*/ st^t^y 07- titz icrnrrzs cr rcirr maticrfi spc^'tapiat€¦ · 5.3 it vra.s reported...

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■ * / st^ t ^ y 07- titz icrnrrzs cr rcirr MATicrfi spc^'tapiat

• #

atd tptasupy te^t: cr t:-z 2?t:: atrit i??4

w j ;1. rPP^ZrT (i) TVX. L*. CKIZAO.



(iii) Z. CAPS P. E2U2U


, - A •f fl' «V* !. < ■

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(v) . KATICrAI P. isizrsm • IZECTA


i:. eai:g c b i !t



(iii) W. CAPZ. C. CA2CICUE


3. rrrrArczs

3.1 It was agreed that grants be nade available to regions

as o soon as coney is available.

3.2 That^regions subnit to rational Treasurers budgets for

six souths. Budget should cover entire regional UZP

work including rural full tine 7/crkers. v

3*3 Honey advanced to regions r.o?r will be deducted at

the tine of grants. ;

3.4 ^hat P.5 000 be inr.ediately nade available to 'Testern

. Cape for rural work. ■

-2- . /3.5.- rural work.


( •

That grants for' the Eorier, ZD. Cape, IT. Cape and G.F.S.

regions be determined in consultation with the rational


The rational Treasurers were requested to assist Transvaal

straighten up its books.

3 . 7 That regions wanting rational speakers must pay for their


3 . 8 • The rational Treasury agreed to finance a rally in the

r c r t h e m Transvaal with the proviso that all vouchers

are sulmitted to the rational Office.

3.? The treasury fast demand audited statements f:rcz-. regions

on periods determined by then.

3.10 Cassin Saloo^ee was mandated to go abroad for purposes

of fundraising.

4. P5ZZDCI: 72JZ2

4.1 It mas agreed that the three (3) presidents be nominated

to receive freedom prize. C. Sallojee and R-v Stofile

or Brie I£olobi were appointed to be on stand by.

4.2 It was agreed a press conference be arranged when the

v? representatives of the Front leave for Swedden. -

5. g p j T T i s p f n c r : to ut.

5.1 It was reported that the tour was a big thing abroad

Organisations were campaigning against it.

5.2 It w:.s agreed that a meeting be set up between the U3F

and the secretary of 3JLCCS Morgan Taidco with a vie^v

to discuss a joint strategy against the tour.

- r ) ? < •

/ 5 . 3 it was agreed.

- 3 -

- 3-

5.3 It vra.s reported "by the Publicity Secretary that a

telex ani letter had already been sent to S.UT5CC.

£.1 P.3?C?TS Regions reported process on KSC. The Western

Cape region with 60 000 si-natures is leading the neares

region to it by 40 000 signatures. Total of signatures

collected is little over 126 COO.

£ 2 r^cPIETS The najor problem ccinon to all regions was

identified as resources. Coupled rith the resource

problem in the Tran::vaal is lack of active participation

tv organisations and in particular leadership. Regional

secretaries do not know the state of affiliates.

£.2 TreccinszLVPicrs

£.3.1 Intensification of blitzes.

6.3.2 Publishing of f oras in community newspapers

and popular commercial news papers.

6.3.3 Setting up of shops where ZSG fcrss Trill :>e

available fcr vclpunteers to collect.

6.3.4 Usage of Kay - Day as an opportunity to inters:,

the KSC by collecting signature fron tve workers

at all na^or stations. Pig posters be usea to

drar the attention of the workers. ,

6.3.5 Regions must asses on a regular basis the fo_2:

6.3.f . 1 II077 to increase the number of volontcs

6.3.5. 2 row to make follov: up on contact made

with volunteers.


6 .3 .5 . 3 How to esses political content.

6 .3*5*4 Ideas on recruitment of people into the campaign

of million signatures.

£ Involvement by FD? executive committee members. To that

extent the TUI rational Office was requested to write

to all E.F.C. member and executive committees of all


.7 That the General Secretary and the Publicity secretary

co - or-inate the million signature campaign. That 1

the efficient administrator be employed for the rational


rr.ic.-r assjls

.1 i/.c:-: C ? ICIPATICTT

It was noted that Africans were not participating fully

in the campaign of the UT?. Factors influencing these

conditions were identified as

(a) The venue problems (church controlled, by administratio:

boards eg. lease holds are used to scare the priests

by demanding that only bonafide religions services

must be allowed).

(b)* The level of repression made people think organisations

are a waste of time and are reformist.

(c) Scute material deprivation in these areas and the

failure to involve few petit bourgeois elements

made movement difficult.

2 P . Z C C n C ' D A T I C r S

7 .2 . 1 The secretaries rust conpile lists of affiliates

and mahe assesment of their strengths - and the

....... extent to which they are participating in the UL7 .


Eegardirio the above areas referred to in 9 . 3 the ITaticnal Secret^ri: recommends that people already working therein he approached by the

ID?. It is noted that rather than duplicating structures the

ITDF should drav? from existin resources. The Black Sash ^nd S~?

should be consulted on removals. PJ/IDA on Health ar.d CC3C- on

conscription and intimidation.

©3.4 srSCU?C3 IC.T3F.L-I

It *?as recommended that the national Publicity Secretary

establish a desk with all available material. It v.as further

adviced that a list contair.ing material available be sent

to regions or. a regular basis

# •


9.3 . 1 Removals

9.3.2 Health

9.3 . 3 Conscription

prices - Ks.ize - Possibility cf building this matter into the U37. Unions must be approached on I^ay Day and GST.

♦Unicns seeni not tc know what to do about GST.

UP? nust give direction on GST.


It was recomnended that the R3C and the'Regional General Councils put food prices and.housing on their agendas.


That U3P nust identify organisations that eaerged around the high food prices and forge links with then if the need arises.

1 0 . 3 rsrsRATicr cp uricrs

It was a noted that there was a possibility of the ITew Unicn Pederation aching fcr a nesting with the UP? for affiliation.

UP? nust take the initiative in this connection.

10.4 SAATU

It was recomended that'the Transvaal office nust write to SAA7U ask for a formal letter advising the 2.3.C. on what to do with Barnabas who is currently a nenber cf the R.3.C. on a SAA7.TJ ticket. . . .


It was noted that the goverment 7^3 persistently uprooting pco-le frca the historical lands and urban areas and forcing then to settle in areas not chosen by then. Thou'ands of people are increasingly facing the threat of removals. The Rational Secretariat whilst noting the need fcr the UI?

to address itself to the problen it believes however that witacut the necessary resources allowing for consistent woik the issue will renain unresolved.

12. :~AY 3AY ' _


The Western Cape Region reported that the A P C T had indicated their displeisitre with the letter written by the General Secretary tc all unicns. It is suspected that the PCSATU and G'*l refused tc participate in joint yay Pay services because cf the tone of the letter! The

General Secretary was requested tc send a ccpy of the Istte: to all regions.

According to reports presented to the Kational Secretariat only the Western Cape and JTatal regions oft the UBF had

organised Kay Day nestings.

Cther regions had either unions or affiliates organising meetings independently.


13.1 Banned UB? news and National launch took, The WesternCape and the rational Publicity Secretary & were ask?d I to take up the two cases respectively. It was agreed i that the rational Office will pay for legal costs.


The General Secretary ?.-as instructed to investigate serious ' allegations nr.de about the IT? in the City Press of the

22nd April 19?4, :r.v seel a legal opinion on the natter.I I

1 5 » , -LV. . O . > »J

15.1 It v.-as reported thit a '.vc“L:''.:cr ?.*ar being "3:.nr-ed by*• C % ''f' n’ ̂ "*■ p, f V. r " u~"'~ r\


It v.-as reported• n •. r* f*

t TVZ1Z andvrorkshop ,roul* fr vath the ISC a: • > w « . •» «


Twenty t*.vo people were reported arrested in Cradock* six v/ere charged v»ith intimidation and public vleler.ee.

1 j' » . ._J _ v» _. L • J «... J J # L / - i - .

1 5 .3 . 1 T71 was requested to prepare reported or. education crisis in Pretoria.

1 5 .3 . 2 Eastern Ca;e was requested to prepare a rsport on the education crisis ir. Uitenfeage*


15.3.3 The national publicity secretary- offered to prepare a report on Cradock.

1 "]■ — ' • n r

The national secretariat agreed tc recommend to regions, th.i/t,.*. • a national Bay of Solidarity with the people of Cre.deckf'w"The’ "4 meetings mist make a call for the e release of Lathew Gcni/.e. The General Secretary v.ras mandated to consult the Black Sash and the BB3C or. the natter»

Collection Number: AK2117 DELMAS TREASON TRIAL 1985 - 1989 PUBLISHER: Publisher:-Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:-Johannesburg ©2012


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