact an existing customer .............................................................................................. 19

13. Write a blog or on-line articles ............................................................................................. 19

14. Use multiple channels for sales and marketing .................................................................... 20

On a final note .............................................................................................................................. 21

Action Plan ................................................................................................................................ 21


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude in life.

Attitude to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past,

than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than

successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than

giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company… a church…. a home.

The remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude

we will embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in

a certain way… we cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is

play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude… I am convinced that

life is 10% of what we do and 90% of how we react to it.

From “Attitude”

by Charles Swindoll

Successfully growing your sales

is an attitude.


How many times has someone’s attitude got in the way of success?

It happens all the time. You know the one in the workplace, the one with a negative

attitude. They will give you ten thousand reasons why something won’t work and not one

good reason why something will work.

Everything is a problem. They not only bring down the team, they do nothing to attracting

new prospects and retaining your current customers. Your attitude, or the attitude of one of

your team might be affecting your sales results stunting business growth.

Have you heard of something called the Attitude Cycle?

Your attitude affects your ability to sell your products and services and grow your

business. If you have a negative attitude towards prospecting, networking or selling, you

will achieve negative results. Have a positive attitude towards prospecting, networking or

selling and you will achieve positive results.

Sounds simple enough. Why does this matter? It’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy. Believe

you won’t, you’re right! Believe you will you’re right.

To rapidly grow your sales, you need to adopt the right attitude towards selling. Let me

introduce you to the Attitude Cycle.






The first stage of the Attitude Cycle starts with how you think. It’s your self-belief. If you think

you can’t sell – you won’t be any good at selling. If you think you are good at selling – you will

be good at selling.

Known as a self-fulfilling prophecy or the expectation theory what you believe to be true, is true

– for you.

A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true,

by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior.

In other words, a strongly held belief, whether true or not, will influence a person’s behavior to

ultimately uphold their belief through their actions even if their beliefs are false. Behavior is

influenced by expectations causing your expectations to become true.

In his book As a Man Thinketh James Allen talks about all a man achieves and all that he fails

to achieve is the direct result of his thoughts.

In other words, if you think you can, you are right. If you think you can’t, you are right!


The second stage of the Attitude Cycle is what you see. If you believe you’re not very good at

it, then of course when you are put in a situation where you need to sell your products and

services, all you see in advance is you will fail.


If you have a positive attitude towards selling your products and your services, and you believe

in yourself, you will see selling in a positive light and confidently close sales.

The next stage of the Attitude Cycle is what you feel when you are faced with the prospect of

selling your products and services. If you have a negative attitude towards selling you products

and services, you will most likely feel anxiety or even fear when faced with meeting a prospect

or existing customer.


If you don’t feel very confident, your prospect will sense this. After all, who wants to deal with

someone who isn’t confident or doesn’t believe in what they are selling.


If you believe in what you are selling and it’s something you like doing, you see yourself

succeeding. You will feel excited about the prospect of helping them buy from you and

successfully concluding the sale.


The next stage of the Attitude Cycle is how you act when faced with a situation where you need

to sell your products and services.


If your self-belief (attitude) is you don’t like selling you will subconsciously act in a way that will

reaffirm this belief. Most likely you will be nervous, fidget, get flustered and not know what to

say. Because you are uncomfortable your prospect will feel uncomfortable as well.


If your self-belief (attitude) is you like selling and you are good at it, you will act in a way that

also reaffirms this. You will come across as being confident and knowing your stuff which in

turn the prospect will also feel confident in you and want to engage.

The final stage of the Attitude Cycle are your results.


When your self-belief (attitude) is that you aren’t very good at selling, you won’t succeed. It’s a

self-fulfilling prophecy. You will come away from meeting a prospect saying to yourself and

anyone else who will listen, “See I told you so, I told you I couldn’t sell!”


When your self-belief (attitude) is that you are good at selling, the result is, you will confidently

sell your products and services. You come away saying to anyone who will listen “See I told

you so, I told you I was good at sales!”

Either way, what you believe is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The more you believe you can’t do something, the more you won’t succeed. It’s a vicious cycle that

keeps repeating itself unless you change your attitude.

When you change your attitude, you

change your results.


There are two ways to change your attitude, one is change your self-belief and the other is

increase your confidence levels.

How you think about the products and services you offer has an impact on how successful you will

be. If you genuinely believe in your products and services then why wouldn’t you feel proud to sell

them? Having a self-belief in who you are, what you do, and your products and services will lead to

developing a positive attitude towards selling.

Attitude cannot be separated from confidence. If you are confidence in your ability to sell what you

believe in, then of course you will have a winning attitude.

The way to change your attitude and reap positive outcomes, is to learn how to sell. When you

learn the right sales skills, this will build your confidence levels to a point where you become

successful at selling. Again, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

That means the skills you need to learn to gain confidence in selling are to:

• Learn how to prospect for new business

• Learn how to build rapport

• Follow a proven sales process

• Ask effective questions

• Make winning presentations


There is a lot of confusion about how to grow a small business. Many people think if you advertise

more, you’ll gain more customers and your business will grow accordingly. Nothing could be further

from the truth. To successfully growing your sales, you must take a multi-faced approach.

Growing a business does not automatically mean increased profits.

Growth can often mean increased overheads, money tied up in increased inventory or having to

employ additional staff. For growth to be sustainable, you must know your market and be

competitive in that market. Not only that, you need to understand the difference between

marketing, advertising and personal selling.

There are four ways to grow a small business and make it more profitable.

• Attract more customers through marketing and promotional activities

• Increase the average sale through the number of sales per client

• Increase the average price per sale per client

• Reduce expenses

Reducing your expenses is usually the hardest of these four growth strategies for a small to

medium business. Most small to medium business enterprises don’t have the economies of scale

that bigger businesses have. Small businesses already operate on a shoestring budget.

The size of your business is in direct proportion to the number of customers you have. You either

need to grow your customer base, get your customers to buy more or get your customers to buy

more often. This sounds simple enough, but why the focus on customers and not products or

services. Without customers who buy from you, you have no business.

When you keep exploring, you find a

new way to solve an old problem.


The most logical way to grow a business is to increase your customer base and increase your

sales. This means having a focus on acquiring new customers and persuading your current

customers to buy more, more often. An effective way to grow your business is through various

prospecting activities.

If you don't engage in proactive prospecting as part of your overarching marketing strategy, where

do you expect your business to come from? You can't rely on your current customers for long. At

some stage, you will lose a percentage of your current customers for a variety of reasons.

Customers do not remain customers forever and there are a multitude of reasons for this. Consider

these statistics.

1% Leave because they die.

3% Move to another town, city or country.

5% Find alternative solutions or develop other business relationships who could be friends or come highly recommended.

9% Start to do business with your competition. This is not always because you have done anything wrong. It could be because the person you did business with was replaced by a new person and they have a strong relationship with another provider so they take their business elsewhere.

14% Are dissatisfied with the service they have received. Perhaps you didn’t deliver what you promised and the customer no longer trusts you. A great reason to under promise and over deliver.

68% Leave because they are upset with the how they were treated. I might not be you, it might be employee. It could also be something that’s happened in the industry that’s given them a bad taste in their mouth.

When you lose customers, it’s called natural attrition. With natural attrition, you need to acquire

new customers to make up for the ones that leave. If you don’t focus on consistently acquiring new

customers and keeping the customers you do have happy, eventually your business will drop off to


Imagine if you only relied on your current customers to see your business through the years ahead.

If you did, according to the statistics above, you will go out of business very quickly.

All businesses need to keep prospective customers in their sales pipeline to ensure ongoing



You cannot completely rely on marketing and promotional activities to acquire new business?

Because marketing is not selling.

People buy from people, not companies and certainly not through promotional activities or

advertising. Marketing and promotional activities are designed to make the phone ring, encourage

a prospect to visit your place of business, make an inquiry through your website or contact you via

email. At some point, you must engage in personal selling.

Personal selling is a promotional activity and should form part of your overarching marketing

strategy. Advertising and promotions form part of the marketing 'communication' strategy. This is

how you communicate your marketing message.

Every marketing message has a goal, to build your brand equity, promote a product or service,

encourage inquiries or generate new leads. But what if you marketing and promotional activities

aren't working? What if these activities aren't bringing in new leads? You have a choice, either sit

back and wait for the phone to ring or you can proactively go out there to seek new business.

You may or may not have heard of the sales funnel.

The sales funnel is a pictorial representation of how leads work their way through the qualifying

stages of selling. It visually describes the sales process beginning with a cold or warm lead and

demonstrates what happens until the sale is concluded.

A lead is placed in the top of the sales funnel but not all leads turn into customers. Some leads

might not be in the market to buy your products or services, they are simply not a good fit. Other

leads might be in the market in the future, just not now. Still others are good leads, become hot

prospects and for whatever reason choose not the buy from you.


A lead is sometimes referred to as a suspect and sits at the top of the sales funnel. They are

generally someone you haven't spoken to yet. If a lead matches your target market, they may

be a prospect worth pursuing.

There are two types of leads; warm leads and cold leads. A warm lead is someone who has

some interest in doing business with you. They might come to you through your website,

advertising, promotional activities, social media, a referral or a contact you have made through

your personal and professional networks.

A cold lead is where you proactively go out and seek business in your target market through

cold calling or email prospecting activities. A cold lead generally involves contacting a person

you have never contacted before or you don’t have any connection to. For example, picking

out a random person to call from LinkedIn or a printed or online directory.

Ideally warm leads are the best prospects to fill the top of your sales funnel.

The second stage in the sales funnel is where a lead becomes a prospect. The prospect has

confirmed they have some interest in your products and services. It's at this stage you meet

with them to determine their level of interest. By asking effective questions and taking them

through the buying and selling process, you both agree on what the next step is.

Once you have agreed to move forward together, the next stage in the sales funnel is that

they become a qualified prospect. This is the most critical stage of the sales funnel because

you have verified that they have a need for your product or services, they see value in your

offering, they have the budget and they are the decision maker or part of the decision-making


If you have followed all the steps in the meeting process, taken them through the Bi-Sell-

Cycle™ and handled any objections that may have arisen, you stand a very strong chance of

closing the sale and they pop out at the bottom of the sales funnel as a client or customer.

Growing your sales means, you must keep the top of your sales funnel full with new leads for not

all leads will turn into customers.


Having products or services without a prospect to sell to is like having a car with no gas. You and

your business are not going anywhere. However, mention the word cold calling to the average

person, they think it’s a dirty word. Who me – cold call – NEVER!

Cold calling is only one way of prospecting for new business but it's not the only way.

There are other growth strategies that can work for you as well. Regardless, someone in your

business needs to generate new leads to make up for natural attrition (the customers who leave

regardless of how well you look after them).

If you're not prospecting for new business, then who is?

Unless you can afford an experienced sales team or a business development specialist, you might

have to be the one to bring in new business. Let’s face it – without sales there is no business. No

business means no customers; no customers means no income and no profit.


Buyers buy for two reasons, either to resolve a problem they are facing or to realize an opportunity.

Consider what problems your potential buyers are struggling with or what opportunities they may

be looking for. Develop your value proposition to answer those two questions.

Secondly, examine what is it about your business that sets you apart from your competition.

Identify why customers should buy from you over your competition. What is it that makes you

relevant, different and credible? Focus on your strengths rather than try to improve your


Your value proposition must also form part of your communication strategy and integrated into your

advertising and marketing efforts to ensure consistency of message.

Once you have developed your value proposition, you then need to nail down your target market.

You can’t be everything to everyone. The narrower your niche, the better-quality prospects you will

attract. The best way to do is to create buyer personas of your ideal customers.

A buyer persona is a fictional character that represents your ideal customer. You will analyze their

age groups, buying habits, problems and opportunities along with identifying the best way to

communicate your marketing messages. For example, newspaper, radio, print brochures, social

media etc. Do this well and you will know the right prospecting medium to use to attract their


The better your research, the better the quality prospects, the better your outcomes.

Many managers or business owners are afraid to hire people better than themselves as they feel it

may undermine their authority. Quite the opposite, when you hire people better than you it offsets

the strengths and weaknesses of a team. However, you must also make sure you look after them.

It is six times more expensive to attract a new customer than to look after and retain an existing

one. Your goal should be to retain existing customers as part of your growth strategy. The way to

do this is to ensure you have a happy and committed workforce.

You might think the customer comes before employees. It should be the other way around. When

you treat your employees like kings and queens, they will feel appreciated and experience greater

levels of job satisfaction. When they feel appreciated, and love what they do, they will not only look

after your customers, they will promote your business outside of working hours as a company they

love to work for.


Treating your employees well means, they will excel at customer service. When you provide

exceptional customer service, your customers will remain loyal to you. Loyal customers become

brand ambassadors. Word of mouth advertising is free and very effective.

You never know when you might connect with someone new. It could be on public transport, at a

party, attending a networking event or even introductions through friends or business colleagues.

You want to make sure you have a powerful elevator pitch ready to go when asked “What do you


A compelling elevator pitch needs to relate to a problem or an opportunity present in your industry

and how you resolve the problem or help others realize an opportunity. Delivered well, a great

elevator pitch leaves your prospect wanting to know more about and what you do.

Don’t limit the elevator pitch to those responsible for growing sales, every person in your

organization needs to be able to rattle off a well-developed elevator pitch, even the accountant and


Don’t underestimate the power of all employees to become brand ambassadors for everyone

involved in the business will get asked the question, “What do you do?” or “Where do you work?” at

some stage. Another compelling reason to treat your people well. If they speak well of you and the

business in their personal lives, this leads to referral business.

Networking is a powerful way and valid way to connect with new prospects and grow your

business. People do business with people they like. Equally, people won’t do business with people

they don’t like. People also buy from people, not a company. The better you are at forming strong

and lasting relationships, the more likely you are to grow your business through referrals.

Networking is a cheap and inexpensive way to grow your sales. Buyers are more likely to trust the

referral or an endorsement of a friend that an advertisement.

When you look after your people they in

turn will look after your customers.


Although networking is a longer-term growth strategy, once you gather momentum, referrals will

start to come in consistently. To be successful at it, invest in your personal communication skills so

that you can talk to anyone, anywhere.

Consider joining a local business association or attend networking events.

Whether you are at a business networking event or a community gathering, offer to help. You

never know when such good deeds will come back to you. It’s known as the Law of Reciprocity. As

you offer to help others, you become known as a person others respect and want to know.

If you make a connection with someone outside of your niche or industry, connect them with others

who can help them. When you connect, and refer others, you in turn will get referrals back.

This approach also contributes to building your brand. Brand equity is how well known your brand

is and the positive associations consumers have with your brand. The more people who know

about your brand and want to do business with you, the more you build brand equity.

If you are known for doing the right thing and helping others succeed, the more you will succeed

and the more positive feelings others will have with your brand.

A great way to cross-promote your business is to team up with other related businesses. For

instance, if you are a graphic designer, you might team up with a marketing agency or copywriters.

If you are an accountant, you might team up with a small business centre as one of their sponsors.

If you are an event planner, you might team up with a wedding photographer.

Forming alliances with other related businesses significantly raises your profile as a person a new

prospect will want to do business with. Consider who in your industry you could team up with,

including suppliers and customers. This becomes a win-win growth strategy particularly if you both

add value to each other.


If considering using social media to grow your business, be aware, like networking, it takes time to

nurture relationships. So many business people set up a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram

account expecting immediate returns. Nothing could be further from the truth unless you are using

paid advertising on social media to grow your business.

Social media is called ‘social’ for a reason. In the first instance, it needs to be social. It’s about

making connections and engagement not constantly pushing your products or services. If all you

do is push, push, push without a balance of other posts, you push potential customers away.

Social media as a growth strategy is about building a name, a brand and making connections. To

become an influencer, you must give potential customers a good reason to connect and follow you.

You can only achieve this through posts that they respond to and adds value such as a blog article

or links to other influencers. A great way to balance your posts is to share motivational or

inspirational quotes.

Don’t forget to regularly share influencers posts or blogs and they in turn will share some of yours.

The secret to using social media to extend your influence is to be consistent. Set yourself a daily or

weekly target for sharing posts and stick to it. You can always add more but never less. Frequency

is the key – without it you will not be able to penetrate your market.

When you consider giving away something for free, make sure it’s of value to your target market. If

it’s not, then it’s a wasted effort. If you give free samples away to the wrong target market, it

becomes an expense you don’t need. For instance, if you are at a trade show and give away

branded promotional items, often people just like picking up free stuff which end up in the trash.

Instead, ask for something in return like an email address where you keep control and can follow

up with the prospect later.

Social media marketing is a valid

growth strategy by making connections

and engaging your audience.


When you give something for free, if it adds value, prospects will think, this is great value, if they

give this for free I wonder how good their products or services are they sell!

The objective is to build trust and confidence within your target market. Remember, people don’t

buy from people they don’t like. If possible, personalize your freebies with your name, not just your

brand and logo. This helps you make a personal connection that is more likely to build a lasting

relationship with your prospect.

There are hundreds perhaps even thousands of on-line forums many of which are bound to be

related to the products or services you offer. Some of these groups are open to the public, some

are closed groups where you need to be invited. You can find groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Better still, you can create a group of your own.

Be careful that you don’t push, push, push your products or services as this will result in either

being removed from the group if it’s a private group, or you will turn potential buyers off. This is a

big mistake. On-line forums are about getting your name out there and making connections in the

same way you would at a live networking event.

People often make the mistake of being overly vocal (and opinionated) in on-line forums –

remember it’s about adding value and keeping people engaged.

If it’s relevant to the topic being discussed, you can subtly refer to how you helped someone or

another business get results by taking your advice and demonstrate how you resolved a problem

being discussed online. That way you continue to build trust with your audience.

Ideally if you can include videos in your online forums, you will connect with 60% more consumers

who prefer to watch content rather than read it.


Email marketing?

Whoa you say – isn’t this like cold calling? It can be if not done correctly. If you use email to purely

jam sales messages down a recipient’s throat, then of course it won’t work. People hate being sold

to but they do like to buy – even if it’s only an idea.

If you keep up with trends in your industry, a great way to add value to existing or potential

customers is to send them something of value, like a link to a news article or blog. This simple

tactic can result in additional business as you are seen a person who adds values and keeps on

top of industry trends. This is not about pushing your products, it’s a tactic for making a connection

and keeping your name top-of-mind.

The purpose of email marketing is to connect with both existing customers as well as generate new

leads. Don’t underestimate the power of keeping your existing customers engaged. Remember to

have a compelling subject line and the first line of the email must capture your targets attention to

entice them to read on.

Keep in mind, like anything written, you are missing a whopping 55% of your communication skills

when sending out an email. Words alone account for 7%, tone of voice 38% so what’s missing is

your body language. It’s much harder to build rapport through emails alone. It means you must

work a little harder to ensure your message comes across with the right tone and intent.

Ensure your message adds value (yes, the value word again) such as free guides, links to blog

content, industry news etc. This growth tactic is all about providing recipients with helpful, relevant

and interesting information. Once you have their trust, you can then mix up your sales messages.

When composing emails, keep your sentences short and only provide a single link at a time. Most

people read emails on a smart phone so keeping it short means they don’t have to scroll so far and

having only one link means you keep their focus and attention.

One way to rapidly get your name out there is to host a free seminar. This is the one time where

you can promote yourself, provide free samples, give free advice or even give away promotional

items or materials that adds value to your target market.

Consider holding a free seminar for the customers of your customers. For instance, if you are in

the financial services or business insurance industry, you might team up with an accounting firm

and hold a free seminar with their customers. This tactic not only raises your profile to a wider

network, it also adds value to the networking group or customers of the business you are working



Alternatively host a webinar and don't be afraid to share great content. If your participants relate to

what you are sharing, they will mostly likely want to learn more about you and the products and

services you provide.

This is such an obvious growth strategy many overlook it. Phone or email an existing customer. A

simple thing like picking up the phone to an existing customer or sending them a value-added link

can bring in additional business.

Like you, your customers get busy doing stuff. A simple phone call asking them how their business

is going and if there is anything you can do to help can trigger a sale. It can also mean retaining

that customer by making it easy for them to do business with you.

When you have concluded a successful business deal, and you have established a good

relationship with your customer, ask for a referral or testimonial to get you to the next prospect. If

you have done your job well and your customer trusts you, then for the most part they will be

happy to give you a referral or testimonial.

Don't limit referrals to existing customers, tap into your network or friends and business associates

as well including your accountant, lawyer or other professional you deal with on a personal basis.

They have a customer list too and often know of someone who could use your products or


When you write informative, value-added articles, potential customers sit up and take notice. This

is because, over time you become an authority or expert in your field. Becoming an expert creates

an element of trust with potential buyers which is essential to the prospecting and sales process.

Becoming an expert in your field makes others want to get to know you as opposed to the other

way around.

Customer loyalty comes from

consistently doing things right.


Share your online articles on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. By

sharing on other platforms, it immediately increases your reach.

In addition to the ideas above, you need to support your growth Strategez with multiple channels

for selling and marketing your products and services. If you rely on a single marketing channel, you

are likely to lose potential customers. For instance, use a combination of video, webinars, print,

electronic and social media to attract new customers, increase sales and grow your business.

When you create your ideal customer personas, you also discover what marketing channels your

ideal customers prefer.

For example, a 20 year who is tech savvy would respond to marketing messages delivered via

social media platforms or direct messaging whereas an older person who was brought up reading

the newspaper would respond better to a print advertisement in the newspaper.


Prospecting and growing a business also requires consistency. Waiting until business is slow then

looking to develop new business through your marketing efforts is not a good strategy. When you

get to that stage, it can be too late.

Prospecting needs to be an activity you are mindful of every day. Vary your approach and method

to find what works best for you and your business.

Regardless of what marketing channels you use, or what growth Strategez you put in place,

nothing takes the place of face-to face selling where you have far greater control over the sales


Remember, people buy from people. Learning to sell is an essential skill to learn. Growth

strategies are designed to bring the customer to you. You still need to take them through the

buying and selling process and close the sale.

When you invest in your personal selling skills, you are making an investment in yourself. Not only

will you learn how to sell your products and services, you will also learn how to sell your ideas,

persuade others to your way of thinking and significantly increase your self-worth.

Having worked through the strategies above, some will appeal to you more than others based on

your target market and the products and services you offer. What you now have is knowledge of

possible growth strategies to increase your sales. The next step is, and the million-dollar question

is, which of these strategies will you follow up with?

The success of a small business is the

ability to translate plans into action

and consistently follow through.


What Strategez will you use to grow your sales?

How will you measure success?

What resources do you need to put your plan into action?


There is nothing so degrading as the constant anxiety of one’s means of

livelihood. I have nothing but contempt for the people who despise money.

They are hypocrites or fools.

Money is like a sixth sense without which you cannot make use of the other

five. Without adequate income, half the possibilities of life are shut off.

You will hear people say that poverty is the best spur. They have never felt

the iron of it in their flesh. They do not know how mean it makes you. It

exposes you to endless humiliation. It cuts your wings, it eats your soul like a


It is not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one’s dignity, to work

unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent.

~ Somerset Maugham ~

For more Strategez for Success, go to Feel free to share this toolkit with others.


Carolyn (Caro) is an inspirational leader, motivator and founder of Strategez for

Success. Caro holds a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), is a Certified

Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a Sales Trainer, Business Coach

and published Author.

She provides easy to follow Strategez to help you achieve your personal, professional

and business goals.

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