˘ ˇˇˆ - semantic scholar · this case study explores a metrics program to track the development...

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Chapter IiTalk: Managing the Virtual E-Business ......................................................................1

Daniel Robey, Georgia State University, USALeigh Jin, San Francisco State University, USA

This case describes the successful launch of a free voicemail service across theentire U.S. Although initially successful, iTalk later foundered in its efforts to generaterevenues with services that customers would be willing to buy. Technical problemsdelayed deployment of new services, and relationships between iTalk’s engineers andoperations personnel became strained. Facing these and other problems, iTalk was notin a strong position to go public or to raise additional funds from private investors.Worse, iTalk had become potential prey for takeover attempts.

Chapter IIThe Value of Coin Networks: The Case of Automotive Network Exchange® ............ 17

Andrew Borchers, Lawrence Technological University, USAMark Demski, Lawrence Technological University, USA

As a response to strong competitive pressures, the U.S. automotive industry hasactively employed electronic data interchange in communications between suppliersand car makers for many years. This case reviews the recent development of ANX®, aCOIN (Community of Interest Network) intended to provide industry-wide connectiv-

ity between car makers, dealers and Tier suppliers. The authors identify technical andbusiness challenges to the success of ANX®.

Chapter IIIUp in Smoke: Rebuilding After an IT Disaster .......................................................... 29

Steven C. Ross, Western Washington University, USACraig K. Tyran, Western Washington University, USADavid J. Auer, Western Washington University, USAJon M. Junell, Western Washington University, USATerrell G. Williams, Western Washington University, USA

A fire destroyed a facility that served as both office and computer server room fora College of Business located in the United States. The fire also caused significantsmoke damage to the office building where the computer facility was located. This case,written from the point of view of the chairperson of the College Technology Committee,discusses the issues faced by the college as they resumed operations and planned forrebuilding their information technology operations.

Chapter IVPolicy Processes for Technological Change .............................................................. 48

Richard Smith, Simon Fraser University, CanadaBrian Lewis, Simon Fraser University, CanadaChristine Massey, Simon Fraser University, Canada

This case examines policy processes for the introduction of technology-mediatedlearning at universities and colleges. It is based on the results of a two-year researchproject to investigate policy issues that arise with the implementation of telelearningtechnology in universities and colleges.

Chapter VImplementing Software Metrics at a Telecommunications Company:A Case Study ............................................................................................................... 58

David I. Heimann, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA

This case study explores a metrics program to track the development of a newversion of a telecommunications company’s voicemail product. The study addressesthe adoption of the program, its components, structure, and implementation, and itsimpact on product quality and timeliness. The study also discusses the aftermath of theprogram and its place in the larger organizational culture.

Chapter VIManagerial Issues for Telecommuting ....................................................................... 77

Anthony R. Hendrickson, Iowa State University, USATroy J. Strader, Iowa State University, USA

This case compares and contrasts the issues faced by firms in today’s telecom-munications environment with an actual telecommuting case study of Trade Reportingand Data Exchange, Inc. (T.R.A.D.E.), a software engineering company located in SanMateo, CA.

Chapter VIIThe Elusive Last Mile to the Internet .......................................................................... 90

V. Sridhar, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, IndiaPiyush Jain, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India

The challenges faced by organizations in developing countries in getting reliable,high-speed Internet access to support their mission critical Web-enabled informationsystems are highlighted in this case. The case prescribes various measures to optimallyuse the constrained bandwidth available from service providers. The challenges indefining and monitoring appropriate service level agreements with the service provid-ers are discussed.

Chapter VIIIRemote Management of a Province-Wide Youth Employment Program UsingInternet Technologies ............................................................................................... 109

Bruce Dienes, University College of Cape Breton, CanadaMichael Gurstein, University College of Cape Breton, Canada

This case describes a province-wide network of Community Access Internet sitesthat was supported during the summers of 1996 and 1997 by Wire Nova Scotia (WiNS),a government-funded program to provide staffing, training and technical support forthese centers. Remote management enabled the efficient and low-cost operation of aprogram involving 67 sites.

Chapter IXMoving Up the Mobile Commerce Value Chain: 3G Licenses, Customer Valueand New Technology .................................................................................................. 128

Martin Fahy, National University of Ireland, Galway, IrelandJoseph Feller, University College Cork, IrelandPat Finnegan, University College Cork, IrelandCiaran Murphy, University College Cork, Ireland

This case discusses Digifone’s (an Irish telecom company) evaluation of an openXML vocabulary as part of the mediation and billing solution for their next generation(3G) mobile services. The case argues that the key to exploiting 3G technology is inter-


industry agreement on measurement standards to effectively manage the value of theassociated services.

Chapter XThe Integration of Library, Telecommunications, and Computing Services in aUniversity .................................................................................................................. 156

Susan A. Sherer, Lehigh University, USA

This case study describes the process of integrating the library, computing andtelecommunications services in a University with all the problems and challenges thatwere experienced during the project.

Chapter XINation-Wide ICT Infrastructure Introduction and its Leverage forOverall Development ................................................................................................. 172

Predrag Pale, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, CroatiaJasenka Gojšic, Croatian Academic and Research Network, CARNet, Croatia

Ten years of efforts in introducing the state-of-the-art information and communi-cation technologies (ICT) and development of ICT infrastructure on the national levelare described in this case. The aim of the project was to build Internet in Croatia and tofoster its leverage in the broad range of activities of public interest in the society as awhole. The prime target group was academic and research community, as a vehicle forthe overall development in the society.

Chapter XIIThe Telecommuting Life: Managing Issues of Work, Home and Technology ......... 196

Gigi G. Kelly, College of William and Mary, USAKaren Locke, College of William and Mary, USA

This case introduces one company that has decided to experiment with thetelecommuting arrangement. Through the eyes of one teleworker, many of the benefitsand challenges of telecommuting are explored.

Chapter XIIIApplication of an Object-Oriented Metasystem in University InformationSystem Development ................................................................................................. 210

Petr C. Smolik, Brno University of Technology, Czech RepublicThomas Hruška, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic

This case presents experience from design and implementation of a universityinformation system at the Brno University of Technology. The newly built system is


expected to provide the students and staff with better tools for communication withinthe university’s independent faculties, departments, and central administration. Anobject-oriented metasystem approach was used by the IT Department to describe theservices offered by the university information system and to generate needed programcode for run-time operation of the system.

Chapter XIVIntegrating Information Technologies into Large Organizations ........................... 224

Gretchen L. Gottlich, NASA Langley Research Center, USAJohn M. Meyer, NASA Langley Research Center, USAMichael L. Nelson, NASA Langley Research Center, USADavid J. Bianco, Computer Sciences Corporation, USA

Methods for how information technology tools are currently cutting cost andadding value for NASA Langley internal and external customers are presented in thiscase. Three components from a larger strategic WWW framework are highlighted: Geo-graphic Information Systems (GIS), Integrated Computing Environment (ICE), and LAN-TERN (Langley’s intranet).

Chapter XVGlobe Telecom: Succeeding in the Philippine Telecommunications Economy ........ 242

Ryan C. LaBrie, Arizona State University, USAAjay S. Vinzé, Arizona State University, USA

This case examines the role and implications of deregulation in the telecommuni-cations sector on an IT-based services organization, Globe Telecom, in the Philippines.Globe has continued to succeed despite the competition against the Philippine LongDistance Telephone Company, which at one time controlled over 90% of the telephonelines in the Philippines. Globe has been able to do this through strategic partnerships,mergers, and acquisitions. Furthermore, Globe has developed into a leading wirelessprovider by its effective use of modern information technology.

Chapter XVIImplementing a Wide-Area Network at a Naval Air Station: A StakeholderAnalysis ..................................................................................................................... 268

Susan Page Hocevar, Naval Postgraduate School, USABarry A. Frew, Naval Postgraduate School, USALCDR Virginia Callaghan Bayer, United States Navy, USA

This case study illustrates the use of a non-traditional approach to determine therequirements for the Naval Air Systems Team Wide-Area Network (NAVWAN). It isconsidered to be non-traditional because the case data enable the use of stakeholderanalysis and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) assessments todetermine the requirements instead of asking functional proponents about functionand data requirements.


Chapter XVIIInformation Technology & FDA Compliance in the Pharmaceutical Industry ........ 280

Raymond Papp, University of Tampa, USA

The impact of information technology on the pharmaceutical industry as it re-sponds to new FDA guidelines is presented in this case. One such guideline is that allNew Drug Applications (NDA) be submitted in electronic (paperless) format. Pharma-cies must now take steps to assure that its use of information technology will allow it tonot only meet FDA guidelines, but achieve its corporate goals of improved efficiencyand reduced operating costs.

Chapter XVIIINorwel Equipment Co. Limited Partnership (L.P.) Internet Upgrade ...................... 292

Kenneth R. Walsh, Louisiana State University, USA

Norwel Equipment Co. Limited Partnership (L.P.) is a Louisiana business retailerof construction equipment specializing in John Deere heavy-equipment and has se-cured exclusive John Deere rights for most of the State of Louisiana. This case illus-trates business and technology issues facing Norwel.

Chapter XIXIntegration of Third-Party Applications and Web Clients by Means of anEnterprise Layer ....................................................................................................... 309

Wilfried Lemahieu, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BelgiumMonique Snoeck, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BelgiumCindy Michiels, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

This case study presents an experience report on an enterprise modelling andapplication integration project for a young company, starting in the telecommunica-tions business area. The company positions itself as a broadband application providerfor the SME market. Whereas its original information infrastructure consisted of anumber of stand-alone business and operational support system (BSS/OSS) applica-tions, the project’s aim was to define and implement an enterprise layer, serving as anintegration layer on top of which these existing BSS/OSSs would function indepen-dently and in parallel.

Chapter XXShared Workspace for Collaborative Engineering .................................................. 331

Dirk Trossen, Nokia Research Center, USAAndré Schüppen, Aachen University of Technology, GermanyMichael Wallbaum, Aachen University of Technology, Germany

The case study describes the design process for a collaborative engineeringworkspace at the University of Technology Aachen, Germany, under development withina research project considering distributed chemical engineering as an example. Current

solutions and challenges as well as future work are outlined, including the lessonslearned from the study.

Chapter XXIGlobeRanger Corporation ......................................................................................... 345

Hanns-Christian L. Hanebeck, GlobeRanger Corporation, USAStan Kroder, University of Dallas, USAJohn Nugent, University of Dallas, USAMahesh S. Raisinghani, Texas Woman’s University, USA

This case traces the dynamic evolution/revolution of an e-commerce entity fromconcept through first-round venture financing. It details the critical thought processesand decisions that made this enterprise a key player in the explosive field of supplychain logistics. It also provides a highly valuable view of lessons learned and closeswith key discussion points that may be used in the classroom in order to provokethoughtful and meaningful discussion of important business issues.

Chapter XXIIAdded Value Benefits of Application of Internet Technologies to SubjectDelivery ..................................................................................................................... 371

Stephen Burgess, Victoria University, AustraliaPaul Darbyshire, Victoria University, Australia

The case study explores the similarities between businesses using Internet tech-nologies to “add value” to their products and services, and the reasons academics useInternet technologies to assist in traditional classroom delivery. This case examinesbenefits derived by faculty and students when using the Internet to supplement fourdifferent subjects at Victoria University, Australia.

Chapter XXIIIDesign and Implementation of a Wide Area Network: Technological andManagerial Issues ..................................................................................................... 395

Rohit Rampal, Portland State University, USA

This case deals with the experience of a school district in the design and imple-mentation of a wide area network. The problems faced by the school district that madethe WAN a necessity are enumerated. The choice of hardware and the software isexplained within the context of the needs of the school district. Finally the benefitsaccruing to the school district are identified, and the cost of the overall system isdetermined.

About the Editor ......................................................................................................... 410

Index ........................................................................................................................ 411

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