Андрей Поданенко - start using vagrant now!

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Local development with Vagrant

Andriy PodanenkoSoftware Architect, DevOpPropeople@podarok


● What is Vagrant?● Provisioning, puppet, ansible● Generating configs with puphpet.com● How puphpet.com works internally

What is Vagrant

● Layer on top ov virtual machine providers− Virtualbox− Vmware

● Command line tool● Text file to control the settings● Plenty of boxes available on internet

Vagrant commands

● vagrant up● vagrant ssh● vagrant provision● vagrant halt● vagrant destroy● vagrant reload --provision

Vagrant up workflow

-> vagrant up● Obtaining vagrant box (vm image) - once● Starting virtualbox (vm provider)● Starting provisioners stack - first time and with

--provision or when -> vagrant provision-> vm box up and running -> vagrant ssh

Vagrant configuration● Ruby syntax● Box, ram, cpuVagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box = 'ubuntu-1404' config.vm.box_url = 'http://.../ubuntu-1404-x64.box' config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "2048"] vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", "2"] end end

Vagrant boxes

● https://vagrantcloud.com● http://www.vagrantbox.es

Vagrant configuration

● Network

● Sync folders

● Nfs is faster than native. Try latest vagrant with rsync

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""end

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.synced_folder "project/", "/var/www/project"end

Vagrant provisioning

● Shell● Puppet (model driven)● Chef (procedural)● Ansible● Salt● Docker● ...

Combining provisioners# Shell provisionconfig.vm.provision "shell" do |s| s.path = "puphpet/shell/initial-setup.sh" s.args = "/vagrant/puphpet"end

# Ansible provisionconfig.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible| ansible.playbook = "playbook.yml"end

# Puppet provisionconfig.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| ssh_username = !data['ssh']['username'].nil? ? data['ssh']['username'] : "vagrant" puppet.facter = { "ssh_username" => "#{ssh_username}", "provisioner_type" => ENV['VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER'], } puppet.manifests_path = "#{data['vm']['provision']['puppet']['manifests_path']}" puppet.manifest_file = "#{data['vm']['provision']['puppet']['manifest_file']}"end

puppet -> manifest.pp

ansible -> playbook.yml- hosts: demovmbox connection: local gather_facts: no

vars: drupal_user: drupalcamplviv drupal_pass: ilovelviv installation_profile_name: presentation mysql_user: drupal mysql_pass: drupal mysql_db: drupal

tasks: - name: Droping drupal database mysql_db: name={{ mysql_db }} state=absent

- name: Creating drupal database mysql_db: name={{ mysql_db }} state=present

- name: Installing drupal sudo: yes shell: "drush -y si {{ installation_profile_name }} --db-url=mysql://{{ mysql_user }}:{{ mysql_pass }}@{{ mysql_db }} --account-name={{ drupal_user }} --account-pass={{ drupal_pass }}"



vagrant up demo




● All configs in puphpet/config.yaml● Uses puppet librarian (Puppetfile)

Extending configs

● Use another puppet module− Add it to the Puppetfile− Modify manifest.pp

● Add another provisioner− Add it to Vagrantfile− insert provisioner’s needed files to vagrant tree

Contributing to puphpet.com

● Symfony app● Each config element is a separate bundle that

provides UI and manifest.pp part● Remember about all OS (debian + centos)

PS. Drupal related tree/workflow

Local development with Vagrant

Andriy PodanenkoSoftware ArchitectPropeople@podarok


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