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Auto-Trading Millions: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle



Millions: The Missing

Piece of the Puzzle

By Dan Murphy

Note: This is PART 2 of the Auto-Trading Millions series of reports. Read on to discover the recent change in technology that could easily save you $12,500 per year, and has opened a virtual “Pandora’s Box” of trapped wealth for those with the technology to stake their claim. Fund managers are leaving millions on the table with their wasteful trading habits, and this report explains how to transfer money from their account and into yours – using this recent breakthrough in automated trading. Warning: Those that do not heed this message are doomed for failure, just like the multi-million dollar industry that is about to get wiped off the map due to this technology.

Since the invention of the microchip in 1959, exponential growth of technology

has not only led to many new and exciting industries, but it has completely over-hauled

and revamped traditional ones as well.

Entire industries have been practically burned to the ground and gutted by changes

in technology (think Polaroid), while others have gone from start-up to $1 billion in two

years (Instagram).

Trading technology is no exception to the new economy’s rule for exponential

growth and creative destruction. In fact, it is a direct beneficiary of it, which is why I’ve

decided to write this special report so soon after writing the original Auto-Trading

Millions. You see, there’s been a major change in technology that no one is talking

about, and I will show you how it benefits you while exposing a fatal flaw in a multi-

million dollar industry.

In the original Auto-Trading Millions, I outlined the dos and don’ts of automated trading from

the perspective of someone who has experienced its ups and downs – namely my experiences. I

showed you many of the mistakes that amateur automated traders make: from under-estimating

slippage to over-estimating the reliability of Internet providers to the flaws in popular trading

strategies. Let’s review another equally important idea: why are there edges in the first place?

I want you to close your eyes real quick and imagine what it would be like to be

one of the ten thousand or so people in the entire world that controls the bulk of money.

You have millions of dollars – perhaps billions – under management. Now imagine

that all money is yours. You can do with it as you please. Where would you invest?

Which markets could even support investments of the magnitude your fund controls?

These are questions that would quickly be answered as you started making trades. Your

massive fund would move stocks around just as easily as a napkin on a windy day. When

you learned that lesson, you would be careful with your trading right? You would find

more liquid assets to trade. You would be much more likely to use unconventional orders

such as “icebergs” so you didn’t tip your hand to the rest of the sharks on Wall Street.

Now imagine that you are once again a fund manager of other people’s money.

Would you care as much about making perfect trades? Study after study shows that those

making buy decisions with their own money are much more prudent than those making

buy decisions with other people’s money. One needs only look at the sorry shape of

government spending to see this effect at work. A single fund has the potential to move a

single stock for days at a time. A single fund all by its lonesome can move entire asset

classes for minutes or even hours at a time. Heck, a single fund (LTCM) nearly crashed

the entire derivatives market in the 1998 all by its lonesome.

Now imagine thousands of funds, controlling trillions of dollars of other people’s

money. Imagine the massive amounts of waste as fund managers make decisions to

enter or exit stocks or asset classes like oil, silver, bonds, or even soy beans. How many

millions are we talking about? How many billions? Use your imagination.

I want you to think of these funds as big, lumbering elephants. But instead of the

usual mess coming from the rear of these massive animals, it’s huge wads of $100 bills,

Euros, gold coins, and silver bars. All we need to do is carry around a shovel and scoop it

up…but not just any shovel. Our “shovel” is a computer that looks for the inefficiencies

in the markets. It automatically makes the trades, and then repeats the process over and

over again.

Auto-Trading Millions: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle


As I was writing Part one of Auto-Trading Millions, Tradestation had just released

a new version of their platform. Unceremoniously, they simply added a new feature and I

didn’t think much about it…and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. “This changes

everything” I thought to myself, shaking my head in disbelief about what I had nearly

missed. Even the trading forums had little to nothing to say about this sudden change or

its implications in the Big Picture I suddenly had in my head.


Now before I give you my grand “ah-ha” conclusion, I’ll tell you about the technology

that was added to the most popular trading package that wasn’t available just a few months ago:

Tradestation finally gives you the ability to drill down and look at prices all the way to the

second. Now you can use “second” charts in addition to minute charts, and the dozen other ways

you can view and calculate prices. On the surface, this doesn’t seem at all news worthy. Hedge

funds have had this technology for years. I mean, who cares if you can create 59 second bar

charts instead of minute bars? What’s the big deal? And then my question hit me like a ton of

bricks. The one thing I worry about most when it comes to automated trading execution has

suddenly been downgraded from Category 5 hurricane to tropical storm. Finally, retail traders

have another arrow in their quiver to reduce slippage; fills that are worse than your system

estimates…and a much greater potential than I ever realized to make millions more than I

thought possible with automated trading.

Slippage is the death of any day trading model. When you’re trading in and out of

a position in a few minutes or hours, a string of bad fills can turn what you thought was a

winning system into a losing system. You must be vigilant and constantly record your

real-world fills and see how they compare to your estimates. This is especially true for

those trading large accounts or thinly traded markets or widely followed systems.

The Problem isn’t the System…it’s the

Execution of the System

I understand these flaws only too well. I’m not only a system designer, but I have purchased other

systems that are commercially available. Most systems are over-optimized to prior data, but I’ve seen a few

with merit. One of these systems I bought traded emini Russell 2000 futures. The Russell doesn’t have

near the liquidity of the S&P 500 (which often has 1000 contracts or more at the bid and ask), but it’s

respectable at perhaps 7% the liquidity of what the S&P 500 has to offer. The system I was using traded

early in the morning when liquidity was supposed to be better than average. Unfortunately, when my

strategy placed the buy order, I would see prices rocket upwards as if someone knew I was placing my

order. Looking at the order book, I would see a mad blur of new trades entering the market within what

must have been a tiny fraction of a second. I would get extremely bad fills – 5, 6, 7 ticks higher than I

should have been getting. To add insult to injury, the market would then settle down and I would watch

prices move back to where they were just before. The problem wasn’t the system. It was the execution

of the system. Those who had bought the system along with me were trading at the exact same instant.

Not the exact same minute, not the exact same second – the same instant (meaning milliseconds).

Trading with everyone else in these less liquid markets became impractical, so I

had to stop trading them. Another $3000 down the drain. But I learned a lesson:

Concentrate on highly liquid markets like the S&P 500. To this day, the S&P 500 is the

market where I concentrate most of my efforts. It offers more liquidity than any other

market in the world, including any single Forex pair, but in a minute, I’ll share with you

why even this seemingly logical conclusion was a mistake.

Mob+Slippage = Mobage

Now let’s back up for a minute. The problem I had with the strategies I bought

was that too many orders would dump into the market at once in just a fraction of a

second – what I call mobage. When it comes to my stop loss being hit, I can live with

some slippage, but on the entry too? That’s just not going to cut it. I’m in this game to

make money. So really what I need is to have my orders spread out from the rest of the

mob. Even a second or two would make a huge difference. It could turn an unprofitable

system back to profitable if the 100 other people using the system would just trade at

slightly different times – even in less liquid markets like the Russell 2000.

The Cure

If a system normally uses one minute bars, why not use 59 second bars? Or 57? Or

63? If a system normally uses 15 minute bars, try using 893 second bars (14 minutes, 53

seconds). It really doesn’t matter, just as long as you’re within a few seconds of the bar

size the system was tested on. Whether you’re trading just before 15 minutes or just after

wouldn’t impact results much. The key is to trade when the others are not trading to

avoid mobage. Once a week you could pick up a six-sided dice, roll it, and add or

subtract to your chart based on whatever number popped up. If you’re using a 15-minute

chart like in my example and you roll a 3, you could setup your chart to use 897 second

Auto-Trading Millions: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle


bars. If you’re feeling saucy, you could roll the dice again and if an odd number comes

up, you subtract seconds from the chart. If the number comes up even, add seconds to the


This little tip will likely save you a ton of frustration and thousands of dollars that would

otherwise be lost to the “mob” (a six figure account could easily save $12,500 per year with this

strategy alone). It also ties in nicely to the tip I shared with you in the original Auto-Trading Millions

kit. As you will recall, you can save a bunch of money by placing a limit order that will automatically

turn into a market order after however many seconds you tell Tradestation. I made a fortune with

my Serendipity trading system by using that order type. But instead of just placing my limit order at

the closing price of the tick bar, I would place it one tick below. More often than not, I would get

filled at that price. That’s what I call positive slippage. Trading with positive slippage is trading


Let’s take another look at the dice example I gave. That’s not exactly automated is

it? While it works, it doesn’t live up to the 10x Trader Lifestyle I’ve presented to you.

You should cut down on the things that are tedious chores because they are like holes in a

bucket. The more holes you have in your bucket, the less water you will fish out of the

well. In this case, the “well” is the market, and the “water” is money.

If you’re an industrious sort, you could create a function in Tradestation that

would setup a delay of “n” number of seconds before the trade is executed. Heck, why

stop there. Instead of delaying two seconds, why not delay the trade 2.07 seconds? That’s

a bit of high frequency trading for you.

Let’s take this subject even further down the rabbit hole. Let’s not only setup a

delay, let’s make it a random number so someone doesn’t walk in on you while you’re

rolling the dice while sitting in front of your trading screen. Talk about getting caught

with your pants down. Someone might get the wrong idea and you’d have to explain what

I’ve been teaching you for the next hour. “No honey, I’m not using dice to make a trade

decision…I mean I sort of am…oh never mind!” I have to admit it would make for a

funny story. By the way, I’ve already developed the anti-mobage software I just outlined.

It’s yet another hedge fund trader tool I’m giving to those in my 10x Trader Tribe (which

you can join for free if you’d like).

Now I suppose I could just end this report right here. I’ve alerted you to a way to

circumvent the problems with crowding in automated system trading. You might even be

able to use this knowledge to get in before other traders get their signals. Perhaps you can

even resurrect a dead system or two. Trading at non-conventional times will be key as

your account grows larger and larger. I’ve shown you this already with tick charts, but

some of my best systems use time-based charts, including the still uber-profitable

Thermite model.

Flawed: An Entire Multi-Million Dollar Industry

Now that I’ve drilled down and exposed this mobage-based flaw in trading – and

the cure – I want to shake things up even more. Over the past 6-7 years, several

companies have sprouted into existence with the sole purpose of automatically executing

other people’s trading strategies to trade your account. Sounds great right? Basically, they

work with some of the “old-school” brokers to automatically trade your account. Since

everyone receives the signals at the same time, they run into the exact same problems

I’ve been describing – bad fills. The more subscribed the vendor, the worse the fills are

going to be, eventually making the system worthless. It doesn’t matter if the vendor’s

system is using minute charts, second charts, tick charts, volume charts, Kase, Kagi or

Renko. Everyone is going to receive their orders at the same time and trip over

themselves trying to get in and out. This is what high frequency super computers are

looking for all day long. As you know, they are making a fortune.

Millions of dollars have been invested in these flawed auto-trading

businesses. Apparently not much thought went into thinking about the impact that

mobage would have on the market. Imagine if engineers spent all those millions

building the Golden Gate Bridge and it could only support a few cars at once. Fail!

Let’s have a heart to heart real quick. Most traders treat trading as a hobby and simply

haven’t invested the time and money to figure the game out. They get fleeced just as easily as it

is to take candy from a baby. Those that do figure it out reap the rewards. Take James Simons at

Renaissance Technology for example. He personally made $2.1 billion last year using

algorithmic trading. That’s “billion” with a “B”.

Managing a hedge fund like Renaissance Technology is something I thought I

would never do. For one thing, you have to know people in order to attract capital into

the fund. You can’t advertise it to the public. A hedge fund can only take money from an

“accredited investor”. Basically, someone or some entity that is already wealthy (like a


Auto-Trading Millions: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle


The Joys of Running a Hedge Fund (NOT!)

Trading with other people’s money (OPM) isn’t exactly on my list of top 10 things

to do either. Personally, I’m pretty desensitized when it comes to trading losses, but the

vast majority of people are not due to reasons I outlined in the original Auto-Trading

Millions. If you’re making them money, people are pretty neutral. That’s what is

expected of you. If you go through that inevitable drawdown, you will have an unhappy

client on your hands. Really, there’s no joy in running a hedge fund like there is in

helping losing traders become profitable, but then again, fund managers are some of the

wealthiest people on the planet. Whoever said money can’t buy happiness was a broke

fool. Of course I say that tongue in cheek, but in this age of increasing socialism, I want

to remind you that there is nothing wrong with having money. Having it simply means

you are producing more than you consume. Congratulations. For those that believe that

money is the root of all evil, I would counter that not having money is the root of all evil.

TSA Cavity Search

Besides dealing with wealthy clients, a hedge fund manager must also come under

the magnifying glass of government regulation. He must submit form after form,

document after document and comply with regulation after regulation. Basically, that

means bending over backwards for a TSA-like cavity search. Privacy is a thing of the


To me, this is at great conflict to my personal values. When I was a kid, I was

taught that you don’t talk about how much money you make because it’s rude and makes

others envious. My Uncle Clarence was the man I looked up to when it came to dealing

with money, and I had absolutely no idea that he was a millionaire until after he passed.

He had a nice house and a functioning car at all times, but he lived well within his means.

It’s that kind of lifestyle that I try my best to emulate. I have to admit that I have a taste

for fancy cars and a few other quirks, but no one is perfect.

You might be wondering why I’ve been telling you about the pros and cons of

being a hedge fund manager. Don’t worry; my madness will come together in a minute.

At one end of the scale is the vast potential for wealth. Hedge fund managers make 20%

of profits on new equity highs and 2% of fees under management. A manager with a

$100 million fund could earn a cool $2 million just for breathing. If he had a good year –

let’s say he made 50% -- that manager is now looking at a cool $12 million for his

troubles before expenses. Yeah baby, now we’re talking!

At the other end of the scale are the many pains that a hedge fund manager must

deal with, such as government regulations, paperwork, zero privacy and clueless

investors that don’t believe drawdowns ever happen.

Despite all the negatives I’ve been discussing about hedge fund management, my recent discoveries that I’ve shared with you on dealing with “mobage” or slippage have revealed a new path for me. I now estimate that I could run up to a $350 million fund without having a noticeable impact on liquidity because I can be much, much more efficient than the vast majority of funds. That’s a factor of 10x what I thought I would max out at. When I came up with the 10x Trade Lifestyle™ to describe what I was doing with automated trading, I had no idea that I would soon discover that I underestimated my trading ceiling by a factor of ten. As far as all the paperwork and accounting and lawyers, I can do what any sane manager would do – outsource it.

When it comes to trading technology, amazingly, Tradestation can do almost

everything I need it to right out of the box automatically. I say “almost” because it

doesn’t have a position limiter (neither does its competitors). If I’m trading 30 systems

and they all fire off at once, I could end up trading on maximum margin. That is not

acceptable, which is why I hired a programmer to create an add-on “traffic cop” of sorts.

It’s more sophisticated than simply limiting the entire portfolio by risk. It also needs to

limit by individual market and asset class. A market like the S&P 500 is extremely liquid

– I can’t budge it. I threw a 100 contract market order at it just to see what would happen.

I didn’t even get any slippage. At current levels as I write this (1500), 100 contracts

equals $7.5 million. Now you see why the only day trading systems I’ve ever let other

buy from me have been for the S&P 500 emini.

Auto-Trading Millions: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle


Recently, I was in the Cayman Islands for a well-deserved vacation. The Cayman

Islands houses many of the world’s hedge funds because of their favorable tax status. In

fact, there is no income tax. That doesn’t mean you don’t pay taxes on profits, it just

means that if you’re setting up a fund where people from around the world will invest,

they will pay their country’s income tax rate. The tax man always gets his cut, but this

prevents the powers-that-be from double taxing profits.

If I was going to start a hedge fund, I would likely do it in the Caymans. Normally,

this would cost about $75,000 in legal fees, but these days there are ready-made packages

from those who have already walked this path for their clients. I’ve got to keep the

lawyers busy I guess.

All this hedge fund stuff will take time. In fact, I have to start what’s known as an

incubation fund to establish a track record using the guidelines of the actual hedge fund. This

will take a minimum of 12 months, so I’m not going anywhere for a while. One more thing: I’m

not going to ask you to invest in my fund – ever. Unless you represent a bank, trust or pension

fund, you probably won’t qualify. I don’t make the rules, I just play by them. Unfortunately, the

governments of the world like to treat hard-working tax payers like children. Apparently they

know how you should best invest your money because they have your best interests above theirs

(yeah right).

The thing that upsets me the most with all the regulations is that at some point, I

will no longer be able to help you in your trading, and I certainly won’t be able to let you

buy any of my products to get you over the hump to profitable trader. I’ve really enjoyed

helping traders get out of their slumps and personal ruts. Seeing a trader go from bleeding

money to profitable in short order is extremely rewarding to me. But like I alluded to, the

rules and regulations in this industry are thicker than the Yellow Pages. So for the next 12

months, I’ll do my best to whip you into trading shape like a drill instructor with the

mouth of a sailor. If you can stand the occasional swear word, I’ll do my damndest to get

you profitable. After that, I might be saying Adios. I’ll let the lawyers figure it out.

You’re invited to join us in the 10x Trader Tribe

In the meantime, I’d like to extend you an invitation to my 10x Trader Tribe.

Every month, I’m going to give you new trading models I’ve never offered to the public,

plus brand new tools that I plan on using in my hedge fund (the position limiter and anti-

mobage software I talked about is just one of many tools). I’d like to give you the next

two months free. All you need to do is fill out the included form. I’m not even going to

charge you today. I would like to show you results in advance. That’s right. I’m

going to give you all the Futures Boss training and trading models up front. That

way you can see it in action in your account. Just pay me later if you like what I’ve

given you. How do you like them apples?

I’m always asked how much I’m making with the systems, and why I’m selling

them. The first question is very personal and I was taught that it’s impolite to talk about

how much money I make. I’ve done it before at the urging of a marketing guru, and I felt

dirty afterwards. If you’re sitting down at the poker table and you make more money than

all of the players combined, you don’t need to tell them that.

There’s not much privacy running a hedge fund, but at least someone has to read

through a 13F to have an inkling to what I’m making. I suppose I can tell you I’ve made

more on one Thermite trade than what I’m selling the whole package for. I hope my

uncle would understand people’s skepticism these days and let me off the hook for saying


As far as selling systems goes, I’ve only sold systems in the highly liquid S&P 500

where I can’t even make it budge more than a single tick. With the “second bars” method

I’ve outlined for you to reduce “mobage”, I’ll offer more systems that trade other asset

classes. From which I’ll be rewarded an appropriate fee considering the results I help you

produce. That’s how capitalism works. I give you something you want and we make a

monetary exchange and we’re both happy. I’m sure there are those that believe I should

give away my systems for a pittance. After all, there are probably dozens out there that

are cheaper, although most aren’t actually traded with real money. If you think about it,

every time I sell a trading strategy with all the rules revealed, I’m creating competition

with myself. Since I only sell systems that I trade, I must be compensated at a fair price.


There’s more to it than that as far as why I’m giving you $1000 off the Boss pack

and $2000 worth of software and service on top of that. I’m obviously trying to give you

an “offer you can’t refuse” to quote the Godfather. Unlike the mafia, you can say no, and

we’re still friends. I’m not going to bust your knee-caps or beg you to take the offer.

What I would like you to do is help me get 10x Trader off the ground. Let me know what

features you’d like me to add. Give me feedback as to what’s working for you and what’s

not. Tell me honestly and tell me often so I get it right. And by all means, give me a

raving testimonial! That way 10x Trader becomes a huge hit and I don’t have to manage

other people’s money directly. I remember what it was like to be right at the verge of

giving up trading, and all the frustration of time spent with zero results. I’d rather work

with those in the same predicament I was back then instead of a bunch of snobby

bankers. Maybe that’s too brutally honest, but my Uncle Clarence always said that

speaking your mind leads to speaking your heart and people appreciate that.

Auto-Trading Millions: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle


Let’s talk franchising since that’s effectively what I’m giving you – a trading

franchise. It’ll cost you upwards of $39,000 to get started with a traditional fast food

franchise but it will take a couple of them to make you six figures. I’ll discount that by

90%. My fee is just $1999. Unlike a traditional franchise however, there are no

continuing royalties or fees. I’m not going to automatically charge you for my 10x Trader

Tribe either (normally $997 per month). If you like it, you let me know. Only then will I

charge you going forward.

Now that you know what it takes to start a typical fast food franchise, let’s talk

about how much it costs to get started with trading – the right way. Personally, I couldn’t

imagine starting with less than $20,000. The more the better for this reason: if it’s not a

significant amount, you won’t care about losing it all. I want you to be as pissed off as a

cat in a rocking chair factory if you lost it all. This is a trading business that could replace

your current salary by a factor of 10x. It must be taken as serious as a heart attack.

The best fund managers are making 20% a year for their investors. In fact, 20%

would beat the pants off most fund managers’ records – by far. But as we discussed at the

beginning of this report, a big lumbering fund manager has to be picky about where and

how he invests his fund’s money. He’s not agile enough to move money in and out of the

markets several times a day. Heck, he has to slowly build a position over days or weeks.

That’s why a small individual trader has the opportunity to make many multiples of what

a “great” fund manager can generate for his investors.

Take this chart for

example (left). It shows how

a small trading account can

grow at many multiples of

what a large fund can

produce during its

exponential growth phase.

Eventually, it too succumbs

to slower growth…because it

has become a big fund! I

know, what a horrible

problem to have.

I’ve already taken the

time to explain everything about

what is offered in Futures Boss in the letter I gave you. The one with the lottery ticket stapled to

the first page. I respect your time, so I’m not going to go through 16 pages of details again (I’ve

put the highlights in the index of this report). I’m offering three unique trading systems,

including my flagship Thermite trading model and training on how to setup and maintain them

for a lifetime of use. Most traders quit trading broke and frustrated. Don’t leave trading to the

pros just yet. You haven’t traded the market like this before or you wouldn’t be reading this. And

like I said, I won’t even charge you up front. That’s how confident I am that I can help you get

from point A to point B 10x faster than anyone else. All you need to do next is fill out the form I

included and fax it or mail it to my office. If you’re ever in Newport Beach my office is right on

top of Billy’s restaurant, right on the water in Newport Beach Harbor. They have great views and

great food if you make it out to sunny California.

I hope to see your name on the list of 10x Traders. If the automated trading

lifestyle isn’t for you, that’s fine. If you’re undecided, the clock is ticking. Like all

advisors should do that can walk the walk – I’m going into money management in 12

months or so. That might seem like a long time, but if last year was any indicator, it’ll go

by fast.

Trade smart,

Dan Murphy

P.S. There’s a trick for executing trades not only to the second like I’ve outlined, but to

the millisecond to avoid mobage. This is the kind of information I’m sharing in the 10x

Trader Tribe, along with complete trading strategies, and big ideas that will blow you

away. Secrets I have purposely left out of the Auto-Trading Millions reports.

P.P.S. The fees I’m collecting for Futures Boss and later 10x Trader are for a good cause.

As always, I will be donating a portion of the proceeds to Make a Wish; my favorite

children’s charity. Last year, we donated nearly $100,000 to Make a Wish.

P.P.P.S. If you are a fund manager or CTA and would like to license our technology, give

us a call at 866-567-4257.

Auto-Trading Millions: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle


• Introduction – How to use the Futures Boss Training Pack.

• Thermite Intro – Just what is this system, and why does it decimate all other methods for trading the S&P 500?

• Thermite Overview – The inner workings of the trading model. It’s “guts”.

• Pre-processing – Step by step guide to getting the system setup on Tradestation®

• The system – The exact rules. No black box software here.

• Selling short – The how and why of selling short and profiting with Thermite.

• Short #2 – A secondary way to sell short.

• Long #2 – Buying for big trend days.

• Setting stops/Exit times – Limit risk and when to get out.

• Thermite setup – Using the Thermite strategy settings.

• Jax System – How to profit from gaps and judo them from losing trades into winning trades automatically.

• System 2 – Not all gaps are the same.

• Jax Setup – Get the system loaded into your chart so it can run mostly hands free.

• Quirk System – An odd trading method with a “secret sauce” ingredient.

• Quirk Setup – Time to stick this system into a chart and get it running.

• Automating Tradestation – Automation do’s and don’ts, tips and tricks.

• Remote server setup – How to setup your own trading server on a server farm. You MUST know this to be profitable.

• Advanced Class: WFO – The secret ingredient to making all these systems even more robust and more profitable.

Hedge Fund trader tools

New systems monthly

A completely new way of automated trading (NOT covered in any book, report or presentation).

Focus on multiple systems in multiple asset classes for steady profits.

Normally $997 per month. You get two months free with purchase of the Futures Boss training.

Auto-Trading Millions: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle


Futures Boss Automated System Training with

10x Trader Bonus • Yes, I want to become a profitable trader! Send me Dan’s Futures Boss Training and two full months of 10x Trader with even more automated systems and hedge fund trading tools. • I understand that all trading systems and strategies are not to be sold, rented or shared with any 3rd party. Trading systems are not sold, they are leased to you indefinitely. • I understand I will be shipped the Futures Boss Training Pack to the address below. My check won’t be cashed or my credit card won’t be charged for 30 days after receipt of this form. I can cancel within 30 days. I don’t even have to ship anything back.

Send a check or credit card payment of $1,997 to: Joshua Tree Financial, Inc. 2751 West Coast Hwy Suite 205 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Or FAX this completed page to: 949-515-4211 (Please print legibly to avoid delay) Offer Expires March, 31st, 2013 or when all 75 spots sell out

Full name*: ____________________________________________________ Billing Address*: _______________________________________________ City*: _____________________State: _______Postal code*:______________ Country*:___________________ Phone number*: ______________________ Credit Card number*: _____________________________________________ Expiration*: ___/____ Security code*: _________ Signature* (I understand and agree to the above): ____________________________ Guarantee: Your card will not be charged until 30 days from receipt of your mail or fax. All the risk is on me. If you write a check post date it a month from now.

Offer Expires March, 31st, 2013

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