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_.r ·-

--rJIE SOUTBEASlEBN . Official Organ Southea•tern State Teaellen College ' · .

Volume Ei~rht



Those who plan to go on the Y. )1.­Y . . W . retreat will not only have two · days full "'r"'fun, but will also have the opportunity" of meeting and bear­ing such religious worket s as Harry


· Heiilzmin, state Y. W. C. A. secre-1F>

With an eleven stro·ke under par margin to · play on, yomig Walter Emory, ,Duncan, high scllool mashie wielder, took off the laurels in the 72-hole:. Interscholas tic Golf tourney sponsored by the college here last week.

E mory played consistently unde!' p1.r and only on~ time was his lead endangered . when- Bill McCoy, Ard­more, second place winner, came­within five strokes of the leader.

· tary <1f Tulsa, Miss· Fern Ba~;>cock :

national Y. W. C. A. secretary of St. Louis, arid Claude Nelson, National Y.. W . C. A. secretary' of .. Dallas. A complete program bas been planned for the ~ntire time spent ·at Devil's Den, with plenty of .eatmg, sleeping,

f.wimming, and "confidentia:l 'talks'' includP.d. The trucks will leil,ve the co:fege· .. - clllirptls .... p rornpl:ly at one .-forty-fiv,e and go from there_ to the Neely resicience, 904 West Elm, anti leave for . Devil's Den at two o'clock. A fee of one dollar will be chargee\ each person for transportation and food. Each person who 'fails to bring a.-blanket, plate, cup, knife, fork, and spoon, will be forced to sit up all . night, _and have nothing to . eat 01'

·drink on the trip--not even "Camp-·. bell 's Pork and Bearis." ·

t!oma nche lad wins second flight. Branch, Comanche, won first place

in the second flight with a score of 306 for the 72 holes. - Colwick, .Du­rant. was ·second i n 'this flight with a ~core -of 316. ·

.Tohn P,rops, ~ollege ins t ructor, w~n the first flight in the teacher's di~iS­

ion with a 157 for 36 holes. A. R. Orr finished · second. Harold ErVing, Dundee teacher, won the second flight in_ the te~cher's divlsion.

Contestants, were,- EmEory; Dun­can ; McCoy, Ardmore; Russell , :Mc­Alester! Segrist, Comanche, Ricketts, Dundee: St aples; McAI~ster; Colwiclt , Duran t; Roberts,_ McAlest~r. Branch, . Coma nche.

---- +-HE.tNZI\tA~ ' LECTURES



Nutnber ' 26

. ~ .. ~ . '


Boxes Might Have Been Stuffed

The Rec'retary-::treasurer's job ·m next yea r's. s tudent council is s till open.

No progress was made toward f illing the ga p in next year 's student council personnel as a resUlt of the elec tion 'hcict here yesterday.

L'nnumberefl ballots were· found by the' election con).Illittee afte; the poll.s ell-sec yesterday when the number of ba llots did not conespond with the num b!!r registered. . · B . C. Newber ry, minority c;andidate, may .contest: the election, acco:·difig to word received here last night by · James RrJwland_~ Newberry's ,ma~ uJ - . ger . in the evt.mt that the election is _ not rult!cl out hy the student cou!'lcil as illegal ' No statement had' come from

O'Riley's camp at press time today but it ·is thought that the challenge will meet with his approval.

Haskell Cl~rk Silent. H:lskell Clar\{ , president p f .the s tu­

dent council, was silent on the mat: ter l'~t nn aetiOn by the council was evident.

Tht weary election commit tee ex­pre~~ed the h ')pe of '§ettling th•~ inat -

Everyone--planning to- tak~-·u;~ trip, sign the- paper in the registrar's of­f i-ce and pay your dollar to Miss.Noll, Mr. Poterfield, Scott Amend, or Dp'ift" White. ·

~ t cr \Vithout d.l!·Other election as this ----+--- -


Harry · L. Heinzman, state .secre-tary of the Y. M. C. A., will give a talk before assembly today on the sub}ect of "Religion in Life," w le

According to the February number hP-i·e ·-under the. auspices of th ?,J. of the ·Platform World Mr. Rollin ·c. A. , for the annual Y. .· and y, ,-Pease, who will be a:t SoutheasterQ w. n~trcat. .

-1 0

The big former U versity of Kan-· on. Apn • is one of America's best sas a nd Univers· of Iowa ·football . kno\\-·n Oratorio singers. He has dem-·onstrated that be i~ not only a sing- lr has grown. slightly

grey in t serVice of young people, er of note· but also . has the happy · facultv of commentin ' tt'l d w:ll ll't>late · ~is experiences and pour

. g Wl l y an o a m . h th informatively .to such an . extent that · · u cssage m _suc a , way . e his program may be Sa.m to be a 1~~: ~ud~nts clln understand and · will .tui'c recital. He is a man of giga tf{ reach.l y ~·rasp. ' ; , . stature ·and is-particularly a f orite . He ba :; b~een .n yo~n? pe~p)e s wotk in the middle west. for l wenty- t-wo yea~s 1n thi!I count I y

· . and. ahroad. He w1l.l need no intro-Mr. P¥S.e .is known . p sonally by dU<;ll.on to many studimts on thi:;

_¥'!!.._ Ra~ond _!..eek, _ cal!lp us_ ~ho were fortunate ei10u·g:i ---- ' to bear hfru last .. Year.

Tw ~nty-fou members of Kapps. · · · chapter,- .E' KappR. Sigma .. Sororit~·. Tht: Southeastet:n Qua~tet went t0 took the spring national- examination Canadian to put on a _program Moo­April 16 al 7:20 p. m. in the Ad- · day evening. ministt:ation BQilding of S'outhea&t- ---··-...~r.----

~~---.,._ ern. --- -- _ _ __ IYr:.'· Mou.ui n-an Mr. =F-ixiey went The examination was conducted by to Antlers Friday· to judge-in a trac

_l\1iss Davis, examiner of the chapter. mee1t. · · l;j



'Va !Y/ t.he secoc<l ti me for the contest to br,. t·un-off, the former only l'l :mi­na ted' candidate .ar.d failet: t u ~ive an electLlble major ity.

S tli J~nt conucil action m ay :)<! e:r.:­pect •. d soon.


Training school students are very. much elated over the "new stage which is b!!ing built for them on the third

. floor of the Education building: The stage will be-.much wider and deep- . er tha.n the present· one and is to be. equipped similar to the S. T. C. stage in f.M ,old auditoriUII)._. Upon com­pletion it will be adorned with the / P11J'Pl~ velour. draperies trimmed with · a gold fringe . According • .:(o- :r;rr:- -­'"hambers, the new scenery and stage­settings .will be ready for ' use ·next year. The stage will also be equip­ped in order to use the new Portable Moving Piotur,e Projector, which Mr.

hanTbers hopes will be· a possession of th~ Training Sc~ool by ne~t year.

- . . --

- ' THE SOUTHEASTERN ·~~~~~~~~~!!1!!!!~~-MU.SlG li'EE~ BRIN~S TO Official Organ of the Southeaster•

State Teachers' College.

Published weekly by the S. S . T. C. ln- t.h ln.t.e.r.ea..t Q{ . Education In South-ealltern Oklahoma. --

Subscription price 50c per year.

Entere{J as second-c lass matter Oc­toiJer 4.- 1922, at Durant, Oklahoma, under• the Act of August 24. 1912. Ac· ceptance for. . mailing at special rate of postage pro\'lrled for -In Re c tlnn 1103, Act of Ortol·e r 3, 1917, authorized- Ol•· tohPr 4. 1 tz~ . .

.J .-\C 'K S l ' TH EI1LA KD. l·.dit nr


Oleta D:wis Oleta Davis came to Southeastern

in th'e summer of 1928 from Paris, Texas, wh~re she ·graduated from high school in the spring of that year.

She is interested in school activi­t.ies and. is a member-of the Y. W. C. A. , Kickapoos, Alpha Psi Omega, ami Pi ·Kappa Sigma.

~he has written several types of things, poems, short stories, and plays. Her works are mostly light, humorous, and care-free.

LIFE Tell me nQt in truthful accent,'

F.vel'y girl must have a beau,· There are many t like 0 . D. l who

can't find them


The first program for Music week \\·ill Be prese.nted by .Hie Southeastern College chorus at the Presbyterian churoh on. Sunday, April 27, at eight p .m. The chorus is · pr_esentlng an oratorio, "The Holy City," by Gaul . This is one- of the most popular of light oratorios. Teh text is based on the book of Revelations.

'I:he solo parts are carried by four outstanding singers of Durant, they are: Mrs. Geo. Pendleton, soprano ; Miss Beatrice Abts, alto; Rev. Cecil Denney, trnor; and Mr. Raymond Leek, bass.

Public school night will be on Mon­day, April 28, at 7 :30 p. m. The pro­gram will be presented in the_ new auditorium.

The Durant _High School gi ~ l s·

glee club will present, "A Day in VP­nice ," by Nevin.

In the recent election held on our campus we saw what is seen in ev­ery election- personal prejudice over­comin~ people's judgment, and _ caus­ing them to ·vote for candidates that they do not feel are as capable as their oppb~eJlts : The most o.utst8Jld­ing examples of this, of course, con-­sisted of fraternity men . who voted for a brother because he was a broth­er, even while secretly or openly ad·· n1i tting that the 'brothers-'--eapa.bilities._ were 'not much.

Tho they seek them high and low .. A representation f~om - Robert li".

Les~ -ou"tstand1ng we re life ihStances where p_eople said after they had voted, "Yes, I voted · for him ; I didn' t .think he'd do the -work as well , but I like him better." Imagine se­lecting a person . lo ~un oUt'" school just because you like him, regardless of his merits. _,Would you go to a shyster lawyer if you were accused of· a crime because you liked him best? Would you !'rO to a quack doctor when you were ill because he had ~ charming personality?

We expect strange things from thte

Life.Ts .. reaT: ·11te is earnest Matrimony is the p~ize

Thoug-fi -fb r it ther.e are -m~n seek-cors,

Who are wea:lthy, gay, and wise .

Wives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime_.

·If we only had a husband, To dress us up so fine .

tn· this broad world filled with battle, In this busy whirl of lif~

No girl wishes to be single But would rather be a wife.

masses, but is it wr-ong to expeet _ . college stud'Emts 'to v ot:e ifit1Hli~tly ?--s ·o let us ~then e up arul dol!!_g .. Of course, there are cases when ·the W,at<;hing · daily for a II)an, popular man is the right man- per- . And lhe first who <·omes to see US

haps ours was one--but the election Charm and keep him if we ~an! of the right man should not be a n Then she has written many short acciclent. stan~as as :

-----+ In the__..cold moonlight his lips. were

Lately when asked to name some physical sciences a ,Freshman list.c~d

·' f Physical Ed.

----+::..:.--""--- ~

Some girls 'idea of "Help Beautify the Campus" is to sit on the -benches every hour of the day.

While printing tile summe·,: · term schedule the office force might ha.ve sav~d time by printing individual schedrtles for those who really don't .. <;are what _they take.

:+-----'---'-... From all" indications the Sigm R -Taus sl:iould form an anti-adminis-

- tration party.

whtte, ·while herR a vived carmine shade,

Our hero felt" the call to arms ' ~nd joi.ifed the colors unafraid!

At times Oleta can· be serious and then she writes mostly .of thirigs of hcr "native st!l-te.

•rexas Blue Bonnets·

I ' roamed -wher_e the Blue Bonnets grow

· So lovely, so sweet, yet gay, Into -their migst _~_te~p~ed-when fo :­

Was't flower, O':_ r_t:lal d, orf ay? -

~That - ravished Ot,Y se~ses quite

Lee, Washington Irving and Traini ug­_SGhool .will present, "The Carniva l of ihe Mqnth." A Fantasy" will be given by the Junior High Sch0ol.

,;Tile . Pirates of Fenzarice,; ..by Gi l­-bert and Sullivan, will be given by the S. T . C. Glee Clubs, on April 2!-1 at 8 :00 p. m. This is one of the most

'' popular light operas, being prese"nt­ed. It is composed by two of our rpost popular composers.

The most outstanding feature of Music week will be Wednesday, April 30, in the old auditorium at 8 :30. Mr. R!Jllin Pease, noted baritone will present a Song Recital. Mr. Pease i ~

one of the best kn0\\'11 baritones iu Chicago. He has made quite a name

_ f o.r._. himself in Ora~ori-o . His ·person­ality is charming an e lias an ev -prestnt sense of humor.

The committee .Jo.r preparing the program for Music week i's : Raymond Leek, · chairman; Mrs. H. D. Neel.v, Miss Kittie eNighbors Miss Edirh

• Anderson-, 'and Fr~d Dixon.

- ---· -----Mr._· Tompkins and Mr. McPherpn

gave . talks to the Parent-Teachers' ~sociation in McAlester Wedne · da)_'.

With a -fragrance so charmingly wild,

That I wandered that day to drean1· land '.._

Wlth ' the _love of a flower child.

Oh! their beauty caps of blue! How they· tossed on the pillowing-

1 sea-- -- · 0( the wild, free prairies of Texas

Lon_e ~.Star of_ ~r De.stiE_y!




on Mon­The pro­the. new

rt "-"' · Traini11,; Carnival

will be Schflol. .; ..by Gil-given by April 2!! the most prese'nt ­

our IV st

of Texas

_!l_Y ~

.. _, • j

As We Say1pg

·J. s.


The Pirates of Penzance, a comtc opera in two acts, • by Gilbert and Sullivan. is one of the cleverest and b~;t · light op~ras produceci" iateiy. ·

-The story of the · opera is woven - .,.. . . about: Fre,deric who is apprentic.ed to a band of pirates when he is quite younr, due to t'he mistake made by

A California newspaper man re-cently said that the best way to the maid, Ruth, who is supposed to scrap a battleship is to christen it · havt~ apprenticed him to a pilQt. On

becoming of age, Frederic learnR with ·a pint" of · Oklahoma moonshine. If £his be true our Idea of the heighth this, and plans to leave the pirates of destructiveness would be to add and abandon ·their ' profession.

A major-general and his four a teaspobnful of the modern "jake." daughters live in a ne~rby castle.

Did you folks hear about the farm- Fveckric falls in love with Mabel. The er wbo hoped that the Pioneer. Woman would have to trade her veiling other ·pirates demand Edith , - Ruth,

and Kate· as their wives. But the­shroud for a slickl!r?

We "victims of circumstance" at- - major-generar pleads with _ them that tr!Outed our not having a spring he i:s an orphan and they .release hi!>

daughters. suit last Sunday to the fact that we were afraid of a rain. Frederic, thinking he is of age to

leav·e the' pirates, summons the po­And there is a patch on the seat . lice tc. 'Capture the pirates. But they

of our pants, too, which ·is indica­ have other plans. Frederic · was horn tive of the "Hoover Prosperity.' '

: ~ short time ago we heard about t.he last of February• in Leap Year, and in reality has ·had only ftve birth­

a civic organization that was trying to find out who was the most valu- days . .So, honoripg his sense of duty,

... he leaves Mabel and the polic~: and a·ble student in- the college. W£ _ha.ye a marl whose name we wish tb place returns t<J the pirates. in nomination for that h<:mor. The pirates and the police meet in

He is Lee Nix. He is an assistant &. fi1g-ht in which the pirates are vic-torious. Loving and honoring their

in the library and he is never too busy to stop what he is doing and queEm a s they do · t:hough,, when the place his services at yoiJ~r <;ommand. poliee ask them ·to yield in the namt

We need more men like Lee Nix . of Queen Victoria, they do · so. ·

~-··············· · • • ._ • FIVE YEARS AGO. • . ~

)8( McAlester easily wins Class • ill( Track Meet; Poteau the victor •

·g in Class B- meet. · ~ ~ J8E, Miss Louise Williams won . •

1 l8E first place in Girl 's Alto . ~ l8E voice as a result of the Fine· l8{

Je£ Arts Contests. lfl(

i1( Carl McCafferty, Po~eau's • .: t·epr~se!ltlltlve in boy 's vofce, ....;-~-­)8( took off first place: )iE

• Eugene Slaughter, Durant Jf(

3!t High 's ·con.testant in general .: .: science, was rewarded with • · .: firs t place. J8(

)8( The Savages captured sec- lit )8( ond place in Sooner relays at • )8( Norman ; Crawford broke • JS( record in thP. high jump ; !llso J8(

Je£ high point man, with 17 points. )8( lei Dillard Eubank ha:i, rec,ently lit Je( - been selected- for· principal of J8(

_- the Wilson High School. • J8( F.ighth Grade Honor ·Roll.: 38! )8( JRmes Garrett, Robert r.en: - • ·· i! non, David MacDonald, Woe!- * · Je£ don Dunn, Emma Gertrude • )8( . Johnson, Virgil Steger, Her- r~

Je£ scbel Gladney, Lois ·Knight, ~

lei ·ceorge Rush and ·evra ·Bach-- • ~ man. )ElE .. ~ . ~-~~~~~--~~~~~·-· +--­EASTER ASSEMBLY IS

Sli\.IPLE AND IMPRESS\'E "Jakitis" is not the only lmpend- The pir~tes announce as an excuse .

that they are noblemen from •the 0 f th tt· t E t ing menac.e to society which we haye ne · o e pre tes as er pro-to condone. This malady of marri- House of Peers. This satisfies the rna- grams ever given at So'Utheastern

jar-general· and he ' allows his daugh- · age is becoming quite prevalent these . was presented by the college Y. W. ter to marry the pirates. c A · bl A ·1 16 Th t days, especia!lY on this· campus. . . m assem Y pn . e s age

All this time we have been labor- Fall Out~ F~~~reat . Friday ' wil.!; att~ac'tively and ~ppropriately ing under the impressi<?n that our - ----• - - - decorated with ferns , Easter lilies folks .sen us over nel'e to -bring- !')ack. - to.:SOI:ii:JTIONS. ancl_oth~ . wbi e -~fing _flowei:s.~"Tlie.. a . diploma. Evidently, some of these music, by the college double quar-studes got their charge confused with The following resolution was unan- tette, lent much to the atmosphere a marriage license. imously passed by the Student Coun- cf this season.

After all you have to hand it to cil in their · regular meeting on Miss Vida Loyd, active Y. W. C. A. : thP.se love lorn. They have a lot of Thursday, April 17, 1930 : · member, w<ts the leader . . Misses Ma-

nerve. With five million men out of Resolved, that the Student Coun- ble Dick and Gretchen Benzel read work and times as hard as they _are cil hereby requests those students scriptures in connection with the cru­you ll!ay· be sure that It Is love. who find it absolutely impossible to rifi.cation and resurrection of Christ.

The thought of s.tandjrl'g. in a bre~d attend assembly to keep out ·of the "A Matter of Sentiment,' :... an Easter ,ljne to get._grub for th~ ~issus takes Adnqinistration.-B"uildi~g during· the s tory, -showing how a person can be all the romance out of the proposi- asse:mbly hour, ~·as any noise in the ' influenced by the good of others,. was tion for us: hall is very discourteous to our vis- .given by Miss Dqrothy Zinnecker,

We believe the old saying "the itor!l. I<~rt>shman. on the Y. W. C. A, cabi-time, the place and the girl" should B·~ it 'further resolved that we (The net. Mrs. Cecil Denney, wife of the be-modifie~to -read.~the-place, the .Student . Council)--expi'ess' ~rir ap- 'Rev. enney, sang a solo. girl, and Uie a.dministration." predation for,· the loyalty of that _ The early morning ·prayer service,

The student council's recent deere (.; large group of students whe regu- s ponsored by the young peoplt>'s .or­that all studes who are not in the lal'iy attend- assembly and our ap- g-ani:t:ation of the : college and city, auditorium shall not habit thL ad proval and belief in the tradition was mentioned by President Haskell building during a1.1sembly hour will that "1\11 Lo~al Sa,•ages Attend Clark. The program was •closed by

· red~:~ce one's chances of I>ein "next" A10scmbly ReguiBrl;,'." a prayer ·ay the leader·; i'ollo:wed by a:t Ehe washer pilChing gam~ a most:--- Yresment Studen eo"unci:I--Yie-:.assemu•-J'-:_-'"~~-lio~'~--L!.!!!!!'~~..!:!!L.....,.. __ 2000 pet cent. Signed HASKELL G . .Cr.AR:K, Gleam," the Y. W.

t• .Ha~ FOl ' R


Grorge Duke tried to get in Doug Mot:~'s Tent Show o~ Jtis f!tuden~ tic·ket. '

- Cla rence Davis worked . ninety­~rven · quadr"atic eqnuations~Look out!

TilE SUlo1'iU!; .-\S'I'EilN


v. w. c. A..

: .


·Alvys Anderson visited in Dallas ·during th~ week-end . .

, Ol i! ta Davis SJlent the 9ol!days with her parents in Paris, Texas. •

the. week-.end

~ryce Morrison wore out a new · pair of Boston-ians r,rid_B;Y night at a

---~--__!_-c_e_·~ Clance. --~

The Rev. R. c. Miller of the First Baptist church \ ddreised the Y. W. c. -\.. and Y. M. C. K Tue~day mor-n­ing. in a very m{e estlllg-manner the Reverend Miller told the story of the [tf-s urrcction apQ its impo~nce. .

F'a nnie Hunter visited her parents ~ in llillo_. O\'c.L the week-en.Q,_ Faltiel Nelson wanted a date---""A.

Clark." · _ / three southeastern __ __ ~- · - - __ &Io

- Henry Whit-sett fO!:_got. how to do rig-ht about face during federal in:=:pection.

- Berryhill couldn't keep up with -------h-;.,. t-ape-:--- . .

Th ~v found Buck in bed readmg book ~f philosophy- How deceitful a

Carl. . -Cotton Sholl ha:=: a finger waye. - That soniP clever girl tricked

IBdg-a; Gardener into her car to kil l a bug, then · ran off. with him.

-- -- --- + --·--. ·-OION WOOD, MENA, AKK., N~XT YEAR'S Y. l\1. C. A. PREXY

A violin so1o was given by . M1s :=: .Virgi nia \\;'eek .' ."vlrs. Minta Adam r.

. IJ:i d r.hnr of the program Sigma 'f:UJ Delta

The Sigma Tau Delta is spending th ~; larg-er part of thi s term in issu­ing a brochure. This brochure will contain original essays, poems an 1_ ·,_hort stories·. The ill~us tra tions anu sketches tl f t_!Je ·members £ are being made by Adams Garrett, president.

1 lte manuscripts '.vere written by local and alumni ·members of thi s chapter. · 'only a hmit.ed number of books are to be issued.

. Be:;sie Faulk visited in Oklahoma C_i ~y through the holidays. ·

~-' •1e Dennison visited with Yvonne Sc•' t l in Idabel over the week-end.

Lillir Mae Morgan spent Saturday :tnd Sunday in Madill.


Si\'IALL GROUP A'l' SUPPf:l{ [,

The College Food's Class, No'. : •. was hostess at a Buffet Supper in the ~ci-ence Dining Room on April 16. 1 ' .

A- pastel color · scheme \ was carpeu .out by using crystal basl(ets of sweet KAPI'A DELTA PI ELECTS peas Dlon wood, seriloi, waselcc::ecr- on Thursday evening, A,pril 17, The delicious two-cour:se supper

president of the Young Men's Chris~ Kflppa Delta Pi elect~d_the following was served to the · following guests~ tia.ft Association next year to sy_cceed s tudents to . membership because of Mrs. Briggs, Miss Burns, Miss Halli e ~cott Amend at a meeting of that hio·h scholarship and otfiet,; d~sirable McKipney, Miss Riling, Miss _scm·­body lh~t Tu~s ay: . • '" qt;aliti~s: Mrs. · Hester, Askew; M~l" . · ener, MisS: Masters, · and Miss Blan-

J . K. Fox will be vice-president, Minta Adams, Eugene Hill, Marjory chard. .- , . ' George Duke, treasurer and Cleo Keichner, Mrs. Mary Goodgion, Mrs. The hostesses were: Miss Haggard, Dodson, secretary. All of. this group Lenna Mae Sawyer, Mrs. ·Leola Gos- Miss Phillips, ~ss Jackson, ~!·s. h'lve been a ctive in the organi'zation sett, -~nna Corhn !1-nd Lillian Kennedy. Freeman, and Mrs. tGossitt. . -and they plan to carry ', on . an even 1 ney will be initiated at the banql!et - ---++- . mo"fe interesting program .t-hroughout given May seventh. · GOSDIN-POPE

the coming year. Tht> annual election was held the . Miss Juanita Pope and · Mr. Clar-. ~ ----~- s:1me Pvening and the following ··of- . .i..-

0nce Gosdin were unitect in · marriag~·

Hl SSEl.L HIGH SCHOOL__ J(ce.ts we're e~'!ct~d: President, -~rs. ~· by tllfl Rtwerel'ld -R . -C~lle · in ·h i · -- --T() GRADUATE T\VELVJ.;: W. L . Blain; Vice-President, 'Mr~. Joh;J !<tudy at th.~ First Baptist chur h

Twelve Seniors will be graduated by ·· t.h ~ Russell Training School, ac­cord ing to word received by F . L. Chamhers, principa l, on May 14. ·

No corrup.encemen~ !ipeaker has been engaged·, however, the senior!'! p!an to give a play for that .occasion, ''College. Spirit," sponsored by Mrs. Bob. Allen: • .

Those grad•_tating- a , . 0pal~ar~-. · rett, Vernon· · Butler, Era .J3onham , Har~'d Capshaw: Dixon Clark, John Penniw n, Lillie J ohnson, In l!z Ow­e-ns~ Elva Rodmn-;- Gertie - 'RogerS: Carl Stephens and ~arold Bond.

- _L__: __ +~'--- --c y NF;W BOOKS IN LIBRARY

An1ong recent additions to the li­brarY- a £Pear : "Mansions of Philoso-

__ phy"::_Wili Durant·, "The_ _ _!-lau~t~:d I;3ool&hop"- ChristopheE D. Morley; •·Jow.n,{llistic Writing'-Grant M. Hyde; ~·Wclc9me Childhood"- Groves

Cowan; ~ecretary-Treasurer , . Ml'. SatUI·<iay ev~ning, April 16, at- sevt:u­F loyd P ie rce ; Counesl~r , Pr·es1~ent thirty o'Clock. Only a few relatives . Eugene S. Briggs. ' , and close friends were present. Dl-

- - - - +--- ---:- r~ctly after the ceremony the bn dt· OLE'{' A DAVIS WILL . HEA.D and groom left fo_ Dallas.'iQf .!l. sht;rt

WOl\lEN'S OR-GANIZATION stay. , ~.- . .

· Mrs. Gosdin i.s the only daughter ot Th:t t - Oleta Tiavis, junior of Paris, Mrs. H. P. Pope of' this city. Shl'

· Tcx.1s, will be president of th~ Y. Ylf. ·g-raduated from Dur_ant hig~ ~cho, . t · c. A. next ye<tr was decided in the )n 1 28, ·and al present .-is· a JUill 1

e!:!<:tion of that .. body last TUesday. a t S0utheastern . She will recelye her Mal iorie Kelchnor was elected vi '.'~ - life rer.tiflcate with the gr~duating p. csident , I<, reia Mikke~oo~ . Treasur·- . c:ass this "pring:., _.She is a member of er ' at-alie Morrison, S'ecretary the- d-ramatic club • . anP, Pi Kapp:t · a;~d . Frances Gregg, under g~aduate Sigma. • --· r r prese,~tive. \. -- _ Mr. Gosdin is the son of Mr. and

Plans to increase the membership Mrs. H. W. Gosdin, also of Duran t. a nd 'to develop thE: social end of the . He g ·a_duatecf from Durant hig'IY o.·ganization are undetway. ·SevePal school in. 127. He is at pr_:e~ent em­intere~ ting· speakers are -~·also to be pl6yed in the Oldahoma Gas an u

4 m'ited for fut~ther entertai~~ent.- --Mlectrn: -<Ytfl~e:- -'_- --- - ---1·- --·--.-

Il •tersessior. begins Apr_il 28. Mr. an1 Mlrs. Gosdin will ·-malit '

tht:ir borne in Durant.


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