mbp results

Post on 05-Jun-2020






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Evan Gragg1, Shane Butler2 and Nathan Webb2

1Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2Prairie Research Institute, Illinois State Geological Survey





Future Work

Geologic Setting

Discussion & Conclusions

Three main components: 1) Identification of sample locations using GIS, samples were then collected and prepared for analysis.2) Mineralogical analysis using XRD techniques. 3) Permeability and porosity analysis using porosimeter and permeameter.

Figure 5. Location of the old and new data points. The green (2013) points are mainly in the northern part of the tidal facies and the blue (1994) mostly southern.

• Western: Thick incised channel fill sandstones, up to 160ft thick.• Central: Tidally-influenced sandstone bars up to 40ft thick (petroleum reservoir).• Eastern: Carbonates with interbedded shales (Huff & Seyler, 2010).

• Aux Vases Formation was deposited as part of the Kaskaskia sequence, a major sedimentary package in the ILB • Formed during and after two major orogenic events (The Acadian and Alleghanian) that drove subsidence of the ILB (Devera et al., 2010).

Figure 1. Map of the entire Illinois Basin with structural features, and oil fields (Huff & Seyler, 2010).

Study Purpose• Limited clay mineral, porosity, and permeability data suggests regional changes to the north.• Need for the development of a basin scale mineralogical model via the synthesis of old and new data.• Specific interest in resolving distribution of low total chlorite, low permeability/porosity and anomalous kaolinite observed in the north.

Figure 2. Regional facies of the Aux Vases Formation. Western channelized sandstones, centrally reworked sandstones and eastern carbonates (Nelson et al., 2002).

Figure 3. Oil production from the Illinois Basin from 1905-2003 (Huff & Seyler, 2010). The Kaskaskia sequence accounts for around 80% of all hydrocarbons produced from the ILB.

The Upper Mississippian Aux Vases Sandstone is a significant oil reservoir in the Illinois Basin (ILB), and may be the target of future enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects. The producing facies is characterized by fine-grained, tidally reworked, elongated sandstone bars. Despite prolific oil production and detailed study of individual oil fields, the spatial distribution of mineralogical heterogeneity within the Aux Vases is poorly understood. Recognizing the spatial variations in clay mineralogy of Aux Vases reservoir rock across the ILB will aid in future discoveries and could improve the overall oil recovery from the formation through proper implementation of EOR techniques. Past studies characterized the Aux Vases on individual oil field or outcrop belt scales, but those findings have not been integrated into a basin wide model for mineralogical variation within the Aux Vases. Additionally, because of the focus on individual oil fields, mineralogical data gaps exist across the ILB in areas where the Aux Vases exhibits abnormally low chlorite content, anomalous kaolinite and decreased permeability and porosity; all factors that impact oil recovery potential. Limited data in the northern ILB necessitates a need for a more regional study to understand the mineralogical changes in the Aux Vases. New samples have been collected to improve mineralogical data resolution and understand the nature of the spatial distribution of clay minerals within the Aux Vases across the ILB. Semi-quantitative X-Ray diffraction (XRD) methods were used on 29 core samples for clay mineral analysis. Measurements of permeability and porosity of core plugs helped determine how the clay mineralogy is related to those parameters. A synthesis of mineralogical, permeability and porosity data in the north-south trending, tidally influenced sandstone bar facies of the Aux Vases Formation is expected to show spatial variations in diagenetic alteration and deposition with implications for the application of EOR. The mineralogical data should provide new insights and detailed information for understandinghow the Aux Vases formed and diagenetically evolved in the ILB (figure 1).

Figure 4. Map of the large data gap in the northern part of the tidal bar facies.

Micronized Bulk Pack (MBP) • Micronized samples were end-loaded as a randomly oriented powder (2° to 60° 2θ).<16um size fraction• Oil and carbonates were removed, then particles were isolated to <16um size fraction by gravity settling and smeared onto glass slides (2° to 34° 2θ). • Semi-quantitative data reduction software Jade 9+® was used to analyze all resulting traces. (Glass & Killey, 1986 ; Hughes et al., 1994; Hughes & Warren, 1989).

XRD Techniques

Permeability & Porosity• Horizontal permeability was calculated from one inch diameter plugs using ∆P and flow rate readings, the permeability was calculated using Darcy’s equation.• Porosity data was measured using a helium porosimeter to determine the effective porosity calculated according to Boyles Law (API, 1998).

Typical Aux Vases <16um XRD

A total of 29 new core samples were collected for MBP and <16um analysis. The samples were very fine to fine grained, grey-green, mostly subarkosic sandstones with occasional thin flaser bedding. A few samples were dolomitic. The new combined mineralogical dataset contains 193 samples across 41 wells.

MBP Results <16um Results

Table 1. MBP results show similar amounts of quartz and calcite. The 38.262343 degree latitude line was used to divide the tidal facies into northern and southern regions. The total feldspar content was on average doubled in the northern samples, whereas samples from the south had on average twice the amount of total clay minerals. Dolomitic samples are not averaged.

Table 2. <16um clay fraction results showing differences in the illite, illite-smectite and chlorite compositions. Four samples had kaolinite present and are displayed in figure 6.

XRD pattern with strong chlorite intensities and broad mixed-layered illite-smectite (I-S) peaks. Fe content within the chlorite, ordering of I-S and the proportion of illite:smectite within the I-S was estimated from the XRD (Moore & Reynolds, 1997).

Figure 6. Map showing the location of the four samples from the Aux Vases found to contain Kaolinite. The sample locations are highlighted in red. The kaolinite clay fraction is labeled next to each data point (two wells). The northern point is from 1994 study at Stewardson Field where kaolinite was first observed in the Aux Vases. This 2013 study observed the southern red locality. Note their location in proximity to the facies boundary.

Kaolinite Distribution

Porosity and Permeability Results Eleven core plugs were used to calculate horizontal permeability. Those same plugs and an additional 11 cube samples were used for porosity measurements. In total, 11 samples yielded permeability results and 22 samples yielded porosity measurements. All samples suitable for plugging or cubing were taken from the same sampling

Porosity and horizontal permeability results show decreases in the 2013 Study. The 2013 study had 11 permeability points and 22 porosity points, much fewer than the 1994 study, which had 83 permeability and 83 porosity points.

locations and depths as the samples for bulk and clay mineralogy analysis. When combined with data from previous studies, porosity data points number 105 and horizontal permeability number 94. The average values of horizontal permeability and porosity across all samples are 120md (millidarcy) and 19%, respectively.

Three Primary Facies (figure 2)

Importance• Clay minerals coat framework grains and inhibit mineral overgrowths by preserving primary porosity, which is vital for reservoir quality.• Interaction between clay minerals and treatment fluids has numerous positive and negative effects on reservoir quality.• Clay minerals serve as diagenetic and maturity indices (Oltz, 1994).• It is essential to understand the clay mineral distribution across the basin to better characterize reservoirs for potential EOR projects in addition to prospecting for new discoveries.

• Aux Vases contains 60-80% quartz, <10% feldspars and <10% clay minerals by total volume.• Clay mineral assemblage of illite, mixed-layered illite-smectite, (Mg, Fe) chlorites and no kaolinite (Leetaru 1996).

2) Clay fraction chlorite increases northward along the NE-SW facies axis (figure 9).

I am indebted to Shane Butler and Nathan Webb for their guidance, advisory and contributions that fostered my development as a scientist throughout all stages of this project. I thank Steve Altaner and Randy Hughes for their insightful discussions and review of the report, clay mineralogy and XRD pattern interpretations. I am grateful to Kyle Rehak for his diligent work with porosity

and permeability analysis as well as assistance with clay mineralogy preparations. Additional advice and support from Craig Lundstrom, Peter Berger, Bob Mumm, and Martin Palkovic is greatly appreciated. I thank the Office of Undergraduate Research for their support of this presentaion.

Devera, J.A., Nelson, J.W., and Norby, R.D., 2010, Middle Devonian Series through Missis sippian System (Kaskaskia Sequence). D.R. Kolata, C.K. Nimz, Geology of Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, pg. 167-184. Glass, H. D.; Killey, M. M. Principles and Application of Clay Mineral Compostion in Quaternary Stratigraphic: Examples from Illinois, U.S.A, INQUA Symposium of Genesis and Lithology of Glacial Deposits, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1986; vad der Meer, J. J. M., Ed.Huff, B.G., and Seyler, B., 2010, Oil and Gas Geology, D.R. Kolata, C.K. Nimz, Geology of Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey. pg. 283-297. Hughes, R. E.; Moore, D. M.; Glass, H. D., Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Clay Minerals in Soils. In Quantitative Methods in Soil Mineralogy, Soil Science Society of America: 1994; Vol. 677S. Hughes, R. E.; Warren, R. Evaluation of the Economic Usefulness of Earth Materials by X-rayDiffraction., 23rd Forum Geology Industrial Minerals, 1989; Hughes, R. E.; Brad

bury, L. C., Eds. Illinois State Geol. Surv. Leetaru, H.E., 1996, Reservoir Characteristics and Oil Production in the Cypress and Aux Vases Formations at Storms Consolidated Field in White County, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois Petroleum 150, 52p. Moore, D.M., and R.C. Reynolds, Jr. 1997. X-ray diffraction and the identification and analysis of clay minerals. 2nd ed. Oxford Univ. Press, New York. Nelson, J.W., Smith, L.B., and Treworgy, J.D., 2002, Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Chesterian (Mississippian) Strata of the Illinois Basin: Illinois State Geological Survey, Bulletin 107, 85p. Oltz, D.F., 1994, Improved and Enhanced Oil Recovery in Illinois through Reservoir Characterization, Department of Energy final contract report, Contract no. DE-FG22- 89BC14250, Report DOE/BC/14250-19, 403p. Recommended practices for core analysis; RP 40 2nd edition. 1998. American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.

1) Clay fraction I-S and total clay mineral amounts increase southward along the NE-SW tidal facies axis (figure 7 & 8).

Discussion & Conclusions Cont.

3) Porosity and permeability are increasing southward along the same axis (figure 10).

4)The Illinois Basin’s southward dipping cratonic ramp and depositional environment change from subtidal bars to supratidal sheet sands toward the north provided the controls (shallow burial depths and preferential fluid flow, respectively) which limited diagenetic alteration of feldspars and the formation of diagenetic clay minerals in the northern tidal facies.

Figure 7. Total clay mineral percentages become higher in the southern part of the tidal facies. Total clay mineral amounts are important for inhibiting secondary mineral overgrowths and preserving primary porosity.

Figure 8. Spatially mapped CF I-S, higher percentages are seen in the southern part of the tidal facies where higher total clay minerals are seen.

Figure 9. CF chlorite percentages become higher in the northern part of the tidal facies. These locations are where total clay mineral amounts are lower (see also figure 7).

Figure 10. Map showing porosity values of the Aux Vases across the facies. Porosity generally increases southward. Some northern points still have relatively high values. Not all labels can be shown, but the displayed values are representative of their locality.

• Aux Vases Sandstone is known for low Fe (high Mg) chlorites.• Old and new data indicate five oil fields with high Fe chlorites.• This suggests changes in local geochemical and diagenetic conditions.• Aux Vases chlorites are believed to be more effective than other clay minerals at inhibiting mineral overgrowths. For this reason, the total clay mineral amounts and clay fraction chlorite relationship with porosity and permeability is critical to understand.

• Investigations of the mixed-layered chlorites in the Aux Vases Sandstone through examination with chemical analysis may provide deeper insights on origins of all the clay minerals present (Oltz, 1994). • Further analysis on the spatial distribution of the Mg-Fe-chlorites may prove useful. High Fe-chlorites are known to be the most volatile when in contact with acid reservoir treatments.• High levels of mixed-layered I-S, particularly in the south, can swell and detach from grains which

decreases porosity and permeability when in contact with water flooding or stream treatments. • Clay minerals can also adsorb polymer solutions and chemicals typically injected into a reservoir to make petroleum more mobile, increasing the total cost of recovery (Leetaru, 1991). • More data near the channel-fill and tidal facies boundary is neccesry to resolve the kaolinite enigma in the Aux Vases Sandstone.

• Past SEM/EDX and chemical data indicate dissolution of detrital feldspars provided the primary geochemical source to form diagenetic clay minerals.• The northern tidal facies contains on average twice the amount of feldspar and half the total clay mineral content (table 1).• Attributed to less dissolution of feldspars from shallow burial depths in the north and depostional environment change from subtidal bars to supratidal sheet sands.• The sheet sands limited the ability of fluids to become saturated and form diagenetic clay minerals.


5) The implication of the kaolinite found in both studies is still not understood. It is perhaps a marker for a change of diagenetic conditions, or a transition into another facies, or both.

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