large area of land between the pacific ocean and the rocky mountains north of california many...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Oregon Country

Large area of land between the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains north of California

Many different countries had claims to the land

Americans wanted control of the Oregon Country

Adams Onis Treaty

Secretary of State John Q. Adams negotiated the Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain

Russia soon gave up their claim to the Oregon country as well

Britain and the United States now had joint occupation of the territory

Settling the Oregon territory

The first settlers in the territory were Mountain Men who would live in the wilderness trapping beavers and other animals.

Soon many people were coming to the new area and most used the famous Oregon trail

Manifest Destiny

Many Americans believed it was the country’s mission to spread to the Pacific Ocean

In the 1840s a Newspaper Editor John O’Sullivan came up with the idea of Manifest Destiny: it was the destiny of the U.S. to expand its territory from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans

Complete the Handout about Manifest Destiny

Election of 1844

Democrat James K. Polk vs Whig Henry Clay

Polk campaigned on the slogan “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight”

Polk was elected as the 11th President of the United States

By 1846 Great Britain gave the United States the territory but at the latitude of 49 degrees


Beginning of Problems

The Adams-Onis Treaty gave the area of current day Texas to Spain

The territory had a very low population so the Spanish Government sold cheap land to get settlers to come

Americans, not Mexicans, bought the land and settled the territory

Growing Tension

To stop the growing American population the Spanish stopped American immigration and put taxes on trade with the United States

Soon General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna became the leader of Mexico. His dictatorship resulted in war with the American Texans

War for Texan Independence

The War started off well for the Texans but soon they were met with fierce defeats at the Alamo and Goliad

Still, in April 1836, the Texans, lead by Sam Houston won a decisive battle at San Jacinto

On May 14th, 1836 Santa Anna recognized the Independence of Texas

Annexing Texas

Texas remained an independent Lone Star Republic for 10 years as President Jackson and Van Buren didn’t want to annex, or make into a state, the region

President Tyler wanted to annex Texas but he didn’t have the support of Congress.

Situation changed in 1844 election. On December 29th, 1845, president James K. Polk and Congress made Texas a state


New Mexico Territory

A large territory known as the New Mexico Territory was under Mexican control, however they governed themselves

William Becknell was the first American to reach Santa Fe in the New Mexico Territory

He began a trade route known as the Santa Fe trail which lead to Americans settling in the region


California had a large Native American population that was soon populated with Spanish Missionaries

When Mexico gained independence California became a state, they outlawed the Missionaries

They sold large plots of land to Mexicans who created ranchos where Native Americans worked as slaves

Manifest Destiny in California

Americans soon wanted to make add California to the nation

President Polk offered to purchase it from Mexico, but the Mexican government refused, so the United States decided to go to war for the territory

Mexican War

America wanted California for a clear passage to the Pacific Ocean

After Texas had been made a state there was a border dispute in the Rio Grande

Polk sent in General Zachary Taylor to the disputed territory

On May 11th 1846 Mexican forces attacked the troops and war began

Feelings about the War

The feelings about the War were split Some thought it was unjust and cruel

while others believed it was our right as apart of Manifest Destiny

Polk’s War Plan

1. American troops would drive Mexicans out of the disputed Texas territory

2. The United States would seize New Mexico and California

3. American forces would take the Mexican Capital at Mexico City

Mexican War

Zachary Taylor accomplished he first goal and secured the Texas border

A small group of Americans seized California on their own and set up the Bear Flag Republic

In the final part of his plan General Winfield Scott captured Mexico City by August 1847after a 300 mile trek and many battles

Effects of The War

After Mexico City fell the Mexicans surrendered and ended the war with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Mexico gave up the disputed Texas Border and California and New Mexico for 15 million

The United States also took a strip of land containing Arizona and New Mexico through the Gasden Purchase for 15 Million

The United States lost 1,712 men in fighting and 11,000 via disease. The War cost 100 million and Mexico lost half its territory.


Gold Rush

Gold was discovered in California in 1849, 80,000 Americans known as forty-niners flocked to the area

Life in California

Many Mexicans, now known as Californios lost their land to new settlers

Communities and towns known as boomtowns formed overnight

Most of the new cities had no government or law enforcement and vigilantes took laws into their own hands


Joseph Smith founded the Mormon religion in 1830

Smith met steep opposition in the United States and was killed by a mob in Illinois

His successor Brigham Young decided to move the religion and its followers to Utah and present day Salt Lake City

Because of opposition over their beliefs Utah didn’t become a state till 1896


Complete the California Handout, if you do not finish in class, finish for Homework. We will go over it tomorrow.

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