* ld - marxists internet archive...tho russian army wa.s not vi tlli:l read>) and then stood by...

Post on 20-Jan-2021






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The >OOr!c1nt: poople • a oeuch for a nett ""¥ ot life, the wrld over, has created a need for international relaticne among the world.ng claea ln every part of tho globe from the colol>ial world to the "Western domocraciee• to the ct•untrieo behilld the Iron Curtain. A Dow ""Selley 1o impe.rtod to thia lleed by tl» totality of the worlc! criaio B!ld the illevitable pull by both paleo of atato caoital - America Blld llu.asia - for 'WOrld domillation through a """ world 'War which puts a qusstioa mark over tho very aUM1.11Bl of civilisatioll.

Novar bofore has there beell aucb a need tor ""'rid.ng eli>.•• relat1ona on a 'WOrld scale ~ merely 011 tho baoia of what :rou 8l'e .1!&"1!!!2i<o \u.t on t~ solid foundation of what you ere !gr..

Ubler.t' you stand .:[2£ a aoe1etyo l'lhere the wo:rokers. tO a mm. ~ap procl.ucUoll a1ld the otate - Md clo so from the very tirot 4a:r, DOVer letting go of that control, yield.iDg IIBither to the cap1te.lista nor to an:r 11awly-formod bureaucracy which countorpoat• itself to the froadcm of tho WDrldllg class ill ardor to rule "for" it'- 'llllleao ;you atNid m that oort of aoclet:r of tr&oly-. aacool.o.tod illdividvala, :rou vill t>nly ~lid by capitulatiJI4: to the old ordor u4 put'•iDg a noose aroulld the 1111cl<s of the wrkern throll,!;!lout the ,.,rld,

. . Tho tragedy, of th.e ~,;,.san Revolution *" preeleel.y tillo fact that the ""rklog Olaoa to a raan d:ld.lll!t :run product1o11 a1ld the otate. Lol>illla /!ft&tllooo .... that, to tba l&at, .. lle tried to affect thia Blld ope!lly aiated that without it Ruoda """ld ali)f'b&ck t• state cap1tal1DIL Thio ia eaot)7. wlat bappe110d azul. thereby tho. 11811' ·stage Of world capi tal-iwm &llllOUilCod. ito birth thrCI'IIf:h ~~ ru,,t lift Year PlM IOC!l to be folla<led by Hitler•. Throe Yoar l'lana, Japm.'• eo-.~~ooperU:r Sphir.re &lid the !lew Deal' a Braill 'rruet ill Amor1co.. IITot ,. 11Dgle 0111 lloul4 oolw tba world cria1a =ounel!d by thw 1929 craah azul. OAch pra~ tor l>:,rld War II.

'Z'u l!'aoant drame;tic dhearAiJI& of the ~th of StaUn'e-11lviao1billt;r azul. ,;e1uo - aoaiduauoly I!Z'eAtod by tho totai1t.'U'1s.n :rulillg bureaucrao,y o-Nr a period of three doeadoo - ba1 throw a totally £alae halo aroulld B.t&lill'.o haire ~ detractors. It baa co"!'lotel.y \linded tho e~lcd """"gulori"' croupillg1 to the ob,jectl.vo oltue.tlon• tho totality of the ""rld cr1a11111 gellll'al &lld the ltusaian 1mpaaae Iince World W8l' II. · 'lfoll'ld WU' II ellct.d bae&u.,. the ''"' !"Wra colltOIIdiog for ..,rld dolll1111\t10D "'- l!uo.Sa 1Uid the tllllted Statn....­wre oompletel.y '!l<hauatod >~bile t.ha maoaea at hou wre on the verce of tokiJic mattero lllto their 01111 honda. The two ~leo of· 'IIOrld etate eu.p1tal thereupon

. llllltvall;y acreed to Bll interlude soon, to lie lcnow ao tba cold ......

!let lo11g after' th~ victory, the tota11tal'iu bur~~aucrao,y 1n genera1 &lld Stalin 111 psrt1cul31', Wt'l thi-aatOiled w:l th o,..r+.hi-ow, Whlls OOIICO~i10ille ouch aa tho general labor ameot;r, wore lllldo ·ttl tba RwiaiBII worklllg cli.n, Stalill, ill hio hoadlollf: ruah :Cor ""rld powr w:lthcu\ a b1•eath1ng ape;;;., osaood tc_ ropNeollt tba Ruao!.BII 'bufeaucra<!f, b I wrote of t~ ller!a purp tlle111

"llu~ by 1?48.' after tWo deoadla of uadioputod power, topped 'IV a mtl1t8l'Y victory, Stalin, to u1o·a phraoa of 1111 own 011 qothar oce&DiOIIo ~<ae '41•!':1' with auocue.• I am Dot uolog 1t aa a pqoho- · l0£ieal ep1 tbat, Hla oxh111raUon trom auooeoo '"'" a al£11 t~t ~ lllC 110 lobj!er reaponalve to the .D.hJogtln poad!! requ!olta toz: a otrug~~:b tor ""rld power, Stalin tailed tc II:I"'BP -the 11111 11/.Wt.U~


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Draft Memo - p.2


he had won a ".ttll", a michty one, over Nazi Ger~M.DY, yee. But he had had yet to f'aoe the real contender for world power - the Uni~od States. Zhdanov ws \·li~h him, ••• I·hlenkov had. Zhdanov poisoned •••• The bu:reaucra.cy whom Stalin had so long and so tully repr"sented began to find him inad•quato to the new situation created by the end of a world war "'b.:lc.+1 no one won but tthich lef't each of the t110 Etate-capitnliat giants so exh~nated that a halt had to ba callod •••• How pyrrhic 'Was Stalin Is victcry could be seen in tre unrest in the no.tiOJl!ll republics which constitute Ruesla •••• The rt~_tlasenese of the RusG1an masses knev no bounds •••• so catastrophic had.Jbeen the decl1n6 •f the labor force during the wr years (a ~rop from 31.2 million in 1940 to 2?.2 million in 194.5 with more than a third of these Ulls!<illed new wmen worlaors) that even the amnesty vas insufftcient to create the labor force necessary •••• :By 19.50 the Russian econonu had about got beck· to normal >ohen Stalin had a brainotorm. He brougl1t Ialruachev in from the Ukraine (where he •~s Premior) and had him announce the mo_si fantastic scheme ye~ - the creati~n of !£1'ogorods, that 1a to 116J!'o "l:l"ioul tural towna •••• ~nstead of 'abolishing' the diatinction betwoen city and country, this idiotic scheme bro1J€}:t ouch chi.oa to the countryside that a ... n in that land of monol1th1c plaw.ing, tho idea hod to be shelved in a few Ohort n10ntha ••••

·•Six mo1>tha before the death of Stalin the power struggle reache4 a climsx •••• One baa to taka but one glance on how quickly hie (Stalin' a) t.bole pro~&m was souttlod: 1) the Korean wa.r '"'" stopped. 2) What

·-the '19th Congreas, the :tat tihich Stalin directed and the first to meet since 1939, had establiohed in trying to. widen ·the 't>aao of. the burenucracy. 'l!he Praasid1um once again coneists not of SO .. or 25, h11t '• 'lea a imwi .. l<i)'' olie1 ef 10, " 13) Aiid'•tlleyi ran\"-l'l.ko rats troin .... ~.lllt­'ing ship,. from· the «riindio;,e tiWlamental'l\oi.i-k 'of .. geniul.·, .. _:;, •. Stiilin' B

Ecbnol:lic Pi'pbl .. ma· of SoClal'ioil>· in· th~· tisn.-· · ; ~ ·· ,. · ;,., ... ''·" ""''·'' · · · · .• ,. ·...... • . -- . • ! ::, l ' '.-,-·. .!;•, •. y ! "·:·:·· : .~,,_ .• :

·. "Y~ are at: tho ·beglw.J14 ·ot• tho end· of Rusoian totalltartlllliait; !t'bat clou•not'mol!ll that the· otcte-capit&liot•bureaucraci;·w!.ll'let SiJ· ot ita 1ron:g1p, · Q;.Ute- tha'·ooi>.t~aey~·.!. Whl.t• i. t• c!Oeil mean•·ia'·th&tr. trom the oentor of· Rusoillll -arllduetion; ·J:rom the· peripileeycor•:thil• '·" eatelli te countl'iio cppraoaOcl by Buao1a, ·and 'from • thli iniildei•·of -tt. Ccilirauniat partie a, all•contrad1oUono ·a.."'6·•;;on~~~:·to a head and tho open etruggle will bo a mercilaaa tight to the encl •••• •

· · ••!l'Odq> the ruli"C b\lreaucrai::,y·ia liot ~e'integratild' wholidt ""' in '19:JB•· It !a split all 'ilaya· bott.o8on·Zhilailov1men,' Maloi>k~:r'·iiJOn, Ilu!a men,: and'·"'- not• ·to ba forgot~eli ill thovch ·u ttle lci!oiiil at1·);'"'ea011t -~;.Khrllllchev ""'"· '' Aliyone Iillo\ ·u~te•lli.kita s; ·KhruoCilov/haii·been'bo•• o~r·robiollious' Ukraine;· COle I'· to· Mosaow ae•late'·ae.'l9SO,.··alld·-bl"' 19.53' !ivin•.:. poal.tton :to have· MslenJcov. 'ask to bo··rhliend' 'of' •thli'•p~llt l~t General SeQrewi··ot" the •c111!11present Communiot··PBJ'ty; 1iit4 'h1mle1f:. '·• otape into·tliat'.~st0 1a a u··to'be ·watChed,• These pciw;,~ polltioUlle·: have by now reached a blilld"IIJ.ley, not knoW1116 Where· tlr· ~uriil "end' mui'd.ei"1t:«~·each ·other~•·•··:: .... ··. ·. · · r. :_ : • · .: .. -··; ··: •. . 1.

' :. .. . . '··--.:· . ··:· . ' .. '•. :--- ....

.. ·•. ···. •.. . .,. .. ·. •· .. ·, ·:•.· !·. ·-,. -~··"'' ~:.;"1, .,,_ :-~~ .... ~ ••• ~

!!'hi''""·" writ tan, aot' in 19.56 after· the 20th •oaiolireaai "liut !i>.'lsis;; · ''-' ' after Stal1n•a•c1eath. ·· !!'ho preoent:urge11cy to rodmit··thl!l ~oilttlilif of'' Stalin·· ,­op8!1~ becaia8•·aautil 4ul-1flt tho 'Aa!a tour 1to orecite a 'illilt'bAoi -- the· colOII:IIil utrugglo --·to "malieu..-er !n. '!!'o thinic' tlui.t ·tlio Oli11111Nn11t parUei~" wiil:ali tci'oli:''the ' . . . ... . . . . .•.. . .. . ' ,, 25'55'. '·. ·.,._,,

. ' .-.. ' '." ' . \ . -~. . . ; . ··, . . . ·. • .. ; · 'l :. ,·, i '1! ~ ; .'l-.,:;::· .• ~~:.i:.:. ~ 1 '.-.... ~·: .. ~:,•' .• tn'1'.l..:..•. 1.· ..,_' .·:1 ~~ 1-~

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Dratt !.feme - p,)

!!ad-Soviet pact in their atrido; ..nich .... tchod the olau,;htar of tho llaroaw Soviet - vi thout a Jll1U'tl1ll" of protest - >ihore they did not direci;ly partici­pate in that countor-revolutionary llBtault; t.ilich boasted of how they could tako po•"'r in Western l."urop~ simply by usi:~g tho telephone (but didn't because tho Russian army wa.s not vi tlli:l read>) and then stood by >.il1le tho Rusoiano put do"" the East G•rm:m ~o~ol·• and the slave labor rovolto within Russia itself -- to think that these Comun:.nist partie£ wt>'uld Ulldor~:o •ur..h " transform­ation through t.ho sheMing of Stalin that they would bocomo organa of revul,.. tionary struggle, is deliberately to put blinders Gil onaself, Buell blinders can be put on only if one is o:-,;a_p~ of the Ba:DO leadershi~er­totelitarian type as the RussiaJ:s ·- ·out vi thout their power. Tho so who do eo have lo11~ all faith ir.. the workers themse1ves crenting 11. nGw world, aa lava those in tllo oppooite camp who continua to oppose Ruaoia on no more tundalllental grour4 than ita burao.uaratization.

!rho experience of tho state capital1ot tendel1ey ill Allerica 1a of valve to any !ntornatlo!l&l re-groupmont, oven ao tho o:o:porienc:> of the lfsahm :Z.Jropoan groups, lbich ho.VII broken vi th both Staliniiuo and Tro';sqiom and ho.d to confront tho new obJective -ohflnomena of mass CP'a, ba.s val~U for .AmeriCB. ~ teat c"""' when 'tba. ate. to c&pi talist gro"l?inl; in America broke "1. th Trotaq­hm imd facod. tho ,pUbl\c With •eorroapoildenee. • !!'he break--up of •eorreapond­enco, • ao aey sp11 t, e&mo au a aurprho, but 1t revealed. the 1neeparab1li ty of l) Korxia~a; 2} the antl-wr position that 11 not limited to 'b8ing y;ainat the old powra but 1• ru 'a now aocial order 111 which the ""rkeru, 'to a man, control! pr~dWlt1on and the state; )} tho otruggle agoinot totalit-i!.r1an ""'thodo; and 4) the abaolutely new phenomenon of workers taking matter·• !!:~'!. their 0111 banda •• againat tho "big lender, •

'l!bo.t 1o wily I am offor111,!1 th1a IIII!III!Orand~~:~~. ·

Ppt I. !l!he Plan u.~!!!.JWset

!lihe q\Uldion of pl!"'• that Nux pooll\ thoontie&lly in h1o groateal ..,rk, CAi'I!I!AL, hall boeomo the actual!. t;v dur1"« tho world of deproaa1o!l, 'l!o tho daapoUc plan of capital, Marx had counto~.ae4 tho cocporathe form or' labor, of ~elf..,.osociatod proletariat, 1111 thor ,.; will haft that, aaid Marx, or tho lawe or 0011oontrD.t1on and centraliset1on of capital will load to the con• contrnUon of all capital 1n the· banda of one ol.nglo cap1tal11t or ono single capltallet ca.poration, and tho rele.tione in aocioty will \hen roaemblo tho rolatlono in the factory - of a single maetor ow.r a ••• of ""rkera ldlo ha,.. been 4\ogradud to cogo ill a •chin•.

In thu 19.30'•• the workoro of tho world roCOCDi•ed tho new' face ot the enoq,· from within tl!e ""rking olaoa,aa ""11 ae in.' tho SOWrlllii8Dt 0 to be that of the planner, In oppooltion to tho State Plan, tho worker built h1a 0101 foraa ot organl,ation - fl:Mi' the CIO in .t.merioa, ~. ""' defeat of· the J'a•oiish by the 110rlcoro in Franco, to tbe Spanloh Rnolution, ·Ill Amer1ea, todqp tho deteataUon ot tho 'WOrkers fer tho l&bor bureaucrat, R"uthor, "11 more than a more lnaUnaU,.. hatred of the labor bureaucrat, In .America, ao ill Spa!.n, tho nov woy of lifo wrln!rs aimed for •• the nov t!l.c6J'ttlq as wll •·• practical oppcmont of tho plan.ner,

~he totaUty of the wrld orh:le tC<Iq, dalllllll"' an aot1w roloUoa­thlpe among working olaee «roupe on a wo&'ld aetlo, b lln11'7ing thread O&JIJIOt




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Draft Memo - p,4

b~ merely the oppodtion to both sideo of state e&pit&lill!, It must be ftJP. a """ coci&l order that is eomplotoly in the ha:1do of th• wrkSng cb08 at all tillao. fhat ls to aq, noithe~ atute nor ~t)T can rule ":for• them. Tho tranofol'lll!ltion of the first workers st.te into 1ts oi'Poslte - ths totaiitarinn sta to of pr&sent-da)T Russia - ttl. th ae w1 thout Stalin, haa ot' neceeoi v, ani correctly, posed aa ths quae~lon in poople1 e minds: li!IAT !ia.PPE!1S AJ'l'ER? A''" the worker a fore• .r to b•• contronted with a new bur ... ucracy •dlo will deprive

' thsm of their freedof"? '

froteqism, tho ""·tstand!.Dg opponent of StaUo1Dt, haa p:oovod to bo but a variant of it, llh:'•l<- Trotlk;y, who died at ths be&inning of World War II, ca:ll10t ~< blamed for ~~ polloi eo of tho iourth at the oDd of World liar II, h1 is theoretical principles of identif)Ting vorkero pta to v1 th natio~tzod properv, cap1talbm with chaos and aoclalhm with plllll: the duality of 'bei"': fer th$ world re•~lut1?11 and for ths defenoco of Russia, meant in reality, ovcon >hilo he ... s all vo BZld had to face thG invadon of F1nland, the bet!'&:flt]. of ths Waraew So-riot, Tlle double talk of bolllg •tor• the S..vlet Union •only ineotlrr "s• U evoked tho ~o'Orld revolution """ not only hollow, It """ part and p&.~""o'ol -# the StaU:Uot inentall~,' oftn ab th• aat1-....,.· sentiments tpre-World War II) of the soclsll.oto, l1boraJ.o, Homor MarUns, etc., in America, ended 011 the eauo pletfor~ wlth pacltlcto and Amar~ca Btretera.

It !a true that Tr<>toi!:Y fought the Stal1111at buroaUC!'acy aDd dlecl at th~ !>oDds of a GPU agent; but 'at no-tlila ""e there a aol1d theoretical tollllli­ation >hlch 'begen with where the worker• vera· and at no time deViated &om tJl,•. central :f'arco,

4t 110 time did. Trotokyiom come te gl'ipa 'ltl.th the new ·~sco of eapUel- · 1am !814ft ao Yiolen'tly obviouo with the 1929 crash and the flow1eh1aa; of state

· Plana ths world over, 4t no time did Tro,al!;ylam como to gr1po with the. ~an&o formation- of tho ~ tro'O a ~d of ~hil ra'lbl11tl011 to tho lea4111& dpot!'"f''l' ot l'evolutlons, !l!>e &dmlniatratol" 1n him, ths.t firet flo'O'Ore<l 111 1~3 antl that L6111n spotted a:lld tOU&ht age1nat in the famous trade 1111io11 clel!ate, hAd, ;.-. by 1927 with hlo plan, antlolpo.ted ail ths caplial1ot plam1ero. 'lhl\t haa alWS¥• been the tate ot lltt.rldsta .mo, by oo much ao a hair' a b!.'e<>.dth, veuc4 trom tho path of the vorkera ao tho ~ .foroe both 1n the deetructlo!l of

· the old ·and the oonotrucUon of the now auoiot7 •. !rhue, Bee& Lwie01burg, in h<>r Accumulo. Uon theory had ant1c1pot$cl Keynoo; >hllo llukbllrin laid ths thooreUcal foundatlone tor the Stalin1ot ccunter-rovolut1on,

World War II split Trotlk;ylom. ·!rho fil'at atto111pt at a ioolld vorkl~~t; claaa thsuretloal foundation for the •PPO•ltlon to Stal1111om &Dd Trotak11oa ,.... the rile or' the a tate ee.pl to:i.lat telldeocy 111 1941, . !l!>e it\liiT af the thrM live Tear l'1!Uio, trom orSglMJ. BOU'l'Ciea, by :i', J'oreot 111 1942, revealed tl>o ocooGD!lc foUD4at1on -- atato cap1tal1am -. f~r tho Stalilliot counte~ovolu\lon, not alooo in thoo17, but in preottco1 l) ~· rolatlooohip o£ capital to label' ln a RuaolaD fe.ctor;v .... no cl!fforoot than in 11117 ""pltall.ot count1';r >11oro pr!Tata monopolhto. 1111'11114 of tb utate, oont!'ol produotioa; 2) tho lava et capltalhm - the love ot ,.,luo and IN1'plu value - opere.hd 111 !!uuia; J) plenn•d production toU..wd t11o law ot motion of capl.talhm se1111 tbro~ the proponclar:aDt gl'O'rih ot 110ana of production over -· of conaUEpt1oDI · . 4) that enn tb -rlcal r.1aUolloh1p of the rul1-Dc olsMa- cdlact the clae,.. lua 1nte111i"nte1& in l!uoolo - to the rest of the population l&n ths same u 111 all other ad-.4 l.nduotrlal lal14ar 4) f111ally, tho only thlne that .,.. 110w ·- the Pl1.111 Rwtaia bP.pn ahead of all other oaplta1tet l81111a and the1r


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eonoollll.tuat, !~reed labor campo - •• >ol>&t ,... "'"' 6! t}W .&»'..' I!A o~age of we>rld capltalle t dGTe~"P'""'t - stAte csyi tali em - 10111ch •• prili!!~e4 1>7 ll.arx ae tar bo.ck ao 161'2, and 11!11'1>•4 ~£ by Lon1a £a hl& lait ;;ililra, but ........:1~ :rsed 'b:r hlm ae far back aa l'1•7 Wld•r the cliutum that :nattollalisation oolw• noth1~.

So close 1e tho.r:r to reel1ty theeo &~¥•• that not lo~~t: att., th1a anal7alo - au<l rl.ght in tho midst of tho ...r 1 holt - tho Ste.lillist thocret­iciano cama out with tho admioeion that tho law of value eporst~s 1n the Soviet Ull1un. II~ th that adDdssion came tho repudiation of llar:r:' a CAPITAL -both ita CAtegories and_ ita d.lalectic o':>'ucture .,_as an anel;;oh of capitallot oociot)r. !rile attempt to' trauai.'orm t~, classic into 1h opposite ..,& forced "PP" tho Staliniat thoorsticiano !>:Y the wot•killg claas ·of Rusda who could oao no differenet~ betwen ldl&t Ma''" de1ori'bsd "" csp1 tal1st relations in CA:PITAL

aD<i what """ tho Russ11111 reaht;;. ai wsl! "' 'b:r tho 11Bed to threatall tha reat of the capitalist ,..rld w1 th ito ow aim fer' wrld d.omin&tiODo 'lba theorot. 1ciaus attempted, the;roupon, to reduce all d.lffor:r .. ceo botwean ""'p1tal1lll 1\111\ 1 oodal111lD• to tho d1££e1•ence between :!'rivate and eto.tco propo:rt;r, !rile attempt to hom lw:r:hm into tho ~~nfinoo o! pr1Ya"" propert:r va •. otate propert:r waa tha pull 'b;r >hich .tbq hoped to trap the wrkinc cla10 aDd revolUUODal":V 70Uth­all4 pett;y bcurpoie elements 1olho wero ""viii& t~ lf"!"'illll• Otlly ln Aftrlc:n waa tho colllltGr-blov to th1e per1erdon ot Harxi111 u stroug,t.ho.t it 414 not eone ao a theoretical polariz111g :rorco (ct. RD ln Al!lll, Sept •• l944-S),

- Just ao tho cP never' became a maeo p9.rt;r in .Alllor!.M, !-b ito thll~r:r neftr held dollliilal>ea """'ug tbe revoiutionil.r:v tle=ents, Even toillan lt had -the lntellectuali during the 19:30' •• the ·AmoriCIIIl 1101'1d.Dg cla~~ re,idoted :!. t,

.ll,r 1943, "'""" 'both the m1ne,•o a1ld tho llogroes came out ln o'crik,.. and 11&18 da,.notraU;,,.., 1 ta bold on aD7 .,. .. IIIO'fo!llllllt vae 110gl1.!:1ble. The llhole · etzouule at ·tJie enll o£ tho ,,.,... wae over labor pro4ucUT1t;r 011 1111. oatb·e~ 110v plane, '1'o the workex-o 1 t "!'8 e. 'l"".ltiOD r.t a totall;r new WilT e{ lite. 'l'ho ca¢.tall&tc d.ld not ml.lllDideretaud tte poat-t~ar maas otrikeo """• in cha:racter­ht!.a cia;lltalht:tc :£"11hion, l•oked for a eolu.t10n ®hldo ot labor - -to tha """ohiM, AutcQl~~on wao the reoult.In.f<lo l!/49-·.SO m5.nero' otrike ·- _the tint auto.,..Uon a~rike - the 110rkllro mcrr<tcl. tha qUOOUOJI from the fruit. ot label" to tho ldnt of le.bcr 1teel£,

A Detroit ra4.1G ])all ello..-4 that, next to l!uula, \ibQt the· vorl<ero teared ••t •• autoi!IBtion,

. Jt !e not lla:r:r:iote 'llho haft oo"'P"lled oocl.et:r a~ laat to taco with oober oentoo tho cond1t1ona ot labor end tho ll'elat1onl of- with each other. A• 111 eTerjdq lite on tho practio~l <.uea~lon• ot the 4e;r, •• ~n owr:r le;ror ot eoolety, the sreat pbilooopbic battle• that sattor a.ro preclee~ thcoa over prOduoUon, tho role or th$ 110rld.ng olaoo, the ono-part)r otate, a:.'bsab rule, or, to P,.t u· more lliPPl:rt how to get m.::-kort to produco·more """'· will olYtl.­lu.,.on. &to we kaow lt, IIUM'i"'ll at all, Vhera tho Slltollectual collbatantc, u tn .AIIorolcs, ..re not profosood d.1aleot1o1ane - a• men:r 1J1 llurope aDd Aala ... _ tho:r azoio wor~tod 111 tho bargain. 'l'be ceal. of 1lenltftpta;r ot aentampoft117 ol'fil­baUon, .wl·udi""' the oo-galle<i "11!!¥\l&J'd 'IH.U!J• • b tho llottk\"up\a;r ot lb tho'll£ht,

Our polllt of dep.vtura muot bo tho concrete etop ot oapUalilt pro­duction lhalt. Tbo a:rhie h ln preduotion, It :rou eee i.t theroo :rou can \ltlderot&lld U fl'Br1Vhrrro oleo, It :rou do not 1101 it thora, :rou can tmdoreteJ>!.




Draft Memo - p. 6

1t notobere. Tile Se!'On4 Industrial .!'.evoluU~ haa bep wl.tb. au\e•Uoa where :.utoMUo teohniqu.e and authar!t.arlOJ> control &r'@ and!otL~~l}l.,, !\ is bu~ " few 7earo old, but 1 t oould have be•Do arod ••• p:oedicW b)' Man: @nr 100 7eara ago,

1'b.o 1929 DopreeaioD had one-• and. for all deatr~fad tb.~ .,.rkf>rt a belief in the rationclit7 of tb.o eccnom!c fl7atom, 1'b.o 'll'aoh split the world m!nd in two: plan:>ero on the one hwld e.nd, or. th~ other, vorkero who ""re aoek1ng to" breo.k out of the eap!ta.Uet ohaoa thrcugh ~rganhatlone of their """'• In Amar1ce., thh gave rtoe to the •so1er.tH'1o 1nd1vlduai• \ho a4mln11torg, Studios on the qnsetion at "hi:::tan relatione 1n !!>dust,.,., • IIIWihx'oo..,d, J'roa Elton ~ ~ th• Toclmoc:rnta, to the New DealO?e ~ prbate """"'gamont oon­oulta~>to, to the ~e actentitio and/or practical engineertog planners who have ··~n'" oe ·om automUon e:q>orte - 11.11 the so specific American typee ot •ocienuf'~c• !nd1vtduala had to tie their plen11.. to •human relatione. • ~ ·mde a apec1alt7 ot 1plazlt :l.nteMiewe• and on-the-spot reportiDC ot wtldcl>te. Jilten ~o •• the ti:rat te dtocovor the producUon codo b;r which prodtiCt!on vorkera cand12$ed themael'POII

1) ·Tau ohoulct net ·~t- out tao IIII1Cb work. If fOU do, f~U are a •rates-buster, •

2) . Tau ehmild not tum ou• teo. 11 ttle work, It you do,'· 7ou arG a •cbtsol~.•

3) · Tau oho\>14 not teU a IUpGrT:I.oor .,Qrthtog tbat will react to the detrillflnt ot an aa..,ciate, %t ;you olci, :r•u are a •aqUi>alor, •

4) You ahould not att,.lllpt to iatnt&tn eoctitl dbtano~ or act Off:l.ciouG, l:!" 1/"0U are an inllpiiCtcr, for el:lll!lpl&0 ;you ehould 11at act like one. ·

liJ' the 1940' •• !~ """"""' quite clear tllat tile Alool'1cau . ..,rkerc wro dewloptag a new 8eo119111ia ph11oeopb7 to replace the c&p1t.Uiet!c 0pi•odJ101i1oli. for ]II'Cducttonla oalie, • It \as ilct teo hard tor theae plalmel'm to uunao tba$ the retorning •»-GI'e, tar trom aeparating theneelvea·t.rom the worker•, wore 1n the tarefl.'ont at thta lte•tructton of the ol.d •eonam1c phUoeop.ll.v. Sl:e · •nough; 0tha so1entif!c .1Ddi'f14ua1• got hi.n "plant intamewe. • Sebastian do Gras:la, 1n .i'll!..lol1Uea1 O..!!l!!!!!!lUJ', III'Oto, 1n 19481 . · ..

"Kal11 othere haw do'cumented tho 1nporeoul1satton of ihe moder!l. sauc" with ~~p~c111111e4 atlld!ea of the rooioin& hewse 4wller0 tlle hot•l gMat, or the ,..,.g:~.lli>J, 11011, !lore or boa, they ha,n kept without the 'bouD4It ot btao, lor th:l.l roaaon one 11011!t turn to &DOthor cowae -the modarn wriNr h:l.aeelf - to find l>rote•t againet the competlU,. directive, proteat Ullembollbhad with .,.mbolbm all4 mreotratnsd b,r fear of mak?JI,l: moral .,jw!giiiiiZI\t,.,J

01 11ell, · ,.,1ng I do pt a better ~ob, n will 11o a n:t.enl on hour 1101'1, tba\'e llll .. .,!h&t•a 1'1£ht, 'Eller•'• no llillae ln 11o1ag puahad aroUild b;y tor•en it :rou don't have to. lUna ia a S1l!lon Lee;rtlCI. lie 3Umpad A t:rJ7 tho other d~Qo" tor takin{: teo loag off te go out to the· can. Mv God 1 .It'a driw, dr1w, 4riYI all dq long, No vteit­tag at the bench, No DOthtag, • ·

~~~ 1011 of a bitch &crou \1111 atreet 11 ono flOod reaoon vb;y a lot of men ....., le&vtog thatplall\, lltm and a let lSke him. ·Be 1a e foremm, Be atar\ed 10 tr:t.en4 of llllne ru:miag two 1111111~~& ..,.chl.nee


/ I


' . .

Draft 1-!e.-..o - p, 7

:lnstoal of ouo, Jesus I Naturally Jack aa¥• :>:>, ~ tho tONDSB callo tb• s1l}lorintond&At, Tho superiatoulout aa¥o what1 a tho matter .. ith you GI•s." IU'e you. afraid. to Vii'kf .Jac!<c tells h!IIIDOo Ilm uot afraid to work, 'but the.t' o j.lBt too mw:h; you koow what you caa do w1 th your job, The bo soeo aro just loyillll: 1 t on too thiek. Tboy expect too· much, •• ,Ju.~t a couple o~ clays ago a GI -t out to tho CA4 1111d ~ tor~= tells him he stayed too lo~~g, . Be said tho "?"' 1 .,.,.,.. now, c..n you imegiue that? In ancthor c!.epe.rt1110nt a GI ~!ada a JD!.•­take, o,• d~dn' t ~:ot his work dono £e.at ouough, or oomothill!!:o N>d tho fo•:emim says - where bavo you been? So tbe ~ er&ck:a baa, • In 1.~, ~ng cr.ro of you.• That .~,. did -.v hlsr:.rt good.

"'Sure 1 I thiuk moat of ue wuld. atiml. t wo could doubla our ~­hoiDG 1t we ...,.to;;. to shoot tho wrks, 'but wore'• tho porcentago! S. guy has to get aomothi"g; out <>f life, li'ev 11\f little lacy would rather ban me ir. a goo<l hUIIIOr thN> haft tho eJ!\ra '"""":V• The -...:/ it wrka out r.ouo of us are got.z>& to be Van-Aaterbl.lta 110 ~ not got a ltttlo ploa~e uut of liYiDg tosothcr .ad war~ tosother1 t 0

'!Ilia 11 tho t...,t lrom vhich all cont!IJIPOO'ar:r eocloleg 1111d .uc!al psycllolOQ' be«:lJl: the ro jaottoi. 'lrJ the t/Orkeri ot a.\1 tho old capl.taltot control. ca. atandUdo, ':aut it, 111 tbe 19JO'•• they discovered •uit prc4uct1o1\ code, • and :ln tho .J-940' a, the 11~uct1ou philooopbr• 111' tho IIOl'kl!ra, autom~n :ln tbe :1.9!'01• ""-• confrontO<l. thom with ll\ch pa'"'r that they .juat oollapsad, cr a~ l!epl w)lld aa.y, F8riahe4,- They.~· not call tor a •ru1er• in pro4uct1GII for, o.l tllouch tho:r wre the firat to roC6gulll 'llllicma aa a meaao or discipl:l:loo iDa: wrkero, tbq ha.,., ;;!,.co llncovorod that tbe pp 'betweoa l'allke IUI4 labor leadership h ae gat ao b~tw011 """""G•-~ ca. worker., liU4c4tt:lng o'bi\Ye 11a "tt"" year ccutraoto, • So, 'inetead of •ect811t1t1a mallag&IIOD,, 1 "pure ociellae• hao taklll over and tho auto~~ation egineora ot1ck to tochaical lo_,.. lll'1pt1onl of "uD_,Il poc4uatloll l:lnaa, •

lio.r~il. War U · holpad traustor"' tho Amerioan ~bar loadoroMp, Sa bot­boUle fashion, into a labor buroaucraey, Beuthor ia .!li•oloMil •• ~ phllnar lObo out""Pliiii!Uid llll' a 11111011. w1 th bluprinte to traJ!etorm, crnr11!Ft, au'" plBllh l.nto' lolllbor planto, iBpt ae Beuthor o!ov•lopad, tbe "!'1'ken e'C'e!l taster l8ll1'ne<l to hate tbam on a per with J118118Bei!IOI>t, Bora 18 hlv one commi tt­ll•oar!'bed how tho vcrkoro keep, ~~at !)Illy the 'big buroaUI!l'o.to, ·'but .,on tho committeeman isolated: ·

"The burni~~g pro'b1~a in the ebopo toc!.IQ' ·are centered not aro1md ~· 10 muoh ao aroWid t!w bitter hostil1t;r ot tho' worken to their rolo 111 product1011., .,!he vorkers, 111 'builllin& tbetr 11111ono, thought that· they were orot.UD6 1nstroi.ellte cr organtilllg and oontrollln& production in tbetr :lntGreot. !rho capltaU•ta, a\ol!ll'e of tbio, inebtccl. tbat tho unicna rccogllise the c:apital­ht mod.o at pr~uction .... Tbl.e 11 tho dile!OM tbat deotroya 11HlWDOra'ble leadtin wo ho.'fll rloen'out of -tbe wrtbg claii .. .,It ~· tbe Ulll.on leader on tbe local 1..,.1 cons tautly.... •

"lor eaample, "' production ataDI!ard 1a establ!ebed, !rile aD aea1gnad to tho job r•t"uoa to perforM accorol.\ne: to atundartl.o, Be ta eent to Labor lleletlona office ldlera be 11 diaciplino4 ••• ana ordered to produce Aa roquire!. !he c~ll!dtteamo:l who 11 there to reprooonf the men CIIJI ollly oh11110 1n aDd tell tha ""rkor tbat ~~~ the baeia of the contract, he liiUIIt produco accorll­lng to prcductlon at&114arda or taco diaoharga,


/ t


' ll1'at't H- w p, ·. 8

"Another oxuple; P:roc!.uoUoD ie 10t tor a wbele l11le of, oq, 200 .... ., ~ '""" protest the proc!.ucUon that t:o tet Bile!. &1'0 read¥ to otr1ke, .Zith$r the eo~ or the men call tha eom:tdttn.aa. Be tell• the mea. tha'· .. the co~ llal the right to cot the produot1oc; that lt le Ulet:al to etr1!«1; BD4 that tho IMI!. eboulc!. aceept the atanc!.ar4..,.

0b higher levolo ot' the leadortoh1p tr,y to oolTB th1a d1lollilla b,y !isht1~>g for concoas1ona outside t!le proeou ot pr..Iuctloa, 1'll<ty give the 1mpre•~icm ef oooial wrlmra 1ll ar.d aut of the plMt .... One ~ a worker ,.. pretutillg a opooc!.-up IUlll. oaid to mo; "llbat are you guye soiJ!& to .. .o about 1t7 I kllov, 110th1ng ao uG1lBl, llhat good 11 the union? !Jov don't tell ""' about the local' a groe<>ry atoro or about boillg able te gat """""''a clothe• cheaper. :,., oolllll thi~~g about tl:~ epeect..ap, •

More d1root, deepar M<t hooUlo are the fo11etdllg ro ... rkl b:r om auto product1011 wo:rl<ell'l

1U',er tho UAV 'liS& organbac!.; cme of tha wrat crl<me a Ullioa repreaataUn ooulc!. cellllll1t """ to be trlP.lll!.l:r to a for·•-· I baft lmoWII et810U'dl to loae thelr post t1on tor betng f1'111114l;r w'i th a · to:reaa:: ••• ., ' ·

. ·•In thooo oarl:r da,yo, 1t a ..,rkor 11M. "" u-t vUh ·the io• .;;;an, tho fcrlll!lllll would try hi a bast to aottle !t, !l'llo t.r._ IIOTe wanted tho worker to mll· the atotard, S:e know the otGWOl'd would defd\l the 1111r:ter, ...

"foda,y• the ~•~.!.r.!: ape~~l!.a practteall:r all of h11 tJ.mo 111 the . oft.!ca of S'IW51'T11i0il1 or talk!ng iLroUII4 nth hll al'lll ..Z.0\md CO!Ip&IQ' ottio11llo, !M7 haTe hardl:r all¥ Ulll$ to tu.lk to the wrlcera Wlleaa t t ia eleotlon u...,. !!aq &greiJ v1 th \he co~~p~~~~T on ..Oat · ot the · d1tterouceo 'bettraf!!l the _VI>rlw.'o and ~""nt:

"Wben a litlrbr ha.a •· dl!:ter..,C.. Witt, tho. foreoia!. to<~q, the fOII'oi!!Ul mll 11&7, 'Call tho oo•••1ttee1111111. r JJe know how they v111 act. In 1tCJ1Y lnotaaceo the :t~r•l!a!l wU.l go get the atoWOl'd, He 11111 thoeo age.111ot the vorkaro, ...

· "A. nev a111ae of aolldarlty 11 bogllllling to ebov lt11lt """'!!& th10 worbra, 'UXIder tha acCIIIIIUlated gr!IWDCCIO p!lod 11p021 thom 04' ll'ld•r the proaauro Of both tbe CO!IIpllll,f lilld tho 1111101l offlcl.ale• w:rkera 111 thc ohop ere dravi~>g clo•ar together epin. · It· h 'llecoa -be cl.-.roZ. ovar:r 4q that ill orde:r to c!.otllllll their rl&hh tbq oaa on~ rel:r upon the~>~elToa and each other," ·

· l'o 11ft wr.ong the 100r~ olaaa v!tb:~ aueh a :phUooo~ la uoelue. to treat wrkora as i~ t.h&y were Juat •inotillot• h 110 4ttforo:lt fltom the 1oolal 4emocraUa treatll!lnt of them aa ,just ""*18 and ... s,ht. • Uhleu tho :Philo~ ltaolt lla' betlll made eo concreto t!lat the mow-t from thoo17 to.

• p2'aat1co cail ""~t· t!r.o ""TOmont from 'PI'BOtlC'I to tboor:r •• a l'eYN"cl'lllo FOCIIII, ph1luo~ ~lluld ha,_ prO'ftd to be noth1~>g 'but an abatraatlon. !lb!o 11 ._,

\ ·~ the IXjlllria~~oa of •Oarroapoza4enoe• proYeo,









Draft Me!lll - Po 9

~~ state capitalist tendon~ first faced ito pab11c teat with the pub11cat!on of •eorroapondsnce. • b :l.doaa that wre clear were: 1) t!lat t!le editor be a workc'; 2) that the papar be written a11d edl.ted on a dacentrsl1zed baols; 3) that 1dlat the &ftl'"'" 'tfOrker h&d to oay '"'" 1mpcrto.nt.

b ide&s t!lat wre completel.y obacnre end contwsad wre: 1) 'Whore 1n this :I.e the eonneot1on w1 th 11arx1011t 2) What wre the ocntribUtiono of Marxism in .:eneral, or the tendency in parti~! fhio obscn'IJ'1ioy, :l.n practice, v:l.t:l.&ted tb~ paait:l.n prelld.eeo, If Trotolqiam """ 1.ncapablo ot conoret1z1ng the truth& of L<anin:l.om ot' 1914-17 for the period of state cap1'.al.1om, tho stah ca:p1tsl1at tendeney, ae lCI!!& as :l.t .... part ot Trotik1f.om could' not se%"70 &B an independent p:>lar:l.z:l.n& terce, O>J~e it be- :l.n!lo:pendent, the philcsoph:l.c conce:ptiono had to become concre•~ before lt could dsvelap :l.ta o.n relationah:l.ps vi th the wrk:I.Jig claaa atruggl.eo, !Hie dea~h ot Stalin, tlh:l.ch h&d e:lgml!aed ttv. bog1Jul.l.ng of the em of Ruadan totailtar:I.IIJI1am, by such gre&.t, !'I'I'Olh &R the one :l.n Eaet Gel'IIIBJIY and :l.ll Vorltuta, should haTe become tho 11XIk botwea the heritage ot Marxi'e:~~ end the nev :l.mpulaea from tho workill& o:Juo. Instead, the analf1118 of the l!eria purge ""'e net 1111.da 1ilt116rsl to the dowlopllllnt ot tho paper, It .,... ,the ber;inn:l.l!o!: of the etl<'UUlo, w:l.th1n \he vi;ate ca.p11..i11st tGndmla;;, b='ttw-: the !l.!U"x!e:t end aJl~:t .. Marrlat elements, whi'ch

·came to a 'ho&d dur:l."'f tho crh:l.a over formosa in 1954. ··

tolar ~. :l.te' ow d:l.llloctic. At tho mcmont ~ \1101' claude gatherod oftr J'ormo ... , John~~ot>, as tho t:l.tul&r head of the atatfl capltallat tendon~ forced a split e~ abandDned the co-founder af the tendoney to tho mor~ of the clase eMIIIJ' (of, c""""'''tCiftt:l.ona at the time ot the ,.P11t), Although he .

. has over been organ1cal~ d:l.alo:fl\l to all h:l.a ..,llesgo.aa, there -e noth:l.ug paracnel in th1o, ~ie :I.e clear from the £a.ot that at the TarT. aamo tSlllo lw G'lld~r>J..- l.'&-1ntrcducod ~fiat elogana l!ll~cted by Loil1>1 and ~ ent:l.ro mov ... meat since World lfal' I, •\'hilo the otr1lggle for peace, u he vroto :l.ll Ju.U~JZ7 19SSo "at u:r other time :l.ll h:l.etory.:l.e utoplan and react:I.ODIII7o IIOW 1o tha .,. time .., cau real~ atop it £'tho war J, • llbatovar re&aon Johnoon had to'<' mouthing :phraeee about tho Er.gUah cppos:l. t:l.on to Ge......., ro-&r-t end tlut 'llllCOlr:\CII!'Il of the people' aa to wh<>~her the Rualic &rillY vouid or would net l!lli.rch into West GerJIIOIIY, or even intc lllnsland iholt (th:l.a, daap:l.ta the o..­porieneea :l.ll Bast liurop<'l :par"acular~ since the euppreao:l.oa of .the ilaroaw Soviet), hh 1atrugglo tor peace• oo\lllllod 11ot one llllit different froM th8 Sta11no-Ilnallite :pac:l.tilllll,

llo one ....,. S2u, a ground an tlhich to make h:l. a at~ outside of tho.t .a:l.ch h forced upon him by the o'b~oct1ve a:l.t..,.t1on. ll'ow, llllloaa 7011 are l9E. the wrkera the .. Olftl a1 the creators Of tho new IOOiot:V 0 flU &rO merely aubatitut1cg state opproaa:l.on lor "pr:l.w.to• opprealion, You either bot;in' show­ing th:l.a in ,..,111' own organisation or :vou ohow :l.t notlhore s1ae - Johnson 11 proot enoush of th:l.t,

Tbat J'IO 0110 OIUI ~ & SJ'OilDt\ on tlhich to make hie at&lld othtr tho>n that liYon bJ the ob3ectift oltuation, 1a aeon J'll.lt &lODe 1n the aectari&n evaa1ona auch aa thoao 'b;v Johnpon, th& Aru<rch1ata, the Jx1atenUal1stG, oto,, but :l.ll ouch m:l.sht:v powers aa both of . the atata C!Lpi tllolht pole. oon\eD4:1.Jlc tor world ilom!.nat1on, J'or example, Ruaaia !!d to ahe4 SM,l!llip, that h, SCal:l.ll'a J'IBIIIeo tlh:l.ch tar 1948 to 1953 tc l9S!i, oeven :veara, it had attempted to acutUa


/· f


Draft Memo • P• 10

wl~ut open;.,- aclmev1edf:1Dl: 1t "'" doilll: "' llhor., lll 19'18, Zlldaan •• auasoillatod, U •• both c tluooat lllld llll a)l!leal to Stellz>. for a '""'111111 'J)Oll.

ll!um he 41421' t hoed D2ld ombarloi!d on ~B lroreca ..,., tllq vimt a1~ 'llut a...Sted all4 ~ Stal1111a desth, :ftrot, ill etalillla ·~ -· the1 oouttlod hb •1• policy, llholt. >.hat pro't'lld illout.Uo1ellt 1 ~ ~outtlod tho aamo 1 holt. .i.t tho ""1:'1 hll!t;bt ot ~ ""'"' 1NNe.ucrM•7' a tnUlolpl>.,. - thl .A.ola tOIIZ' - tbq JIBd4 tile deciotcn opelllT to dioaTOV Btalio: . 'l'll8re 1e1 ao other way to create a hooe tor' the conaolideUon Slid IINS1}llllaU"n ot the eolonlal bat~loa tO>." 111depl!l4tlllce, ¥ch 'bel'. t~llk they cp do.

Or1 talm tho oppl)oite pola, A.llerica, a!lll. ooe hov, doopltAi ~ "brtllk: of 1081:'• otrategy, tho Amoriilsa ludon had to 'bo.cktracll: oa 7ormo•a, that b, keep obort of war. How-rer, illtarullT, thq did mYe ~·~ aq lllld all .... u-- &r""P•·

It w.e at that otago t.h&t the de..U.U011 fl'om lfluo'.de 001114 110 lo~~~:~~.- 'bo tolerated and led to tho llreek 111 the stoh eap1 taliet teMall~ ill Alur1cs. 'llllat appeared aa llll acoti!atel. · coa3>moture et illc141111h w.e ill · realit7 tho illt~euoa 11t oTO'f'1 a111cb. aapeott ~~~ techaolO§ to philo~, fl'om b puzopc,ao ·ot tlu.' paper to ....-, fl'oa rol&t1ona teh ... a leadore to rolatioJaa 'bet,.ea 1ec4ora aJI4 t•llllka 11114 betweft II&Uoaal IDA 1atez--1111Uollal, .Aild tro111 .,.. Hpsr&th't ot princ1ploe 01101 atau4a for and 11aUa11Seaa <!lito haa put tor h111t1olt ill the Ji4P"':' to a tS'allotonaUon of. tho ..autle pr1no1ple of tho paper illt~ a ho.Uov' to:rm, · ·

Ill oppoaiU<JA t" tho I'Ulore, th8 W!>rkl»B cla .. has choaell throe ba ttlogroun411 1) 1n the :proil'WitSVO pi'OOOIB to dotD!rmd OIIIIOI:'ete IUIIVOrl \o . tho quaaUoll ot autoaUoa 11114 to refuao to accorpt abatn:cttoaer l!) on the quaeUOil-Gf tota11tanan1cm to coae to grtpa with i\ wltMut a•1t1Dir tlla ao-callo4 •taTorahl.• apportiDltlOI ot' a lMt' (toil' oxaia]:l•, 19S)t lla1t llo1'lii:UQ' IUIIi Vorla!.ta) r 111141 )) llal:' (for al!!ll!lple, 0011101:'1pt riot a lD B'rasloo 8114 0.1'11& oppodUOII to r~t)~

:. • . 1Jy agy. that "• )hr.\ the wt1d h b tw...P!J:U>~ . 41tt!.pgtlp thai; prt!loull.Y-vwde qpptad.t101\..!jl 79W' 9"' !!'TfRMA's 1D epl ot i!ulto r!'?!!bt'M""'· · liptto 11Dle1a 10u are !91. the """'kft-1 th...,clYOo ae tho crea\ora of tba aov aoclet,v, l'OU are IIGI'al:r wbotltutillg ototo OlpprlllliOil tor 1priftH1 oppuoatcm, Aft41 at Jolmacm 'r.'lml4, ;you haft to 'NB1n ahowlDC thh lD 7CI"" oli!l .,re!&lllsat!Oil or ;vou IIIIo!' ~' 110tlllero oloe. A new 'beg1m>111c lllld to 'be I!Sdo. It •• •de ia lit"'! & J,tttro.

hr' U:s lltw & Ld.Ull! !1114 tl!u l!Mk 011 ~'!!!

lt!th !!Ttl!!! & LcUtr• bo tb1Zige wre aoccapl!ah8d at o•oe• ' ( · '. 1) l!aJ>zialll ""' aa illt&£1'al pal't ot the paper &ad aa upllalt Gild illtegri.l part ot the coanUtooa: 11114 2) tho obJooUYe lliO'l'aliOilt ot the lllll:'kwe coUld hl!lll' ltaolt 1D the pa~r llllld •• at 110 Ulll 4tneo~Cil. to toll4 waW.t14 parpooa.

!DNa, P.• papar bG&BI1 'lllln the vUdcatl bq:ll ~at \lie "GuuwltMil. Allzlual ~· au•o oo~ttraoh, 11114 with the oo...,.llill'llt1on of tho Juu 17th en~~ta • • fot tho ..... tine, the OUIIIII!t' meet1ag at 6111111'110 ..... contraatod to the vor:an• clear 011t!-lGI' poaUion, or, to tab auo\hol:' exaiiiPl•• th8 ~111 llllll'dil' 111M b lloat£0Mt7 bo10Citt ve~• aotual~ anUa~patod 111 the paper 'b7 tba editor'•


i ' I


l)ratt lle:.o - P• 11

.ui;cb or llba.t ,..., p!ftC .,. doe S.Uth, 4e a roault, the ,...,., w.a al!la to IQike t t eelt tal t do>~~> Sou\h 6111011« the 4eepelt ;ta10ra, J.~ tM - ~Sa•, tile 1»17111 of tile Z>lth Oau••• placa4 the !'fopcr lllldatab.'lll)' Sn owe.ttloa ta both p0181 ot at&te capU&U1111 •• l!anlst. Or, to take ~- cUr1110' 4!fter.e.t t;rpeo ·of oliumpio, ~$ ~•11 of tba .l.lllenea>.1> eeo~~arv azul t!w ~ala of the oJ«ht-he'lll' ~. IUIUGipc.,edl)the CUlTOIIt '1111012j,llCQ-t ntuaUCSl Ud tbe teatwo of peraaalltl:' 4epreaood &l'lllll aa the ow 'form ot roouliOD ud, 2) tbe atr.~&gle Oftr the «ol'\dJig ;!q, 'lhere 1a ::10 paper l&ll;fubeN Sn tlh ...,,.14 \bat; ba4 web a ee:plota:b-' !leV Ui! deep wrkSJ!& ClaiD attitUi!e tow.,.;t &UtoiiSt:lcD, bQtb 1n the Mlulalat, Allgela !lerr&llO, 8.nd 111' tbe coacnto •terS&l celdJic tram the ~~~eat bade 11:duatrlu, natabJT, ceal, ateel &114 auto, !'bie So re­lllsecl not alano o-g wrkflre but alao amont: inteU.,frtuala &114 Ifill baco'"" u. A\XI.o of tile book ltao1t;

!bat """ of the moat popular toatuno of tho paper b "1ilrl4 OUtlook• toatlfisa ~~ the lllter.oatlomal feollD«S at the Amerlooa vorttar elaaa. !he p!lper hAo bee11 able to· draw tpODI:alleouil reepci\1 .. from rut e.nd fila resdei!'a all .,...,,.. tbe 'IIOrld, Thit 11t11 beeoivJ !.ntega1 to the peper.

. . il!he pr(i).etarlan 'care ln U... · p!lper, «.Dd the lntellect'Ual cor•, a

first pthjWO<i Bl'om4 •eorreepclldelloe, • relllaln eonetani; 'to the :1.4eaa aa . ezpraoaad, concratbe4 Md 41Yelopod ln·livwa .,.. liettaro, .,.en •• lh llltei'I!Atioa• al tmpact haa braadolle4• · ·

· tliO OlllO!i~~aUon ~f the 71'111''• exilt....,. le the callaotift workirc OU' Of & book em ~n:iem. Jl'nry f:IIIOr&tiO.' ot Manlsh iuoa to ln'8rpNt . . llar:de.m tor Ueelt, \Ilia\ 'the ezper141!1ce of tM il..Ut;r 1n the a~ta capttallat tllll4etl07 has abom, •e tbat ·at tllla •t&&'8 im ·•oonoldo ~Ill &'lolle 1a · inwttiaient. Lan:l.n oould haft kept ble PhlloaophlD llotabooka pri""te 1n 1~15, In 1956 that, 1a no lo11«1r poaill>l?• · liothiB« tlilort of the perlipeaU"na of a tGW reorpll!aat101> ot uac:letr, of the oreo.tlon of a new aocial ardlr · without cap1ta11a\1, without bureaucrah, vtlobov.t a hloraroby :t.u t11a prooeoa of pra4uctioli :I. halt, without 8111 lt.ll4 aU elite, oo that the oruUe:l.~ of 1llle toorllllr• thuadfta ean oxpiOAd unhampen4 - aottllll(!: alw't .of iucb a. total peropecUn """'·PGIIl'blT act ae tbe pelar11111« foreti tor.• 111'11' 1'""'111'GIIpl'llllt .. a\ a tiM 'Ootle. the .l.•bomb &114 the ll.;.bomb Gild autc,.tlOII are equal:b" the property of both poloa ot oapital1am tdloae at~ebo14 011 the wrkero the 'IIOrld oftr 1a t&cbd up w tbe labor burllll.ucraaleo lllld the tntellectua:\ ~"·· ..

!hie ~>xperlelloe· lfltli a JI&!'U' ,..ucil h ut a Pfti'-,, 1Bdieatea oliat a Jillll'tY JDUt d•ftlap ll!to 'lllllder· the praa011t olrll?'llltUeelt

l) J. 11aw 1111lt:r of t.'ltcl'y all4 praetloe, 'be·th or tibich aapacb '"'' 1ntct:ftl to tile vorlllor himea1t \bo h&a gained the contidllloe that he alga .!!Ill 11111ty theory aw\ prr.otloa,

;!) !be 111w relaUonablp of laadore to ruka &114 rellke t1 lu4A'I, ,...re not alono the re:D 4o 111!1117 ot \hs ilmoUona tradUloltlll:b" aaaip&d to

\ leac!Atuhip, but llllere tbq b11111c 111 tholr aboplllltea ad workllre 'olbo are ut llllllb11r11 to 4lao1p111!.e tha orPillaat\011 lh<t:r.i',

3) llbere all' ea3blhhad orP!Ila&UCIIlDo l<hdhar tra<te won or nilloal Jll)ll Uoal JIU'\7, are GOIIIldored 110\ the •fti!CUU'4• wt tu \•Nb \lllllll

\ 2564

I • f i

........ ... ... ....

~tt Memo - p, 12

she opo:>talleoua orpllization ot the work1!'£ clau to rUA 1 to ow,li:t'o,

4) Where bureaucraey is fought; 110t as an abotractioD, but eon .. cretely ao a) the goverl111181lt bureaucracy, b) the labo>r bu>reaucraey, c) al!T leader vbo wuld rei'J.oe to oubm1t to the 9-11c1plil!ll of his ow rallko •.

5) lt'hera the colonial otnJ«8lo, fl\r from betiJ& •over there, • 1B aeo11 in one or another torm ... A., !.r. the moat denlaped lando, as the no tioaal at>-uggle ot the Negraea hel'e,

6) lt'here the rank am\ tile production vorker b the by to tha reorganization of the preduction process, To·look for a ·~4• in the eotabltahed parties or 1n tho. U:illed workers er 111 the colllllitteamen, 1a '.;o • fly in the taco of the elCper1ence of three dftcados which ohav that only che lowot and the doopeot lqara v1th1a the proletariat are the_ 110st >r..Ol11tionary,.

lt'h11o oDly those en the epot ~ ~·o the maas Coii!IUD1at Y:"l't1ea 111 Wootern Europe, 1t 1e obvious tht.~ the ;vouth 1s oentral to the dialt\tet;­mtion of thoee parties, That 18 to aq, \!hero, il1roctly e.ftor the .,.,.;. 11114 tho;. Mt1oll&l redotance moVOl!lel\ta, the youth tlo.!::l::ed to· the epo o, tha7 Vll:'e the firat to leave ~m, ~~ CP'e themnhlll have openly admitted th&t they 8:'1 uaable to control the ;vcuth, 1'h9ro ha-.e been oame 11rloua atudifll 1>T tho•e ~ left tho CP'o only to associat!:·.'wfth IUIOthar pale of .·CApital, ' / (e,g,, Rosol,~ 1n AqtiM) Wl.ch 1h.>w the chSIIgi=g aacial 1 composition of. the CP, ll!:at 1a needed 1a such e. study IV a llaz>ziot, iwry- · / -.hare, from llairobi to Spsb, tho ;vouth has 'been 111togra1 to the ro-.olut1011a!7 lli:i1'811ente,. 4t th1e mciii!O'At, no eotabliahed moYement can claim thea ezu1 certainly the aatablirihad order CBmJOt, It la no ,.Ja«gora.Uoa t~ ..,,. th&t ther,j ctll! b~ Dll rnol:ilt1o111U7 mon~~~e~>t v1th<>ut tho actin -putlc1po.t1Qll o:f t!>e ;youth, llo knov tho rostlaolll!llao ani! tho hlll!gor th&t youth feel 1ft their l1voo toclq, the -11,gne E.re on ovaey· huld, %t that h~r b tti be l&thtifJCl 1111d the gap 111 thftir 11Yee tilled, lt · v111 be 401!'0 b,y Mor:i1111 intorpre\Qd trtl' our ago 111 th!t procoaa of, torsl.!l& tho nov societ;v,

~. the. need 11 to emoe the d!ot1uU011 be~- tha •t.nl14o• 1111d tho

1outsldo• - &t Now 8. Letters hat done and 11 liol!W, !lot aloDO 1o

one third ot the paper vritton IV peapl" IOho are not mambert of the co•tteae, 'b'.tt they have t'ull rtghta to partlc1pate at all meet~ 1nolu4l!!c the con ...... uon, ·

11hon Lenin ao.w tho buz>eaucratisatloa ot the ~~lmlllliot Pan:r' '.n pe""r and tha

0 coD1l1111!11u• >ilich characiorilali oo ...., of tho. lee48re, t.~ wrkod out h1it moat protC)UIId iorit1Deo. Whe.t 1'1.11ls thl'GU&h all theta l• a) the llll&lyale o£. the ooalal fcr~~atlona · 1n the ptll'ty t.llich retleot tha Hcilol toriiW!1tioae in the obJecU n moniQOllt 11114, b) thAt it •• 11aoe11ary to •obeeJr: the work ot tho pert;y IV tho non-parlyo maoeee, • If..,.. W.l it 110re nooae.U,. to have that ae a gu1d!=g principlo than in our B«e.

1 Dtfer thio ao a cont!'1butloll to tho ditOUIIlOII to 'be carried Oil by all, Oft!:" the next ;rear, ac the naoea....,. prGllllina17 tor aq eert ot cathorl.ns.

. ... .. .. .. .. 2565

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