第二組 q&a 《重溫一些基礎知識》 第二組 q&a

Post on 24-Oct-2021






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Microsoft Word - AC_QandA_2.doc Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1a . ()
b. ? ? c. 700 ?
2. 4 9:30 pm ()
4. ?
5. 12:23 ? ( 114.20 E 139.80 E)
6. ?
7. ?
8. ? ( 40 AU)
9. : 5 1 11 1 260 mas (0.26”)
10. The figure at right shows the view facing south horizon in Hong Kong. The two arcs represent the tracks of stars. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect ?
a. The stars moves clockwise along the stars. b. The stars moves anticlockwise along the stars. c. The time taken for a star to follow path arc 1 is longer
than that of path arc 2. 11. ?



1a. Fomalhaut Deneb Albireo Altair () Vega Antares Arcturus Rigil Kent Mizar / Alcor Spica Regulus Pollux Procyon Sirius Canopus Betelgeuse Rigel Capella Aldebaran Algol Achernar
b. () 6 ( )
c. 700 200
() 200
2. 4 9:30 – 4 min x 2 = 9:22 pm
3a. b.
365.24219 365.25636
(365.25636 – 365.24219) x 1000 = 14
4. alpha (α Cep)
5. - = 139.80 – 114.20 = 25.60
= 1 hour 42 min (150 = 1 hour) 12:23 – 1 hour 42 min = 10:41 am 1 11:41 am
6. ( https://forum.hkas.org.hk/Web/Horizontal_Sundial.pdf )

7. – 4.8 – 1.5 2.512 (–1.5) – (–4.8) = 20
8. 40 AU 402 = 1600 = 2.512 8.0 ()
= – 26.7 = – 26.7 + 8.0 = – 18.7
9. d = 1 / (0.26 / 2) = 7.7 parsec = 25
m = 0.0 M = m + 5 – 5 log (d) = 0.0 + 5 – 5 log (7.7) ≈ 0.6
10. statement a is correct, b and c are incorrect.
AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 3 of 26
Q&A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ? C14 (14 ) C8 (8 ) ?
2. ? ?
3 a. C6 (15 cm f/10) 9 mm ? b. C6 10
? ( 500) c. 15 cm ? ?
4. ESO () 8 ? James Webb Space Telescope / JWST
5a. / HST () ? b. 25 mm $1 HST
? c. 1.8
6. ? SCT
a. 8 cm f/6 + 2X ( 0.5020) mm 200 pixels per mm pixels ?
b. 7 a 1934 pixels “” ?
8 a. γ X
b. γ X ?
9. : 1. 2. 3. X 4. γ a. / b. c. d.
10. VLA 27 25 () 36 a. VLA b. 7 mm
c. 21 cm

11. 2016 FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope)
500 300 70 MHz 3.0 GHz 1.42 GHz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_hundred_meter_Aperture_Spherical_Telescope
8 cm f/6 2 X
) B
1. C14 C8 (14 / 8)2 = 3
3 a. = / = 15 cm x 10 / 9 mm = 1500 / 9 = 166 b. 30 mm = 1500 / 30 = 50 = 500 / 50 = 10 c. 15 cm 7 mm (150 / 7)2 = 2.5126.6

7 mm ~ 1
4. JWST 6.5 18 131 0.6
28.5 μm () 50 K
5 a. HST = 252000” x 550 nm / 2.4 m = 252000” x 550 / (2.4 x 109) = 0.058”
b. $1 25 mm / sin (0.058”) ≈ 90 km c. 0.250 () 1.8 = 1.8 / sin 0.250 ≈ 400
7 a. B = A = 8 cm x 6 x 2
= 960 mm θ = 0.5020
θ = sin-1 (B / A) B = A sin θ = 960 mm sin 0.5020 = 8.41 mm ( 1682 pixels) b. = 1934 pixels = 9.67 mm = / sin θ = 9.67 mm / sin 0.502 =
1104 mm 2.3X 2X 8 a. γ X
b. γ X
9. 1b 2d 3a 4c 1. 2. 3. X 4. γ
a. / b. c. d.
10 a. = π (25 / 2)2 = π 156 27 = π 156 x 27 = π (4212) = π (65)2
VLA = 65 x 2 = 130
b. VLA () = 252000” x / = 252000” x 7 mm / (36 x 106 mm ) = 0.05” ()
c. 21 cm 7 mm 30 0.05” x 30 = 1.5” ()
11. FAST = 300 = / (1.42 GHz) = 0.211 () = 252000” x /
= 252000” x 0.211 / 300 = 3 (0.1 )
90 km
Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1a. _____ nm
b. Herschel SNR 1987A (http://herschel.cf.ac.uk/results/supernova-1987a )
2a. ?
b. ? 3a. = B
4 b. (luminosity) (brightness) ? c. = 2.2 8000 K
( = 1 L 4.8) 4a. 100 nm ?
b. γ X (high-energy photons) ? 5a. ?
b. ? 6a. ?
b. ? 7a. / ? ()
b. / ? 8. (Balmer series)
(n) 3 → 2 4 → 2 5 → 2 6 → 2 7 → 2 8 → 2 9 → 2 ∞ → 2 Hα Hγ Hδ Hε Hζ Hη () (nm) 656.3 434.0 410.2 397.0 388.9 383.5 / UV UV
9. NGC 1357 KH
Cal II - K Ca II - H
(Ca II - K = 393.37 nmCa II - H = 396.85 nm) NGC 1357
10. 11a. ?
? b. OB ?
h = 6.626 x 10–34 joule-s = 4.136 x 10–15 eV-s
σ = 5.67 x 10–8
c = 3 x 108 m/s
= 1.097 x 107 m–1
1 L = 3.84 x 1026 W = 4.8
1 R = 7 x 108 m

1a. 500 nm
b. λmax = 170 microns = 1.7 x 10–4 m = 0.0029 / 1.7 x 10–4 = 17 K
2a. λmax = 0.0029 / (2 x 106) = 1.5 nm X b.
3a. = B + 4B = 5B b. (watt)
(apparent magnitude)
c. / = 2.512 4.8 – 2.2 = 11 L = 11 L = 11 x (3.84 x 1026) = 4.2 x 1027 watts -
2 = L / (4 π σ T4) = 4.2 x 1027 / [4 π (5.67 x 10–8)(80004)] = 1.44 x 1018 m2 = √ (1.44 x 1018) = 1.2 x 109 m = 1.7 R
9 1/5
4a. 100 nm E = h c / λ = (4.136 x 10–15)(3 x 108) / 10–7 = 12.4 eV 13.6 eV 100 nm
b. γ X keV
5a. ----- ----- ()
7a. / b. /
8. (Balmer series)
(n) 3 → 2 4 → 2 5 → 2 6 → 2 7 → 2 8 → 2 9 → 2 ∞→ 2 Hα Hβ Hγ Hδ Hε Hζ Hη () (nm) 656.3 486.1 434.0 410.2 397.0 388.9 383.5 364.6 / UV UV UV UV
9. Ca II - K Δ ≈ 2.9 nm ()
NGC 1357 z = Δ / = 2.9 / 393.37 = 0.0074 NGC 1357 = z c = 0.0074 x (3 x 105 km/s) = 2200 km/s
(NGC 1357 ) Ca II - H
10. ()
11a. () OBAF GKM O M G2
b. OB
AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 7 of 26
Q&A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. a. 100 c. 99 % b. 46 d. 99.9 %
2a. (planetesimals) (protoplanets) ? b. ? c. (365 ¼ ) ?
3a. volcanism () ? b. ?
? c. ?
6a. ? b. ?
7a. () ? b. / / / ()
8a. (El Niño phenomenon) ? b. ? c. (spring tide) (neap tide) (perigean spring tide) ?
9. ? 10.
(noctilucent cloud)
AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 8 of 26


c. 31557600 s 86164 s 31557600 / 86164 = 366¼
3a. “”

: https://forum.hkas.org.hk/Web/Water_SolarSystem.pdf
b. 6.2 6.0 1000 (6.2 – 6.0) / 2 = 2 ( 0.2 )
300 ppm ~ 410 ppm
8a. b. ()


Q&A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. = 384 000 km = 85 km ____
3. ______ ? 4. ? 5. ? ? 6. ? (H2O) ? 7. ? ?
8. 100 9. ? ? 10. 4 km 10 / 50 / 150 / 300 km ()
10 km/s / / 11. (Montes Apenninus) (Mare Imbrium) ? 12. ? 13. ____ ( ____ ) ? (The Saros) ? 14.
15. ? abcd
16. () ?
a ___ pm b ___ pm c ___ pm d ___ pm
AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 10 of 26

1. = sin–1 (85 / 384 000) = 0.01270 = 46 ()
2. ( c ) ( a ) ( a ) SCT ( a ) + ( b ) SCT + ( b )
3. 1969
4. ()
7. () (T) (C) (K)
8. 45 46 0.1

10. 50 km 4 km10 km/s
12. (lava channels) (dark mantle deposits) (domes) 30 30
13. 14 ( 413 ) 18.03
14. a ----- b ----- c ----- “ C” “C ”
15. a. 5 pm b. 7 pm c. 9 pm d. 11 pm 16. () 29.27 29.83
23:59 00:01

AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 11 of 26
Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. = 248 = 0.25
2. = 1.524 AU = 0.0935
3. = 0.0167 = 29.8 km/s
4. ISS 400 km
ISS ( = 5.97 x 1024 kg = 6370 km)
5a. (1 ) 950 km 1021 kg ? ?
b. : ?
6. (Deimos) = 30.30 = 23460 km
7. M33 20000 21 cm 50000 ( 1 = 9.46 x 1015 m 1 M = 2 x 1030 kg)
b. ?
Io 9 x 1022 kg 1820 0.42 Ganymede 15 x 1022 kg 2630 1.07
10. (stellar black hole)
(100 “”) ?
11. ?
12. 2016 3 20 38962 1.838 AU 2.753 AU
H 13.7
13. “” ()

1. = 2482/3 = 39.5 AU = 39.5 (1+ 0.25) = 49.3 AU = 74 2. = 1.524 x (1 + 0.0935) = 1.666 AU = 1.524 x (1 – 0.0935) = 1.381 AU
: = ( + 1 AU) / ( – 1 AU) = 2.666 / 0.381 = 7
3. = 1 + 0.0167 = 1.0167 AU = 1 – 0.0167 = 0.9833 AU = x / = 29.8 x 1 / 1.0167 = 29.3 km/s = x / = 29.8 x 1 / 0.9833 = 30.3 km/s [ ]
4. ISS = √ (G M / r) = √ [(6.673 x 10–11) (5.97 x 1024) / (6.77 x 106)] = 7.67 km/s ISS = 2 π (6.77 x 103) / 7.67 = 5540 s ≈ 92 min.
5a. = √ (2 G M / r) = 0.53 km/s g = G M / r2 = (6.673 x 10–11)(1021) / (4.75 x 105)2 = 0.296 m/s2
g 1/33 “” 1/33
b. = √ (2 G M / d) = √ [2 (6.673 x 10–11) (1.99 x 1030) / (30 x 1.496 x 1011)] = 7.7 km/s :   Escape velocity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_velocity
6. T = 30.30 hrs a = 2.346 x 107 m M ≈ 4 π2 a3
/ (T2 G) =
4 π2 (2.346 x 107)3 / [ (30.30 x 3600)2 (6.673 x 10–11) ] = 6.42 x 1023 kg 0.107
7. vcircular M33 = x 2
/ G = 50000 (9.46 x 1015) x (130 x 103)2 / (6.673 x 10–11) = 1.2 x 1041 kg ( 6 x 1010 M)
8a. ( M > m)
9. = 2 G M (9)(1820) / 0.423 ----- (1)
= 2 G M (15)(2630) / 1.073 ----- (2)
(1) / (2) 9 / 151820 / 2630(1.07 / 0.42)3 ≈ 7 7

10. M = 10 = 2 x 1031 kg m = 70 kg h = 1.8 d = 100 km = 105
= G M (m / 2) / d
2 = G M (m / 2) / (d + h)2 () = G M (m / 2) / d
2 – G M (m / 2) / (d + h)2 ≈ G M m h / d
3 h << d = 1.7 x 108 newtons ( !)
11. ( “ΔF”
ΔF )
12. = H + 5 log (d) + 5 log (r) = 13.7 + 5 log 1.838 + 5 log 2.753 = 17.2 13.
M > m
AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 13 of 26
Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. kqt
a. b. c. d. CO2 e. f. g. h. () i. j. CO2 k. m. n. p. q. () r. s. t. u. () v. w.
I k II q III t
2. ()
(AU) e (AU) (AU) Neptune 30.0 0.011 Pluto 39.5 0.249 Eris 68 0.44 Sedna 506 0.85
3a. 4 (Vesta) 433 (Eros)
b. “” ? ( a = 1.46 AU e = 0.223) 1 AU “”()
= 11.2
5. TNO ?
7. ?
8a. 1 Comet 17P/ Holmes () 2007.11.09 2 Mirfak () ? ?
b. 2 Comet Arend-Roland (-) 1957.04.25 ?
9. ?

1. a. b. c. d. CO2 e. f. g. h. () i. j. CO2 k. m. n. p. q. () r. s. t. u. () v. w. I a f d e c b k II i j m g p h q III r v n u s w t
2. 3a.
b. a (1 – e) – 1 = 1.46 ( 1 – 0.223) – 1 = 0.134 AU
c. “” (1 / 0.134)2 = 55.7 ≈ 2.5124.36 (
4.36 ) 11.2 – 4.36 ≈ 7 4.
5. 6. TNO KBO 7.

10. ()
11. V () V () V
AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 15 of 26
Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.

10 “”
2. ____ _____ K
3. () ?
5. ?
6 x 1011 kg 4 %
6. “” ? “” ?
7. _______ ______
8. () ?
9. ?
10. Wolf Number Wolf Number = k (10 g + s)g s k 0.6 ( http://spaceweather.com/glossary/sunspotnumber.html )
11. ? ( TheSky )
12. “” ?

1. “” = / 105
= 7 x 108 m / 3.2 x 1012 s ≈ 0.2 mm /s ! 2. 11 1500 K
3. (1991.07.11) (1999.08.112017.08.21)
4. CME

6. 1365 W/m2

10. g = 4 s = 11
Wolf Number = 0.6 (10 x 4 +11) = 31
11. 7

: https://forum.hkas.org.hk/Web/SolarYear.gif
12. 22.40 6 3 7 9

AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 17 of 26
Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. 2.0 3.3
2. a2 / a1 M / m 3. (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i )
4. _______ (period-luminosity relation) ?
5. SMC () A 4.68 15.4 SMC
6. ______
? 8.7 M54
7. < 1 10 50 100 LMCNGC 1850 < 1 10 50 100
8a. ? 8b. 1 10 NGCIC
9. ?
M27 () 8 1300 M27
10. NGC 7027
0.00525 18.9 km/s ( http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1997IAUS..180..286W )

1. s = a – 2.5 log ( 1 + 2.512 a – b ) = 2.0 – 2.5 log ( 1 + 2.512
2.0 – 3.3 ) = 1.7
2. a2 = 22 mma1 = 11 mma2 / a1 = 2.0 M a 1 = m a 2 M / m = a 2 / a 1 = 2.0
( g h c d)
4. () (Leavitt)
5. A m = 15.4 P = 4.68 log P = 0.67
M = –3.6 SMC d
M = m + 5 – 5 log (d) –3.6 = 15.4 + 5 – 5 log (d)
d = 63 000 pc 20
6. (M75) 6.7 (M103) 1

7. < 1 10 50 100 LMCNGC 1850 < 1 10 50 100
8a. H-alpha ( 656.3 nm) :

8b. 1. NGC 2071 2. M 78 3. IC 432 4. NGC 2024 5. NGC 2023 6. 7. IC 434 8. NGC 1977 9. M 43 10. M 42
M27 = 1300 sin (8 ) = 3
10. NGC 7027 18.9 km/s = 6.3 x 10–5
( 6.3 x 10–5
) NGC 7027 d
6.3 x 10–5 / d = sin (0.00525”) d ≈ 2500
0.00525” VLA ()
6.3 x 10–5
Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. (c q)
() ()
a b
a. () b. c.
d. e. f. g. ~ 1 / cc h. j. k.
m. n. =
p. q.
2. ? (Chandrasekhar limit) ?
3. Ia ? Ia = –19.3 = 13.7
4. Ia II ? 7 M ()
5a. () ? 10 M
5b. “” 0.99 10 M

6. GRB (long GRB) ?
7. 0.5 20 M 3.5 ( L ∝ M
3.5 ) t age
M L ()
t age ∝ M –2.5 ( 2.5 )
( α)
( α)
( φ1)
M 0.7 M 1 M 2 M 3.8 M 8 M 18 M t age 110
t age =
= 2 x 1030 kg c = 3 x 106 km/s G = 6.67 x 10–11

() ()
a d c g p j h b e f k q m n
a. () b. c.
d. e. f. g. ~ 1 / cc h. j. k.
m. n. =
p. q.
2. () 1.4 M 1.4 M

= M = m () = d
M = m + 5 – 5 log (d) –19.3 = 13.7 + 5 – 5 log (d) d = 40 Mpc = 1.3
4. Ia II
7 M

10 M = 2 G M / c2 = 2 (6.67 x 10–11) (2 x 1030) / (3 x 108)2 = 30 km
5b. vcircular = √ (G M / r)
“” G M / vcircular 2 = G M / (0.99 c)2
= 15 km ( !)
6. (hypernova)GRB ( > 2 )
7. (E = m c2)t age ∝ M / L t age ∝ M / M
3.5 t age ∝ M
8. t age ∝ M –2.5
61 A
M 0.7 M 1 M 2 M 3.8 M 8 M 18 M t age 270 110 20 4 6 8
AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 21 of 26
Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. / / / ()
2. Sgr A* _______ Sgr A* = _____ AU
3. X (X-ray flare) ?
4. I II ?
5. _________ ________ ?
6. ________
7. abc abc
8. ?
10. “” ?
12. (NGC 2736) ?
13. (IGM) ? IGM X ?
14. ----- NGC 4565 3 14 C Hα () 658.97 nm A 659.50 nm B 658.38 nm
Hα 656.28 nm
(a) C z = ____ = _____ km/s (b) A z = ____ = _____ km/s (c) B z = ____ = _____ km/s (d) A B = _____ km/s (e) A - B = ______M
(f) (d) = ______M
15. Vrot i
() Vrotsin i
1 M = 2 x 1030 kg 1 AU = 1.5 x 1011 m 1 = 9.46 x 1015 m c = 3 x 108 m/s G = 6.67 x 10–11

2. Sgr A* = 4 x 106 M = 2 G M / c2 = 2 (6.67 x 10–11) ( 4 x 106) (2 x 1030) / (3 x 108)2 = 12 x 109 m ≈ 0.08 AU
3. X Sgr A*
4. I II
5. LMC () SMC ()
7. a. () b. () c. M87 ()
10. “”

14. (a) C z = (658.97 – 656.28) / 656.28 = 658.97 / 656.28 – 1 = +0.0041
= z c = +1230 km/s (+ )
(b) A z = 659.50 / 656.28 – 1 = +0.0049 = z c = +1470 km/s
(c) B z = 658.38 / 656.28 – 1 = +0.0032 = z c = +960 km/s
(d) VA A 1230 + VA = +1470 VA = 240 km/s VB B 1230 – VB = +960 VB = 270 km/s 4 = (VA + VB) / 2 ≈ 250 km/s
(e) M = a v2 / G (-)
A - B = (40000 x 9.46 x 1015)(250 x 103)2 / (6.67 x 10–11) kg = 3.54 x 1041 kg = 1.8 x 1011 M
(f) = (7 / 4)(1.8 x 1011) = 3.1 x 1011 M A - B 75 %
A - B 75 %

15. : i Vrot Vrot Vobs = Vrotsin i
i = 900 ()Vobs = Vrot
i = 00 ()Vobs = 0
NGC 4565 1230 km/s

Vrot ()
AC_QandA_2 Alan Chu 23 of 26
Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1a. 6.0 x 1011 kg 0.71 %
() : Q&A No. 15
b. ABC ABC 9.55 s9.48 s 9.60 s ? ?
2a. 80 km 0.4 m/s () 24 m
b. v A B AB AB /
AB / 3a. 10 ?
b. z = 1 = ______ km/s
4a. 1 km/s () 5 ____ μs
b. ( α) 4.36 0.80 c ____ ____
5a. mo = 1.673 x 10–27 kg = _________ joule
0.95 c m = _________ kg = _________ joule = _______ eV
b. ? 6a. ?
b. Δ φ = 6 π G M / [ c2 a (1 – e2) ]
Δ φ = 24 π3 a2 / [ c2
T2 (1 – e2) ] aTe
7a. “”
= _____ 0.021 AU 0.005 AU ___AU M + m = ____ M : -
b. ? c. 76 μs
_____ _____ _____ ? ?
d. ?
8. 20 M 0.4 M

1a. = 6.0 x 1011 kg x 0.71 % = 4.26 x 109 kg
(E = m c2) = 4.26 x 109 x (3 x 108)2 = 3.8 x 1026 joules = 3.8 x 1026 watts
b. C B
2a. 24 / 0.4 = 60 b.
3a. v = √ [1 – (v / c)2] = 10 / 1 = 0.1 v = 0.995 c
b. = c [(z + 1)2 – 1] / [(z + 1)2 + 1] = 0.6 c = 180 000 km/s

5 5 x 3600 x (5.55 x 10–12) = 0.1 μs
b. 0.8c 4.36 x √ [1 – (0.80)2] = 2.62 2.62 / (0.80 c) = 3.27
5a. = mo c2 = 1.673 x 10–27 (3 x 108)2 = 1.505 x 10–10 joule ----- (i) 0.95 c m = 1.673 x 10–27 / √ (1 – 0.952) = 5.357 x 10–27 kg 0.95 c = 5.357 x 10–27 (3 x 108)2 = 4.821 x 10–10 joule ------------- (ii) 0.95 c Ek = (ii) – (i) = 3.316 x 10–10 joule = 2.07 x 109 eV

b. - a3 / T2 = G M / (4 π2) [ m ]
Δ φ = 6 π G M / [ c2 a (1 – e2) ] = 6 π (4 π2 a3 / T2) / [ c2 a (1 – e2) ]
= 24 π3 a2 / [ c2 T2 (1 – e2) ]
7a. 7.75 = 0.000884 = (0.021 + 0.005) / 2 = 0.013 AU M + m =
3 /
2 = 0.0133 / 0.0008842 = 2.8 M
b. () M m M 0.005 AU m
c. 76 μs = 76 x 10–6 x 108 = 2.11 = 7.75 – 2.11 = 5.64 = 5.64 – 2.11 = 3.53 = 3.53 – 2.11 = 1.42 (short GRB)

Q&A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. (Edwin Hubble) ? ?
2. “” ?
4. 3000 K ? CMB anisotropy () ? ?
5. SDSS 1030+0524 Lyman-alpha ( 121.6 nm) 887 nm z = _____ = ________ km/s
() ____ _____
6. Planck / WMAP ?
7a. / / /
b. “” ? z ? c. () = 138 ≈ 1.3 x 1026
= 2.73 K 1027 K
8. “” ? ““ (quantum fluctuation) “”
(multiple universes) ? 9. Cosmology Calculator http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/CosmoCalc.html  
(flat)Ho = 69.8 km/s per Mpc Omega M = 0.28 () Omega VAC = 0.72 ()
Comoving radial distance


Light travel time (Gyr) (Mpc) (Gly)
0 13.762 0 0 0 0.1 12.455 1.307 420.3 1.371 0.2 0.5 1.5 6.29 11.1 9999 0 13.762 14259.6 46.509
10a. 5 (SDSS 1030+0524) ? (comoving radial distance) ?
b. ____
CMB anisotropy (2.725 ± 0.0003 K)
( ΛCDM model)
5. L-α 121.6 nm 887 nm z = 887 / 121.6 – 1 = 6.29 v = c [(z + 1)2 – 1] / [(z + 1)2 + 1] = 0.963 c = 289 000 km/s
6.29 + 1 = 7.29 7.293 = 387 6.
Planck 2015 5 % 26 % 69 %
7a. b. Ia
Sloan Digital Sky Survey eBOSS z = 0.6 z = 0.6
0.6 + 1 = 1.6
c. 1027 K = (1.3 x 1026 ) x ( 2.73 / 1027) ≈ 0.4
8. “”
9. Comoving radial distance

Light travel time (Gyr) (Mpc) (Gly)
0 13.762 0 0 0 0.1 12.455 1.307 420.3 1.371 0.2 11.316 2.446 821.5 2.679 0.5 8.674 5.088 1907.3 6.221 1.5 4.346 9.416 4443.8 14.493 6.29 0.893 12.869 8585.1 28.001 11.1 0.417 13.344 9926.5 32.376 9999 0 13.762 14259.6 46.509
10a. z = 6.29 0.893 Gyr 28.001 Gly b. ( z → ∞ ) = 46.509 Gly (465 )

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