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Post on 15-Oct-2021






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Chemistry >> Liquids Q 1 K.E of the liquids is directly proportional to_____?

A. PressureB. TemperatureC. MassD. Nature

Chemistry >> Reaction Kinetics Q 2 Specific Rate constant is also known as

A. Time ConstantB. relative rate constantC. Instantaneous rate constantD. velocity constant

Chemistry >> Alcohol and Phenols Q 3 Methanol is also called as

A. liquorB. grain alcoholC. wood spiritD. fuel

Chemistry >> Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry Q 4 The mass of one mole of electron is

A. 1.8mgB. 0.184mgC. 0.55 mgD. 0.64 mg

Chemistry >> Transition Elements Q 5 What is the coordination number of Cu metal in [Cu(NH₃)₄]SO₄?

A. 3B. 4C. 6D. 1

Chemistry >> Chemistry of Hydrocarbons Q 6 Which of the following are product of following reaction in the presence of sunlight? CH₄ + Cl₂→ ?

A. CHCl₃B. CCl₄C. CH₂Cl₂,CH₃ClD. All of these

Chemistry >> Macromolecules

Q 7 Which of the following element is not usually present in all proteins?

A. CarbonB. HydrogenC. NitrogenD. Sulphur

Chemistry >> Solids Q 8 Arrangement of atoms in Molecular Solids can be studied with the help of

A. Gamma RaysB. X RaysC. SpectrometryD. Electron Microscope

Chemistry >> S and P Block elements Q 9 Which one is not member of Alkali metals?

A. NaB. KC. CsD. Mg

Chemistry >> Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry Q 10 Isopentane is an example of________?

A. Aromatic compoundsB. Branched chain compoundC. Alicyclic compoundsD. None of these

Chemistry >> Alkyl Halides Q 11 The compounds which are formed by the replacement of a hydrogen atom by a halogen is called as___?

A. AlcoholB. Alkyl halideC. Carbonyl halideD. Ethers



Chemistry >> Alcohol and Phenols Q 12 Which is un1 for phenols

A. a colourless crystalline solidB. more reactive to electrophilic attackC. form pink solution at room temperatureD. dissolves readily in acids

Chemistry >> Alkyl Halides Q 13 Which of the following reaction is used to produce symmetrical alkanes from alkyl halides?

A. Wittig reactionB. Kolbe's electrolysisC. Reduction of alkyl halideD. Wurtz reaction

Chemistry >> Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry Q 14 In a homologous series, adjacent members differ by a ______unit?


Chemistry >> Electrochemistry Q 15 In Electrochemical Cells Reduction takes place at

A. AnodeB. CathodeC. At the surface of electrolyteD. None of these

Chemistry >> Chemical Bonding Q 16 If the difference of electronegativity is 1.7 or more than that, the bond formed is said to be

A. Ionic bondB. covalent bondC. metallic bondD. chemical bond

Chemistry >> Thermochemistry and Energetic of Chemical Reactions Q 17 What pressure of Oxygen is maintained inside the bomb calorimeter?

A. 200 atmB. 25 atmC. 20 atmD. 75 atm

Chemistry >> S and P Block elements Q 18 Find the amphoteric oxide

A. CaO2B. CO2C. SnO2D. SiO2

Chemistry >> Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry Q 19 The reactant which consumes completely in a reaction is known as ____reactant

A. fractionalB. initialC. limitingD. minor

Chemistry >> Chemical Equilibrium Q 20 If Ammonia is not withdrawn continuously from equilibrium mixture its yield will be

A. increasedB. decreasedC. remain unchangedD. None of these

Chemistry >> Liquids Q 21 Adhesive nature of honey and glue id due to presence of______?

A. H-bondingB. Dipole dipole forcesC. Ionic forcesD. Debye force

Chemistry >> Alcohol and Phenols Q 22 Which of the following compounds are added to ethanol to make it unfit for drinking?

A. PyridineB. MethanolC. AcetoneD. All of these

Chemistry >> Aldehydes and Ketones Q 23 Formaldehyde is used in vat dyeing as?

A. Coloring agentB. Dehydrating agentsC. Decolorizing agentD. Solubilizing agent


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Chemistry >> Carboxylic Acids Q 24 Propanoic acid is produced when ______?

A. Methyl MgBr react with CO₂ B. Isopropyl MgBr react with CO₂ C. Ethyl MgBr react with CO₂ D. Propyl MgBr react with CO₂

Chemistry >> Liquids Q 25 Select the most electronegative element among the following:

A. I B. F C. He D. O

Chemistry >> Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry Q 26 Which of the following Shows tautomerism?

A. Amino acids B. Ketones C. Carboxylic acids D. All of these

Chemistry >> Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry Q 27 Which of the following process is used to improve the quality of Gasoline?

A. Steam cracking B. Reforming C. Catalytic cracking D. Distillation

Chemistry >> Alcohol and Phenols Q 28 The solubility of alcohols is due to

A. dipole moment B. covalent bonds C. hydrogen bonding D. electronegativity

Chemistry >> Thermochemistry and Energetic of Chemical Reactions Q 29 Kinetic Energy is the sum of

A. Rotational & Vibrational B. Translation & Rotational C. Rotational, Vibrational and Translation D. All of these

Chemistry >> Alkyl Halides Q 30 In Which of the following reaction rate of reaction is not affected by increasing concentration of nucleophile ?

A. SN₂ B. E₂ C. SN₁ D. None of these

Chemistry >> Thermochemistry and Energetic of Chemical Reactions Q 31 Law of conservation of energy is actually

A. Second law of thermodynamics B. Third Law of Thermodynamics C. First Law of Thermodynamics D. Zeroth law of Thermodynamics

Chemistry >> Transition Elements Q 32 When the central atom of coordination compound is sp3d2 hybridization the expected geometry will be

A. Tetrahedral B. Square planar C. Trigonal bipyramidal D. Octahedral

Chemistry >> Aldehydes and Ketones Q 33 Base catalyzed reaction of carbonyl group takes place in presence of :

A. Weak electrophile B. Strong nucleophile C. Week nucleophile D. Strong electrophile

Chemistry >> Solids Q 34 Brittleness of Ionic solids is due to the fact that Ions arrange themselves in way to,

A. Attract each other B. Compress C. Repel D. overlap each other


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Chemistry >> Reaction Kinetics Q 35 The rate equation is an

A. Experimental expression B. Theoretical expression C. based on Hit and Trail D. All Of these

Chemistry >> Electrochemistry Q 36 Salt Bridge contains

A. Aqueous Calcium Chloride B. Molten zinc powder C. KCl in a Gel D. NaCl in a gel

Chemistry >> Chemical Bonding Q 37 In energy terms, the elements at high energy state are

A. electronegative elements B. electropositive elements C. neutral elements D. charged elements.

Chemistry >> Atomic Structure Q 38 If uncertainty in momentum of electron is zero, the uncertainty in its position would be___?

A. Less than zero B. more then zero C. one D. infinite

Chemistry >> Liquids Q 40 In non-polar molecules ,the strength of London forces depends on number of

A. moles B. molecules C. atoms D. all of these

Chemistry >> Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry Q 41 Nitrogen N2 has ____number of electrons, protons and neutrons

A. 7,8,9 B. 7,7,7 C. 14,14,14 D. 14,14,15

Chemistry >> Transition Elements Q 42 Which of the following properties is not related to transition metals ______?

A. Complex formation B. Color C. Fixed valency D. d-orbital

Chemistry >> Chemical Bonding Q 43 The bonding pair of electron are equally shared b/w the atoms in

A. HF B. HCl C. H2O D. H2

Chemistry >> Alcohol and Phenols Q 44 Which of the following catalyst is used in the industrial preparation of methanol?

A. Zinc oxide and alumina B. Alumina and silica C. Silica and Chromium oxide D. Zinc oxide and Chromium oxide

Chemistry >> Aldehydes and Ketones Q 45 Self-oxidation reduction reaction is also called as______?

A. Dehydration B. Condensation reaction C. Disproportionation reaction D. Proportionation reaction

Chemistry >> Electrochemistry Q 46 In Electrolysis of NaNO3, Na + is

A. Discharged at anode B. Discharge at cathode C. Do Not discharge D. None of these

Chemistry >> Carboxylic Acids Q 47 Which of the following flavour is due to Amyl acetate ?

A. Jasmine B. Pineapple C. Banana D. Orange


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Chemistry >> Thermochemistry and Energetic of Chemical Reactions Q 48 The only thing which can predict that reaction will be spontaneous or nonspontaneous is

A. Enthalpy Change B. Free Energy of the system C. Energy Change D. Temperature Change

Chemistry >> Liquids Q 49 Which of the following shows H-bonding?

A. CH₃CH₂OH B. CH₃-O-CH₃ C. CH₃CH₂Cl D. All of these

Chemistry >> Fundamental Principles of Organic Chemistry Q 50 Vital force theory proposed by

A. Wohler B. Berzelius C. lanthanides and actinides resemble in? D. Lyll

Chemistry >> S and P Block elements Q 51 Alkali and alkaline earth metals impart colours when heated over the burner, it is due to

A. Smaller electronegativity of alkali metals B. The smaller ionic radius of these metals C. De-excitation of electrons from higher

energy levels to low energy level D. Excitation of electrons from low energy

levels to higher energy levels Chemistry >> Solids Q 52 which one of them belongs to tetragonal system

A. Bi B. Sn C. Fe D. Zn

Chemistry >> Alkyl Halides

Q 53 Which of the following is slow step in SN1 reactions?

A. Ionization B. Formation of carbocation C. Formation of Double bond D. Formation of Alkyl halide from

Carbocation Chemistry >> Gases Q 54 Kinetic molecular theory was proposed by

A. Berzelius B. Boltzmann C. Bernoulli D. Maxwell

Chemistry >> Macromolecules Q 55 Proteases enzyme are example of:

A. Lyases B. Hydrolases C. Ligases D. Transferases

Chemistry >> Chemical Equilibrium Q 56 The catalyst in the formation of ester from alcohol and a weak acid is

A. A base B. Palladium C. Nickel D. A mineral Acid

Biology >> Diversity among Animals Q 57 The fate of each blastomere is foretold. What will that cleavage be?

A. Spiral and indeterminate B. Radial and indeterminate C. Radial and indeterminate D. Spiral and determinate

Biology >> Variation and Genetics / Inheritance Q 58 The inherited instructions an organism carries within its genome is it's?

A. phenotype B. clone C. recombination D. genotype

Biology >> Prokaryotes


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Q 59 Some bacteria ranging occasionally a size of 500 um in length are which of the following?

A. Escherichia coli B. Mycoplasma C. Epulopiscium D. Spirochetes

Biology >> Enzymes Q 60 The chief cells at the base of the gastric glands secrete the zymogen which is called?

A. trypsinogen B. pepsin C. trypsin D. pepsinogen

Biology >> Bio-Energetics Q 61 Which two reactions occur during photophosphorylation

A. ATP is hydrolysed and NADP is reduced. B. ATP is hydrolysed and NADPH is

oxidised. C. ATP is synthesised and NADP is reduced. D. ATP is synthesised and NADPH is

oxidized Biology >> Life processes in animals and plants (Nutrition/Gaseous exchange/Transport) Q 62 Choose the organ that filters the lymph:

A. heart B. liver C. spleen D. pancreas

Biology >> Biodiversity (Acellular Life/Variety of Life) Q 63 Paramyxoviruses cause which disease?

A. influenza B. smallpox C. mumps and measles D. AIDS

Biology >> Support and Movement Q 64 Secondary cell wall of sclerenchyma cells is impregnated with?

A. cellulose B. lignin C. murein D. pectin

Biology >> Reproduction Q 65 In sexual reproduction, plants have diplohaplontic life cycle with alternating?

A. Haploid sporophyte and diploid gametophyte generations

B. Diploid sporophyte and diploid gametophyte generations

C. Haploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte generations

D. Diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte generations

Biology >> Cell Structure and Function Q 66 The human naked eye can differentiate between two points which are how much apart? A. 1 mm B. 0.1 mm C. 2 nm D. 1 dm Biology >> Diversity among Animals Q 67 Aschelminthes is also known as which of the following?

A. Protozoans B. Eumetazoa C. Protoctist ancestors D. Nematodes

Biology >> Evolution Q 68 The severe reduction in population size is due to which of the following?

A. genetic drift B. outbreeding C. inbreeding D. bottleneck

Biology >> Reproduction Q 69 What is the function of the fluid secreted by sertoli cells?

A. provides liquid medium B. Provides protection to sperms C. Provides nourishment to sperms D. All A,B and C are correct


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Biology >> Life processes in animals and plants (Nutrition/Gaseous exchange/Transport) Q 70 The membrane of vacuole is called:

A. Tonoplast B. Plasma membrane C. Epidermis D. Both B and C

Biology >> Cell Structure and Function Q 71 What type of molecule is Chlorophyll?

A. Inorganic B. Cationic C. Anionic D. Organic

Biology >> Life processes in animals and plants (Nutrition/Gaseous exchange/Transport) Q 72 Intercostal muscles are found in

A. Ribs B. Pharynx C. Lungs D. Both B and C

Biology >> Bio-Energetics Q 73 Coenzyme Q is oxidised by which coenzyme in the ETC?

A. Coenzyme c B. coenzyme q C. cytochrome b D. cytochrome a

Biology >> Bio-Energetics Q 74 What are the different stages of the calvin cycle?

A. Carbon fixation B. RUBP C. Reduction D. A and C

Biology >> Evolution Q 75 Which statement is incorrect?

A. Homologous organs are functionally different but structurally alike

B. Examples of homologous structures are arms of man, forelimb of cat, flipper of whale

C. Examples of analogous structures are wings of bats, birds and insects

D. Analogous organs are functionally different but structurally alike

Biology >> Variation and Genetics / Inheritance Q 76 A scientist has discovered a new species of flower in which purple coloration is dominant to white. He wishes to know the genotype of a specific purple flower. Which of the following crosses would give him a definitive answer for the purple flower genotype?

A. Unknown purple x Homozygous purple B. Unknown purple x Unknown purple C. Unknown purple x White D. none of these

Biology >> Coordination and Control/ Nervous and Chemical Coordination Q 77 The main transmitter for synapses that lie outside the central nervous system is?

A. adrenaline B. serotonin C. dopamine D. acetylcholine

Biology >> Reproduction Q 78 The types of gametes produced by two pairs of chromosomes can be?

A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

Biology >> Biodiversity (Acellular Life/Variety of Life) Q 79 When was the agent causing AIDs discovered?

A. 1994 B. 1984 C. 1950 D. 1920

Biology >> Cell Structure and Function Q 80 what is the microscope's ability to distinguish between separate objects that are close together?

A. magnification B. contrast C. resolving power D. scanning power


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Biology >> Bio-Energetics Q 81 The path of electrons through the two photosystems is called?

A. S scheme B. X scheme C. Z scheme D. Y scheme

Biology >> Enzymes Q 82 A metal cofactor which is used in synthesis of glycolysis is?

A. Fe+3 B. Mn+2 C. Co+2 D. Mg+2

Biology >> Support and Movement Q 83 The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a special type of endoplasmic reticulum. Based on this information, which of the following is associated with a sarcoplasmic reticulum?

A. Network of tubules B. vesicles C. digestive enzymes D. both a and b

Biology >> Enzymes Q 84 Which one of the following statements about enzymes is not true?

A. They are sensitive to heat B. They consist of proteins or without a non-

proteins part C. They change the rate of catalyzed reaction D. They are non-specific in their action

Biology >> Life processes in animals and plants (Nutrition/Gaseous exchange/Transport) Q 85 A muscular passage that is common to both food and air is known as

A. bronchi B. bronchioles C. larynx D. pharynx

Biology >> Cell Structure and Function Q 86 The place of centromere where spindle fibres get attached is?

A. Kinetochore B. tilomere C. Centromere region D. all of these

Biology >> Coordination and Control/ Nervous and Chemical Coordination Q 87 Midbrain is also known as:

A. Pons B. Medulla C. mesencephalon D. None of these

Biology >> Evolution Q 88 Neo Darwanism was developled in

A. early 1940s B. early 1950s C. early 1930s D. early 1960s

Biology >> Variation and Genetics / Inheritance Q 89 Assume that a trait is expressed according to the mechanism of complete dominance. Each gene contributes one of two possible alleles. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The genotype is the expressed trait of the individual

B. There are three possible phenotypes the organism can express

C. If two heterozygous organisms mate, 25% of the progeny will be homozygous

D. If two heterozygous organisms mate, 75% of the progeny will display the dominant phenotype

Biology >> Prokaryotes Q 90 The nitrifying bacteria are an example of which of the following?

A. Heterotrophic bacteria B. Saprotrophic bacteria C. Chemosynthetic bacteria D. parasitic bacteria

Biology >> Coordination and Control/ Nervous and Chemical Coordination Q 91 In myelinated neurons the impulse jumps from node to node, what is this transmission called?

A. myelinated impulse B. jumping impulse C. saltatory impulse D. all of these


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Biology >> Enzymes Q 92 Malonic acid is an example of which type of inhibitors?

A. Irreversible inhibitor B. Reversible inhibitor C. Non-competitive inhibitor D. Competitive inhibitor

Biology >> Cell Structure and Function Q 93 A chromosome in which a centromere stays at one end is called?

A. metacentric B. telocentric C. acrocentric D. all of these

Biology >> Life processes in animals and plants (Nutrition/Gaseous exchange/Transport) Q 94 During inspiration, the diaphragm:

A. contracts B. relaxes C. contracts and relaxes D. None of these

Biology >> Prokaryotes Q 95 What allows a bacteria to stain positively with gram stain?

A. The bacteria is anaerobic B. The bacterial sample was pretreated with

3% ethanol C. The bacteria's periplasmic space D. The bacteria's thick peptidoglycan cell

walls Biology >> Coordination and Control/ Nervous and Chemical Coordination Q 96 The brain portion that is reduced in humans is:

A. Forebrain B. Midbrain C. Hindbrain D. Limbic system

Biology >> Enzymes Q 97 Enzymes which control cellular respiration are present in?

A. mitochondria B. nucleus C. ribosomes D. chloroplast

Biology >> Prokaryotes Q 98 Unlike eukaryotes, prokaryotes have no membrane-bound organelles. How, then, are prokaryotes able to generate energy?

A. Prokaryotes generate sodium gradients across their nuclear membranes

B. Prokaryotes do not generate energy C. Prokaryotes produce energy via

photosynthesis D. Prokaryotes generate proton gradients

across their plasma membranes Biology >> Biodiversity (Acellular Life/Variety of Life) Q 99 Which of the following viruses possess an envelope?

A. Herpes virus B. reovirus C. TMV D. Papillomavirus

Biology >> Biodiversity (Acellular Life/Variety of Life) Q 100 What is the viral nucleocapsid made up of?

A. genome and capsid B. capsid and spikes C. envelope and capsid D. capsomere and genome

Biology >> Support and Movement Q 101 Myosin filaments are contained within each:

A. Sarcomere B. microtubules C. Filaments D. M-line


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Biology >> Life processes in animals and plants (Nutrition/Gaseous exchange/Transport) Q 102 Most carbon dioxide is transported in the form of:

A. Carboxyhemoglobin B. Plasma proteins C. Bicarbonate ions D. in dissolved form

Biology >> Support and Movement Q 103 A person has a mutation that produces abnormal sarcoplasmic reticulum. Which of the following will not be a consequence of this mutation?

A. The myosin heads will not bind the actin filaments

B. Troponin will not be activated C. Tropomyosin will remain bound to actin D. Calcium ions will not be released into a

synapse Biology >> Diversity among Animals Q 104 The function of coelom is best characterized as?

A. To increase the size of the animals B. To help in the functioning of the

reproductive system C. To provide space for the development of

organs and systems D. none of these

Biology >> Enzymes Q 105 Enzymes are produced in inactive form by the cell and enclosed in which of the following?

A. mesosomes B. lysosomes C. peroxisomes D. all of these

Biology >> Variation and Genetics / Inheritance Q 106 When a hemophilia carrier woman marries a normal man, who among her offspring may be affected:

A. All her children B. Half of her daughters C. All her daughters D. Half of her sons

Biology >> Coordination and Control/ Nervous and Chemical Coordination Q 107 The brain area responsible for screening all incoming sensory data is:

A. Hypothalamus B. Thalamus C. cerebellum D. cerebral cortex

Biology >> Bio-Energetics Q 108 Each Kreb's cycle forms how many molecules of NADH?

A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 1

Biology >> Coordination and Control/ Nervous and Chemical Coordination Q 109 The diencephalon comprises of:

A. Pons and medulla B. Thalamus and limbic system C. Pons and medulla D. Hypothalamus and limbic system

Biology >> Enzymes Q 110 Which of the following would most greatly increase the activity of an enzyme functioning in the small intestine?

A. Decrease the temperature B. Increase the amount of enzymes C. Decrease the pH D. Increase the amount of substrate

Biology >> Biodiversity (Acellular Life/Variety of Life) Q 111 ___________ refers to the breakdown or removal of the capsid

A. assembly B. uncoating C. integration D. maturation

Biology >> Diversity among Animals Q 112 Which one is not the characteristic of Kingdom Animalia?

A. All animals are ingestive heterotrophs B. All animals are eukaryotes C. It is the largest kingdom. D. All animals develop from the dissimilar

gametes i.e. large sperm and the small egg


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Biology >> Life processes in animals and plants (Nutrition/Gaseous exchange/Transport) Q 113 The structures with a diameter less than 1mm are:

A. bronchioles B. Bronchi C. Alveoli D. Air sac

Biology >> Life processes in animals and plants (Nutrition/Gaseous exchange/Transport) Q 114 The maximum capacity of 100 ml blood to absorb oxygen is:

A. 10 ml B. 20 ml C. 30 ml D. 45 ml

Biology >> Evolution Q 115 Which of the following is not an evidence for evolution?

A. Fossil record B. Common ancestor organisms C. Vestigial structures D. none of these

Biology >> Support and Movement Q 116 If the cross‐bridges bind to actin, they will pivot in such a way to cause the actin filaments to slide. This pivoting action causes the actin filaments to slide __________.

A. closer together B. farther apart C. Towards the Z-line D. Both B and C are correct

Biology >> Biodiversity (Acellular Life/Variety of Life) Q 117 Viruses without nuclear envelope is called as?

A. icosahedral virus B. naked virus C. enveloped virus D. bilayer virus

Biology >> Evolution Q 118 Which condition can be explained by Lamarckism?

A. How giraffes got their long neck B. How humans lost their tail C. How humans became bipedal D. all of these

Biology >> Cell Structure and Function Q 119 Which of the following plays vital role in defense activity of macrophages?

A. Lysozymes B. Lysosomes C. mitochondria D. nucleus

Biology >> Reproduction Q 120 The follicle cells, after release of the egg, are modified to form a special structure called:

A. Endometrium B. Perimetrium C. Corpus luteum D. None of these

Biology >> Cell Structure and Function Q 121 The soluble sap of the nucleus in a plant cell is called?

A. cytoplasm B. nucleoplasm C. protoplasm D. protoplast

Biology >> Reproduction Q 122 All of the following statements are correct EXCEPT:

A. The testicles produce millions of sperm. B. Hormones are produced by the testicles. C. Semen is produced in the seminal vesicles D. All males are born with one testicle

Biology >> Biological Molecules Enzymes Q 123 Esters of fatty acids with higher alcohols other than glycerol are called___

A. Waxes B. Fats C. Both (A) and (B) D. None of these

Biology >> Prokaryotes Q 124 A huge micro organisim Acanthurus named nigrofuscus discovered in intestine of brown suigeonfish

A. a bacterium B. a virus C. a parasite D. protozoa


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Physics >> Waves Q 125 Radar system is an application of:...

A. Doppler's effect B. mechanical effect C. electric effect D. magnetic effect

Physics >> Current Electricity Q 126 Electric power is

A. rate of electric work done per unit time B. voltage per unit time C. electric charge per unit time D. current per unit time

Physics >> Thermodynamics Q 127 Which of the following is equivalent to a temperature 150K?

A. 123 C B. -123 C C. 423 C D. -423 C

Physics >> Work and Energy Q 128 Which of the following is not a conservative force

A. friction B. electric C. magnetic D. gravitational

Physics >> Waves Q 129 Which of the following frequency of sound wave is audible

A. 5 Hz B. 5000 Hz C. 2500 kHz D. 50 kHz

Physics >> Dawn of Modern Physics Q 130 The maximum velocity of SHM is a0 the period of oscillation is

A. 2πx0/a0 B. 2πa0/x0 C. 2πa0 x0 D. 2π/a0x0

Physics >> Current Electricity Q 131 A 250V bulb passes a current of 0.3A. Calculate the power in the lamp.

A. 50W B. 75W C. 100W D. 90W

Physics >> Nuclear Physics

Q 132 What is the unit of decay constant? A. second B. minute C. hour D. (sec)^-1

Physics >> Force and Motion Q 133 The unit of velocity is:...

A. m B. m s C. m / s D. m / s^2

Physics >> Nuclear Physics Q 134 Isotopes of an element have a different number of

A. proton B. neutron C. electron D. atom

Physics >> Thermodynamics Q 135 Equal masses of paraffin and water are mixed in a container of negligible thermal capacity. Initial temperature of water is 80C and that of paraffin is 20C. The final temperature of mixture is:.....

A. 70C B. 60C C. 50C D. 40C

Physics >> Current Electricity Q 136 Two incandescent light bulbs of 40 W and 60 W ratings are connected in series across the mains. Then

A. The bulbs together consume 100 W B. The bulbs together consume 50 W C. The 60 W bulb glows brighter D. The 40 W bulb glows brighter

Physics >> Nuclear Physics Q 137 Which radiation is used in greenhouse effect

A. UV B. IR C. x-rays D. gamma-rays

Physics >> Electromagnetic Induction


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Q 138 For a coil self inductance L and current I then flux passing through it is

A. LI B. LI^2 C. L^2I D. (LI)^2

Physics >> Force and Motion Q 139 Displacement of an object in moving around a complete circle is

A. 2πr B. 2r C. πr D. zero

Physics >> Rotational and Circular Motion Q 140 When a body moves in a circle of radius r with angular speed ω, its centripetal acceleration is

A. ωr B. ω^2r C. ωr^2 D. ω/r

Physics >> Electromagnetic Induction Q 141 Transformation ratio of transformer is given by

A. Vs/Vp B. IpIs C. NsNp D. all of these

Physics >> Waves Q 142 In a stationary wave, the distance between two consecutive crests is:

A. one wavelength B. 3/4 wavelength C. 1/2 wavelength D. 3/2 wavelength

Physics >> Current Electricity Q 143 A light bulb draws 300 mA when the voltage across it is 240 V. The resistance of the light bulb is

A. 400 ohm B. 600 ohm C. 800 ohm D. 1000 ohm

Physics >> Work and Energy Q 144 A constant force of F= (i- 2j - 3k) causes a displacement d = (2i - 5j + k), what will be the net work done if F in N and displacement is in meter

A. 15 J B. 9 J C. 8 J D. 18 J

Physics >> Force and Motion Q 145 If a squash.ball comes back to its starting point after bouncing off the wall several times, then:....

A. its total displacement is zero but its average velocity is non-zero

B. its total displacement is non-zero but its average velocity is zero

C. both its total displacement and its average velocity is non-zero

D. its total displacement is zero and so also is its average velocity

Physics >> Thermodynamics Q 146 Two spheres are made of the same metal and have the same radius, but one is hollow and the other is solid. The spheres are taken through the same temperature increase. Which sphere expands more?

A. They expand by the same amount B. The hollow sphere expands more C. The solid sphere expands more D. There is not enough information to say

Physics >> Electro-statistics Q 147 Static charge always creates

A. electric field and magnetic field B. electromagnetic wave C. electric field D. Both a) and b)

Physics >> Electro-statistics Q 148 The minimum indivisible unit of charge is:....

A. one coulomb B. charge on one alpha particle C. charge on one proton D. one micro coulomb

Physics >> Atomic spectra


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Q 149 Solar spectra is a type of A. continuous B. discrete C. both a) and b) D. None of these

Physics >> Thermodynamics Q 150 A heat engine performs 100 J of work and at the same time rejects 400 J of heat energy to the cold reservoirs. What is the efficiency of the engine?

A. 20% B. 25% C. 4% D. 50 %

Physics >> Waves Q 151 In a stationary wave, the phase angle between a node and a consecutive antinode is:

A. 90 deg B. 180 deg C. 270 deg D. 150 deg

Physics >> Atomic spectra Q 152 Why x-rays are used in crystallography

A. to prevent interference B. to prevent diffraction C. to perform interference D. to perform diffraction

Physics >> Work and Energy Q 153 A 4kg eagle picks up a 75g snake and raises it 2.5 m from the ground to a branch. What is the work done by the eagle on the snake? (Assume g = 10 m/s^2)

A. 100 J B. 1.875 J C. 18.75 J D. 187.5 J

Physics >> Current Electricity Q 154 Emf becomes equal to terminal potential difference when

A. circuit is closed B. current is max C. circuit is open D. all of these

Physics >> Nuclear Physics

Q 155 The existence of positron was discovered in the

A. thermal radiation B. cosmic radiation C. electromagnetic radiation D. non-electromagnetic radiation

Physics >> Rotational and Circular Motion Q 156 The linear acceleration of a body moving in a circular path is:

A. negative B. positive C. constant D. zero

Physics >> Electronics Q 157 Most widely used rectifier is

A. half wave rectifier B. full wave rectifier C. bridge rectifier D. none of them

Physics >> Nuclear Physics Q 158 The artifacts and fossils are used to estimate ages by measured ____ content

A. mineral B. chemical C. radioactive D. all of these

Physics >> Electromagnetism Q 159 One proton beam enters in magnetic field of 10^-4 T normally with specific charge 10^11 C/kg and velocity of 10^7 m/s. What will be the radius of circle? 0.1 m 1 m 10 m none of these Physics >> Waves Q 160 The shortest distance between two points on the wave that have a phase difference of (pi/3) is 5 cm. What is its wavelength?

A. 10 cm B. 20 cm C. 30 cm D. 40 cm


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Physics >> Electro-statistics Q 161 Electrostatic force is

A. Nonconservative B. Conservative C. depends on shape of charge D. None of these

Physics >> Electronics Q 162 Transistors can be used as

A. half wave rectifier B. full wave rectifier C. both D. none of these

Physics >> Dawn of Modern Physics Q 163 Numbers of photon electrons emitted from metal depends upon :

A. Intensity of incident light B. Energy of incident light C. Wavelength of incident light D. Frequency of incident light

Physics >> Work and Energy Q 164 A bullet of mass 5*10^-5 has the velocity of 200 m/s, kinetic energy of the bullet is

A. 100 J B. 1000 J C. 10 J D. none of these

Physics >> Dawn of Modern Physics Q 165 What is the frequency of a photon whose energy is 66.3 eV

A. 12.6x10^6 Hz B. 19.6x10^6 Hz C. 1.6x10^16 Hz D. 81.6x10^6 Hz

Physics >> Thermodynamics Q 166 Which one of the following process is irreversible?

A. Slow compressions of an elastic spring B. Slow evaporation of a substance in an

isolated vessel C. Slow compression of a gas D. a chemical explosion

Physics >> Current Electricity Q 167 Sensitivity of a galvanometer is defined as

A. The deflection produced per unit micro ampere current

B. The deflection per force C. Force per unit area D. None of them

Physics >> Force and Motion Q 168 Consider a car is travelling for one hour. Which of the following trips have the same average velocity?

A. car travels 20 km due east and car travels 70 km due east

B. car travels 40 km due east, then turns around and travels 20 km due west and car travels 20 km due east

C. car travels 70 km due east and car travels 40 km due east, then turns around and travels 20 km due west

D. car travels 30 km due west, then turns around and travels 30 km due east and car travels 40 km due east, then turns around and travels 20 km due west

Physics >> Rotational and Circular Motion Q 169 The angular speed of a particle, moving in a circle of radius 20 cm, increases from 2 rad/s to 40 rad/s in 9s the ratio of its centripetal acceleration to tangential acceleration at the end of 19 s is,

A. 400:1 B. 14:20 C. 800:1 D. 7:40

Physics >> Dawn of Modern Physics Q 170 What will be the de – Broglie wavelength when the kinetic energy of the electron increases by 5 times?

A. √5 B. 5 C. 1/√5 D. 1/5


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Physics >> Nuclear Physics Q 171 A sample of F-18 is used internally as a medical diagnostic tool to look for the effect of the positron decay (T1/2= 110 min),. How long does it take for 99 % of the F-18 to decay?

A. 10.2 h B. 11.2 h C. 14.2 h D. 12.2 h

Physics >> Work and Energy Q 172 A bullet of mass 10 g leaves a rifle at an initial velocity of 1000 m/s and strikes earth at the same level with a velocity of 500 m/s. the work in overcoming the resistance of air will be:

A. 500J B. 5000J C. 3750J D. 475J

Physics >> Electromagnetic Induction Q 173 A cable 4 km long and of total resistance 1 ohm carries electric current from a generator producing 100kW at 10,000 Volts. The current in amperes in the cable is

A. 10 B. 10,000 C. 1000 D. 100,000

Physics >> Thermodynamics Q 174 100 W heater is used to melt 50 g of ice at 0C. How long should the heater be switched on? Specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 334 J/g.

A. 28 min B. 16.7 min C. 2.8 min D. 167 min

Physics >> Current Electricity Q 175 The length and radius of an electric resistance of a certain wire are doubled simultaneously, then the:

A. resistance will be doubled and specific resistance will be halved

B. resistance will be halved and specific resistance will remain uncharged

C. resistance will be halved and the specific resistance will be doubled

D. resistance and specific resistance will both remain uncharged

Physics >> Thermodynamics Q 176 The energy input to an engine is 60 J, and the work it performs is 15 J. What is its thermal efficiency?

A. 4.00 B. 1.00 C. 0.25 D. impossible to determine

Physics >> Waves Q 177 Wavelength of a sound wave in air is 10 cm, what is the frequency of the sound wave?

A. 33 Hz B. 330 Hz C. 3300 Hz D. 33000 Hz

Physics >> Electro-statistics Q 178 Oil droplets of mass m and charge q are dropped between two horizontal parallel plates. Air resistance is negligible. The droplets are falling at constant velocity when electric field strength between the plates is E. Which of the following is true?

A. E=0 B. E < mg / q C. E = mg / q D. E > mg / q

Physics >> Atomic spectra Q 179 Which color of heat shows highest temperature

A. red B. blue C. black D. orange

Physics >> Electronics Q 180 A full wave rectifier uses load resistor of 1500Ω. Assume the diodes have Rf=10Ω, Rr=∞. The voltage applied to diode is 30V with a frequency of 50Hz. Calculate the AC power input

A. 358.98mW B. 275.2 mW C. 145.76 mW


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D. 456.78 mW English >> Use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions Demonstrate correct use of subject-verb agreement Demonstrate correct use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation to clarify meaning Q 181 Choose the correct sentence.

A. Dr Hussain works at city hospital in gulberg.

B. Dr Hussain works at City Hospital in Gulberg?

C. Dr Hussain works at City Hospital in Gulberg.

D. Dr Hussain works at city hospital in Gulberg.

English >> Correct use of articles and prepositions Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions Q 182 I bought________________ new TV set yesterday.

A. a B. an C. the D. no article

English >> Structure of Sentence Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure Q 183 I ______ English since my childhood.

A. study B. am studying C. have been studying D. studied

English >> Tenses Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure Q 184 Have you _______ the examination?

A. take B. took C. taken D. taking

English >> Vocabulary Comprehend key vocabulary Q 185 We are planning to get a big, __________ table for our dining-room

A. rough B. empty C. deep D. round

English >> Vocabulary Comprehend key vocabulary Q 186 Rainfall in the desert is not only extremely low, but also extremely ___________________.

A. intense B. erratic C. meagre D. undesirable

English >> Structure of Sentence Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure Q 187 Choose the future indefinite tense form of the given sentence. “The parcel has been delivered.”

A. The parcel had been delivered. B. The parcel will be delivered. C. The parcel was delivered. D. The parcel would have been delivered.

English >> Structure of Sentence Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure Q 188 Identify the tense used in the given sentence. “Everyone shall be reaching by tomorrow.”

A. Present B. Past C. Future D. None

English >> Use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions Demonstrate correct use of subject-verb agreement Demonstrate correct use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation to clarify meaning


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Q 189 Choose the correct sentence. A. Today was her sisters birthday so she took

her out for dinner. B. Today was her sister’s birthday, so she

took her out for dinner. C. Today was her sister’s birthday so she

took her out for dinner. D. Today was her Sister’s birthday, so she

took her out for dinner. English >> Mistakes in Sentences or short written texts Demonstrate correct use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation to clarify meaning Q 190 Choose the correct spelling of the word

A. probaly B. probably C. probebly D. probly

English >> Correct use of Subject Verb Agreement Demonstrate correct use of subject-verb agreement Q 191 My friends _______________________ too much.

A. worries B. worry C. worried D. worrying

English >> Vocabulary Comprehend key vocabulary Q 192 nemesis

A. associate B. antagonist C. soul-mate D. ally

English >> Correct use of articles and prepositions Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions Q 193 This is _______ good company to work with.

A. a B. an C. the

D. no article English >> Correct use of articles and prepositions Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions Q 194 I work as ______________ only English teacher at this school.

A. a B. an C. the D. no article

English >> Use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions Demonstrate correct use of subject-verb agreement Demonstrate correct use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation to clarify meaning Q 195 Choose the correct sentence.

A. Help help! Me I’m drowning. B. Help! Help me! I’m drowning! C. Help, help me. Im drowning. D. Help help me! Im drowning!

English >> Mistakes in Sentences or short written texts Demonstrate correct use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation to clarify meaning Q 196 Choose the correct spelling of the word

A. Shekspeare B. Shakspare C. Shakespare D. Shakespeare

English >> Use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions Demonstrate correct use of subject-verb agreement Demonstrate correct use of writing conventions of spelling, capitalization and punctuation to clarify meaning Q 197 Choose the correct sentence.


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A. Mrs Sajjad: who was sitting behind the desk, gave me a big smile.

B. Mrs Sajjad who was sitting behind the desk gave me a big smile.

C. Mrs Sajjad, who was sitting behind the desk, gave me a big smile.

D. Mrs Sajjad, who was sitting behind the desk gave me a big smile?

English >> Tenses Demonstrate control of tenses and sentence structure Q 198 We ________________ (eat) the popcorn and _________________ (drink) the orange juice.

A. eat, drink B. ate, drink C. eat, drank D. ate, drank

English >> Correct use of Subject Verb Agreement Demonstrate correct use of subject-verb agreement Q 199 None ____ none under the sun.

A. is B. are C. were D. was

English >> Correct use of articles and prepositions Demonstrate correct use of articles and prepositions Q 200 There is ________________institution for ______________ blind in this city.

A. a... an B. a... the C. an.. a D. an.. the

Logical Reasoning >> Course of Action Statements and Actions Q 201 Statement As stated in the recent census report the female to male ratio is alarmingly low. I. The government should conduct another census to verify the results. II. The government should immediately issue orders to all the departments to encourage people to improve the ratio.

A. Both of them follows B. None of them follows C. Only I follows D. Only II follows

Logical Reasoning >> Logical Problems Directions to solve Q 202 The hotel is two blocks east of the drugstore. The market is one block west of the hotel. The drugstore is west of the market. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

A. Ture B. FALSE C. maybe D. unresolved

Logical Reasoning >> Critical Reasoning Number series Q 203 1 Choose which one is the different number from the following

A. 125 B. 131 C. 130 D. 138

Logical Reasoning >> Logical Deduction Verbal Classification Q 204 Which one of the following is a different one?

A. Skin B. Lungs C. Heart D. Life

Logical Reasoning >> Cause & Effect Dependent Causes/ Independent Causes/ Q 205 Statement: Large number of people living in the low-lying areas has been evacuated during the last few days to safer places. The government has rushed in relief supplies to the people living in the affected areas.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.


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B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect

C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes

D. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause

Logical Reasoning >> Logical Problems Verbal Classification Q 206 Epicentre is related to

A. Cyclone B. Volcano C. Earthquake D. Both A and B

Logical Reasoning >> Cause & Effect Verbal reasoning Q 207 Statements (I) There is sharp decline in the production of oil seeds this year. (II) The Government has decided to increase the import quantum of edible oil.

A. Statement I is the cause and II is its effect B. Statement II is the cause and I is its effect C. Both statements are of independent

causes D. Both statements are the effects of the

independent causes Logical Reasoning >> Logical Problems Verbal Classification Q 208 Who is the father of Computer?

A. Alan Turing B. Charles Babbage C. Simur Cray D. Both A and B

Logical Reasoning >> Cause & Effect Dependent Causes/ Independent Causes/ Q 209 I. Punjab Board has announced the results of class 12. II. A candidate committed suicide after checking his results in class 12.

A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.

C. Both statements I and II are independent causes

D. Both statements I and II are the effects of independent cause.

Logical Reasoning >> Logical Deduction Verbal Reasoning Q 210 Which country has the most news channels?

A. Russia B. India C. Australia D. Brazil


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