quick discussion of functions quick discussion of purposes for data collection discussion and...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Strengthen Your PBS Toolkit: Exploring the Tools of Data Collection

Dr. Vanessa TuckerUniversity of Washington, Tacoma

PBIS Conference

Goals of this Presentation Quick discussion of functions Quick discussion of purposes for data collection Discussion and practice: Behavior Tools -Purpose -Collection -Interpretation -Relationship to data -Practice -Advice for training and monitoring -Advice for ensuring reliability

What is an FBA? Beyond the paperwork… What do we want out of a well drafted FBA? 1. We want an adequate picture of the nature

of the behaviors as they present themselves. 2. We want to know as much about the child as

we possibly can-from as many key informants as possible.

3. We want to know what the possible function(s) of the behavior(s) is/are so that we can:

A) Develop a hypothesis/summary statement and B) Develop “function based interventions.”

Functions of Behavior

What are the commonly held beliefs about function:

Here are some of my favorites: “Revenge” “Control” “He did it because he wanted to.” These are NOT functions of behavior. At your tables: What do you think the most common

functions of behavior might be?

Most common functions:

Escape Attention

Obtain Sensory

“The Paint is As Important as the Eventual Work of


Navigating The Waters Takes Special Instruments!

How Do We Navigate the Difficult Waters of Challenging Behaviors?

Knowledge is power!

What do we need to know? Let’s look at the basic “nuts and bolts” of a standard

FBA form: (See form at your table).

3 questions to answer: A) Data: What kinds of information goes there? B) Purpose: What is that information designed to tell

us? C) Tools: Where can we get this information (in a way

that provides the best and most pertinent data).

Informing the FBA: Background and Definitions

Common Tools and Activities: Observation (formal and informal) -FAO: Functional Assessment Observation File Review Grade and Behavioral History Review Interview (formal and informal) -FAI: Functional Assessment Interview

Goals: Operationalize behavior(s) of concern Create historical picture of interventions Create picture of relevant factors

Get out your data tools


Informing the FBA:Studying the Behavior(s) in Context

Operationalized Behavior(s) When, Where, With Whom, Most/Least Likely Environments Immediate and Distant Setting Events Tools: ABC Chart Scatterplot Chart FAO, FAI FAST, MAS

Goals: Quantify and describe behaviors Understand contexts, triggers Determine possible functions the behaviors serve

Get out your data tools



Antecedents: -What directly precedes the behavior Consequences: -What happens as a result of the behavior These are not the punishments or other things that we

usually associate with “consequence.”

Both of these can: A) Tell you volumes about the behaviors and B) Can be manipulated With the goal of: Weakening the need for the behavior and/or making it


The Endpoint: Developing the Hypotheses and Summary Statements

Your data should inform Interpretation: Let’s look at a sample ABC data chart

and the FAST Determine possible function Writing a statement is informative to

the next phase, the PBIP.

Summary Statement:

Student: Behavior: (Operationalize) (Other factors) In order to: (Function)

Recommendations will provide the skeleton for the PBIP and do not supplant this process.

Some Notes on Training

What do we focus on? Pull each section apart. Explain: Purpose, Intent, What should go there. Data collection: Make sure that everyone: A) Understands the behavior, B) Takes data until they agree, C) Keeps it confidential Parent input is vital-make sure that they are

included in all parts of the process.


vtucker@uw.edu Thank you!

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