· '...

Post on 08-Aug-2020






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' J ;


' t . " ’

T engH siao -p ii

5 0 k iU e j^y arm in I r ^

:•• .TEHRAN, Iran (U PI) - - JcUIer Muads poured aulom a . fire,inwTh<)us(UjjJsrof niassi

g o v e m m e r ■ d e m o i^ 'a to rs- S ^ l a of Tehran S u n d a ^

R a t e s I m ass carnage In moni: ' , ' .'Witnesses said a t Icast SO. L'-wero shot dead an d h i

wounded In the seesaw d a s h e• q)'read throughout T ehran• second time in thred days the- ,'ran’ with bipod following

govenunent crackdown on, p rotest. .

. - The rw ew ed killings furtl •• periled Prim e M inister Sf- BaKbtla'r’s delicate peacc mii — P arts fui talto-w itlr uxUwl T . leader ^ a to l la h R uhollah Kh : iA*ose return to Iran could bri

w ar.New difficulties a ro se In

w h ( ^ Khomeini said ho woulc to receive B akhtiar un less B firs t resigns from-office. B ut c in Tran said Bakhtiar would m

• trip anyway.A sdaH oiess fell over Tehrj

■ flr?% ack led through th e d s tree ts and the situation 1

• totally chaotic. SeverjUhospllj : they were full lo overflowir

:w junded and dozens m ore w er : :dan1e<llnbyrelaU vesgndfrlei

• lA fonefidsp lta l troops openefl : :pw plo b'rln^ng b andages and , ;baltihg for the wounded. I

; again appealed Ifl-ilood d o n ^ - I'n iousands of BQlonwbDcs •Waring thefr horns through th ; tag In protest a t the la te s t kUlln : -A fte r hours of shootln j

, ;iiapltal’s hospitals .were crj •Sunday night with casualti( :'re]atlves and friends by th e tho Ibefian streahilng Into th e cei ; T ^ a n with bandages and ;m edlcal supplies or m erely i ■Infonnation. "■ F resh violence w as also repo

’Tl i 'aflVpm vm uta; aiid Umi'n v ; assasslnati n alCempt against ; shah member of parliam ent.• : The l a tk t clashes in Tehrai lunexpected, following an ah r Im ent by Iran 's leading clergy ih o u rs . earlier they would . ; B akhtlar a 48-hour " Iru c e " p■ Ute outcome of bis P a ris y lslt.

■JJflBut- w hen . .th o u s a n d s oIm onstrators gathered n e a r •; iCnlvOTlty In defiance of a g

- m e o t - b a n , - a rm y - t in d —gen Bhtpera,. op&ratiDg .f ro m . n

; c ^ e d adevastatlng fire.P ro tB E ttirs—h u r l e d~TVTc

-:cod rtaU 5rfa ieks-and~'stonc5~ = B W ^ - a h a ‘then 'ram page< l“ l] "laiBe-BedlmH-of th e ia p ltf i irB• flbc buses and d a m a ^ g auton 'andbulldlngs.

4 —Tlie m ain battle seesaw ed th r ;m idn 's q u a re h e a r the unli ■ 4 4 )^ Moslem clergym en s it 'fllt'ln to protest the jgove'mi : W th iu h ig actions Includiit&lh : Infi of all airports to block K hor

Witnesses said srn'all ' •squads" of troc^w moved throu reidhig crowds “ firing a t ever

- a n d w e ryoualrfhlglit.*'— --------;• TVoops stopped women from d ^ d and wounded Into the s a

3 ing d ep lan es In Wa

edlyI ■ '

— Army ' w |m atic rifle , issed anti- " rs in the Qy in the 4)crsons j f i S g g g hundi'cds g S g p g g

shes which in — the the copltal ‘S fl new on , public

Lirther im- Shahpour

mission to J luiiaiuui^—Khomeini, b ring civil

In Paris )uld refuse ; Bakhtiar u t officials 1 m ake the

^ a n rifle ^ ^ ^ ^ 8 ! dimmed 1 became p ila ls said wing with

telng .Potatined fire"on snd cotlon . Doctors 12E5*—' les began *I th e even-lllngs. I— -------------L-T--ting, thecram m ed •

a tie s and f ^ / j f 4 thousandscen tcr of WASHINGTOI

md other predicted to bc a y seeking active housing r

for 1979. epo rtcd ln The complet<

nst a pro* California; Allc Pennsylvania: f

Iran were Greehsbbrbugh, nnnoimce- Teiui.; Naples, E rgy a-few News, V a.: 01 J d . grant

Lqetn’/iof de- ■ ^ i '

r Tehran •a govern- , 'g en d arm e------------ ----------- - -

rooftops BOSTON _ a , M assachuse tts

TVTolotov'. Jonalh'ah B ran eS~aC‘!he ' s t h i s ^ aln'gdni i-th rough— ^onitUe ( ^ a d (ft I, Duming — irom-lukenilOj-a tomobiles hlsparenta,>who

b oycange tL ae tithrough a ------ "Our-concern-Jnlverslty parents. We ah ; I staged a . p ro tec lh ifn ,"B r

im m eh t’s (3erald and Die S theclos- M ass„ fleaw lth t hom elni's 3-year-old Fast ill "k iller clinic In Tijuana, rough the of ^ court order vcrything .-g lv l^ c a ia d th e c

3m lifting Guy V o lte ita als- scores 6f to stop fecdhig th





" t:skila ion


-C h


L^ashington Ts<

7 4 t h y e g x

.......... " Oa&Ua&t C--------— 5 3 2 2 - S v ^

_ S a U Lftk* C

toes pllis up in“ Diverted R usse l p o tat

have plied u p a t the Joi Tho two week-old fedi help potato f a n n i ^ f l i ^ow getting s ta lled , . damage po U to stocks

ise listecrON (UPI) - Boise Is Tuc >e among the top 10 m o st • g m arkets In the n a tio n ' th a

incilete list includes th o - n w lona, Riverside a re a In den Ulentown-Bcthlehem In insi : Austin, Texas; B oise; L

N .t .; 'Johns'oh C ity , 'rbuU 5,Fla.;Norfolk-Newport sal< Oklahoma 'C ity ; afid.- -bull

i e - u s i n g c h i l d

3urcon(- f U E I ) .^ -u _ A s s ls ta n t— Br ts AUorney G e n e ra l decii •an^ salfi Sunday . th e — evld in c g rn I i ld L tS ^ fa re .~ . . .d u r i j Grec h, who is sufferlD g-.— ♦x;

/ho fled to th e ' le trile treatment. m 'i s -for C had,'not th e ~ ^ t j ' rc ti7 hig to find a w ay to vitar B rant said. .Diane G roenofSclluate. . R rh . th the ir blond, b lu e^ iy ed .Jt w eck to .a L ae trile . • A na, Mexico, In d efiance ie r baiThig them from |«® ' le controversial drug.Snpe i 'lur c ourt Ju d g e M?*' eOsO ordered tho G reens I the boy massive doses

_________ I lm e s J f m w l r t aWASHINGTON Chines

T eng H siao-jlng spent the fli -lng-of his Washington visit s A fnerlcan hpspltallty a t the NaUonal Security adviser 5 Brzezlnskl.

Teng, his wife, and leadlr b e rs of his p s r ty slipped aw B lair House shortly after 6 th e prevlously-unannounced m ent, the White House said.

The spokesman stressed th w as “ Inform ai" and a follow- invitation' ftom Brzezinski when they w ere lunching toge M ay In Peking a n ^ l a y groundwork for OBcnlng full i tier r e l a t l o n r ^ t w e e n t: countries. * ’. Keeping his promise, to glvi

" typ ical /Jm erican dinner,” ski served roast beef. His < Ian , 15, M ark, 14, and Mika, i: on table. ^

Teng, ■ who rose from disgrace to the halls of p

-C ^ina,-arrived In the Unitei "Sunday to ushe'r Ihh ls dream ' ag e In Slno-Amerlcan relation

“ T he‘chine5e"guesis:lncludc h is wife, CSio Lln, Deputy M inister for technology F anj h is wife. Foreign M inister Hu. and h is wife, and ambassa Tse-mln. ’ .

y y j

ac.N o.29 ^ ■

r-c w s-.— - ----------^

I C itz . H t«b ,_ 8 4 U S

n :;rjr'<

n Eden —italoes, which.will be fed to ca t Jones Land and F eed Cki. In E federal potato diversion begu s find a m arket for their crops id, a s fan n e rs fean rf they w cks If they opened their ceUai

damonTucson, Ariz.

‘The list is m ade up o7 com n lh a t will show the largest pert increases in new housing s t

dent of T iger Investpre R Insurance Co.. Boston. . .L e n d e rs , m o rtg a g e ba builders, real tore and T iger's n sales fo'rcQ cbniplled the l is building perm its and applicati

^ ■

icem isBrant said he felt the Ji

ecision was clear and justified ^ Id M c ^ th a tJ w d bc(!n_j)reu t i i i a r e w i j & j i a E f l a i e ^ Z-•The-lssueis~that'the:^evlde; ie ca se demonstrated that the ^as suffering from cyanide poll s_a result of being ^ v c n theL a tid that he w as suffering Itamlnosls a s^ a .'result of tt esslve'amoiints of v iloh ln A aira n t said. • ,___:A petition was filed FVld

'lymouth S upcriorC ourtaskhi ie Greens be held In contom iklng Ihelr 8on,'a w ard of the sl

earh ig was se l for Wednesday lotion.' ,

i - y nr

3 ___________ Bcsldp.s n pTf:ise leader American gu« f lr s rw c n - ■ S ta te Cyrus V;: t sam pling • designate Leo le hom e of . the ir w|v®.,MI(

Zbigniew Natlb'nal Secur, D epartment Fa

ilng m em - Holbrqoke. jway (rom Teng’s Wash 6 p.m . for begins Mondt !d engage- C arter w^lcom

House.the d inner A crowd o w -u p to a n - .J A m e r ic a n o i to Teng diplomats and gether last vice p'reiiiler ai lying the11 diploma- ^

N ixriv e T c n a a ,.

■ S i f r ' l ' WASHINGTO S PresW cnlHldii

13, w alled Washington Sun

''I ' l l 1“ U'l! ™pPom iojJ ..a rso rso lM m ,

ted. S ta tes H eJ^expecKm df a hew ihree days in Wons. visit of TcngHsIidCdTeng, vice premierity P rim e leaders exprcswng Yi and with Nixon durinluangH ua in the United Slasador Chi p riva te visit wit)-

Nixon reslfiDC

( i J T Y S

T w in F a l l s , Id a h


cattle, / cold weather to gEden. fo r anim al feed .:gun to w e e k ,^ w e re b e?sw as “ ■ potatoes. Underwould D epartm ent of A[are In eachsack theyco


im unitles Goss said the jrcentage R iverside area oi s ta r ts in is the only repeal

— H): - i‘Thoro-ore- M ortage said , with Job opp

Im portant role )a n k e rs , housing areas.5 national “ F o r exampl list from related industrl I tio n s for • Johnson City are.

1 f o r C li;Judge's couple, b ran t t

id b y th e seeking to_punlsl resented • not to e lisue_. We

V n ^ r i > : ^ ^ Meanwhlle,-U]

S to f lS g M n s S S ™S e ® “ “y “ W ' “B fm m “ “ P '“ ( " " 1 l™

L aeM e ,ra lh e rU

Theclil]ii'scaB< attention as a tesl

•Iday in ' som e medical ex] chig th a t " O th e re , Including impt fo r • m ent, havo denou

ly o n tlie V o l t e f t l t o S h . lo c a M FHday

CTiQ a igeziaski and^tfrw ifer-thr— B :uesls Were Secretary of lo Vjince and ambassador- Ai

-eonard Woodcock and. Michael Oksenberg of thp :urliyC ounciirand S t a t e ' fli Far E ast expert Richard —

toishington v isil officially M nday w hen P resident omes him to the White th

Wlof Sfevcral hundred - • as o f f i c i a l s , C h in e s e -ro

Sdrjoum alists. m e t- lh e ,.• at Andrews Air Force sc

bn returnTON (U Pi) - F onn^r Aichard Nixon returned lo W)Sunday n l ^ t for his flrsL jWhlle llousc after four CiImposed exile. rc'

- wl x te d J o spend, a t . least— dh1 Washington during the :Hsiao-Plng. The Chinese soi:r andT o ther Thinese -wcssed lh e lrd es lre to m ce t Cairing their eighl-doy stay noSlates. Nixon will have a p n vlth Teng on W ednesday .'^ picjced-the presidency on oui

i b o M o n c

0 gel potatoes to sell to the gov id. But w ith w arm er tem perat1 began delivering thousands ol ler the d lven lon p ro ^am ,f A griculture is paying growc ' convert to ca ttle f ^ o r starcl

\t activend m ortgage funds. intc the Ontario, Pomona, t a of Southem California deti •cat from la s t y ea r’s top. the re-n lne-6u rpriscsi" he— sm jpportunlties playing,an sai( le in- m ost of the hot wh(

Gnple, m a jo r energy- son strles moving to t h e , •' irea will boom this area s p r

“ Tl. Syr


la d '* %t said, "W e are not f i ish . th e j3 re c n s ;. th a t:s_ f^ iy e ar<^trying to {jcotect • ^

i.thezlG recns*~'lawyor.---------‘aIT8ard;he'w ilI'a^“UTe 5 Appeals Court Mon- i otiier prohibiting the ireatlng their son’ wlth • •, sr than chemotherapy.

Me has d r a w n f atlonal------ ,[est for .the drug, which experts hall a s a cure, lng the federal govern- ' jounced It a s worthless,

j ^ t h e f r k)h'dlsbp^‘ ■

d hlfl ordkr. They were I y In T ijuana a t the ■

-B ase -aH h ca ta rt-of-^htetortc lo cement the about-face American ties.

Teng’s while U.S.-made Be emblazoned wlth the red an

flag of the People's Eepuhllc - landed a t the base outside V ton Just seconds before l : MST. -■ Minutes later, Teng em erg the .^ a n e to the applause w % e rs : waVhigOTdTippliiuai a s he walked ^lown the red^

-ra m p to the tarm ac:'’ ' -••. -Vice President W alter Mon(

sen io r American official.

n s t o D CAii^. 9, 1974, as a result W atergatescandal. — ' .

Al the Invitation of P; C arte r, Nbfon will m ake hi re-eritiy Into the White House when he arrives foV the blackdinner SonoVlng T ehg,-^-------

The Invitation to Nixon som e criticism on gmi)nris

-would appear to vindicate 1 C a r te r told a news conference no apology to make. I think i p roper thing to do ond I a p leased President Nixon has a ourinviiatlon."

n d a y , J a n u a r y 2 9

government u,e uSDA sia lu re s lasl hmidr«lwelis o ts a e k s o l TwlnFnllsCn, the U.S. . proCTam wliw c r s tz to r ___ jo ta to lia rv iuxh . F riday —

2 housirInto the top 10.”

The m arket survey Indlcat detached single family home the m ost sought in 1979. “ Town ar a not a s . t l rong this , yoar ,* said, with the exception of •' where the demand is contlnulni

Goss also forecast good ne some of the larger urban areas .

“ The dowiitown boom In De spreading to tlie suburbs," hi “T here is Iremendous dem j Syracuse and. Buffalo. Also lc Increased housing sta rts in Cl bt. LoUlii. Mliiiieapoiis.-i)erivi Phoenix.

“ O n t blR surprise m ay w Seattle;' .The_ openlng‘T~o7_. mainland trade wUl be a lerrltli to thafarcaj* ': ,. ■- — -6 t3 3 3 -sa rd-inflation"7indi^s

t '

• W, T

^ 0

1c-missloii— alrpffr t .l c d 'l'cnR ! in SIno- a limousine ihn

leader lo Bla Boeing 707 Pennsylvania A\ andyellow. House____

W a S n 'p o n Srged from “ " , ' ^ > “ " 8 ' <! o( well f < * s American- l a m a c k ” ^® !!^

a t ' i l ^ K r g i e 'indale .lhe !?“I a t th<> unrepcntent ca '• - the China of Mao'

rehabilitated In l - > office again three

proposal," itw as< ^ .•1 ______bounced-back-to

tho sum m er of li It of the afterM oo’sdealh

President Teng has cnrhis grand c o n n e c t io n fie Monday bajance-of-powei;k tie s ta te preoccupied P n- - ' . whcn^he toasleLHn eyoked In the next w eel' II s - th n t- i t In.Hopcyillc.: him but Tool Co. in Hou.*:e " I h a v e A ircraft plani in? it was a will l>e bcamlnfiam very country the •Ines;

i accepted capitalism, has n China’s future.

9 .1 9 7 9 ^

• • •'


. sa id Idahoans can d ivert an eigh t of potatoeS{ incjpdjng IG, 5 County. With the addltohs, Uic will s o ^ up four pcrcen t of ■vest.

ngmariprices have ye l to '

ialed, Uie • “ No m a tte r wl e will bo wheUier It 's a mu vnhouses , Boston, a savlnip;

f -Tucson Los Angeles, dem ngl Is very, very slro,news for le tu p .”IS. (joss said firsJetro lt Is account for m ore i h e s a ld . In 1979. He sai^ th

n a n d In first-Ume buyer is look-for pcrcenl o t Jhe fii

Chicago, linderSS.iv e r a n d '......... w e looJr t o r '

• — sta rts in m 9 nnd well be . is a conservative

[^I5!i.In a f ‘T h eJ. i f lc b o o m '’ economic m entali — — — —'startfi^over'- UitJ^ "Soaring -------

■'^niiprfD- ' - B u s i n e s s

C lo 9 9 i f i e ^ ,_ C o m i c s . . . .

^ --------M a s l c V a i i eQ b U u a r i c s .P e o p l e ____S p o r t s ...........

• V - 7 o ,

eng throiii;tj iiri- i i nw d lo ^ that took tt '• Cfiiiu'se B lalr Hoii " across* '

a A v e n u e W h i t e * •

f lS t vl,sli >■{ .'t m ajo r im m u'n lst' i.;:i(ier to ilnce 'lhc Rc'i A'nnv of ig .d ro v e Chlunji k a l- can-backed Kinfriintanghina ’s mnlnlnnrt tm !M9. -------ig,.whohncl Ih- 'ii ru rg c ii '-------.•UieCultimiiftevolutlon,- - - llmlw rt^s'^rvc^r for

capltallst-ro;tcler.s” in laoTse-tunj', Bui In; was In 1973, tliOn c;i ;t r«ttt of lireeycitrKlM' i-. " n - the wassaid.of.M :." > hot-lo p r .v ^ ..... . In ' —if 197/,/ A , I|. 11 -vcar .‘Sth,

cnrrlcd In-- :;ic a n '1 f j i r iKfv.ii.ri l h e )wtT clip!uiii,ii'\' th o t P remier La»L’ Kii-lal"

teS7Jl.'<oii i '”' t;-:ivels >ei from (;’c I'oiv! M.jtor illj.J la^ b .U .iiiIu ;:lif» s - lOu.'itiiii ami ‘Ik! Ilm;lrig —I in liven-tl, Was!; . he ning back ,to hi.; own . nessnf^/^ A m erican .,IS n 'J ^ r o [ e . ) o .piny .in • -

15' ■


c- ■ ; ___ _

■' i

i i i '

1 anoUier 200,000 .fo r . .

, Uie gbven iu i'iin r" '- , of Idaho's 1978 . .

. . . . ^

'kets . -;ltodanipi‘inli.‘tn.-iiul. -*• who you c'lic'ck w ith, mutu.ll saviiif: bank ln

inip; ond lonn com pany

lemand for ly.nising s till • • strong with no .siyn of a

first-llme biiyen; will ore Uia'nlinlfdftho sa le s clthcavcrii|;o;iH(?ofthe- eris26nn(iir* 'rp than90 - e firKt-tiinr huyiTi; a r e - - • —

:or'l:e-mi:i:nr-'ht?iJ3ing-------------and lhT t7 ilrf•;•r-,^l[!llon,------- -—

itality g»iUi housing ..........—

© Q X ^ ' i . - |

. f . .■

^ v ^ ; . .-AIO-------

............... . . .A 7H e y . . i ------------- —a s . . : .............B2 ■ ■ '.....................A6.................B3-6

P p -S to o i

H ijacker I r

Woman hijiNEW ' YORK (UPI)

unemployed w rller whi AIrlines747Jetwllhl3li> had nitroglycerin faces federal officials said Suni

Irene McKinney of Cyi F ligh t No.-B'from LpsA r and demanded tha t seve her "cause" lo tlie Ameri• A t 2 a.m. Sundayraft

^ u n d a t 'K e n n e y Al McKinney was overpowe been negotiating with hci

Authorities g a b b e d he it contained nothing bul h e r airline ticket and p e r• F B I spokesman Quentl

who Is estranged from he------------airpo rt fla ft d i f i r g e o r

m axim um penalty of a prison.

• . However. w h en sh e ls i U.S. District Court In Bi

Arrest o f EPARIS (U P D -A n E a

and his wife have been spying while he w as wor

,, Scientific Research Cei Sunday.: The physicist, Rolf E F rench officials as a “ h

. wife were questioned J . - - fonnally charged J a i r t

Weather m• B yU nltedP

Snow moved out of th Lakes Into the easten

. A tlantic Coast sta tes p w a tu re s descended ov Rockies. .

Monroeville, Ind., was 6 Inches fell at-CI-a

^'system moved out of Indl• F ive Inches of snow fei .'m idnight whUe P itU bu ■repofted 3 inches. Hazar : m ;a te d by persistent sm •seaboard.' About 7 Inches of { •northw est mountains of m ofe Inches were expe

: m assed by winds gustlng• Wanda Jackson, a

. d ispatcher in Jo o n e , N. ' '2 w as requiring chains o r

w here wlnd*whipped sn< “ z w . ,

“ You can’t see beans,’___ :: the courthouse and I can

y i P U put your eyes out."

Cold, sm•: Falls, B urle

J ^ m e areas: Occaslor : ;• snow, will continue i

. - . 1. I- Monday. Low tem perat •! between zero and 5 ^ tonight, highs Tuesday I; -mld-ZOs.

: Wood R iver VaUey: Co ' • possible snow shower

• day.Lows to n ig l, zen ' below, h l ^ T u e s^ y : teens. 7

Synopsis: A wet, cold f ; the coast of Washingt ' m ove tow ard-Idaho- ^

b r i n ^ g the possibility 7 “ _j^oW 6H J‘flna me wjrti________ contlnuedcold tem perat

Snow will become___ general over Idaho^ T

with areas of n ig il an d r

Albuquerque 40 1 AUanta 33 2Boston .47 aChicago 31CTeveIjm'd S f 3

: Dallas 39 2' • Denver . . 21 •

----------- D esM oInes- . - l O - C... . Detroit . - 33 2

Honolulu 79. 6____j — iDdianapolls---------2 0 -2

'• K ansas City 13 0 . L asV egas '35 2

------ : — E «n \nge les------ MM-M• LouIbvIUo m 2

A-2 TImoo-Nowo. Twin Folio.

I r e n g M cKinney (ce

ijacker faces j*1) — A gaunt, 49-year-<i who com m andeered a Unit il people aboard by clalmlng sl ces" up to 20 yea rs In priso iunday.Cyprus, Calif., hijacked Uniti ; Angeles to New York Salurdj evera i Hollywood s ta rs prese lerlcan public over television, a fte r-th c plane had sa t on tl A irport fo^-sfx-hoursr- Mt

jwered by an FB I agent who hi her.1 h e r sm all flight bag and foui b u t personal effects, includli perfume.;n tln E rte l said M rs. McKlnne 1 h e r husband, w as booked a t tl ol a ir piracy, which carries : a 510,000'fine and 20 years

Is a rra igned by a m agistrate I Brooklyn Monday, alilhoritl

East GermanE a s t GeiiufHthucIear {)hys[cl

K<n a n ^ t e d and chargcd wl working a t the F rench Nallon C enter, F rench officials sa

f D obbertln, 45, described I “ h i ^ - level scientist,” and 1;

1 J a n .-19 In .P aris . They^we Trz rb y T h e sta te security cou

n a s ty ,d f t « s s International • f th e Midwest across the Gre te m Ohio Valley and midc JS Sunday an d ' freezing tei

o ver the N orthern P lains ai

vas layered with 7 Inches of sn( iS-awfordsville before tAe stor Indiana Saturday night.’ fell on tho nation’s capltal sln sburgh and Akron, Ohio, ca zardous driving conditions, we snow th a t fell a long the easte

if snow fell overnight In t ; o f North Carolina and up tc icpected. Three-foot d rifts we in g to 35 mph.a W atauga County Sherlf N .C id the Iilghw ay patl o r s tudded tires on m ain roa snow reduced visibility to ne

us,” she a n e d . "W e’re behl can’t see It. E verything Is vhH

w aw tuy weatirley and fog. Ovem5lonal I l ^ t degrees abs through ‘ ••ratureS'Of *

5 above / . play In lhe .

anu lower ^Cold with

vers Mon- ( /tero to 10 P In- Uic ' ' ■

Id front oU 30 j ' \ .ngton will ) - Monday.Ity of snow ...... —*irttiim y of --------ra tu res:m e ' m ore ' ' ' r t "K

T u e ^ a y , ‘ ; id m orning ' _ - --

"MUWIDlCCI 12 .... MlnneapoI 28 .... NewOrlei' 36 NewYorkll_ 28.,..^ _ ; . . . ..Oklahomir 3i)' .... OmahaI 24 .... PhUadelpI -7 .... — Phoenix !1 -05—.;.:- — PittsburgI 31.......... • Portland.L 68 .... Portland,U23-^------------------S L io u l^; 03 .'...^ SfiltLake; 25 .... --SanDlego[-MM-;... ’ San FrancI 25 ;... Seattle

ills. Idflhc M o n d a /. .fnnunry

:en te r) is e sco rted to

J possible 20 yiir-cld ' could reduce the cha nlted’ crew Iri its performi gshe charge carries a m a Ison, and one y ea r In priosn

None of the 119 pai nited aboard the plane wc irday • began when Mra, Md" jsen t a flight A ttendant thi in. - Charlton Heston or 1 the W agner) should find Mrs. Los Angeles Inlematli } h a d . Heston, dressed In .

a irp o rt with FBI agen ound I^t,er, Mrs. McKIni idlng York a 25-page "rellF

incoherent.”When the woman v

------ Walter—Yo6Sr*a-ch<les a term inal where^anx

___ passengers had been \

ite ln ■ ■ But one passenger: ritles ’ 'p lan h ad b w n festiv c

n spy made puslcl^ w ith aiding a foreign j wlih detrim ent of French I Ional The officials said I said G erm an and worke<i

y ea rs , had confessed d by Information to E ast C d h is . laboratory on high-po weiy • . Dobbertln was jail court' - pending their trial b

11-year-old child, thei TheDobbertinswei

offlcia] defected Jan. Bonn authorities In: couple. West Germa

1 ^ , tipped off their Frencl iddle Dobbertln, born in tem- educated a t Humwlc

' and by the espionage ser C arm an passport ant

snow , a ttheP olncaroJnstlli ;to rm - in 1963 Dobbertln w

center. At tha t time \S h 'werestem Andrus stI the WASHINGTON (U > to'4 , Andrus Sunday annoi Were of offshore oil and gas

Continental Shelf. :rlff’s • Andrus said the Fc latrol . a c i ^ off the New . roads M aryland and Virgin near ' toSOmilesoffshorc.a

Last'November, An chind sale becausii o f 'su b ; t'hlte, geologic hazards,"

{ state’ment. —

ither likelyemight lows; zero to 10 ; above ze ro jiig h s today - --£3

■^AiiONAi wiATHta’$f aviCE roRi

iHin, riwrinftTuMi^j^ ^ y

3K6o^~"' ^"ipolls 22 18 .... . rleans 47 33 .... ork 42 38 ....imaCIly----- 2 5 -1 3 ------------------J , 07- -2 ....elphia 39 30 ....X ?____ 55. 3 3 ..................irgh- - - 32 20 — id,M c. 37 -3 0 - '.... - ~ nd,Ore, 40 27 ....i i A ______ 2 i-1 5 ----- -------------keC Ily 20 -2 ....2gO ,. 5C 54’ .... anclsco 53 42 ....

41 27 ....

i r y 29,1979 -

to ja il by FBI agents

y e a r s ln prisocharge to th a t of hindering a rmance of duty. E rtel said: m axim um p e n ^ ty of a S1,00( losn,hesaId. '• passengers and 12 crew men was Injured In the'ordciil \

vicKlnney allegedly passed an ' , lhat said actors " Jack Lem or Ih^ Bionic Woman (Llr

ind a note in a telephone bocftl latlonal Airport.In a d ark jogging suit, went t

gents,"but no note was found th Kinney handed FB I agents in SIgious type” le tte r that was “

in w as o v e rp o w e re d by FBI j -c h e e p - r a n g - th r o u g h - t h r - U anxious f r ie n d s a n d rcia tlv i e n w aiting .

;er said the a tm osphere aboai Ivc all along.

lublic in ParisIgn power — E a s l G erm any— ch Interests. •Id Dobbertln, who posed as a ked in IheT esearc lj cenler I sed lo being a spy at\d transm s t G erm any concerning w ork; i-powered la se r Beams, jailed while h is jd f e , 41, was il because shea jjtjs t care for the sourccs s a id r - were c a u ^ t when an Elast Ge Jan. 18 to West G erm any and

Information on the Paris-1 •man security agents immed: ench colleagues, the officials s; I in Schwerin, E a s t Germany boldl U niversity. He was rcci service around 1959, given a and sent to P a r is w here he st stltute.n was hired by the French rea ne he m et a Wesl German gtr ich In P aris.

sells oil —(UPI) — In terior Secretary

nnounced the second round of gas leases in the Mid-Atlantic

; Feb. 28 sa le would Include G jw Y w k,-I^ew Jersey , Dela ginla coasts. T he trac ts a re fr e, a t depths of 177 to2,461 feet., Andrus rem oved 27 tcacts fro substantial geophysical evldei 5 ” the deoartm en t • said

[ f ; , :

^ to continand T uesday In the leens I

FORICASI io 7*Pm Es't 1 - ? v - 7

P \

y J , { \*ATUHT*

NtWOnLCANt \ . • giAui

. ' E 2 3 - '

t d a h o ■

Max MirBolso 21 0!

------ B u riey ...............— 12 "02Gooding 23 0<Idatv) F alls 05 -S

• Lewiston • 24 2C . -M cCall - -- ■ 23 -f

------ P oca td lo ........ — 08 "Salm on ' 00 0(

T w I n F a l l SMax Mil

Ycsterdav> o;


A fter- m op publicity and adm lnlstratlo: full diplomatii substantial pi people StUl dis Peking a t th wllh Taiw an. New York T in

Bul support strongest am i

-------m ore highly- ea modest Inc eariierpoll.

Overall, 3 Amcrlcans-Jc

’ Tuesday and T^resldent . -C


^ N a: an a ir _J: T hai Ir: oecI whichLnoteto WASHINGTmmon, ‘ adm lnlstratloi ..indsay Monday fo r C( (fth” a t plan to protei

against high : t to the . p a rt.o I .tlie p there. - p ro ^ a m . in New .. Chances ar ; ' ‘quite gressw U lklck

T reasury1 ajjcnt Blufnenthal I; 1! II •

ivcs ^ r ■ during tesifn t writing Hou5

Committee, tard the ' opposition to ii

The plan b< ' . . Inflation exce<

------ calls for a $^ insurance” ti

workers who- - l o t h e guideline hold

ceiling, a West 'I t would g iv

: for 15 ■imittlrig ■ - -

1” Delor the ir ■ ^

l ^ f r r ^ C is - b a s ^ WASHINGT

(nsurahce.-sol (or monUily

"y. a m o u n t^ Is v,:cruited undereducatw a West scanty c o v e r studied Commissions!

Some polic ^ a r c h prem ium s th; 'irl who . bacKln benefi

grocery mon( paid up, the F

. . . - > • I t said slal should c rack <

•y Cecil . limiting its { of sa le s insurance it ci ic O uter , lssu6 paid-up

have paid as: 649,987 law arc,f r o m * Italian IZo'c collaps

h l^ w a y bric River collapsf ing two au tom of. w aler wl apparently dri

O fflcerssali . • 92-year-old s!

n f f A near the norl collapsed bcci

C5T55S------ “ 1-------------------- :ByU nlted

»TonK Today is Mday of 1979 wil

^ . The moon Iphase tow ard

The m om li Venus. M ars £ ■ Theevening

' .Those born

E n g l i s h - / ,+t) crusader. Th(

Jan . 29.1737.t ..............O n th lsd ay :

----------------- r-in-i66h-K<= } .. P ' - - slnle In tfie Ur

■ --------im goo : c i rorganized a s They- fw e re

lin P ep C leveland, 102 .... Kfihsas City, ■02--r.T'— ....ncaflolis.07 .... In 19i6,'Ty•9 .... C:hrlsty M ath20 ' ....' Honus Wagnc-fl men elected■■-11:.-..“ ■ ■ Fante;-------00 .... .. In 1977, hei

- ned New Yor’ other a re a s

prccedented c plln P ep A t h o i ^ t02* .... A m erican fn

ADAMCLYMER rim es Service 101 than a, ‘month of ind explanations for. the tion’s dccisloh'lo eslablish atic relations with China, a p lurality of the A m erican

disapproves of recognizing- th e exi^nse of re lations

[H. according lo the la te st 'Irnes-CBS News poll, o rt fo lv^e policy, a lready imong ^ e r income, and . jr educated groups, s h o w ed '• increase over that In an

32 pcrcent of 1,500 •Jotervicwed between la s l id F riday said they felt •Carter "should have

itronal gins fiiGTON (UPI) - The Lion kicks off Ils cam paign • congressional passage of )tecl cooperating w orkers . tl Inflation in*1979, a key ! prcsldentls antl-Inflation-

a r e excellent thal Con- ick It righi back again.

Secretary Michael I Is expected to m ake a I for aooroval of the plan-- itimony before, the lax- ouse Ways’ and . M eans , tAvhere considerable0 It i r e a d y has surfaced. , becomes effective should

ceedZ percenl this year. II1 $2.5 billion “ real wage

tax crcdit to reim burse10- agree lo follow lhe new olding wages to a 7 percen t

Jive a perccnlagc rebate to

^bitlifei Urmze iG T O N .(U P l)-D e b it life sold door-to-door and paid_Iy - o r ' weekly in sm a ll ' - ; victimizing the poor and ited with high prices for ■erage, a Federal T rad e n study said Sunday. - licyholders pay more in •• lhan they will ever gel e fits and somctiriies spend oney to keep the policies I FTC staff study said.Ilate regulatory agencies :k down oh the Industry by i profits and how. m uch t c an sell; by ordering it to up policies to those who a s much ns tho policy is -

nbndge yse deadlyio r~ ita ly ~ ^ U P i) — A— iridge over the Brem bo psed early Suriday, plung- jm obiles Into neariy 50.(eet w here t h e '8 occupants drowned, poIicoyMid, a i d the ccntral arch of the

stone*.brldgo, which Is o rlh em city of Bergamo, ccau.w of swift.currpnts In ^ u s e d by heavy recen t '

ted P i ^ International Monday, Jan, 29, the 29th

w ith 336 to.follow:- n Is moving from I t s ^ w • rd ils first quarter.•ning s ta rs are M ercury, • •sand Saturn. in g s ta rlsJu p ite r. rn on this dale a re ,u n d e r

i - A m c r lc a n f r e e d o m . rhom as Paine-w as bo m _ 7.j y In histo ry :* - - — - ■ K an 3 a9 -b ec am e-lh e-3 4 th -r— U n io n , " • - - • : . - : - r . ^ ; lg h ta s the American L eague.'” r e B uffa lo , C h ic a g o , - .

D etroit, 'ta d ia n a p o lls , ty , MLwauKd? and Min-

r y Cobb, W alter Johnsonw.._ ithewson, Babe R u th 'an d ' jn e r became the first five fd to the Baseball Hall of

heavy Job layoffs Ihreate- fo rk and New Jersey and a s because bf a n _ u n r ' ' d cold wave. 'J i t for the day: E a r ly - .- freedom fighter Thom as

• • a

,-Chin\ p i ^ e d for closer lies w ith C

CHina even though th a t me Ing off relations w ith th Nationalists on_Talwan,’! disapproved and g pe’rtfen had no o p i n i o n . „.

The. t « t . sam ple *^a$ a] dfvided, as w ere m ost o f graphic subgroups withir Carter’s decision to invi President R ichard-M . Nb sta le dinner M onday nig

• While House for C hina’s ser premier, Tcng Hsiao-plng.' pereent approved and 42 p

' not.Republicans tended to’s

Invitation-to the form er with 64 pcrceni in favor and

__p p p o ^ . ___________

ilix>age ight in

complying ekpployec group ent to the percentage by cost of living during 1979 percent. It would -apply o: first CO,OOOof earned Inconl

It Is the only m ajo r tax pr president Included in th e $5: budget he subm itted to Cor week. A dministration estim ate about 47 m illion \ the 96 millfon work force includpdlntheplan.' bu r^ven bi'torL* Blurncn m ake his pilch, the plan w. treiible in the commlttdc, M

members siild it would not ififlatlon much. S om ^sa id would be loo costly and c administer.

Chairman Al U llm an.-D said he.^docs not oppose o u tr l^ t , bul unless .subsli! port for the m easure surfaci commlllec hearings, it

in s ^ b ^ poor, Sl

worth; • by limiting how surance can b e -so ld to

.household, and by condu sum er educalion cam paign

The report said tha t, cont popular belief tha t such in

- - on tht? way out, th e re a re •"JWrnllilon such policies In f

United States — aboul one two people — a^d prem iur loJ3bIlIlonayc 'arS '

“rhe typical custom er, I I5 $3,00Cto$10,000pcrycar, Is female and living In the Midwest.

Although the policies a: every state, il sa id , th

-'Particular conceatration

Ol-WEi. . . a r e nov\

_ s to r e ! . . .


It y o u d o r

Membor of Audlt-Bui - OfJia5T'City"ond-Coi

r>: ' h*-Wftitr^T-wrn- FoH». '!(

~ 631-OQO),


. Jl.O O pcrw ook., Colloclod ovory 4 woSUBSCRIPTIONS, catl circu

: parlmBnt, 733-M 31, 5:00 o. p.m,; Mon,,Frl„*5:00 o .m .’l Soturdoy.OEUVERYHBVrCErcolt eiVci portm oni.'733-0931. M on'

! ' o,m. to 10:00 o.m ., i< you fail your nowlpo'pof boforo 7:0t1

t i M l f t 'N I W

' ar.fl... d :,--.. d_.:i ’ -

app*©’laiics Gjmmunlst--------Democral3-<

ncant b re a k -. by a ratk) of,5i the Chinese approved the c ’! 46 percent the m ost appro ent said they Opinion" on -----------------------recognizing"?

K ' S

Dcrcent did •percent did

,-«nnnflii the breaking relai ir p S id e n t, P ercent appro' „d32pcrccnl

- ...................... - no opinion has


lUps equlval-" • shelved,y which (he ' A commfdee'9 exceeds-7 an lce ld ea ,b u tonly 'to the ' for u s in detail

)rte. Itw on 'tgo .” proposal the$531.6 billion Ilongress last ! ;< I

officials1 workers in « •:e would be K I H Q I

untliafcould------- tAS-VEQAS;was in deep • M iller, 61, of M an o an c l o th e r players S

lot hclfr slow firs t prize a t the lid the plan • B lackjack. .I dlfflcull to' M iller surged

stra ig h t aces i D-Ore., has jac fe -w lth 23 i

the plan' p lay and won g ;lantjai sup- hour .finals, 1 aces early In • outdistanced . would be Singapore, who

f c e s r f f c tudy sh

V much In- Southeast, to 'a n y orie The report cil iucting con;. —” Onc Giae jns.' ( ' Oakland, Calll n trary lo the ten-year pay 11 insurance |s h e r grandson, i e more than would provic n force In the endowment of ne for every Only afler sh ums amouni prem ium s for

. advised that th il said, cam s ils face value c is non-white, d ea th .” he'South or —" In Temi

w om an until re arc sold in m onth on.30 II there Is a oul of her S

)n 'In the Incomeof$l77.

B k l F i l l

EAT VARIETY Bw In y o u r fa v o rite . in th e F r e e z e r s '


j n ' t s e e I t asl<

J J f

, TWIN FALLS, jDAHO Buroqij ol Circulolion ond Unitod Pi :oor»ty^Now»popOcnor>UorU lo Soc fanf«i>y-itea)gnatod o« th«^oy ol |] 'ho publljhod. Pubiiihod dolly oiJdflba_M ao3r-by::^


■■■•culoilon do- ■ /'o.m..lo5;00,- /3 .nonlln i.'lo noon o n \ I <> monihs

ifculation' clo- "n'SoA--5-00 ' ‘'b .c, , loinod.W l T O L L > rB II P H O N I N

HolllM.*r, ,

■ ■ i"

------- ---------r; — »|-------- -------

)vesS ::Z T Z ]Zjta-opposed-the-lnvitatiOn— ^ of 51 to 46. The group that he*change in re lations v<as iprovlngoftheinvitatlon. , on the basic question of

g“ Pckliig while" breaking---------vith Taiwan has undergone little changc a s m easured the last tw ayears. icsCBS poll taken In

on the weekend after nnouncement of recognition ' percent in favor and 45 )poscd.-‘rw o y ears earlier,[uestion was p ul in te rm s of cognition a t the cost of , relations with Taiwan, 28 iproved and 42 percent did

rentage bf those expressing has’d ed lnedab it,- ---------- -

ranee-fess[«ee source told UPI, " I t ’s , but unless they can outline jtall How Its going to work,

:kjack [ named3A SrN ev.-fU PIh— Elton--------of Denver, defeated sbc

:rs Sunday to win a $50,000 it the fjret Championship of

rged into the lead w ith two •HIS and face ca rd black- 23 minutes rem aining of •

on going aw ay In th e two- 'v s. His $3,720 total fa r !d Norm an Hem, w ho lo ta llcd$ l,l^ . ’



^ oU )S ';rt cited these exam ples:GlO^ly b lack w oman In Calif,, was sold .a $1,000 ly life insurance policy on on, under t h e ^ [ s e tha t iU . . rovIdci9'-' ’an'""'CducatlonarT- I of $1,000 a fte r 10 years.' she had pa id mon'tjily

for 10 yea rs w as s h ^ - ^ it the policy would pay off T lue only on h e r ^ a n d ^ n 's

reimessee, one elderly ,11 recently spent $99.85 per 30 life and health policies r Supplemental S e c u r ity ^ 5177.00.” „ • ' .

BREADS 1ite g r o c e r y r s e c t io n ._________


i s k f o r it!

od PrMt Inlarnotional.J soeiioi»'ACaoWdohd=i=- “ol lh« wo4}k,on vwhieh.— ------

ly or 133 Third Sirool

10, nmM .^5^^USPS

tA IE S t

(Do.lySSui.iloyi - V J ?5

.-* • 12 35■----- -’_.-24-5o -

I JS-PO 1—^Kl'pliom flff \oiil oniy "II'I (li-iivoiv 'I<0>n




Rock— — NEW Y ORK'fUPir^^-Tfn

fo rm e r Vicc P re s id e n t Rockefeller was crem aled Su

-------- A - private - m em orial ~scschedule for the form er Vji den t today on the powerful Pocantlco Hills esta te in We: County, a family spokesm an:

Rockefeller, one of the wealthiest mefl' and a f govem or of New York, died c a ttaek ’Frlday night a t the age


one day In an average / hospital in 1574, a patien t hi al)out $118. Today, the char, be$181,-or53'percentmorc.

But that's just the aver; W cst,-governm ent-flgureB-

^._,oneKlay hospital s tay may . muchas$234,.

F'e.w...people stay Just however, The average Is ' government says.'

Using slalisllcs J ik e th( administration will t r y again lo put a legal Ud on soaring

V llzatlon costs. Last year, 1 Congress wasn’t Interested.

“ There will be no c lea re r t( commitment of this-C?r.bU-j anti-lnflatlon figlit,"- Preslder

•• sa id recently, "than Uic legl

^ C ^ e f tcWASHINGTON (U P l) - ;

.■c panel haS told President Ca ■ any dnm can fall and Uie go\

should prepare nearby resii emergency escapes."

• C arter ordered a review c dam safety practlccs in Aj

• ..almost one year a fle r the co '* '.,.Uune 5, 1376, of the Teton D

Rexburg.•‘'.'-BJeven persons w ere ki inlllioas of dollars worth of and livestock w ere lost whon collapsed, sending a 20-fool

'■ w ate r down the SnnkeRlVer.• ‘‘Perhaps the most func principle of dam safety is ret th a t every dam runs come failu re ," ^ald the repo rt f Fran k Press, d irector of. U House Office of Science and ogy Policy,’

The report said federal, a: dam -builders should riot “ com{jlaccnt, overconfidei perhaps even arrogan t In U

— that-they know wllh cerlalnt; build adorn that will not fall.”

S e n ; Kf o r c a f

. WASHINGTON (U P I) • Edw ard Kenhedy soys he'wll new powers as ju d ic ia ry Co: chairm an to try to bring

— penally-b ili-befonrthc-Scns Ihougli he cap ita l m ent. .' In an Interview. Kennedy, I recalled thal, during last Senale debate bn . his prop rev ise .the entire U.S. crlm ln

. .' h e promised some allies h< w ork for consideration of a punishment bill th a t mei StjpremeCourt’stm ldellnes,-

... .1-'-^rihdicoted I would do evor could tdsee legislation reporK th e commlltee, and I stand

— cornmitirierfir;’'h e8 a} < P ‘Evcr —-i-bave-a*perM naV B bJ& oll^— imdp'rstnnri tKp y ftn^-r^ mpn- u iu ico im nillee”

■ He added, hq'i'cver, tJ^at li . ^ e r e were some very stror

'b e r s In opposition (to a death -_’-:blU).w)io.wcre ah le .ta lw ttle ll

:ihere Is no guarintee lhe mea; .gelou t ofcorhmlttce th is tim e ; ThebllU ikclylobcsubm itU

,_:.overcQtiia the Supreme-CoUrl , : tions-to the death penalty bj , - ;u p spcclilf S idelines fo r 'a

; consider before Imposing th• ptnolty. The court ru led th : penajty unconstitutional on gi : was oppUeU unevenly In the

— ''bU iiesr----------T"— ------------______

P o p e J o h n P a u l I I r i l

i e f e l kThe body o f ' ' ' Aides o r i ^ : !nt N elson bo crcm aloc iSundav. followed by ■ ^ 'rv lce -Is— serv leoschcdi Vice Presi- fam ily cemeli

•fui .family’s esta te . Westchester . T here was r an said. body was cron he nation's planned.1 four-term G e o r g e .1 cd of a heart spokesman, s; agenr-70, ' p lace "sonieli:

'M c g s t— To spend ■ will subm it a,2 American down inflation t had to pay HEW Secre [large would . told a Senatec . . . legislation wil verage. Out the next monll;«B-fihowr^4t-------rWHhouHtrh'nay run as • "w ill ea t up :

■' ev erj’ federal fis t, a day, ' The main Is six ,' the specliVc, bill ;— defeated In sl. thesCj. the voluntary

ain this year pose mandateIng hosptia- not mcl,r, if failed. The main ■d. . inflation.■r tesl of tlie Hospitals ai,U-ss to the today for thi[dent Carler ' rubber gootj.';,[eglslallon 1 a re beyond a li

iold a n y c- A special Two federal C arter that D epartm ent’ I government and the Armj •esidehls for have bulll. hu

• • westernlitates,w of federal The report,

April 1977, recommended• collapse on Dam'Safevy 0n Dam near of m a itrto ls a

dam ^allure.killed and “ Each agenc

of pronerty, .fo rm u la te anhon t ^ a m nesS phin infoot wall of each existingor. said. “These jundamcntal available'lotlierecognition The report

im e risk of federal dani-t from Dc, “ Immedialeiyi Uie White review ot thend Technol- affect the safet;

s ln ic tu res ,”I and other Governmentlot becomc of the Teton Da.ident, and and ^onslruc tin tho belief have been due iilnty how to tion proceduresill." On Friday, ai

C e n n e dp i t a i p iI _ Sen. two couri prc 'wlli use h is determ ine the ; Committee and the second

lg a -d ea th heshouldbesencnatc-cvcn------- Kennedy, wh<ta! punish- ja m e s Eastlam

of the ’Influenll y, D -M ass,,. tee, also said hi a s t yea r’s approve gun c iroposal to term .Tilnal code, . ,

vory tiling I tional Rifle Ass orted oul of ,

, , legislation In lh It losl y e a r and I expect I Tong mem- able to face us c a lh penalty Kennedy alsc lelt,up ,” job -a.-de leasurewUl problem s on me. citizen has Ingelltlod would “ ’n je re a re 'i U rl'aobjec- thocourtS;-and ’ bj; setting _ t( jo m any ln^tat r 'a J u ry to groups, Ts nol : the death “ Beyond this,[ the death prohibitive, ' n grounds It “ T h ls lsb rin i the vorloas inpskepUclsmi

whole rule of U ____ —- . . . .. ,

rides in an open ca r t

ef crei^ n l ly said his body woiild . ^ tod Monday m orning, ty a private mem orial its cduled-for-ll ,a.m . a t the letery al the R ockefeller m

IS no e.'c^anatlon w hy 'the ci< •em aleda day e arlie r than hij

fai• T a y lo r , a f a m i l y ce

, said the crem ation took' 1 eliine.Sunday uiornliif’ a t sa

ts ju m p ^: again this-year.l.tff-.hold-; coioninhosplta lcare ,” ' 1cretary Joseph Califano '!te hearing last week the Hewill-be .■;ubmltted wJthin- bunih. . ' po

ip more than i:j cents of m; a ido llarbyl9«3 ,“ -n features of the pro- brII are sim ilar to tho ono A isl.year. It' will call for. chguidelines but would im- cuntory eonlrols if they a re ex

livn culpril -in all Oils Is ' '

li\are paying much more ' Ar

thing.s like food, paper,' wli}ii. utlitics. Thoso pricos fct a hospital adm inistrator's

dam can jra l agcncies, the Interior spi I’ Bureau of Reclam ation An •iny Corps of Engineers, Re hundreds of dam s in 17 pai fes. ‘ , Cairt, released last week, 1 [cd creation of a Federal Sl [ ' Office,'pius preparation wo 3 at dam sites to aid in a Soi

20-;ency should'im m ediately Sac in emergency prepared- . n appropriate detail fon . lg slruclure," the report e plans should .be jnade tliegeneralpubllc," , rt also called for each ini-building agency to 'I Iy undertake a tliorough .he praclices Uiat could, fety and integrity of these

cromt reports on tlie collapse Cal Dam noted several design iction defects thal may ue to Bureau of Recloma- P 'sres:........ ............ ........................ Inlc, an Interior D epartm ent sefj

d y w i l l 1

proceedings — onij to ‘ Umle guilt of the defendant 0nd to determ ine whether ‘ -sentenced to death. tioi

who succeeds retlred’Sen, ^ and, D-Miss., a t the helm:nllnl Judiciary Commit^ , ‘ l h e doubis Congress wili1 control legislation this • -- L . . -. .- • mu

iglysupp&pttd legislation v ith h a n d g u n s a n d ly_ . .S a tu rd a y n ig h t tio. sold, “ buf we face a [ul oppusitiuii In ttiu' Na- \ssoc]ation.

y purpose rca lly for llbc^ U p e d a l s ’ are.sliooling------U jd jw ifor-sportrbtit-^he— [llS'A^oCTaflDTrlias Dbuii

1 Ihecom m ittee-foryears, gen; :t Uiey will probably bejs down again." forilso said he brings to his '( .qU -deep .-concern - o v c r-U ia _ c o nan average 'A m erican n jdigettingJusUce. -tho<c interminable delays in ^ p i nd^cQoss totho .courtsin-itances, to m any different . ou,( l o l ' available,” he s a id r _Is, Uie cost Is virtually .u ,e

' • • In 1ringing aboul an Increas- KenmjuKLcyolclsnLalMUl.the _ - di f low ... Therc is no eosy

i i mr th ro u g h Piiebln, W

!mate<a W estchester trciiialariu would nol identify the ae in a i ils exact location.

“ I'd p re fe r not lo. .if y m ind,’’ Tay!orsaid.

Lim ousines cnrryini’ Ihe k clan 's re ia tives pulled Uirc higli gates of the estate Sund; family, assem bled for ’lhe cerem ony.,

F am ily spoke.snKiti llufih saiil Davjil Rodu'fi'ller,

'^3% sh.control.

But th ere a re other rea.sons . One has to do wilh dcmo^ Hospitals depend on Ihelr loi

-business. If an area is populaUon, vach patient m

-more-so-that~tti&-looal4HWf m aintain high healthcare s\a

Then there jjre- the tcchi breakthrouRJisn^ohe comc.s A hospital administrator h cholcc when he must decide cutting costs and .pu^ha expensive machlno IhaT m lives, —

C arter contends that ‘'over live yCars my propsals .w A m ericans a . total of SfK) b which S25 billion will be savir federal l)udgel.'’

The. indiistn.’ bridles at

[ fa4^spokesm an eaid .Secretar Andrus has decided Ihnt th ? li R ec lam atio n must redesi parlla lly bu ilt Auburn I Califo'mla due to earUiqunke r

Tlie A uburn Dam. cslimalci $1 biflion.itvas to have been oi w orld's ••largest and tallest Some ex p erts said If the dam 20-foot wall of w ater would 1 Sacram ento in twohours.

At th e 'sa m e time,' Uie dep; announced th a t a fault,ruiis th' of Uie O’Neill Forebay'Dain, a facility in (^alifornla's w ater ( syslem.

The departm ent said some 2 acre feel of w aler will pass the C7-foot-hlgli dam Uiis year, lo su p p ly . half a million a cropland and about one-1 California’s residents. .

“ A ccord ing lo bureau eng ineeers,-the . dam is moc plasUc In n a tu re and would rc integrity-jn . all-.but-thc-mosr scfsmicj events,’’ the departme

p u s l i M e e t ■Uial I have .’’

On o lher topics, Kennedy .sal —He will revive anti-trust

lion requiring break-ups of

com panies from controllini alternative m rg y 'so u rc e s : um anium nn<!^;olar iwwer,

—He' opposes California G- m und <j. Brovyn's call constitutional convefition to j amendmOnl requiring a bi federal budget, lie said lhat p Is'hol-,"sound ceonomic pollc exnre.ssod concern such a con might “ Uireaten some of Ui b asic an d fundam ental liberties.’’~ -^ H c '^ s~ d e tm n in c d - to “ 1im hstnnU iU lyrtligrjiuiD ti^ot:m ^h tnpks nn"the g m l b o n c l

senatorial nominations for where oiJy while males are pi for new d istric t Judge.shlps', Hc could take • a l leasl, l(i moi confirm-alI-lhe-117-new judg added, “ 11 m ight be iha i wc Uiosc nom inees Uiat seem lo b r^ rg se n lo tlv e nnd pul Uiom front of-tiic list,--I suppose Ui otharsjnay-gct-Uic-word.".. .

- H e expects Jijnm y Carte Uie Democratie-presidenUal n In 1980, and lo win re-eleclic Kennedy's support.- But K ennedy said he loo l.s n ire' loES 0 m ile four or five

Mexiqp on S u n d ay

; d , f u r■ium ." Ik- li ro th e r a n d ch la to r iu m (ir C'ha.'^e M anhnl

in to K ennedv you d o n ’l I ’o rs ia iT G O T n

w as clue lo a r l a te polili- c'.stiilfoarlyvSiii

iro u g h lh e .M orrow sa id id a y ,/ts th e l le r fam ily , iiji i e p r iv a te M a r g a r e t t a

. '- c h i ld r o n , Rod :li .Mori'dv,- .M ary, N clscn

N eI.son's f ;a t lie rfd a l K;

nee 194liuK iaiice a n d i

• . an iiun l co st-inc

lographiirs. is P“ Slo n ilu s • ‘“ i.rc ;Is lo s in c irerccTit cn cli : m u s l n .iv ■ " '0 " l >'P 1» Pr.r

— imutltJl'.! \a[i(inrtl^ A d n iin is lra lc :lino lo |;ira l <-■»"- '»;.s clii'.il)lv. I 's p c n s fs :

h a s l i l l l ! '- . - • " ' ' r i ' lo I jc tw rcn ’ l ’ri'-.nilmls.> h n s in c .a n imr.son cou ld Ijc m a v sa v .. - S a m o - d a y s

- P r o v id in g .

c r th e n e x t f*'*" f’''-''-'will s-ive d e rg o e s s u r g e r billion,’ of

/in g s in th e I c n n m a lly ill._ '^ r e a t p a t ie n ts V’l

a l -R 'c lira i “ K slalili.sliin w h e re s u r g e r y i

" R e t i r e m e n t be d s , • ■ .. C r i t ic s o f ri.s th e U n llod S la t

i r y C ocil J ia lld i i ." ■ H iiro a ito f '' w tia t of iisiR ti ll ie dono

D a m I n ' ' -ind te a r e r i s k . • r a i l r o a d acc id le d lo co sl peo p le , one o f th e o n e hospit.

?st d a m s , PUl It. “ Y ou cj n fa iled , a q u a l i ty o f healU i h a v e h it

'p a r tm e n t - / j - Uie le n g th I U, a c ru c ia l j • Ir d e l l v t -17 \ / ]

c 2 miil’ion*"5 th ro u g h 6 r S /ir , cnougli /

a c r e s of /e -h a lf # f . f y -

I d e s ig n 1 *lo d e ra le ly \r c ta ln i ls \ .•

s t^ io lc n t""^ ----------- ^n e n t sa id . \

- ©

' r \

;a id: i5t l e g is la - .)f enei'gy,and ■ ga s - -------------------------in g such ; a s coal,

G ov. E d- - - ............■1 f o r a ) p o ss an ba lan c ed

; p ro p o s a lI le y " uudo n v e n lln n ________ 'Uie m osl

h u m a n - .

- in c r t’a s i? - - ■“i t s ' o m c n ^ " z z m z r z r : ^ c h -a w H t^ — ~ —

ir s ta le s p ro p o sed 'H e sa id illo n th s to • ' - • ■ d g e s -o n d — - - - • — t c ’ll take;) b e ^ r c m on th eU iat w a y • '

t e r to b e n o m in e e —^

t io n w ith

ru n n in g ; e d n y s a


8SH ^7 Sunc ^ 20

. . a p o l P c

r ^0 pr T hei

------------ Tea^

. • figui ' Vers Ja llj

' n , th e y Com

n e r a l ichairio iU i of the boai-d of-r 2

h n lta n B ank , w as fly ing 'oL'dy A irp o it from Ihe 7'Il Sund irj^f(iT i?oon , a n d > a rr iv e a t th e .T a rry to w nvSiinday evcfttofu Ra id m osl o f ihe jR ockefe- oiiOL-luiiing N elson 's w l f e \ C

i “ H a p p y .* ’ a n d s ix ' ' h i lod ina ir , A nn. S teven ,I'n j £ , a n d M ark , h a d jjiK ykuil m ansion on IhO (j

•, ■ o\

7 4 ■ ::' i " w

id r e je c ts lhe D,7 pe rc en t in c re a s e cap Uie adm inis- plishing. H osp ita ls h a v e . rc 'duce e.xpense.s by* 2 ll y e a r , i.e ., if eN penses ^c i f r c e n t i n 1973, 8 p e rc en t

a to rs s a y se v e ra l oU ier by done to hold dow ii re

111te n siv e u se of hom e c a re ; lis sion te s tin g lo see i f ,a [b e tr e a te d a th o m e ; ly s u r g e ry ; 'lg a .S(3c.^d d o c to r's opi- ' ' ’I .■e b e fo re a 'p a t i e n l un- •ery . • ' - ip a lpen.sive fac iiilii\s. fo r th e ill. fre e in g hosp ita ls to s who c a n benefit from — liinti " s u r i - c ry - c e n te r s " ' ry is . l l i e s 0k-s|)ec ia lly , en l o f unused , 'h o s p i t a l . i ^

ri.sing h o sp lta l 'c o s ts s a y ' ta le s is “ ove rbedded a e < r ■' ^

of Jhe a d m in is t ra to r w ho ^ le a w a y w llh Isi) unused }arns th e re h a s been a . c iden l lh a t in ju red 75

. m

p ita l In d u s try spokesm an : c an n o t c o m prom ise th e a lU ic a re . '’ ^

S m

- T -T - • ^ ---------------------

W ITH C. . Y o u

. b u s i n e s s i

L c

— _________ j Q i 3 £

" ■ ■ ■ : C a l

■ ■ n


Marxism,don tmbf.PUK'u l A, M exico '(U PI) -»

■steners hissed Pope John Pi unday when he told a stadium < f 200,000 lo rem em ber Christ w . political revolqUpnary..

Pojie John Paul’ H laid it on th 0 poiiUcal activists in the cfi 'h ere is no room in his chi eachm^jT to r M arx is t ana Jeolog>-.orpollllcaj action. • -

“ This Idea of Christ as a po igure, a revolutionary, as thi uasivcwnan from-Naznreth.-do ally with the church 's teaching, he Polish pope, the firsf fr 'ommunist nnliftn

toda^250-acrc e sta te lo ca tcd ‘20 m

'o f M anhallaiTby la te Saturd. 70 relatives wx»re exDcclec

.service.It was originally repor

Rockefeller died a l 10:15 p.: office on the 56th floor of Rc Center, and w as found slum

' his desk by a bodyf^ard . ' ' However, It was la te r reve

he died in a private offl fashionable four-story bn owned by the Rockefeller far W .5}UiSt,.justoffFlfUiAvcn

Police said two officers we townhouse a t Il.-IG p.m, aflf w as p laced to the 911 emergency line.

Waiting a t the lownhouso w Megan M arshack, describec coordinator of his art book S ecrc t, Service agent Andn f man,''who adm itled the office

.. Morrow Sunday exploined betw een th e tim e R od reporlt*dly suffered Uie attaci( tim e two pollcc officers.wer townhouse a s ^ n t r ro r .

“ A person Innfi^rately tim e of Uii h e a f t jm c k as 10 It was aciihit|vJHPa,"^ he s j whole scc id cy V ^ H W sjrQ is

H e i ^ f f i i l c r J I pO'book a ^ u i r a l K n J ^ H l h i Uie a i t ^ c k ^ ^ K ^ ^ d

'■(TTer___I h t u l o f ^ ^ K ^ l a l e r joi^ q ]Q l^ c d > J ^ ^ K h ip lc d In ^reViro before lal

,• ^ ^ c ^ f c h a l l Smith, c U n i o O i ^ K - v / n i ^ f i c l a l p r i ^ j j f l P P I c M dnday ot U c \ ( K f y ^ P ^ n t I c o Hills,

. / ^ k n p r f a l tribu tcufor .' ^ s ( |p p h te lo s < £ ^ rs o n a l fri ' national m l I n t^ a t lo n a r p :flclals will be held Fridoy, F 11 a.m. a l R iverside Church R'ev.'WilHam-SIoane Coffin pr


SL A SSIFl U c a n a d v e r t i :

3 i n d u r B u s i n e

. o o i < f o r a j o b

5 S o f I n t e r e ^

'. I - . . "

a n g B r x r e e d g c

all o n e p f o u r l

" A d v i s o r s T o i

7 3 3 0 9le ■Pimes-

1 3 2 3 r d S t .

. ■ M ontiay. liio

1, Catholu K, pope s(■» Some The speech was Paul II Uie pope's most Im n crowd 'd ay reign and w; was not selling Uie coursc fo

future, particular] the line • “ demonstrating ~Joh church: toward the so-c£ :hurch’s lhooin]«y " ■•>iro-.><y iialysis, Uitin America b u of llie world aspoIlUcalthe .sub- -'The r i ^ of “libe does-nol- a lly ln ^ lh e church ig,“ said with Marxist revol from a most controversial

day meeting.

[ T ' • ADVER

y llonsr,miles north frday.A bout Q ltled for Uie J* " ^

^ r ' s i y F morted thntp.m, a t his iNlLr..S..|ll. Rockefeller a small ,for imfljfd over • •.'ause a hm

idea her glavealed Uiat • ffice in ajro w ^ to n c In a Iclam ily a tl3cnue ' Bradfnr a l i o t t l c "■ .T id s la p t liter a call 'V11 po lice M aili'iiii. V

uTtitc: “ I J lW e Mrs.. ■'“ ’5 P ia lf ,led a s - a ^“ i‘* ■'oks," and l'»>l '1>« I;,*--' drew' Hot-cers. "'f, I 'l" ';Ml Ihe lac . 3 acu ially val

le k e le ile ; -ck and llie M acA n . '.r | ■enl to the .- . 'In . 'p r ic c is

hi^h, he sai gave Uie " ' i ' " '

10:15 p . m . . ■ i l r a l s . i n h . . bjld, "T hef c a t . ' " ’ i’hii'-'^i rk ln B o n ’' '" i . " ' ' 't ie l lm c o l v.iliiaWc pl, d s lu m p ed . ■

ind iu tc s cm

h vain to piiidcliiicsi,taking him ” >■'ere he w as Ih cp la iccv ;al afl2-0G *’V

To obtaini.o lnoartjy co itorobllEale a l Ihl. ^the family ^ No™™'

s, Bradford E □r tamlly, m cn d san d ■public of-Fcl). 2, o l residents,)

± wlUi Uiepresiding, I________________

FIED AD!t i s e y o u r

e s s D i i ' e c t o r v

i . i n o u r

S o i u r n n . _____ ^

f i 1 ^ e l ¥ k d f = ^

f r i e n d l y

3 d a y ,

531-News. W ;

iiouiify 29. 10r9 - Ttmof\-Nowr..

licism says _:vas considered o n c 'o f ' t Important In his 105* •! w as-ln lerp reled a s ; ' : • se for Uie'church In Uie •! ' I jlarly In te rm s of • : • r■John Paul’s a tU tu d e ' -o-called “ liberation ! ' ady-docply-rooted-in— -i— [>ut spreading to o therIdaswcll. - - •

‘llberaUon theology^'’ • i rch in-Latin -America 'evolulionaries.-ls"thC"^’-t^<:fx. sla l 'debate erf Uie 17- - .1


U 'lv i f c s e l l s li j i l a l c ’ ~ :

i / o , - , i v o r l l i ITOIII. —T he s lo ry i>f ,forliiiie. lo^l he- housew ifc had no glass p la lc \<ais, a-

r's ilem , re c e n tly ' . light.I d l e r . CO J. R.

!iur. c h a irm an of id ford E xchange trad in g cen- tllec to r's p la tes , a " - .. W ise., w om an ■'I ^had a l.alk ]ue ilc . . . w h ich I

friend fi>r S-lO^j , h ea rd o f you at

ilulc .she is valued al m ore .

r w o , ■A iim tiigh------------- :••r p o iii iso u t iha t

e IS ex ccp iio n a lly said , " I’m afra id

lay be losing hun- l lum sands o f doi- ml know ing w h a t^iileS' are' w o rth ." ------d in iden tify ing ,

p la tes, th e Ex- ssues ii re p o rt lital ' cu rren l p r i c e s - o n ^ ' • •

han W O , p la te s , e s o n w hal to lo o k w hen to -iroy rm idT • :cv a lu a lio n c h e e k ­ily lh e E xchange,

loin a copy wlUiout • I ibllgatlon, send your ddrcss,.and zip codc em ber 27 to; The d Exchange, Dept.9301 M ilw a u k e e Nlles, Illinois (Xfe48. allabic to Canadian s.) ■ . . :

i '

I S .

r y .

»wr.. Tv;m F.illg, Idaho A-3

Mot' by

-------------- r^Am ericf

moro Ume wiUi her eldI------------- Elaine HeKner, sen!

Qt the Cornell Univers ^ .a rriv e early enough i

! bcforcsheim m crsccllI book. Dut when her soi I she rearronged-hcr-st j loving care.' . This change in p lan I Xamc to prom ote Is ( i . staunch advocate of n

is 22 years old, she stil •whenever possible.

In fact, H eHner thin— :------ ^^acccsslble-to one-ano

been pinpointed a s a •"but It Is w ldespreac


Williom E. Howard • Publishor •

• ChfijPitck.' • _ ' MonagingEdilor

A-WiloyDodd»Advorliiing Difoclof

H.Roi* Torgorjon ! Circulollon Oiroclor

K e e p m. . Competence isn

.. among public offic Many 'm en and

. . po sitid n sassu m e! they a re good'leac

■ a re well-known ii--------patronage a t the p

Twin F alls , for

i' ''" ''d isp lay s above sv

offitialr. J . - -LM n Sm ith is ;

man'who seem s t< citw^ouncil out ol h isW tyljgqom eai

‘B ecausam ayor I 1, of mayors, the r I ;seem ed'Oddly oi

! months.:: In his y e a rs on :shown m any of t

i _ 'Should b ring witl I ■ 'Oftend'on’t. ' j S For exam ple, J

: issues befo re the < : m any p ast and p'r I done, Sm ith appro

' ‘requiring th e .exei ■fexerciseofajawbi

I ;■ The m ayor w illi I ■ Ijiever listen. ,' His d etrac to rs a:j. They charge "tl ! " ' "InsensiUveipJhep i ~ i ^ I f % i e a r s ^ i t l j : stubbornness withI____ L, .Smith th inks th(__ .: anticipate future

ppw th , highw ay

: risri Dc

J; ,

' BOISE — Most r — -p o rtffs hnvp^a_iathc

• ; againsl television repo j • ; Jl few exceptions, the- ; • seems to be one of for

' substance^ w here a Jk ■■ hair-drj’er a re m ore Ir :'anchorm an’ than his ; facts.

' ■ j \ t press eonfcrcnc

. : _ o

- CO

; ^ ■■ -H t

■ o ' b e - ’p


rlcan Library Association —

ek ierson .w hohad theflu . . senior tcachlng-associate In p! 'e rsity Medical College, had pl ^ to settle in for a good hig ed herself in the m edia blitz foi ■ son got sick that w intry Decen rschedu le lo adm inister a lill

lans Is significant bccause the is called "M othering." I ts au )f motherhood, and even thoug still feels it’s Im portant lo b« a

iiinks it’s Im portant tha t we al 3nother.-“The-problem of-dlal } a problem of motherhood, ead In socicty, p a rtly a s the )locy. Thg mQthcr-child_rclall

• '■ I • ~ )

” ----V*


T he mcr Tim es'N i

. Pcch.Ga

[n a y o r S msn ’t a quality bestow ed < fficials. •ind w om en.elected to le seats in c ity hall not b jaderg biit' s im ply becau I in -a cbm m uity and c B polls.-fortunately, h a s a mayi average com petency as

is an a rticu la te , well:ec s to have chosen to sen/( : of a sincere belief he e : a better place to live.'or Smith is f a r from th( 5 recall d rive iagainst:l out. of p lace these la

on the city council Sm f the qualities public o i'ith them to governrn(

Smith keeps ab reast ie city council. . B ett p resent council membei )roaches his w ork a s son xerclse of a b rain , not j vbone.ill listen, then ta lk , not ta

s argue this is no t so.“the m ayor is stubboi e people’s will: i lth ’s 'detrac to rs 'haveco ith vision. • .the city of_Twin. F allsjii i re problem s of {)op ay planning' 'an ii 'ii^ b i

Dauid Morrisset;

S t a t iI newspaper ' .re^ Reporterithe£lstnin&_blas___lbe-fliifleporlcrs. With bul Ignoranc he- world -of video M any ' form .ralhcr than have hac I hot-comb. ari_d a ' ’ hearing < e Important to an for word lis knowledge of the local

. the byll 'cncos, television n ew ^ ap

■ ■ 0ig7fll7HEA,k:

Hhink we've put our fin '"r the low ratings — It's i 9-presldenl."_________ _

^ e t e nboth prototype i

.......... ........ .-- in te ra c llo n sH n -ttfioo idhavc-^ . with them othert

"M othering,”1 psychiatry - Motherhood -Aft. J planned ,to into the. w ays c night’s rest ^society - have b for her new Uieory and womi

:em berday, Rcnectlng or lilUe tender experience jugg

"Did we b re a k : Lhe book she m iy ilra lherha i, author Is a Talking with i

)Ughlterson book, I fs c l ta r s « accessible liberation. Over

the women's m( J all bo more equated mothert Jialogkjo h as— Important thingsl.-*shcsays. -T he housewc Jie result of some as an extei lallonshluJs___ ^just-sodielhlnfl-

t w i f v

I t eicm bers o l th e cditorini boar ■News editorials are William Gary Eliasscn and Ray Brown.

n ith in offic:d equally pansion. Foi

take the eas0 o ff ic ia l-^ to th e fu tu re t because In particul ause they the vision th1 deserve place to life'

___gutters a n d sayor who ‘ The vision a s a c i tX ' local_hnpro\

. ,_ v is io n seem s educated The orgar Hteen the c o riw tly arf ! can help an LID don’t

have it. the worst But . of cou t : him has forced to pa last few council a s a V

Mayor Smi imIth has the council.: officials sidewalks ar rnent but also shouldi

because h e V( s t of the In short, th ! tte rth an 'Leon Smith. Ders have Twin Falls omethlng and expansio t j u s t t h e the com ing J ■ visionary mitalk, and who won’t

controversy. If anything

Mrn and Leon Smith.sticks to h is v

confused------- R a th e r-th ;- T t o m o r r o w , r

i.jieeds.to___ support Jo r_ ipjulatlon . deterniljiatlo rban ex- become’a bet


i o n K A .tors are usually the ones with

ance of subject matter, ray of the p rin t reporters 1 know had the dislurblrig experience of igone of the ir storles.readjivord 3rd by the pretty-faced blond on ca l television station, bul wllh >yllne and the name of the mper suddenly removed and

'— —^ ----------------------------

3 I . . ' . m c = ~ .

finger on the reason 's not e goo d lime lo

^ S S S i l■ "V • ................ " ..............

T n i n epc and microcosm.'To in tefr l n - t h e - ^ l r o f sodety ,-the p ie rs a n d Ihelr chlldrenr'^--------g,” subtilled "The Emotional After F reud and Fem inism ;’ 's child rearing — and by e vc been Irrevocably changed b omen’s liberation.

ori th e tension ‘ many m uggling family and carcer. Hi ak som e eggs in the women’s have sa to n 'lH l they were hntp ith th i^ ln y , ^ a c lo u s lady ai a r she feels feminism has fali< vdr and over she returns lo her

movement, "by implication, lerhood wllh slavery and “ hbs Ings a r e ‘out there,’ outside tlie ework' component of motheri xtension of slavery,” she says, ng tha t hns tn hp dnruvll-Evt

[TQSl]]|oa rd and llit- writers of iam E, Howard, Cliris Ain.__________ ■ .

i c e

?or th is reason, he ofte: ;asy.w,^y out on issues r e o f th f city. cu lar, he stubbornly

th at Twin Falls would- ife'. if all city streets hai d s to rm sewers, ion is correct even'.it th rovem ent dist'Fict to cc ms too high right now. ganizers of the recall aj argue-if the people who i n’t w an t it they shouldn’t

:oucse,.in Twin Falls, t p ay for an LID becau!a whole rejected the IdeaImith didn’t go along wit :il. B u t a m ayor who and .guiters will impn

Idii’t Jje forced . from 5 voted his conscience on , the LID issue is no rea;h.alls faces rapid popula isioirinto rural a ^ ic u lt r g y ea rs . 'A city such as m ayor, a m ayor with a t c a v e in a t the finsy-ing, Twin Falls needs a h . T h e city will benefit is vision.■ th a r r tu m -h im -o u t- a

residen ts should cast ir_a.jnan-W ith-the intei tlon 'needed to . help se tte rp lace to iiv e .

i l D o m/ith replaced with ihc televllelr— calHcttere:-----------------

• In this almosphere < IOW s tru s l of television, it l5 2 of p rin t reporters prah ord reporting. Yet Ip Idah Ion consistently draw^siich /llh That station is Boise i the lon station K<\JD. In llu

have slat legislature I have neve impressed. Its reportei

-----------n o ilK l m la ir . newspaper reporters-------^ leg ls la lu re rfa lH tm cn :_ -^(pssionids^KAIDjxjcciv

^ .. KAJD l9 notjusnhp fll ' . , .station in Idaho, ll Is on

havese<;nany\vhere.________ ^Whlch_briDgs_us_to.

which is the polnl of this ha s KAID.beCn threaten

_knockedpfflhefllr? - r tb l lc lelevlsion has a

In the never-never wor'm e n t supi^pr.t,..Jt9l■ '

• o lhefWlse be a profit-: ness.

. ,The idea,Is thal a st; stric tly to ' the^conflr mCrclali5jn canprovliJe a higher caliber of pro c a s ts which olhenvls

5 1 1 = ^

strenfriip t destructive d iu d g er ' p lace lo sta rt is of the d

--------------------------sp c c la hliJ-Experience o f-------By oci

is an Inquiry is nol s extension, adull' women’:

iby psychological ' life f o r r-------her own

m odem wonjen As a y Heffner ponders, -w h ilehe i’s m ovem ent we icstabllsl itphed?” Into m otand read ing her says. Af Jien short of true counseli erconvlctlon thal 22. n, a t least,” has Today IS told women lhe the Nui ie-h(5m e.^ - ' Hospital Jring is s e ^ by children ■s. " I t ’s n o l—I l ’s their m o:vory-Job-haa-ll3-------

c a re e r ,” behalf ol

------ ------------ LIkenI_ gives a c

• - - c leariy c I l’s unfc have en valuing I w ere our

"Worn tradition em pathli can>r*

lleffneJ ' _ ^pM cncc

'•— t. wrqle —^ Mightr

• for le ttir chorcs? noting th

_____________ ' 1 rem-----------------------v isiting i

■ ■ '

Len refuses to :s im p o rtan t ' . ^

-has held ta ■ ^ i - b e a b e t t e r W'lSHi a d s id e w a lk s ,

have nolthe price.o f a m ost o f t corhplete this This i

holding .

a g a i n s t S m ith i m u s t 'p a y f o r »I’t b e f o r c e d to

the congi they weren’t tional co

luS^the city -Cordance J Constltut:

« h t h e r e s t o f S ‘„c°c3 0 s t i l l th in k s going a t ii i ro v e h i s c i ty n o f f ic e . j u s t m e t im e . of A ril, la s o n to r e c a l l surprisin

been sula t io n g r o w th “ ■"“ ‘In '

t r a u l r ^ l f l a rs this needs a thirds o a conscience approves

irst whiff of to the s ta The foi

a n i a y o r h k e t from a m an . course."

iio n o fiiia t—the-polls— ihcsey cr s t a v o te o f e l i ig e n c e ^ a n d

T w in F a l l s congress Ovec_U

l e g i s l c:vlslon stalion’s has been

Droa'dcas: of. intense di* • ^ e l l lg e n Is ra re lo hear /o f natio

alse .’lelevlsion /s u p e r b n aho one .statlori -■ ull--,>it :h accoladc§', -public lel e public televls- When f llie four y ears I in th is ation cover Uie opposltlo. ver failed to be prlvale-.! tera are sharp,' ■. statlonso n g lh e dozen or Today, r s whocovcythg - lon provi “ the prin t pro^ p rivate .'c.tiltdioKt-: ...flnanciall

^ _ ^ -m ost-o'f-Uflnp?:t:t|>lpvia'on___HublicllCone of the best I an idea 11

,, -lha t has xt_Uie_ question— IclovlKlor ils column. Why ..Unfo'rti enedw llh being ■ given Up

enlfrely 5 always existed Idaho Slii ■orld of govern- c o ^ h a lrr „.w(int,,.woulrt^. " .F lnancci ll-rftaklng busl- ' In th e j

KA!D Vstation not tied broadcas fines bf com- Whal app de viewer? with ^craw I s ^ rogram, broad- abuses^ I ^Ise would, be • doeumen ires and lust 'b u t hv-anvlcfnn cfniinn

ig th oje'ry, she points out, a n J la u ^ i J drudgery of the business trip al-maiinixpcrlcmce; —ocivocallng the art and dignity I suggesting we turn the calc m ’s place is In lhe home. "Ther ir m any careers,” she m alntah vn adult carecrs, she tells of th( 1 young bride, she was happy ti h e r husband - communicator llshed his career. "II Is ha rd tc lotherhood wilhoul first functl A fler seven years she took a 1( cling ciireer-tjj be home wllh he

lay she has returned to leachin Jursery School T realm ent C tal,- Payne Whilney Clinic, v, en who have developmental d mothers, Artd, she has w rnien h tt^m any-yeurs we- bolh -worl r , ” Mrs, Heffner explains, fo f mine,”sning her husband's support to a child or a iradllional wife giv y deligliled nt lhe reciprocity o nforlunate, she says, tha t " n em braced the elhlc of m ale ig the civilizing effecls and nun 3ur coiilribulioiS lo society.” ' )m en offer a different appi lonally women have sought re Lhic approach as the m ost Ilbct

fner opens her book by lhankli ice whiie I learned — and for it — m y love and my lhanks.” h ln ’t a radical feminist Interpi Lllng hor carcer interrupt hei >? "Oh, thal is a private mej ; lh a t cooking Is ono son’s hobby gmemlwr when he was votmgci g a neighbor who had baked I

.Ja m e s K i/f

Consj'h INGTON - The Congress ha :e^of unfinished business lel rom Wlien the two house nothing belief to do, which 1 )f the llme,-they^ougliLto.gcLfl is Is tin act to provide for th g of a Coaslilutlonal conver

> again the stales a re applyiht re , Al the lasl cotffiCno fewei I s ta les had filed pd llions wlU ngress, asking Ihal-a-constltu convention bc called In ac

ICC wIUi Article V of th( lution. The petitioning state! an arpendmcnl to require i cd federal budget. They a n lllltheTiardway.

m any persons are acqualnle le " sta le application” provisio rtic le V, and this Is no sing; tho provision never ha successfully Invoked. E v e r

Im enl lo the Constilulion thu 3S comc Inlo being Uirough th a r procedure by w hich ' tw

of cach house of congres /e s a proposal and sends 11 ou slates,founding fathers, fearful of a:

sigcnt .national. Icglslatlfrc ’ provided an a lle rn a tlv I. "Tho-Congress on the apRljca •Uie.fqglslatures of two .thirds o ^craLstatagshall call a conven ’o r p rb^sm g am endm ents.’ h'ai the provision is oot dlscrc y : ‘■if Is m andatory: Thi 2s s “shall” call,l i l ie pasl 19 years, every sUil

a to r ' s Ic n the case. Excellent movlei' ra s lso f opera and'symphonlcf ;en l discussions by g reat mind llonal and worid problem? I reporting of lmporlant*event -4Kmr^:b{^ lhe. dally fare o television viewers, n public lelevlsion /irst slarlei s country, there w as som tlon from persons convlncci i-.;^lalloris should be the onl;, after years oi'puwic teievis ovidlna qualily program s lha i stations refuse — or a r tally, unable - . l b broadcas! ’(-uia»ppQslUoa:na&i0i^iwayilc lcv lj^g icn io sm aw jid m ic ia tha t has worked, one blosson

bloomed in the w asteland o

I'rluoalely some have neve Up .their hopes o f . scullllni

y public televl^on. .Onu 1 Slale Sen, David OlUe, now lh Irm an of tlw) powerful Jolnl :c Approprinlions Commlitee. le pasl week LiltleAas chargei

with being dislortfid am :astlng- b la s^ prcse.htatlons ippears lo be sticking in’LilUe’ i nol any weIITinown;ionglisl o V but one single program , i entary , prepared nol by KAID

1. on ” cedar,thlcvesV ’ Thi

)f ouri^ i i 'a l her own discovery re trip.'once perceived as ia al.

calendar b a u lr tn d in s ls t- -su he re Is time In a w oman’s tains. Citing the cycles of a t 'th e satisfaclionsof each, pa ly to pursue her own .work ch to r R ichard D. H effner— foi d lo rush oul o (ch ild h o o d ^ - •; ictlpning in society,” she ll’ a lO’-y ta r hiatus from her ‘ on 1 h er two sons, now 19 and an

. tohing and is tfb-dlrector of m.I Cenler a t New York. v ^ i ^ she w’orks wllh anII disabilities - and wllh foi in her first book, • all yorked-on-behalf~of~hts ■ — I

"Now wc both work on bu mi

I lo the nurture a m other Ihi gives her husband, she Is , foi iy of their lives and work, soi "m any women seem to ;

ale su ced ^ ra th e r lhan He lurluring 3 tis which once Be

. ou.ipproach' lo conflict — aci : resolullon by taking an rei ibcrallng method of child I

foriklng her sons "for their ha' r making lunches while 1 mc

sir;rprct lhat as an apology n« h er motheriy mealtim e pn message,” she explains, adi bby. -------- _ . ' io rifp r hf» cam >> fmm 1id Italian goodies and he - is i

ilpatrick ■

stitu tib rihas In the union a to n e lime left petitioned the Cong

uses fashion. Amendmenti h Is sought em bracing evj2L at__ polygamyjo^prohibitloj

the • century, so m any sialci ven- th e direct election of

Congress Itself pul ji jinii ■ resolution tha l resulleti

teenth Amendment. At ... . study by the Americar „ tlon in 1971, more 11

a o petitions had been f Ued.

the The ABA repori sle ates sudden onrush of stai e a having - io . do with a rc • reapportiohm enl. Mar

legislatures were Infi *j;raSuRnjme Court’s one-i

n te tfv d ecree .in BrOter v. C about passing resoiul Uiem Identically phras thal Congress call a convention to undo \ courl had done.

I the.two Then a s now,' 34 slal

re ss Ing two th irds of a li the ; out have triggered the ca

by mld*l9G7 the co u n t. ,f an 32. Senalbr E verell -1 ifre, lino ls, g ro p d m ars tiv e rem arkable parade, wt Ilca- colleague, Paul Douglc J jo f Douglas suggesled U ven- application should ma iTs:’r3-gre93-ouflhU Q jg.fusC;tf ;cre- That se l D lrksorPlf T he “ 'o ra to ry scarcely cquali

took off on Uie Carth; ■lale senators a s Jav lts c

h i t t i s t/les,___gers who,steal.(imbeiLlies, forest holdings of bl inds panics.!ms, The program was en ts presented documenlai e o f, ceived acclaim from m

There a re several s; rted Even assum ing one I omo contrary lo Senator Lli iced even assum ing that i only went entirely^ overbo

. ' hopelessly biased and i jvis^— a fa r leap i» logit^ la Bi tha t , entire public televl.sic ar'e fiIaIioT)e scrapped;

:ast, ... The real-prohlcm Jiei yay .- l?Tt^l'^a5aLin-lflano-It3If—Ig— seniority—nnri~thp~TC]som talented chairm en fr id of com m litee, LllUe has i----------position of power wheiever - hls w rath on-anyone ' :llng • disagrees; A bigger • Is realize th a t assuming ^Ihe such power by defini }lnl- larger obligation to llsl K!. ^ “ T)f each story.'g e d ' S o fa rL fttleh asn ’lsh a n d - style. And il isn’t just pi ons. tha t’s on his persona Ue’s prcsenlation eariier th s lo f ' Public U lllllles Comm 1, a by PUC P resident Rob UD. brought forth a ram

•Phn n r Ihn P I I P hn l hn HI

A ^T Im oa-N c

' s o c i eremarked, ‘Now, she really knc all about.’ I responded that 11 mi Trtmdoesn'Hovet<M?ookrand he

surcifshccould.-'-^ '-'------ - -Heffner’s slill p le a s ^ al.lh

ablllly lo understand the trade part of lhe unfolding process children “ lo m eel Uieir o w n ^( for autonomous funcUoning.’- -This is a slim book, anc its su Il’s only an appetizer, n o ta full on a number of importanl top analysis of "au thoritarian” and to child rearing to h erconcem may lead lo destructive conform

” Molherlng” isboUi an essay anu a primer of emInenUy prac for molhers. 'M ost of, all, U’s atlenllon to w hat’s happening to

bul she doesn't p lace mother or moUiers "nol in a mystical sens there, who is involved, "The m for lhe child, the la s t bastion society where you can still have

IJ-acing motherhood Ihroug Heffner believes, “ We’re al*' Bccausc things happen so fast, our expedience and • do stimei acceleration m eans a single gen reflecluponitself,” . .

Reflecting on the s ta te of mo for renewed Interest In this most lave nol yel'provlded molhers-a Tieel lhe responsibility with whi >lresscs, "Autonomy and inc leeded as much for molheri jrofesslonal worid. But while w iddrcssed the need in Uie laltei 'ormer,”

A w lP ty .w ha«‘-mftthncs.fall^ sasoclely that falls,” .

- f __________

nal cony<ne or anoUier has Proxmlrengress in th is Kennedy o:fits have been very .ideaiverylhing from conveiilionjon. E arly In the One thinles petitioned for O » r o fDf senators Uiat Commlitee

jn moiion Uic whole busli;ed In Uie Seven- bill sponsoiAt Uie lime of a Carolina Ui;an Bar Assocla- Octobcr of

than- 300 such and noUiln;xl. th e matter

began togaslcmmcd from a Pmdcncclale applications „ h , lhe Issue of:any of the s la te tobedonblnfurlnlEd by lj.e i„ a i,e appliic-man, one-vole y„„„o ,o rl,

Carr. They se l i „ p r „ , | j o |lalloas many of „usue ap iased, demanding „ |,a ,„ e d

” “,1 I what the high

‘■application tales (represent- • delegates I Jie stales) would ’ oUierhousp call. Amazingly, F or the It actually got to prospecl ol ; -Dlrkson of II-' Uon gives irshal of th is - disagcce, b wasecslalic. His believe a ^as, was aghast, limited to.| lhat i f tl 34Ui m enl on la

nateriallze, Con- ' could concc :4he call anyhow, rewrillngoi Tfil‘6~fljghl3_-:;Of— w lscsUoui al<^ slfice Ciccro~' voluntarily thaglnians. Such impulses, i

ot New York, the Ervin t

yLfrom-UicJurftc------ An-^lnforii)lg timber com- among som

• _ la s t weekis a solid, .w e ll support forlary. It has re- differing imany,critlc.s\ ... Stiver?, ,R;sad Hems here., station "fa

; broadcast w as Sieve AntoiLillie’s vl^ws, o r "learned at one broadcast casts. Repboard and w as Jerom e, sa:d unfair, It is s till instance wl . men u ie ". i ^ b e uniai •sion • network J n ’_, Goodlng_^ca

. good, fhey’i

rcm n vp |-n f-t'i'.^=rinn>-»—f t t -from lhe joint happeningss now reached 6 casts,lere he can vent These IiB wllh whom he -agree wllher man would television • tig h poslllon o f ' News for Ul Inition means a ' discussionlisten jo all sides .casional d

. . . • things, Thshown thnl ns h is ' .colleagues'!public television clcclorato

nal hatp llsl. A anunlnfomUils year on the Leglslaloimlsslon budget, ab le to reinobc'rt Lenaghen, lit Idaho prmbllng d iatribe , B u lth^ lon

HIHn'l Kn.rn nnH

Nows, Twin Fallg. Idaho ^ .M on i

? t y’ knows w hat being a woman Is ll must be rou g h lo have a Mom id h&looked-at^methou^lfully:— nc-wllh m y pap e rs , and I’m'nol

I,th is exam ple of her child's ■ade-offs In life. She «?cs It as :ess by ■ w n ra n n s ib e rs leach i j^ d s , lo develop Uie capaclly

ts subjecl is m onum ental; thus fullfeast. B u t H effner touches toplcsr fa n g ln g from a keen

and "p e rm issiv e” approaches m that com m unal child core rormily. _ . . .say on the h is tS fy of child care pracllcal a n d empaUiie advice U’s a plea fo r society to pay .' ig lo m odem m otherhood, itio n -fo r th c u rt-o f mothering;— iron a. p edesta l. Sbe speaks of sense, but a s th e person who Is le m olher Is th e l>csl advocate lon in a h igh ly Industrialized ave a one-to-one relationship.” rough F reu d and feminism, a l" a w onderful tltn'cTbday.__ isl, w'c can s e e the outcome of )mcthlng to change it. This generation h a s the capaclly lo

: mothering loday, she pleads nost elem ental of all jobs. "We ers-wlih th e tcKjIs they neecjto which they a r t charged,” she independent judgm ent are

Ihering a s they are In Uic - le we have acknowledged and s lter case, w e have not In the

:aIl;<onclu d o R ^a in ^ tiffn e r-;—

mentionIre of W isconsin and Robert ly of New York denounced th e . I ■ Idea' of th e Conslilulional \ llion. , 'thing led lo another, and In • r of 1967 Uie .Senate Judiciary ittee conducted hearings on the U business. T he heorlogs led lo a insorcd by S am -E rv ln^f North la that passed ihe Senate 84-0 in r of 1 3 7 I^ h e n interest waned, Uilng much h ad been heard of liter unlll th e la te s t c a m p a l^;o gather m om entum . : cnce suggests tha l Congress j r the E rv in bill and trot :lt Uie track o nce m ore. II seems

aubtful Uiat 12 m ore states will Ippllcallon UTjder Article V, but /er know. I t would be fnr betlS'r Ide Uie m achinery now lhan Io up a bill, a s Uie ABA slu(jy [id, jn a tim e of “divisive ^ersy and co’rifuslon,” An act

provide fo r validating tfic itlons, for e lecting and paylflg ;es lo a convention, and for ouspkeeping m atte rs , ; • Uic rccord, even .a faint

:l of a constitutional conven- ves me Uie willies. Scholars,

but Uiere Is good reason to a convenllon could n o l . ^

to.proposing a single amend- n lax lim itation. A convention oncelvably propose a complele ng of our fundam ental law. Tlje coucscjffiuld be for Congress iHly lo r c s T ra ln ll^ ro f llg a tc — cs, and m eanw hile, lo revive 'Inhlll—ju s l ln c a s e .. :

nformal -iiurvey-1- conduct^ - some M agic VaHey leglsl.alors eck produced some .^strong . for KAID frqm persons with g • p h llo iib ^ 'l^ . Rep'. Tom , R-twiri F a lls, called Uie "fair,■‘-E nd ."factual,” ' Rep.

intone, R -R u ^ r t , said he had ii a lot” from KAID broad- Rep. Gordon Holllfield, fl- I, said he cSUIdn'l Ihlnk.of any c where KAID had ever Irl&d mfalr. Kep..,John Brooks, K- B^called t h ^ r p ro ^ a m s ley’re giving botH srd'es,'’'R < ^ JLv.\RAloun la ln .HQm e .s f lld .g „ cas^v icw ers» w cr^ab la-^ jo = r-n l~ dny ~ tiT ~ d iiy :n f‘glslfltlyn;r Ings Uirough KAID broirf-

B leg islators don’t always ‘ wlUi everyUilng Uiey see bn - on - o r r e a d in Uie Timos- Dr Uiat rtiaUef7 BufUiey rebIbC“ ion of the world means oc- ll discussion of unpleasant

They, and - ^ o s t . of. Uieir ^lesV rea lize an iniorm ed ato is Infinitely preferable to- iformed electorate .^ ilalors like th e se will likely bc rein in LltUe. Public IclevlSlcm- 0 probably w on 't be scrapped. •»t one m an ,,a rm ed only wlUi a intiwi nf nn Iden hc d o ^ ’t land, could th rea ten such an

'M onday.-January 2 9 .1B78'

R eclJSiup th e ir in v estig a tio n of fo llow ing Uic a r r e s t of sl g ro u p In tw o h ideou ts in tl

........ -T urin . - ................ .A s P re m ie r G lullo Am

D e m o c r a i i c - ^ o v c m n H w ith d ra w al of c ru c ia l <

-.po lice oH lcia ls b e g a n rei se a rch , o p eratio n lh a t ct a f te r th re e m o n th s of plan

• ■ ■ p flllc e 's a ld 's ix R e tt"J w om en an d tw o m e n — w

-------- ovG nm rw cK JirenaTn 'S rr^ta k in g p a r t In th e s e a rc h

• of h a rtw rln g ga n g m em be P o lic e sa id tw o o f ttios(

__ :_ th e -lc il] ln g -la 9 t"N o v r8 ~ i• C a lv o sa a n d tw o polico bc

Britts^oJpi'• ' L O N D O ^ t jP I ) - B rlta l

" so m e re sp ite 5 ^ d a y fro m a d a m a g in g strUccs, b u t oi le a d e r p ro m ise d to “ pile ag o n y ’.’ lh lsw ee k .

T ru c k d r iv e rs w ho «que . w ho le c o u n try w ith “ fly ing pl

b lo c k a d e c o m p a n ie s and U ons n o t invb lved in th e ir sti a s ho sp ita ls , ^ m e d re a d y I to w ork .- A un ion o ffic ial s a id the three -w eek-o ld s tr ik e w as Ing” b e ca u sc e m p lo y e rs we:

Terrorist explo: kills two in Israi

. t e r ro r i s t bo m b p la n te d In a c a n exp lod ed in a c ro w d e d :

• N e ta n y a Sund ay , k illin g twi a n d w ound ing 34 o th e rs , fou:

.s e r io u s ly .A po lice sp o k esm an sa id a

a w om an- w ere .k illed In w hich sh a t te re d w indow s c sho ps, Including a c o f f e e ^ i m a n y p e o p le w ere s ittin g a in g th e su n n y w in te r d a y in tl tow n ab o u t 25 m ile s no rth o f '

W itnesses sa id th e paver co v e rc d w ith blood. . •, . I n a e l ia i t , th e P a le s tin e I

' O rg a n iza tio n sa id th e bc , p la n te d by a sp e c ia l guer . n a m e d fo r A bu H assa n Sal: ] P L O le a d e r w ho d ied in ' iexplosion la s t M onday w hic

n ia n s b la m e d o n Is r a e ira g e r

" Sl

T h e s i1. All

no tjorilm eis u i t67-Jvoti

2. Leo

^ HPi

^ T ^ e cc h afo rr

T o f l n d o i

h n g a d e st — A ntl-iP iT orist po lic e s te o p cI of the R ed B rig a d e s Sunda if six m e m bers o t th e gu errlll in the no rth em In d u s tr ia l c ity c

A ndreoltl’s m in o rity Christlo. i m c n t - c o l l a p s e d — follow in ,II C om m unist p a r ty supporl re le asin g d e ta ils o f a m assiv

I concluded o v e r th e w eeken' i l ^ n g . _ _ ^ _■d Priga’d e s m e m b e rs - fou - w ere a rre s te d In tw o hideout 1 operation lh a t h a d iGO officer rc h of 34 a p a r tm e n ts su sp ec tc nbers.50se a n tk ted had taken p a rt I. -8"0f Slate prosecutor Fede! e bodyguards n ea r the souther

shlab ile onIta ln gained in. A m anage Tl a se ries of " th e s tr ik e i

one la b o r d r iv e rs w ere pile on th e o r ig in a l se ltle i

O th e r con tr q u e u e d ’ • th e c o u r t • d'ecisloi :g p icke ts" to p ic k e tin g of p id o rganiza- th e s tr ik e , anc • strlice, su ch C a l la g h a n ’s ly to go back cond e m n a itan

" s tr ik e f i r s t * h e tru c k e rs ’ T ru c k drive a s “ crum b!- m e e tin g M or w ere c av in g fu tu rep o lic y .

A jio lher c m

losion.. •• s u b m ll te d - to

r a S l . fu r th e r w alkoi

n a g a rb ag e w ilh th e T ra d cd sq u are In na tio n a l cenlj tw o perso ns T h e Sunday fo ur of them sa id h e w as p

le a d e rs unpre<!d a m an and In the b la s t ^IS o l n earb y - - - ,^ i ^ e w here l l l l f l ' g and enjoy- - l t l « l In th e c o a s t^■ o fT e lA viv . ■ . 3 | nivem ent w a s^

,= ube-fS tT o n*^ ' " insbom b w as __ _ _

w crrllla u n it P l e a S e Salamoh, the

in a bom b • - a h lch Pa iesti-gents. 1------------- -

u p p o

T hei

>e a r e tliI cojincil m it s e c re t . SI ity of th e c eeting t o ^ its an d pe -2345). Ma^ te of sev en .

p n is votir

I |s only one

c a l l in ^ im i ange our co rm of goverjo u t w h e r e y o u v o

9 h i d e o u t)pcd to w n o f P a tr lc a . idoy L 'a lvtw a, u ic a a in g rllla ' gun n ed dow n by a toa i ty of • T h e F i r s t ' L ine g- ........ respo nsib ility fo r UKtian ev idence found In th' /In g varliJus u l tr a - le f lls j ti K>rt, ' a llie d o r p a r t of th e s a sive A m ong th e evldei :end h ideou ts , po llcc sa id .

re fe r r in g to th e C al\ fo ur d o ss ie rs on l la lla n pol ouls ' a qu an tity of w eapon s cers in R om e, police re p c te d . -light d tfm ag e d u r in g I

C h ris tian E )em ocrall( rl In Ita lia n S oc ial M ovem i dele A no ther fireb om b < le m , R om e g a ra g e , officer;

north?a g em en t sp o kesm aii s a id ci2 is co llap sin g " b e ca u sc oire a c c e p tin g th e ir bo sses’ sl U em ent offer.n tr lb u tin g fa c to rs w ere a s«jlon a g a in s t “ se c o n d a ry ” nf p re m is e s not invo lved in ciand P r im e M in is te r J a m e s ai l’s u n u s u a l ly fo rc e f u l ,tan o f la b o r un ions w hich’ U:t ^ t a l k a f l e i - w a r d . ’’ - mi v e i ^ u n i o n le a d e rs w ere g(l o n d a X t o h a m m e r o u l g; ■y- •. ni:ru m b lln g d ispute w as on e b< ped a ll triiin s d u rin g fo u r ' oi •ikes In tw o w eeks. I t w as to a rb itra tio n , w ith no si

ko u ls in th e m e an tim e. cl

•ades U nion C ongress, th e sc jn lraJ la b o r o rg an iza tio n ; 'ly T e le g ra p h n e w s p a p e r ' I ks p re p a re d to “ g ive un io n bj> recedented Influence o v er N

------— H -^fiC BEEBEi i n p i e U n c o n t e s t e d [

n g T e e “^ 5 3 5 7 5 0 S n f i j

se call 726-5477 P.O.A p p o in tm e n ts Avail

o itY f

m ajoritv \VOTE

h e f a c t sn e e tin g s an State law Sc council m a jir iv a te ly d e rso n e ll (li ly o r Sm ithI.

ing a c onsei

e vo te of s e \

jirSfflitlrwitI louncil/c lty i FJiment,r b t o c a n .-: . 7 3 3 - 0 £

its founcIng antl-lcrrorlst Invc.sltpntnr, toam of four or live a.ssns.slii.s.• gU.<:rr_Uln organization cla Thaftdttaik but inveBtigHlorx I the la test'ra id s Indicated It

te rro r gangs were t’llhcr cl ; sameoVerall group.Idence- found In the two ' lid. were Red Brigades docuii ralvosa killing and oUk t ;itt polUlcians and justice ofTTciai

o n sandam m unlllon ,- r e p ^ e d lF a l firebombs tiad c; ng-lhe night a l office.s of-(he r a llc parly and ol lhe ullra-ri) ement damaged four aiilonioljiloi cerssald. -


economic planning, indudin of wage Increases" 'in ri stlffer union discipline.

But stalcmenls from olhi seemed lo ensure that Brlti rem ain a land wiicre the or certain werc'deaili. taxes i and more strikes.

"We Intend to,lighten th this week," said a spokes manual workers employed governments’ ^ eve ry o / garbagemen and s tree t swi

, nurses and airport staff. " ! be -a v e ^ considerable exli our acllon.” ' '

CjUff Bametl, an officia sam e union, ..woriied of closures, school shuldo«

services "as wc pile qn the ag “ Our aim is lo briqg m o re ;

liospllals onlo'~an emerge basis,’’ said a spokesman National Union of Public Emj

Attornoy at Li

j D iv o rc e -$ 1 0 0 p lu ;

a y e rv ic e co5Ts^0-S

0. Box 318 Bellevue 8!a ila b le in Twin F alls


want hlnL > ^ N C

s :re public - >ays the m£ ay- c lose th d isc u ss la^ Idaho Cod i is but-ofl

e rv a tiv e .Re


ill notI m an ag er

0 8 6 0 , 7 3 3 - 8 9 1 2 .

d : ..c iA m o <

r« ..-w .-iiSH lN G TOI ta ly ’s • ■ iiiis is.sJed a re

c lo se ly ' will i^. ab le lo < m o d o rn lz a llo n

T u r in ; fo rm ld a lj lcp ro lu m e n ts J s s u e d s h o ti tla c tis , D eputy P re in lta is an d - a rr iv a l In .th e

ciiuScu ^ j w r n s capab ic ; ru lin g f ia illie s In w sa tis fa c to ry gal

■ a t Uie sam e ll les in a m ent and indusl

• T he repo rt, [■'oreign .A sses

' " how ever, T eng and Ihepc Im m ense:

9 ^ —W orker uniy f l has lo face up I

Italian j~ dies fri_______^ ______N jy y -jL S j,„

. ^ -m onth-old gl c a u se s In C ard

in g u ie M ic |„ , | , | . . ,2 „ |] s u c l r e l u n t Io r U io p a s t 11 mon

T h e v W onlillIh c r unioffiita n w ould i,os,,U al S a lu r t o n ly th l n e s , „ J r a n d b r c a l ’ T he sym ploi

- ^ t l c a l to ihose.o Uw sc re w s j w to Ibe d i j e sm an - Io r sao lo b o n o h o sf :d by lo cal H ealU ilnvesi o n e I ro m

" “ I’'" '? m y sie rio u s ' ’vi: T h e r e M lx len s lo n o l j ^ a

, , •; T he m ysteri: a l -o f - lh e F e b ru a ry and I if hosp ita frequency In rc ow ns a n d

ag«iny .'- ■ . D C \ e a n d m o r c n c i '•gcncy-only » - - - ^ in fo r th e y ^m plovees. - /

^ ® IS \

-smi— .833133 '

^ o c a l

min but tlie

1 on^tl||THE!

1 Itr— evf

a - 3''''“ the1 6 ’ -on

IWJe 2 le for

e - ____ re j

4 , Wil p e t

- " por * I anc

\ n o w p d e m iz aT O N -(U Pl) - T h e C !A ... prept)'rt p red ictin g C h in a b

to carrj- oul lls d r a m a t ic uIon p r o g r a m 'd e s p i t e broblem s. ' ' . plOBlly b e fo re C h in e s e bin le r Tenn lls la o -p in g 's othe Unlled S ta le s , th e - v

ble of reso lv ing Its dlf- pw ays t h a t .w i l l a llo w , t

ga ins In c o nsum ption a n d c: lim e p e m ill ... In v e s t- r[uslrial grow tii,” - \ r t, b> 'r;CrA 's N a tio n a l 'sessm cnr C e n lc r , ‘ s a id . th e -p ro b le m s fa c in g 2 ! post-Mao le a d e rs h ip a re

u nrest. " P e k ing n o L o o lv ^ ip to lhe p ro b lem s o f losl

n i n f a n t

r o m f e v e r ^. J l j - iy . lU P i ) - _ A _

girl died of m y s te r io u s- Iird asrelli ho.sjiiial S u n d a y • Iuch dealh In the a r e a oy er, Ilonths, officials sa id . Itifled tiie inCiMrt»tK>-Maria Ij l^ ^ lio w as’ la k e n to . th e IurdaV suffering fro m h igh I•ealhliw difflcu llies. Ij lo m siw ere a lm o st Iden- I e.of liie.other infantsA vh 'O '*-1c ity , xnosf of th e m a l t h e , .1ospllal. I/esllgato rs h av e sa id th e y Iih lldren have d ied f ro m a I Virus lha t c a u s e s h igh

ilhlng d ifficulties, c o m a * leatii.erious death s b e g a n l a s t id have been IncreasT ng1n“1 recent weeks.-


S) •

i6IC” .

i B J V I a

S M Irmajoritv

h e Rei:SEflRETf M ayot'Leon is 're c very un p o p u la r de roup) will re su lt in tie’ County CommiS! r chairm an of tlie hi

Vill this ty p e of i iff icials from makii o r th e g o o d o ( th e w

Vill unhappy speci; ep ea ted re c a l l e le c

Mil this ha rrassm en i eople ffom runniiig tat-vacillaTes-T«ith- onslbility in o rder nd less c o m p e ten t il

ote>>N■ P


predicrtsa tio irc a

p u rc h a s in g p o w e r a nd wage b u t It m u s t o lw convince lh th a t Ih ls go vernm ent Is fa ir bc tru s ted . It m usl com e t p a ck ag e of wage- Increa bo n u se s a n d ... en su re the av of goods a t p rice s th a t I w o rk e r w ilh re a l ga in s.”

—MnnngfmrnL ILls-tml po litic al a n d techn ica l lca3c be ab le to solve m an ag m e^t q u ic k ly a n d e filc ien lly am m a k in g s ^ o u s m istakes h a m p e rp ro g ra m s ,

—S h o rta g e o t resou rces . A tu r e b e co m cs increasingly zed . 11 w ill bo necessa ry lo


Lease One- line^

See us todi We’re read

M. . . S o o U s Q t t h i




l y o r l

i ry must

i c a l l L

rHEREALeca lled a p rec id en t d ec isio n (a t le a s t in th e re ca ll of a M ission , o r p res ld en highw ay d is tric t?

in tim idation frigh king im portan t Sni w hole com m unity?

cial in te re s t grou|] actions a t g re a t exp

:n t d isco u rag e , knovi'g lo r jo c a l office -ll,_ » t-~ .1 —# — ■[fntie^niot^d OT a \:r to rem ain populIt iAfith e a c h election

J p o n R ^ e c i

' Paid for by Citizens fi

.vuj.-iTv 23.1970 Tminn.Nows

s C h in e ia n w o r kigc re f o rm , - - p c tn jteu m -con : Ihe w o rk e r goals, D em and l i r a n d c a n ou lp u t, m ean ir ' up w ith a ' th a t could c e a s e s a n d eco n o n ^ . a v a i la b i l i ty . -rM ech an lca

leavfc • th e e lude "p o o r m.sla iid ard izallo r

uilikely »h<‘ _ pqulp m e n t.ll .t i a e reh ip .will’ m acn lnery . •gt p r o b lg m s ....... ■^Financing.m d w ith o u t, coiM cainL is Cl s lh a l w ill to e a m foreign

h a v e lo accei• A sag riC d l- c r e d i t s , a n d y m e ch an i- v e n tu res in sue lo in c re a s o tlon.


!(or more)For;Yo^or-yeur-bdttoirJay.dy to deal.


mmmO F I D A H O

(24,RUPEBT,lD .-43


. ISSUES:It is s e t . D oe.sJhi$. t to a sp ec ia l Iril Vlayor — 'o r chairm :nt p f th e sch o o l b

Ihten lo ca l goverr nd n e c e s s a ry deci ?

ips b e en titled to p e n s e to th e tax p a i

ivlrledgeable, com p —'r e s u lt in g in a ca -vocat-fevvT~ avoids lia r, a n d b e co m es in? '

;alj Jan u a ry(orLeori, Bill Chancev

nw5. Twin TnUa, Idatio A-5 ' ~

i s e _ —kconstim p tio n tfT T n ect'ttcw ..... . . .;and Is ou ts tripp in g lhe ol) an in g sh o rta g es wll o c cu r [ c rip p le parls_ of th e . ' ’

lic a l. T h ese problem s In- r m a ch in e quality , lack of illon a nd a lim ited rang e of llJ iL .£ u c h - a r e a s - a s - fa ra i--ing . "A- m a jo r financial is C h in a ’s lim ited c a p a c ity Ig n e x ch an g e .” China m a y c c e p t. fo re ign loans a n d a n d e v e n c o o p e r a t iv e 'I su c h a ^ i s n s oil cxp lo ra-


YourFarihi m t i n e — - - —

i d s a y m a k e s H ra in _____ L

EQUIPMENT \1 0 .1 0 ' ]

m o N 'I

436-0209 .

Fiii : .

iS -m e a ir" ^ ^ In te re s t \ ^ |rm an of.I b o a rd ,

e m m en tscisionS

to bring - .la y e r?. _ . _ _

n p ^ te n t \ c o u n c il . d s re s - e s le s s

rySOth:ey Chairman

' -I

• A-fl Timoo-Nowa.'twin F

_ r z z : E prMtdiiig

HOllYWOOD (U( ■ C j^ rc ss ,” a movie

” d e a ]e r ,to p ^ 'lh e 3 6 t GlobeiAwoitls Saturd aw ards bul 'Its sen w as booed and hlssct for less government llfK tylcs,

The Hollywood : Association voted i •PIclufe Drama d flh i -Yoight and Jane Fon .qcUng awards for tl)e ,lh "Coming H om e."-'

“ M ld n i^ t Expres failed the Imprlsonm

r .fim erlcan dope smug ,W onaw ardsforllsw ii and perform ers Irer B rad DaVls for BcstAi

■*'’It alsolook honors fl B cst-Supportlng Act

‘^ o ro d e r for Best Orlg I ' M em bers-of the s

____ dlence booed and-his■ ’he caii'e9‘'upon lhe

allow "adults .to purs any way they can.^.: _

' ■ C B S ''“60 lainulcs, .-gram, won the * i Series — D ram a,"

■included in Its cate iG r a n t" ahow anc .GalacUca."- " L a s t week ‘‘60 Mir b o n Hewitt rejected U

Comedian Chevy < ; th e aw an l for the , conunen{,"It'sno t mj

Prizes aw= LONDON (U P I)- ' prize when his .wife -b o a rd .

‘ H e won another aw, - inside a tree thmk.

The. British Broai

: noises and odd sound!I ■ enthusiasts who roan j - y e a r recording wUd II

— The-eontest Is go-j • m anufacturer. Entra

loosely.'H iere were thousan

M ike Turner’s rccor

Hurricahi wants fret. NEWARK. N .J.

m u r ^ r s Rubin "H u .. • serv ing life sentenccj

- m ake ano th fr bid for : D istric t Court.

Lawyers for Carter, expected to ask Jud( them on the ^ u n d during the[rl976retri£

• , Tbe (wo mea, wh'osi j rock s t a h and e b r i tI - Baez, w ere convicted

patrons of a Pate C ahe'r and AHls had

New Jereey Supreme j ' tion in 1976 and o'rdei! “ se 'rvedn lneyearso fa l

Lawye're for .Cartei TYenton State Prisoi

; L eesburg s ta te Prison,___ get tf fa ir trial the secoi

’ ' The conviction has I I Ofvision of the New J(I' the argum ent (hat tti

allegedly lied to defer : . . ju iyaboutprosccuUon

. ' According to the ai prevented the defer

• exam ining a t the secc ; ' h ad identified C ^ e r t

whokiUodthreewhltei At the sam e time,

‘ S tem ’s ruling on the r • ..fro m s ta te prison. , ’

j ' Court documents-in-------- '— they reportedly alleger • C ^urt'Judge Bhino.J.' . r held an 'Im proper co------ : . 'ju ro r .— ...

L _ .-— A--------

Eisenhc''** .WASHINGTON.(UPD-

of I h ^ papers of Dwl ^ E isenhow er gald-Sunday t

. tions the la te general an . , w anted to divorce his wlTi

■ the end o t World War 11 an Englishwom an are Untrue. ' ’H istorian' LouI? Galamb

h as discovered a lelter del sto ry that Ike tried to drop w artim e driver Kay Sumni

. “ M am ie E lsehhow ei . d lcated ,''G alam bos said il

the tex t of a June 4. IMS, ‘E isenhow er to Gen. <

.M arshall... ^ G alam bw sa id it was

ZZZzrietterV des<iribed by Harry

publishing- Elsenhower's dence, quoted the historiai th e le tte r le ft no doubf^ni

. s to ry isslm ply wrong."In T rtim an’s account,.I

wrote Marehali right after pennission. “ to come b£ United S ta le s , divi

-.—^ '-E isen h o w er so that he- co ; this Englishwoman.”

— ------ M arpall*s.ycsppP8ei ijtctiie b lp^aphy , w as to th ir r Eiseobower. “out bf the P r c ^ ^ him froin ev<r d

" — ’“ Id o n 'l-U k e E ls e n h o ^ '____ said.. "You laww tljat, I,n<

yh t Exprei(UPD - '"Midnight m /m >vie_.about_ a . . . d r u g . , . ^ ^ H : 3Gtii annual (^Iden uhlay night w ith six screenwriter-iiuthor »ed w hen he called ent intervention 1n

i F o re ign P re ss j It B est Motion Ih T Y c^ ir. But Jon ^onda won the best their perform ances

iress," which dc- )nment of a young nuggler in Turkey, w riter O liver Stone Irene M iracle and itA ctingD ebuts. - re for John H urt for Actor and Giorgio >ri^nal S c o ro .. e star-studded au- hissed S tbne when h e g d v e rtu n en rio ursue h d p p l n ^ in '

tw ,” a n e w T * p iv ^ ~ ^ ^ B "Best«^Televlslon

a ," a w a h l which a teg o ry the “ Lou a nd “ B a t t le s ta r

M inutes” producer !d the nomination, y Chase u c i^ te d i^w s show 'w lth the t m y problem . ”

warded to col) —T3eo7frey Davis headed fc 'Ife found a beetle on her Ir

aw ard when he stuck a micro]

roadcastlng Corp. broodcasi

(nds cap tured by a strange bui )am th e countryside thrbughoi d llfe .* ,,Qo-sponsored by a recording itran ts In terpret "wild life”

sands of b ln ls, rutting red dee cording of,'“some strange s<

rie Carter ee againI. (U P I) — Twlce-convi H urricane" C arter and John A tees for a trip le slaying, Moi f o r . f r ^ o m — this tim e,in

te r , a form er boxer, and Artl: 'udge H erbert J . Stern, to rel nd they wero denied du'e pre itriol In P assa ic (bounty, b'osc ca se a ttrac ted the-si^po britlcs such a s^ 'b 'D y la n and . ted In 1976 for the 19G6-slayIn{ *atereon, N .J ., bar.' had been convicted in 1967, bii me Court over1um ed,thal cor ■dehMl a new tria l a fte r they f a life prison term , r ter, 42, who Is incarceratei ison, an d A rtis, 32, who i: son, DOW claim the two men dl< econd tim e the case was heard, os been appealed to the Appe: V Je rse y S uperior Court, base L the P a ssa ic C^;inty prosec •fense law yere.'the judge and Jon evidence.! appeal, the prosecutor’s “I jfense from effectively or «cond tria l the only witness e r and A rtis a s the black guni ite m en on June 17,1966. . le, the Jaw yere are also seel w motion to release the two i

■in the ca se h ave been sealed, ege th a t P assa ic (Jounty Supe I .J , Leoplzzi, tho I97(|^rial ju

conversation With' an alien

pwer didD —T h eed llo f* president. 1 Dwight David fUe in the F ly that su g g es-■ them ."

l t o Sumw l l c M a m l D T i r t o relalionsI and m arry nn

• )XJniled Stateim b o sasa id h e T m m ansloidebunking the .

Irop M am ie for . But the ,mmereby. said the Iw er is vin- Eisenhowerid in disclosing ^°r pe^mlss45, le tte r from ’ ---------■ Goorgo C • ^

A'as th e " lost • - \ irryS.-Trunfli^t----- —------

r's coirespon- rlan a s saying -*nhc^rrTDnan ^

t, E isenhowerte r the w ar for wM

back to - th e Mdivorce Mre. rco idd m a rry —

iflccordlng>-to —------------------ireaten to bust e A rtny” and r draw ing " a

H!r,”--Tnmum-_......I n e v ^ have. ' ■Inoc T HM UB

In Falls, Idaho MoncJny, .l.mi

ess' wins G


Hdnight Expre:- B rad Davis and Irene

given (^Iden Globes f aw ards were presen t E xpress’. --------------

iliectors o f tvei fo r h is conilng from und

Ironlnj! ‘was Davis's "iron:

irophonc. kitchen lha t then

:ast" the ' Davis rec

bunch of ■ •‘’QB-’’ hout the popped-1

enthusiast would,

ing-tape ' ■ , 7' ” a bit J absoluU

little jnsecl m ade,' le e r and ' 0 " ^amc a roar

M i l b r o l t l e - a s the miniscule beet:

Davlsw^n anoili wind Ihrough a li Itsdf.

" I modified a -i •wood-boring beetle

ivletpH H t bored a h o lt in n A rtist o d a y with the ta

■ He ployed U.C g r l l s a r o ' tjy Uie living ash, 1

Davis said lhe stn t lb e rs ln ll ie lre c r tprocess

™ r l i l recordhig of “ com

In olher categoi hnJ fh ,.' - hoverflZ v i c ! circular saws, of ai i^J h ad day. the “ lovely Ilt ley h ad ..^u tering little sq

lied a t ' o fbabybadgereln l

d i t n S John Waird. . . . .ipcllate - I ^ S ANGELESiscd on making good propsecutor renToval of hts con(ind the . out of tJie hospital

Center spokesm ans“lie s" .Wayne .underweicross- ‘ stomachvJan. 12. al

ss who routine gall bladd<:unmen tumor in his stomac:

- The stom ach was MJcking i,^latcr the m allgnan -0 m en ni^es, buU pparom

the lymph'anc syslei ed, b u f *■ "He is doing real jpe rio r said; ■’■TljlnJoctlTrs' judee. ' oul in obout a week,

le raa te , Wayne. 71, provci . , m anportrayals.doc

in ’t w an t[. I got those loiters front his e Pentagon, nnd I (Josiroyetl

um m ersby'ii own,nccount of lonshipwIthtJieWDTJinVarll . and 34th president of llio - a te s^ p p ea red to cgiidrni the..— I t o r y . ' —

e Jo h n s Hopkins historian t .le tte r he found shows w "ac liia l]y wrote Marsiial! Jsslbn to have M amie live

•■h<C« aBTHUR(lC(lK AfAClfiC INrtRfW

NOWSH<■ [ W i g


'.inun ry2 jfl070


•ess’stars /me Miracle show th e ir jc ^ a f l es for best acting deb u ts o f l «nted for their ro les Itr ‘M

leird noisesunder the floor of lhe pigsty, 'X a family of badgers. But ll ronlng-lward beetle." • y den when my wife shouted Here was lliis c rea tu re on hei recalled. “ 1 rushed out and fc

id- II in a bottle. Then, a s a lid, he stuck a microphone in I

lulely amnzed by thQ sound de,” hesaid.Dar like a ood-slzed outboard a steady, growling ru m b le Di leetle mado with Ils abdom en. luUteiTrl^nijnilo-^ t i n d 6 1 a I a tree — the noise m ad e by

a-microphone to ca tch the : ictle larvae feeding in a tree ," ; in a 4Woot ash, inserted his r rvae I heard Ihis fan tastic 5 e faint s'ound of w ate r runnin;

le groaning; squeaking rumblt ih, like lhe,sound of rH bber str stressful sounds "w e re causo e rubbing together" in a fa in t v ies won a novice's aw ard courting loads;" She sa id the H gsoupds, and they seem )ses—(llsgustingsound." . jgories prizes-were aw arded erflies buzzing like a cong )f an Irish farm a l da’w n on a / little snort’,' of.a m u le swan ; squeaks,"like ru b b e r squee ;inthelrriesl. -

^ayne improveZS (UPI). - Actor Jo h n Wi )rogrcss in recupera ting frc cancerous stomach ond he sh tai wllhln a week, a-UCLA > snsald Sunday.went surgery for rem oval _ i a fte r a surgical .team perf iddor operation found _a lov lach . __ivas removed and doct5rs'con raanc;y had spread to nearby rentiy had nol p en le tra led de slem.•eally well," Uie hosplta.l spoh jrs .are very happy .and fie sfii ek .o ra few d ay s."3vcd‘lo be as rugged a s h is f doclorssald, __ l. . -

t ad h e re1 with hltii III Kurupu, iiul I her.'

Tho Eisenhower le lle r i J ' t)y the historian f lfs t n

, pcrmitling.cflIistL*d n i c n : i |. in the U.S. occupation for

tljclrw ivestoEuropo.The letter then goes or

special .exemption ’for M.' I overall recom m endation

becausi lhe s tra in of sop; been “ very considerable s< wlfelsconcerncd."

[ F I C ! ~ - l' a nrj!3t..Tinr. ~


M i»?a iftff eroii«(» thi R e e tit t . . kv/ifi na,

__ - tna cOof«B» oJungS E -JS

ERmiOnwmtSPRIStSUn MSE “ trw t, :>


T. & SUN. 1, 3, 5, 7 , 9 ACCEPIEP_. . ^ , .


■ ^11 ■ P c

•' WASHII Jijstlct; I

. m ended 11 ' > ^ a l r l c l a Ii

u p e c te d t tion sourcc

A .Whit< recQmmen the 24-yea:

banl delivered .^ b e r tL lp

would "very 'shor

Sunday theone of thiC arter fac(Camp Davl

•' UPI It w as It was expect

within a fe\afler being Randolplf 1978. The . said He WOI'M toighl C arter acts

• H er moU' _ “ I hope anc

hope thatIleve P a ttj

ly." I'vnicli terrib le aimere also tjeer

• daughter, \d trom lhe tlv ey cars .'te r Ironing ■I round Uils . Attorney Gif.nn.inrhl .WhO rcvlew i . i n incn>.

any good '1 Iho bottle delivered t.

p p < •dm olorat ' ^ Dnvls said CHARLO

leader of a 1 aTt'tHTNor folllng^ow ly the tree their'traclo

a . Irallor-tc J sound of promised ;

he said. . p fo le s t" in ' s mike and Tommy: sound of / farm er f« lng up the \ leader of a I

headiag to-' blesm ade m .s a ld C a r stretching. . "said the j sod by lhe' trealm ent C :twlnd. . . thew orld..' d will) a -W e had•hey made ' under CarteI lo blow to a gricultu

the <j5o1 ^ Jd for the - Agriculture ngress of recent chai a winter's gram , in and the . Kersey sa eezetoys. .no t threate

' movieI>esivoync Is ■ from the should be, Mediciil P G :

II of his ,irlormlng s- "ow-grade • *

onflrmod ------)y lymph • X : , ^ , . dee^ Into i'o

tokesmiin MoiionPidi should be '— —---------

i film lie- I ■

ce. Jto illvnrLi^ g:;!=v

vl'!| Ml

r made pubic - r!.'r^recommcnd.s * -n-::;

1 and officers .•-■ii 'orce to bring

on to urge a Mamie If ttie- ’ n Is rejected jparallon has -•

, a * ___ . . ^

i ! ’;9 I

- " S

pi f i ; •

l i ■ ____' ' —

'arter t attyHIIN G TO N - '(U P I) • - The

D epartm enl hns recom - I lhat President Carter free 1 Hearst and the ■president Is d to act-quickly, administra- rces said Sunday, lite House-'M urce said llie lendation for com m utation of ear-old new paper heiress' 7- ank robbery sentence was ;d to presidential counsel Llp.schutz ln_thejast_few_days. uld be- subm itted lo C arte r lorlly.”

the recommendation would be the firet Item s of business^ aced following h is weekend at" avid.5 learned that the president ected to act speedily, ^ s s ib ly fewdays. - •ilphH caret, P a tr ic ia ’s fatlier, vould withhold comment unlll ets.lOther Catherine He<irst sa/d, and pray lha l th is is trtc.-..(l) al President C arte r will re- Uty and our family of this

anxiety and traum a that een going through wilh our r, who has been a captive for •s.’’«:ommendalion from Deputy ' General Benjam in Civt|etti;r ews most p ardon hiattere for^ Ice Departm ent, came tu ter ■ur months o( study;;>lf was i to the While Hoiicp in time

?si(dent labLOTTE. N.C. (U Pl) - The ’ a band of protesting farm ers o w n rd 'ln e :w m ie House orT clore called P residen t C arter •-to agriculture Sunday and 1 a “pretty dam n drastic in Washington next monlh. ' y Kersey, a 39-year-old' from Ohadlila,'’ Ga., and a tractorcade of 500 vehicles to-W.ashington up Interetate ’a rte r has llcd to farm cre. Ho : grow erg^w anl the sam e it Carter is giving the resl-of 1.. (' ■ ad o u r 'f ira t c u t In peanuts irter. He's a Benedict Amcild i ltu re ," ja ld Kereey, head of ^te-br^pph pf th e American ire Movement, referring to hanges •ln_tl\£, peanut .pro-.

■ said the AAM th is y ear was atoning to refuse to plant


Itsiiul tivua 17 ,aai,’ nl5I ------

1 .1 pot.nllf o.t giMl I,|>> l.lm uild

'Idufc A«ie<lo>lon ot Amoflro__

C lim t Ea s t w ' W l u S i H V ‘EVIBY WHICH

™ IPTil


m e d D dyMLLEDflECo

klU §6/^D #-------JE80MS---------SSI -------

MON. S TUES.7 :3 0 * 9 :2 0 -

So d o n 'l g o straighl

> J g ? m 0 T '

Slamng Ch wVMartn ard "jlwrK ■T<.MlSkcfTttt lldlrAtLitn.

l.iHiiu MotlU andSmrvKrAclu' Wiliirn'liv Tumiiiy Cliun>) & CIi


U O N .tT U E $.7 i45 t9 i35 MONf

exp6c1iearstrhe '• '^or M iss Hearel to be n )m- her p lanned Valentine’s ree to a form er bodyguc t Is A ttorney General Grii ;ra- rem arked previously.

date.'not ours."Uie M iss Hearel said Uii I of B em ard 'Shaw , would ' 7- w hether she was'in or > vns Bell h a s publicly exprea isel for M iss Hcarel’s appealnvs clem ency In thepasl.___le r • C arte r has commutc

sen tences siritle he took tod' recent Inlerview with Ibe- S lanlsh. the •Justice"I ess ’ pardon -attorney,' notei I at'* Hear^'t’s sentence was i

and she was not termi: enl described her appeal as bly ‘ case .”

Civlleltl recently told \vas reading a stack 0 “ Uiree to three and a he

, . on Uie case, including Uie ■7; , M iss H e a rs l’s sen le

' psychiatrIci;eports.

liis M iss Hearet has served la t her sentence and is cun >ur F ederal Correctional Ii (or P leasanton, Calif.

H er kidnapping on Fel ity __m em bers of Uie radical tti;— .Llb^ratlbiv-Army set ofi tor^ events Uiat led to~hCr ; fef version td the SI*A an d h ’as tion In robbing a bra no H ibem iaB ank inS anF ra

beled traithe crops a s it did las_t year, ire "No, we won^’ever_go Ion not-sure whaf wtj'irdo, buler will be pretty damn drasllnd ln D .C ..n o tath o m e ."h es

The -x a ra v a n . whict i]jj several m iles when Iravel ntj S aturday night at Uie (JS pear. Charlotte. There ai it(j • tractors* and .240 support

the p ro test that carl nc; througli Georgia and Soul 'Of r ~ ' ■


r ' h iS PRESENTS IN cc


■ v w P l ?


rw o O D — — J w U l ' i f — JNVOU / l i e a '.'fclrK i p CHVtoY

isec 'th is movie!

^ C H E E C H & I H A . .-C H O N G -'S

^'■U PIN ! ■As m o k e I "5 j ' • p ^ .

i(_)ainiv Chonit j;-:,'v'n» S<fiiiliri Mflilin ' «lunS|,I.S-.t), JJJ, T-V, •tC liw hM drin Jl:-


ONf»TUES.7:<5*^25 4"

ted tovety-si

released ^ f o r e She bec£u’s Day wedding shootout In^lard, alUiough several oiltiffin Bell has -Uie F B I’s/, “ That's her was finallj

1975 in San 1 the* wedding lo Under rId 'take place Hearel wouir oUt-o( prison, until Julyessed sym pathy M artinez,la lforexecutive clemency 1......______________het.convicl]Jted tjnly fo u r j u s t i c e " 'b etok office. In a JoinUieSL/ith l ip f -fljgn" D epartm ent’s Court, but v. ted-' Uiat M Iss"- s not excessive ninally ill, bul | r r j f os “ an unusual-

Id reporters^ he j P ^ O f W of documents

half feel high" ' l i r i m hetran sc rlp t^ f ilencing and WASHINC

cracldow n


Instltm ion In

'eb. 5, 1974, by Jal Symbloneseo « a chain 01 S s ® o f

- number of d r Federal Insr O T gram , “ Uier

in defaults program .”

0 that f a r ^ 'ip ——-T h e ' FISL Diitwhatwedo “ afrectly By Stic. We’ll do 11 under the esald. govemment

' , . schools and I Ich s tre tch es/eling, cam ped A so lJu n e e fairgroundsare about 260 totaling 570

> r l / t t ^ l " creose^had, " I t i is o th e l i

u lh C aftlln a .' thegovem m

r f f t3 0 N C E R T - D I R E C I FRO

1 DIAM Ol7 iff.? !fl

. - ,p.7loll.rrH|I* I>oin»". Ih . SIroll,-*

I ' L , . ' 6 . 0 0

' i A D V A ti ^ V A .

U . k ThoOepoiCr94Uha,h.n.S>.fa

T OudgofTap<■ I ‘

eI6'me ' ■ ' i i s

'■■OOSKTMCKBr----- I S mI!>0>UtA« PIMA wot

■ H iII», IONT CtIRm

[r o l - i y illiCHUl AHSJUU' SlISU $IRUe»G' SKIU !

• JE R O m t SHOWTIM MON..& TUES. 7 :0 5 a





> frees Q o n —jecam e a fugitive, m issed a It In Los Angeles Uiat killed

olher SI>A membere, m ade I’a “ Most Wanted List'* and- ' lally arrested In Septem ber Jan Francjsco.r normal procedure, M iss. " would not be eligible for paro le ily 11. H er atlom ey. G eorge ;z, p e tition^- for executive :y last September, arguing vicUQn_wasiLi:miscarriage.ofii—

becouse she. Was forced to SLA under dur’esss ■ v iso jppcaled-^oU he-Suprem e;— ut was unsuccessful. :

ickdown rmed on oaid loansIINGTON (UPI) - In a wn on s l u ^ t J o a n defaults^ 'm m en t has notified colleges . verelties it will cut off th e ir funds ff they can't prove they . cing to secure repayments.I. Education and W elfare y Joseph Callfano Issued the ' notification Sunday to a ll of higher education partie i- ' •

)gram,id alUiough-his departm ent :ceeded In trim m ing the of -defaults under the re la ted Insured Student Loan p r o - . . '

Ihere Is a continuing Increase ults In the campus-based

i]ISL plan is acCninist^red . • By Uie government^. But

the NDSL p ro g ram ^ th e lent gives Uie money -to md Uiey, In turn, dole it ou t to ‘

une 1973, Callfano said, there •0,000 ND$X*..Jodn“ -d e fau lts .5700 miliion. And Uiis In- ' '

ad continued despite severa l • help made lo Uie schools b y . '



>N D S" I

»ll,-«n(i "Jllhou.!!..-, Ov.lFig Ih.l, . 'mtmlMii Il«9 ond |ilo, , | |.o»,»0 jier person -j:;.^ A N C IT IC K IT S r A ILA B LE A T

Tho Turl Club ' !

Topoi M ofk 'iM u ilc ’9rdl (l»* >l.<ilhopplng

S l ltlUJUnW-JONClDJJt T IM K w v r S S - i tp S f ___________


■ <TUES.7iOP*.y.lOo/li[vll__________

_____________ I'"—

. This momini unusual opp( improving or

^C E N K R A L JL N D K N C IK un unusua l co ilrsf o | uciion wl

' ' tam'. P^xj)rcs!\yourchHfni uii< cani.'t.muUL‘r3. A c c ^ l ,d i‘lay;

, „'«UI'S(M ur. 2 lS W p r. IS '• . till' m orn ing and llicti handle

unCL- la to r in llie day, Avoid . T A U H U S (Apr. 20 lo Mov

itinllcr of iniporiiinci' ta rly in . will help you expand in you r

■ UI'JM INI IMuy Ju n e pri'ssing a nuw.plan lo hinhcr- >;cuund can bu muHl hdp fu l i

• ■ • niiKk'Cl a personal responsil ,h:ive n J jo l te r underslanciing ■

l.KO (Ju ly 22 m Aug. 21) I you # ill g a in ih f goodwill ol munious rela tions wiili family

VIKGO (Aug. 22 lo St'p l, system of handling your rci ri'>ulls- Inipress'otH ers w i lh ;. l.IBH A (Sepi. 23 io Ocl- 2: pk'asure-com es easy to d ay .'! u tid 'repa rts arc- correct. •SCOUI’ IO (Oct. 2n to Nov,

nm liers very well carly in th e p:ogre.s$ in oulside affairs.' Sh

S A G r iT A K I U S lh ^ Z 'J l. n intlers f irs l and tlien re lu t Avoid one w ho is a iroublcmn

CA PHICO R N (Dcc. 22 to J kw ping in a more m odern jind friends nnd relatives late

A Q U A ItlU S (Joti. 21 to F T n io n e lary 'm n tic rs wisely rod

vour perfionnl goals In the ufl< . " i ’lSCK S (Feb. M to M ar. privu_te m a tte rs imu come.up w dll' ou isldc affairs inlelligenll'

• iF V ^ y H 'C u n .D is ir a n hhave th e ab ility lo conipreh should have ihe 'finosl cduciiti .'uvcess. D o n 't bc upset if your uu detuilsi X here is happiness


You’r e d o tn q T I'm n o t i f in e , W a lt • X l 'm n g t I

- Wi m IK ' V 7 7 ^


; ’ pR 0 F e5 & 0 R ,..A & BANK.f’R E & lpeN T 'l M U S T KN0V\ IP .TmE 6T/t(3E WILL GET ThgQuGH. WILL vve BB - GE'niN*’' ^ A OHE i-N tSvT Z

— v r



" " 'P U T 'E M U P / \ / w h ;C ' M O N / - ^ r w ' «

. P U T ' E / H _ / ^ W ^ U P /


.1=29. • ^


ngbnnqs portunity for Dnes’ standing

’IKS: T he morning brings you n w liicli can work loyouroJian-> and m agnetism und jidw K eT h ' lay s jihilosophically.- 19) T ry to pleaw- iissociulcs in id le personal n in iters of impor- oid n foe..lay '201 D ini'l neglcci a public

in th e d ay .T ak e the 's lep s ihni iu r lint; of endeavor, in e 211 .Morning is ideal for*e«- her-ups. One of u d iffnTnrliilclt' ut to you now.'i[n-.22.i0 .J.ub--lU kjL0L 'in(iLtq- is ib iliiy iw lay. S ludy how to n g w ith others.D l l you kw p prom ises loday.I o f ussocintes. S trive for hor- T iily|mem bers.L'pl. 2,21 Find a more modern

reg u la r work und g e t b e tter- th y o u r ability.- 22) Com bining businc-ss wilh y. ‘M ake sure th a t s ta tem ents

ov. 21)Ji’9U can handlejam ily J ie d ay * a n d la ter you canjnokC^ .' Show a sense of humor."i to Dcc. 2 irH a n d le business .•turn favor.s to gcwd friends, jm aker.LO Ja n . 201 fJnndle your book- ond officiant way. Take lime lo la te r in th e doy,0 FclT J'J) fk‘ sure to hnntjle Cuthtyr-Aliow tim e to go a t l t r uflernoon ,a r. 20) 'S tudy puziling ip w ith th e righ t answ ers, Han- ■nlly. '- , r )IiN T qP 'A V -.''.'-.V m l,ew ill ■ ■rehend m odern ;riKTrijns and cu tion th a t could lead lo much ■our progeny spends ex tra lime ess in .th is chan ,

t t o o o ld A i i o o o W . j l

Pv tV

.... T \ v S t .L . 2 E . 2E.&TE JOW iMieH-^AILINfi $AY$."r

I CLIMULU5 A10NTBE- y:; — . .rr

P l ■ . . fey ! » i' W

i- . fs

VHAT'S W i t ) ll E 3 (R O N S ,E E T L E ^ ' F | | ' > j M

( HERE'5 THE U;C«Ll I ■ 'rLi^lNp ACE 5lTrl^


K . —■ t J


Tm sellin g twis 'eOOKONSELF- <


“ ARDVCARP;--------------

— In^

cr - , —— • <T—

- -Tts



»■ ' • /K .saxsT W . ms p e n e s fm jsucoP L

k- M m m m p m s .10 j v im A ^'sem A L ar.-

m a o ASSAULT t mI . m SOVEmSN S7STB

pf ~

' i n- I

'I!' ■

o\d\) zzr

Wr^. -foht

'TEApy SAI?OA'ETER,*He \ »,"N0“. iMeRBsCHS. I , 0 5 . U r d s <50:.C)ER, ,Wu6t i>Ay. A


' -SHORT R[B^,7jr,i-i'-;v

• • S i r e . J U S T LOI. O U T I N T O T H

■ U N I V E R S E .•Dj . .. Xy. _______



U) j 4 '

' f - X A ' \ W.'fT >



^ 'V n f n'o s o o i e s in t o^ SOMEBODIES'

h I^)

J ( r ^3 -


7i= . ' H A N O ii'y /L Em Z 'OPCMt- . . BLITZKfiJajl$AN*TTESrS !- TD M LPSACS-m .ARr , ,i, PLESOPTHSlVOm'm SHOAPBSIMm W7E 'L i,; . THlSCOU^LAiTh

11' lj virMP nn‘,LVA>.

rf AI I l-i1

I ELSOW&L . - -- Ui^ i ;c 3 3 iN '

&AY, ,'- I ''VE'’ ': ..;a s 5

:-f f£A T »B ‘?£’.^.y- MU6T5AY.■ V "YEP, )T'L1_ '


= ;


© ! c o

' - v y


Monday, lanuary ?9.1979




? I5 )^ ( I CCMfTJ

>K N OW ,< I

N A f F f m ,mUKO- '1 Ai'MSi.XiZ JIP. ASD ' ; PHJ .nmoa ’m S B Y • • V/ET}AMP£$K ■ m X ‘ . y




® - .

* ' ' ■ ALLEY OOP

- ■ '■ y 's u r b . uA p ------ • ■ ROOZV.' C. X .......................ANYPIAC!

P l a n e t s , y£ s . s /r e . \\ (3DNTAININS D IA M O N D S If ZEASUCeS-

E f t^ lT H , PLEAeE CALL Jf V0^^H|AKANY^W(3J



A W ,W E . £ V £ J t . i COCO HE JUST SENT-


•AW S . - rUKT^ 'IBO D Y,''.) p l [ ALL'y OU N

H yi ^ ~ " ' i r t z z :

""1 n (m in l jv o u ,I - _ THEDRl) ^ O U T C f ^

S i________

« j - - : ] A W $SA-tDoes 1 ! mmsDi < fV O ? r :• .- i


;N LOSER_____________________ ;

'.'m Lul-lOP ■


bCE SPECIAL ?- / k i n d o p - - _____\VHEI?E

\ ST A fS -T iM TIREO> BUIWDING I B y P iX ) f ^ £S A RO O cE T / b a c k "TOA ■ ' A n d c o j

ML M E W ^ ■ P ^ ’ T e Ov o x o M w>

■ F = ^ V I f T ’LL 0 0 ' m . . . . \H A T.?nAA I

' (

'TJ w w ai ' — '-r:—U N O BO OIES) ' ^

'jrOU, i T t A K : ^DRUCGERY^.................... -o usew o rk ; .



SOX/i/.MX.. '■■ ti.. ssazFTAfif.i ; n.

U A $ \7 P U je ^I.S.UHATA'^ I . . . J 7?45

• ^ ^ !^ AC'A!N? ■,, - In

KJ3 Jg . ■ m

' - S . . W l 6 f & S T , t o S / s \ c \ j e /

f ) w i x ^

i i a

I, MY PK3IEND, IT 'S ...WY-> 3 • L lk £ TH AT' ITis STR O t?P NSAT.-..-1.1KE TM - LIKEi?E IT'S A T.' - " , -m iS '

M. . . . ! . FAM

= 0 O P M V !W S B R lN S lt^G H T O B A C C O J - [ • ■ .

'e o M e o N E s T T t i ^ MYPi?01?/l IL ■ V]T A lK .T O Y O l^ #

Girlsinsingk approached b once every 17

Our Lo>t and War m m h u goes on in s in ^ c i b a n . He hai Ihc lypi:a) young w o m w there tn c tiv e of b th e rw ijc .^ a p p ro a i average of once every 17-mInu proachcd" is nm ply “ talked I neccssa’rily Intended. ffeUo, Ho tim e? T hat lo r t o f thing. Every that frequent, d o a it? T hii rei prettier of the arc i^proach< th o s e le c w . ' >

The'tiger ^ t l e em its a fragn ro se^ T hat's good, fo r th'J tiger I

n ’s illegsl in Salem , Va., to I tn ^ 'in g where you in tend to go

" I ....... M O C T ro P U L

Q. "W hat-was th e m o it pop toldicrs during World War II? ‘l i

• A, Almost bu t n o l quite. “Ge w aj the m o tt popular am ong th«

.M arlene" was more o f a Holly scenes. ' — -

Q .''W h a t'ro n co lo g > ‘?“A. The medical ipecia lt) ' that

m edica/'ipeciilty , m ight mentioi this countr)’ fo r the 'first time fiv


The roof tha tchers o f,O lde eaves quite a way ou t from the runoff water from leeping bade the water h it th e ground w aj call (omebody on the outside waiitei ing OQ in .the indde, ta ld party

■ w all:lnddnlir~elvc< arop7 *Tcii

- “l l ’s Greek to o c " ij Just expresaon in the language, nol othe'r-ianguages. Tbe G rc tk i tay, Poles u y . ‘’I’m hearing a Turkiil ‘T h a t 's Pig C erm an ." T he Geimi meaning " It’i from Bohemian I'H]

AdOftH m»ll to L.-M. Doyo In i Cooyrlgni, 1979 Crown

l C T l i . a b ,

/ p K a u ^

^ IF I T C U


i> i3^ ALMOST I 3 jr ITi N. B srcusl AND I KNOSV WH. S 'P E E D N S 'l • ■ ITW ASI .'E (30ES^.EA R \ BK5SVEP L’P THE BONE! V POR him;

P s j j l


aff& j

, V .T

Uh»huh . ; . yes . . . y e s . . . . r igh t- .. . y e s . . . cert

"M ust b e Groj

le bars... .... ^[bysuitors 17 minutes ~has looked inlo iom e o f what has learned, for im tAncc, that

herein, w hether rem arlab ly jroached by tome fellow on kn & e - ninutei. What’s m eant b y " a p - 0 ed to " with no p ickup ploy

How are you? Having a good 'ery 17 minute* doesn 't leem all I research also reveals th a t the.'. . jached no more frequently than

ragnince something like a tta r of ger beetle. It e a tsb eci.

., to leave your house w ithout og o .-


popular long among A m erican '""? ‘Lm Mariene,’ right?"“Gee. But 1 W a n tto G o Home" g the boys in tl j t barracki. "UU ' iollywood num ber fo r combat

tha t deals with cancer. A nd is a ntioQ. it was only rtcognized in e five yean ago.


Olde E n^aod ex tended (heir the walls. I d a w u lo ke«p the back under the bouse*. Where : called the drop line. G eariy , if anted to listen to w hat w aj g o ' a rty bad to stand cIom to tbe hence that ex p rts ao n . ^

|u jt about the m o rt’ com m oa '— • no? It h u its coun terpart in

u y , “ ll 's Chinese to m e ." The . '- Lrkish Mrmon." T he> finns u y , ermans u y , ‘‘Ii's K auderw elch" - ' — tn-H laga."

0 In c tli of mil n tn ip io tr. own Synololt, Inc.

\ i T h a n i '- y ; : ^ ’ '£ p : - v - -

I O f f i c e I

* W T T 0 U U W \ ^

BU-VCU WHICH ) - ■ ^ g V W S T A j W —

--------> -

NDEC, / . . . r rw A S \ - . •’! uow SOME o r ] . ;WHAT V Nrr MV3HTY^-5 • . - 5 1 - - > M U S C L E /^ r - > L’P ( M'X.' ( r ) '\ \ t J-----

e s . .<^su re . . . u h-huh . :^ t a in ly . . . y e s ; . 7 ^ “

Jro n d m a"

I ’ ' ^ j l p ^ s f f i

• ■ ' r ~ ~ ^ - ^ - , ^

• . ;

i j s a a

—Bulgarittfrg..“ P ir in ,"

fire t Ameri - - Commimit}

M O N D A Y - ;

.- ‘i-win Falls sen io r cli .’d-iLfft7Ta3{^teerv]ce ftt)m JtfenurSpanlshrice.

I YFCA a e ro b ic Joggiflgt ■ ;week, 12 to 1 p .m ., a n d 5

. Ip.m . New Joggere welconi ' b ei^ $2 non-m em bers for 4

I YFCA sw im : y o u th li ^levels 4 to 5 p.m ., a ll level

‘--•ftom S to lO a.m .

: Y F C A S w l m n a s t ;SUmnastlcs: from 9 to n a

p.m. The cost Is » to r m< ■$20 (or non-Y m em bers.

— ; -YFCA dally lap sw im , ft • “ and recreational sw im .

Sm em ben. $1.25 fo r nor . Call 734-43&4-for iiifdrm a tlo

C - SUvv and Gold C lub me . f^^p.m. f o r ^ po tludc a t Si

-r^ ;»C otW . Bingo a f t e r ' t h e Members a re . w elcom e guests.

JR 14 CB^rs hold Buc S T - meetings. Call R u sty Nnl I..- - fo r Information.

- T w in F a l l s P u b l ic : Bookmobile w ill'be a t Sea r i o t from noon lo 12:30 p.

:— = -Park-A partm entsJrpm _i2- p .m .; Woodstone R etircm- from i : « to 2:15 p.m.;

" " 'Retirement C enler from 2„ Shelby’s Motor H om e Pa'rl :,3:30 p.m .; Twin T Mini ■> from 3:45 to4 :30p .m .,anc

Drive/Sparks St. N orth, 4 . : Call 733-2965 fo r detail

TOPS Monday N ight C : from 7:30 to 9 .p .m . a t 51

Twin Falls. In te rested p< ^^7 3 3-£666or733^ 59 .

HealtijlJepfc fam ily plar ,— by appointment for ever - T -^ - 3 i^ w q ,_ T w l jL F a lls)-

.--R upert; 678-822l7-B'iifl^( r jz r . Hailey:------ - •

I Healtb E)ept. <tnmnnl?^>) f fo r everyone. C assia Counl

— r-use-in-BurJey-from . 8 -^0- 1: ‘ Lincoln Counly Courthousc

p.m .

Health Dq>t. Uood p ressi ; log In the Minidoka Count'

. ; u se In H u p ^ from 2 to 4 p.: ; • C oim ^C ourtbouselhB urle \ t 4 p jn ; and 0 0 the flrs t-

B lo o a« y B ln th « ^ o 'rC Itlz i tn H a i% fr ia n l to 3 p :m .

i H ^ th D M C v en erea l dlfi

^ o u p t b d a m[J," the Bulgarian National Foll( nerlcan tour, will bc f e a tu i^ Aity Conceh program a t 8 :151

? S ~ ? ^

' ^ S l ,. . all day a t

■ Fnlls, call 7;citizens have

o m 9 to 3 p .m ,' H e jiu , d .'p 'ropam fc children, fir

ng three days a „„ iy hy noi .d 5 :(5U ,C :45- 734J 9S . »m e. Jl mem- o'r4weeks.

I lessons, all T U E S I=voIs; tadpoles

tcchnlqueS'< s t i e s a n d .m e ^ o d s ol

II a.m. and 7 to perform thi ■m em betsand ' stn jo to r Is

perlenced'k.firs to fS less

1, family swim im. Free fornon-members. m eetat9 :30 Qtlon. ■

Twin F a i blood pressu

meets at 12:30 p .m . Menu: 1 t Sunny View ^ Ih e -m re tln g : ^ Fall, me to bring the S tory Bo

3,4 a n d s yea

Buckct Mouth _ y p t a swi Nall, TO-52I4, “ je u tlv e Slroi

lessons, thli students, froi

l ie L ib ra ryScars park ing . YFCA • Sv ) p.m., Laurel nasties: fro: i_12:45 to 1:15---m em bers ar dement Center JbTedbabysili ,m.; Heritage • , ' n 2:15 10 2:45; TOPS No.' Park from 3 to p .m . a l Immj llnialure GoU Shoup.Call7: and Ridgewayh, 4:45 to 5:30 Jerom e V itails. from 7to9p .i

Northsldeit Club meets m eets a t 8 p.i t 580 Monroe, Hospital, Jui I persons call 46.


________ .East,Croy_s’izaUon clinics ^ ')unty Courtho- -Legion Hall. 0-11 a.m. andusefrom 2to4 HealthDep

. ^ ln g :R u p ^ ,1on ly , se n i

— .............. H agerm an,EssuresCTeen- Tuesday o.nlj unty Courtho- Fairfield , 10 4 p.m., C a ^ a only, counly ( irieyfrom 2 torst and - tt t(d r------H ea lth - Ditizens Center . clinic: b y .api

734-5900.-Me(•r— —----------^:-tk^na^as3lstad i s e ^ clinic prevenl unw£

v : e a t C S I ^ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~olk Assembly now on Its ed a t the Magic Valley 15 p .m . tomorrow in the

n * n

c _ _ i

Qt 324 Second St. E . f lV ln 1734-5900.

Dept, nutrition education for women, .In fan ts , and

first Monday of th e month appointment In Twin Falls,

3 D A Ywl, 7 to 8 p.m . Instruction in 5S of-Jcayaking (i.e.: correct of paddling and how to ! the eskimo roll). The In- ; is D ennis.K eegan, an ex- I’kayaKer. This will be theESSOIN.

('oung Mothers (^u n c il will { 30 a.m . a t the L pS Church.

I!*alls senior citizens have ssuh; check from 9 a .m . to l u: F ingersteaks.

alls Public L ib rary “ Under 1 Book TVees S tory H our” for r'caro lds.a llO a.m . 1

1Jwimi- Youth lessons,- c o m -- J Tokes from 4 lo 5 p .m . Adult, i this Includes high school from 7lo8p .m .

Sw im nasllcs. and ' Slim- from 7 to • 9 p .m . $&s»/orv^ J and $2 for non-m em bers.

inDng: --------- -— -------------- 1

[0. 96 m w ts from 7:30 to 9 I imanuel L utheran Schoo] on .11733-2846 for Information.

Weight W atchers m eet !! p.m. a t P ioneer Hall.

le Al-Anon F am ily Group I p.m. on first floor of old TB [ Junction Highways 2G and

---- --------- -----------------------— 1Dept. Immunization clinics: s, 1 to 7'p.m., 324 Second St. oding, 2 tq 4 p .m ., county H e; H ag em m JiaQ .ta :n o o n ,— C ftiesday only, A m erican (

f.S t.;;F alrfjeld , 10 am i, to_ _ d Tuesday -only, Am erican " a 11. $

. __; ______ •_................ V>epl. blood p ressu re s c i te o i - - r t ,2 to 4 p .m .,th frd T u esd ay , m lo'r c it iz e n s c e n t e r ; 1( i,:_9:30 to noon; second p .niy, American Legion Hall; ’10 to noon, th ird T u c ^ a y

ly courthouse. . n

D e p t;- f a o H y rp la n n ln g — appointment In Twin Falls, p tfedical, social and educa- . P Istance-to-lhose-wanting to T iw anted«regnancy:. ai

College of Southem Id membership only

T / t '

I , H ealth D ep lT venerei c linic: Detection and tre prevention of disease in c T w InFallS ,8 to9a,m .

H ealth Dept, food an< education program lot- v ChUdren. Twin Falls, f in only, by appointment, 734- second Tuesday only, b m enl. 543-6459; Gooding. I menl. 934-J522. ,

' B aha’llP a lth meeting s C harles Hook, 376 Madlsc FaU s.-'P hohe 7 3 4 -(^ ft Information.

B u l g a r f a n F o lk F Community Concert at C p.m . in the auditorium,

T(^)3 No. 3 weekly meet building from 12:30 to2p.m

Sweet Adelines meet a t 7 _ t b c —U n lte d -M e lh o d is l

E veryone ,welcome.Buh]'Duplicate Bridge C

m eeting In Lincoln Courts c room, 1310 M ain St. West a

-- -Palrsarew elcorae-C aa.V ij 543-1503, for more informatl

Twin F a lls Library t ^ e d u l e is noon lo 1 p,m.,- Mall; lto 2p .m .,hom ebou i

.Ai' 2:30 to 3 p.m ., Skylane Tra 3:15 to 3:45 p.m ,. Washin

. D rive/A irport , Road; 4:4 p.m ., M arty’s market,

YFCA Pool, 7-6 p.m. Inst techniques of kayaking (i.c m ethods of paddling am perform tho eskimo rbll. sthictor- Is Dennis Keega: perienced Jcayaker. This flrstof81cssons.

- AEBNESBAYFCA Downhill skiing i

M ountain. CarpooIs leaving —C o n tic j^ - If Intejfefed' at . (C atrforC ross-Countryskllr

7 _ JVFCA aerobics JogSng;_t a'week, noon to 1:00,5:45 to $1 ffiembera, $2 non-memt weeks.

YFCA sw im ;, youth les levels, 4-5 p.m.-Tadpoles al p.m.

YEICA Swim nastlcs n r . nasties: 9 t o l i aim. Free bat

— Al-Anon Fam ily Groiq) n p.m . in the Fireside Room dl Presbyterian Church In T m The helps those whollin rp Ktr n1/v\h/v1l/«

l e y

Idaho F in e A rts Auditorium. »Jy-.


■eal d ise a se YFCA tax ( rea tm en t for runs for xvi I com m unity, from IRS wii:

$20 for memb bers, Cali r a

md nu trition tlon. women and

A ™

a t hom e o t Ison 'ln Tw in , ^ '

for fu r th e r “"BlueLake.

Xd’ult Cho Church meet£

• F e s t i v a l .CSI a t 8:15 . HealthDep

Rupert, 9 to 1 ieting o t city- Courthouse; J m . . Wednesday

Courthousc;; p .m .. secor17:30 p .m . a l AmericanU-f3l—C hurchy---------------------

Health DcClub weekly

seom m iu ilty prevention of

allon. Health Dei' •education pn

bookmobile fanis and dI..-Downlown Wednesday c lUnd serv ice ; 543-0459’ . ■ rallerPark ;ilngton P a rk Health Dej:

:45 to 5:30 734-5900.

O iristlanW istruclion in "After 5” ,groi i.e.: co rn ic l Sycamnore b md how to Everyone weicII.) T he in- -?an, a n ex- v Twin Falls w ill be the schedule Is

hometxjund sc; , Harrison Schc

H annon Park.

Y : ---------------------- ^

; a l So ld ie r T H W R SIg a t 8 p . m . ___ -a t 7 3 3 ^ ^ . YFCA ling, loo,} Pc^tlvc Strok — n e&.sons,7ro8ji-thcec.days____ ____to e r^T p .m . Y F C ^ ^ S wI nbers fo r 4- nasties:' fron

babysitting. .

essons. a ll YFCA llowr alsb a t 9-10 fikllng at.Magl

a t 9 a.m . C Informalion.

and - S lim - . ' • 'abysltllng . - O vereaten

: 7 :3 0 p .m .ln thm eet n t 8 Nofccsordues

Of the F ir s trw ln F a lls E aster S ea l: liv e w ith o r - fm le r - f ro m - Idlcllon. Interestcdpers

r .

n. Admission

< r

IX classes from 7 to 10 p.m . even sessions. Bob W eaver - will conduct classcs. Cost is m bers and $30 for nonmem- 733-4384 for more Informa-

'alls senior citizens have and pinochle a t 7 p.m.:e will be a t 6:M p.m. M enu: ham.

Ills W c i^ r W atchers m eet n. a l the Episcopal Church kes. . ’

%olr of . P eace Lutheran !ets a t 8 p.m . at the church.

)ept: immunization clinics:011 a.m ., Minidoka County 2,- Burley, 6 to 8 p .m .. th ird y only. C assia Counly i; Wend&ll. 1:30 to '4:30 :ond W ednesday only, U g lo n lla ll_________________

Dept, v e n e re ^ d isease ection and treatm ent for of disease In community.

,e to 9 a .m . V

Dept, food 'and nutrition p ro ^ a m for women, in-

c h l i d ^ . Buhl, sccorid ’ only, by appointment,

)ept. pregnancy- testing:

Women’s. P ray e r Coffee, roup, a t Linda B erndt, 227

between 7 and 8 a,m .

lUs L Ibraiy Bookm obile ' s I I . a,m . to 3 p.m ., service; 3 :30 to4:30p ,m .; ,

chool; 4:45 to 5:45 p.m ., rk.

5 S D A Y - '

vIm: lessons, youth, com- rokes. 4 to 5 p.m ., adult

Jw lin n is llc i’' am i“ S ltii^ ~ 7 rom 7 to 9, p .m . FYee

)wnhlll and o o ss-coun liy aglc M ountain. Leaving Y

Call. 733^384 for m ore

rs Anonymdus m eet a t I t h e '^ ^ t Baptist Church, ues, e v e ro n e welcome.

J3l iip reading c lass o t the n -4:15 to 5 r l5 -fo p -an y — erson.


_________RyPATRIfTTAMpm• U PIH ealthE dl

_ • “ Many doctors have notion,” Gall Sforza Bi breast-feeding 19-month-o

- asshet^lked . • ’ "They have this idea

pregnant women ah ; wel unless they’re falling dowr . "The thith Is a d iet thj

. nourishes Isn’t a ll tha t cor expectant m others nee cen trate on how they put togelher, making sure ti

, m ent’s there.”--------- Mrs J re w e r ,-w ife -o f - :

D irector of Instructor CerUflcatlon forSPU N -

T h r o u i NutriUon.She also Is the edlto

Pregnancy A fte r ' 30 i — <aoda]^) — a collection o

. forsafecW ldbearing.

. Dr.Tbm Brewer, Presid( and a ^ a d u a te of Tulane School of Medicine, nods with his wife's preachmeni In tune witii his, which are y ears’ experience.

The Brewers also bellev feeding ias the best nutrli afterbirth .

Brewer, who put inaom research fellow a t a t Howi Modical InsUluto in Miami th e m osflm presslve proo

• -'risk diet for pregnancy clinics In Callfomla.

J?Tom 1963 to 1976 he o demonstration nutritlMi p ro jec t in the public p ren of the Contra Costff Coui Medical Seh'ices.

He. said tljere w as not c

n n ( oH agennan ahm Christlaj

Club has Bible study from s •a ^ a . 'C a l l 837-4461' for* Everyone welcome.

Odessa Balalaikas, a fo ' group with gu itar music

B f e a tu re d a t th e Mii Community C oncert As

. second concert a t 8:15 p. Burley High School Auditor to all members of the Burle'

J F alls association’s.1

’ Twin Falls Weight WaU a t 7:30 p,m. a l the Eplsco;

t on Blue Lakes.

Twin FaUs senior citi exercise class a l 10 a.m, 1

, 1:30 p.m ., and lax service I and 3 p.m. Menu: Nev , -Boiled Dinner.) ■

I___ Heallh Dept. immimlTnBuhl, 9 toTi a.m ., first Thu

. ' heallh and w elfare buUdln 1 lo 4 p.m., ffrst and third only, Jerome Counly Court:

H e a l th D ^ B lo o i ip r ^ I ‘ Gooding, 11 to 12:30 p

' Thursday only, senior cttlz( Buhl, 1 to 3 p.m ., F irs t Thui health and welfare buUdlng 3 p.m ., second Thursday o

. citizens center.

Moglc^'VoU^ Christian C lub P r a y e r C offee,

■ M cFoddan's home In Hai 9 :30a.m ,,837-6649.

Health Depl. venereal detection and prevenlloi com m unity..IwIn-Ffll!s'8 734-5900. ■ "

F R I D A Y _'YFCA cix»ssH»untiy-skU

Valley; Conlact the YFCA If Interested In-learrilng-l

. quesofth lsw in tersport.

'^"^"'' ’YFC^faTC5=coantiy=aaJ “ vanoyrco ritacnK ryF C A "

if Uiterested in learning t ques of this w inter sport.*

Twin FaUs senior citizen painting from 9:30 to.no6n,: from 2 to 3 t>.m., lax se'rvlci

• '3 p .m .M enu:C hef’sCholce.

YFCA swim: youth lc levelgfrom 4 to 5 p.m . Tadp to l0a?m „

YFCA Aerobic J o g ^ : i

. ' welcome.


\gmqtheilancedc'ORM ArK convulsive A iju aau n ---------- womBfl lh t

e the wronB period. He crL w e r ^ l d ®M id Cornelia

• v ^ . balanced, no-;a lhat m ost One m o ^ efell.noiIrishc<i

.. according toIhal perfeeUy " “ 'e rscv O T :om m on.M ost

JtU ie l'?m S fs ''y e l X S

|.a -d o c to r,-ls—Training in d ' ' “ '■pregnmilvi S S j ,onU.clr.Uelsl- Ih e -U n b o ra . .H e .s a ld -b , the u n b o rn - incidence of I

lor ol "T he " 'o thersga ln ;

. workbook.-. IdenlofSPUN ’ nc UniversityIs agreem eni Ui™"EhexiK ails. They a rere based on 27 Among con

• - B erm an, an o Eve In b reast- Ws, wife rlllonal s ta r t gynecologist

Founders of m e Ume as a I.^U tute in C w ard H ughes notpd about w ml, F la ., s a id . . ."T h e y h Dof of his no- doctors...they cy 'c am e a t °

________defective chllconducted a ~ "W ehaveft

n education throughout i ^ t a l c linics ^or childbirth, Dunty, Calif., and smoking.

reducing , cor to n e case of - and baby ta th

i c ^ l iian Women’s ’ -YFCA Sw m l0 . to n :3 0 nasties: fror )r locallon. babysilthig.

M agic Sqfolk singing lessons at- the

sic,'w U l be 7 g ,m .C alle rll in l - C a s s la • •Associations BAHA’I Flp.m. In the discussion alorlum. Opeh Bridweli;325:ley an d T w in ' ‘p.m.CallMS-^

Health Depl atchere m eet Twin F alls, 2 copal Church S treet E a s t ; .

Friday only, &

itizens have H ealth De; , Pinochle a t c lW c: Detect ce belween 9 prevention. “Tv

ew England « D i a l e d An

hold a dancc t I ■ com er of H an

zaUon clinic: F alls. U v e Mu hursday only, _ ■ling; Jerom e,rd T hursdays ° •irthouse D inner a t the

T ickets wUi b(-------- .-P-,______Ja n ^ 3 i» jih d ji5sure clinics: any Lodge me p.m., th ird 41I8or734-J78I

Izens center;•ursday only, ^ j ^ e t U i n g ;B u h l.lto L u t h ^ Sch only, senior Parent-Teache

'7 :30 p.m. Pub — will offering wl

an Women’s, a l I rm a ' tw in F a lls lagerman a t schedule is 10

a.m . to 3-p.m . - 3:45. Mornings

, Payless-Alberttal disease:lon In th e - - ' e t o 9 a.m ., S A T U F

. Public Dane T InF allim tsZ

___________ _ M iglt- ,b v a rFlatlande ':^ ,-.

k ll ifg a lS ^ n ' .A a l 733-J384 ‘ YFCA L ap I :-lhe teciinl- ; recreational sc

0 1 ^ 3 8 4 - “ K M te g e -o f 1 Ihe techni- ■"■"Ulprlum.

Twin FaUs eiis have oil P m cikclinppc 1, swimming Ice from 9 to

. . „ . l . S U N D / 5

Ics^ns, all Twin F alls dpolesalso9 fro m 2 to 4 p .m

Y FC A sw lmIc\V?QggrV^ ' fro m j'to ' 2 p .n

■ Iinrt iinnm nm t.i'

0W8, Twin Fallo, Idaho . Monc


ve toxem ia am ongr'TW O '"n ™ r ^ r o jM r d u r i r i g - lh a l --------le credits keeping the women h jg s including diuretics or is - and keeping them on a ,no-Junk-fooddiet. —3ther d ies every 18 hours of ' " (ions of convulsive toxpmlos,I to M rs. Brewer. She said e re toxem ias are Involved In itaJ death every 15 minutes.’ said the National InsUluto h funded a sludy of the I experience b u t it has not hed the study. -itotricion. claims it is be tter _ m t women to k ^ ’their eyes letsthanon thesco le.1 bnhffts hnvp thi> Jnurn^ t--------of b ra in dam age when Uie

flin 36 o r more pounds. .'! ises sa lting food to taste,) le r to satisfy thirst, apd Uie ” d iet d& c^bed In ‘_'the *

if Ute workbook are wrllton and wives who have b ^

jcperiences they recommend jcpectant parents, contributors a re Dr. Victor an obstotrician-gynecologlst ivife, 5olee, an obsteUical- > g is t nu rse p rac titio n e r,

of th e Nalural ChUdblrth . in Culver Clly, Calif.',-they u t women over 30:

h a v e bo en to ld b y they a re much more likely to difficult pregnancy o r a child because bf Uielr. a ^ .

ve found Uia't sound nutriUon,It pregnMcy,' prepaiaU on--------[rth, and avoidance of drugs ing a re im portant factors to compllcaUons fo r moUier

ta th e absolute minimum. “■

Sw im nastlcs and Silm- from 9 to 11 a.m . F ree ig. ,

S q u a re s D ancing- Club -the YFCA. Interm ediate a t l e r l s Gerald Hurst.

: r a i t h ’holds an informal 1 a t tho home of K aren ’325 H 4U lA ve .N .,B uh l,M 8 . M3-4760 for InformaUon.

Dept, blood p ressure clinic:Is, 2 to 4 p.m ., 324 Second >t; Jerom e, 9 to noon, first y , senior citlzenscentor.

Dept., venereal disease ^ llectlon and treatm ent for i .T w InF alls ,8 to9a .m .

I A m erican’s AuxUlary wUl • . ice a t 8 p.m . a t D.A.V. HaU lan-ison and Shoup in Twin iMusic. ■ ■

len t O rder of Odd Fellows . a Lodge P rojects Sleak the L o^o-H aU a t 7 p.m.

II be sold Umi W e d n e ^ y , hfl5edir£i‘m ______m em ber o r by calling 733-


1 -Supper a t Immanuel School, sponsored by. Uie — icher’s league, from 5:30 to PubUe-js Invited and free g will M accepted:— --------------■-

alls L ibcary ^ k m 6 l)U e '5 10 to 11 a.m ,. YFCA; 11 p.m.,,.hjyncbound; 3:15 tblngsid e -S ch o o l:.4 to 5 p :tn ............bertSQfl’-s.. i'-!.


)ance. a t Uie lOOF Hall In il325 3rd Avenue East, Live

areh ie TumpV nnri • f h r r - '

a p Swim, 12 to l p.m. ^ d al seim , 1 to4 p.m.-

J ta ilS ip ^ m -b jtK lrlw l^ flt ':-------- -&-of-SouUim-Idaho in-Uie------I.

alls sen ior clUzens-have ippening from 9 to 1 pTiC

) A Y - . .

tils sen ior ciUzens: dance p.m, * s

ivlm: fun swim for.adQjts p.m; and fdr youth f);om 2

3sll530TChtfl for merabeis m b c ra . . , ’ ! ‘

lon tJay , .lanuary 29.1878

" • --------------- 3:;:-----

— -BBB—

I-* -- ...... ByA BK■’ ' © C h lca g o T rit

___________ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D E A R .A D B Y j.O ver Iho t.lo phone th e ir husb;

‘ n e c e ssa ry . 1 disa g ree .N oth ing b r l ^ t e n s a

__ J 3 a d a ,” from h ts ^-yeai__ tw o d a y s be c a u sc he 's H

AS' fo r m anagem en t com p an y tim e . manaK( 10-in ln u te " su n sh in e ”'

■ em ployees’ m o r a lc T ^

H ow ever, Ih ere shou y o u r .c a l l is not an c In te rru p te d in the mic doeea^ t.vo rJcn ear a ph< h e c a n c a ll you."

A lso, n e v e r te ll h im ' th a l m ig h t u p se t h im . it. M y h u sb an d docs.

__ ____D E ^ BETTY: You

H m o b ^ . 'S a y y o u r hus bo b b le aw a y w ith him th e l ^ ’s po ckc t. If h< $6 h o u r, a n d cach d o ih es tic tr iv ia , it co st . yo u M UST c h a t d h p i^ . A guy w ho’s on I h e 'sab Q o k ic .

D E A R A BBY ; I a n a re d ivo rced . I live

, bo y frien d liv ing with ii

S! W om an on r

j Clothe' I says urI UNIVERSITY PAF

K 'I t ’s been said d o t, K m a n , a nd a new

f i . P e n n s y lv a n ia profiII c lo th e s a lso m a k e the§ --- - - - - I '^ D r r R c b c c c a Hoha s iii\fey cd a lm o st 2(a f e m a l e P e n n s y iv® . ..— U n iv e rs ity s tu d en ts I

U bnffto s e v e n p lc lu n r a . le m a le m od el dressc r a Styles.

— f e ---------—The-professor saltM n u m b e r of significa

■ H • v iew s ab o u t th e wom H ;oii th e c lo th e s siie wo: n ‘‘A w om an wlshlni

a s ' a 'fe m in is t migii■ r a s ty le . ..{ a n d ) a wom■ r a ' w ish to ^ se en a s a I

^ ch’ob se an o th e r style M s itu a tio n ," a ccord in P . S ta te m a rk e tin g prol ^ , “ N one o f the se P d b th in g w as , by mi K re v e a lin g o r daring.B — ss ra :— ------------

E a c h of th e 200 su t u . oric( p ic tu re a n d v. H saffic q u estion naire . M E a c h Was asked,

"■ ffi d is a g re e w ith sta te i B " ~ ~ M c U ic 'rmfl~woman

T f fiu en t fa m ily , wi

I | t,im [II I phoi

7 e a r A b b ^ _ _ _

BIG AIL V A N B U R E N rribune-N .Y . N ew s Synd . Inc. e r the y e a rs .y o u hav& jidv lse isb an d s a l w o rk u n le s s i t 's ab e. ’5 a fa th e r’s d a y lik e hearin I'ear-oid son w h o m h c h a sn ’t ;> Had to w o rk p v e r tim e ._ __fent' c o m p la in in g b ecause il lagem ent w ould b c w ise to cn e ”' calls. I t d o e s w onders fi

hould be a _ fe w ju lc s : E m pha ;n em erg en cy so y o u r husbi m idd le of so m e th in g Im porta I phone, pu t a q u a r t e r in his lu r

lm w hat th e k id s d id w ron g or m . K eep It l ig h l a n d cheery . 1


y o ur hu sb a n d m a y love yo u r “

husband m a k e s 56 a n d hour llm for 10 m in u te s a d a y . that's [f hc h a s 1,000 e m p lo y ee s , e ad ich tak in g 10 m in u te s a d a y t n s ts th e b o ss tl .O O O a d a y !It dally , le t h u b b y c a l l you on on the phone is n o t on th e Job

A- •a m a n -I l-y e a r-o ld g ir l wliosi Ive w ith m y m o th e r . Mom th licr and e v e ry b o d y know s th

V . V

I '

n right la b e led lead<

?s maketl" iniversit^J’ A R K .P a . (U P I) ' libber,d o lh es m a k e th e le ad e r,>w slud y b y a ■ lookingro fe sso r sh o w s T h e ithew o m an . tlia t su

lo h n o n - s a id - s h e — — thcm oi. 200 m a le a n d co rd uny iv a n ia S t a t e seif-as5Its for th e ir reac* and Inllu res of th e s a m e tion.:»sed in d iffe re n t B u l l

j e a n s isa id sh e found a sccn-a:ficatiUy d if fe re n l a n d b;oman, depe n d in g women wore.h lng to be know n sa m e sligh t choose on e bu t wit Oman w ho d id n o t- . • - Ica thei5 a fem inist m ig h t ■percei)lyle In th a l s a m e ' no t frotling to the* P e n n H olm a jro iesso r:

seven s ty le s o f m essaimost s ta n d a rd s , eioUies

ing," D r. H o lm a n . fe ren t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- beooms u b j^ ts 's a w o n ly ing exp1 w as g iven th e “ Thtlrc._____________ '

to a g re e o r munic:a tefnen ls s u c h a s H olm an a n " w a r f r o m 'a n ------ x e sc a r

w as a w o m e n 's—

iES-NEV\ioj»NE 733-09

Dfte-€a//S-<........ ........ .m a r r lo d ._ _ _ _ _ _

^ My p ro b le m js ■ . , , D ebbie’s pa renfi

a b so lu te ]) difference?

iring, "III,r i s e e n to r d e A R PU ZZ L

lu n c h M x so

r i M l ' l 'o ™ f f s c " c o f e ty. H e 11 love jniT'T’ r v M bu t th e re w ere t B C r r Y M . t o a s k w h y m y r

m an y le tte rs in 'w hy m y g a rb ai

ir “ su n sh in e belong! e s s ," lim e 7 s 1 d o n 't riiinil't. lur a n d you 'gel a “ b iil" for r a t 's $1 o u t of m uch for.:ach m a k in g y to d iscuss

on h is lunch D EA R STEA iob — un le ss w arnings.

P ro b lem s? V lose p a rc n ls ches t. F o r a pel >m h a s h e r A ngeles, C alif. 5 they a re n 't - add resse d c n v e l

■■" • J a n j i ? ' . ■ ' v h '

' V j

d e r. on left insecure

h e woman teacher ,

er, a so ro r ity m em ber, ,a e r , w a s self-assu red o r sexy Ing. •le r e s u l ts show ed, for cxan ipie, su b je c ts w ho saw a p ic tu re of

niodcL in Jean s, asw ca te i: an d a luroy Jack et, sa id she w as a a s su re d le ad e r, I n 'a so ro rity In te re s te d in w om en’s libera-

Jt th e s a m e model d ressed In IS a n d a v-neck sw ea te r w as ra s ia c k in g in s c i f - c o n f id e n c e ^

be in g un sym pathe tic w ith io n ’s libe ra tion , fh e s a m e m odel w earing the le s w e a te r a n d sh ir t and shoes w ith w idely belled Jean s a nd a h e c Ja c k e t I r lm m c d - ln f u r w n s - :e iv ed a s nol In a soro rlly and fro m a n a fflu en t-fam ily ," D r. • m an sa id , 'B y u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e s a g e s se n t ou t w hen we w ea r hes. th e re a so n s behind dlf- ;nt p ro d u c l cho ices m ig h t 9m e-6 leareF ri6A kU h64naFk6t-- e xpert,rh e s tu d y Is p a r t of a s tr e a m of la rc h in to how products com -" l lc a te m e a n in g ,’’ sa id D r, - m an w ho h a s . done slm iljjr a r c h . .w i ^ y R j > i f t l b r a n d s ,o L


M m \931 I

e ? ^ e « s in j s ih ls^ I h av e a best fr ien d ents w iir ic t h e r com e to m y ho y w on’t lc t h o r sleep o v e m lf


iZ L E D : D ebb ies pa re n ts p ro b e r to -sp e n d th e - n l^ t in a -l: )uple is sle ep in g to g e th e r, D eb of it — w hich they do not.

B Y : I h i v e a gripe I w o u ld I tm a s , I re ce iv e a C h r is lm a s “ M erry C hrislm as-from J o h r a r r ic r ! ’’1 C h r is tm as c ard , " F ro m E in Jld a n o th e r one " r r o m G edri jc lo r ." 'v e r se e a n y o f these peo p le d re tim e s w hen I would h a v e li iy n ew sp ap er w as ia te a g a in .> in m y .b o x th a t ,a re n ’t .a d d r t ■bage c a n s a re never p u t 'b e

111 t ip p in g Jor exira'servTceTTT o r m e d io c re se rv ice U iat I ’v e i


EA lvjED — Those a r e n 't g r

? Y ou’ll feel b e tte r if y o u g e p e rso n a l rep ly w rile to A b b y

ilif. 900C9. P lea se e n c lo se ivelope.

l iS f f i

| h |

: | S

g 'I & :

llVSIh ■,

'V ,

" A '\ \y s

a \ J{y

»' A 'la

^ ■a- V*«Hn« I •

:e s .I aas------- ^nd) r r -

J; Q;tipsoftn-"

0(— —

i “■ STO



we' n c

d l-il ca ll D ebbie, ‘ lo u s e and stay ail -S A N D : lig h t. W hal’s the w ho m ay

e v e r borIN LAS CRUCES ' ‘wiggllni

ho sp italjb a b ly fe a r th a l if pe rsonall -h o m e-w h e rc a n - M ignor

e b b le m igh t thlnkJ" 23 week p rem atu j o u n c e s '3 w as a 'h i

1 like to a ir. Ju s t accordln, a s caVd w ith my C hildren ' h n n y Jones, your • . " E v c r j

• - >iospltalJ im e r Sm ith, your • ‘-‘S he i Jrgo Brown, your personal;

' ' « a c llv c a r1 d u rin g lhe yeal^. lo t .” lik e d lo see them P hysic

1. o r w hy I lind so • th e mOsi lr.essed .to ,m e, .Q l. _ R ic h a r d b a c k w here they d o cto r, s

m a y bcT jo n i 'b trg s ln 'e 'io ' monHisT e a lre a d y paid too A ccorc

th e m aj(D IN PALO ALTO b a b ie s I

M i^ o n 'i '— •fltQite of

j re e t in g s , they’re baby , h develope a bab y 17

5e t th e m off your S he st jy . Box G9700, Los he lp h e r2 s ta m p e d , self- O ’B rien

m outhpic

' " V W t R l , .


Reg.* 1 . 9 9 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vaseline Int


heg.h . 9 9 . . . . . . .

'C . ■ ■ 'V aseline in


R eg.------ -----* 1 . 9 9 . . . . . . .

~ Q-TCot^onSi

Reg, ’ ' ' $1.59


PLASTICReg; - _ i - —

, S1 .29 . ■■. . ■■■■


S 9:ODA.M.-9;00-P.M.I.m . • 5 p .m . SunfJo^jS

[ignon’s< Dt hindeiI DIEG O ( U P I ) - F o r a n Infat lay bc th e m osl p r e m a tu r e bab )orn, M ignon F a u lk n e r is sut i ln g arou nd a lo t" in ..h c al c rib a nd Is deve lop ing la lity o th e r ow n. non w as bo m N ov .-17 a f te r onl eeks gcsla tio n — 17 weel' Iture, She w eig h ed on iy 1 S ’a t b irth , b u l W odflesday sl i' hefly tw o po u n d s, l^ ounce. Jlng lo do clo rs .» at S a n D iet •en!iH osplla l. ^'cry pound is a m llc .s to ne," sal a l spokesw om an D ian e O ’Brlei e definitely^ h a s developed la llty of h e r ow n. S he’s ver : and h a s been w igg ling around

s ic ian s sa id M ig non’s b ir th wj lOst p r e m a tu r e o n rec o rd , D ird H en d e rso n , th e baby *, sa id M ignon Is do in g w ell ar bc re le ase d in abo u l tlip

IS.o rding lo D r. H en d erso n , one > la jo r p rob lem s w ith p rem alu i 5 Is lung de v e lo p m en t. Whi m 's-lungs w ere n o t a t a norm, of developm ent fo r a new boi

he sa id th ey w erc moi )ped than w ould be ex p e ctc d f( y 17 weeks p re m a tu re ,

still re q u ire s a r e s p ir a to r i i e r lungs ta k e in oxygen , M ;n sa id , a n d b e ca u se of ipiece, h e r .c ry in g c an n o i t


line In ten s iv e Care

LOTIONl 6 o z . “ '

9 9 «

n tenslve C are

IY OIL16 o z .

wIn tensive C are

;HAMPi)01 6 o z .

wTIPS>wabs 17Q’'s

wyC liraifS O .


M . - II TTTr m

i i A i r \ r \ r \ C L J / ^ D D


"early bff -ringgro^nfanl hqard. 'b a b y . But “ sh e c r ie s ," Mssure " Y o u c a n te i i ,". .h e r M lgnon^s:. p a re n ts , ng a M yrna F a u lk n e r of Si

the baby da ily :-and J ' - - .'Ocks I y 17 / shences. • • . •)lego _

G llveryand a _

In'l a n d ......... *tlifcc .

ineof ,alure,Vhile ------------------------irmal born

m ore fd for

or, to •, l l s ,




- .

C V ':-.-

U - — 1 3ja

1 0 0



. _______ ■


dav. l.murxfy 2 9 .1973_ -.Tiiu-r-.-l


. touch h e r »Is. O 'B r ie n sa id , cannot h

re sp ira to rts. i C u r t i s .^ a n d .___ ^Thc—ctS a n .o re g o , v is it da u g h ters

I a re a llo w e d lo p rcm a tu n

o s e di v e n t i


S e a r

METAIVU oz. ForTreatmen

Reg. S. . .

AmBiica’sii ^ iiiohpotehc

^ Thera!'and ml

0 1 3 0 T a W o t s

T \ CO!

\ BATHRO\ i n A s s i

i i y Reg.— ^ S1A.99..........

■ .....T - ’ i

All P u r p o

R eg.i 5 ‘ ....................

15Q0 P!as

Reg— ----- i1 $ j ~ ~ —

HS '

Mr-.-N.'j. s. Ti,ui r.ill;;, ld.iho'A.9

h e r , Ms. O’Brien added , b u t- I h o ld h e r bccause of th e ■ a lo r, - . , ■ , ;- c o u p lo » - h a K - th r o e • o th e r ^ ------te rs , a g e s 15,14 and 10, a ll b o rn ' itu re ly , . .

I f o r

t o i y -


. . _

a rle . '

MUCILen t otC anstlpation ...

■$ > 1 brand 'siicy vitamins

agran'-Mm lnerols

7Sounseior . ' i

lOOM SCALESA s s o r te d C o l o r s .

A sso rte d ;

[)KET COMBSr p o s o - A s s o r te d C o lo r s . ' :

S INEla s tic Bottle

9 3 1

f ^ t i cTWIN FALI^ - As' c

- F irs t Security Bnnjfnow I nationfit paceiof-f^onamli

~'iS CXpOCtuLrftO’.-SlO W ^Sthn)u^(itjr;iB79,:c;snrd i N e w m a n , v ic c ip re s f i m anager.. A 'SlURglsh,_ rccesslo;

. economy will likely ■develo, ; Intho'Gccondhalfof-thisyi

; FlrsfSeciirily, but the she duration bf this downturn severe thnn the 1374-75 rec(

• The outlook for Inflatii ; ',mid-t979 retrains bleak, a

newslcltcri Recognidng Ui ; m ust-be slowed, the comr

' the Administration and U Reserve wlll be seveitly

; slower economic growth precede slgni/lcant progr inflation front.■ The avallabillly and coj

; will -perhaps be lhe si , Important factor Influencli ; ac llv ity .A ly co r-en d lh c f : — ing-riite-WH3-H%-nnd- the

outstanding crcdit increas-------dII^l^g^m ^^V hl]eit-i^be

in terest rates hnve yot to p the newslelter, the u: surroundfiij,.<'ffi&» effecti

I •• ,voIurflary wngo-prlcb ghid


. A e m e se p o s t go€ td’M irac

F l t ^ R - Ken Miracle prom oted to sales m anager

. Man^facturlngCo.iInc.■ .For the past five years, M

, becn'.te'rrllbry m anager for Oregon, Washlngtdlf and IdaM . Now, he will be respo all ^ e s and marlTeting aci the ;corapany,- both dome international.

A.manufacturer of potato harvester chains, and varl too ls m arketed nhtlonc Internationally, Acme has I ts m a rk e tin g a c t iv l t l Venezuela, Costa. Rica, Chile and New Zealand. E potato plimtcrs:and other

;, c ither began In 1978 or a r e : to s ta r t this year.. Acme Is also seeking new

' - .d istribu tors and manuf; ___rj;p resen lallvcs In the Mid '■~ - ^ a s t and tlie Southeaster

States.Miracle allended schools

F;Uls and lhe College of ' Idaho aiid Is a graduate of Id Onlverslty.' H ellvos In T\

V wiUilhls. wife, the former DeLitca, and Uiclr two childr

N e w Y o rk B b n w it T e m a y c lo se

NEW YORK fU Pl) - famous hlgh-fashlon store

FYlday to be nearing closure, Real eslate operator Dona

dlsclosed'that he has an ogn------ •liuy^tHc-buiidhiB^nSirtiich-

' -Dperales. — ^Retail ■trade__circles sa

^ . . .^ n w iL ^ C lic r -k o y - .e m ^ y i^___ !oQklngj_orJp te_and_cxp{

store lo dose by midyear. Tli

the diversified m anufacti 'retailer.

A Genesco.officiai:6ald F r a t this point lie iJould not cob

: — tf ium p’s disclosuro.-BntJiej th a t Ihc’re hadTxicn r^jijjris c l ^ e s for soiiTd y£ai»-Uial wouiaicloseBoa<Wt,IfelleK,„;-

l ^ p did not^dUdose h it t i i e M d ln g e x c ^ S i a y he b u ) ^ th e BonWt Teller fi

— -^thelf'^Uffe'a ■ f tcttgea - but^

. - ; A-10 TTffitig-Nowa-. Twin Fo■■ -<S=k^ •

T Fnlls. Idaho. ' Mondoy.jinnu.

Dri’s ecs c ited In the strength ofaowslettcr, the course of rimlc-cxpanslon Issue.^The,-u .8ubstan lla lly . -V- -■ - - 3 K eniieih J.3s id c n t a n d .

s lo n o ry type 'clop som etim esy ea r.-rep o rU — ---------- —sharpness-and .im will be less " ' recession.lation through rai<, asserted the a fte r mld-y< g th a tm n a tlo n point of pres )m m llm ent by d the Federal y jr fCly tested a s 1 4 O f /th wlll likely * ogress on Uid

i t s ,

’S ”o ; ' S S S


»cMvr»nD<!i; of monthS In 01 iM C n o s , ,ho X ' i ?

has been clc .. the smelter

' concentrate: “Currcnt

have been ' necessary lo

Aid I ■jjV retur


^ Valley toxp. ^ H r A - ~ preparing bc

-wUl find fn home, accorb Director's Re

A "basic” H H B g B '* 1040A or the iH n B B a H o r r &r p . t

w idi comple B H H h H S scope of the ' j S E H S ^ ^ t o ^ ^ k profe

coiKict the IF T h e a id

communlty-n B K a t l a a M ^ o u p s whoimnwiiiTiri-m- f j^ n n ^ e iQ i

C L E tax-p'reparatlunable to af public servl “ VITA" (V

» 3 l 6 S Assistance).IRS trained.

"Although l O C Service also

nee,” said E - ' prefer VITA I

a n d voluntee ■ m oreflex lb le

:lc h a s been Anyone ncc g e r Of A c m e . . . to b r ln g lh e ta

. . IRS and oUi( , M iracle h as lihc w-2 For Ior A cm e In m cnlslo; nd W cstcra s<,„,or ciU sponslble to r Avenue West, a c U v lllc so j w cdnisdaysi

r a e s l tc - a n d a.m . and 3 p.n .. -B u rle y Pi

a to p la n te r s . O verland, on various la r m -o n ally - a n d — S e n io r Cii as e x p a n d ^ . .Highway 30, / i t l e s in to Burley,onMo a, P an am a, sen io r G ib . Exports of Buhl, on Mor ic r products Fridays bclwc re scheduled senior Citi

Hospital, Goo< new d ta le rs , nesdays and I n u fa c tu re r’s p „ ,VUdw6st. Uie Other nearb ’tern United Jerome, cal

tion.w is in Twin Oakley, call of SouUiem for an appoint!

if Idnho S ta le , . Hagerman: Twin F a lls •837-1458foran

e r M argare t •

!H££!!v— - I dahoi produt

k? _ - • BOISE (UP S tion in Idaho

mUlon pound:eller.Reporting S(

p commercial s^ • . a llc lassesofl

. Cattleslaugdown 7 peroc 197?. ■TotalJl

>T-nppcarca wasG6 m llli^ from last yeai

o na ld T n u n p w dgh i of- I,i g n ^ m y t to pounds, •c tM h e ^ to rc siaugh

• down 15 persald._some_j_whUo-averace

toyeei=w ere=:7«Q jjg=====: ^ l e d _ t h c j — shccp-nnd . The sto re is 400 head, dow of-N ashylll^— average live v ic tu re r- and no pounds.

[F rid ay th a t '. ' LEG c o m nien lon --------- ^ ^ —M cohcedcd ' NoIIco Ib hero:

“ f i r ebot-GenesCO aii poraon* whc r - againjiMidr««d

. h i i p ^ f o r , - V l , t , p r a .n ‘rrh B w aS -d sO -Jortan Olllco Bt

• P U B u i l S ^

zonomI of Uie do llar and Uic future )f m onetary policy, cloud Uie hc,publlcatIon indicated Uiat

rates will popk sometime 1-year within one percentage resent ra tes.

nriecott siL, Nev. (U PI) — Kennecott kirp. said Friday It wlll be Ig Its smelting operation •ily next monlh, resulting In I 'TitaiiatherlSO.pcrsonsatUic .■ I m d a work£-wt)lch has been— ^Shut aowirmuch bf theyear.........ierr.-geDcral.manager.of.Uie— i Mines Division, salod the' '■ I will last a l Jeast Uiree ' 1 order to undertake repairs eratory furnace and boiler, mpany’s big ojum pit mine closed several months, but cr was operating lo handle j iteshlppcdfrom U tah. IIt supplies of concentrate I n worked down an d .lt Is j ’lotem porar/Iyceasesm eJJ- • j

with tax ims near I IdahoansFALi.t; ~ Manv M aelc . ' ixpayers who need j^elp. basic Income lax 're tu m s free assistance close lo

ordlng to W alter Eddy. IRS R ^ re se n ta tlv e for Idaho, c” re tu n i would be Form le 1040 wlUi Schedules A&B ^. T axpayers-needing-help plex re tu rns (beyond the- le "basic” type) a re urged ofcssional a s s ls l^ c e or to ! IRS Office.Id i s p r o v i d e d b y

y-mlnded Individuals and 10 volunteer part of Uielr10 reach taxpayers needing 'aUon - assistancc but a reafford private help. The

rvlce activity is called ' (Volunteer Income Tax ;), and the volunteers a re • d. • . • gh Uie- Internal Revenue so offers free tax as^ista- I Eddy, “ many taxpayers 'A assistancc because VITA •morc.convenlently located teers a r e available on a sleschedule.^’ iceding assistance Is urged : tax package mailed by the - lUier pertinent documents ^ r m s and Interest state-

CItlzenj-Ccnter,- 939 4th est, Twlr>--Falls. Mondays./s and F ridays, between 10 p.m. • ■ .. ■ ■ •P o s t O ffice , a t - 1353

on Mondays from 1 to 5

C itizens C entcr, E a s t 50, near Uie golf course^ Mondays, from 2 to 5 p.m. • 4llzens Center, 919 Main, londays, Wednesdays and Iw een9a.m .and3p,m .:itizens Center, old,. TB ' Iooding, on Mondays, Wed- • id F ridays between 2 and 5

irby areas:'-call 324-5(M2 for informa-

:all Kendal Daley, S(2-3217 intment.m :;ja ll Laura McAnulty, an appointment. • •

) red m eat-----^action dipsUPI) — R ed meat pfbduc- ho la sl monUi totaled 40.7 Jids, down 2 i>erccnt from is December.iho Crop and Livestock

Service said a dip In .11 slaughter was noted for ' ofllvcstock. ’ . lughter totaled CO.OOO head, rocnt from, (54,(»0 head inI Hvn wpjght slnuphleiyd lon pounds, dow-n 5 percent ear. whIloUie average live

1,100 . pounds dipped 22

Jghter totaled C.200 head, ’ >erccnt from 7,300 heod, ' '

id la m b -s la u g h te r-b ta le d - - lown from 500 head, while 'e w e l^ tv ^ .o s t lm a te d a i

e g a l 'n o t i c e *NOTICE .

eroby given trial cortsln clalins rBOo'acainBnno'Utiiioa'Blalits' —Inc. ol Roawoll, Now Moxiqo,

who btliovo Ihoy tiivo elaliMs eadlna lab aro Inyliod lo submit

and addrosaos to Wayno arimerti o( Educallon. Lon B. .1 Building. Bolgo. Idaho 63730. .197^ along wltri coploa ol any

vlllkiiM-XU/----------- -----------------------1. 22. 20, Fob .S and i;

m u/iry?9.1Q 7^'’ ’ •

lie expJ According to -Uic newsi 2 ness conditions and cconoi t In Idaho have opUmlstic foi

In mid-1978, Idaho's pbpi 678,000, an increase bf 21.

. The sustained rapid pop

sh u ts d o iIng until these supplies t built up ," K err said.

He said Uiat durtng tl period, operations of Ui

. Northern Railway wi/l be —-a n i^ n e e d e d b a s ls ; '' - — • • T h e -c o m p a n y 'o n c c “ r __ abouU .100.cmployccsM ihi

sm elter, but several layof: this to a few hundred.



w it l

^ I n v e s t o i F i r s t , o f

' s h o r t - t eo u t s t a n f u l l y ins a g e n c y .

__ ______________I-t» .e_nal€s e t e a c / m i n e ( j b

, . o n 6 - m o f o r e , eai ra te esU

. c a t e s T M '

If y o u p r f u n d s t o t l o j i o n {

_____________ ■ Y o u .m ay ie l(d b y

: C . D . ’s . ; . .

. 1.

Dansioblotter, b u s ^ ^ c rease — ex lomic growUi pcrcent in 1! forecasts. • fbraddltlona

sjlnejpulallonw as N o n a g ric !I,000 people, growth I s I opulntlon lr>- pcrccnt. The

w n: again have

Uie closurc BUie Nevada ^c reduced to ’ '

-m alrilainedthe-m lncand_____ ______offs reduced - .

BVG E F'h -In terea v a ila b

o ffer in g

h a n e f f

; - K

ors .C ertificates TM alo f f e r m o n e y - m a r k e t ; e r m i n s t r u m e n J pro> n c i in g r e t u r n o n a n i jsurecf b y a U .S .. Go\y- ' ■ t ' '

t e o n t h e.sp* R - iT in n th

cf] W e e / r a n d w i l l b e by , t h e d i s c o i i n t a u c

l o n t h U .S . . T r e a s u r y I ach w eek t h e r e w ii l i t a b l i s h e d f o r I n v e s t < o p e n e d th a t w eek:

p r e s e n t l y h a v e s h o r t t o i n v e s t , a s k u s f o r I o u n n v e s t q r s C e r t i ? y f i n d y o u o a n in r .n y i n v e s t i n g in t h e s e

■-a. •A vbUj'billiy ond ylo

expected to continue a t 2</j 1 1979 — provides Uie basis mal ccohomic e^ an s lo n ..........

S S Sr lc u l tu ra l em p lo y m e n t > forecast to increase 5-6’ Tie r^ite of unemployment Is

Y O lI l,a tax

• I t 's n o l to o lat y o u r F irs tlS e .cu rii! y o u r '7 8 tax re iu rn

in te r e s t . A nd d e fe r w ith d ra w tho m oni tax b ra c k e t.

. ■ ’ ' --if you h a v e a .. 1978, y o u c a n 'a d d j

V S o loojyQt tm . o b v io u s d c d u c tio f i

F i r s l !. Firist Security B

Foderal rogulatloi


IT IFe s t , 6 m e [)le n o w i i t i ir o t ig t

9 . 7 2

f e e t i y e i

0 . 2

a t 'U n i t e d ' st i n v e s t o r s a • o v i d i n g 'a n ____I i n v e s t m e n t o v e r n m e n t .

■ ■ Ii i L C . D ^ J s ------------------ i>e d e t e r - ■ i u c t l o n r a t ey B i l l s . T h e r e - , ;II b e a n e w t s t o r s C e r t i f i -k :

K t t e r m Dr a q u o t a - ■ t i f i c a t e s ™ . .r ; rp a c ;p y«^n'r

l e 6 ‘m o n t h


.B o lt t '-C H

yicldo t Ihoso ShofUorm Cort

expected to vary in a ra s p ercen t — one-half percer

_ a v e r a g e p f i m ......... ,Continued high iivcstoci'

favorably affect the agri d ustry In 1979. Because inventory • continues to 'c

. co tB um er dem and, fem a choice steer prices shou obout $C9 per hundrcdw

’ cro p p rice ouUook fo ; m arg inal, following recor

In 1978. The 1979 win t. soedings rose sharply but 5 is expected to decline as 5 low er y ie ld s., •

k ^ a n s : b r e a ila te . Y ou s t i l l f\avo u n til A

ir iiy .-lnU m tfd^ :B .e .ilrcm cn jrn . Y ou cacKfuCk aw a y up 'ou h a v e a iioii-.w orhing sp ' (e r a ll th e la x e s on bo.lh pi o n e y w h e n you re tire - By

: a K e o q h .p la n lh a t w a s c d j t t to th g l 'III April 16, lot tn e a l te rn a t iv e s . IRA o r IF iofii.

: S e c u r i tf v le m b e r s F D IC

y Bank o lU la h , N.A. F irsi:Itlons rcquHo a subslanllal lnlcr(

5TO]FICylo n t h $10 a t U nitei ih J a n n a

a n n u a l

w cci. H >■. <Bb|n-l ll. chanjt< rtnc

•For long term invi F edera l npm -has e

^ . y e a r C er tific a te ' c " d en o m in a tio n s o f

y ie ld in g 8:33% wh

B o t h o C t h e s e n e w — i n l e f e s t - c o m p 'o u n c l

i n J i i m r e t u r n ; a n d f '(Jn sured t o $ 4 0 , 0 0 0

S a v i n g s , & _ L o a n In : t i o n .

•F o d p ro l reg u la tio n s foqi , su b s ia n l la l Intorosi ponal

o a ity w ithd raw a l (rom Corl - n c c p u n ts .

We put y

U mI f F f l■EDEnHiSCtldwall • Jeromv • MtCall 'Me

^ o rtlflca to s will bo dotorm inod

r _ _ •' ’ •

range near 0 The 10 perc:ent above Uie perhaps Uie

. . ............ia c in g th c .Iiick prices will , helped .lower^icu liural in- - p e m i t s issuee beef cattle 1978 by 43 p e r

decline and moncy In Uinains -strong, m arket Is novould average this" source oliweight. The essentially unfor 1979 Is lng m ortgagi:ord harvests building. If U'in te r > h e a t w arned Uie ncut producjion building pernIS a resuli of will decline :

' -percen tin l97 ‘

still g< Ik for 'A pril 16 to o p en a n d d e p o ; !n tL ^ c c o u m --a n d rg c t-c re d Jp toSISOO', o r 15% of^yoi ip o u sc ) to e a rn 07o c o n i im p r in o ip a l a n d in le r e s t u n tl !y th e n , you m ay b e in -a li

; o p e n e d b e fo re ’D e c e rn b e 00 .IRS- W c th ink yo u 'll m ake

^ B o n k!l Socurily Dank.of Idaho, N.A ofosi penalty lor early w llhdraw a

R SIT E .T P O O C I :d F irst, iry 3 1 s t*


I y i e l d o

b :\iestors. U nited First a n ew 8 % eight- a lso , available in f $ 1 , 0 0 0 or m ore, ■ Ihen h e ld to m aturity

M C e r t i f i c a t e s e a r n i d e d - c / a / / y - f o r - m a x -

f u n d s i n b o t h a r e '0 b y t h e F e d e r a l n s u r a n c e C o r p o r a - ■'

Qulfo a ■a lly lor I < S , I I f ^ in iric a lo ■

you first .

t e t ir s tm in E sWoritf/an • Nam pi • Twin F ills

id wookly.


>erccnt mortgage usu ry law . g ‘ Uie most serious conccm •;c Idaho- economy in ' 1979, - ......wer Uie number of building ssued In Uie second half, of . • percent. Because th e cost of * •I Uie secondary rportgago • now In dxcess.of l l percent, • .•

re of mortgage financing 'Is : : y unavailable, thereby IlnUl- : • gage iinanclng an d hom e - I f Uie law Is not adjusted, e newsletter, the n um ber of . permits for new dw ellings ne by an ..additional 15-20 1979. * '*

let, ■. i'78 /

i p o s i t t o ■ /r e d i t - o r u : - - ^ / — ___■your in- ' ,ii in u o u s ~in til you • ' .■a lo w er / • . •

n b e r 31, /


k s ^N .A .', • ■awal.

'T M •

D .’s ■

■ *

• O0

[>f.... Jl


7 / y . .

■I ■ ______


r ■ '

i ' ' '

i , ■

Halo.,.B y L eR O Y K JP E

- • UPIBuslnessW riU N E W A R K .tU P l)

\m ci1can aiitomobUe Indt u n i gradually to the h a leadllsbts lonjt used In E ur

> L " I . ' i

' '

• * ' m W

G en era l telcp

As you t iy to strelch ■ pow er offyour dollar Ui tl

■ J your know-how, Ingenult 1 Ucncc In 1979, it’s, a vlrtui

- - you 'il lum In incrCMlng ' shopping the various for

. count sto rey - ranging shops to consignm ent. f a c t o r y o u t l e t s , se l basem ents, ctc.

It’s abundantly clear. >— *-’a r e traveling this route 1

num bers — ond disci patrons- now cross all ci Incomes, ages and occiipai no longer a re any lines, c ioc ia l, separating the cusli

B ut a re you as aw are as bc of the distinctions b various types of -bargi P robablynot, and thus:

TH RIFT SHOPS: Usua nec led wllh religious or organizations, manned bj from the organlzallon m w ide variety of durable go

In th rift shops, you wil clothing, appliances, line goods, furniture, brlc-a-br paintings, books and, fp tim e, unusua] objects. \ find all th e llwas-at^Ul ti: conditions of the articles a priccs quoted m ay dlff Donations to these store tax-deoucllbic and the organization receives a n

■ , from artic les sold.________ As.a.customcru-feesure.

hours and days tha t thrl: w an t to patronize a re oper

CONSIGNMENT SHOP th e sam e variety of goc shoptfSiit almost surely, ■ m ore forw hat yoii buy.

The reason: conslgnme , '.'p rivately owned and are , r e tu m a p ro flt^ th e o w n c

ac ts a s a middleman be and seller, and lhus4he i

---------- usually-w lli-be In a ^ t tc .

: i^ D O N ’f t O N Y O U

S w i< . B e n

“ H a vi w h c

4 _____: i : ______ ^ ^. . y o u r

: ' t a x n■ 'n e c o

_ - J : !_____ - ............. J - G o ^---------------------r - --------- ^ ^ Q o l-------------------------------------B E ,


■ cH eo fu ll a

- m or€* . q y e ll

ro fu r; . f ig h t

■ Y o u ’

. ■ ..'B B eiBonoflcial FInanco.:

V , ;

T g e n f iP E - t - restill of, a r'r i t e r .......— ........ SyivanlaqpriI ) - T h e .,T hls woul ndustry moy brighter hea halogen gas consumption

Surooe a s the Improvemeni

i d

'x. H

ep h o n e a n d ^ lec tiic

lyh ia Porter-^

Buyers' tch the buying than In the0 th e lim its of h l ^ e r quail lulty . and pa- m eans.) .• rtual certainly E sta te iti ng millions lo offerings In form s of dis- seller, , get i

ug from thrift . and the s to r t il. stores, to . You, the 1; s e l f - s e r v i c e IngsllghUy

of original cfr you already quality gootle In mounting year’s mod<Iscount. store exceptional, categories of c<yis)gnmenipaUons.'There FACTORs, economic or you, the co:ustom ers. nlty lo' she e a s you should ,»iWhcre 11 Is3 belween the go lo the fiirgaln storesT hours, usun: , ■ ~ some storessually a re conj on Saturda;

o r charitable purchase w:1 by volunteers • you’ll find J and offering a . Ing or lrrc(

: goods, norm ally Ij will find: used., check o r a Inens, sporting card. There j-brac, jewelry,- Although

from tim e lo . best knowiYou will not jbought: for

I tim es and the Thomaston ES a s well a s lhe ment'of c la differ sharply. DISCOUI lores often arc merchandl: i ic sponsoring discount, c a m odest profit most cases

equivalent,jre to check the check. In]&hrU t shops you major credipcn. cases youlOPS: Offeryou credit carcgoods os thrift returns, lhly, youwUlT)ay Ing purch;

complete .£iment shops arc style, moca re operated to common d;r a e r s . The shop of sales heibelween buyer None of

tie merchandise deterred :M iter c o i ^ o n discount rc

UR TAXEiw i t c h t o " B n e f i c l a l I n c o m e T ; a v e y o u r t a x e s d o n h o c a r e a b o U t y o u .

—W e c a r e o b o u t y o u r d c u r d e p d r t f l t im a , y o u r Job; ( t p e . . . a l l t h e I te tn s t h a t n X r e tu r n s p e c ia l . N o a p p c ic o 8 s a r y : ,

o ' L p l a n s l o T .y o M r - t t o t f l o l n g - n o w - w I I I F E N E F i e i A L - I N S T A A X R E F U N D L O A h

D o n ’t w a i t fo r y o u r go> t ^ c k . B e n e f ic ia l w a n ts t oII a m o u n t o f y o u r e x p e c t* o r e , lo d a y . It a a r e g u la r I l a l l f lc a t lo n —n o t r e l a t e d t f u n d —t o d o v ^ h o ty o u w a J h t n o w l A p p ly t o d a y . >u’r e g o o d fo r m o re a t B<

e n e f i c i a l F l n a n c <

co .C o. of Idaho . ______

headttii-new development'by the Iprp,. Danvers, Wass. , • — C ould result In g e n ia l ly C leadllghts with less power ' tl on and |» rh ap s a modes^ h ent.ln gasoline mileage.

;ic eng ineer lo o k s a t <

bargain she thrifts and It m ay be of - lallty (but not always-by any

Item s a re .n o l uncommon- In these stTres. You, the •

;t a percentage of the sale, :ore Ilself earns the balance, le buyer, benefit by purchas- Jy u ^ articles ol a fraction ll cost. So, If you a re seeking oods <bul nol necessarily this odels), you’ll frequenUy find ia lly good buys a t I h e ^ len t shops,)RY OUTLETS: P rov ide consumer, with an opportu- • shop for new merchandise Is manufactured. You m ust

5 factory, during designated-— iually weekdays — a lth o u g li^ ires open for specified hours^'^' days. Al the outlet, you may ! whot Is available, and oflen,;d Seconds, discontinued styl- regu lars a t cut prices. Cash ' Is required, o r a personal • a nallonally-Jpown credit sre a re no deliveries. ' ~ gh clothing outlels a rc the - )wn, other articles m ay be for Instance, S elhT hom a^ In ;on, Conn., offers an assort- ,rlocks.'^ • • ----- - •lUNT ^ R E S : .S e l l you new idlse, in greal-volume, a l a , o fltn without a label. In «>s, you must pay cash, o r Us nt. In the form of a personal u'som e stores, you m ay use a - redit card, an'd in a very few ' )u m ay use the store’s own ard. The drawbacks a re : no the inconvenience of carry-

chases home, the lack of e .selectivity (In size, color, lodel), the crudeness of a I dressing ropip. lhe scarcity le lp r ' . ,of these foctors,' though, has I you from shopping the , routc_in977-78 was tlie third .

O U RSELF■S.• T a x S e r v i c e . j n e b y p e o p l e u .d e d u c t io n s ,jb .- o w n l n g er -----------------------t m a k e y o u r p o ln tm o n t '

t a x , t-ef u n d ? ___ 1__m s F ■A N T ---------- — 1—k N .jo v e m m e n t t o le n d y o u th o - c t e d r e fu n d , o r i r l o a n , u s u a l d to y o u r ta x . ^ v a n t t o d o *

B o n e flc ro l.

c e SystemAiTiUBied conipanifts

T '— ----- • 7‘?4.97.'5fl -

ights^Wnal SyJvanla, a div

-G enera l- TdcpiiODe.Corp^, has accomplished, Is

' the f i r s t ' sea led - beam headlights.

American law requires I

L / Sit a halogen headligi

store gui'■ successive y ea r of Improve

for m emt)cr s tores,” repor L. Hersh, president of thi

• Mass Retailing Institute ' trade organization of s

dlscounU-stores). Loehm instance, a pionet.- In the selling h i ^ fashion wome ‘without lab e ls 'o h a .cash basis, r e p o r ts u a m ln ^ for month? up-a spectacular

I and sales In a recent 52-wc I 20 percenl.■— Caldor, a m ajo r discou:

' the Northeast specializing - -ces, sporting goo9s, elec

e lec trica l dcv lces, ha; another.slm llariyspectacu

1-----BtOQ^^ * ••1 . And a final guide: s r '^ ’Tavorlte departm enl store'

"bargairi” basem ent, w c a n y 'd e s ig n e r clothcs £ boltom-of-the-llnt scconds

I markup goods. •' • ■1 As the 1970s d raw lo a cl ; weU Inlo the " e ra of thrift

pracllce ll well and benefit ; - '© F ie ld Enterprises',

\ a



J l v

jS ,c Ad .

'v n M H a

' 1 '

cdtmrlivlslon of adjusted sealiEJeclronlcsL__o.r-l8),*,eIs lo m ake American-m'ac n halog<m sty le halogen

Am erica only i the easUy since the Ui£ M i | g | | | B rcflector and

halogen capsu , d irt and other

m ake the llghl in Intensity an'

The grc^l at headlight is th

\ is sealed In a l wllh halogen' m enl, the fllai

higher resulting In a light than the scaled beam h

On' high I in c re a se sc motorists by according to S

^ ^ ^ ■ „ ( U A . w s . f l > i c J c

r T . v

■ I• UPI •'

g h t

lideved eam lngs o rts R ichard the National k W te (a large »

self-service. - W * '— imann's, fo r : -* 'le concept of ’ I ® nen’s clothes ^ .W ish-and-carry. or the past 12 . W ir C7 percdnt WA’eek span up q

Dunt slorc In S i yig In applian-ectronlc andVas w rittencular success k ^

study your ] V re’s so-called. | k j ^ which m a y . as well a s ^

id s 'and .low -

close, we a re ifl,” Leam to fit thereby. k .


m f • B '

I ▼ I

P — \ 1 ' .


:aled beam headlight a s i e q u i p m e n t o n , a l l _ I

nade cars . The E uropean , i ;en hepdllght Is legal In i lly for foreign mode ca rs i Inside of the lene. the

md the oulside of the )sule a re open to moisture, ier contamination tha t c an : ghi b eam deteriorate both ' and direction.

I advantage of the halogen I lha t the lungsCen fUament a h ard g la ^ capsule filled ;en 'g a s . In 'th is envlron- llam ent can be healed lo a e r operating tem perature,1 a w hller, more powerful Jie conventional American •Tl headlight gives.I beam , this light will s e e in g d i s ta n c e s , fo r

by m ore than ,50 percent, loSylvanla. —

jam rth ah iy o g en h cad lam p .^ few er am t^fr& ^f electrl-

▼ t V t -v V T ~ T

_ \ Y f . A

I E ncH

Val.C O I

NAME.,...........a d d i I e s s . . . . .

■ TY . ....................

Mail c h ec k & coup c o m e in & p la c e y ou r ad today .

Ads ■ - - m ust

be pre-paid

- Y o u r a d w i l l i

T, I

” a

^ RETAIN"v ■ ■ S ;. process. W ? FIRMAN l ^ ' ■ d u c e i p - i — un< I ■./ • ^ J O Y C

’ • FIRM m ; / • RELIEVE

, • j n c r e a :

'/^jNEM'o/ ’Enjoy full u se Of <3 ' $ 8 ,0 (W id .when.!

w e'll g t e y o u a ' ------ ^track o M he p o

L O N G E R T ER M M E M B E R S H IP S W ILL . , B E .O F F E R E D t

im m...........2 2 6 E a s tla n (d Dl

Vrlno VOW' IfMIICrt vh»«. you w« bo ijnc

city uian the convention, beam limgsten lamp. This

. enough saving » Uiai; lhe< Uie size of Uie alternator ai could be reduced sufflclcn the engine’s fuel consumptl' tenths of a mUe.-lo the gall m iles to a 20-gaUon tankful.

However, cutting the sl ■automobile's generator a r depends on many things b l l ^ t s — oifnow big the enj how many amperes of { s ta rte r pulls and on h< clecW cal accessories- the European c tw usually ha\ generators and batteries be have smalter'engines.

Nevertheless, Ford Mote decided to adopt Sylvai sealed beam halogen hea standard equipment pn Lincoln VersaUles*phd has ll will adopt them on so m e '

^ m odelsini38l. , . t.Lj:zrJUchnrdjlc la.Chappclcr

vice president based a t

^ V a le n t i, • i n t h

ic io s e d P le a s e F in d M y S p

len tin elO M P O S E Y o u r O w n M es

u p b i i o r

J u s t '

- . V a l e n i


II r u n o n W e d n e s d a y

riMES-NElB o x 5 4 8 ,^ 7 9 3 -0 9 3 1

lfIg u

n c cfy o u r v ^ th f u l g p p e ss.VND TONE bust: Impi e c o ro n a ry risk, . in w c n te d Inches fre i' OVERALL FITNESS: m u sc les a n d Increc 'E tension ; im prove c lASE e n ergy , flexibill'

DNTHfQR_f o u r f o c i n t l ^ f o r 3 0 1 n .Y p u '^ c o m p l e t e a t I a ' h a n d y c a l c u l a f o r r o u n d s d n d i n c h e s '


IISTlCflI D r iv e —n e x t t o t h e B o w kuncsw f t» pwMcxilMd luooftHsion ol

jnal ^scaled N.H., who hn ils I s ^ b ig developing 111 leo'retlcally. “ Syivanla ' had and b a tte ry with halogen l< ently to cu t avlatIon--and ( lllon by twot appllcaUons. ' lllon o r four E u r o ^ n hal ll. A m erican seasize of the - was m ainly on

and b a tte ry m ass product besides the hybrid lamp,

nglne Is nnd - “ We solved power Uie halogen- fUled

how m any tungsten fUam le- c a r has. reflector,” de lave sm aller glass front h tK cau ^ they reflector. The

tested and c Qtor Co. h ^ ad ju stab le b /an la 's new. headlight ain eadllghts -55“ Am erican gah n t h a 1979 T b e ia m p sa las indicated a t S d em , Mi le other F ord ' industry shlf

substanUal sc; L’. u:Sf lvanla-—Oigmi ln ji_ m It Hillsboro, Seym our, Ind.

^ S u r p r i s e Y (

V a l e n t i n e W i t h a

in e Love 1h e T i m e s - N e w s

ip e c ia l P fe p a ltfT T f---------- -

lye Line!e s s a g e BeloW,

. . . . P H O N E ____ ___

3 Linns

* 2 “” t o r u n

I t i n e a d ^ f o r ;

s p e c i a l p e r s i

a y , F e b r u a r y 1 4 , 1 9

iWS 0 , ^a - 5

IREY(XINT<j e a r d p c e a n d d e l o

p r o v e c i r c u l a t i o n , s t '

r o m a b d o m ^ h i p s

l a s e s t r e n g t h / e n d u

J d i g e s t i o n , f e e l h e d

J i t y a n d . g r a c e o f rn i

L J u sr s iS) ( J u y s f o n o s t

f l e q s t 8 v i s i t s , ■

Dr, ( t o k e e p . i

5 y o u ' l o s e ) ■

U y v i N w o D i

3 i 3 : pmf

/ l a d r o m e .lW lr f F d n s n S a FI c< o u coruultanti and offarod lo r^

i r — — :I hnd much .to do wlUi '; the new lam p, s a W j .lad plenty o f experi w e e ........- ■en lamps for photography, ■. nd olRer specialized l ig h t . ; . IS. The task In . m ating • halogen technology and scaled beam technology

y one of adapUng blg-scale ductlon meUKxia to- the ip. ■ ■Ived that by sealing the ’ lUed'bulb containing U>e ^[lament into the gloss lam p ■ '’ de la Chapelle said. "The - It lens Is bonded to the The assembly Is p ressure d aimed so it will be - .! by all Uie s ta n d a r d . aiming devices used in -

garages.”ps are being produced now

Mass. It Uie U.S. au to ' . shifts to , Uiem on any 1 scale, Sylvania wUl s ta rt . -a much la rger factory a t___Ind .'

® r

Y o u r

h a . . . i

iL in e ^ -

n y o u r ^

r y o u r

■son. ^ :_ j1 9 7 9 . :

9 t h >

o u l sON

3loy th e a g in g

.s ta m in a a n d '

Ips a n d th ighs,

d u ra n ce , edithler, p n o v em en t,'

I s d " ■ ;•ILY O N E • H .5 D U C T 0 R Y BOFFER : B • "^P E R S O N B ' ; .

3 0 R 0 - I'"

' ' - f


; . C an low t ■' tobacco, disj 'th e o ry ?

'■ Read the research cor

■: taste-tested am ong curr(

Res( ConBrmed

MERFF tast( high tar ciga

■to m ice the

.-confirm tast' :iiiii3c8a£n

O Ph!llp;MorTii Inc.

Kings:8mg‘'ia r; '0 .6 n ig n ic^ j 1 0 0 's : l lm g '' i a r ; ’ 0.7mg[ifl

T, Warning: The Su ■ TiatiCigareite Sm

; (J)'c 'i:'- ' \

. A-12Tlmo8-Now9. TwInFalld

' I


Tor mt ?aden't a r M ERIT \ sprove th e ol

s results of. d,( inducted ami 1 MERIT aga ren t M E R IT ; sejuSJi Confin x/- Majority c ;te eqiial t o — ^arettea-testec e tar.j</--Majority:c stesatisfactio: MEzQSeaShel

ic B- • •I rfftojine j ] p r cigatotio. R C R

Surgeon Ge'neral Has Smoking Is Dangerous tj

'ANd. Idaho M onday , .lanuar


Idbl lted as s in f rwith ‘Enriche.

‘low tar; lc

detailed, natio; Qong high 'tar ainst high tar • smokers. '

rm s Taste Satis of high tar sir

- o r better tha id! Cigarettes

;ofhigh-tar^rr on of low tar Elming-ma4or4t

CR0ponMay'78 '

as Determined— , jtjYfiur Heallh.

' ,c

uary29.1B7g' ' ' ' ■ '

nal 5

leigoodreshried Flavor™

oriwide ■ r smokerS'Wh r-brands—an.

isfactionm okers rate ■ lan—leading s having up

m okers~lMERIT^^_3tfo£MERH



i li


sm oke missed

r Conian “ea:

1 0 Canjf. id , considi


deliver '■ . con tim_____ This

could 1 ;\M 1RI1

r z z L z f s i l E r n a

■ • ,


t i;s*ki ror bet rchsters say their { d !' - _

ifirmed; 85% asy switch”'fr ifirmed.- 9 pul dering other^ i n ^ M E ^ A l i e

^RIT has pro\ ;rs the flavoi* iues to satisf'i is ability to sa be th e m.ost

i f is - ^ a t it c [ a t i3 z e = f jo r - i% ] ;


I •

S t u c

sty_______________ y

tte rtttudy■ forraer high

f o f MERIT Sfrom high tar ut/of 10 M ER b ra n d s .t E m a t t v e T b H i

;)ven conclusr li- of high' ta r 1^y-satisfy b \^ r( |o t im portant -e claims-td be;

? t e t a ¥ : s f i s © t ? e r

IERj n g s & l O


M E R i



I tar brands w

smokers say it r brands. ,' UT smokers'r

[ i ^ T k - S n d i i

ively that it n b ran d s—but

3ng periods o evidence to d TThe first rea


m - -


' ' '■ ■


w eren’t / . :

it was ■r ' ■ '


kingnot onlyIt ■■

of tim e date that.

► I

- • ' n ■■ ^ V r ■ ■ %* - ■ • •

-i ■ ‘■''i • r i f t '

_ I L t i d

Hisfi.ByKENHODC Tlmcs-Newswrl

TWIN FALLS,;- Is app history becomfriga thingt

a- Members of lhe T w ln l . a Historical Society hop • ? inlcrest’ in their orgar

\ \vaned in recent years.' Membership has faii'

rem aining socicty Tner sta rted a 'cam paign to re; group.

"O ur _dceiine In mer i>ecause’"people tha t a re 1 that )<ln of thing arc. u ond every year, everybodj older,’- outgoing historl president George Holm'

------- Fallssald.-In his six years a s pres

organization, Holmes h, historical socicty memlx at about 200 m em bers the' than ISO.‘But older m m em ber a roll caii of a s i

'm em bers.

F i vTWIN FAl-LS - Mei

Republican Central candidates to consic

---------• - “ rccommend-for-appotI sheriff.

Five men have am appointment and are resum es of Iheir-qui

- party officials, ' ^ • « i a recommendation I missioners. '

The central commll ’ the applications..

Jam es Munn, chief ( the death of Corder am thenm nlngforthejob ,

Ivan (Ike)K lsU er,a and now a m em ber departm ent and Jam i K im berly a re also appointment.

Kistler’s blogrophy News.

Another person rua .officer from Twin Fall

Jerry PifromTw'lri Falls, h a s c

..... .............-Twin Falls County**shct— — ------t'aciccr, a lo rm erln---------------G ounty^erilf^fi-dep)

Polico D epartm ent, h£“ 3 -------RTtBypa^tiw uyca ia .-

Hc JoJned the police 1964 after four y ears Ir Packcr le ft the police I In'thc sheriff’s office.

_________ ^^_AS-fL.deptitt,he.wfworlted In crim inal Iny

In 1977 he w enl to Parole ahd Probation,

* . U metoBpendwlthhta:— P

*. work In other a rea s o(



n g t o I n s t i l l n e w i n t e r e s i

loricaliDGE ' * Holmes, w riter down afterappreciation for the soicc o; ng of the past? needs more InT alls C o u n t y , . . , , . a m tr; rtope not, but interested ganization has "P re tty sc

drop out. ' fallen off and field trips) nem bers have can ’t tal<c i re ju v e n a te th e ' long."

Biit gettiimembership I s . in anythin re interested In chore, acco c. usually older " I t woui( tody gels a yea r In terested ' torical society ag e ,’’head )lmcs of. Twin com e jout t

crijby It, bu jresldenl of the help run l 1 has w atched’ different th mberefilp peak "Maybe t thc'fi fflll to less runs people

members re- the membe a s many as 450 But men

Ihings rollll

l e w eMembers of the Tw in FalJ^Co ■al Comntittec will ’ have nsider In selecting a mar ipo tn tm cntT is-Tw irrPaiis-eo

announced they a re seeking a re sybm ittlng applications quaflflcallons lo th e Republ r-^ntral com m ittee will then ri 1 to the board of county (

mlttee will m eet loday lo re

lef deputy and ac ting sheriff s and Deputy Buddy Dewcese a

job. . .r, a form er chief deputy for Co >er of the T w ln .F alls city p ames Campbell, cWef of poli( K> asking c o n s i ^ g g ^ for

3hy ran last week in the Tl

running is J e rry P acker, a pi ^alis. -

^ackeriscn tercd hia n am e in the roc( jicMff,—r m em ber of boUr th e Tw lrff le p a rtm en t-an d -th o -T w In -I ,' has been an Idaho parole oflrrs:------------ ----------- -------------------lice departm ent a s a patrolmi :s In the U.S, M arine Corps. In icc deparlm enl to b ^ p m c a de

, w as a JuvcnUe officer and ■invMHgalion-; — rto work for the s la le Bures

i(5n, citing bette r benefits and.i hla family; . y3 pa!role ']ob also broadcnc<i

s of law enforcem ent such a s / tonal cpcanlzallons like the (!


e a t I n ^ l H s ^ r l c a l s o c i e ty ,

ll grou!S, wiio thinks hc should step ter six years as president for I ofchangc, said_Uie-soclciy oreyoungm em bcrs.I trying to get younger p e o p li^ ed In it,’’ Holmes expihlned.

soon the older people wili t. We ride school biiscs- (on ps) and n .lot of thct-'people ike Ujat pounding aii day

itting young people Interested hlng historical Is no' easy ccording toUEJnnes.3u)d bc hard to gel anybody 3d who wasn’t a t leasl college ,: added, "A lot of young people i( to the museum and really but as far a s getting them lo

n the organization, tha t’s a Ilhing.bc the word ‘historical’ kind of ipic off bccause they think all ibcrs are that age, too." icmbcrs arC' needed lo keep )lllng In the histdricai society, •

a n t t (County . s ta te ) pealtentlar e five P ack e r said h e :'1 ^ • * on oppdhunlty

___ 'S and a personal sa(" I t ’s going U

ing the advancem ent In 11 ns and fam ily,’’ hc subycan _ enforcem ent offi( nrnoke departm ent loan- y com- ^ P ack e r said U

several a reasof tJ- review He called for mi

to evaluate and pi ff since - m ore thorough c a re In employees.

— .......... He promised toCorder q( Castleford and

’ police the counly as ow l olice al


, „ K im berly chlEl P appointm ent as T\

Campbell said

for the counly posi Canpbell has i

j>ftlcar —T- J- ^ rloncc-asJ^iit'clL acc for- . -r:- F a lls 'la w - i l rm

S’Faili ; . CattipbcirTiM “ j-Faiis----------cnforccnrennrsinofficer " I think over the

------------------- ThnvftHninfIman in a conservative bii In 1969 the best possible I deputy possible expense t

stands by Ilself," ( nd also ' “ 1 yvould want

-------- enforcem ent'm irtreau of county. I also favid ,m o re parative hat pc

the sheriff’s office ned his uie counly 1 ^ ien

, . w ant. This is Imjinl^£4o--------p ro tecU o n -an d -iasjcourl Residents,” CamjSl ‘ (Idaho H e snid has obli

T w i n F a l l s , I d

;ty. c lu b m em bers listen

I P) The g r o i iM ie ^ partlclp r four Him trips a year u »»— m trtfrta tiffiT g^c counly

m useum n ear Curry Cross T w inF alls.

I, T he museum Is open I w a rm monlhs of the 1 c a re tak e rs handle most o J tenance. Holmes said. So bers a re needed, however,

and organize new acqulsi 1 m useum .} "W e need m em bers

■ Interested enough to he: , p lace ,-’.Holmessold.; By stepping dowji as-pn > yeo r and helping reon / society. Holmes hopes tc ) re tu rn to the withering o rg 1 " I f you are only go

p residen t of an organize f couple years, you can bust 1 th ings lo go," he sald7‘"B t

going to be presideni i ) yea rs , it gets lo bc a job . r e a l ^ go at lOOpercent."

0 b eHarbin Boise.'he sees re turning lo the sherll nity to se rv e Twin Falls, on ol.sacrtfi.ce,on%eolher,__ __; to be a sacr/flce. I t 's In lhe 'sense of money and free le said. "B u t I feel as a dcdlc }fflcer and citizen I can imp a more professional one."1 there’s room prove of the Twin F alls department,r more d irection from the top, d prom ote officers based on m ^ background checks of

j to Investlganrthargcs tha l i md Buhl Is less comprehenslv 1 w hole,'

»s C a m p b (’ — J a m e s Campbell, the 3S Icf ;o f police has asked s Twin F a lls Countyiherlff.lid hc has discussed the ap ^

position. ‘IS nine y ears law enforcen cILiisJ.waiyeiirs'w lth n lea ril Tn os' legal Investigator' an

M ^ah e s timated 1,000 -houh ‘SIhing in a iipnoses oi police w • th ep as t n ine years as Kimbei

rnv ability to woi ! budget and a t the sam e time 3le serv ice to the people and ise to the taspaycrs. 1 think m r,"Cariipbellsaid. ant to continue the high qu£ u rc lU z^ h av fi-co m e-to ex p e favor ah open door ollcy. I U t pcople-have a flow of Infom flee and th a l they have an Ini] I know w Im portant ' In helping us j^v

> .?il) pfmjtbeUsald.

■n .

I d a h o M o .^ a y , J a n u a i

''M '

;n c losely to fo n n er p re

LivenaIpants for lls Last week

and help In new-lhree-yily historical will reorganjsslng w est of he said. T h e

• by-laws .a nn for the six necessary,e yea r and Holmes sa; o f the main- "board of d inSociety mem- num ber gho:r, lo help sort" m em bers hi Isillons to tho ’ reducing the

New boai•s lh a t a re Zlkes, Bill 1le lp run the LcnonanU R

FallsCounlyprcsldent this He said It; Drganize the _ organizationto see vigor of work If c

rganlzatlon. ihelr jobs argoing to be a re reo rg an iizallon, for a the coming ys l a g u tto get " I rea llyBut if you a rc going to bc {

for several concluded."ob, you can’l back and j

. reports.” .

n e w.c a r e e r Ini;

riff’s office- "I am I o n c hand, enfbrcerrie- . j:______________ fcei.lhe.pcs not an ca ree r am c e tim e for . counlv." h Heated nprove ffle

vcm ent in. . t w i n f ;

a sysiom TwIn Ejills mDrif,ancl n p ^ ln tm c:

- potential , ,. la teSherlfl

,l coverage Dewceseilve than In ' AmarUlo, '

P a r ly and i wife, M arli

ell 'Deweese

^ y e a r -o ld Southern. : I io r the ; training, U

holds an )M lntm cn Academ y t l n hla-bid; num erous

Spanish l o '

l i to E -M n ,:— l^ e k p lo y a l - 55U>.™ “ . l l l a s m c y - . a t ^ ^ m i i i w y M )

_____ u i - w o r k c„ m cchnnlc i

icrly pollcc . , |v c y c a rs l fork wllhln ■ y;nrtihrCT'» nc proy we He has-,d th e lc a « having se) m y r te o rd Am erican • , ‘ m em ber oi ua llty law . a n d the Mi

’™ n k " lu ? -------- -D ew eese SIthink It Is Wllhout P i

rm aUon lo • " i R i f e ; ra p u tto lc t ■ O fT w in . w haflhe;(. p ro sram s

w ellasU K

. •. - • • y ?

“ '3 '2 9 , - 1 9 7 ? , _ _ _

DUnne Ili(Eainan/Tlmr(-Nrwires id en t

^ k , the group' elected f iv 3 ^ )*ycar board members and 'anlze the'board by s p r in g / h e group will also review lls and update them w here f.; s a id he thinks a i5-m em ber * lirectors Is unwieldy and the fhoiild be reduccd, although

have no definite plans for the size of their board, o ard members a re : Carl 11 Patton, Pete Creed, J im IR .D . McKlrfflcy, all of-Twln nty.I the Job of president of tlic ion docs not have to bc a lot f committees j r c ’all doing a nd said present m em bers'

anizing their committees for g y ea feel good already, nol >e president again," Holmes I. " I t wllltHi-nic(rtaslHn tiiC i ju s l s t a ^ up and give

7 GOUn law enforcement.

slnceijc aboul m y enthu; rrienl and loyal to m y professi .po.5ition of,sherlff would b c j and In my ability to se rve thi "h e sa id .

ddy DeweF A L L S -: Buddy Deweese, 43, ils-sherlff's office has en tered n e n l of a new Twin F alls Count s served as a deputy, being ai rlffPaulC orderO ct. 1,1971. ise was bom In Indiana i 3, Tex. He Is a m em ber of t id m arried to a "rwln F a lis won irlene have three children, age J I s ,a nurse and curreriUy n Bell Co.ise has 75 college cred its at 1- Idaho, most of 11 in lav , th e equivalent of som e 1,200 n intermedinte certificate f y a l Pocatello, His Irolnlng US law enforcement fields,. c> lo crim inal Investigation.• to Joining the sherlffls o al.lrr-TTvrin-Falls- by -Blll'^V .and-beforo-com ing- to.-Twi HI Dy the Iederal govem m ent Jccd—fO F-the-govem m cnt—B ic and In other ppslllons.’ Dewc r s In the army with the F ir s t In <3 yea rs In the active reserv e In i s ’also been actlve-ln-*com r se rv e tf on the board of dir m R ed Cross, assisted in Unlt( • of the Masonic Lodge Kayloi M agic Chapter of Iho O rd er o e servcs-cn the advisory board P artners.Ieve I would be able to do a goc 1- F a lls county, arid could ns which would benefit l^ ie j i th e people of Twin F a lls coun [s^^would llk»4o4ckaknouUtj5 I would like an opportunity t(

Af chhHff T\aii>aaca rnl/4

F l f f #

Water, se

I Buh] iden

By BONNIE BAIRd ' I Tlmes-Ncwswrlr BUIIL — Citizcn Inpul tlI ___ cK yOf n iiht fn rn Hnngln^I Development g ran t for I ■ w ater Im provem ents sh I areas w here moderat_e.; I coriic“ fa m lI le 's c'ann ! improvement costs.|i Mayor Dale Chrlstensi I Buhl Jaycccs assisted ' I questionnaires to several I community w here street: I pressure need upgrading. I "The survey was laJ I Jaycecs to a rea s where I perccnt response lo ou I Local Im provem ent DIs) I residents could nol afford I Mayor C hrlstensensaid.

In addition two publl were held last week askin comment. The m ayor salt 25 persons" responded t

, publlchearlngs. r Onc arca'o f tbe clt3 “whe

are served by a 4 Inch wa pressure Is poor was cov

n J ^ c e e su rv e y showln I m M crate Incomc resident ! • the hdmes. Anolher area v I improvement Is needed bi

lo low Incomc famliics fc loo high-w as'covcred In

Kimberli . top orate

TWIN FALLS - You d .from the K lm beriy ;; ' walked off w ith top honor 5 oratorical contest sponst c Twin Falis O ptim ist Club!

. Both first p lace winner ;r * the^ Hansen-KImberly j ic group. Dorl W hittaker, 1 h placc In th e girls division i ir Wall, 12, won in the boys d:

Contesi chairm an Chi '1 said there w ere 26 finalist n for honors and reprcscntir n Twin Falls, F iler, Buhl,

Hansen and Burley. Tlie ' c open to anyone 16 and It original o rations written g Ject " In My Youth, I S ec - ' s ' . Miss W hittaker' spoke r Youth I S ee-no success

from failure Irl' lhe_h( It subjccl of W all’s add ross ' s Youth, I See-Idaho Is a e and we m ust keep it lhat w, e Each contestant jpoki

.minutes. W inners win re|

m t y :thuslasm for law Ji ession. N aturally I- , )c_a_step up In, m y TWthe people of this ^ has '

■, Soun ment an d t

G € S G "I43 ,adepu ty ln t!ic ■ .59^^"

■ed the r a c e ^ ’-tf» » - ~ 7 i unty sheriff.; appointed by the

.He1 and reared in comn of the RepubllcanT— —Q55 th A-oman, He and his • Cord< ages 12 to 21. M rs. „Jy works for the

at the College' of law enforcement' ' ' P

200 hours. He also "r®' e from the Post ling hns Included rcvej^im;t,;_i_rom _

I office ,Jhe wns , In i

rw lrt— Palis- -w as----------andliin l for nine y e a r^ . .' -Het - n s - a n - a t r c n m ---------- wortcswecsc also'Served progi I Infantry Division Mue in Texas. a hocimmunity-service, :^omp directors for ih e Poca

nlted Way and Is a enfor ylor94A f-and Am Sheri *r oT E aslcm S tar. Hea rd o fih e -P a ren ts -— 19551

Mugoodjob as sheriff. asslsi Ud Inltiater som e Wells s jh e r lf f ’s staff ns repre 3unty. There arfe a appol lU an M ih n 'irn d ay . aPDOl y to do my tK^t In ’ . In th(

• O b itu a r ie s •S p o r ts .• C la ss ifie d

^ w e r

ldtiz< itify n<DJONES showing thesiT iter to pay the coslI to Quallfv the ChristensenIngnnHtTrh.m .for thC HUD)r street and orhousjng lmshow several ^J .and low In- Income. Thennot a f fo rd num ber-oH a

- ■ some with asnsen sa id 'th e in the family,d - b y taking He said theal areas in the .t’J' Uic city incts and w a te r approxlmatcLg. money for w;taken by the such a rea s /•e we had 100 Housing, hcour proposed apparently, iIstrict saying brlngoufanyiird the c o s ts ," - Mayor Chr

m ust submit iKii« ' Uon for the

? ! g I o r e l l l S S S T '" '” ' ' ” ' aid only aboul • ,

lie, i!; uial J ■ ^ i ^ ' r v o lr bul

*'ater line and itm itcd amouoyered by ^ e Tho mnynr on;lng low lo lis t with $l■nts in most of qualified appl:3 where slreet *300,000 Is avibul m oderate Buiil Is makln'feel costs a re city wUl ask n th c ^ u a c y ,: that.

'y, Hansen orical-dwooung orators ' Tv^n Falls d uI. Hansen a rca .. will also bc he)ors In thi; 1979 Second pUisored by the Sheila GerberibSaiurday. o( Tw iirFallicrs were from Twin F alls H

junior high R obcrtS tuart, 13, won first Finishingin and Michael Kim berly LI division. Kimberly^Hai:huck Hallett o fB urlcyJunlIsts competing H allett sating schools in a g is te d in thehi, Klmberiy, Sullivan ande contest was Kimberly-Hard under with Robert Stuarn on the sub- and Pauline

G aryBowyer; c on "In My ‘ Jack ie Parkiss can, come Kistler and Hhome." The C. O 'Leary Ip

s 'w as "In My M oncurof Bu'r a great s ta le ' ' "JudgM ' forway." B akerandM a3ke for four of the D alcXrepresent the LeonSm

s h e rf a m e s M u rrWIN F A L ^ - D e p u ty Sherifi 3 submitted His application ; unty Republican Central .Com mt as county-shcriff said he f i background qualify him for th ‘I feel I could serve the welfare 4nly in the Interest of safety, go d good judgem ent and can wbrk forccment agencies, the court- Iclals," M u n n sa id .,, ., ,.^ ^ '^ -

le submitted his application i nml,(tpo.lasl week, sceklng'thc* ] fth of his former boss and lonf rder.

rtunn has 13 y ears of law cnfor Joined the sheriff’s office lh IDC Jry capacity of a deputy sheriff ■ present. He has worked Ih civ 'cstlgtlon, narcotics and has bc I. During the long illness of Ihc s ’glven the authority of maniip

an In charge of personnel, - • •

n addlliori to ^ js wbrk-In Twin 1 ■iff’r6urvctfe'ln~th~e~Tr STAIrf( i ln d e rm n iy a^ a lrD o llc c o T i lc has abpu17D0 h o u n training rtrinclnd lngtraln lngirnm rw ri igrams.ilunn was bom In Twin F alls li lools hcrp and in Filer, gradi nplctcdTw o'sem cstcrs a n d a l catcllo and has attended a orccment c o u i ^ since-Jolnl; Jrifrsdepartm ent.Ic and Jane t Church wCPc m arr 5 andhavetw ochU dm i, Jam es ilunn form ed briefly in this a re ilstant a irport'm anager h ere a lls-Nevada Stage , lines as a ircscntatlve prio r to Joining Coi xilnied chlef deputy In Octob iolllicdlieJiasjKJilailS-liunillli the office,' but will try .to main

: e n s ' '

l e e c i sJiese residents .-irc nnl ;ible costof improvoiii'vns.,

nsen said lo qubiity Uil* city .UD^rant_f9r..t'ilU 'r^M rrcts __g Improvement, rc;;i(lf'.nl:i In slbe lib low 'sn ,il! 'ii)a iiiiiia ] rhe Jayccc .<;urv('y stin ts a .iH a m liiw tn -th H -rrf-r r’ry,—------------lasm any .asc lt- 'i.' n 'ln iliers illy, Christensciu^;. ■' the infornia{ip!! .'vji! •■•.■iired y in m akinirapi'lioiiii .n (or lately $Ji)0,00i> • in ; i ,m t , r watcr'tiiul M n.-: :i.' •([: InS;'». he said. W;is :i factor, y. as the .surv,;. failed to sny conimcfif.s un Christensen s.nld lli.' city nit pre-nppilcaUdii iiifr.rnia- . the g ran t by l-'rid-iy and I have It In th<! ni.’ill li.v (hat •" •

a r Uic c ity o f Biilil nnpllcd ' to c o v e r th e cliy '.s w a te r ,

bu t fa iled lo qu allly in th e w com m un ltic .s r(7r~lHe Tiount of m o n ey -iiv a lla iile . ' ’■ir cnlH niihLu-p« nn •'

$50ij,000 availab le fo r . ippllcants. He said tlifs y ea r - . available In tlie c.i'ant lund

ikln’g application for atid Ihd ask 'fQ f about (itii* third of

ntake)ardsi d u b In zone conlesLs which • s held in Twin F alls in A p rils

p lacc w inners in c lu d e d ^ rbcr nnd Bob Mitchell, bolh ,FaUs. M iss Gcrbci'-atUmds Is High School ami M ltdiell, uart Ju n io r Higii school, lg In th ird place w ere r

Langford, i;i. al‘;o of fHansen, and Donnhi King 'Junior High Sch(H)l .

said school instniciors 1 the contesi Incliulliig Clark and Carol .Sulliyan. from •Hansen, Jo an Wal.soii o£ tuart. Geneva PoiinehveO ine H arper, bolh yer and M arilyn hnli'ucand 'arke of F lie r; .M arilyn-; d Helen Hcrziiifiiir ul Vopfl ) y Ip Twin F alls, and CIcone'Burley. ' ' ■ ,for the contest" were Don---------------I M ark W rlghl, a.Ci^X. both leX an iag io school; Mayor h.andR oyS tradsscn ifC S I.' .

riff ■mneriff J a tiic s .Miulii. whnon to the T riirF iil!^ v .•:i:.-r------’om m ittrc for iipp(ii:it- he feels his c.':|.i'rteiiro ir the poslllon.fa reo ftliep tv ip lcn filic , ' •’.good law I'liforceniciil k’brk well with otli«Tl;iu' juris anci ’o thor otcct'oft - --

on an»l resum e to tlio the p ost v aciitn ll^ 'th f* long tliric frleml, FmiI

ifo rc fin o il I'-,. i'l9C9andh;is-.'- riff froin l h a t ! ' civil miittf!.--, i .1 ..; ,.

is been In i*h;ir." ■ i ! ':i ' f the Iati'HhuMi.i?: h.;;:. inHglng-llie 'rif.i'll. :• a ; .

vin,Fal!s,Cuiiiily. .Munn- MrfoT'cO'iii {ins~;'~'iiTiti v~ J Z l l * ’ "e O f f i c e r V ......... r~ling In law.enforceiiiiini W fo r c e m il i ta r y pohcr

lls In 193(fand attemiwl /radualing in 19-JC. He • / . Idaho State'Coll*?('c li> ‘ ' d 'a num ber of Inw olnlng the Twin Falls

la rrled I n Twin Falls ipmes R. 18-and J u l ie ^ G '__ -_____ _____areal w as emplo.vcij asre arid worked wilh lhe r ‘ 's a d riv e r an(V sales[C order’s staff. He wos -.tob c r , 1976, H c said Ifla k e p e rso niieldm ngesnalntaln a h i^ i quality

I ■-

unceTWIN F A U S - Tc3

; Magic Valley k i d Satu i ; word from com pany r q ; ' reduction of gasoline &iq

But ( h ^ t ra d to be 0 | h ave any serious effect f

Most Texaco sta tion r se v e i^ oUter M agic

- situation wlU t)e no wo 1973, based iqwn 1972 cot

W alt Thueson, owner one of the most optim ist!

.‘•I don’t look fo r any i think we’ll have a ll the I a re placed on a 1972 alloc

H e predicted th a t ot re(|ud jig supplies to thei

. l i m i n g of supplies t T ahyhardilup o r any chai I I t Is DOsslW** th a t fn o t

C it if o r t

ByBONNIEBAmD I T im ^ N e w sw r: B U H L - C o n c ^ ovei

o f land acquisition, a dn ; pa^c lp a tlo n and the 1

...Jy aliy ^ have prom pte abandon airport expandyea jl_

r . — M ayor Dale O n ls te m city still hopes to , ^ a

------ -hmway. toJ.900 Jeet.,andIm provem ents som etli lutiTO, but city council mi decided to “ back o f f ’ e:

I DOW. As a resu lt thi I withdrawn Its applicatlc ! and federal funding.

Buhl h a d 'a p p lle d -fo i ; , R an ted , funding by the I federal agencies fo r the I (mostly land acqusltlc

m aste r aliport plan.Worthle R auscher, ad

Division of Aeronautic

, - Sa//je A n d er1 , • BURLEY - Saille I died SatilrO^y evenln ; Hospital In R upert.■ • She was b om Q ct. 2iI R u p ^ a i ^ schools a j R » ^ on June 12.1972!, Her husband precede' Sbe'recehtly m oved 1: theLDSChurch.' _ S unlvors Include 3 e

of Biffley: h ^ p a ir a ts o f Riq>ert; th ree broth

i Donald Dean and Ala slstOT, Cairoll and A

! both of R upert and he - Am y G am er of Burley. ! She was p receded in II Puncnil seh 'lq e s wil: a t tbe Acequla LDS F j -K eith P arker offlciatlr

Cemetai7 . F rien d s m o

P /l l / l ip O sp UI NAF - PhlUip Ospl' died Sunday a t the <

BuHoy.' Bom July 14,1887, ai ^ a d e school in F rancc

> ___ _ _ when he was 18 y e a rs I; ; la te rm o v ed to N afin l! I He n ian icd Irene^ • B eavff, Ulah. S he prec ; :i976.

• He was a m em ber o: been a sheepm an fo rm

i Survivors Induded^ — daughtCT,"Janot-O.W j

Josephine, M arie Osi . ; Aldudes; five ^ a n d c h i

Ildren. He w as precedc

i S l i c e s ^ pcndlnPaynie M ortuary a t Bur

TWIN F A U £ - f____ M urrell will be held a t

" f l f tr tu ra y Chap^_^ I n t t M em bri^P w k .

— ------- riidU ey, w lU b c a ta p .m------- -.^Church Bt- Hailey—B a

. .Cemetery. .


_ Mirs. Jack Cog»er, Mai Bingham, lo re h e 'W ^ T * * T ^ to a and T l f f ^ K a h F o n ^ and Hanry Shaip,

. . G ooS ^aodV blaR A w soD

M rs . A ivfres G a l s n J r . ' i

. 0 -2 T lmoS'N ows. tw in f

al-Te;ertainTexaco service sta tion op er itun lay they have received no reg^resentatlves about th e anj siq>plles to re ta ile rs in F eb rm e optim istic tha t the cutback c t for ah*a motorists, m m anagers 'contacted in Tw g lc Valley towns S a tu rd ay pn w orse than the a llocations r r of Walt’s Texaco in Je ro r is tlc .ny sensational p roblem ,” h e : he gas that wo need if a ll the liocatlon.”; o ther oil com panies also h e ir retailers, b ut he docs not 68 to the 1972 consum ption wlll Jiange for the prople o f th is va t o th e r parts of the nation whli

Hgfi “

j ; o f B u e x p a n s

RD JONES ^ D epartm ew ritw \ Boise, saiver rising c osti Adm inlstrdrop Cl federal. < ih t of bc

2 1 pcrccnt in- • land acq ipted- Buhl to needed fo mision for this whose pre

for cxpan en scn -sa ld -th c— c j ^ a n d w cpand the Buhl H e sa id t m d m ake other , pays 83 pe e tlm e In the the remalj I m em bers have evenly b< ’ expansion for - govcm m ei the city has R ausche

atlon for sta le be used fo the s ta te . 1

• for* and been ' y e a r o r twi th e sta te aiid ahead on tli

the first phase Christenj lition) of the • a s s u h ^ it

... fo ftfed adiplnislrator, delaying.,!]

j t ic s for the. m ore. ■

o / I , ■ , ..

- i •

erson 'He Ann Andersonj ^ I , o f Bu mlng a t the Minidoka Mcmj

1. 26, 1956 a t R upert. She attci 's and m arried K eith A n d e i^ 1972.« d ed in death lnl976. ed to Bui-ley and w as a m em b

! 3 sons, J o ^ e , Leslie and B n ts , Frank L. and E lv a G . Ga o thers, Calvin L cR ay o f P aul A lan Keith, both of R upert; a M r . Eddie (Linda) Timm : h ^ paternal grandm other, 1ley. TT- ________I in death by three grandpareni w ill be held W edne§day a t 1 ]3 F irs t Ward Chapcl w ith Bii Qtlng. Burial wlll bc in th e ftu m a t.the H ansen Mort»

t i ta l ,

sp lta l, 91, longtime N af tts ic le Cassia M emorial Hosplta

r, a t Aldudes, F rance, h e a tlei n cc ; He camfe'to the U nited St [rs old and settled In E ly , Nev n 1909 where he has since rcsic le Baldwin on Oct. l , 1919 (receded film. In death ' in Augu

f of the Catholic C hurch and r m ost of his life, ed one son,. S am of Naf; .W ard 'o f-M altaiT T h tetrsIfil O sarart, and G abrlclle, ali Ichildren; and two ^ a t grani «ded In death by h is paren ts, B'rs.ding and will be announced Burley.

■ Funeral services fdr Sm 1 a t 3 p.m. Tuesday a t th e Wl

lc e s - io r 'l2 hait.m. today atb t* Ch^lcss C ath

D g j p S la u Ce y j ^ o r ia lAdmitted

Waillu V. Lainpe, M rt. Ker [i7‘air?if Twin F ^ r W r s : TU !ai«I, both of Buhl; M rs. 1 up.^both of F U e t Scott Roge w nofK im bei-ly .^ ra g m ta fd ----------------------------r ., 'R ld iw d “B uck" WQsbn,

In Falla, Idaho M onday.M on

x a c c > s

1 abouterators fn experienced sIgnIno omclal years, the 1972 I

announced motorists, Thucso;ru a ry . ' ' “ 'The'very worck will not anyw here through

; gos supplies,”.hesFw laFalis , Jo e . "Buck" Epredict the- L akes T e i i | |^ n ‘3 m ade in. anything yet?!^us

ag rees tha t the irome, was sta tions wUl b e 1

based on the prevliie said, ' i A spokesm an othe dealers predicted “ It shoul

and m ake a run, bi» will bc serious.”not believe . Alice Armstrongvlll “ cause Auto Scrvlcc on Wvalley". know is that the pivhich have . w e gel a new truck

ih l to Stc s io n o fcm ent of Transportation, in said the F ed e ra l, Aviation

stratlon had approved 83 per- ,both the $171,000 needed for icqulsltlon p id - the $43,000. for relocallng two families,

property would be purchased >anslon of th e-h inw ay 'to the Iw esl.—Id the federal govem m enl now P^rw nt Otsuch pmjpft.s afifl

lalnlng 17 percent Is divided b( tw(Jen s ta te and lo c a l"

nenls.± e r raid the funds will simply for olher airport projects fri

c. Buhl may reapply wlthfn a ' two when fl Is ready to 's m n ;^ 1 theproject.ensen said the city has been it can retain a higii-prlority—

federal funding even though - U lhe expansion a year o r —

Burley, Tuesday, aftemoon jm prial s eh 'lc e s one hour pi

S S MadelyriE.TWIN FA LLS-

• . F alls, diod a t M, n b e r of S aturday aftemoon

Bom Nov. 18,19: 1 Bruce Twin F alls in IMO, G am er Bank and T rust for aui and of lheFh«tC hristla rt; two ' S h ew asm an ied i nmons. M ay 14, 1943 In Twir r , Mrs.- In addition lo h

survived by two ■ents. Fran tz , Jerom e i 1 p.m. A laska; one brother

Bishop tw o sisters, M rs. Ar ftupert. M rs.CalharynFlski )rtuarv , G raveside servlet__________ a^Sunset Memorial

th e F I r tt Ctelstlar m ay be m ade to the

S J a u - - Ernest TosiT W IN F A L L S -I

llended . ’Twin FaUs, died Sur I States M emorial Hospital, lev. He He w as bom Feb, aldod. Axelson on J u ly J , U 919, a l lo Twin F alls In 1954 iguslof He w as a member

In addition lo his \ n d h a d Mre. Don (Gale)

Tostenson of North f; one siste r, Mre. Edwin (I ;Ifile'rB,—-^-"^H m eral services a ll of the White M ortuary

andch- officiating, ^nt^nrie its, his C em etary. The faii

. m em orials be give » d by F riends m ay call

Tuesday, Wednesda;

While • vrtid~dled Ttiuj^lav. Sunset .W hite .M ortuaiy, Cl

M emorial Park.

ithoilc- ; died F riday ,'w ill I


E f l i F —. George Detweiier, W —Mre;MarvtnSirtlth,-^

Cenneth Charles O kelbeity ai Robert • ■ Buhl; Mes. P aul Won

I. B ^ d . b a b y ' l l of Gooding ) g e ^ f W lnterboU v of Jer


n, M rs.'

)onuary29. Ip io

s t a t i o i

Lit g a sIgnlficant population growth ir 72 allocation could causc a .lesonsald; “ -----------worel thing th a t people could lUghout the nation, would bc to': hesald." Buckingham, m anager of Jn Twin F alls, s a I ^ ‘‘They ha ^ust know ttlia t I re ad lii the pf he announcement undoubted!; I e limited lo the allotment ir ■evlousyear; ' n ot Mendlola’s Texaco in Twi fiouldn’l be too bad ., unless peoi n, but If they Just a c t normal, il

:xing, coow ner w llh h er husbar nW est.AddlsonlnJVJji F alls,, le price is taking another raise, uckload of gas there’s price hikj

'o p p la na irp o r t

In “ We Iw ye so many critl)n Buhl, Including our walr- plans for a Local Inir District for streels and a )X). iTMlment facility. We an;s, som ething aboul these, Old thinking conservatively ;le we cannbt proceed on too i

a t one Ume and Inrvleiw pcrcent and a need to holdfl'-’' gmprnHyj’Thi^tclpngpnen

J - Ralph K ing Of the en^n of Smith -and Kangas En{ Of Boise is currently com

^ B uh la iipb rtm aste rp ian .(• said King presented one-j• the city and Is. now ma

^ , c h a n g e s recommended by i

1 It Is scheduled to bc ret f— fo rm -ln - M arch rT h e^c i 1 • already, opproved the 'f r — w hleh ^ in v o Iv ia -iJ ifrd w isti

extend-the runwoy.

oon anct evpning and a i 't l ie ^ ir prior lo the funeral Wednesdi

£ . McConnell) - Madelyn E . McConnell, 5S

Mogic Valley .M emorial H oon foUlowing a short illness., 1919, in Mindeh, Neb., she c> IMO. She' worked for the Twir for several yea rs , and was a m stlan Church of Twin Falls. led toM ah 'lnA . "Mac"McCon 'wlnFalis.0 her husband, M rs. McC!on pVO daughlei^, M rs. Rick e and M a g ^ e McC^necll, ther, Eugene Jensen , Twin Fall :. Ardls M ahan, Joshua Tree, C ^Iske, Long B cach, Ca. vices wlll be h eld a t 11 o.m. Ti rial Park, w ith D r. E . V ^ lb n J itlan Church dfflcia'tlng. Men IheC M C crFund.’-

ystenson- E m esl Raym ond Tostenson Sunday m om lng a t the Magic

tai.•eb, 15,1910. H e w as m arried to L 1938 a t Big Slone, S.D. Theyi 1954.ber of Our Saviour Lutheran Ch lis wife he is survived by a dau

e) Reddy of Boise; a son, irlh Fork; five grandchildren in (Stella) BergtoU of Stanfield, res w lll'behel3 a ri-p im rT hurs ary Qbapel w ith P asto r Lolhai nriehl will follow in tbe Twin fainlly suggcslsvihj i c u of (I

glvw- to the A ilhrtlls Found all a t the W hile ,M ortuary i sday and until noon Thursday.

iay, wfli be M a n l 1 D,m. Ux !, Chale. Burial will be in 2

ill be a t i r a .m . today ot

r, Mre. V alTIym as, Orville Hi th,-^-DfTwiirFalls; Mrs. j m k yan d baby.boy.and.Tlffany.Ki Voraell of Burley; M rs. Angelo ling; Melanie S teffler.of heybi Jerome; R ot . Gudffell and^ Imberiy and M rs. U v e h i Davii

RM ha '

•n ^I ■ ^ .

in th e p a s t s i x - a shortage for

lid . do, here or o 's ta rt'B riin o n

)t B uck 's Blue haven 't told us p aper.” B ut he dly will m ean - V r m ade in 1973,

win FaUs, also H r a S ^ople get stupid p W W H il won’t be too Wk W:

and of Chuck's 5, - & a l d . ! ^ w f i _ _ 2 ie-/.i-L sc. E very tim e — '/» '/./

- t!}

^ ■ h l l

itlcal needs Irf' ‘ ' f jS j l/a te r system , W ///S / /1Im provem enta w aste w a t ^ ■re forced todoO urcouncQ is-f and feeling w H m ]0 m any fronts M j S u H lew of the 1 | ^ M | Id down taxessaid.-.----------------

;Ineering f irm '^nglneci^ Inc.nnpleting the B B H 1. Christensen . e-proposal lo - naklng som e •y the council.

*eady in final"council h ad -------

first p h a ^ slug IM d to

C lean

Jo y . H ic

Hospital duicam e lo TWIN FAI

vln T a ils • leaders fro m eniB er' Valley galhe

to honor 29 < onnelion - - -contributlonf

• • . . .ingactlvlUes onnell is Sbc adults“S andl" Silver Beavt

I, Juno, ........ honor givenalls; and Scouters rec C a„an d Snake River-

E arl Griffi T uesday the council1 Scoll of____senjed the Semoriais ‘ Jim Archiba

- ...... - -B uU er of Min•a^d Bobby ] Falls, anci B Rupert.

on, 68, of Gordoti BeIc Valley council pre;

' special 50ryc to P c a ri H oiveyJ.S tc

y moved Locke of . Gc service Iosco

Church. The councilaughter. Leader awai n, G ary Hailey, Wes ( in and a Tree of Rlchi Id. Ore. . _ __Tv«nEaHB._rsday a l ------------ D a v e -D e riar p le tz coordinator, | In F a lls merlt'presenl _ ^ w c r s . aw ahl g iven I a c t io n . council.' to d a y ,, (icne Baxt'. ' District, pres

Autehrieth, : Miimm,' Pau

• Wlrsching. ‘ Vem- Clark

chairman, pn Durhaih, Ver

lBde,''57, nt > ____ Mlnlrtnlm -II Sunset , Olsen presei

Tanner, G « Andrew;

r74. w hd^— z z i :3 tg S 8 ^ a y t W hite ' chairman, p r Icmortal Tayjor, b u I jv

DallenEIquis..............................Wood Rlvei

ibcrt ■lY6e p _____________ .DnnaStiir^eo

— IF miHunUcy and . W J f l S

MOSCOW, ■ Seventeen-yea

; .. d e n t ," 'p r w ^

in ing u pW ^ e legislative work gcK a t Boise, a maintenam shovding and s w ^ i n g s

g h h o i i iir in g M cJ'ALLS - Some 300'Scout from throughout M agic Ihered here Saturday n ig h t- 59 of Ihelr fellows for Ihelr ons to youth through S c o u b ^ ies.ilts were presented w ith av e r a w a i^ , the highest cn Icadcre, a t the annual recognition banquet of th e e r A rea Boy Scout Coiincil. iffin of Rupert; mem ber of :II executive b o a rd ,'p re - ; Silver Beaver aw ards loib‘a a “o n v c n a a i r t » 5 i r H r "rtinldbka, William M .Stover y K. Bopp, both of Twin I Bill and Eva Nichols of

Beckstead of Twin Falls; I'resldenl, presented two ►ryear veteran aw ahls lo . Steel ol Burley and Fred N. Gooding for SO yeare of

scouting. \ .icil p resident also gave Key A 'a r^ 'to John Davies of -. » Olsen of Rupert, D elbert ichflcld and John Roper of

) e n a u l t r - S « u l - tM f n in g ~ r, presided a l the aw ard of entation. This Is the highest Bn by a district of the local

ix tc r, chairm an of F a lls resented awards to R o b u rt'" ;, Betty Morrill, W illard ’aui .Patterson gnd"J^eal'

u-kslon, Northslde D istrict presented awards to B ryan ^cm S. Q arkston and W alt

) ,'n i^ ricL .gH afcm an-JK ft^ ^sented aw ards to ]^on 3 w rg e Neilson ond Hy

'a y !o rr-% a a s ia -^ p j9 t? lc F - presenlcd h o n o red Cloyd

i Mcnaemiaii. u iT i'te rlln g ," ' u ist and Monroe Adams, ver D istrict chairm an De- ! p'rcscn'led an aw a rt to

_________ ____

lissititleW, I d a h o (U P I ) - ^eaf^ ld -J iU Hall, Idaho - held ah o S ta tb Ju n lo rM Iss - i I^t>gram d a ,cam pus S a tu ^ ia y ^ Q ^ ttB ^ j^ 10 F ^ H i ^( o u ^ chosen Mls» B flg H gnKr in ISa r4nii^ ti>r n f M r S f R

•;----------^ ' ■ j.-'. '■— ;— ^

B i w. >v h b I ^ B

c a p ita liance m an k ^ > s busy .<L Ig snow off the M iiidlng's

ib rs giv< a g ic V at J a y Fowlesv^f J e ro m e : and dinner music w as pi I- M lrina Carey, A l l c ^ ^ r ' ' Janlne G reen..

— The flag cereim^^M by the Dan B e a r S k S U ^

1 acU ^ as e s c o r tH K r i t receiving a w a i d ^ ^1 In ad^tlon l o V e adult J ' sbrlSVln'Fall's High Scho

rece iv ed ihc^ Y oiing f awaiTls. Firet p resen ted ii



’ P ^ S ^W eciiA l 1 hov« l(


W SALE TIME 11 :3 0 a ., I -------------------------

L LIKE N.1 9 7 0 John D ooro 40

I r a c to r w ifii siric transm ission , p o w o r rodio, oir, . cob, 15

,. rubbor. 3 p o in t hi ^ —now .w ith on ly 3 2 5 ho I ^ 9 7 8 Jo h n D o o n

sw a th o r w ith -’dhoSd cab , hy

d rlv o , ^ o w = ) |» » ith , ■

' 197 4 Now^ .H ollan< 1 049 h a r ro w b o d , 3 w ide, co b ,. O se^

' h o m o , n o c u s to m top condition, 1978_John D ooro 716

z : - l t« o r _ a x jo J o o d .jv Q g 11 L X 16-f|oQ tofl<

f'OW. ' k

' I llflllllll fT"~

~ ~ M il— 1 ^ 3

I l r ® )N O T E iT h tso u c tk


s t ^ . a e a i in g sidewalks . fiequent snow storm s have ke

e n sc o u illey nigic was solplst . a i« givra t achieved exc w n s e n ' and . various fields. m ' .. - be in v o lv ^ in K presented ■ D h J a i h ^ : !ers, who also School - supe'

the people aw aitlsloM lc business; Roj

uils honored,' Pfefferle, sci hoo! students a r t ; Mark 1 ' A m erican Michael A. Ni I in 1968, they U s a Hendrick

-H egi Top FARMMA

AUC1inesday, Januarlo ld my dolry form , 1 wlll oHmt i:

itM 3'/i m llx wail. 'A mil* north a W ondoll. Idaho.

a !m l ~ . LUNCH A

MEVVEQUtPf1030 diosoi'c r o sh if t i f f w j i j j j r>r s too ring , U i U l U U | ^

X 36 h itch, Ilko

Sdl m o to r ,« p ro p o l l^ d hydrostollc

t e « ' j only o t 'm w o rk , r; j

h y d rau lic sp

’•'’“i Z Z h d t ^ 2 ad itlo n .1977 N ow Id.

, r u b b o r io ^ h , - . Jo h n .Dooro'

y ? Q w A ] ;------d is c -g ro ln -da t ta c h m o n to KircfTnor dou

„ w ith 3 po in t f

tion will not lost Ion's. Th»r* i) rm lsc « lla tio o u tr i0 ^ M e i

r e m i f t ^ C A S I I

tsr ■>«?:. ■’5=F

H i ^

Bol)DeU*Jimuttmn>«»Newi .

Iks from th is yeai^s ^ekeptcTcwBhiOTini-;

. - ■ ' - ■ J

UtSg h tn to students who havejx exceptional excellence l A

Bids. The i^clp len ts need n o t , \idlnScouting....... ............. - SiM Sawfn, Twhi F a lls High upe'rintendent, presen ted Michelle A naM cM anaman,Roger Ckiok, m usic; Lisa science; Brian- Florence,

•k Dunham, goveiTimenl;I. Newberry, a th letics; a n d ' [rickson, lite ra tu re .

3 p Quality I lACHINERY ICIIOMdry 31, 1979ior Iho following a t auction ,rth and '/> mllo M il of



evir 'H o H a n d self* d x h o p p o r , S ld tf" so! m o to r , p o w o r , h y d r o s to t lc drj^io, . . t. d ire c t co t h o fld o rj 'Itlon? . . . ■ - ."I; .'j JW H o lla n d fliayol ' cro p c h o p p o r M b a o j . f l -

sp o u t tu rn o n ' Ilko .§

n -D oocoJA cdo l-U 6 S^...a.-----

/ Idoo s id o ro k o w ith 'm ^ h , liko n ow .)ro‘ 16 h o lo d o u b lo n- d rill w ith s e e d o r nf o nd o n ru b b o r . • ” doublo w in g d i tc h e r Int h itch , hy- Ift.

i»r*-)w|ll b * v ary - '- ''W EtA klY :----------— -

1 _,


__ ' __g

Z odfrorr

SAN DIEGO (U P I) -- o f .two Becond-place 1

treacherous playing $250,oooSan Diego Opei

<t It was Zocller’s firs t <- PGA tour and he wrap

day In which-wind, rafr P ines South CJourse.

ZoelJer, 27, sta rted th . and h is even-par 72 rc£

Watson, Artie McNlckl( ^ t e r opening the tou

winds T h u i^ a y , Zoelle rounds and finished w it

: “H ie victory w as w ort- eam lngsto$29 i,04 i.'"

■ “ NowIlojow I c an w b e as hard as winning I

. change anything. I got ! , going to iteep on p la j

question I learned a lot lean jed a lot from winni

Sunday, despite the a forced a 12-mlniite suspi m an who wanted only tc

•]ow ersco'rethanhls72'o ■ than 30 mph and piayc

P ines South Course, hi elements.

Zoeller, who shot (17 li hole score of fcundcr-pai

Z JCODDOL beats A in 3 sets

PHILADELPHIA (U seedetf Jim m y Connors I

■ h is intensity to dlminlsl crushed lOth-seeded A rt

\ (5-4,<5-l,towlnthe$40,0(M the 5250,000 U.S. P ro I

\ Championships.The 35-ycar-old Ashe s

H -in the match Sunday H Saturday, when hc cam( f l two set deficit tO defeat ra . • tls . BulConnors-dldn't s ^ • breathing room to rei

J lopsided duel, tha t los ' ' hour, 5C minutes.V “ Even when I w as u

loye. In the back of m y how he came back yes Connors, who won 14 of played In capturing thl fo r the third tim e In fouc

"There was m ore me on mc in the third se l t< pace. 1 didn't w ant one i In the third set, I wanted

. I Just wanted to keep th< " ^ -g eU fL :i= - -

Connors did so w baseline shots 'that kept back ogalnsflhe'basciJJi never allowed to volley ■ a s he did in reaching tl w as forced lo keep sc ran

In addition, Connors w on his service, not e v e n : a break point until (he ei

— tbe.-second.seU-whcn-h , l e a d in g s . . •

"Jim m y hits the bail line and you have to ge1 quicker ^ a n wilh G (Guillermo) V ilas," si^

•liost m et Connors anCNSi ■ th e 1975 W lmbledQnft

“ You have a second i?iw balls. When they 're hit line you've realty got to g

Ashe .also adm itted e ffec ts of S a tu rday ’4

. m aralhon duel agninst G< " I feel llke.'somelxSjy

w ith a stick," Ashe said.

fatigued today. I don’t .c a re ."

As he did S a tu f^ y , s ta rted sluggishly Sund broke his servo In the ma

M n

“ - - 4 iAGIC VALLEY - (- sustained a setback whe

p ro fe s s lQ n a l .b f lg l^ ^- d raffcarlle r this niofiUi. •

Knight, a frosh pitche . w hilehew assU Ilhp.nieai T jo ldenE a^es. .

“ I felt really ba^ aboui , m uch for us a lthough'l fl th is year. B uf I undersi a tandahl iookle league c th a t his college scholars^ B ut he wanted to try prof«

. obviously."' Additionally, Scott

. fo rtbe(jo ldcnE agli^ ,aIs secondniy draft. "

Twin Falls Athletic Dir • , having some trouble wltJ

• - - g o eqiuU U y-bf.^ro^^^


;ller n n SanI) — Fuzzy Zoeller u se tfthe cx « finishes last ^ ’c a r to get Ig conditions Sunday and ip enbyflvestrokcsr ■st ca reer victory in five seaso rapped It up w ith a n even-pa rain an^tia il pelted the st'asid

1 the final round w ith a two-sti resulted in an ea sy v ictory o

ckle, Wayne Levi a nd Bill Krai tournam ent w ith a 76 In near jller shot a pair o f (57s in the ml with a 72-hole sco re of (5-under ’orthJ-15,000 ahd boosted hi:

1 w in," he said. “ W inning age ng the flrs t^ m e . B ut I 'm not. 'o^herepTaylng th e w ay I do, )laylng the sam e way. Thei lot from being close la s t yo:

nning, too.';iC adverse w eather w hich a t o ispension of play, Z oeller play y to win. Ju sl five other playci 72 as the wind g usted a t times ayed havoc with th e seaside , half of w hich 'w as, exposec

r? In the middle two roundfirh p a r 282 and he won $45,000 IpL

\she H

(U Pl)^ - Top- ■ irs never allowed nish. Sunday and A rthur Ashe, 6-3r ),000 first prize of0 Indoor'T ennis.

ie s tarted slowly day as hc did ■ im e back from a ! a t Vitas G e r u l a i - ~ ^ H H I't allow hlm any recover in the lasted Just one

s up two sets to ' m y mind I knew , yesterday ," s a i d ' ' ' . ^ ^ ^ H , of the. 15 sets h e . ' this tournament

sucycars. m ental pressure :t to keep up the ne servlcc break ited two orihrc« . the pace up and

w ith s'tlh^^n 'g^ ep t Ashe pinned ;cjinc. Ashe was ey as effectively ^ H | ^ 9 g the* finals nnd rambling. M B H j j■s w as con^litont ' B H H 2n allowing Ashe e eightli game df n -he lost se rv e — H [ | | | | | | | |

all in a straight B D H f l gel to It a lltUe W M

G ^ a l t l s Qy S n liA she , who l i m r r > ^ a t e d h i m l n1 fting ies. final.W i« o gel those gam e, set Mt l i f e slralEht backhand! lo g o . " - \ up th e lln eEd ho m t tho- Connors y 'J 3 '/!^ o u r ItG c n iJ a l t i s \ th ree unto: iy Just Ijcat m e Both plaj! Itl. "Sun; 1 felt a n in th 8»ra OTDW^havo iG lt, -h lai-servo 't .can: who you ' boekhand.

. - ...........'The2G-y(ly, Asho again tw ice In thi unday. Cohnon; fUth game m atch’s sccond crosscourt

2n y Houey.

ZSl b a S i- CSI b w b a l l p a c h J im ) vhen o q c * « i^ ^ e ^ r u l t s optc(

iJier out of K allspcll, Mont.," e and hence w on't be avallabi!

» u t It,” Coach WalReVsaid. •' ■1 felt hc could rea lly help ou erstand he only got $2,500 a le contract. 1 tried to explain rs^ p S h /id a v a lu eo f a t leasLj rqfesslonal ball. I t w asn’t the r

Job, A Utahn who p layed two , also signed a f te r being tagge<

Director Duke W isem an currt with the Title IX people conc 5his;orfcrcd boys, and girls, a

uns avI Diegjcxperlenci* . cartier.eam ingst set him by"' A fter taking th id -win th^ w as not f/usi'rale

. “ W hen you wi asonsonUie “ winning Isn’t ev ■par 72 on a ' W hile players side Torrcy who sta rted 'the

J e r ry McGee, pli -stroke lead bogeys on the 1st y over Tom on th e 6tH, p arrc ra tzert. ' 10-footer fo rh iss argale-like . Tom Watson, middle two P lay e r o t the Yc

der-par 282. Lcvl nnd Bill Kr his career to ta ls of 287.

again won’t r '^ * ^

■here Isyear, and I I t w'as the seco

Diego Open. Jac! it one polnl oniy fourplayers layedllkea - S t r o n g gustini :yors s'/Jot a cflndJtions d/f/fci ves to more . • bad a score.Ide Torrey ’Tom m y ^^aron sed to the ' tournam ent throL

-first-round lead ' T-had.a 7 i secbnd-rotfnd Teai [pboosthls _ finish fqrjij^rk jp i

im y C onnors pow ers

setting tlie gam e up when ho nded a sccond serve by Asho Ine.DPS liold his Kerve ln_Uie third .0 go up 3-0 wlth'tlie*’help-of riforced errors by h is opponent, ayers held^erve, and in the a’me, took the set on rvc_whenr7-Asht-.i. ne tted —3 - nd.!ryear-old Connors broke Ashe’ the second set in th e third and mes, taking a 2-1 'lead on a urt forehand and a 4-1 advan-

seball reII W alken said 'Fwln ‘Falls ci j le d 'f o r a - p rogram . •

Ume,’'W isem an tr it., s l^ e d team s spendrabout iblp to the practicing. Wc onl

only about 16 houn i. "Not so The d rill team 'for our team ,a.m . to school time D and the have tha t tim e slot iln to .h lm " his sophom ore proi SLSIO.OOO. there is direct com le monijy, then tfie drill team

-TSttra-cJpicui'ar a

I W je n r T 'ged In the .. The answ er, o f«

B u tw h o isb rav ea r CXuTOitly Twin 1

irrcntly Is d ra fted and Jiopefi }ncemlng Im m ediately north sQ t Twin .opcna'lotofpracU i:

Diif U I fn 'f KrtlTt

JO f ie ligstq..52 'Jl,0-U." •g th e lead in-the third round ,:-ated by the lack of vlcfories on1 win as m uch as 1 did last yteverythlng.” -ers all around him made mis the final round with a two-sti , played steadily if not spoctad ! 1st and 4th holes, but recover irred all the w ay to tho I8th an ils second birdie. •- m, winner of five ev^enls in Year, shot 7 i;tfi tie Arlle Mcl

_KTiitzertJQE_second_lhev-h; ?

ilrd a t even-par 288' were Lc{ rry P a te and McGee.- :e was worth S16,500 while $8,( ilshers.

>econd h l^ e s l winning score c Jack Nicklaus won the 19G9 till ■ers finished under par.*Jting winds on Thursday 'i r/fcuJ£,’so Hoeller’s opening 7(

tfon, who had to figljt “his ■ irough the qualifying round, sl ad while MoGee had a 67 F read. Aaron added rounds of 7 {iiLthafleld bf 80 survivors.

rs h is w champi

10 tage wltli a forehand 10 re tu rn of serve. .

Bjit from 1-5, A.she hei ra thd’seven th game, broke of Uie.TrrSr.tlme In.lhe elglit. ll. Connors netted forehaii le foreliand volley, andheld in to pull w ilhin 4-5. Connf 3 - - c a m e back-lo-capturc-L

p icture-perfect drop voile; ie‘ Ashe appeared to be id com eback In game two of a iShen he had Connors at 1- tlianks lo two double fai

ec m it clis couldn't count drill team a.

iiiT iriiiiiliw -r^ieiiijii'u iiijrnif n tried to explain. ‘‘I^nch of oi iouTan hour and a hall lo two only have one gymnasium ai

ours p er day when il can be lo for y ears has used the gymnn Ime In th e m ornings. J f Uie drll slot, Coach (Ron) B ^ d would practice to th a t tim e period. compeUtion for gymnasium tii jam’s use,should be counted a r acUvlUeS dnd be judged c mpetlUve team s.------- --- - —

)f course, would be to elimlnnt e and/or foolhardy enough to tt in Falls is hav ing a use-only

pefully win bc ab ie to raise t jrU tof the ex isting field houj fcUw Ufne during the winter d-


i. Zoeller said he . . on the lour.. y e a r ," hc said. ^

listakes, Zoeller, stroke lead over •.3Culariy. Hetook'ered for a birdie S Hand then m ade a

1 1978 and PGA 'IcNickle, Wayne - K H .had-ltundor-par— ‘—« S |

'Trevino. Vic

0,093.went lo th e . - p S f

0 ever In the San- illew lU ia2n-Jas ^

'm ad e playing76 was nol Ihal * O *

s 'w ay Into the ^shot a 69 for tho ^ F riday for Uic*

f7 0 |75and7G lo , ! '

- ■ : _____________ GOO•■ *! Ilyrcfu

— '— i n n —


- '."JtcaT ; River-/

becays' -anothei Boxing

■ ■ .Withi never organic

.malchc -T h c i

' boxing

H w ith o tBrenna

• • AAU’si

i j to go a I would t

j ' adverti j claim s

j coache

- j' tournai

■ nam es j ■ membe

j ' adverll^

prograi : - se.fah e j shouldn

_ . ; - , I iv e .r c i ' Norris

II.-I i

• ! at tl e c.ssingshoto iia i due^,

! IK Sfleld se fv ic tr lif , from tit<e Connors for I 1 " ^ mllth gam e oirTT ' 'drop doand arid lonjj I (hat'm aJd .serve again • G<|dl);mors how ever'' j lle sb id -Ui'e .w l -d n -a ~ “ :^^G nisln(ley. ■. •! ptioneae m ounting a ' . " I aslof Uic th ird sel j veteran:it b reak point [ “ Wlicn faults, . !

h o o s e 'p a rl of <iie the 1 per Ci

athletic po

our basketball vo hours a day” - - and Uiere are. ‘ logically used.- n a slum from ? .a rc laying, n il team d k in t ~ lld'lovo to take'Wo feel that If '• ’f e timo like that. ' a s i> a r lo to n r ' "•'“ r e p l on the sam e

_____________ ::.?.UjC.Qld-to.t' says.

inte drlU.tejim. Ostyn m (try Uiat? location of ly gym nasium the p a s t m ; the structu[:o from the B luse. T hat will F rank 'U rlj dernand peak. ■-'.are. They\i

or GoodlngmS a n c f f i


DODINg -:?:Tbc A inaleur Athl efused to'sanctlon S a tu rd ay 's : ding boxing pJdrnbt^Bua'G od xlby clali^vLbe denlal.was us iT 'w ay of gelling tiack a t him notions and flglils. ie'^\AU denies this, xord ing to David Norris, pre} ;r- /\AU Association, the SSncl lyse the fights were to be.held h e r light In Boise and bee Ing Cbib d idn 't meet AAU regls lUiout the ble.ssini;s of the-AA :r have been held. Boxers n inl2ation are.banned from pai :hes not sanctioned by the A Al le lights went off on schedule, h ng chairm an Tim Brennan <

2cond in a se rie s <other s ta te boxing cibb coO'

uian said Uie figlits were ap|I’s concerns. ____ •Ve ju s t thought jl would bc for0 ahead ami sanction Uiem," Idnotelaiw rale.3dby, who is-undor Invesligatl stale’s Ixt.ving commission for srtlsiiig '"iind questionable- I Tis Uie AAU was just "picking! rhcre’s a lot of jealously," :hes can‘t pul on figlits like I ca le AAU denies didn’t sa ’et b ack" a t Godby. .>rris said he encouragckl Godb nament for another date Id ave e .m u lch ..lft alsorequired Goc es of five registered Gooc ibers. 'irris said none of the oUier conc irllsing, lack of cooperation v iclal deallngK —were brougiit i 'he only poinl I want to m ake ram s a re fpr youi)g people, ant h exrim plo)".N ofrissald.“ lf.w idn’t have any problems." .'LALUiylawa^ box: reg istered members In.'ordei •is said the AAU records sho ’t m eet th a t figure, dby said the "five figh ter'' :thlng he wasn’t aware of but le Imrhedriitely scnLIn the nar e club, At that time, he also

said the num ber of figliters tim e to time.

omolimes wo have as m any as down lo five," hesaid. “ Currc many but It should sta rt picikln, dby told his version of the ;iid when he received the lettei :lnp 'h lnrS ftnclIonrhe 'lm m e< ean d called Norris, - asked him what was going q •an -o f nine years of pron\c cn 1 asked him ‘wliy' Uie s a n d

s p r o s or cent lax, Twin Falis soon wi position. He surmi-s'es — aU'


Ofityn, d istrict comml.«ion' nnd baskctbali, fecls-Umt Ali

iig.theniselves open for some': p lo of years. co ap h es-iu sn irc rrrB iv iT i^ c lo get Into tournament gamef 3 ,1 can understand Uiat. But t getting the best rankings a lso . leaving the officiating gam e.;

notes it appears Ho him . U: of Uie officials also is going t

: many yea rs our top-ranfji^1 Burley-Rupert area. I ’m tall Jrlguen and Bob ‘Matheu?v — jy\re all telling m e now thatI VGor or two. but the nnd !.«; ro r

n o tch es

ib n a t f i^ E N .. j lkTlter • : . . U;Uhlellc Union orlglnd’- ‘I’ s figlits sponsored b y di Jodby. •i used a s harassm ent _ nfilm ^foThTpuccessfuI ?e


)resident .of the Snake winotion wasn’t' gran ted bo leld Uie sam e night a st>ecause .the Gooding Bt:glstratlon standards. sa AAUlTKcllehts couliF-s registered w ith Uie' dljparticipating in Uiosc - IcjlAU. ;e, however, a fte r AAU Gcin of Boise consulted co— . / ) = ‘ Ti

s of a rtic le s ™' or

:oaches and officials, approved despjte the ’ ' (h

brfor the good of bojcing ^

n ," Brennan said. Hecc

;atlon by the AAU and , fo r alleged m isleading ;• financial dealings,- • _ n g o n h iif t’’ .y ," he said. “ OUier., . • lean-.’’ yi sancllon lhe m atches’

wlby to reschedule his avoid conflict wiyi Uie Godby to send h iifru ie oodlng Boxing Club •

onccrns — m isleading n with olher clubs o r • _ ;lit up lo Godby. fyike Is thal all of these ancl we as adults m yst , : [f.we aVTaolngUTdl we- sa

Pi")oxlng club m ust h av e ........ an•der-to.sLagc.aJIght_______ Vshowed that Gooding be

- he;r '' requirem ent was but when he w as told ’Uii nam es of five fighters rij Iso paid his 1979 AAU Co

I2rs in his club varies Ur

— - pn/ a s 28, but thon it can soirrently we don’t have ‘klngupnow ." • ouith e denial of sanction. ‘ , whtte r in Inte D ecem ber ' ‘iiedlateiy got o h -th e - kic

g on,” said Godby, a wh )n\otlng local f i ^ t s . gol ncllon was denied, he pul

Dver jgoiI will have lo review its the and bases this on the 'jTre;

j— UiHHiif-Brulna-may------ 7 :

ioner for officiais in M agic Valley coach't* ' ^

ne rcal surprises In the

TncsoTouiiirsTncTins a n e s . They all warit the ^ u t Uie'truth ls..the m en . “ 1 iso arey ieo r\esw hoare^ g e tj le . .The traosltlon fro m ' asso o liig-tobc sm ooth,'i-he—m ec

anyI. tha l the geogroplcal weal ig to be changed, “ F o r don' ed officials have 'com e the \ talking aboul guys like fl bl( — you know who thev offic

lat they’re aboul done, abu£

M onday; .lan i

- - ■ ' “ ■

nuary 29.'1979 Timoo-NoW a,'

i r s t r e fju st said I would have to take Uiat he wouldn’t give Uie fights

.Brennan/.Uie AAU boxing < didn 't auUiorize the priginn?

“ But the iln a l approval die adm itted. " Aftp r 1 talked wi respected coaches in Uie orgai tha t wc should go.oliead and sai

(3 ^ b y said before he knew 0 wrote a le tier to Robert J . Surl boxinachairm an and an Illinoij

"Godby. wroto m e," Surkel Brennan an^ talked to him. Bi sancUon idready had been gran

He added thal he, too, h dlsc.ussions coijceni[ng Godby’

S tate boxing officials have I Godby for the' past several yej coaches complained of Uie pror Times-News has learned UiaHh voiced in early D ecem ber’'ju; original decision not to sanctton . At a Snake R iver AAU Associ (Including representaUves of b r o J ^ l up'Uie subject of.<3odb’ be done.

' AssoclaUon'president Norr coaches that It was up to them own group and Uial no official by Uie his organization.

No decision appdrenUy w as r on lo do, and Uiey left Uie i action.

What concerns Uie coacljcs VoUmer, souUieastem Idaho '1 are reports Uiat Godby has ac have no intention to f l ^ t , h as f an Uophies-before fights have o ;o send his club to oUier boxing Questions also have been ra l nonoy earned from .am ateur 3odby is going.


No actionpBOISE - S tate boxing com n

said his-office w ill'lake’ no j prompter Bud Godby becauS' anyUiing illegal has been done. - -i'-Ycs, I ’m aw are of some of U

been made. Xhey have been disi tie said;

Trumbo said It wasn’t wiUiln the books of an am ateur boxi(! right, he said, comes under l^ommlsslon. available to tl Union in deal.lng-wlUi Godby ii DrobaUonor withdrawing his Ai » fa r has not done this.

“ 1'm ‘Jusl hoping'Uie A/\U c; )ut," he s a ld J J donit want to rvhlch will slop boxingover Uier

“ The program hns good fight; clHs,‘'h e s a id .— - --

Trumbo admitted Uiere'wen vhlch a re hard lo prove ^ c h a jolng, deceptive advertising, lubllc.

>ing to S'le central part of the area, F rea."_ ^ •

about Uns samer.They all w hat Uie coaches doing Uie votlnj light- not be coaching In anoth an t it now. Bul fooUiaU and bai ds„atca'4onficiUhan-any-coachfl jungofficials comlngup, Uiey a

“ 1 keep getting complaints abo :t o ro u n t^ n d I feel from top to soctatloiN^n the stole. We echaaics,-4T5bw'rulc-moellngB ly oUier district. Like every ol ;ak.offlcInls.And strong ones. B n 't have very many im ehnedl e verge of having Uie ability to 3lg crowd and m ake Uie calls. F ficlals Ixfeome dlspniytvipf rt f> lUse from Uie g ro w i and scho


f u s e dike It up wiUi Brennan and ' [;h ts a sanction." • - 'ng chairman,- stressed heUetter.dcnyCigsanctIori_____-----------

did come from me,” h e ' : ^t-wlUi-fiom&-of-4hfr^Uier— -------- -rganlzatlon, we all agreed ' ' * ,1 sancUon Uie m atch."2w of B rennan 's acUon, he ' ' ‘ Surkcln, th e naUonal AAU ' • inois Insurance execuUve. ' rkeln said. "So l called 'I. But I found out Uiat Uie' ' . wanted. - • • —I, has been Involved in Jby 's promoUonal actlvlt-.

ve been closely watching yeara’a f te r several s ta te - — -

prom oter’s "tactics!" Thea H h ela testconccm sw ere ----------------■ Just p r io r 'to Uie AAU’s ';tlon the m atches.■sociation m w tln g in Boise! of aU sports),..coachcs__ !_______odby and asked whal-cOuld

lorris reportedly lold Uie (lem'to-tJCgin pSllclng Uielr' clai action would be laken

'as rcached by the coaches lhe m eeting wiUi no plan.of

:l?es, accord ing to Norm ho 'box ing commissioner, s advertised fighters who as p laced figh ters’ names ve occurred and has failed d n g m atchcs In U ie s ta ta — raised regard ing where .

eu r fights sponsored by

planneck \im m lssloner D ale Tnjmbo no action against boxing i ause it c a n ’t be proved :n e . - ----- I - _of Uie c h a r g e which have d iscussedforsopieU m e,”

Ulln h is purview to look at oxig prom oter. T I te lega l • le r tl ^ - j i a t w Tax ' :

0 Uie A m ateur AUiletic ^}y include puUing him on ' '' IsAAUsaricUon.TheAAU •

U can work Uiis problem1 to ra ise any controversy 'Jiere in Gooding.Ights, and,it;s good for.Uic__ _______

were som e " ^ e y a reas” . f ch as ' w here the money is n g ,-an d m isleading the

sch o o l1, Filer, Twin Falls, in Ufat

11 warit the vete'rans. ,1 know"” ......Dtlng a r e Uilnklng - Uiat Uiey nother y e a r or two and Uiey I b asketball a re going to bc Iniches-and-lf-we-oanH4(^^>4he----------ey a re oli colng to suffer."

about o u r officials now but I_ p to bottom we have Uie b e s t^ ' We hold m o r e . clinics m ngs-^uiij-more-revievre-than y oUier assoclaUon we havo . s.BuL Uie problem now Is w e "v led lato officials, Uie ones o n ./ to s tep in to a big gam e wiUi ’•> ^Is. P a r t o f U iat Is because Uie.' d early In Uiffir fiirnftr hy • , , « :hoo l8 an d U ie lack o rt« ln gnn Iln iiSMI l,

A a, Twin Folio, Idaho B-3 ' i'

WillL O N D O N ( U P I )

a d m iss io n of C liina ti----------- rc c c n t S o v ic fp o llt lca l

_ 1980 M oscow « n m c s . d a S h wiUi F IF A , or

pow cH uJ s p o r ts fed c rj th e a g en d a w h en th e < o f th e In te rn a tio n a l

• m l t e e - m e e ts - a t - i t s . I; . • L au san n e n e x t w eek .

T h e n ln e ^ m a n b sc hedu led to s ig n th e th e tw o-tie r c o n tra c t w fo r th e 1984 s u m m e r

• • s ig n s th e IO C Is notw a y th o C a llf o r n i

- SwiTime

* T W IN F A L L S - w a s on th e v e rg e o f I

I t h a d n 't b e e n a g(“ I Ju s t w a s n ’t getl

r a c e s ," s a id th e -h i m e m b e r o f th e Ms though i sw im m in g \

. B u t h e w a^ d e te n■ d a y h e ’s ta k in g a m(

w h a t h e c a n acc o m pO v er th e w ee k en d

A s so c ia t io n ’s J u n •com pcU tlon, 'M arroi ■enough lim e in - th e 2<

; ■ - lo qu a lify fo r a b e rtl w hich w ill b e held

; A pril.“ T h a t w a s o n e ofl

w a itin g fo r h is ne>______ .“ Boy, th a t ’s g r e a t .”

. , M a rro n w a s com . c lub , b u t heC aJ io -\

'• m e m b er .

S ujinm i/rig


■ Sundayreull •' ; ' niKli polnl wlnn

• • . IO-uni)crRlris.l'nmO'Dcll.M lO-unOerbovs.Tomlk'fln. llln

■' 13- 1 Klr^j.uSbicSofcWn; I 13HBoy»,JcKKrwln,lk)ijc lS-lSRir1s.JanclSlillcy,MV IH8&)-i,GrrKColby.llolK:;

Doy* l(Mnd«r 10 l.A«lrcwCukun«(lll8ck)l;l

< MV 11. Cameron 1‘arklnson I Hi Glrtill-moo-i

• - I. Shcny Slallpy (MV) l;06.; . (l‘oe» 3. WemllNnrTls I Dol«r


<B<jbc)3.Au(lraUrlc(MViDoy* lOnmdef 100

I. AnJrtw culiun (Black) i;- - ' " ' • " ' ’■'"“ S S W f f i

. . s h !s £ l5 i 'i» S 'a ' 's iS S ! i

•. -K«toii4l»lJ.Johnfcll(>*’»(Uol (iuliel

■"Glrijlft^iotoSOU l.-Krli EnriB (IJolic) C JI


j ■ P-J T ifrns-N ow a. Twi;

liiGhinP I ) T h e r c - com m ll la to th e O lym pics, O ther Ical m o \ 'c s -o v c r th l '— d e n t Eo nc.<; a n d a head -on bo a rd

one o f th e m o st jo u m a ll Je ra tio n s , w ill h e a d a n d R a h e e x e c u tiv e b o a rd a n d p r t la l O ly m p ic Com - P la c id d s . l j e a d q u a r t e r s i n T h e tk. , O lym pli

b o a r d is a ls o p e tc d in t h e . s e c o n d p a r t .o f «a m a tte ct w ith L o s A ngeles . d e n t Cf ie r O ly m p ic s a m id dip lom a lot h a jjp y w llh th e B u t ’ i r n ia .o r g a n iz in g ' p o se s a

_______________ •

A t l a s t . . . Brian Marr<

immitG A R V 5 L IA S S E N ' - Im es-N ew s w ri te r — O n? y e a r a g o B rian M a m

! o f g iv in g u p sw im m ing . _ a good y e a r fo r him ; g e llin g th e tim e s I w a n le tf in n > h i^ J y -c o m p c tl t iv e l7*year-o: M j ^ c V a lle y ’ Sivim Club. ‘

ng w a sn ’t w ortlT il an y m o re ." te rm ln e d n o t to quit, a n d the< I m o re p o s it iv e a p p ro a ch tow ar im p llsh In sw im m in g . • •;n d d u r in g th e S n a k e R iv e r AA J u n io r O ly m p ic s sw im m in r ro n c a m e th rough w ith a goo ie 200 -ya rd b re a s ts tro k e (2:29.( e r th in th e na tio n al Y FCA m e( e ld in ^ F t. L au d e rd a le , F la ', i

of m y g o a ls ," h e sa id a s h e w i n e x t r a c e to b c ^ n S a tu rd ay ,i t . : ’ . . „ _ ............................c om peting a t th e m e et fo r 11; » -A vas c o m p e tin g os a Y F C

____ (Mvjj'.jayi~ 1. Joanl



ttlnncr* . _ „i a s K ”' " ' ■ . . ' . . s a sl.-icklool ' I. Sherryl n.WoIsc ■ (|*o<y»3.We

• j ; :wioony ' y l- Julle 1) l; 1 Jelf llocklcy iorcftsen (B<n(Hcx), ,ioo-flv 1. DIckSn1:06.80 2. Cindy Wilson. 3.Cttrtllorto

MWtock (Btoni liilli{>I?Il

rlOOback teod

ootwek >:»•»1:10,2)2. Clnily O'Dell ,

> :p . |2 . n m snauli , ooW k . 2.Bol*eor.Inckt 2:?7.2l :: Jean intillack) _ _OOback —

2. Dick Scvlcr

:12ji (Qualllies for V '/ I(Uolie) 3. Tom Conser 'Mbreait' -----12.111 2. Jenny llaianl

L"jW c».c,.M V n , ^u .n 7: Cathy Gonacr ; f t S v S ^

Twin Falla, (ijapo Mondny,

la be im itle e Is be in g form ed, h c r p r o b le m s fac ing IO C p re s E o r d ic n ia n ln ohd h is e x o d u tlv d a r e th e a c c re d ita tio n fo la l is t s f ro m R adio F r e e E u r o p R a d io L ib e rty a n d the sh o r ta g p r ice o f a cc o m m o d a tio r i 'a t L ak Id d u r in g th e 1980 W in ter G a m e s , e r e - c n l iy ’ of C hina . to th ip lc G a m e s - C hina l a s t com 1 in L o n d o n In 1M8 - h a s Becom ; t i e r o f c e r ta in ty fo llow ing P re s i c a r t e r ’s m ove to n n jp e n fui

m a tlc l in k s .t 'C h in a ’s r e -a p p e a ra n c e .s ti l i a t r ic k y p ro ce d u ra l p ro b le m fo

rro n h i t t h e qualifying t i r

nghisW arro n re a lis tic a lly

w a y to go. H ls-tim e s a ir ro n w a n ts th e m to b e , and

a n d th ird In m a n y racc B u t h is c oach thinks

I] m y to sw im a t h is p o te n tia r-o ld “ B ria n 's go t th e b ra

“ I • w a y s ," sa id P e te B lu r " i t and doesn’t g e t 'd ls i h e s e . t e a m lh c o lle g e .” v a rd T hough h e h a s n 't de

go lo school w h e n h e g \A U T w in F a lls H ig h Scho n in g g iv e co llegc sw im m in g good " I ’m hoping I c a n g( >9.7) s le n d er , w ell-b u ilt M ai n e e i y o u figu re a ll t h e o tl r. in o t h e re a r c In th e c o u n ln

< ^ K |G o ! n g lo the Y na tlo i \v a s M i l will give h i jn a ch a y . ' rec o g n itio n — so n ic th......... - ,.a b le _ to .:g c t_ s ln c e _ thUie p ro g ra m la th e s t a t e of

FC A . “ Idaho ls .onoo f_on lj . h a v e c o m p e titiv e sw in

JayccSud4-ceks(MVl ' J .

iiiioiMia.poliywaSciMVig&T1 K e l lp u S ^ 'S f i lM S QuaJlflnl Jor V

10-Ml^MV) 3 l.« r Audra Uric (MVl.3. IhmlCkinderUfm

S oren»?’(MV?'^.71 2. Ken Horton

le Brocken (Boise) l:W.23 2. Debbie I (Ootse) 3.i*olly Wallace (Bolie)

Boytl^MiO-Crw Sevl(rr (Boise) M «2. JeJI Ernln <Ilol»e) Drtorx Block)

OlrislS-lllCorm < >>■” ;”1 T cU m IBoUc) MJ8 Qualllled fnr Y » 2. Ken Jonea (Boise).:. JeH Bc(j!

lcV°X M ^ o » ^

Homer. Trfiiipibcr.’and

Sutlwec**,^!)^, BtiiJrck and jtorctacn

>ot J o c ^ GcaacT.NtkawaidShcrTeU

Yl Basketball ■'

C o l l e g e s c o r e s ■Buf't _________. ’ '

HM ae, t^ g a ra Unlvenlty U, 'a ^ Ok f I*. I '

, -:/jjnunry?9 ,1679 '

admilth e IOC w h ic h u n til

ir-esi- . th ink ing of t r y in g to ( J l l v e " '" g e n t iy : ' ' - ' T '

fo r T h e e x e c u tiv e boa rc ro p e fo r a d ip lo m a tic so lu li t a g e th e m a in IO C se s s io n \ L ake M ontevideo, U ru g u a y nes. u n le s s T a iw a n Is drop i

th e ■ th e IOC k n o w s P ek in{ M m- th e O lym pic fo ld , omfe O n th e M oscow G a i re s i- ■ bo re h av e n o t b eei

full a rix ie ^ y o v e r r e c s ta te m e n ts f ro m Spvi^

s t i l l , . . .O n a r e c e n t E u ro p e 1 f o r . sp o r ts m in is te r S e rg e i

H , A JW ■- .1

tim e in the b reaststro k (

5 u )a ya lly rtidm lts th a t lie h a s a lo n g JS a r e slill f a r below w h e r e h e a n d h e 's still f in ish in g se co rid •aces.inks M arron is ju s t b e g in n in g llia l.b ra in s and ta le n t to g o a long Jlum enthal. " I f h e s t i c k s w ifh ’d isco u rag ed , h e c a n m a k e a

I decided y e t w h ere h e ih lg h l iQ g ra d u a te s th is s p r in g f ro m :chooi, M a rro n w ou ld l ik e lo lin g a try .n ge t a sc h o la rsh ip ,” s a id th e M arron , " b u t i t 's to u g h w h en o th e r top-knotch s w im m e r s

n try .”Itional m e et is a b ig f i r s t s t e p '3 c h an c e to g e t 's o m i i 'n a l i o n i ' icthing w hich h e h a s n ’t t>een _ th e re _ ls n ’t .- a h ig h ! sc h tx il. e o f Idaho . . ' ' . oniy Lwo^states w h ic h d o e s n ’t w lm m in g lifh itjl i '^ c h o o l r^ h e -

s® n® lC5il>i;- ScatUcU..«l,AlA7G '

‘''v> jH o w to p 2 0 jg iir V NhWVonK (UI»I) -HowUn

baikflljall (eamijarwl Uk week I. Notre Dame (12 2) clclea((

. TO«9;loslloClemsi5nC(HIl. lufs Indiana Stale (l!M)(Jefealc

BT9;(Jcfeale lCrelK}ilon77-C9.4. MlctilitanSiate (ll-S) lost i

Uon tolloNorihvitsiemmS.5. LoulsvUle (17-3) defgated


MlcMRiJsfrM. lie! : 1. UhloSta(e(l3-4) deroalnl N

(ieifattd IndlanaUr^.10. LSLI(t<J)dclcatcdTcmx

-Qw i|^atO«. ■. . .^ l(jsu'o8SieW «!'^ ’• ll- Ctorgttovi-n (1( -2) dclentei

-f 74-Q; (JefealeiJ American 88«). ^13. Syracuse llft-2) dcrealei

a n j_ _ A to tcd TOTple 7&-70 (OT); de

and dereatcd Texas ChrtiUan S7-U;


la. Aitansas (1}-| > lost to noyl . Soulhem Methodist 7M7; defe4 o-n. .

19. North Carolina State (13- Carollnn 10»-0; defeated VirRlnt,

a . Alatunia (13-4) dereale< delealed MUstsslpfjl Slate GB-«7,

NBA standi■ . A a .= 5 ? S S " '

Waihlnclon - ■ •-■ ---------------------—

OfrItbI r»vlilon

tted t(til now h a s b e e n up a j io iJ e a se T a iw a n o u t w hrfi h ......

ird w ill be te o k ln g th e Wes Jllon to pu t b e fo r e O lympic n w hen 11 m e e ts in stalemi* ay , in .A p ril. B u t But it jpp ed c o m p le te ly , , - rem ark s ing w ill not r e jo in un ease ;

- so m e fix lam es, IOC m e m - -Pavioi jcn hid ing th e i r g a rd e d j c e n t p o l i t i c a l , I s r a e l ’s ''i^H ead ers.------- - '“ ^ A f r i c a .peaaJou r..S ov let___Olympic»el P av lov s t i r r e d Soviet U

ke to qualify fo r Y Nath

tocolg ■ sa id , " ’T h a t r c a lly hu rti i e a tm o sp h e re lo b e a r o u n t i d . C u rrenU y a sum m i

sp onso red b y th e A inate lg a s a s t a t e m e e t fo r th a t s

T hough h e h a s b e e n ' lg I d ^ o , M a r r o n h a s been Ih- — of h is 17y e a r s , a At a g e 10, w h en h is fa

; tlie A ir F o r c e in G uam , fit club,m A fter four, y e a r s ther lo R iv e rs id e , C a lif , w here

school l e a m a n d le tte red

I*; • ' , S ince c o m in g to Idal tu m e d h is m a in altcn tf

. H e p la c e d fo u rth In lhe 2 0 0 y a rd e v ^ 5 t? In I97G,

|P . ■. second p la c e In both eve ^ to th ird a n d fou rth ,

3 l. A fte r l a s t y e a r 's Ic tt .m ind th is y e a r to ge t b

’1 . • S a tu r d a y 's qu a lify in g t: l e - ^ l n g . ------- ----------_________

■ - A L c

• IJclniil Ne^’Ofleaiis

■Wta r e d — ---------- Mw»»iDiv• - KansasCltyUieUr’llopWcoIk-iji- Denver-(TkoIJnn rOnn 28: Mllwaul iv ated Kordlbm 8i.5.1;efcaled Wike •o .• t ...... J - ~ i<

alcti SouUiem llllnils st lo .MIclilKan . l>osA(ii;rIc?,ted SI._1.i j!i 80« ;* I S . SlClaiWfi; deJcatitl ishlnKtoo .SIflle 63-71; 'Iowa M a ; lust to • IMroltW lNorth»esletn73-Cl; lnUianal2J. nnessco T7-75: lost (o Kamalo?)'

------------------ }ltedSt.^Y^ncll(i'J..l . ^

i t & a g n i b :

dTi;vid“ i ! u K a S I ”

S S '.M norlJ. 7 7 « ; ■.WiUiSl.V l

- a s s

jJ ™ . , ^ S 'jo i'su l. '

- 5 W ' S i :■ » s l s : s ] f l - 2 SUteM.BoHc

' . ^ ■ w vni.w ,

" ......

;o 198Jjo n ie ts ’ n e s t in West- G crm a i

hc sa id W esl _Bcrlln a th leti d b e id e n tif ie d 'w p a r a te ly 'f r o Vest G erm a n le am . T h e Sovl p ic C o m m itte e la te r Issued m i'nt di?nylng a n y such proposd

it w as one o f P a v lo v ’s oth( rk s U iat c a u se d c o n s ld e ra b x a l O lym pic h e a d q u a r te r s ar frenzied a c tiv i ty InT el A viv, i o v sa id th e Soviet U nion r fd .as'' ' ‘s c rio ils p rovociitlo r I’s 'c o n U n u in g tie s wlUi Soul a. T h e , s ta te m e n t le d so n p lc ,io b s e rv e r s _ ta ,b c l ie v c - U - t U nion w as c o n s ld e d n g fuellr


yllegea rts, and it’s j u s t no t a good u nd ,"im e r high, sclioo l m e e t ate'ur A th le tic U nion s e i^ 'c s s ta g e b ra c k e t, h e s a id s n 'h a m p e re d so m e w h a t In , Jcn a ro u n d sw im m in g m o st

5 fa th e r 'v a s sta tioned -w lU i , im , he jo in e d a local sw im

here , h is f a m i ly m oved to e re h e s\^{iin fo r th e high red a s a f re sh m a n ,

daho In 197G, M a rro n h a s m tion to th e b re a s ts tro k e , h e s la le Iq b o th th e IOO a n d ’ 7G, In IU77, h e im p rirv ed to events, a rid th e n In 1978 fell

letdow n; h e ’s m a d o up h is ;t b .u k on th e 'r ig lit trac k ., g tim e w as a good beg lnn-

IK 31 .IM 13-■HK - 17 J i .327 H. Westeni Confcrrncc.Divlilon____ . .• _____

W I, }*cl. GBlly M l> ,rw -

29 24 .i23 3V • 22 28 .440 «'■,

18 31 .375 ll-vI'J 30 .JI3 1II.J

' I'aclflcUlvlsion— W 1, ret. GU

31 Ifi .cay -M -.-a ,CI2 11,

n ai 20 ,CW 21 :1 27 .4«0 7",

21 24 . w ' aati- _ . a ai ,icu y

i S r-S9ll7,i'horrilxlH (.'ifyi:r7,aevda»d li/j .

NBA boxes 'ONlOlllO)

in tr^ ijrT 6 im h n ii.2 2 171M5------ ^ ^lh- X 0 2 .12. Biinlwi ■ 12 2 2 2(T.0 1-3 1, .Sot>eni B Cfl 22, Davis lo T-'J 27

1 OO 2, KnlfilU * 4-4 a . •o ' ‘ . 3j'29 2tI24.»,ll!>

a a o w j i - mt, InUUna 24. te«l« fouls- Coa'cli 2. A“ 8,!kj2,STATK(l(a)■f4Mg iho rt5 i-i ll,i>nrrUlilU2-lE, 113.Smllh63-<!15.Al)cnicltiy 0 0<l o, iln -fij” .’ *' s iIj,

>■^4 7.10'15. Howe 3 11 7,c»wmi Mille 3 CM) C, Kurd 17 01 34 Jii.liliis 3 u-22 1-2 5, Arc/illj.-vl([ 3 2v3 8, tp la l.,« |3 alie' ' l«23 28i»-10J • ...........— a n i8 2!>— loa •1 out-None. Tolal (ouls-Golden oMon2I.Ttchnleal-None. A - ID,(C9. . • ■ •- . it 4 2-2 10, McAdoo M ' C-13 34 4 -22 10. aeamolu 1 1-2 3.WUllamiI. (1 l-nn ^ .r.i II CntiHmiUlr in < n

JG 0 \ym a n y a n offensive by A rai le tc s _ c o u n tr ie s to gc t ls r a if r o m ' Uie’M bscow G am es. k)vl(Jt . In T e lA v lv iY lt ih a ked a o f lh e O lym pic Com no sd l. an n o u n ce d Israe l wo lh e r ^ r t i n g tic s w ith Soir a b le th e n e x t day a fte r a si> a n d th e c om m lltee soflenet^ IO C le ad e rs nown r e - . R uss lan reacL lon . • .U on” T h e U uijat of a>outh boycoU sim ila r to th e <so m e in 1976 a p p ea rs rem o_ U ie ___ Qovie'tsju^c.atixlous-fe iin g p a rtic ip a llo n a t Moscc

I A - 3 iI fprgiy to n igI . By LARRY H■ Tim es-New s <■ W EN D E L L - W■ c h am p io n ^ In Uie Can;■ p a r t of Uie field, Uie foi H g i r l s basketba ll tourn;■ to n ig h t a t W endell, fi H b a rn b u rn e r .■ ■ F i le r , V alley and S h■ th ro u g h Uie league w it■ look tu rn s spUtt'lng wl■ - T h e co nference w as n■ hom e-and-hom e situa l ^ som eU iing Uial will c

n e x t season .F i le r d rew Uie opcnir

m th o lo u m a m e n l organi;I . . . . .F r id ay afternoon and V■ T u e s d a y . A dditionally,------------ ■ tnoved4iie-W il<k‘al6^nlI • p o s it io n — ba sed '3 n sc■ a n c e s - t o gain the s e n■ r u n n in g Into one' o f t■ s ld e rc d top contenders , ■ * T h e tou rnam en t wi■ . W ende ll tak ing on G h B 6 :45 p .m . M onday i ^ m e e tin g K im b c riy ,in■ a b o u l 8:30 p .m .I T u e s d a y n ight it a I - w in n e rs wlUi F i le r J W endell-G lenns F e r r y ' m p ,m „ a f te r V alley a n d ® o f fa l6 :4 5 p jD . . - .

Fo llow ing Uiat round a n o U ie r d raw to d e le r r

' th e lo se rs will have Uie

■ Greer i ‘ FromhI HOLLXWOOD, F la . (

S te v e n s , play ing In on: , to u m a in g ii t f ince m a jo i I ' .10 m o n lh s ago, outli

F ro m h o ltz (M, 2-6, 6 4 , i I ■ 'a $150,000 w om en’s to u r , ' " ^ ff i -s tm a jo rv ic to ry .

, T h e unseeded Stevei I I th e f ir s t m eeting b e l\

y o u n g p la y e rs b rought I; $30,000, w hich she sa id s

U .S. surprii skating wor

' TR O N D H E IM , N on*. . T h e U nited S ta te s te a n

; H e ld e n and h is s is te r B a s th e su rp rise w in n e r : th rco -n a tio n speed sl

_______ d e fe a t in g host N onvay i______ _____________________

■J4 WASllINGTON(lB)'.3'^ . UandrldKeHH124.llaye»(; 13- (H) 12, Crevev.7-8-3 S.lloII. Kunch.ik S 5-? lJ,WriKhl2(W

.K- •• liftllnrd5 2-2 l2,CoRlncOOO(---------- ToUU44M-«ia ------- -Ti-—GB New Vor*

«'■, fouls->few.yorkS3.WBflilnKto( jj^^. - itayet. Nirw W for toned

f.,, sandik :c o iii»)• Wtt.ihin^on 3 3^ s, Weath

. Nater80flft,SmllJi93-i2l,Kre. p fr7J3j WUliams B Ofi 19, gunner

. I"- Df-rni0jT{128)* . '-CamO(!-72fi.l>ouRlM72-2 •' I*orter 12 oo 24. 1 / ^ lo 1-3 2

Tnlum 3 (M 6.1’ix|uclti 01-51. Tc SanDlego •

T.DIeRo 19.- Detroit 2S. KumJcn,Natcr.A-».273,

_______CHICAfiO(87)Hollonl 8 0QJL.7Scus^ ^ ' g. I 21.Menf|ell3(rt6.UrmTO2(HI'

. i! ; ■

, ^ F o u le d oul-nolie, Tolal fo ' g - Dcnvcra-TechnlCfljjouls-nom

■lkSOT------ ir7-7-i7T JuckiiO T V itT r^laeli * 00 B,Wflsiilni{lonl

■IlOfllNIXnu)- Dffvls 11 3.3 2S. 'ilotili

4 22, Adams 8 7-10 SS.Uuse 2 M 7, W. ,(J, . Scott I l» 2, llrau i 3-3 4I.J, Korretl02-22,

--------------*’ * ? ^ e d out-Jockson.'Toinl I

3 22 27, i>hocnlx2B, Technical louls-


a S i • K A N SA SC ^aj?!' .,


*■ - •

• . . . / ' .

/m pier a b a n d -Afrlc'hn c lo u d on • a d b a n n e d ^ ro r n _ A fr ic an :

■ ■ 'S e p teriib l ik O fe k , p rc s ld e n t • im l t te e of Is ra e l , souU i-A fr

• '" f h w a l k o u t ,ou lh Africa. B1.I ^ o ™ y mccUilS,

icd lls llnc . u , , r c COI» .arc awaltlne

> b la c k A fr ic an “ T h is ti e o n e In M o n tre a l fo r th e M note b c c a u sc Uic K llla n in . i - f o r : J u i l ^ r l c a i r 0 ^ c a n _ icow. B u t th e oue d rasU c a ll

to llm a n

j h i a t l iH O V E Y bye.'s w r i te r A ction ^WlUi th r e e co- T h u rsd a y inyon C o n f e r e n c J o lT o w ln j fourUi d is t r ic t A M ^ m i n a l i c •n a m en l, o p e n l i i^ . f o l lo w in g

f l a r e s lo b e a T h e A-: th e p ress

Shoshone w a ltze d ’ s in c e boU /lU iout a lo ss a n d u p w ill ad wlUi e a c h o lh e r. L ew is to n 1 : no t b a se d on a T h e b a t ia tio n , h o w ev e r, d ra w n an(

c o m e Inlo p la y s u r p r i s e t F i le r Is h

lin g ro u n d b y e a t b o a rd s an n lz a lio n m e e tin g h ^ d in Ui I w lU s i to u tu n U l V a lley ’s ly, th e . b y e d ra w c o u s in s , V lnto-en-e)fceH efll— w h ite -S h e s e a so n p e rfo rm - B a r b B c rr e m i-fin a ls b e fo re ' H ow ever,

th e th r e e con- o th e r wea] s, h a d b ig niw ill op en w ith o U ic rs to a 51enns F e r r y a t G le n n s

a n d S ho sh o n e fo rm rev e In th e n ig h tc a p o fA m y W t

/ f e w gam e: a g a in w ill b e c a r r i e s mi

r p la y in g th e a n d re b o u i y w in n e r a t 0:30 ^ r i n g a n id D ec lo s q u a r e , a p p e a rs U

ta t iv e s w nd th e re w llf b e S hoshone, :rr iifne w h ich of in g e lse w( h e lo s e r b ra c k e t " m a jo r ups(

Stevens < loltz for t. ( U P I ) - G r e e r b u y a covjn ly h e r S e c o n d s h e p la n sjo r k n e e su r g e r y h o m e lan ditla s te d D ianne; S tevens,I, S u n d a y to w in k n e e b raeu r e v e n t a n d h e r . f i r s t s e t a

i- - s tr a lg h t- s i ^ens’ v ic to ry In ' s e e d e d F njtw e e n Uie tw o B u t-F rot h e r a c h e c k for in th e s e c oi s h e m p y o ise to g a m e s e as

■ r ' S h e ran-

i s e s ra l l ie d ancu Uic se v en

t r l u . r a n in to In

r ' t l n T K S ~s k a t in g m e e t , *

y n n d th e Sov ie t

Hcdini■»(58aSVl)n.scld Cll(.iidiTr*j(i 3 00 0, •i(M)4.JohnsonO ljj-- ' • '“ “ fCI'J'

aevdA lJa?.22 31 25 27 -U SSl 28 33 23 - 123 A-fl,4J,

Merlwrntlier, Tolnl PHILADEU'I ^on23. Tcclinlcols— Vrvln? u«dcfenSe.A-l2.I0C. ' l l . UlWy ? 3-4

,----- ------------------Simpson 1(H) 2^ 4112-iatH.

athcrs()oon 18, roKTLANOd .•ree74-ll2.reick5'i Cross I 3-lert 1 0-0 2. Totals 4« B^-er74-:HB

' McMlluanOOO :-2i«. l-inlM'7ff-S20.-- •i-hUodclpnia

Tolal fDuU-S.-in ' .. . = Tcclinlcnl-*CniT, ■

i. ijind.iiIcrKer 10 1-d .HI 4. Johmon 0 CM) fi,

WQ7 P2 la.tnvLI?.? 1:

------— 8 C 5 s l /a ^ c ^■ •;. . .

KoUf3(«6,Johnson -----------------^

n i'00 2;TouiIs4di5- ^

3l>liUon-4 M 13. • / /Wnlphal 7 3-3 17. •

3 13.>{ramer24-4n. ■■.llcflnH 0fi2.Tutal« . jPSO.tW■' I»'a)4l37-'‘ll7 ""'^•^a^yy/K,'lier’. . H - f e Z - y5—l«uKlicry (New UUlKfaUcrlie

JosslsTanl Hioenlx Waml-evllO.l

N j^O>OTCT3|3^|9. ■ T i7W H ;D avii2l-l— SwttSlm jaaft


on Uie h o rizon Is th e SouUi in R uR by’ to u r o f F ra ifc e In -r iil j f r tl j isy jja r , .......................... .

/a s N ew ^ 'a l a n d ’s r iig b y to u r of •A fric a-th a t le d to Uie M on treal )Ut a t Uie la s t m o m e n t a n d If th e :h h ig b y fe d e ra tio n go e s th rough* its inv ita tion to th e Sp ringboks,

cou ld b e s im ila r tro u b le in5W,- _ , .

lls to u r cou ld p o se b ig p ro b lem s c M oscow O ly m p ic s ," a d m itle d lin . " I t is q u ite p o ss ib le Uiat in _ c o u n tr ie s _ _ c o .u ld _ c e a c t_ a i i_ c a lly a s they d id in M o n tre a l.”

m e n topenV e n d S PIon w ili con linue W ed n e sd ay and ;day .dight a n d re s u m e Uic • v ln g M o n d a y . T lie d o u b le ia tio n even t co u ld c a r r y in to th e 'in g W ednesday.

A-3 to u m a m e n t d o e sn 't h a v e r e s su re of Uie o th e r d is tr ic ts b o tll Uie c h am p io n a n d ru n n er- I a d v an c e lo Uie s t a t e p la y o ffs in to n th e fo llow ing w eek . ba tU e lines a p p e a r p r e t t y well

I a n d none of tiie te a m s w ill b e a s e to Uie oU ier. K ey lo beaU ng Is hold ing D eb b ie A llen o ff Uie s a n d s c o re b o ard -an d ke ep in g a n Uie face o U a r o lim e k . e y ’s m o st c o n s is te n t tw o a r e Uie IS, W endy a n d T r a c y S chw arz, -S h ( t9 h o n e ^ a n d e m - ti3 u a ily - f s T 3c rrlochoa ijnd KarcnTV tagoffin. _ /e r , S hoshone h a s a c oup le o f w eapons in its a rs e n a l w ho ha v e g n igh ts . B u l U ia l is t r u e o f th e to a litUe le s s e r de g re e ,

m s F e r ry p e g s i t s h o p e s fo r a •eversa l on Uio r e lu m to healU i y W ertz w ho h a s m is s e d th e la s t im e s wlUi nn a n k le injurjC -S he s m o s t o f G lcqns F e r r y s c o rin g bound ing hopes, D ec lo r id e s 'th e g a n d rebound lng o f H a l t. B u t It rs Ihatj^Uie tw o s t a l e rep rese n - ; w ill com e, f ro m Uie F i le r , )ne. V alley t r iu m v ira te , AnyUi- w e w ould ha v e lo b e c o n s id e r ^ a [< u p se t. ■ f?


cow m ilk ing p a r lo r o n a fa rn i a n s to buy in h e r S ou th A frican a n d , .e n s , w ea rin g a c lum sy -look ing a ra c e , took c h a rg e la te in Uie e t a n d se em e d on h e r w ay to a , h l-sc l v ic to ry o v e r lh e fifth- IF ro m h o ltz .F ro m h o llz , 22, look c h a rg e la le second se t, w in n in g th e la s t fo u r fi ; e a s l ly . ' — :•r a n h e f i l r l n g to f iv a in Uie f irs t o f th e Uiird s e t , b u t S tevens

I a n d Uie tw o p la y e d ev en ly un til venUi g a m e, w h en F ro m h o llz .0 troub le . ' )o t a couple.iif-double f a u lts a n d ItUe u n n e rv e d .tT h a U u m e d th e

a ro u n d a n d G re e r w on ,” lo ltz sa ld .lin k I got a b 'reak w h en 11 w as ;a ry . T h a i w a s . Uie d ecid ing ^ t e v m s a i d . -

Icdinand 0 CM) p, Ctrnrd 0 Ofi 0. Total* 56 I •■ .• . |fli8 333J-109 lly 33 29 0 0 —137a out-lledmor«l. Tolal fouls-L;6..Kaasai.aty-H..T«hnlc(il foul*-----Kan.103 City coach KlU-slmmotu. U

SlI'IIIAIH) -Ig 14 1-4 2a I!. Jones 2 2 2 B. C. Jones 4 J-3 7 3-4 17, Clw«ks 0 t-2 13 tlryanl 3 (M S,

1 (H) 2. Dawkins 32-4 8. M lx I Ofi 2. TolalsNO (IKII I 3^ 5. Iwas 7 5-5 19, Owvns B 1-1 17.r s ' v r t f t S i t e i ' i C v . A . r " " ' T " " ' -

23 2S9lS»-n8tl out-Tlioirpion, To(ul fouJb- hla25,l’ortland53,A-l2.0(a.— . - • .

'S & i io g “ — —

Cun standinp:^!. I'eterflJJCSchcr.^

y ,77;_8. l.» i ^ ^ ^ jS l' '^ S lr la l U T Iw' IUerlaid'fil; 9. llerterVI’lanlC Italy |nn Krlta), Yugoslavia and Ken Kead.

W ^ ^ ^ le iio O p g a -------------- ------

:IcU H O ^ 7J-7i-71-73-2ff7vu&oo • t o S t K s - wa^e.OW. I - _31-73-7tK7«-28B .

.............. s s s ’r ai j A X , --------------- i S S S S i g -


| , “l; '

Golc■■ ByLi

Tim«' TWIN FALLS - "R Ij c an perform-witli anyor

' track Held, says CSI coac T he coach believes tha

best 60-yard dash time 1 bJ ■ sophom ore Jairo Correa ra have to rank with the bes K Klelnkopf currently is y\ 'w p m en —just gelling th( ; ’ ‘We have potcnlial bi• j som e of these people wa ■~I ‘ therts a re five who arc Iir

, Simons, the Bcrmuffar sh o rt events, He has c Coach .Klelnkopf bellevi

_ everything up to the 880 - ( 100), two (200) and fo

■ 'relays and ypu can only m uch."

Sim ons turned In his 6- '• ; and th e Track and Fieli ■ ' G lance a t 6,17 as the b(

'— ^ T r a c k experts will ra te i

I , p — Briefly ir Ali not t

: ~ • COLUMBUS, b I boxing champion‘ Universily sludent servli

y " I ’d be a fool tc; , lecture. ‘‘If I lose

•' th is,” -Ali answered a q

■ rclort, “ When Ilea


who has disposed ( the World Boxing

•‘ tw ill put his crown takes op once-beat

Cuevas, 21, will 20-yea'r-old Clark, 2 8 -lreco rd^ ilh l9

I . BALTIMORE (1schcduled'a today pitch on moving tl

' ' p lans to keep the I The meeting Ml

move by lhe Colts to prcssuh; Balt approval of the tc MUls, M(J.

I ' Irsay lold a Bi' • Angeles Coliseum

$50 million to impr 1980 season when t

Biathlot1. RUHPOLDING,


:------------------ _ A - y e a r-ago,..Scdistance and thh^d

"Bul I got exac course was just pe

___ tiUpinthlsvna'r’.si

RinnumTRENTO, Ilaly I

officer from Finli '■ event Sunday by ec

\ . Klnnunen coven) and 3,7 scconds tol

. ; O ther flnlshera 1- I ta ly ,4:21,19;-4.-P

S w « ^ 4 :2 i .3 4 ;6 .— _____ FJnland,-4;25.38;-

. Vlrtanen, Finland,


- - r j 5 ---------- ^ ----------

Rick ZamoTS

den E/LA RRY HOVEY imes-News writer R ight now we have five who lyone" in the nalional junior :oach Karl Klelnkopf. tha l sophomore G reg Simons ie In the nation and two Color Tea and frosh H ernando H en best distance men In the natiot y is working wilh 24 m en,am ; the la tle r program s tarted ; ll but it is 0^ a m a tte r of ho w ant to^vo^l?." Klelnkopf Say J Impressing me rig h t n ow / '' dim Olympian, Is th e showpiec s docked 9.3 lOO-yard dashi leves, .iould become, a conte 880. "But y o i go w ilh him inI four (400 m elers)- and a co niy ask the human body lo do

s 6-flat GO In the m inidom e a wi 'leld News currently c a rrie s : J best. “ It’s all a m a tte r of te ll," Klelnkopf says. ''GP?B

' in sports -------: to box?

Ohio (UPI) - T h re ^ lim e Ion Muhammad All lold a b lents Saturday he w ill never b( irvlce organization,'II to go in the ring aga in ,” hi ose a decislon now I wouldn’

a queslion aboul w ho m ig h t tJ leave, the game drops flat, ’’

Ightidnight[J,Calif, (U P I) -M e x ic o ’s s i t ed of seven challengers by kno Ing Association w elterw eight ( iw aon the line for th e eighth eaten Scotl Clark of Orlando, I /ill take a 29-5 rocord w ith 27-1 rk, the WBA’s No, a 147-pound U 9K 0S..,

E (UPI) — B ^tim orc C olts’ o\ day meeting with Los A ngeles g the NFL leani to th e W est Cc le leam in Maryland.; Monday IS the second round ills to Los Angeles. I rsay sa id t laltlm ore Counly officials ii e team ’s plans lo build a Iral

Baltimore radio sta tio n tha um promised during a Satur( nprove the stadium, w hich bee en the Los Angeles R am s move

on victoryiG, West G exrp^y (U P I) - E jg-only.oho shot,ivbri-thellD

. Seibcrt-m nnnged. to .p la e e - In the lO-kllometer raceT * ’

icactly the right w ax this tlmi : perfect for me," S e ibert s a id : irlsijlathlooscries,------------------

len triumphslly (UPI) — Jorm a K lnnunen, 'inland, won the “ Long M arc y edging Austria's Rudolph Ka /ered the 32.4 mllo coursc In fi to Kapellcr’s lime of 4:20.51.

rs In the f e l l i n g eVGnt Includ L-PfluISUtonen. F in land , 4:22 I; 6.-HelkklRipa(U; F in land , 4: B ;-8.-?ertU --G ix)ehir.-F lnlai nd, 4:25.5410. Jonas A nde^spi

H - .^H|r«

i)Ta of Pocatello (left) had

ilagleswas handheld al 11

-.-TT^electronic timing, ho I think for handheld agal o r college . the best in the natl

So far Simons 1: ns has the plagued him last y ilombians,. , “ He Is such a la :emandez, he’s a world cham; tlon. Correa, who ranand seven CSI record for Un V • w as really pieaset how hard too short for him

>ay^:‘,‘But distances. He wer ' ' heckovaspllt,"liecc In lhe t h e coach prefi ishes a n d , ' have, anything lo itender in Hernandez,-the Co in the one "H e’s a friend’ i couple of telling him to con do just so fell Jalro tha t if ht

with books o r sonI week ago Xerox In Colomb ;s Harvey, m oneyforh im ,’’if how th e j^ ' . '“ BulaTlliedonn i^ g T U m e. tha t equates out lc


me- world -heavyweight about 1,500 Ohio Slale •box again but will head

h e 'sa ld In,a 90-minute In’t be able lo lalk like

t ta k e his place wllh the

slugging Plplno Cuevas, mockout since capturingII crown 2 >,A years ago, th lim e tonight when he 3 ,F la . . .J7-knoekouls againsl themd coplender who has a _ '

' owner Robert Irsay has les officials to hear their Coast, But Irsay says he

nd of talks on a possible id the talks were a device ; into speeding up Uie raining camp In Owings

tha l owners of lhe Los ' u rday meeling to spend jecom es vacant afler the ove to Anaheim.

- E ast Germany’s Klaus H o d ltld u a L 2 0 -Jd lo m e h D r- .


Ime, and this bone-hard id a fte r winning t i^ f ir s l ■

:n, a 32-year-oid customs • •a rch" cross-country ski^____1Kapeller. v • ' n four hours, 19 minutes' t i. -.•• •luded: 3. Aurllio de Zoll, ':22.42: S.JHaltl Kuosko,,4:24,52; 7. Pcnlil to m i, ‘ ilandH»:25.43r--9.-A]^— - spn,Sweden,;4:26.l5.

ad a tbugh 'tinfe for a wh

i indo<al the dome and anym ore tluij ing. They say you should have igalnsl elcclronlc. On thai ba nation.ns hasn’t had any of, lhe leg \ ;stycar,a talenl that if hc w orked hard lampion c lass atiile le ,” Kleinki ran second in nationals last yi • Uie two-mlle'w hen lie clockc ased with J a iro bocnusc’ lhe tv him. He'll be a lot slroiigcr went oul w ith a 4;'24 first m il

refaces iiis nOxl rem ark with ; lo do wllh th is" and tiiat bi ij^ojoip^j^m junior national ch nd of Ja iro ’s and*tiairo wrote comc here. I never r u f t e d if he came I w ould 'lry to get li someUilng like thal. Hernanc tmbla and they provided soi

ome he rom ps in wilh a3:53 15 Jt lo a b o u ta4 :0 5 rn i'lc ,’’ KlcIn

F airbanks d


• Ued Chuck Fairbanks, w all k inds of legal problen b rcak his contract to Ic: E ngland P a trio ts and lak U niversity of C o lo i^o . w AFC againsl Uic IwC ii Pro Bowl tonlglit.• F a lrb a n k ^ re c e iv e d i

back F riday w<icn a fedj court in Boston refused to order barring him fro'iil Colorado job.• The PatrioLs’ coach, niii Bowl- head coaching del

' 'm ained mum about 4i p roblem s Uiis pasl wecK. "1 don’t want m y person lo{Jc a d istraction lo the P

j Askod If Monday nl|

job, F a irbanks replied. “ I

Tennis new Pri

'-■LONDON (U Pl) - I llonal Tennis Fcderalior doy b acked controversial up for th is y ea r’s Grand raising the prospect thal

. ' without the headline s game.

After a flvc-houcmeeti - • -from aa-counlries-in'-Ui

* ' "ifrtinja’ t n c i r ^ p o r f ro:----- ProfcssfonaH ennis-cour

which Insists contracts fc


i>hlle w l t h B r e f L y tle o f 1

or traiiy usually w ant jusl tickle vc I5-iiundrcths ^ r o In p basis. Grog has ,slrongaS i

“ Hemai; problems Ihal iwo-milea

The coaird a t'it I’m sure wllhWallj ikopf en thuses,. more than year, broke the higlis at tli

:kc>d anfl:<->8. “ I nationals i two-mlle is jusl Uiingwe'l

:r in lhe longer the Intern- lile and tha t’s a hecanlm i

"Our Slth ‘'now 1 aidn ’l vauiter," brings us up lo Bobby Mi diamplon, — talked wll ate him a le tte r vaulting a •d him but I did Jcindof blj t him som e help best right mdo worked for , fecit and I some education excellent J

school." ,1500 m eters and The rest sinkopf said, “ It took anol


Q N F C?1) — E m bat- know," . who is hav ing Aboul M,

ems In a bid to___p.m, a l tIcaveJhe New Coliseum ii ake a job a t lh e ' in U s Anj’i , will coacli th e . year’s Pro

in the N FL ’s NFCovcrc lopostaM -

anolliur set- • After the :deral appeaLs the Super to se ta .sk Iean Bowl has a

Aii laking lhe Plllst5ur Bradshaw,

naklng his P ro first Pro Bc lebut. has re- his nine-ye 4ils personal Uie Orange

;k. e.'cplainlng, yards and onal p roblem s completion iP roB offl.” . Tho/VR’ night's gam e lead o v lr I>Uwll-co;ioliing----- beganwiih•‘I really don 'l a tU sA n g (

! group Sl fix regula

The In terna: circuit can lon (ITF) Siin- 'p layers lo i ial ru les draw n tournnmeni Id Prix c ircu it, prize mone; lat Uie w orld 's ■ BJorn Bo

s ta rs of the Guillerm o' , ' ’ far*l-efused

Eting delegates irig the clai the-^l^F^reaf-—

tm d i- tM P T e )— Wtmbledon for Uils y e a r’s Opens.

M l n j ! . i i . i j . i n . g


>f PortIahdl>ut won the.t

ick fokies the heck oyL of m e becau 1 pracillce and I think_lhose't JS anyone in nationals lii Uiedls nando ran a 4:22 mile and ca: e and he’d laid off two weeks gi oach also believes CSI will bc illyFolim er, “ We haven 't beei lan stretch over the hurdles bL I the dome Wally does a 7.&\. T Is on his first fligiit. He's a na ■e'll wanl lo work on the rcsl < irmediates, Hc has a best of 53 Improve oti thal considerably.’

surprise of the week Is tl •," Coach Klelnkopf continued Mingo had planned to go to wllh him and .he decided to ^ g all fall and w inter wlUi a“frle big farm building with a run \ Jht now Is l4-(> bul he’s bangii d I’m sure he’ll gel- ll before nt Junior college vauiter and c

est of the field events, usuallj nother surge upwar4i> with

Z matchM.OOO fans a re expecled a t G

. tiie 71,414-scat Memorial n in tiie flrsl P ro Bowl game ngeles Jn seven years. In last ’ro Bowl a t Tam pa, Fla,, Uic .Tcame a 1.1-0 h;ilflime deficit I4-l;i victory.the S teelers’ 35-31 victory in e r l}owl afr Miami, the Pro lia tougli ac i lo follow, iur/jh q u a r te rb a c k T erry iw, who wiil l)e playing in his. I Bo^'l, had the g reatest day of -year professional carcer In nge Bowl by passing for 318 ind four touchdowns on 17 Ions In 30 aUempls, l^C will Ix; iryinRio-LakejuSil ;r the r^FC In a .riv a lry that iih-3i-27-frlriiimptiljj'-the-NF<3- ngeIesinl'J71. . .

jupportsations:arr>' a claiLse direcllng' the lo compete in six..desl,gnateti - ents, Including three with low- ney.Borg, Jim m y Connors’, Vitas tls . JOllll MCEfir Oit^.and 10 Vilas of A rgentina have so ied to sign contracts contain-. :lause which pu ls a queslion ivcr th e ir- participation- in ■PrTx~lOurheys” 'inciUding: lon 'am hthc-U rt^m nd-Frenclr

" 7 -----------

■ llol) l)cU Jutl e .d e c l s lo n ^

>rtunecausc he’s running wiUi Bei se' two will make us as Jun idlstanccs.’’ mecam c back wiUi a 9:27 Itri'f

s gettingh'ere.”^ ' * ' . . . ) \ hQ bc strong In Uiehyr^JcT"'!^ sali ueen able to do anyUiing „s bul in his first fli^tK if....... ,1, T hat qualified him for **I nalural athlete and Uie '" 1?“' ;sl of Uiliispring will be r®! if 53 something but I feel , ly ." ‘} th a t wc have a pole ued. “ (Twin F a l i s ^ a d ) . ^I to Boise State But w e ^ E i o ^ o ' wiUi us. He’s been ' qu frlcjnd. They’ve gol some atl Jn way and-two pits. H is - —' n g ing u ieh eck 'o u to f 15 no »re long. Bob can be an oU id end up a t a four-year lik

sheially a ijroblcm for CSI, be- Ith Uie enrollment of - Uic

hed in P, "I Uilnk," BradshAjv

IG deflnilely th£J>ettcfconf lal . Uiink we’re definitely mo 'Tie Uilnk il’s a carryover 1 ast AFL, The coachcs in the ^ e have more wide open offe c it ' "After the Super Bow:

Is anlicllm atlc but 1 In forward to Uils gam e, Th

’ro chance lo play in it and well."

•ry • The Miami Dolphins’ llilL— vvlllbaUie other AFC qua ’Of Pat Haden of Uie Los A In —tn(d Jim H art of ,Uic

318 Cardinals w ere Uie NFC c 17 a year ago b u tne lU iero

Uiis year’s Bro BowI.Ro{ 5:4—Qf_Dallas and A rchie Ma la t • New Orleans Saints will FC IhcA'PCMondaynlght^

; 1 5 M I N IOil & Filter Cl

C ars & Picl,

$ C | 9he

d i c k d i• O ldsrnobiism

£ 5 _ 7 i;H n ln « ..-S n_____iiasoin-.on —

^ MAGICwill D edicol G ro o m e r or

' re a t io n A rec C e re m o n ie s o t 2 :0 0 P.M th o s e w h o \

'-^ m o b ile s . Fi 4 2 3 -S « 5 3 , 3

.. .« :0 0 P.m.JZ3

L ■ ■ ■

M onday

Har]Whit o p

G o rin gna

Boxing Saturday n

pou Dave

; WhIUa. a t 1 Twin Fails


' 'attcndanci anshlp tro]


Dickinson* putting on I

Hesults 0 John Jai

. _ ■ Alfred Cha M lnsktr ol Van Omi— — M

Buckskin Delony.. ol Bailey of

. ' Zamora o■ Lytle

. Jamison oGrace

■ . HarbaughCarllo of (Machine) w o n b y aT of Blackf Pocatello Tacoma wc


PorUand i Orem, U t

I ' V i Portland d(Falls; and

jimuummcvNi-« dcc. &nny the main ev

IS r is i i5,ermudan C urtis Charles. H e’ um per and should be capable i neet. His besl is (^4 in Ute hlg riple jump. "W e are selling a ( he triple and we hope he make aid.

Klelnkopf also feels Uiat Jeron cip Uic In IhiT long jum luch work In lhat eychl and la atvboard and didn’t gel a legal te l Uiat his firs t legal Jump w ll 3t stronger and maybe even it vas In high school."

Switching back lo ranning Englishman M ark LitUcfielc quarterm ile'r for Uie Eagles, atlltudeand willingness toworli -" T h o se a re Uie individuals \ now and like I said earlier we lUiers, R ight now Uiey’re j u s l : ike we|^d like to^see them. \ ihotputt'er in a t sem ester like Wi )c.out on the 'cam pus trying J ^>cre.’’

^roBqu,v said, “ W’e ’re "There-'sz inference; anri I ' stake." llish nore exciting, I appearing I • from the old "and we'll le AFC seem (0 . win. I know ffenses, game,iwl. everyUiing “ . "Sure, Un

I’m looking loslngtheSi rh ib jsm j; f l r s t_ _ by_lhc_limc id I want to do Jijj^becn a i

the 'last cou s’ Bob G riese who are out jarterback . _ callsupand ' Angeles R jim s" ■ ‘

iie St. LSuIs " ^Z quarterbacks ’ one win bo in I loger S taubach m ^ klanning of - t he— J ill quarte rb ack ' F T

ute j piffljh 'ange . |:‘Kups I t»7. ■ COtlE

« LS)E Y 5 T<m u tc k - J- 733-H7?! m M i

. . I I .1 1

VAttEfSNOiilQ te^ th e nevy Snow and th e D iam ondfie 50, Febr^uary 3, 197^

a t !U0Q P .m ., P< \A., an() a r id e a t 3 w ish to r id e . Bring

F or f u r t h e r in fo r r 7 3 3 -5 6 9 7 , 733-751

:33-1QQ3. , : ^

lay. .l.itiUiiry 2 0 ,197T) Tlinoa:N

irbaugh’.hitla — _____0 boxersDING - Chris ilnVbaugii of _ g and i l a r k ' WhiUa ' of id rcH^eived the l)cst fighter » a l lhe.. Golden Crown : Tournanienl at Gooding •*::ay nighl.sixteen-year old Harbaugii.pounds,, decisioned 19-year ' 'ic Carilo in his match, while i,atIG fi;beafM arkK naupofalls.r awards-announced lo the . fmately 2 .000- people In . ancc included sportsm --' trophy to Knaup; and 173;_

F ra n k .A rm stro n g o f ' id and . 172-ppund Davewrt* of BurnS,'' 'Ore. _ fo r________ _;o n lh c b e s l l i ^ i t ? r ^ ' ' ' ' ils of the m atchcs were:

Jackson of Tacoma dec,Chavez of Biackfoot; Andy _:r of PorUand dcc, Clinton ' • )rm an of Spokane:, Don •

of Spokane dec.'Speedy tin of F l. Hall; Victor ' -

o f_ D lack fo o L _ d cc_ E a t_ ' ^ of Burns; Ore.; .R ick

a of Pocalello dec. Brel of Portlaiffl; DcW ayne i

in of Ta'coma dec. Phllllp of O rem , Utah; Chris '

igh of Gooding dec. Dave of B um s, Ore.; Charlie ;

Ine Gun) C arter of Tacoma a TKO over Henry Chauyez ickfool; A rt Ligglns o r ' "Ilo dec. Charles ^ le n of0 won by ’TKO over Charles Dave DJcklnson of Bums,fee. F ran k Armstrong of ,o; D elbert Williams of . id dec. Jam es longi of

Utah; M ark 'WhlUa of id dec. M ark Knaup of Twin md Dyrk Godby of Gooding nny J . MUes of PorUand In ■ ,In event.- __ ' ■

l i g IH e’s a h i^ T lo n g and triple 'ble of po in ts in obout any CSI 1high Jum p and 46 feet In Uie |

; a goal o f Sl feet for Curtis In j lakes it th is year,” Uie .coach

2rom e product Dave Hove wUl I jum p, “ W e aren ’t able to get d la s t w eek Dave couldn’t h it I egal J u m p ^ t the dome. B u l l , - . i wlUi be over 23 feet. Dave's a !

m In b e tte r condition thari Tie

ning, Uie coach said he felt field w/11 become a 47-pIus les. “ I ’m impressed- wlUi his vork,’’K ielnkopfsald. ' - ‘ Us who a r e looking good rlghl ' we have potential among the ( ust not w o rk in g or performing • i n. We d id n ’t get Uie discus- I :e We thCUghl we would so we’ll ‘ ; ng lft,^et. someone to help us ;

wl -e-'s n lot o f pride Uiat will bc a t ! llisiited Staubach, who will be ; :ig in h is fourUt P ro Bowl, ; j 'll be t ^ in g our hardest to low l^m looking forward to the

. there w as a letdown after le Super Bowl but I ’ll be ready ;imc-Uie . gam e starts. There1 a new look to the Pro Bowl couple pf years. The players out h ro p ea lly hurt. Nobody

and'Oan^els oul anymore.


S E C !LlEGE BASKETfiALL I LSU/Tehnessee ' J . T O N IG H T i >7 : 0 0 ■_ _ _■ * n r i i M ■ ■

pILERS— —aw m o b lle T rn ij________fie ld J o c k Rec- ___>79. D e d ic a tio n P o tlu c k Lunch

■ 3 :0 0 P.m ; for'^- - ing y o u r S^bw - > rrn a tip n coll,- / . ? '581, o r o fte r.

)s -N.jwr, Twin Fn!l3, Idaho B-5

■ ' > . r-.

, , - ^ f G a r m i s r ;: - - ■ i t e r t u n v . i i c

u"■ f rv■■', C • ” ''

~ ^ ' . S iflssW o rl

W y o i i-V B y l'E T E HERREF ;■• United f te s s ln te n ia i

Wyoming coach J im Bj gam e plan against Bii(

■- University iSaturday cj r o u t e s of "very han defense." Brnndenburg'i off, bu t the Cowboys' effo

Wyoming provided th' W estern, Athletic Confei

- toaJoY assist by halUng . four-game winning s tre• • p lay with a 71-69 overtir

Laram ie.• Coupled with U tah 's t -\yyoming-Colol‘ado swir

‘ ,and Cougare a re now . 'league lead with 4-1 reco - ;U tah poweis have oper

: daylight on the rest o f U •San Diego S tate movln .p lace with a 2 -2 « S J rd i .Paso„defeftding cham pk “'fco and Wyoming all a t J

College basl

T o p tiBYCATHRINE ,U P IS p < ^ W i

i ' ^ ’The football ratings '^ ^ e t b a U ratings don’t i ' . d ^ l i n a Coach 'D ean Sr the second-rdnked - T a r a e m a o n ,6 « L .‘*!h6peoi

(Some o ther coaches m five of the top lOTeams i

upset by unrani

. . I Notre* D am e's two-we< • w as 'dealt a severe*bktw

- TGlbson sank.w botbe call( J w lth one second rem ain

........». point pi^Y ff*"**.1 iq>set o v ^ th e Fighting Iri

_____ The i ^ t o f , tho cas

"N 0 .-8 minois feU to Mli Louisiana S tate w as suip'r J w a^ed t a idioot it a s *Cibson, an 8Qt pereenti l ^ i i ^ two t « i ^ tim eoi ^ o t r e Dame Coach Dlgg( : ^ e chiciai basket. “ I war

■ {501 sHoot e v e ^ day In p ra

lO C w ciRadioI

LAUSANNE, ^ t i e r l t u• gT he Internatfond Olymp

tee is^n sJd erln g banning ____ . Euro^ and Radio Llbeii

- - ' - The contiDverslal issue*) U .S.-fwded radio sta ti

.b ro a d c a s t to E astern E<-------2 W est'O w iJuiiiyw U l be 1: . ' - a g ^ when \hti IOC’!

^ ^ F u e s d a y a t its h e a d q ^ i

I mil n iiiiiiiiii. Illl S B ^ n e D ^ '-^ ro a ^ lt d e a r boU

wm.-.iihU l^ b w td any a o ^ ^ t ^ Jo

f»rr*-' tb e n o t S u m n itf Game ‘ ' ' g av e-an ew sctm feren cc!. - j M o y w ., : , “ R e a l l y , n?)rcsentai

|d d e d on a p ^ c ip a t ld n :^

W ln.EflltoJdflhft

T \'¥ ni s "Jm' ist

W f P

/ a(S' VJ

; • ' j f f i


1>rld Cup slalom-win:

m i n g OtE R A . . . - S ta te traUiia t lo n a l B Y U , w\ B ra n d e n b u rg ’s S t a te 98*4 B righam Y o u n g ' - ‘ three-pO in

c a lle d fo r 40 tio n on a s ;l a rd , “le n a c lo u s W y o m 1 n jr g 's ' t lm l p g w a s B ra d le y ,jf fo rt w asn ’t. ' C e n te r :

th e .re st o f t h e th ro w s I n 'n fe reh c e w ith a th e fronilng th e C o u g a rs ' s itu a tio n i tr e a k ih le ag u e .^ g a v e B Y lr t im e v ic to ry a t J u m p e r bj

th e r im .'s sw ee p on th e . .U ta h , bw ing,, th e U te s h o m e flooi»w tied fo r t h e ti t le p lc tu i■ecords. T h e tw o t r ip in thep e n ed up s o m e b e h in d Djtf th e field , w i th T o m C hariving Into th i r d S t a te 96-75•d a n d T e x a s E l S a n p ieip lo n N ew M<jx- y e a r m e ra t 2-3. C o lo ra d b ’ con fe renci


te a m s tNEW OLF 1 W riterings m e a n a lo t, b u t th e I’t m e a n a th in g ,” sald.iN ortb.

S m ith S a tu h la y n lg h t 'a f ie r F a r H ee ls w e r e u p s e t by e o u r g u y s k n o w th a t ."} m a y n o t a ^ : ^ b u t a i leasX [IS a r e th in k in g a b o u t It a f te r ■anked o p p o n e n ts o v e r the

w eek re ig n a to p th e r a tin g s lo w w hen M a ry la n d ’s L a r ry a i le d " ju s t a n o th e r fo^l s h o t" a ln ln g to c o m p le te a th ree - ic -T c rr f lp ln sa s tun rilW g 'S 'O a ' j l r l s h .c a su a lty l i s t :* •fourth -ra te d i^imed by N o f lh w e s te m 8555T M ic h ig a n 5(^54, a n d N o. 10 ip 'r lse d by G e o r g ia 93-88, a s n o r m ^ a s p o s s ib le ,” sa id

nti f re e , th ro w s h o o te r w ho leouts s t r a te g ic a l ly c a lle d by Igger P h e lp s b e fo r e shoo ting w anted i t to b c l ik e one o f th e p ra c tic e ."

ants to h FreaEurrland ( U P l ) - r ' theboslsof ■mpic Commit- i ^ r t b ad ling Radio F re e Klllanln saj s e rty Jro m th e • -“ I think li— —

u e 'o v e r th e tw o - W u n tH fesJ ta tl'ons w h ic h w K I^ they

E u ro p e f ro m T h e y - a ro I R T ti ig n in r m B — r w m c i n n r )C ’s n in e -m a n re p re se n la l ^ -M o n fla jm n tn r Aitirougn’ u a ’r te re b e s id e w e r e r e p n s

G a n iw , th< tb& .iO C _presi-_ i-flcc red iL ali( M t h . R ^ a n d ' n sb ru c k W! i m l ^ y : ! l 6 : b e i j ' y e a r on .a 1 J o l i n ^ i s t s a t 'K S o v ie t p ro tc im e s w hen h e v : . . ; , ;T h g J ^ v l€ X la s t w eek in w D nJo t a c c

n ta tio n is d e - no t r e g a r t n^&asis im d o n e p o r te r sL

1Q70. ’ _


Inner P e te r L uescher

b w b o y s■allsw lthaM record. '', which hod dumped Colorado 8-83 on Thursday, watched .a Olnt lead d isappear In r c ^ la - a sparkling three-polhrplay by in_g s o p h o m o re C h a r le s y-jr Doug B essert h it four free In the overtim e before missing ont end of a one-and-one )n with 12 seconds left. That YU one lost shot a t n tic, but a • by guard Scott Runla fell off

, beaten by BYU on, Uie Ules loo rla stw o ek .g o tb ack ln to th e . :ture by sweeping Its first road the WAC this year. The Utes, Dann V rancs' 25 pdlnls and

lambe'rs’ 19, crushed Colorado P75.Diego State, the league’s firsl nember, picked up ils first. :nce v ictories by downlnn New

^ake tu irDown by two wllh Hv

Terrap ins got the ball a h e with the final shot. Grt

baseline and passed off ter scored as he was fouli by Flowers.

“ The play worked pei isi,-.jL jH anning and then lo i ler basket,” said M aryland' i ’e a 'th ree-po ln tp iay? 1 co

tha t.”Igs The Irish, whose only o Ty Kentucky on Dec. 31, ral 't” in the second half lo lake Je- w lth 2 :0 8 1 e fto n ah flsk t « 8 r,r .,free 'th ro w s by‘Sthri_Wili

point lead 30 seconds’la te ^ E rn es t G raham paccc ‘SI points and Gibson added J 10 Bobby Conrad and D

throw s'each in the final Id North Carolina in an ^ tto , -m atch . L arry Nimce sco: 3y In thd first h alf as the Tli ig Into interm ission. Al Wc lie who never trailed by mor

final second. wIth28boinl

Janropei of how much correspondenls ack to their own countries," • iSH Tlk It Is Important to stress that >tpt^g_nrv>-n rtiroflftr!aRtinf«-'ifr-- O ft,„w hIch.,they~^^ or leylfave been accJtxliled forTT^ o broadcasting to countriesjnrca‘a y " n a v . r ’'accYi.'aiicd ”Itatlves,” Killanln Mid. gh RFETand R adio 'L iberty— iresented a t the 1976 Montreal their Journalists had their

aU on_ccv o k ed ::n fn h c ., m -__ W inter.G am es ta r lie r that a ,techn ica lity following a .

o t& t;,7 ,--‘ ■ . ■ . ■ ' •' ivleV;Union h a s m ade c lear'it iccept R FE o r Radio L iberty

them as tn ic sports ^

/ ' - / 'V k „£Mier c e leb ra te s h is vie

]s l i v e n iM exico'78-72 on Thursd

do G2-C1 Salurday. The > ,a M iners came on a 10-fc a- EM ardTonyGwynnatth ay ■ UTEP led throughou BS gam e but missed an o

pull oul Die viclory whc ce F u lle r missed the front ng and-one free throw siti. nc • seconds left. The Azlec mt the final shot and Gwy [ a Diego Stato Is now 12-6 )ff UTEP drops to 10-8 .

New Mexico,.wliich h es s tra igh t road gam es, sti he . Las Vegns in a non-leaj ad 99. The victory cam e o >s, homecourt and gives the n(j 8. ju n io r centcr L arry Bi Jo h is torrid shooting s it

New Mexico with 29 poin•cl WfslfrnAlhlellcCcn/crenecSl


5ffi !

n b l e d ufive seconds .left to plaj;, ihj

ill nnd worked to tie the scorc Grog Manning drove the lefl off underneath lo Gibson, whc 'oulcd.iiy. Irish cenler Bruct

perfectly, gelling Uie ball lc lo Gibson, that close to the md Coach Lefly D riescll^"But : couldn’t plan someUilng like

ly oUicr loss this season was to rallied from a 12-polnt deficit

ake tlie lr only lead of Uie gamo isket-by-Kelly Tripucka, Two Wilcox gave the Irish a four- .atcrl ' ■iccd Mnrylnn(l. i2-$,.wllh 28led ll. ••i DavI.d.-Pook- hit two free ia l seconds as Clemson ups% n <\Uantlc Coast Confcrenci scored 21 points, Including 13 Tigers, 12-5, took a 30-29 lead Wood paccd the T a r Heels,

nore than four points until the olnls.




1- Adi

' H '


^ P A R T IG eiroan of Swits

■ PhU M al Uis rot

J Kandaha / l d ay and

- JC'- ^ i f ' : Swedeij.

. I / - ’ Luesch U g J . downhill,

- . H M m inute : runs anc

- , - y ^ M S J - „ . c o m b l n a i M a n collect CJ

v f v the lead W tM"nM^'points. f ■■ - V f l p ) M ahre,

■ f W d o cked 1 . . m U W on th e » m h I U L * li is 'fo rm |L — f l i J C — -propspec

l^ o v c ra : ii second-pl

- I comhlnnfM | f 1 ^ ^ ^ Bulgorl

finished P iero Grc L ie c h tc ^ jvassbcth

w i f f l B B l .^ te n m a typically

cot-p lacc wit dashed h irccord-cqi

■ f f ' crown. GlH I the onlyH b four Woric

^I h * 4 3 1 ^ overall wii H t l M M score a m

slalom anc

H not to com;• f / ' 'S tenrnai

I UPl introductiiic toryl , system fa \

r a c e insday arid UTEP -

win over the n-Mc*,■fool jum per by & s, the buzzer.)ut most of Uie uuh •

opportunity to -hen guard E arl w™, n t end of a one- ui>” ' Ituatlon wlUi41* lees worked for w lv vynn hll-lt. San ,1-6 overall while

t had lost seven mondastunned N evada uvu se coio ■ague gam e 102-on Uie Rebels’ sAiUROAy;

Jie Lobos a n i l . .g 'R w 'W S ; Belin'contlnuedstreak,' leading mono/

S v ' . ? - '^Standlnp ^ncuse ,oW I. Pet. PF PA SATViSaY-’ 4 i I S 4H 332

inngw <‘‘We’ve been p ly in g

ire basketball and'tSnight w cit good minutes of basketl ho BUI Foster, “ II was a hec ice In othor games Involvli

No.** 3 Indiana S tate’ wl to rem ain unbeaten In 18 gc

ho~TVashlfigton 8(W!i and lut IndIana6()-63 in overtim e ke L a r^ B lrd , the nation'

to a scason-low_ l7_poln to . CrelghloriWr the s ^ o n d :ll scored 16 for theSycam o ne Johnson tallied 20. '

• Led by Rod ifoberson' reeled off 10 straight poin half to upsel Mlchlgafi vlc tory-im ilgh tT gam es: ftad 26 points but G reg

^ p o la^ l3 b e lo w h isseaso i Forwards David Gre

13 dewfeghe combined for 45 id Washington. Greenwood i s, the Briuns’ fifth-highest le points, passing Sidney Wl

llsl. V andew e^eequallec

J A N U A R Y 17r- SNAKE mVER AUCTfON- Ady«rlli»m»nt: Januory 26. 197

J A N U A R i r : 3 r =------ ERNEST HeotrWENOttl------Advsriltomant: Jbnuary29. 197'

F i B R U A R Y 3SA V IO R CATUE COMPANY ^dv*m»«p),nljF*broory 1. 1979 r». ond MMi.fimllh.'Au

- F I B R t l A R Y 3SNAKE RIVER AUaiON. -

kdv*rtli*mtn1: F*bfuoi7

r i B R U A l i t V o ^EN ANO.IEUA STOTWAN. JEROii dvtrlUamarili F»fanjary a;’I97y '


- • • / •

iviss winiptiired/L ueschei'f t K MT E N K IR C H E N , W e s t any (UPI) - P e te r Luescher r f ^ r l a n d edged Am erican daiire by only three hundred: )f a second lo win the ih a r World Cup slalom Suq.- Jld topple ^ ree -y ea r World cing Ingemar S tenm ark of •J).scher,* i7Ui -In . S a tu rd ay ’s lill, clocked an agg regate 1'' e 2 (u i scconds in the two., and also won the weekeiid n a tio n -in - the -p ro ccss- to .1 ex tra poinls and Jum p Into id iri Uic* standings wiUi 173

r e . While Pass, W ash., who d 1:26.14, was second fastest

second run and confirm ed rm .a s - th e best.A m erican , •cct of4hd-£ca5on, - b ^ i ih g l - trall polnls tolal lo lOG wiUi a 1-placlng in Uie weekendinflnn________________ ':arlan Pcler Popangelov d Uilhl In 1:26.26, Italian 3 ros wasflfUi al-I:27.lO and in ste ln ’s Andreas Wenzel :Ui a t 1:27.15.n a rk , despite posting a ly blistering second run of could only m anage fourth w ith a time of 1:26.76. It

h is hopes of tak ing a ccjualling fourth World Cup G ustav Thoenl of Ita ly is

y sk ier lo have collected irld Chip UUes, . quiet Swede- is second

w ith 135 points'and can only m axim um of 150 from the

nnd giant slalom disciplines h e abandons his intention )m pcte In downhill races.I'ark has suffered from Uie , ction of ■ a new points favoring Uieall-round sk ier.

W A C2 .a» 287 2233 ,«0 402 «3I ^

SEASON. ■*W L Pet, PF PA15, 6 ,7M STB 1«71' 0 ,700 772 15&5I 6 .CC7 C7 130

■ I :S!JI S .US 2» 1Z!9

____ 9 10 .474 4MI440IS S .TSOINni^

lil membenhip cffccllvc July icmbc^lp pcndini tlnal iSrsldcnl’ii iprovaltofJulvi.iseb,)


tiDAY: UNLVW,im:PG7.lY: Wyoming i-i. BYU CO; .Son


im; WyomlnRalCoIarniloSt,i S . t a S ’ • '. Wyomlng»lUNLV.

e e k e n dtig about 32 m lnules-pf good I we played about 38-39 really letball," said Clemson Coach leckuvaw ln fo rus.” ivlng Uie lop 10 ranked team s, whipped Creighton 77^9 to

: gam es, No. 7 UCLA defeated :d No. 9 Ohio S ta te edged me. ' • . ■on’s lead ing scorer,.w as held' 3lnts bul Indiana' S ta te beat nd tim e In a week.- C arl Nicks m ores while Creighton 's John

on’s 20 polnls, N orthw estern oints a t Uic sla rt of Uie second afl S ^ for Its firs t Big Ten esrSparto ji-E nW ln Johnson' eg Kelser was he ld to four ison averoge. •

3 r e e n w ^ pnd K lk i .Van-^ 45 points to lead UCLA over

Kl scorcd 24 points to become sst ca reer scorcr wlUi 1,439 W icks on Uie all-tim e points

lied his c a rw r high wlUi2 l.: ‘



79 '.

t o d lc h A r ^ -

wlirs t V t i Micr ^ I T i aan .!dr Vhe ■


1: B t im i h' H -new73 T ^ j l

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tTv, 1' ’' o r

New '■ ^■ 1/ ■Z J FOR ® - . RES'■'J; .


i \ J ^ood

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. Le ld 'r ^ ( \ \ D leat r l:ks)hn A

!m)nd'en» n / m r .y ~ >

'CT .;!n e : ' . X 139 /

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MINES ^^DAYSia -? 6 .7 5

{FAST 1/ SULia p

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■ ■

ALL l lAY. . . i

33^331 r■.V.-:.' -;;:- ;. . I . / ;

T ----------------*— FlEHia----------

•A o o c ia lo n i - d a llv s r l* * .' M tr io ti tt F lo w r t, 545


” 7 , « “2 • .- ■ IctM id Found

. L 0 8 T : Brow n (rl - to ld . bllllold at the Wlndbrotk or

Iho Holiday Inn. Flndat^

— W llrn■pq^B0T^h^■^^e.-«l0,-- — Call Ron- 7334222 or 733- '1M8;________ . • .

^ A caroor, oot ju aF aT o b , awalia you..Road ClBBSltlodemplovmont «d», 733-0931, ,

} U m Tonlght'a th* niahti And wo m tiav* tho tyiroiTn for Youl 1% C:iual(l«d'Advenialng. 733-

ow t.FpUNDI 6T2 SIh Avo. Eaat fn Iho alloy. Small, whllo,

, Bhoooy hilrod dog with a numborol srhall black gpota,

.Call.toldoMlly.73<-55<l.FOUNOI Ffoo/Qood Homof Mothor- gold Australian S h o p h o rd o ro s a & 'j

* - 'b l a c k / w h l t e - A u B l r a l i a n -----------* S h o p h o rd p u p s . Vory

M ondly.73M t09of734-7834. _^ LOST. Malo ■ Irlah Sottor.

•Viclnlly of Poplor.and Elm.Answoro lo Clancoy. Any Information coll 734-4448

J ovonlncs.y LOSTON GRANDVIEW Drlvo

Soulh, S moftlh old Brlltany...— QotdoiT-Rotr1[Fvoi7-n>a7tn-----------

color. 734-<978aflof6,pm. tso REWARD For roturn of Yollow Lab. loat 1/4/79. 4

t t : ■ -yuar bib gpflyoa-femaTo:------------' < Approx. 7Slba. Vory atloc-

tio n o lo . A nyono w llh . Information ploaso call,.

543-4070 days. 643-6874 - . ovonlnoa/wooKonds,

REWARD For Iho hjttollon and/or rolurn of a dark

• hardwood, squsro splnot grand Malhushock piano,

/ loanod to a Twin Falls mon's / x choral group bolwoon iho

/■--j yoars ,1866-88; Conlaci:^o g a r Kelkor. Faga. 1360 WllBon Avo. Soil Lako City,.

_ Utah. 84105.__________ ___{ y CLASSIFIED AOS a ro "

numbor ono with moro poopio than ovor boforo, ^^o^^ou ra today by dialing

^ 003 AnnouncemanH . .

ow SpeclilNoticos •

^ ^-CHORCHCHOIflOinEOTOfl--------------•>;« . Formor dl/octor Burloy High

School Bal C^anto Choir; 30 V - yoaro oxpofloncd.' church,

« communily, oratorio choirs.Wrllo Bob Coopor, Box 541.Burloy, ID. 67M007. Moving

• . toTwlnFallsoroar.............. ........QO YOU HAVE A HOBBY?Call Bluo Lakos Shopping C o n lo r . 734-15S0 a n d ochodulo your hobby In our “ahow In Marchl_______ .

.'MUSIC SYSTEM, any kind ol — dancing, or background, otc. Wo go anywhorol 734-

^ - 1365, 734-2331 Ext. 4143.

005 MBmorltlNoUcBB

-^IN BELOyED MEMORY ol Shorrllf Poul Cordor. Iho ! • (amlly wl9ho8 to oxiond Ihoir

V thonka to all his frionda and [^ .follow law onforcom ont 1 -*i'. «»ftttowiol-(or,jll.jfio.wnd-

■ noaaos shown ol Ihoir homu ......p «andoithofunoralhomo. I

• Mrs, Mary E.Coidor v |Gary Cordor & FamilyGloria ColoJoniFamlly

^ 0 0 8 - . —Ji«fJora]»

/ DATING lor lun. fcJaodolilp.and marrloDo. Sond namo,

■■>y ogo, addroas, phono I to / Polyphlllo, 2525 6lh Avo. N.

Billings, Montana. 58101. • G RA N D M A -Q H A N D PA

^ noodo holp-houso. lo too X '‘ big, tho bills aro loo high.I ■ -nMX&i. ■__________*■ H A I R R E M O V E D '' • / PERMANENTLY By Eloclro- / t lyalB. Froo domonslralion,-

eoll 73^-5000.__________ __


•' CALL 733-8300

V. P A R E N T S W J.IH O U T \ PARTNERS InformaUon call

’ 733-1316or733-B52a._______’ PROBLEMSwllhmorrlagoor

chlldron? Call 423-4934.LIconsod counaolor.PROFESSIONAL MAN, 35. would IIKo lo mool warm

.fun-loving ladlos 25-40. En- - - Joy okling, danelQg, & poo- ,

■ plo, Roconlly divofcod-and ' -* ^ wanl to alort having fun9 • ogaln, Wrllo Box Q-15, c/o ^ Timos Nows. PO Box 548,

T«ln Folia, ID,

. 007 , V JobtodAtHptl

- — EX P.ERIEN CSO —C O R —---------------RUQATED■BOX PEOPLE

• Now Moaoa Lako Cor- rugatod Plani noods ox­porloncod pflcaonnoL Wrllo P ,0 . Box 1388, Mosoa Lako,Waahlnglon 86837; or call 500-765-0282. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.Roiiablo,. Babyoillor, my homo. B mo old & 2Vi yr old,Mondoy to Wddnosdoy'S Vi

■ARCTIC CIRCLE prosonliy hiring day tlmo holp. Apply In porson. . . ________

ASSISTANT MANAGER ' Man or woman to aaslsl.

■ manoQor. Noal ooooaranco, -

ol $225 por wook. Also Rop. jobs (or mon or womon.Phono 733-5618.

AVON *—'Tfto mor® you sollrlhfrmoro— ----- — :

423-5804, ' ** •

-------DEUVeflVLPEOPI f r — -Part of .lull-tlmo work. NO o x p o r io n co n o c o aa a ry .'~G ood-pay. Apply upslolra

' 'a b o v o Skaloland, oak (or Bruco.

_H 03fE S 3E 8 wanioij ,.for.Copporcroli; Froo gilla plus ..........250 oxim polnta. 734-1782. , '

• H oysEW iVESr, r u A - > .•;.stuD E N T S '

.Apply- upo la ira a b o v o ^ ? ^ ^ ^ ^ _8kolol»nd,a8kforBruco^

. . . r:’ - , ~ t £ c £ /


ANNOUNC6AAENIS001 floiaii002\o>i(rou'<<<

___ ■ 004ip«.olNoii<»»

O ifcP en o ^ i^ ” ' SELEaED OFFERS 007j0bi0 lln lprru

. OOI)tinpln,.iim-iAor..(;,-»TrrTmjBf{7ri<*r,016 Siiuoi'onv Wol'iod 017nulir>*..Oli,:orluo;t-« . OJOMonc, loloo" 031Mor,»,Wonlra


REAl ESTATE FOR SAtE^ 079 Oi>-"rf<oo>«»

•031Oi,l0ITo*..M,..r...v.................................037fa.-.ii4Roo,t,PV03SAcr<K>n>><«(>i.039 DutiKpit l’(oi>ori.


044 Condom.Miunivfo- iuir 04iMob.leHom«»fo, Sn'rRENTAIS, •>0)0 tum A Unlurrv Houvvi 057FU-P opl. SOJple.e.

' 054Untgtn ».|ili »Di/i)l.«e« Ol6Hoo«,trorB»nl

> OJ^ffanla'Mobi'aKamciOSBOM«;^<«.inri.B*f»lol 061 Co'ogvAantoii 063WonltdIolt*ni 06STouritl X froilvt Rcnial 066 Mobllo Home 5poc»

MERCHANDISE•C67 Mc«<«|tonsouvror So<« OJOWon.odToBu,071 Sho«>andCloil<lng

. • 07JAn.,quo» ‘' ^0?4Muiicolln«

-0 7 7 Rodio. IV «S>.«oo078 Furmiufot Co'psil079 Appha’i o i


' OS&Fimwood. O G TPittnlttl..,, -

OeaO«>dTI„no»IoEQ1 090 P«1ttSupplie>

__ ..0«ZA«i!iOfU________•.--------------

A d v e rfis in qFOR

______ y9 iirTay ..........................

. . . . .-W ed iteS ila j. . . . r . : .

- ..........................Friday.....................Sonday............

P H O7 3 3 (

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; : i V N A M E . . . . . — -ADDRESStt;


I L™il!SSiY S o m

/ > \ Donis,HGlon,

/ G Q ^. !; / goihor

• MAMA Lnralni

. . ‘D o a rJ

r y y o u loi

______ V ^ > * y _________H nppy-------- .— -anu.LO

--------------------- WAND


, \ . BE . ^ PRE-

^ T P A I D -------- ---------



FARMERSMARKET095r*r.ili,«r»IopSo.I 096roimS«cd •

. 007H o/.C o.n»r,»d ..

^ 090 Po»iui*« fcl Rpnl

110 l’uu>l<r t Robb'it 17 liiiHQiion113fo.n.vtlloi'di iv,i.|>li..

--------- 1T * raTmtTnpr«m»nn“ ------


l73S l.iing lq„ ,p ,r^ .

135 I<q.~l 1%!*.”'„i„ 176 Compou «Sh«lU

AUTOMOTIVE ’‘ . 131 A«ioS.f.ic.

l37AoloPorltt.A<(..>o'i«. 133AulO»Wonl«d

, “I l3SCfCl.»»Swppli.. .

l36HiovrEquipm«nl 140 Truck.147 Inipor I.Spol It Co't

l« l464Wh«<IOri.«t

140 a3io'»'"amc °* 1S7AulotBui(>> 1S4Aulo»£^lloc ’ ’i 6 Au1oTOir,.l»r 1S8Aulii.Ch*v.ol.l


l66At{J0l U«r<uryl60Aulo»OI((»mobil» - l70Auto» Pcr<iio< ',m?^lj; ' • , . 174Aulo..Orh..

hg D e ad lin e sDEADllNE

------- 12:00 pni Saturday ^. . . . . . . 5:00 pm t o d a y /

. 5;D0'pni lR silaf --............ 5:OOpWedfl6Hlai[................5:00 pra T!iarsday\. . . . . . . . 5:00 pm Friday ^ ^

> N E 0 9 3 V

.. V a l e n '

i l e n t i n e 1i n t h e T i m e

E n c lo se d P lea se F ind M y

^ a len tin e L<^ C O M P O S E Your O w n W


ime Exam ples:nis, I will always lovo you. M lon.

ry. you oro always in my thoug hor and aporl. I fovo you -so. Yv

.MA LARAINE, Happy Vnloniind alno.

f "3r Jimmy (Polor), I lovt^ou mo st _l-bopawo.wilLah Cayg b o.togi rW lJliO. LOVO always, buo (uri i lo o l - -

3py Valontiho's Day. Pappa ar1. U3( I . — . - ..... .— ,—

.NDArHappy Valoftlino'S'Pnyl rt lovlno-wt<eamkno<ftgr.-Wg1cin

D E A P L I N E i F E

ge to ybuFSPECI A l

ONLY * 2 .5 0 -__ Mall cl DCk o r ^

1 r i M i s - N l

^ Everybi

L = jI

(107 . Joluodntersst j

O^EPENDABLE m o lda nooflod. loouranco & vaca- lion bono(Us. Apply to Ella

• Mainsy, Room .13J,. BluoLakos Inn. ■____________ENTHUSIASTIC farm born ' a n d r a i s e d m an to r ' ( n rm /ra n c h o jjo ra ilo n . Mochanlcally mlndod, somo ’ calllo Oxpoilonco dooirablo but not nocossary. Yoar round |ob. wllh homo, 2 wookj pold vacallon. Only com potont pooplo wlin rollablo roloroncos nood apply.531-5348 allor 6om.

l,,.^PE H IB W C E O Cocklail V W5»f<***s,^ply In porson lo

Iho Covn: Wosi Addlaon. IflRIGATOfl or gonoral (arm

“ hond. Somo oxporlonco.- — Han?«}rt—atoa=:MBOor>T:• houao. Wrllo Box F-15, c/o

Timos Nows. Bo« 548, Twin Fnlls, Id.k e y p u n c h ;— ExporioiicW ority. 'Vory oood hours. 5 days a wook. Excoptlonally lino olllco. Coll Dorlfia, 733- 71S2..IOBSHOP.KEY PUNCH; Somo gonoial oltlco. Vory good ollleo.

, ■ JSOO. Call Barbara 734-2550 - Snolllnoand Snolling.

LEADING LADIES Apparol otoro (n Twin Falls now

: laklno applications Icr lull- tlmo and' part-llmo salos porsonnoi. Ploaso sond ro- oumo lo Box E-15, C/O Timos Nowa, P.O. Box 54$- Twln Falls, ldaho.83301.

" - A T T E N lJ A N E T I . B O Y D


1 $100 , $ a o o ,» 5 0 o ,l{ ooy of iho above llguroi

■ oxpoclotlpru, Jonol E. Do ; loeollon*. ond u> train yoi ’.y o u r o reo i, and yoj. ovon'

ot wIiolptallnQ tilvor?__

SM IU Ipor yoor aro sponi by our Jonot E. Doyd hoi o eorlHlor

„ls jpont jooffhlng for opoi produ,«lj of juporlor quollly.


—•SoirM olivolloji; mt • Loliurb Timo »C

• Sincoro Dujlrt / You owo il lo yourself to <oi

4 tunliy!;; Adequate vyof><lng copliol'l

• lunltloi offoi’ad bolh''m al( port-llme. Invoslmont opp« lor quallllod oppllcanlt.

For Inlormotlon call 1-Q0O' O ot Of Town (

Sun.. Mon., Tue».,Wod. C

S u r p r i s e Y o u r

n t i n e W i t h a . . . i

L o v e L i n ei c s - N c w s

fy S p e c ia l P r e p a id . . .

-ove Line!I M e ssa g e Below

. . . . . P H O N E . . . . . . . .

B FEB. U , 1979____

H appy V alentino's D.iy,

7ughilQ day nnd night, to- . Y vonho.

ino 's D ay. Lovo, Scoll ond

m oro Ihon \ ^ r d s can ox* 0qoUMf.lOjllaXfLli>nn»<^UhOoK) F.S . W ornor io v o s~

ar^d K ^m m a. Lovo-Tcji

ly - to - th e -a v ro e th c a rff ln a " '-------- .-li-n«>^ff-in-t-wrrpiT^Y-n.n n -----------

\L~PERSON^ M[ - • 1 D A Y 3 linos ' 1 'bring ad to L

,733-0931. i - ' . ,


a mlit j 007 Jotaollnlerojl

f s 'HOIJ^CLEANING Evory ;a- Friday* l&-3pm. Roloroncos II* roqulrod. Call 733-560?.JO ■ ------------------

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS rn. FOR:or ~2 LPN’s (full-tlmo) Evening n. ahllt. •no ■ LPN'a (part-tlmo) Evening & 'lo night NURSING ASSISTANTS 2 noododallshllls.


040 Fllor Ava. Waal lil . Twin Filla,Idaho83301'10 Poraonnol Dlroctor

D Iano............... . . . .7 3 J W 8

ISU R A N C E AD.IUSTER. rn: --NaUonal i-coiii(>*n)ri—19620- io plus car. Call Dwaino 734- In 2350 Snqilinn and Snoning-.-/.

IRRIGATOR noodod Irom f ir -M arctnnrooofrOctooorrRo-- 5 (orencos roqulrod. Call allor ly e o .m .320-4201.

NEED IMMEDIATELY!B. ‘ICU Noraos •a ‘Ward Clorks

•RoaplraloryThofoplsl Call*>Buslnoss Managor or

^ Diroclor ol Norsos. 733-3700." TwInFallsCllnic. ‘

* N o iv TAKING APPLICA- } TIONS for cocklail waitress, t. Apply In poroon, Sandplpor

Roslauranl. Bluo Uikos.

M T I O N i l lr O I S I N T O W N III


00, $ 8 0 0 P U W IE K ’urot oppool lo your earning

Boyd I* williiig: lo provide you lo service accounij in

von'm oro — w hoever hoard

tU IO H $our industry on o'dveriiting. ifled advoriiiing budgoi Ifiol iporolors, lop locolions ond silly.D N S IN S n:D TO QUALIFY IS:. ~ '

• Minimum? Hr». por Wk.• Dosir<; 10 Eorii Big Monoy

>»lro For SuccossI conjider this uniquo oppor-

lo l'li required, otiual oppor- nolo and fomalo. lull, ond. )ppQCUinities also Qvailabio

Q 00.243-33q;0o.m .-9p.m . wn Coll Colloci • d. Only — Inc. Since 1953-.

i\ l - 3 ■ I

1 '^ •

A ■• ll

a - V . c15 . ^ F

I S fT

4 ' s, ------ h'

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y o u r . I’o:L o v e ^ roq

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y f t p i


7f ' TTHE S rO R W »» NI§H TW />S7H£

• O F - r H E W iS J T H :GO FAR.

'0 !

. \L__^i

007 Jobsollnlersjl •

Tl LOCAL CPA ofllco has opon--i------n----- g— — I— 0 r

If s o c r t a r y / - ro c o p t lo n ) s t . Outlos Includo stallstlcal

'lypino. Ploaso respond lo PO Box 1292, Twin Falis. ID83301,___________________LOOKING FOR som o "do-ll-yourjolf" )ob socuflly In thoso uncorialn llmos?

f Local Amway Diswibulor will show you how lo gol It v/ith • incomo producing, part-llmo buslnoss of your* own. PhonoTJJ^SISSIorlntorvlow, . LPN NEEDED lor Clinical Hoalih Sorvicos- propsflno polionis. Salary noooliablo, d o p o n d in g upo n ex-

Korionco. ConiacI: IMC oalih Conlor for IntoPi'low,

734-6505-________________ ■~ X e C H A N IC - H e a v y

Equipm ont- - Own tools. t15,000 O.O.E. Call Dwaino, 734-2550. Snollino and Snoll-'£ 1 ______________ •MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST

tosls. 3 montha omoloymJlf^ ' poriod. Salory noooliablo. d o p c rn d ln g upo n ox­po rlonco . Coniaci IMC Hoalth Conlor for Inlorvlow^ h734-6595._______________ J ;MILKER waniod lor-loroo. modort'doiry wilh automotic dolochors & crowd'oaio. 3 bodroom homo. 543-4B32. PA^-TIME holp noodod. 20 houra o’wook. In docoraiino storo. Call 734-6496.

- RECORDS SPECIALIST Rosponslblo for looping

, track of modical rocords. 60 WPM and irtinscriptlon Irom dictaphone roqulrod- Salary noooliablo, dopondino upon oxporlonco. Conlact; IMC Hoalth Conlor for Inlorvlow,734-650^________________R E G I S T E R E D Q < a- motologlst to loaso q a la - ilon. Mios Eiaino's Hair Faahiono. 3032nd St, E. TwinFoils. 734-S970. ._______ _RELIEF AIDES & rollof cook noodod. Call lor appoint- mont 734-0062. ■ , REPAIRMAN- Exporioncod < o n th o o o 'd w o rk in g knowlodoo • of commercial cooking' and rolrlooralloii ' oquipmont. Salary nooolla- i •bio. Call Kay, 733-7152. .IOB ' SHOP. _____________ r


Contact; Mountain Vlow Caro Conlor,. Polk Strooi

■ East- Kimboriy, Idaho. 423- . 5591.____________________


Saloa poraon lo bo trained In roally Salos. An oxcolioni training prooram, Your in- ^ como is nol ilMllod. Ex- eoilonl opportunity. Call □ Richard Lullroll lor appoint, j mont. ^

" N o w n a n d c o u n t r y ®• • r e a l t o r s 0 507 Main Avonue Wosi

Twin Falla, Idaho B_______________• ■ ' ai

SALES-A vory good fob lor poraon wilh oxporlonco and somo bookkooping (or '2t^ B hours a wook.Xail Koy, 733- cl7t52,-fobShop.__________ DSALES • ,Opporlynlly for poraon wllh mobiio homo aalos end appraisal ox- ^ porionco. Caii Doriha. 733- 9=

.7152,,lobShop. .________ InSALES, Commercial high potonllal. Baso plus com. °ii mission. Call Dwaino 734-

-«506r>ollino-flnd 6t>ellino:— -Oil TE4.LER; E n lh u a iasH c

■ploasnnt porsonallty. .Good oppo riun lty . . J500. --Call Barbara 734*2550 Snolling X ond Snollino.________


Exporioncod dlosol iruclrdrivors lor 8ioopo,r toom S£ Opiirollon. Six-dny runninjwook. high mlleaoo avalla- Cuble with loo pay. Equipment ' Houp to dato. 350 Cummins, oChoico ol domicile Is possi- Otlbio. Call colloct 10:00AM to TA12:00AM Monday thru Fri- ia>day; me^_____ . _____ Inl

“ tR^SYSTEMS.INC. Bllllnge, Monlana _ •

- - - 4 0 f c 2 5 9 - 9 3 7 1 ^ - a l. or Fo,

r ” 406-:2593573z;r:’!S3____________________ ____ 733eXPERIENCED MILKER ^ waniod; 2 bodroom mobiio homo Included. 536-0200. E^fPERIENCED Irrigator or flonorai (arm hand. Small' rtouso, yoa r round lob. L„, Hanson aroa. Roloroncos ?,T roqulrod. Wriw Box .1/15 c/o L ° Timos Nows.* JPJ

‘" " hTq h w a y o ist h ic t - * F^■FOREMAN ■' ^

Flior Hiohwny Districi noods

jond-writiori roaurrio'tti P.O. 30x245. Filer. Idaho aSaJfl. -

I Results Bl

> i r c «

V 5 T I T LHE- - Ar O F

j t i /I • 008 Salas Persons

i- RETAIL SALES • Oulsland-r Ino" OppoaunilVT~tB2'4C~

I. O.O.E. Caii Dwaino, 734->1 2550. SnoilinoondSnoiilno;® SALESPERSONSWANTED .^ Sell Ifom homo, lolophono,, fulMlmo S0 p a n -iim o - To f rio n d s . y 'n e ig h b o rs , b u s ln o s s o s .7 Cuatomora will lovo youi iII Call 733-4560 ..foe .appolnl- li • mont S Iho hlgli incomo D sa lo s opportunity ol a

Jlloilmo._______' ■ SALES-REP- induslrlal, High1 potonllal. J fC 7 0 0 D.O.E.? p lu s , com m ission. Call , Dwaino. 734-2550. Snollino • and Snollino.________ -' TEXAS flEPJNERY_CORP.,■ . oHCro PLENTY OF MONEY'

plus cash bonusos, (rlnge • bonofits lo maluro individual in Twin Falls aroa. Rogard- loso ol oxporionco, wrilo .I.H. Byora, Toxas Rollnory

• Corp., Box 711, Fort Worth, Toxas 76101.

^ ’>09 EtnploymflnlAgenclai



•SERVICE TECHNICIAN lo t or 2nd class FCC liconso required. Excollont growlh potontlal.

SG00-J13M ■

•GENERALOFFICE •lob , roQuiros good typing’ wllh omphosis on accuracy. Somo Soturdayo biH-' nol

■ ovory wook, (ovortimo'pay).S500’

•SALESRolall oxporionco prolorrod. Advoncomoni poloniiai (or/ onthualaslic porson willing to loarn. Good Irlnoos.

J650-t800 ..

•ASSISTANTMANAGER 1 Small rolall store. Provious I m anooom ont—oxporionco I noodod.' MiJal bo willing lo • worK aomo wookonds. Qood growth- potential lor salary ondrosponaibiiltlos.



VIralnIa Bancroft, Owner 409 Shoshono Strooi South t

7 3 4 - 8 8 4 4 - i'- B

015 BabyslHorBindCMIdCar# BBABYSITTING wosi of city, uogos 2 to S. S3.00 por day. siWook-daya 6-5. Ceil 733-7319. w

' BABYSITTING 2and ovor. E. r(ol.Cily. Hot lunches, foncod "Oiyard, snscka. 734-2526. piBABYSiniNG . my homo, Iogos 2 and over. Foncod ' 'yard, lunch, snacks, "o « . 'S collont coro. 734-6023.Babysitling In my homo ^children 2 years & oldor. ODrop-ina welcome. 734-0343. bi


Houra: 7am to 6pm.(Fridays6:30 pm). 14.60 ALL DAY. 01 Includos hot lunch andanacks. Agos 2Vi -5. 733- 'f* 0 0 1 £ j4 m Jo rifa o eu s^

-018-------- — atlualtonjWintoO------CONTRACTOR ~ ^

E)CARPENTRY .-AND CON- CRETE. GompOillNb pricoa. • O' From Sian to finish or part No 'lob loo big,.No )ob loo smnll. CarponlrVr tfoncroio, corpol. forrplca, rock laylno ote. Coll 733-7054 aller eom SE W If^ ' * • —

Custom sewing and allora- ^■ liona In my homo. Weddings r 0 spoclally. Kimboriy, 423- > 01S6. .. Is TAXES-ACCOUNTANT with ‘ lax oxpf«lonco wished lo do ,individual tilx rolurns. For. inlorr^tion^^or oppolnlmonl

017 ‘Eki’ilnaajOpportunlly •QUAUI i UHAVbLflrt! - • S Foroalo wlih'or wlltioirt tho lh

-lsfTd.N0RTH.W£SX.AEAL7y- b ( .734-5iai-.ef-W ttr<en-a,|Qo..- aja 7^-0804; Blair Ostorhoul (#1

T R U C K B U S IN E S S : Roasonablo piico Includos 4 trucHs & irallors, PUC porm ll. Olid eslobflshod h a u lin g c o n tra c ts . All - oquipmont In primo condl- H on. Yonrly g ro ss ol app rox lm ato ly 1225,000.Wrlto to Box B-15, c /o Times N ow 8.-PO -eo»-546. Twin — Fails. ID. 63301.-WANT T)0 bo downlown on' - * tho mtii wilh your small Ins bu6lr\d8s7 to la o( walking ,boi trBfdCi Lols o( olf-airoot Ch p a rk in g . Buslnoaa o x - r<iQ a m p lo s; Crafta ,' H oalih ' doi F oodsrfea tfieerA rtlstsT T r— opj w hatever. 73M544 or 734-" Co 3.^17 nvanlnaa. On


■ ------ ---- - Moiiifay,-


" LET=r.CVS?A F C C rr


017 BusincM Opportunity-

i?^-FO U fl-H O U 6ES-4-1'doobttr u. corner lol In Filer. Qood

ro n ia l de m an d . G ood ^ Invoslm ont . a t J46,500. J - A asum eaJ28,000loanal7%O; imorost. Call Robort at 733- * 4052 or Edna Irish Roal

»• Eslaio 734-7765-___________

111 INVESTMENT: ,’0 20% RETURN ’

t34’,200 first deed ol irual th secured by largo com- :. mofcial proporly, apart- II (noi^ia and olllco plus ig J50;fl0Cr land sale conlract

pays J570 por monlh Iniorosi ; flJiduolno^oy.oQf.Eflimoiii. _ y “ M onoago -O o rp o ra llb n . e , J-377.262V ', . ,11 * • • •

. INVESTMENT: '° 18% RETURNS' ' $40,000 ' deed o l Irua t L_ socjirod bNL -iBtaO-_cQm-. _

morclal property end rotall s bulldlng-on Caidwoll/Nampa'

Blvd, ValuofJ al J120,000.' pays JOOO. por month in- • lorosi. Ali duo in 5 yoars.- Farmer's Morigago Corpora- tion, 1-377-2621.NOf^THWEST MINERAL Re­search & Dovolopmoni la - looking lo buy or lease your mining claims, (or th e • purpose ol dovolopmoni, mining, or sale. II you are i Inleroalod In lolling us han- | dio your property call for an I appolnlmonl. 9-5 726-9524, i

) . ollor 5 72S-9048. i

•ceo Moi)oyTolo*ti

_ CASH for flrsl, second orid ! ] third poslllon con lrac l.

Doodo ol trust. Farmer's i| M orloogo C orp o fo llo n .

1-377-2S21. __________«CASH LOANED on roal proporly. Crodil nol' (mpor- tanl. Farmer's Morigngo COrporailon, 1-377-2S21.

[' COMMERCIAL loaoing fundo ' available from J300 up. Coll •

734.7360.___________ _

' t i t t t t, Farm ond Ranch Loans , Minlmumloant200,000 , Improvod and unimprovod |

Ed Dickson ^ . . 43H66«or<3M698 '•

I I F r

030 HomesForSalo L

NEW OWNER NEEOEOI yIdool (amlly home, noal. k clean and woll carod lor.Brick conslrucilon,' atlacliod goarago. loncod backyard. 4 . cBodrooms, 2V balhs, largo a(amlly room wlili (Iroplaco.' s utility o lf, kilchen. Largo storage shod, BV parking,well landscapod, very boot trosldonllal aroa. Close to a'schools, shopping coniorr opark. Pricod bolow'.lanuary j. 1, 1979 appraisal. Phono 733-4880 lor appollttmeni■ wilh ownor.______________

AFFORDABLE LUXURY IOn an acro/J47,500. 3bodrooms, 2 baths, family .ro o m w llh c o r o u s o l •firopiaco, (ronch doors opon •onio polio. Spacious qlnqln *goraoo wilh built-in oforaoJrv S oroa. Conlury 21 SoulhornldohoRoaliyi^4.2iii. ' ., •

i ■ * * * ■ •■ !

AFFORDABLE LUXURY •Executive 6 bodroom. 2 bolh * brick homo wllh doublo garage. Largo landacapod . lot. In prime f<E Joromo •roa. Foalurino spotlighted Oakley- Slone healoiator nreptice In living room plus Ils twin In spacious family roo room. Roaaonablo dow/>• nd 'ow ner will c a rry balance. Mid e0'a.(fl43>l)

PRIDE OFOWNERSHIPIs raflecled In Ihie-deluxe, woll cared for. 3 bodnjom homo on corner lot In SE Jorome. VA or FHA recom­mended. Mid 30'a.(#16ftvl)


Lovely mature landacapod

th ro u g h o u t In Jhla 3

- iBQ.ooa_^ (#160;'!), . „ _______________



. H m m a c u l a t eInsido & Oul ol tl'.ls older 3 ,bodroom homo. Has bulti-in Chlno closol. portlal- baae- fnonl. olluatod*en deep. . ‘ doop .lot wllh oodles ol

Conlury 2l' Soultiocn Idaho •

I ' P U K e T O £/M Y H A N D SC T H E IC JIC trW

s iE F T T H A T. i . j s n u p c w o F s

- - ' 1 1 ^

-J,_.C30' HomesFofSilo I

tr -O V eflH 60Q-s^^ -fe^ f-{-ii livino in new 3 bo’droom, i] (amily room wilh (iroploco,' j. dinino room, klichon wllh |, bollt-ln app llancoa. Re- |. dwood Dock, Oak cablnols, |I 'hoat pump. Built-on over 1 ,

acro wilh boaulllul view for ( only Lowell Wllla

• Really 733-6562 or 734.7992. I 90% FINANCINQ AVAILA- BLE on this sharp family '' homo. 2200 aq .ft. Included 4 j-

' Boflrooms, dining room, andlamlly room. See loday end b buy lor *67,500. Looded wllh 'o oxlrosl Mary Toylor, 734- kl lee t. Town ond Counlry |rRoallors, 733-0716.________^_A

----------- -------- ---------------------------„


Todays rales aro a hoavy [ipenally, why nol boal iho c,rap wliti this iow assumable iqioan_. 5 brick wllh j ,

(Iroplacos. Soo to~Bpprocl- ale alono wllh ail tho other

, extras. J69.000, #288., -


525 Bluo Ukes BlvdN. 73M336 ■ .j

_______________________ __ BlBE CENTSIBLE. J25.000 lhe - baprice hard lo boot for a Iwo (sibedroom collage with com- Mimorcial value. Terms to bl< qualiled buyor. #14. Qom Slalo Roallv 733-5330.

'3 BEDROOM homo, 2 bo lh ju ^ polio dock, booomoni, pluj 20x60 shop. Filer aroo. Oniw J39.500. - ^

2 BEDROOM homo, only 4 . yoaro old, vory cloan, Twin

Foils, lorgo lol. Only J34,900.L(


— kll


REALTY ■ p. R ■■ MLS

734-7W2or?33-65a2 Jw_____________ ;__________ tov

- jT ■ Ihe4H B E O R O O uF W IX E , OnFamliy room, lurgp living forroom, Klichon a n d T r t ^ h s . pii' Large lol, soulhwosl loca-llpn. Sprinkler system In myard. {36.000. Sollor anxious I10 sen. 1

8 LOTS, 100- X 230' plus I cosh. Locoied.on South Pork Ave. City water acroas road.Salo prico JlOO por front foot,

TWO BEDROOM HOME ?!“ Across (rom BIckol School.Oldor homo. Sale ptlco- 523.900.

Ha c k n e y AGENCY ■ .73W559 <

• • •.« • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • <

I m mi

N orth ]

- ' ---

^ ' T H t B R I C K C I3'bodreoll1l7^’ *“ bQlhV.■ IMno

• dining oroo. lomily.rooTTi. 2 «or sholvei, ceram ic llio bolljii.,gei plolo, uiifinlihod botomoni!

^ 5 2 , nDIRICTIOHSs G o 'W u irp o il ( Idaho on Fell* A vo. W oit to I lo Ridgoway Ip N ortli Porli?”

I k W I I I L !!233Shoihi

by Dick CavalU --------------------------------------- S

5 C N ' rsn■W H £> . : —


, ' 'a<3< __________ / - 2 f

0 030 HonwjFofSilfl

“ o“N crT3o;Boo-w iirbov>iB ^1|. nice Twin Fails h6me. 2 .J. bodroom s, nearly 1,000

square foot ot wtfll-arrongod living sp o c o , ’ G tra g o ,

>1 Exionsivoiy remodbied. u l l1 .llm at 734-4649 or Edna Irish If Roal£siBte, 734-7765.

. LTOKINGFORanowhomo?. 1110 homo ol your dresms. might bo listed In today's -, clossilied soctlon - chockJ there now.

1 BRICK 3 bodroom. bullt-ln' oven/range, natural w ood '• kltchon, baaoment,' (reoierf Irull room, bio oarago/shop,

Assumo 6% loan. Consldor

BY OWNER; Luxurious eunom brick homo, 4 bodrooms, 3 bathi. •• largo lamlly room, 2 (Irepla-

' coa, wood panollng. acre ' lot, aprinklor. Close to nowL Junior High A MornlnaiUdft____

schoSla. Financing can be - arranged. Call 733-3395 (or anappolntmont.

BY OWNER •Walk lo schools & shopping. Trl-lovol, 3 bodrooms, olllco.IVj bath's, 2 flroplacos.-.lcor - - oa ra o o . D o c o r a lo d ib y L'Herrlsons. MId-60'a. Prln> - c lp a la ^ o n ly . , C all (or appolniment nA-7*25.BY OWNER; 5 Bodrooms, 2

. baiJiB, (Inlshod bosomont.,(#mny room, 2 firoploces, Morninosldo oroa, assum t- ble loan. J46,500.734-7785.



Lovely brick h o m o - f n ^ * . ' p r e s t i g e locsL tfon . S Bodrooma, 3 bntha.-Pe to e -,- •, kltchon wilh ovory conve-, nieiSce (o r. th e buay tiousowifo. Big family room ond rec room for lun and oamos, Sun room and dou­ble garage. Pretty landaca-'

'pod yard (undororound sp rink le rs ) w llh many ahrubs and (lowors. Tho ownors are moving out-of- town and tho pclco reflects Ihoir sincere d esuo lo soil*Only J64.600. Firsl time .of- fotiid for sale. Call now (or a ^ piivalo showing. ^

,|_ jA M LETT

R ealty. 73W078

BisinoAnderson ..733-1647•loyco C o le ............. 733-6767NoolBrlliain .......... 733-4648DAVE HAMLETL BROKER

• • • •

m mt. ; •

P a rk

i m R i D e E ^ ^ —Ivino room," Wlcho'n on'd ' -----2 «or gorogo. pbnify wllh

garago sheetrock com-ll. . , *

U 4oil Collogo o( Soulhorn :^o Sporks. then North '

hoihon#St;W . . . ,tio734-4.4n


’ (DO- HomasFofSalo

.IUST LISTED Nleo 2 •B tid ro o m hom o wUh (fro'placo, shop antf uUlll)' building on C<»«J eofnor loi. *22,600.

- ‘a l m o s t NEW -3-Boaroc^- 2Vt batt), TrHovoI homo wkh firoplaco In Umlly rooA., Cornor lot ol Cul-do*sac. lh topNEaroa.$59,G(W..

ONE'BEOROOM«OME On largo c o m m ^ < tt< ^ . Idoal

■ tor a ,bu»inbB8. ^1 .500 . 'Ownor will carry.'

BUY, YOUR LOT NOW;..ond build lalor. Wo havo 2 good lol» In town. Curb and guHof

■ . In .' ie,800 or J7,e00. NoarBChools and Bhopplng,


. ; 73W650-

DougVoilmor 733^57 A ldoSlrong .Q H I73M 905Mason Sm ith.........T3*-4i06OonfllsVollinor.... 733-9198 M aryA kko^n ...7 3 4 -3 m

• J40.900/C a t llalofll Sharp Z ttoty

• / h o m o . 3 Bodrooms, 2 baths./ 'ooverod patio. Morningsldo.

and 0'loary..ABBumo largo ffxiating loan,'..,

------- -------------^*5^275Compare Ihls -now homo with BRAND XI Spacious

I. ramblor, formal d in in g .'3 bodrooms, , 2 baths. Ml basom ont wllh llnlshod farnily room and llroplaco.

— «r—^ v e f flfM fv f le a lty -------• D ays................. ...734-3200

_ Evoplngs ...........?33-9250 •Or73M «8

'' : M R . M ECH A N IC — Lo' , which It flluotod on 3 o( ------ I6NTLY LOCATED.

COUNTRY LIVIN G -vIoW. JOOO »q,.fl. K ornev

Brek.f ...........7JJ.S4S7 .■ Slon»«T*,


. -»mKkkMUkk....... «».S2iO•llll*J.Kshlmon . 73i.*S»ll . Ki>r<»Woiw»........ 7J*.64»:

GLOBtK lvy .T V

5 s ie r r a E!MODELS 0

I " ~ 1 : 0 0 t o 5


Norih. thon Norih loSlorr

I g e m s t « t e o n -s i

--------- 733:3^7, ---------------

I I B m m N

r l ^ ^ r r------ r - ■. = i i


- - - —41Q.BIU0 lo k « > Nl

_____P lM A N C IN O n o p rlorloblo living room. I plush mo»l«r bodroorr

J * ONLY $44,000.' P 9 I V A T I R I T B I

Britk homo ho» ovoryl coblnolt ond w ot twr,

/ ! fuTI botomonl, rich kne loblo and Ompio itorog

rCEB. ' 6 1 0 B l u e k c

, f£flT/m®B^Owa, Twirl Fa

■ ;v

alo COO ■ HofflcsFw'Salo

2 ASSUMEL0ANAT7V<%C h o lco lo c a l lo n n o a r

"V Lynwood >Mall & schools. Fam ily h o m o w ith 5

. bodrooms. 2V* birihs. nicoly 1_ orrangod on |ovol»'"wH'’

- -oxcoss ol 3.060 8<i,(t. BfIck r oxtorfor. doublo garago. ali 'fV tho convonloncos, Jfl7,S00, '' ' Contury 21 Soulhorn Idaho

Roatty 734-2111,

Onoal JUST IN TIME To Pick Colon 00. nnd Carpollngl This sh a rp :

Bodroom, 2 balh homo wltt doublo garago and qualll)

nd conslruction. can bo yours 'Od wllh your colors II you ACT tor NOWI Pricod- a l • only jar 143.500,00.

-----GOOD INCOME PROPERTYJL _ _WJlhQood Loc*Uon-Irl-Pi*x

Iwtih approxlmotoly 3400 'sQ.II. living spaco. oloclrlc hoal. Two 2 Bodroom. Iwo balh apartmontB...AND Ono 3 Bodroom apanmonl, Ro-

>57 .ntol of JWO porm onih. THIS »05 IS NOT A’ MISPRINT. PRICE >06 IS ONLY $65,000,- GOOD ;W TERMS TO QUALIFIED IW BUyER. . - "

HORSE RANCH With Lolo 01 Froniago For Show. Locaiod on 204 Acros of Irrlgalod and

,7 dry land. Woll foncodr Hg Buildings and stool corrals

a ro o x c o iio n t . ' OOLO ‘ MEDALLIAN HOME. PRICED

WORTH THE MONEY -at $235,000,000. Call Blair OSr torhout.ovonings 733-5045.

“5 N O R T H W E S T , ■« ■■ REALTY ■

; 734-5181.

Davo ■'Hutch” HiilrM nn' , 734-4507

w -,/oAnn Di3mont»-:r423.:4ifl4 50- W arronB rlggs,,.., 733-6804-

RayThlotton ......... 733-1180

- Look ol th it homo and ihop 3 ocrot. $85,000, CONVEN-

' — Including o boaulllul Qjmd.5 derot lool $75,000.

S7 . SabMcCltfMh . . . . , 734.3«»'oS« ■oyl.Civmbllit!!!! 713.1743 *» OkVKoWmoB , ., ,, 734.6JSSil S.1lyMlll«n ...... 734.>60]40 la>rr|4<s*'«>___..73».3J71 -»" Okjrw Irogllo .. , 7J4.4437

V kkl.^8.......... 733.4164

I t 7 3 3 - 2 6 2 6I V 3 3 8 B lu o L o k o i

B lvd . N orth


I 5 : 0 0 P . M . * ^ I

.A . LO A N S iiA L H O U S IN G {T E D P A Y M E N T . |

lAGE LOANS | IllLABLE IIE INTEREST RATES'' ■>n Follt Avo. E. 10 Madrono * ' lorro Ettoloi III. I

l-SIT E "M p R IC A N J s n F F I P F 'B E A L E S T A T E I

■ ■ ■ ” '


\ - R= jQ H N -C .T » S H O P ----------

B R O K E ^

> !• - i

I N o r t h — ------------7...... .........—

0 problom llilt 6 yeor old Iwi m, two bodroorni, lull bolli.'kYtch oom (1 IJP19) and m oito r'bo lh u]


‘B I A T Hall ocro ar iho end of orylhing, Vjft'rm com lortoblo llvin wr, tpocioui kllction ^ llh lnd ,^ r knotty pine turround t tho family >rogooroot. PRICE $82.Soo. .

k o k e s K . c

1 Falls, Idoho - M ondny.-(an ii

Q3Q HomosForSilo

• FINANCING AVAILABLE. i% now homo on largo tol. 3 sa r bodrooma,S-baths.Cuilt-tn ' 3lj. a p p llsn c ts . ■ do'oblo car

5 garago, 324-2127 alior 5 or ;Oly 'wookonfln. ,fll'’ . -------------- -------------


All brick homo with com-— morclal ollico potontlal.

Custom bulll homo on lVilof* ,Qcros. Swimmlmg pool wllh ^p3 patio aroa. Solior'w ould Alth considor irado-ln ol 4 Hilly bodroom homo. $78,000, I tl .


525Bln8Qkes BlvdN. --------733^338--------------

ilric ________________________iwo LOVELY BRICK HOME}no Locaiod on boaulllul DorianRo- D rlv o , 2 b o d r o o m s ,HIS firoplaco, now room, laroo-ICE la;idscpaod 'l» , . Sawtooth0 0 School, walk lo shopping at ED. Lynwood. $43,600, Call (or,

dolalis. Marketing Assocla-^ loa 734-4875. onyiimo.

IS . N EED M O N E Y ?)lj;---------als Aro you a homo ownor?LD Tfghl monoy Is no problom ED with uSi.wo havo II and wo •at know whal 10 do wllh 11. Aro )Sr you moving? Do you nood

monoy lo gol you Inlo your '■ • tiow homaj^lI/i.j\o,tthoro to

turn? Wholhor It bo ^ 2.000 o t . - ( $42,000, ask US. Wo havo

many ropaym onl "p la n s ; avallablo to homo ownors. Mortgaoo ralo, loo high?

.Trylng.toassumo an oxlsiing- • * r “ ~mgftoapo'pm nnen a i gaT n r " 04 Soo us. Ask about our Torm ;04_ L oan . S o o th o Pro-gg fossionals,


1025Shoshono Stroot TwlnFalls 734^80

Ask for Jay Mlllor or Bob Taylor-

Conlomporory A bodrooi largo privaio m ottor lull 2 flroploces. calhodrol c olldchod polirng thod on' Iondtcopodyard$l05 .00 i: QUIET CUL-DE-SAC • 3 boc roorp wllh boaulllul roc tprinklor ly ttom , hugo doi oir conditioned, lovoly ho tion, 572,500.

G ordon L. Cro(— Ralph Etiingor 733-9576

Dlcklrwln 733-6804 Ch• O l l ic o ................

c T B T m r r r T i i T T r ^ ^

1 n

: \ : m m; I ' 7 3 3 - iI i -I o OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS.-2 l j ” — *- in Iho country w iih rool oci« r 2 BEDROOM 12x60 mabiloI . a $7.500w ith $2 .0 0 0 dow n.<I a 2-UNIT RENTAL INV^TMII ° ortd promitlng roturn.

I “ M ac M ayor G R t . . . ^I = Jolin Tolk G R I ...............■ o Tam FloycJ G R I ...........- o Cristy J a c o b s .............

1A N S W E R


_A bou t s e l l in g . o r ,Hq^ o re fo u n d ^ o R ealty . ^ ______



lwo_»lo^_homo. FHA opd VA Fln'oni Itchon 6r)'d dinfng room on iho groi 1 upi(alrt and portlol f ln i^ o d fomll

of the rood 01 iho edgo.ol Twin Fo vlng room ond llroploco, p lu ihdon . Mr quo. 3 bodroom ^ond 3 b nlly room with firepioce, Rocroallon

Tiealty «, ’ -Ri

C all7 3 3 -9 2 n

inuary 29,107tt._

j r i i i r r

lllY ltO

JUINTlo (00 ; Homes FOrSale


All brick duplox., Eacn unit wllh _lw o" bodrooms, 1V t_

'b a lh s . "bljlli-ln appilancos. g a rago pl(is unflnlshod basomonl. J7B,500.15..

,• GEMli' STATE REALTY ' |! 52S Blue U k e s BlvdN.< 733-5336.I. ________________________

■ NICE 3 bodroom homo with utiiiiy room, garago. and largo yard-ln NE .loromo. By ownor, 324-CeS3-

i r ¥ T ' 'E

OFFICE AT .'J HOME1[C On main Iralllc artory. This

magnlMciOfn'itcIOr homo Is In -primd cond lllon , 5 bodroomo ond 2 bathrooms. Largo formal dining room and modornlzod klichon. An

f absolutely charmino homo , n compllmoniod by solid oak g Irlm and doors. Thoro’o g m o r o - c o m o s o o lo r ] yourso lf. Full prico Is r -$59,500. Reasonat)lo down } payment and ownor will i .ilnanco . Don't walll o'


R ealty• 733 070

BtalnoAndorsori ,.733-1647.loycoC oto ............. 733-6767NOfllBnitnin ......... 733-4640DAVE HAMLETT. BROKER

• • • •

i t S s O T c A T t m rtoom, 3 bolh iiom o wilh luilo, M any .ox ira t iricludo ol coiling in fomily room.1 and foncod prolotiionolly .000.bodrooms, 2 boihs. family rock lirbploco. Wol bar, doublo^gofogo, hool pump. homo.* Immodiolo po iio j.

Crockoll. Drokor 76 lorry Jo n e j 7 3 3 .0 3 2 r

C horyllom berl 734-7945 ........... 733-5500'___________

r r r r r r o x B i T T n n r i n n ^

l i p f l i ' | -

■ 6 i o y ' i

s .-2 bodroom fix.up Koitto ^ooiy lorms, $10,000. o)bilo homo in Skylino Pork, %vn. Ownor will corry, ,. «>iTMENT with grool torm j » .A1.500. I

. 7 3 4 - 1 8 7 2 “_____ _______ 3 2 6 - 5 2 4 1 »........... .............. 3 2 4 - 8 9 1 2 o

........................ 7 3 3 - 7 9 0 0 “

her Guys” i----------------------------------------

IRS' . ■ ■ E S tlO N S

)r buying a ^at Lynwood


IENCE A N D TRA IN- ~ U PEACE O F M IN D EED T O TALK T O A )N A L .i r o irM B - t i» « ----- ............—

noncing avoilabln. Com.____ __ground lovol. Boauiilul omlly room, PRICED AT..

n Folli. Thit imprdtsiyo don. with nalurol wood2 bolht, D ow nilolrt. o '

tlon room for your pool

AFTER HOURS CALL: JockC B Iihop 734-3099M «IOppllg#r733.1011■RulonSchwendlmon .


u r i j

l gB 030 Homes For Sale

OWNER WILL TRADE! Owner will talk trade on this acroago cloao to Twin, Largo spacious 4 Bodroom.

H <j>nly $87,500,

'■ VALUe-PLUSI-Two 3tory-3 - 3 Bedroom, 2 balhs, garaoo

ond b j ^ o n t . Closo to park and ocnools, A rool bargain atJ29.500.

^ A RARE OPPORTUNITY to buy a liquor bor wim good torma, Ownor, will carry, or perhaps you havo somoih- Ing lo ’trado lor iho down

• payment on this going busi- j noso.

BROKEfIS - InC.- ^ • 73W101

----------- AflerHours;------------Davo........................ 734-7290Larry ...................... 326-4003Bornlo ............. 733-7828

QUALITY CEDAR.HOME;~3 bodroom. 2 ba thpuirbaso- monl, -loncod. yard, fruit t r o o s , g a rd e n , la rg o

) asaumablB 8H%'toan, only , $44,900. Marketing Assocla- 5 lea, Roallors. 734-4875.. REAOYTO SELL SOON11525 1 Bq. It. on 1 Aero In now I subdivision near flock Crook I , Canyon, Pavod road. Sun- ( kon living room w ith > c a r o u s e l tiro p la co , 3 r Bodcoom, 2 balh,-full base- I ment. 733-8621,________ ^

' » $ $ S A V E $ $ $

.-''jSa.OOO-TWIN FALLS ACREAGE, 2 bodtoom, 1V balha, .7 aero. -A clean closo-ln acroago, our Spring

$49.500-TWIN FALLS 3 bodroom. lull llnishod basomonl, doublo garago, fireplace. Top northoast tocairon.

I ia.WKlMBERLY Oldor but nico 3 bodroom. pan baaomonl, covered pallo, closo-ln. <

.«S38.^K1M0ERLY '■ Noar now 3 bedroom, well

- insulatod, garaftO/ good locallon.

Fe Ld TMAN-R EALTORS 733-1988 42W636

REALTY ^1043 Bluo ta k es Blvd. N.

TwlnFalls, Idaho ■ '•7 3 3 -^2 2 7 ^

FOR THE INVESTOR. 34 unit *Ii(J5rlmont houso. cholco. locallon In Twin Falls.

QOOD HOME on Contor •S lroo t In Kimberly, Im-


S P O IE D HOMEBUYERSI Look at Ihls onol Custdm 'I •• doluxo head-lo-loe. Plush ' - carpoting, drapos. quoliiy

applloncos, A/C, bulll-ln . hutch, lood pantry, din- Ing/famlly room comblna- llon. 2 bedrooms • 1 baths on oach sldo ol this duplox. J79,500. Conlury 21 Soulhorn Idaho Roalty 734-2111.SUPER SHARP HOME. Ready to bo movod Intol 4 B o d r o o m a . 2 b a th s , firoploco. basomont wllh family room, doublo carport wllh slorago. foncod yard. Ownor will go VA.or FHA. S0,500. Shaw Roally, Mary733-3367 or 734-77B5,_______


Highiilo 4 bodroom. homo complolo wllh hoal pump. oauniL aundock, doublo firoplilco. largo garage, custom cot)inots, ond codar doors. All on 2 acres ol nalutally landaca­pod property. Assumablo m orlgago. Call 733-6013 daya, 733^3/i57oviininos,Th is . o n e 'S for y o u . Lovoly brick locatod In Kimbotly, 3 bodrooms. all oloctric. largo garago plus room (or expansion. Call

'now . $44,000, Qom Stale■ noalty 733-5336-__________■ THREE BEDROOM. 1 balh

'homo in mo country,'Full . baaomtfnir-l-SS Acres, cor­ral^, sptlnkUir irrigation. By Ownor, .Call 733-W50 or 326- 4122, _____________

' TWOINONE.. Lovely., vory liveable 5

bodroom homo, balhs up & down, lamlly room wllh llroplaco In BIckol/O'loary dislricl, PLUS ronlal/lncomo

^ homo Bol woll back In doop

Southom^lda)uiRoa'l't7 TM-


— 1 np~-nnmn— w,Trtl—ft*ii--in;-r ;wntTnimtTO'poruDTiaiiiy yOD

... would—o)tpocl._W oll—ln.- _ su la lod covo'rod pallo . loncod yard, gi^rago, locaiod In ostabiishod neighbo­rhood,$31,00015,


— 52SBiue U k e s b w n ; - * ----- -733-5338....... -

YOUR SOMWAY DREAM i NOW, 4 btdroom in boautlful

■ Sierra Estates. Family room. 1 llroploco, doublo giu^Dgo, 1 $52.050.. »t3, Qom.'^SIalo Roalty 733-5336, :

- _______ ________________

B Bwmii

le OJI OtrtolTownHomes

2 BEDROOM home. Com- :l morcial building, & mobile la homoronlalon25flX125lo»<-'' V 655-4308.___________ ~

3 BEDROOM homo In Rlof. all eloclric lor salo by ownor. t31,500.326-5170,____________

„ 3 BEDROOM nome; 2,000 ,, sq .lt.. Jlroplaco, & doublo „ g a ra g o . $59,700, Handy

Really 324-4339.__________GY OWNER: 2 yoar old

0 duplox In -Buhl, $45,000.(] Assumo Ipan ol S29,000, Call,r Sa3M^r7S.- _________ '>• BY OWNER: 2 yoar old n homo. 2300 sq .ll. on 5 acroa I- wost ol Buhl. 3 bodrooma, B>- 2Vi baths, lamlly room.-&

rocroolion' room. $66,000,Call 543-6775._____________COUNTRY . ESTATE Lova rock4 bodroomfiome. Largo i

- - -room*,—Wg—closotST—Lflvo-{ 9 firep lace ,,.. 3 bodroom 3 modorn coltago, Plonly ol 8 oiorago, IJroplaco, beam ^ ceilings. ]Bunk housos.*3 Shops. Oarages, Unlquo old

lashionod barn. Pasluro.I. Corrola, Allon.lOacroD.Full . w a to r. A cceoslb lo bul „ prlvato. Frances Hossolholl1 537-6636, Edna 'Irish Hoal

Estaio 734-7765,'5 HOME FOR SALE In Good- ^ Ing. Good ' location . 3 I, B o d ro o m s , b a so m o n t.. $20,000. Torms available.

Call or write: J, Barllomo. I i Box 369- Wohdover. Utah . 64063.702-66a-2983. ' •

LIKE NEW 4 bodroom-by ownor. in Gooding, Nowly rodocoraled '. 1^ ba th ,-'

'Singio garago. Dishwasher ond wator sollonor, slay, Rolrlgoralor and slovo oro .

’ optional. Largo gardon area.’ $38.000.934-8237.J ,

“ ■m T - RealEstileWanled

. HAVE CASH lor 3 Bedroom hom'o somowhoro In Ihe

j $40‘s Twin Fails area, Ovor . pricod. no salo. Wrltb P. O.

Sox 1039, Twin. Ho roailora,

. . C137_^,'" Fanni&flanchia- J _ ___ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

120 ACRES wllh noar now 3 bodroom homo. 120 aharea ol wator,'Locaiod boiwoen

I .loromo and Wondoll. Pricod J right a t $1^1,000, Also Ihla 40

, acros wilh good homo, 4 10 a aide Horring bono barn, inoiudoa all thiiking equ ip -'

i moni and 26 hoad ol milk" cow s. Locaiod SW ol •loromo. All this (or $165,800, Call Butlor Roally 120 Easl Main, .loromo. 324.8166 WjyUmo or E dal324-5234.160 ACRES noar Honsen, all * gravity Irrlgalod. 2 hot^da

I plus othor ImBrovomonis. t ,Farm Buroau. Roally, 733-

7212 ofc-^lonn -Schroodor.734-6832,______________

'• -GO.ACRES-M or part. With or Withoul boauiilul homoo. Call 423-5942._____________

i. ’ 175 ACRESNoar Twin Fails. Exceiloni

f impiovomohis with 2 good honios and machlno shop. 175 ohares oi Twin Falls walor. All ol this farm lays p e rio d lor sub-dividing wllh

; 0 sconic vlow. Item ovory , . parcol. Groal pblonlial for

high opproclallon in iho noxt , (ow yoatB. Cali Nool BriiUan ' -nl Hamtoll Roally lor all tho

'd o lailo . 733-4079. ovonlngs ; 733-4046.} _____________________

; 160 ACRES Near Hans'en. All gravity Irrlgalod. Two homos plus olhor Improvomonls.

i J320.000.Farm Bureau Really

; 733-7212I Gionn Schroodor ., 734-GB32

38 ACRES only 2 miloa Irom t Buhl. Ownor will lako low

down paymonl and carry balanco on conlracl. .lohn Roblrto, 543-6339. Town and

, Counlry Roallors. 733-0716.!' PiiL__________________. 170 ACRES Fooding Counly.I Lovoly 4 bodroom nowor

homo. Pricod at undor J1,300 i por aero, .lohn RoblriB. 543-

6338. Town and Counlry , Roailora, 733-0716. F-17.) 315 ond 117 aero (arms with '

sprlnklor irrianlion close tcf

I BY OWNER 75 acroo baroI land wilh lull wator rights.I Phono 324-4134.I ------------------------------------

, • FARMS & RANCHES*, Wo have over 50 .farms

'dvollobio from 4010 ovor 1000 I acros In size. Aloo sovoral . choico ranchos. Call Aa

Mollin or .lack McCall, 734J- 4675 . nnjflimo. Marketing Associatus. Roaltora, U iS Mombor.

■> _____________ .


I 120-ACR%V>iC^Quhll.Top_ locallon. Call .iTm. 543-4jl in

' 2 0 6 . A CRES Al E don . S p r in k le r ' Irrlgalod, Call

••lorry. 025-5114, — ,

DalrlOB' largo and small, call •lim, 543-4930,

I puy.'nonl,'.-ow/ior will c a rry ' ' - -iMlatwOrCali Tony423-666»:-----

' ' Bam es R ea lty ' 733-8227

FOR SALE: 65 ACRES Rim Ground. Good-homo altos, do v o lo p m o n t p o to n lia l ond /or dairy aife. ^ ACRES

■ *3W ol .Jffroma, 40 ACRESNW ol .leroTmi- $1250 ocro,

■ 10 A Cne iotil n'W .lorome.“ ' t1500 acre,C tll 324-6822.

. WANTED: IrrigBled farm ' within 25 miles ol Twin Foils.80 acroa or more. Hillsdale 1 Dairy. 201 Lewis Rd. San .loBO, Cal 85111; Phone 40S-' ' 227-9133. _________ I

-- ---------------------r ^ , — ■-— —


O U R B O A R D IN ' l«» f—

AM 05.1 P O t^r VV ul BOABPERf TUEAl I * , '" - • HKVETHEM a ? r r


oo T110 -s.

. \MI -J ^ i. v o - t ---------^ -----------

ol \ i ^ V E R Y ^ N e Jm i

B A W SA |K 1 =jii

>11al ' ^ • » .

d- 037 Famij&Ranehej3 ------------------------------------

{. a y OlVNER (argo, camlarta- B. blo counlry homo on 5 0, acros, wllh 3 bedrooms, -fS ,h baths,'largo covered pallo.

. llroplaco, .and landscaped.' w ilh .h e a le d ahop and

machlno ahod. Barn and corrals. Shown by appoint-

Jf tnonlonly. Phono 324-4134__y. bY OWNER. 114 rock-ffeb '0 Acros at Caatlolord. Ir- 3. ' rlgaiod wllh syphon lubos.

Ono nice 3 bodroom homo, ono small 3 bodroom homo.

bulldlnos? 543-4832._______m BY OWNER 240 acros. 210 ,0 irrlgalod, 4 bodroom modorn )r homo with 2* balhs, lamlly ). dal7 on bool ranch, large

(lolds, Locatod -15 miloa - norlhoast-ol Gooding. 686*

2475. • —1 5

3 033 ’ AcrBaga&Lots

n WANTEDI .2-5 Acre blocks d lor peaa or boa^is. Pro- 10 lorably isolated from othor a peas, and beans. Wili payI cash ronl (or good wood-

' froo soil. Would prolor (alllk“ plowod ground. Aagrow )| Sood Company. Box 1235*0, Twin Fails. 733-2667 8-4pm. sl 3 ACRES on Highway 30 |uat16 wosl o( Filer city limils. 326- . 4038;__________________111 * 5ACRES. Buhl, alroam. $750 ia down, trado pickup or car (or s. down- 734-3555.3- 4,40ACflES.2milO8Soulhof '■ Twin Falls with boautllul

view lo build 0 homo. In lh reslrlclod rosldonlial aroa.S, J28,500.* Shaw Roally 733-

3367 or 734-7765,________ ^2,77 ACRES Noar Hagerman,3 Bodroom homo, oloclrlc hoal, insulatod. Call 837-4408

„ °r32(^5333- , .,d W ACHE counlry lot, closo- ), In, 3 bodrooma. 2 balhs, l9 daylight basomont, doublo ■s carport, covorod pallo, n carpet. By ownor. S54.000.y 733-2S82,733^3380._________ '>r BUHL ACREAGE-* AM (I oloclrlc 4 Bodroom, 2 baih, n (iroplaco, 2 car garago. Barn 0 and lack roorhr. 1.62 Aero.IS Canal wator and private well.

W est.-E nd R oally , 130 Broadway Soulh. Buhl 543-

• 4 m ________ _________.11 BY OWNEFn 5 acre lols, IVr s mlios wosl ol Guhl.'$13- 3. 15,000, No tinanclng avaiia-

blo. 543-6775._____________GY OWNERl Vory nice bulld- ing lots, wllh boaulKul vlow01 Valloy. OV mlloa SE of Twin Falla, Each lol Ironia on

Tl good county road. Eloclrl- w cliy and telephone oaslly y avallablo to each lot. Loto n sizes rango Irom 1.73 Aeros d to 2.41 Acros. Buy now with 3. email down payment and

build later. 734-4722,_______^ CHOICE IW ocroa, .loromo ir wosl edge 733-5331, ___________ __J- COnONWOOD, 1-6 acre V parcels' avallablo. Closo lo

Twin Falls end ,lorome. Full h ' Walor. 324-2127 alter 5 or ,Q_ wookonds. .^ DAIRY, 5 acros wllh small

clndor block barn, domoallc 0 woll, ond apot for mobllo J. home hook-up. 734-3004.

EAST OF TWIN- 1 Acre- $7,000; 2 ' 'A o r e a wllh sho^/corrala-.' 834.

10 GREAT LOTI G ? ^ | | B S i |,1 Groal ptlcol D u ^ ^ K r

» alnglo, near CSI. V « P l p • (inance, 734-7400, t34-7S30. .

0 LIVE STREAM, 3 and 5 Acto S Parcels, V> mile ooulh ol

Buhl. fVvod road bordering2 parcels. Covenants, Twin Falla canal water. Aboul 10% down, ownor carrloa. 734- 7010 or answoring sorvlco, 734-2331 14143.____________

^ NEW 1250--SO tt Coun1rv_ . = -HoTj^-*;»;90(>r^o-6alurdB>~ -

calls. Realtor owned. Call11 733-8712, ____________

.7^0F AN ACRE located In ' ’ ■ boaulKi/T Hagerman Valloy.

II Lovely vlow (rom homo. Gone Hopkins, 543-4045.

_ .Town and_Ce,unUy-flOttllorfl._ .^ - - |------ ,y 5 or 10 acres bolwoon Twin----- Pniia If' J oromo." Handy '

Really, 324-4353.__________1,2, or 3 acros soulh ot Andrews Markel. $6,000'ptir-

' acre, 326-4038.1 'VACANT LOrAnd RENTAL , HOME* J23.000. Handy I Realty. 324-4353- .leromo.i , . ■ I

030 ButlneuPropBtty• “ APAHTMENTS, 8 w ell I

planned- 1 ''atory unlls, 5 ; ,• yeara old on IW acres.. $195,000. wilh 29% down. ,I 8W% on 'balanco. •45,000 ' I yoarly caah flow. No trades.-' WfllO Box H-15 c lo JIm es I


N G H O U S E ^ _ _ w ^

W AN T TMEM N < ? ^ E y r j A Ka r ; i ' l l i z r i o u i w A P rIT L E 5 W H .\ r T O f iL V T E N CWWN.' TMKT4 J< r iT i ;A Y 5 W T M £ ' ^ m

■> V 6H 0 R T ^ -T ^ ^^ N K 6 X o B ,2 0 ^ V O J A N 'T H E M W

O T K E R < :a rc > ) r

I 03B BiJSineu Property c

- ' f 'I G O O D IN V ESTM EN P ^ ^0 Apartmont building In Buhl.' ' Nowly renovated with lolso l ] upgraded Improvements. ''

High occupancy, showing “ ' oxcoiionl roturn. $75,000. |• Contury 21 Southern Idoho “- Roallv734-211t -• "

; ' • ■ .------- ----- I■ 044. Corxlo(nln1umtiw€tl« '-

; CONDOMINIUM lor-sale In_ - HociU iaM w a . Call 73MOOO -i

or 734-4201.______________ ^1 p' U5 MoUIsMomBttorStle

1673 ACADEMY 3 bodroom,. .IW b a th s. A ppliances,

awamp coolor,-t7300.'Trallor C - space could b e . avalablo

- Woal-ol Buhlr*4»446a-eMer T , e£2L____________• P

3 BEDROOM 14 x 70‘ 1873, TAMARACK- all -etocirlc. ^

carpoting, aome appliancos. ,P• $8350. Call 543-6932. d ’ BUY OR RENT: 1872 14X70 If ' Glonbrook, all oloclrlc.I Good condition. Call 423- '' 57t0allor6,______________ ^• BUY OR RENT: 24X60 mobllo .

homo aet-up In park S teady k: to movo In. $3,000, tako.pvor b

paymonta. 423-4259.______ 11973. Gentry 14X70- All* 0

I eloclric, fully akirtod, olorm $ windows, awamp cooler.tlp.oulT laundry room, A

I firoplaco. $10,000 or oltor. 'bI 637-1881. - ((

' 1979 GOVERNOR "■14x70WrrHTlP-OUT- *

• 3 Bedroom ^; •Furnlahod' i ' • Dollvorod Sfiot-up

on your Lot ^

,*15:900 . ;b


3 miles nonh o( Peirino 2*Bridge on Highway 93 and n.Inlorala to 60 .lunctlon. t-Phone734<5167or324-4203. 3------------------------------------- SI



Try . our comploto llsilng niservice a l Contompotary ^Homos, Twin Falls. Call 3Lanco Oalman ol 734-2673 or W423-4854 allor 8. w____________________ _ IC

MOBILE HOME CO X 12'B u d d y , b e a u ll lu l . a ll 6joloctrle, .2 Bodrooms, Uko Cnow carpoiing, very cloan,- himany extras. Only $6485. mMagic Valley Mobllo Homos, ul 2W mllos wosl ol hospital,


For Sale - Oi734.1213, 0

NE^~t4x70”lhree bedroom pl 'a ll oloctric. $1300. down, g;

- -J146i>aymenl8rOollvefy-and- -issol-up included, Haclonda „Homos 733-7566._________R E P O S SE S SIO N , 1974 1-

• Brighton 2 bodroom-14x64,- C roady for occupancy. $500 in down. $150 month. Call 733- m 7508. Haclonda Homos. 1970^TAMARACK 12 r. 60’ $( sollup In Iraller courl noar 61 C.S.I. $4800. Con 734-5322 or733-4175 ador 5pm,________ p,

> ill1975 TITAN..... y

14 WIDE N2 Godtoom. aomo Furnlluro *

, W.9S5 ^ f '

AI80 to' bhooBo [nIrom., . .


*3 miles nonh of .Porrlno °Bridge on Highway 93 and ?'In te ra la te 80 Junc tion . ^Phone 734-3187 er 324-4203, ?

’ .............•------------ ------ '3*' 1870 VAN D ^ E 14x70, ^ ~SI

-TjtotiiL, 3 LuJtoomu,'iiiuiiy *Ci outstanding oxlras. Mustsoe lo appreciate, Phona SI734-5548attef0p.m. Hi 1977 vi4x70 2 bodroom '* Sahara, all eloclric. di- shw aahor. garbage d |. . apoaal, rango. ro(r(goraior; '• j upgrade carpol, garden tub ^ and many other extras. T\ $14,500, Includoa dollvory- Tt and sol-up. Bank (Inaneing 73 avallablo. Call 324-4578 or 23734-7060. _________12X60 MARLETTE, $4800. mNow cooler. Call 686.2789. hc 1B78 14X70 Slorra Moblle;.3bedrootT), 2 ' balh. $4,000 UI

- dDwnliaaumfl.J2Jrfi47fl.___ ihc

m r’ECTS!!lh M a j o r H o o p l e

JAKE.tVE ALWA-^ fARNEP y<?U THATNLY P W P L E VJ\TA , _____£R -A H '* L C tt l£ :A L —MIND6 ^HOULP . a A Y P g K E R j j .


j l X . Q O ' O Y J S

i M - k £ l p i n < 5 H A vN p/r

' 'CM5 U obllsK om siforSalo ,^ .

' f ie iv n rT v /d r r e o d r o o m ® '^Mola Mora, alorm windows, carpeting, dIshwdshOr,'all eloclric, soam-loss rain gui* lora, appliances. You musl soo to boilovol Was $14,495. ~ 'NOW Only $12,495 whllo I f . laatal NO tradoa please. .Magic Volloy Mobllo Homoa.2W njllOB W est .-Cl MV H oapltatonHlahway30&93..

, •— ------------------------------—

• TOPCASHPAID^ - fO R f lr t& I ^ J rf f W O E S :-------------

Alao trarol irallora and , plek-up campors. '


; Call collect, 734-4320 or 324- I 4203. 'r TWO used mobile homos

prosontly In slock. 12X55,( 12X60, Both ■ 2 . bodrooms.

Good condition.- Low down paymonta. J125 monih. Will - doitvor aod dot up anywhoro

. In Maglo Valley. Phono Ha­clonda Homos 733-7668;.

OSO Fufn.aiin(um,HooM8

’ K lM Q E 'ftL Y : N ic e 4 -• b TJ- d .r 0 0 m ,

IW bath,'llroplaco, .double .

0<-423-4397.Wvil|He88 : ATTRACTIv“e V'3 boiroom

brick hom'o. Now carpoiing,(amily room (iroplaco, stovo. dlshwashor, garago. $350. month. N4 pola, Call Globo .733-2626 or 733-2548. I - Atlracilvo 3 bodroom'ijgtjo with 2 lireplacos, 2 doublo car garago, p a llo y ^5 acroo wllh water tor(Sto6k.J400 por month -t; $150 dopoait. Call 326-4012'allor7PM. -_______________ __AVAILABLE Fob. 3, amall 2 bodroom. Prosldont SL locxi- llon, Lorgo gardon spnce.S215-$225. 733-6842 after2PM.____________________

I 2 BEDROOM, all oloctilc.I garden, Irull iroOB. No pots.. $180 -t- doposll, 733-6058.-

3 BEDROOM houso on 3 • • scros. Slovo & portable dishwashor:4280 *■ deposll.733-2302. *• ... -2 BEDROOM,' coiTtploioly remodeled, VS ocro gardon,

I noar8hopplngeontors,$2l5.. 733-0070.________________I 3 BEDROOM with gaiago.• W o l l - lo .w o l l c a r p o l ,

w a s h o r /d ry o r hook-up, rango. Available now, S280 '-I-'J75 dopooit. Soo al 1210 ' .Olh Avo. E. Phono 734-762S.COZY furnlahod 1 Bedroom'

- homo- $145 monlh, ist-lasl months rent. Pets OK..All ulllltloo paid. 734-6367.FOUR ROOM. 1 balh homo, ’ unlurnlshod* 1 Bodroom, lurnlahod. Both (or S125

- dopoall. 733-0043,________ ;G O O D IN G . C lo a n . 2 Bedroom,-frldge.ilovo,$160 “ H ' ' plua $50 deposit, NO pets.'834-5327 or 934-5045.

■ ■H O U SE 7~2 '‘'B o 'd ro o m B .'--------w ato r/ga rbage^pa ld .. Call733-7404, TF L ^ o C o n t8 r , l-Opm Monday. P r1aayr~~— ~ -

- LARGE Ono bodroom un.(uriMifh'ed 1r " .loromo yvllh

, (Iroplaco. Wolor and elocttlc ' Inoludod. $135. month p lu s ' ..$00 dopOBlti 324-3603 324-6t11.. .____________ ___$100 (MONTH + $50 DE.'POSIT. Small 2' Bodroom ilnfur.n<9hod home. No.-

„ klds/pola.CalL733-6130.NICE 4 BEDROOM, IV. balh,'2 f lrop lacoa , carpotod, d rap e s , a tovo, Gardon,(oncod yard. $350 month, llrat and laat months, clean­ing deposit. Roloroncos,734-2222 d ay s. 326-4928

■ “S m a l l 1 bedroom in !Kimberly. $125. Pay -own

' utlllllos. Roferancos ro- qulrod. 423-4087. .SMALL Fonood yard homo (or ronl. $50 por month. Call Denver, Colorodo 1-303-781-

. -a<77.-lt^nW et>delt:- '-- ' ........ - - ------■ SMALil^b^drdom'^cottage.- •C arpelr-d rapoon tiao -i 'jso ------- --------------

depOBll. 733^391,. MSPACIOUS 2 - Bedroom — ------- E l —Homa. vory charming. Large Ifl -

family room wllh fireplace. ' rdbulll-ln kitchen appliances, ' Ka:hoat ond~\5htor proVldsd. ' M•733-3874. Alter 5pm, 734- R3263. •

TWO BEDROOM HOME In - B "Twin Ftlla. Carpeted. Call -^ i a ? 8 s Afior .Bpm,- 734. ^

:TW0 BEDROOM plua t>ate. e ]ment parllally furnlahod Gmhomo.- 1120 Heyburn Twin .x QFalla, 72W046.___________ A ^UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom V ^

. ihouae^m ZOM ,__________i



' f l ' ' ' ' ' I ,

_ * / J ^^ ■ ) THE NO;


> ; i

0£0 Furn. & Unlurn. Houies

■ - S ^ .T L E S S N o w o r .3 Bodroom. doublo ooraoo.

^ NE aroa. »50. Call 733-135i).* TOTAL oloclflc 1 bodfoom

Wator 4,yard caro provldotJ.' Morriod coupio or maluto

•- sinolo. No polo. 239 7lh Avo.N. Ooposlt. foloroncoo. J200, 733-2770 Erik An. ^ornnn, * •

,_.052- -..Fura.Apta.i[)uplaxos

ALL UTILITIES Ineiudod. J175 montti. Toloptiono 733-6261.________ •

' 1 BEDROOM..J)^S 4- SM deposit. C toao 'ln . Twin Fnlla. Call colloctl-432-5361- CLSAN1 bodroom lurnlstiod aparlmonl. All ulltlilos In- cludod. No pots or ctilldron.J1C5.734-3311.____________CLE4N 1 bodroom lurnlstiod

. oparlmonl. No pois.'Ulliillos r paid. J120 + J50 doposll.

733-0240,733-7B0a. CONVENIENT LOCATION. 2 duplox and 10 kliction opartmonl, S35 lo por.wnok.733-<i2S4. •________FHESHLY -REMODELED AportmonlB For Ront In FIlof- 1 bodroom.lurnlstiod. appllancos. tv, wator, sanlla- tlon. oloclrlcily and oao fuh lohod . Doposll. Call32B-5390-________________FURNISHED ONE Dodroom apartmont, all ulllltus In- cludod. $105. a month ^lu!sdopOBll. 733-4248: _______f u rn l a t io d D up lox , 1 tiudroom. .Somo ulliillos lutnlshoitr^-AVallttblo now. $145 + doposlt.~733-6S19.

■ LOOKINO FOR A HOUSE OR- APAHTMENT? Call OuIIIcI'b,733-2C40 . LUKE'S MANAGEMENT- Furnlstiod ond unlurnlstiod aporlmonlB, all sitos. $S0 to $200. Ulllltlos (urn|2tiod. .734-S325,734-6002 .

- NEWLY REM ODELEDfurnlotiod apartmonts. 412

,• 4 Main Avo N. Apt t l or 5.OtHE BEDROOM Furnlstiad Apartmont lor ront. Non-. smoKof, no pots. Call 734-’^ ______ / _________ L

. U PS T A tR S/-1 -D o d ro o m apoijpiflni' $100 month. $50 socurity doposll. All utilllios paid. No kids or pots. 4304th Avd.W. 733-1075. ■

. (B^:.Unlum.Apt8.&Duploxos


Wo havo s p a c io u s 2 ______bodroom ’ apartmonlB (cr •

modoiod) and roally noot 1 bodroom oparimonts lor $185. Wolor ond Banllallon furnishod. Hoai Is oloctrlc.All k ltchon oppliancos l u r n i a h o d . . C h i ld ro n wolcomo. Pots' consldorod. Closo- 10 school and bhopp- •

^ ■ trtodonior.-..................

■ 734-6600IN FILER - 2 BotJroom Duplex* lull baBomoni, aarQ 0 o. o loc trlc hoat>^ appllancos, drapos. no pots.2 chltdron max. noar park. $230 plus depOBll.32&-i940.1 WENDELL 2 bOdroom ' a p a ,r J ^ o n l . No p o ts . ,

______nnn^n/fufflfinrntftr liirn__---------Popoa»-roqulrcdr636-a483r-—

FOR LEASE Nico 2 Bodroom all Olociric duplox wttt>-

. carpo t. oppliancos anO . carport. $240 + dopoolt.

, 733-1140. _________FORWENT 1 and 2 bedroom

---------unfurniahod* -oparlmonlB,—-


FOFt F. G r e a t lo c a t i o n ': R o f ' g a r b a g e 'd i s p o s a l , ' ' p i c k u p a l l f u r n l ^ i

- 4 2 3 5 p o r m o n th .: - C o i i ..............................7 3 :

, . joiPiRmiflj2 5 0 J u n l p o r

L lSIN E S a ' . b y

' , i l

J^EA TA BLH It'l'XO aK s m o i c i n oD O M -PU EA SE.

f e

J s


C HCV .1 n us

] 054 U n lu rn .A p ls .iD u p lo io s

3 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE:>. 1 & 2 bodrdom. Applowood

AporlmonlB. Call Slovo; Parks. 734-0655,r - AHAHrMENT-Fof'loaao ift1. .ioromo. Oldor singlo or0 coupio prolorrod. Carpotod.1. Evonlngs, 324-484S.'• BEAUTIFUL Now 2 Bodroom '• Apartmont, now QE applian-

cos. Irldoo. dlstiwashor. stovo, disposal. All oloctilc. lully carpolod. (jood loca-

’ tlon. $235 Inciudino ulliillos...1 No pots. 734-4472 or 7W- li 33?i_________________

3 BEDROOM. 2 tjalh. hoat pump and air condillonlno,

I, kltction appllancos, ulll[ty'' room, oaraoo; $325 monih

. plus $150 cloarilno doposll. Includos sowor. wator, and

tnwn caro. No pots. Avniia- bto February 1. Kollh Asloll. 734-1607or733-7128. . •

1W BEDROOM Oldor Ouplox ® Unlurnlohod. $105. You col­

loci roni $140. your eoat $25 ' pluo uliillloa. 1 yoar loaao

2 roqulrod. Maturo coupio do­ll oirod. 733-10B5-__________ .

2. BEDROOM duplox, laroo carporl, carpot. kitphon

3 .appllancos, air condltionlno.■I p rivo lo , odod locallon.

odulls only. $250. Call 734-2300 allor 5._______ .

“ 2 BEDROOM.'duplox.- NE ' location. $I8S' month. Call

733-6803.____________■' 2 BEDROOM now duplolt lor• roni. Call 734-6510. '

2 DEDROOM aparlmonl In brick 4-ptox, norlhoast loca-

' tlon. Appllancos {urnlnhod.’ Storm windows, drapos,

carpotod, Aashor and dryor on promisos. NO PETS. $195

^ pluo $100 socurity deposit.733-1347or 733-5151.BIG 3 bodroom day-llto a p a r lm o n l (oas slovo

} lurnlshod). Nowly paintod &3 corpotod. $240 4 $100 do-- . -posll. Will holp you niovo ■" within clly. 734-4507. - ) BRICK DUPLEX: Ono2 bodroom, oxlra nico. All

c a rp o to d arrd . d ropos.J Fridgo, Btovo, (ull comont

basomont, privaio Qpraoo. • . ' Ono or two odulls, no pols.

J165. Maolc Vailoy Roally , 733-5580 ovonlnos. 733-0828 5 0'733-0531. ^J COUNTRY Now 2 Dodroom- I u)lll|ios furnlahod. Adulls.

Ft>nnlf»ro . -n\nllnnc<n> Noon1^Kl1^|fSr (5al#.SCet ■?33-'' '

• CUTE, CLEAN 1 bodroom • oparlmonl. $150. plus do­

posll. 530 Socond Avo N.734-0292,720-S429. EXCEPTIONAL two bodroom

, oparlmonl noat Lynwood.‘ Eitcoilonl sloraoo. Carpols,

.irta65^''W ;,cm idiiloaInault_• • ohwiifihbr,'dlJirosol, bullMri ' oppliancos. Car alorago.' Laundry lacllltlos, lown caro.’ walor and sanitation pro-- vidod. Adulla, nopots. $235.\ m s c io , -

FOR RENT• ■ Noordowntownistiopplnfl.,


S(udlo-$110>P.fus doposll 4 roforoncos.

SUNRISE PROPERTIES ’ 733-4312 or 7330874 *.' FOUR Bodroom Aparimont-

' -parliy lurnlshod. $240 In­cludos ulllltlos.* KIds/pots ' wolcomo. Avallablo. 2/2/79.

, ■ .734-6387.

• • FOR LEASE: Good locallon. NOW i buuiooiii ouplox,M

'“oiao'nanfuiiDoiiomonnsimir"I IlnlBhod. Both sldos havo o >- .alovo, rolrlooralor, ond dl- I- .shw ashor, Rondy lo movo

Inio. 733-8700or733-4S4S:FOR RENT 1 and 2 bodroom

. unlurn lshod aporimonta;


RENTR o frig o ro to r , ron g o . ■ ' l .v -w o to r a n d t ra s h ' ^ o d . U n fu rn ish ed .

? '3 3 -6 1 4 9 o r7 3 3 .ie 5 6 '

ftMRTMENTS_,:.:^orSt. N6'rih _______ '

B Db y R o g e r B o lle n

(W \ •


V '

- J S i . ■

> 0« Ufiluin,Apli.4 0upl(.(,w

I: LARGE Now 2 Bodroom. 2 ■d bath. Supor nlco.,S285 montti 0 plus doposll. No pots. Noar

C.S,I-733-2407. ft DAHCETafiially f-urnlstlod 2^ “ )r Dodroom carpotod apart- J. monl in oxcollont location.

$17S inciudino utilllios. 733- 45% or 733-1120 aok for Dan.


'■ ■ ■ y . ■ Xr!'° * / / r» // Ji

"n ^"0

I- "O '’I

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3 ? ^ r \ Smc, I" R..^^ F,o,

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oy Urtfum.Aplj &D«plo«o»

LARGe-STUDlO-, Slovo*To- frlQorotor. a ii. ulllilioB furnishod oxcopt'oloctrlclly. 83j Shoahono Sl N. 733-2973., MODERN C A R E F R E E APARTMENT LIVING-Now 1 i 2 bodroom ^ rd o n apari- m on ts , oil A pp llancos lurnlshod Inciudino dl-

• shwaahor. Ront from $134. Kids OK. *no •pots- 2 toco- Ilona. In Fllor, Cnsa Grando Apartmonts 326-4053, In

- loromo, Casa Dol PradoApartmonta 324-3464.______M O D E R lg D E L U X E DUPLEX- -CaVport. covorod

' onlronco, patio dock, storm .^ •ttJodow s. A p p lla n c o s ,

drapfta, c arp^ob . boaullful S Wil|iQ*wjin7~Bogroaffia^28

•NEW DELUXE DUPLEXOrtltti ^ o d ro o m s , 3 coocn bath, cdf^paci llvlnq joom , klt­chon and diniho aro'a. Air coridlllonod. carpoi and

•drapos. Garago plus carpot^ and ‘storaoo. Lawn \c a ^ (urnlshod. Qulol localfiSn.No pois. Adull loaao $300. Call 733^2891 weekdays. 73^ 229Qomor.NICE 2 bodroom opnrtmonl;- Childron wolcomo. No pots. JI66 ' + aoposll. 733-06M

„ ai1or4PM.0I5E Bodroom '^parimonts- carpotod. oloctrlc hoat, tots ol storoQO,. Canyonvlllo ApartmonlB, 126 MartinSlfOOI.«19._______________-ONE BED RO O M Un-

1 (u rn lsh o d ' A p ar lm o n l- . appllancos, $105 plus do-2 posit. W ato r/oan )lo iion h lurnlshod. Maluro adulls, no ir pota. 733-8026-_________ __

^ cloao loma^~por'l"ol"lown^1- Appllancos. drapoo. washor I- 4 ‘ d ry o r - h o o k -u p s . 2 I- bodroom ail now; No pota or

chlldron. Phono 734-4105.

w / p

B e lo w y ou V a lle y . Busi y o u 'r e in ni

I f in e s t iri seiV e e!


Euoono Smith 30 yD5ir;--«x; p o r lo n c o ,-R o a 3 o n a t i lo . ' Waahors,' dryors, ranoos.olc, 733-0036._____________BACKHOE

Mohr Backhoo sorvlco. Top soil, rock, dirt movino,-bulld­ino domoilllort. oxcavatlon. 733-3341.BUILD REPAIR REMODEL

SmaU lobs a spoclotty. (or a prico you can llvo with. 733-2177._________BOiLDINQ OR REMOOEL- INQ ■

Froo osilmalos % com- potltlvo pricos: Any typo conslructlon Irom concrolofo .pliunblno.. lo.^ooDJioll_____’ottinfllos. Call Ron Harnoy.Days 423.5516, Evols 734-0211. ’__________•B-ZPLUMBINQ '

20% OK Sonior Clllzon Sorvlco Calls* Guaranlood work* No Ilx- No charQui Now work* Romodolino- Call anyllmo. 324-6517. _. .CABINETS, REMODELING SERVICES

Many alvios ■ovnllablo -

all phases ol romodollng.Call anyllmo. Bill Brackman423-4800,734-5769.________ _ ,.CARPENTER

RomodtJIno, rouoh and llnlsh. bos-omoni linlshino, lonclng. Call Al. 734^2570. ' CERAMICTiLE

Baths,, show ors, coun- tortops,■•onlryway*. Phono324-85S3._______________


Salos, ' Inslaliallon, and advlco lor do-it-yoifrsolll Mnlailal & tools. Bluo Lakos Tlio. 304 Bluo LskOB. 734- 0919. .


CARPENTRY AND ' CON- CRETEi Compotillvo pricos.From Btsrl lo finish or part. >Jo"lbU lod’ W o.'N oTobTd*— small. CatpqntfV. concrolo. carpoi. loimica,-rock laylno.


OM Unlurn. Aels.iOuplexoj'

- .4^P.LEX a p a r im o n t . l'I b o d r o o m . a p p l la n c o .

Lynwood a roa . 734-5234,, 734-5483. •_______ ■• PREFERRED LOCATION JnI Slorra Esialos, 2 bodroom •• duplox. Garaoo and carport.1 J245-• 3 bodroom duplox, 2 balhs,

u lliiliy ro o m , oorago, carporl. Noar achools and

I shopplno- $285. 734-3181 8-5.I No pots. Roloroncos ro- > quirod.

SHARP apacioua 2 bodrooni I duplox. $250 montti, $100 I • gOOOsll. 733-8189. 734-2292.; TWO BEDROOM Aparl- [ nionlB.^No pota. Lou/olT*aTk

Abortrnonis-, 176 Maurico N ..'_ - Z3J-119S.-------- -----------‘ 'TWO BEORO'OM Un-

(urnlshod Ouplox. 213 North -lunlpor. Avallablo February

■ 1si.,$ ie5 monlh.(Call 734-I « i i . V

T w T e d r o o k T d I j I u ^ - Oaraoo, palio, adu ltsN ca- pois, $160 month plus $M doposll. Avallablo-Fobruaty.

.5lh. Call 733-4046.

- 'it,t « . RoomiloRflnt

•TuSTAMERE in n • 1 and? room unlla, lurnlshod. Closo10 downlown. Call S43 Q724. SN O W M O B IL E R S and Bklora. rooms by- day oi wook. 2 mllos North ol Falrllold. $7.00 up. 764-2207.

. V/INTER R A TES KM- chonoilos and rooms, all. wllh cookino lacllltlos. 733- 8033.

• -os t--------- n enttlf.<abH9homM- -

.NICE mobllo homo In Courl 'Itj .loromo- No pols. Con­sldor pro-school child. 324- 2258.; „ •

p l» H O i lEu will- f in d 'm a n y sei s in esses . C h e c k w ith n e e d o f o p ro fe s s io n e rv ic e a n d q u a l i ty pi


' Froo Esilmato. Call 734-3585 ovonlnns or boloro 7AM. DRYWALL&TAPING

No [ob 10 smoll or lo largo. / Coll lo r Iroo ostim iiK y^ bolwoon'7:30 A.M.i SPM,734 0fia0._________________EMPLOYMENTSERVICE

N E W 'H O R I Z O N 'S . PERSONNEL. Wo can holp YOU Hnd Iho rlghl Job, Roallslit loos, 409 Shoshono

. Stroot South. 734-8844.h e a t i n g i ~ -■ -


•• Plow's'-Ail ooaaons lurnocik.-u cioanlng/ropalr. Coat, oil oas, olocirlc. Work 100%

“ auDfaiiloVdl----- 543^8321“ ^734-2891. • '__________■q 'r a v e l c r u s h e d a n d p itRUN-TOPSOIL-

Wo will dRi.vQ/. Drain Hold “ uowor rock- Northwost C tjnoui-i tJiu',ir-:-y^3-1234. GUARANTEED PAINTINQ

Anyllmo ’ AnJlVPOl No lob

£,i'-:;K^agsr"°' '*'tf«DeiN^A^iDCLEAN-UP

No |ob loo bio or loo small, Vory roaoonablo. 733-8361anytimo.__________;______KIMBERLYELECTRIC

C om m orciai- Industrlal- , ' Rosldonllal. Farm/Rancti. ~• Romodollrio, ropair, Irrfoa-

tlon pump sorvlco, waior . hoator sonirlco, baseboard hoators. 24 hour sorvlcol' Richard Carponlof. 423-523J>


• Romodolino Spoclallsis• Archlloclural Doslgnors• Custom Homo BulldoraIS yoara oxporlonco. Call ' 734-7500._______________ >.

11 Rocord Rolonlion [a giving , you a problem , Vvhy noi

•—Tnicrolltm>-M injic—V a i ic r ^ Microlilm, 324-4038.'


J ' 057 . Rontal

"l THREE OEDROOM. oao.I . , (Iroplaco. $180. J50 court •. doposll. Chlldron oxir.1.

734-4903. Avaltabto lanuaryn ^ ______________Tl • 14X7# 2 Dodroom mobilo t. hom j at Northwost Mobllo

Homo EElalo^, Hanson. Adull coupio with 1 or 2

I, ChllOron pro(orrod. $160 d month incliJdos sptico ront.5. 423-4531.___________ .'■ ,14x64 tw ^ tJOdrooms and

study, country vlow, doublo ■ Ioi-637-4930:

058 Ollice & Business Rentil__

i- .COMMERCIAL BUILOINQ k '(6r loaao. 2100 sQ.M. wllh

oKico apaco ' oi 2012 4tn •

• COMMERCIAL SPACE, will ll romodol to sull lonant lor y 1200 aq. It. oliico spaco. 1120 I- H oytjurn’ Twin Falla. 726-

3046.____________________• / tR S T FLOOR i upstairs t t ' /(looV sp 3 to lor ront . at0 S b « h o n o i Main St. Call y. ^ - 2 8 2 6 .______________

FOR RENT: Bank ol Idaho olllco sp a c o . Avallablo

, Immodiaioly. Call: 733-3083.HEATED WAREHOUSE lo

2 loaso. 734-2347.’ oT fFc E SPACE FOR LE^SE.

300 Sq. Ft. $150 por month',1 700 Sq. Fl. $300 por month.I 733-3000or734-4201. '< OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE;

North R a ra oKlcos. Lowor . Iovol, Qd|acon1 oHicos,I. Appr:ixlmal«ly'326 sq.d. 800 - Falls Avo. Twin rFall#; ID-

Conlacl .i-U-B- Enfllpoors.Inc- Norm Pla:a Oldcofl.

• 733-2414-________OFFICE SP^CE Idr loaso- 4 “

I priv.lto o((lcos a rocoplion. aroa. Eastland Olllco Contor ocross Irom now lunlor HlQh, 733-4122. . •

E 7 3 3 - 0se rv ic es a v a i la b l e fr< th o u r S e r v ic e D irect o n a l . T h e f irm s b e lo w p r p ^ c t s . ' Check* w ith



I ) 1 >I j H

’ '■

' a . ' I

i ‘f m U O m ’ -I_ —


I ■

HOMEI» 05a OflicolBusmcjjRontal

3, OFFICE lor ront, prlvalo tl piifklng. oasy accosa, o a s .1. hont. phono 543-5546.______■y 1000 squaro loot, cholco I

p ro losalonal locallon,734-10 3555^_______ ____________10 WAREHOUSE SPACE In

Downtown-Afoa, 7e^V-9 I ll 2 $00 month. 733-300? or-7i>4 iO 4201, I ^’■ ------- »---------------------------

I 063 WintodtoRonl

067 Mluelluieoua

-OUCK-OECOYS no^iono^r- Q u3olul?-^pay top ${$dPhono h 733-4160 o(lor5:3QgM, n- BHUNSV/iCKANDtANCER-"7" 'pUOt**"TQ0t0S 'TIUC0S50rl0!r7"ill Now and usod- Gamo lablos,)r Sorvlco all makos. 8am till 10 6pm. .lamosClarli, 733-5601.3- 10 DRAWER Tool Chosi w/

complolo sol o( hond lools- a Pulloro i ongino tools- J350- it 2 complolo Iwln b9de~$35-II $40, AM/FM Storoo compo-

noni ayslom with 8 lrack/2 spoakors-$80. Nbw 3 drawer

0 d o sk -$60-734-5949- FIREPLACE wood (or salo.

• $40 pick-up load. Call ovonlnos o n l/ 733-6060.FOR SALEI Soar Ruo-$450- Caltallor5pm,676-i491- FOR SALE Fooro ball lablo, plno-pong lablo. Hood lhat (ll» 1052 10 72:ioop. Two 16 inch Chovy split'rlma. 734- ' 8015- . ' •

j FORD Van Body- $450- Mako yoursoK a Hippy Wagon!

; Call 733-3180,' .__________ '! FREE-STANDING Flroplaco" '

Insido - ploo aullablo *lor.. r ‘mobllo hamo. w kiuL j33-

6109. ■ ■______________r .iOG-N-TRAMP. pin ballB;' r o lhor oamos. 734-7010 or

734-2331 Numt3or»4143.

» 9 3 1f r o m M a g ic -■ j c t o r y w h e n 3w o f f e r th e ith o n e a n d


D ' Rolrloorallon,Ino, hoai purr Ino In dairy ar

' Vh S ' - mont. Sorvlco ,/ makos. For r<

L / ') caliCharilo NoP A IN T ff lo ^

m B - " ' ' Custom AJIpi• - /Old Construci

^ R . — llal/Commorcl^ ■ 1 Exporlonco* R


' Gul Thai Insid ’ N owl Rafid

■ 1 ^ CUSTOM PAI5 ^ 5 734-0420-


___Sponcors PolrS oxiorlor pal. or .ludy. Fro

• - , 324-3640. Home —- j ■ PIPETHAWINC

• Pipo Ihdwino^ ' Hllchos. roll-b

, n . carrlora. AuxI - — 734-2050.


J L . Phasoo IJt'***- -Ino/Flxup vJbrk

' . ^ r Work* Froo Ei

r oofing

fflkj lypos., ^shaKfto/ coriijpairs. 734-a049. SAUNA'S

I ' - ' - . S l - ■ Custdm built.1 —; : i J i noods. Qualli I ^ •' hoators. Roaao

' Z ^ \ Evonlngs. 73>' 7768. •,

p 5 5 g

I ■ ■ jB iiB 6L

' i . _ _ j : . . ■ ' I I •

M onday,..l


067 Mijcollanooijs

Kino sizo walor-bod, hood- board & heaiur. S500/busl allor. Call Paul 734-5660. . Etonlnos423-4I60. . ____

MARYCARTERc e n t e rUNFINISHED FURNITURE, Drossors. cheats, dosks. rocKors. ch.Trta, roll, lop dosks. cradlbiXtoy boxes, stools, atid, mftcolIanoDua , lioms- 2H6 4th Avo. £ ., (uat oil Eastland. 733-3493.


Wo rent tabloa, projoctors.- ' deco ro ilono .-w ty> n«fld s, p Invltallons, 3ugsr-N-Splco

Catorlnp, 733-3360-________1- -M'‘-MENS1l^9po«dtoka-J7;i.': -•

-BLACK vlrryt tuxird«r-styt«W- - 8ola'$100 , 734-4555, a sk (orw

I Linda.______________MUFFLERS Inslallod wt^llo. you wall..Comploto mullior Sor/ico - Inclodlno cuslq^i ? duals (or cor ond p ick ups- ' i ABBOTT'S AUTO SUPPLY,305 Shoshone St. South. |OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Full , sizo standard dosk- $160, i Socrotary chair, $60. Sttm- dard 4 'drawer (lie cablnoi- $60- Coniral OMICO Equip- | monl* 734-6862, 103 W. Ad-dlson-___________________ /ONESOOooIlon propano lonk •'for sa lo -734-4022._________ 'r e m o v e CARPET pais and [ spo ts; liu(( boatoo down nap |

■ wilh Bluo Lusiro. Ront | o lo c i r l c s h a m p o o e r . fKrorioola,________________ ‘Vh ROUGH the wall walk-in {

' com pressor and lan, 1 unll, ■ • $300. 3 drawer .dosk. $7S- '

Now, S woddino droaaoa. °

Ono NCR'cash roolstor, has 0 lapo and doparimont Koys.$150.10 koy oddino machlno, f$30. Porlablo lypowrltor and - C

■ ca8O,$20.Call324-5748. ‘ 5



3 0 D A Y


Buying,in, air condlllon- - uaod mot umpa. Spocializ- quo's.'Swiand farm oqulp- i - A v n v E ^

co and aaloo. All TREE TRII rollablo sorvlco iflEMOVI

Noblo, 733-7077. Froo OslCall 733-60

ipllcatlon* Now ' uctlon- Rosldon- Mochanlci-non romovlno._Rpn-32^5224. oafoiytow

Inaurod. 7:

.M „ T O ,k D o „ .fidy .R a y b o rn B urton 's>AINTINQ. CAII--------------------- - pickop& d


alnilna, Iniorlor vvido ooli jalniino- Evoroll / vocuumo,•fOO O S ^ ^ 'eS . Pjmol530-C369 oorv lcoNOiW ELDINQ- Vacuum C

C ornor o(no & welding. . Bluo Lako.

S .pnre ^ uxlllaiy tanks-— ;__________ IrrloallonIG W ollaand

llnancino <01 Romodol- oxporlonc'

3rk* Guaranlood lionnj W; Estimalos. 324- lion--Stra:

' -pnny. WlM nnnaor.!

hot .asphalt, tiipoalllon, ro- 19;_________

III lo 111 your ' ,lllty mulorlalB/ isonably pricod.734-1008/ 734-

1 ^

' -

...lanuary J?. 19/9 ' T»mo!j--No.

ptns:•ECTS!I 067 ' M iK o lIa no o us

i- VIVITAR Sorios I 'F iosh-II Macro 70/210 mlliimotor ). I. zoom Ions wllh liiior ,and

cnso. 436-3933 altor 6pm.- ' WANTED; 1 nood doad Iroos or Locust troes lor llrowood. S om o trooa re m o v e d

I. wlihooichnroo.733-6088.. • .P 'we b u y , SELL And TRADE >• U so d F u rn l tu ro A nd ' a , A p p i i a r c o s . C o i n 's ll Cloarane'oConiur. 733-711l'-

’ o n • W in lD d lo B o yWANTEOI V/ood Pl>nor

>■ Sizor* Band Saw* - WortdU the , OtiH 733-7336 ------ . ,'

° IMMEDIATE CASH FOR:’"* '• - Sllvor coins, sllvor dollf^a.

-'flolJ-oblifiirscT B t^’o ld .'eoin '■ ,0 - -C 6 1 1 u -^ ^ n sT ^ f i5 -X b T n -------

GallorloB. 113 N. Shothopo '. Sl.71f-8S93.0- WANT TO BUY Wolnul iroos .

or will cul lor perceniago ol' ' , itm iahod wood. 784-2253 -J- , boloro 5pm.-___________^'' WANT TO BUYI 2-4 Cash

Roolslors. Class 1900, '4 K departmenl koy. Usod/Now.). Call733-1214.1-I- -'• 0J2 AnUfli/ej

A^TIOUES/COULECTIBLES I, .at your maolc Swap Shop.

451 Main Avo. E-TwIn FnJIn.3 FOR SALE: WOODEN ‘SD h''- 3 b a rb o rs cho ir. C a s in o , Barbor Shop. Kotchum.

Phorio 726-9901. or 788-3761ovonings._________ 'RED BARN, lo ss NorIh W o a h ln o lo n . O la h o s . lurnlluro. Piimltlve. Buy otjd

; SOIL________ . . •

1 074 M u s l ^ l n t t r u m e n l t ' '! ACCORDIAN. mado in'lloly. i . Good condftion. $125, 543- • 5022,

fcE‘ “" 1OE ID ! rORY !ES. . . ; Y S , . , ■ _

i"" !I


iOi Sollino. Tradlno ■merchandise and anil- *

. 'Swap Shop, 451 Main ■; , , Twin Folio. 734-8653.- . STRIMMING ■

.10VINQ ■osllmoioa! insurod. S

33-6068. • I SERVICE. KONiCEMg^. ■ * |

anlcai troo toppino and/ino- Limbs cut and n ' lowered hydraullcally. ' Pid . 733-2511,734-1266- : ■ JLSTERY • ’ In 's Upholslory. Froo ' Mno osilmalos. Froo Pp&dollvory. 734-6985 ■ |lUM CLEANERS ' |

ooiocilon ol Hoovor • B . _•mo, robulll, now ond Z

Paris, bags, ond |:o (or* all m akoa. - ■im Cloanora o( Idaho, ■If o( Socond Easl ond ■■akos, 733-1027, 5L DRILLING* -----•, . I

lloii' ond Industrial ' 5and Pumps, Complolo , | lino available, 30 yoorslenco, Mombor e l Na- J ' ■

Walorwoii Aasocla- . MStrassor DrIIIIno Com- •

William Tunnlclill, mior. 532-4169. .

' . l l • -

- I .I ■


- j

I ....& . 1 •

m ^I H B ' '

M F l _

•N ort9, Twin r.ills . Idaho B-9

‘‘r - •

, ■ . 074' UuilMlifnirumenl#

lUAt^EZ ARTIST, boauiKu rvitu(pl blond color. Ex CQiftinl »hap». Nfco coso

• 734-17g3. - ._________ _NEW YAMAHA pianos one oro«fls. Uaod pinnos. bsnc Inafrumonia, Solmor, Conn,

\ - Kln^i. Qur.Jy. WARNEF , >^UGlC.138Nonf>SriojH9no

InTyirfFAlla,_____________THS OEST Fondor Stratoc-

^ osl^r Avnllablol ‘73 Sun- bufcl. maplo nock wiirt

■ t vftvnHonndciiso,r34-i7B3.

' 07?'; , R»dlo,TV,«Steroo

1 - A f l l : YOU UPGRADING? Nof< Bolllng ono Dual 1245

. . - ro ^ rd changor wllh Shuro ' V-J^m cnilrldoo- t m Ono

StflJaul. TU-7fi0a. a lo roo , FhjjAM llinor- neo . Bolh 4

moniris old. Excollom cdndl- •; — i rcTTfl23:<5;e'5r734-aWflr'~ ' sniT~Trintdfla C8 ' DaaDr• — Evjollont condlllon: Jt36- j • Ct«a3?0-S224,'

’ 078 ; ■ FcmllurotCa;pol»

, . ALC new Dfflsoor,- mirror^ ^ hoadlioArd, rails, and nlQhl ■J niflhd. «09 .95 . ‘ -Cain's , -■ Clop rrtncoCflfllof.733-7111.

CUOOLP Lovo Scat- riJsl cofor.noalnleo.0nlyjfl8.00. Cafn;t Cloo[^co Contor,

D T n F t t I S E T ; WUInol/Jormlftf, loblo. 4

:elwlra. bulfot lor *100. 733-.. • . 30JB _________________

OIHETTE TABLE- wllti oxtra lo st.' Formica lop. $49.85. C.->iji’o Clooraneo Conior.

• 733-7111.___________ '- GOIO. VINYL Couch- Baeh

lola down lo tnaKo oloopor.-------- Wf.05. Cain’s Cloafoneo

Conior. 733-7111.'

']B r •

i 0® ■ , FimSoedMay I PiBco lEAF CUTTER

■ BEEftOAnOSon your barn? !> a n l lo buy llllod boards rjowl

. -Woma Crood Wllkonlnfl ; . ' • 733-1052or<23-S440'

A l^A L FA ' SEED . Top qgalliy. Hoorty or liomlsh, nertio Inoculalod- Ranoor,

; Atiox-125. aomo rogislorod. ‘•JVnnlorf to buy Loof Cullor Boo Boarda. 73>0141.-

; CCRTIFIEO Sood Polaloos- <;ioan roadlng. virus loalotf. Harold Ball and Sono, Oorllngion. Idaho.'83231. Call

0d7 Hiy.'Qnln&Fwd

AtMUl 80 loo o{ alfalfa '. _ hay, 1014 2nd callings, 532

y ton. Minimum salo 10 Ion,• Caliq24-8457. ■■ *• AL^LFA, (list and socond

c rt» , $34 ton, KImborly. -«»j44fl4.

: AfVROXIMATELY 160 Ton- Exeollont quality 1sl-2nd-3rd cfll lng’7^hay■3^^50^2, -

■ APPROXIMATELY 50 Ion ;■ ofiod quoliiy l» i ;n d 3rd .,

jClJIng hay, $35', ion. 734-

• 'APpROXtUATELY 75 T o n ,- •*' 2M 'Culling HayrC«IT'324- ' : , 4®5 belofo 8am or. aftor

t HOXJMATELY 20 Ton *10 Ton 2nd •culling (a HaY-$30ton,733-6flM.

E»?pELLENT HAY, groon,' - l«Wy hoavy balos, $2,50. Or

^ a ton. Clobo-ln, 733-5687.; FtoST euttlng 1977 crop

• AJftilfa hav; fl7« a balo. Call . 3?&^«16ia)tJUU

GdOD HAY'Jor salo 2 mlloa nbhh of KImborly. Can do-

' 73-7561°''OOOD Isl eulltng Ailaifa,

■ .riwnr dollvor‘ any .afDO.yni.'i'* -----Djonvor Fino. Fllor,ID. '32t~'* '" 4B31. '__________ .

GOOD HAY FOH SALEl 181. ' 2nd culling. Can dollvor. Coll

. . . . 536-2138.Wandoll. - •HAY WANTED. 1877 and 70^ " crop,. Call boloro Bam or alior 6 pm. Sian Conor,

. . . b<yndod, 324-4263, . . .' LEAFY 2nd ctop Allalla tiay.

$e;50 por'balo, $35,00 ton .--' can 73 ::^95._______ .

MARKETING SEMINARLoarn wtiai makoa rnorkot

■ movo. How markols bocomo

8tim! Wood Cafo, ^.Joromo.

: NEeF TO- SE L L Jal-A 3 fd - ' - - cwHino hay. Boll Rapids. Csll-

637-4754 ovonlnoa,________; J'1976 la i CROP HAYI Approximately fDO Ioh. Ask-

__ . 733U776.... .;?:STRAW FOH BALE. 1878'

. _ .crop. 2.000 baloj,-Call 733- 1 7SOO, •

S 730 TON 2nd cutting Alfalfa'* ' , bay toatod at 18.3Sjjrotoln. Wood froo and cul bqforo • bl^om. Tight balos ^wolgh ) ■pproximsloly 75-80 Ibo.

j;. . PflcodBU35aion.Mlnlmum * " ^ l o ol 100 tons. Call 837-6174

; days, 837-4478 ovonlnga. • .F ? )• :3IJ0 Ton Of 2nd crop dairy 5

- M y- 1B.68 protoln, 500 balOB ' :'6lean^ straw. Cdn db|lv>i;. -flDftor In .100 balo fots. ^

' I

D-IO Tfmos-Nowo. Twin

• . - ••

#lr> Fnlla, Itfohp ' M onday . .)a

M J "

e n tf 078 'FumiluroSCvpet:

jiitul' KING SIZE Bod, IncludeEx- ' hosdbosrd, frame, matlroi

OSO. & box aprlngs. Llko neo______$250.543-4188.and K IN G SIZE W ato rB o c

}snd b o o k sh o if h o a d b o a rconn, hoator, comploto unll. Ej■JER- • colloni condlllon. $250, 73-ipno 2446;________,- LAZY BOY .Rocllnor an itoc- occasional chair, oxcollor 3un- condlllon. 733-7103 olio wlIlT 3pm ,'______ I__________ .

• PAIR of Swivol rocKoro $tOO ==r - Convortlblo otiomon-mako:

twin bod $75. 734-5777. NiciUfOO condlllon,_________ .^07 ROLL-A-WAY Bod. Onl' 1245 S^B-85.- Caln'o Cloaronciluro Conior. 733-7111._________3no ROUND BED; llko-now, lux> roo urloua.’T ox (ur spread Mir h 4 matching hanging (amps Idl- Fox.4ioad-boarfl,L»350.,7J3:^ ----- 3330. • • ■_________idD ;- -TWO—p iE C E ~Sffc tionaf: US,. rpso/blocK. Qood condlllon,

$17P.85, Cain's Cloaroneo _ Conior. 733-7111.

■ 07» , _ - A p ^ O *

nhf Diamond Coal?Wobd Rango( oxcDlloni condition- $125,

t, K r)ox • M oo i M n s to r , r : , coal/wood Cook Slovo. lalr00 condlllon-$80.543-4037.or' FRIGIDAIRE A utom atic

Washor- I8lb capacity. SO r , doy warromy. $178, Cain's ' ^ . Cloaroneo Coni6 r. 733-7111. 33. FRIGlDAIflE Rofrlgorolor-

rocondllionod ond guaran-- lo o d . $119 .65 . C o in 's 55 Clooraneo Conior. 733-7111. t r ' HOOVER MINI waahor and

dryor 110 V, Good condlllon,543-^2^. ________

ir. WASHER AND DRYER In :o Dood condlllon. Phono 733- . 8587. ..

»d 097 . Hay.Graln&Food

Hi 250 Tona Allalla Hay-quallly n l l^ay, b vo« 'n Pflcod. Soil ords trado. 734-9714.___________

27 TON of.socond crop hay, 329-4447.____________ __

- 1400 TONS good Allalla hay. ’ P Hoavy-balos, nvorogo'IM

pounds.' $35 por ton. Phono432-5422.__________70 TONS of sodOnd-^ihd Ihlrd cHltlni) hoy. Call oltor 3 pm.

- 324-4639.______________ __^ 100 Ton oxcoiionl Srd culllno “ • Alfalfa Hoy. $42.50 ton. CaM

432-5588 or 432-5590 or 432- S383,

rf WANTEDa " BarloyandWhoot,12 Coll Ron Claor 878-6986,;■ ------------ ^ -------------------

d C08 Firm# For R«nl

102 Cattla d ------------------------------------

• CONTRACTING CA m E :J Bosl weighing 'c'ondlliona,1 'K nc^v^-lho prico boloro

movomont. Mooting llio 2nd 'ond 4ih Monday ol oach

f*-'.monlh. 8pffiV Woo<I Calo, Woat Main. .loromo.'

■ '30 -COWS Milking Hord- S o m o t r o a h , ' S o m o

] Springers, Coll 324-2178 or324-5188,_________________

> FOR SALE: R ogislorod Angus Bulls, Brooks Angus

Ranch. Hazollon. JdotTo,:) Phono 829-5018. .I FOR SALE goodooltfcllon

opon hollors; 400^so’’’ 700> poundi. Chuck ' Po'lloroon,• 324-3331, llnancing a<,bllabl».^.I 2 north. 2Vt oasi ot .lolromo. •

FOR SALEl Roglplorod 2 ' yoar old Horolord Bulls,

.‘■H holbyW llllarno:6 3 -4756. .• " lABGE SELECTION ol lop

q u a lity , s p r ln g o r dairy . 'hollors & cows lor salo. Slan I Iroahonlng rloht awoy. Alad

opon holloro from 450 lbs, lo j-J "TOQlbs; Can bo ooon 3/4 mllo-

aouth ol Soulh 5 points on Bluo Lokos Blvd. S. 734-2053. Miko, 733-7474 Lynn, or loavomossaoo, -- ----- ------------MUST SELLI12 hoad ol woll brod holsloln cow s of various ogos ond 's lagos of laclolion, Will prico Individ- ually. 878-2013,__________

■ RE G IST E R E D AN GU S BULLS. Howard's Angus

' - Hiinen-.pnaTO'M .^>ui b. 'SPR IN G E R HOLSTEIN HEIFERS fo r, sale. Good' solocllon. closo -up, top'

- -q ja l tty -n o ls lo rn — holfbrs.".Chuck Pollorson. 324-3331. 2 north, 2W oosi of .toromo.TWO 2 yoar old' rooistorod

• Angus^ bulla, .934-5047 .allor

i04, ■ : • • H orteij

» .1978 HALE 4 Horso Trollor- pullod’ iwlco, Maio,. brake sollup Includea. $2150, Call328-4090. ■________ . . -NEW 1978 4 horso trallor, WW make. Alao horsos tor -salo. 934-8272,___________^

. 'r o a n MUSTANG, 8 months - old. asking $500. Call 324-,. : 50l4oflar6:30pM.-'- ■


g O E S

pels 079 AppIUiKBJ

^ s KENMORE Eioctric Clolhos Iross Dryor* 2 hoot solocllon. flewl- vQoa«nlood, $138.88, Coln'a___ CloarancoConior. 733-7111.Jo d - ' K o n m o . r o r o -a rd , 'rrlgoralor/froozor. 15.1 c u . .

Ex- ll,. 9 monlhs old, $300, 734-734- 3295;______________________

__ :_M ICRO V /A V E O V E N rand commorclally ralod. $300 or

illoni . bostolfor,733-1066.o 'lor. n OHGE eonlinuous Cloan

Eloctrlc Hongo- Vorloblottoo.' hoot control, $189,95, Calh'stkoo Cloaranco Conlor.733-7111,NICO' R o c o n d l l l o n o d_____W A S H E f l / D H Y G R -Dnly $225/poIr. Wondoll Furnlluio-inco & Applianco, 536-2774. . •_ VARIOUS Uaod applloncoslux- lor salo. Bargain pricoa. Onovllth- nKli' now gas dryof. .Ha-nps, -clondo Homoo 733-7565r T J t :

-TBJ-HMlIrigTAIf CoKintontnrlon. - -------------------- - -nco WILLIAMSON Nalurol- Gos -• ‘ •Furnoco,-125.000 BTU. will s r hoot largo 'homo. Good

condition.733-5271. leOJ . " 4

082.’ ., , BulldlnoMaloriali.

Z ® r o o fM T R U S S E S

-CALLCOLLECT^ W 7 2 f t5 6 T 6


(208)733-2214•' 30"l -2nd ST, SOUTH/ TWIN



.J ■

Kl IMIlly. WOULD UKE 10 ront landor sullabio (or raising hoga.

May be on a porconfol ho(^ay basis. Call ollor 5PM 734-_ 6 3 9 5 , _________________ay. WANTED TO BUY: FoodorIM pigs, 75-125 pounda. Call,no 54^4925._________________

jrd I IP PoultryiRabbin .

- BROILER CHIPKENSI,{{ Ordornowl Oay old or lol us 1, , rolao thom lor you: Orosaod ,

or llvo, 3-4 pounds. Call 678- \- ' 0190 or 678-8073 loavo )

mossago. .Or wrllo: Picnic . { Poullry Contor- P. 0 , Box 126. Burloy Idoho 83318, '

•CHICKENS • CHICKENS*3.000 Shavor Pullols. voc- -

nl clnalod, woll loalhorod- $15. dozen. Lay In April, .will

’dollvor lolo of 100. 878-0190 ' la or 678-9073, loavo mossago,

Wrllo;.PIcnlo Poullry Conior- Box128Burloy.ldaho83318. |

I, LEGHORN C h i c k e n s '0 Pullols (or laying' Old hons ,d Jof Blowing. 837-8316 or 837- .


112 • WgaUon ' *

DUNROAMIN CONCRETE Is S0 now making 18" rubbor i- r goskol concrolo plpo. Savo

25-40%. Phono 438-8878 doy Vj ornlQhl.________________ llS 110 SOLID SET sprlnk:or.'

: linos. Torma, Phono 532-4120.____________________

B WADE RAIN • " Am' eS


Powor Aoll-Plvoia ~- Hondllnos-Molnllno

} Solldaot-QalodPlpo - f Pumps ■1J MarvlnGarlnor) Fllor 328-4197~ ' ^

’ YOUR HASTINOS^Inloatlon Plpo Ooalor tor lop quality ®

’ Qolod 'ond -m ain lino aluminum plpo. Tox-llow 'J'

I IrrlgDllon Supplios. Bill 'I' f Malhors, HI 12, KImborly, f 423-5847._______________ _ >n

. 113 ^vmi&ntnchSupplIss

Pools-U ii W B l'ro ." ' 'I. HANDLINE' lor salo, 825-"I. a i i _________________ _

LIVESTOCK-HACKS nts 2~ j • ten lruck..$200,834-5188.

, STEEL BUILDINGS' ’; JanuarySaloOnly -

; , 4 o i x ^ ! a i ! l i i v l l l l « ; B a i - . l j e0'X12a‘X 2 0 . S ' $14,048

For more Inlormatlon cell 734-8391 Twin Falls. (D.

114 , . FifdiltDplwwnU'

MACHINE^FINANaNQ .T roclora-, Truck#'- Dairy . ;Equlpmohl-Farm-Bolldlno»*v

''' : Acrk>u(tural&lnduotrtti:&a ■ FImyclnfl

.jflriyory29, lf i79 ' .

___ __ k ' . , ' - . ' J .


8» M2________ BulldinflMiIorliH


• * 4X8BathTlloBoard* $8.85

- Woll Ponollng From . . . $3,79 _ . Plno Baao Or Casing N r .-$ ,15< ft ■or 5/6 Cladwood Siding 2 nos

$4,85 i ITn 3/4CablnolBlrch . . . . $24,8£3I0 4x0C odarS ld lng .......$9.95Vs 4 X12Colling Boaid . . . $8.60 I . OollaRlbGolv.Tin

. $ ,55 trun jl,Countorlop MIcarra $,29clt.

Ito- 3/4T i G Sandod Shop «3.85

- S/SCOXBIowa $8.85 o» 3 /4 C O X B Iq y < s- ,= ,o ^ y L

*“• HOURS:8am-5;3fipm . Monday Ihru Friday

— --------------------------- -«-4pMSoiurdoy— --

BHT-NORTHWEST PLYWOOD t , ................ SALES •,111 (OlfKlmboilyHoJci f.M . .Boriind Unllod Oil)


llj . REMNANT PEICES ol uaod Ix ond 2x. plno. Ono. hall

* prieo of now.. 320-4605, oftor6, _______________ .Accossorlos for your slorco oro avollablo In Ciaaslllod,

. 083 ' .Giraeo$elo9

- BRING YOUR garage solos to Iho buyors, Floo morkol

, - ovory Sunday. 20M4lh Avo. East. For Inlormatlon phono733-7754.________________ •WOVING SALEl 323 Third

N Avo. Wool '.toromo, Idaho, Couch, kitchon cablnol,

f loiT\p. chain sow, baby Itoma, Mlscollonoousl Call-

.. 324^3095/o r Inlormotlon,

9, 114 - ■ Fanirimpicmcnls

J 30-A HESSTON alack movor I. & loodor. 812 NH diosol a awalhor wllh hay condl- ;- tiorjor. cob & coolor. 1878 IH

hydro 100 Iracior, 1978 NH r 1068 iMio wagon. Call 734-I W S;____________________

FOHD 8N traclor $1,500, FARMALL M iracior JWO. 20

, It. dump bod, $4,000, 825-• 5655.

FORO 9-N TRACTOR-with quartor tu ra plow & 4.How

I cultivator. 678-1245.' _' SPRINQ CLEANING?' Soli• thoso ilom s you r o longer *' nood with a classiliod od,:• Dial 733-0031 today.

G O O b U S E D

E Q U I P M E N T ,

■-lohn 0uero7520 Traclor •-lohn Oooro 4030 Traclor •.lohnDooro4430 Tractor •2-IHCl068Traetora .•IHC 1460 Tractor •IHC 1568 Tractor - '•.lohn 0oor«330 Disc, 27 ll, •.fohn Doorp 220 Disc, 19 ll. •.lohn'Dooro BWA Disc, 21 (t.•.fohn Dooro 110 C)lse, 14 (1, 1

• «MF 720 Disc. 18II. !

Sovo ra l-o lho r uaod Dio; . Harrows In aitftk.

Walvor o l Inlorosl on all ' ' Iraclors and oquipmonl unlll < ' March 1.1979, I

^ 1

EQUIPMENT i• -'KImberlyROad'Eafit ' «

• •'733-7272 -i ■ _____________ _ w

IH 440 balor, good condlUon,..S43-59C_________ ■ T

, .IOHN DEERE modol 830' ^ Swalhor with drapers and ^ condlilonor. .lohn spooro modol 216WT hny ^ator .fohn Dooro modol 223 3-row boat hanroDlor wiihoul lopp- Ino unll. 532-4369 or 43M375, 'j-

Oil'filter:L im ito d O f fo r-

FJff *Ag Tfortors M F -3 - 1 6 5 , a c id I n d u s t r i a l - 3 0 , - 4 0 . & -5 0 .

J « .I B tm i l3 U L 7 S ,_ :J Z Z I- s im ilar lavlngt on Afr or

[ M P j l v u . ^


. Y b u r .M a ii« y -F a r o ;;2 0 3 0 J < Irn b * r iy R d ;;-T w l

'■ p ■ ' Tc

M g W J I

I, o e e " --------- Fkawood

10CORO'llrowoodJ300. Now , ^O^SpjlllOr $700, Phono 825-

DRY, cut, spill, dollvorod. Hardwood or.i-poplar. $45 pickup load. Davo Ward,

79 ^ -(2 0 6 ;______FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Cut.

■■8piii-flftd"donvorod. $55 a : cord. 543^811.543-8653, f i r e w o o d Spill $45 a pickup. Chain saw for solo.

FREE TREE Removal for wood or will turn Into

I, firowood for your privaio uso " for. a foo. 764-2253 boloro

Spm. _ _95


090 Pels&SupplIoa

Porakoola, canarlos, fln- n choa. local ralsod. Cagos &

• food, 253Soventh Avo, S a s l,- ADORABLE AKC rogiatorod Irlah -Solior pupplos, Siro has 32 ehariTplon bloodllno. Podlgroo avoljablo. Ex-' colloni hum ors,’train-now •

■d 'for hunllng soaaon. $100.00|- ,|( ,gal(733-47B3a(lorS.>f AKC.Irish Solior P u p p lo s-,

show quallly. okcoHont hun- 3 lors. wonderful pois. $75.

Aftor 6pm. 643-4022, ■AKC P0(X}l03. Cock-A-Poos. Briltany's, Spllz-, Dalmailona

> and Gormon Shophords., ' Mac'oKonnots. 538-2317.I AKC Rog English Sprlngor

-Spanlol Pup, Black/whlio., Excoilont blood liAos. Allor

Spm .324-3510. ■I AKC GOLDEN & BLACK Lob

Pupa-A lso Goldon Lab MQihor.544-23Q2.Dloirlch. "BENGIE" pups, 6 wooks j

I- Old. $20 a ploco. Call 423- .4444, , :

114'• , ; , F»tmlmpiemc'nU

MF 135 standard, with new . tlroa-12,4 X 28. and palnl, major ovorhaul. Also now sol ol duals, 12,4 X 28. 423-5722,________________MORERIDGE 400 biiohol corn dryor (portoble unit). $7,000, Phono 54^6050,


AgonI: Bud Doadmond

Call colIocl anyllmo 734-2015

- , REPAIR SPEaAL* Froo houl 30 mllo radius.

* 10% cash discount on ■parts on nia(or repairs through February. '


SHARP'MASSEY Forguson 40 form traclor, now point and roor scrapor biado. ' voroairio'for snow, dirt. otc. Versnlllo lor small or largolobs. 733-3044.___________ _ IW A N T E O I D i s a b l e d Trociors' Implements end Scrap Iron.Call 423-4950,. ' WISCONSIN VG 40 Englno. complololy rebuilt. Will ooll ‘ or Irodo, 764-2334 alter 4:30 ‘ p.m . .

115 FurnWorkWantod I

'RANDY V/EAVER* Cuslom \plowing and tipping with cWalts, 543-4011 or543^888. ,LARGE SPUD HOO - will r

.(pad spuds. 829-5955, Bill .Kay. Hozolton. Idaho, ’•MANURE PILING and 4- 5whool.>-loador work. Coll , •lohn Florlon543-8481, g JWANTED: Hay hauling. Somi- 4 truck. No hauls .under 15 ' ,Ton, Coll 324-5116._______ _•WE— C A N -m o v e —y o u r - $divorolon potaloos. Call ;829-5455 or 825-5617 allor ]hourfi. ^

------------------------------------- 3

114 Farmlmplpmcnts 0 -------------------------- :-------- 11

Special!- p• 1 w ook only - f ‘ •3 5 . -6 5 . .1 3 5 , . - 1 5 0 . 4; a l T r a c to r * M F -2 0 ;

□nd H ydraulicllllori.

»»CY Fo»v»o« " '

5 TRACTOR. EMENTr g u i o n D « a l « r . ^«rr,ii.F6lli;'..733-B6B7/

Put Your 10 Work F(a m

wxf 000 - _ PoUSSupplioj

low iTblU C tic. woll iralnedT“i «5- t}lackondlan.324-2947. ■ —■ .’ COLLIE pups lor sale, Neoc od. malo Siberian HusKy slud

436-3ai6or 436-3523._____ _DINGO B order COLClE

— Cross PupplosI Guaraniood ;U1- 10 work. $20.Call 54^004.’ " DOBERMAN PUPS $25.— ■ ' Shots, "and lolls- dockod,

0 Richfield, days 487-3377.>lo-' Nighls 487-2158.__________— 4 FEMALE Rogloloro 'd for Dobormon Pincher pups.

Shols. Block/rusl. Excolloni 130 blood linos'. 532-4213.

FRENCH Poodio Puppies!— Black, AKC rogislorod. 8

w oeks old.Ca:i 5434117.E if GIVE AWAYI 1 Largo dog,

oood watch dog. 1 mOdlum Bizo dog, good-with. kids.

Iw___Wlih_d0Q housda, Mum bor- oul oR ow n atitf give good"'T homo. 734-3279. ._________

GOLOEN R£TRt£VeftTP<.p»-— /or salo. Good hunting dogs.

788-4545 Halloy. ' .,0 HEALTHY PUPPIES: Molhor

stock dog, fathor block lob.. Cnil 837-6392,_____________

lO:- -YOUNG DALAMATION- tc glvo awoy lo J ^ l l y with

■*, . children who-wlff give hot „ ’ lo ts of lovo & good homo. .5 829-5225 nllor BPM.

fg 120 Avlallon

»• 1^57 C-182-A. 2900 TT. 1010 SMOH. 370 STOH, dual 360

ir nav comps, 80F transpo- 3. ndor, good point and In- jr lO flo rJ^n ln jsS ^ W M I.

121 ' BoiUiMirlno'llonisCHRYSLER BOATS nnd

g motora. Colklns Irollora.5. .loromo Implement Co..

324-3311. .loromo,— —LAnnP in ln ftinn 1070 mpflol

bflats. ■ Flborform-Marquls-

I SiarcrofL--^ll Morcury & Evlnrudo molora In slock,

-T Iu s. largo solocllon of Morcrulsor l/O 's.10' lo iB'.

1 Tom 's Marln» & SporllnQ I . G oods, Hoyburn Bridgo

Exll,-Surloy.lD.___________•• MAGIC VALLEY Mobllo'

Homos and Marino Is tho Iranchlsod doalor for bettor boats and molora. .fohnson O u tboarda . OMC Slorn Drivos. SoaSwirl and En- torprlso Boats. Shorolondr Troilers, • plus all olhor

I Marino Supplios for loss!! Coll 733-6141._______ ..

SAIL CATALINA YACHTS In 13.15, 22. 26. 27 It. 8' prams, sail *or row. Parts anc hardworo. SAIL HAUS 483 S. Locust. Twin Folio. 733-6227.

, '122 SpoftinoQooda

' DELUXE laminated wood 12-gun cablnot. Trado lor

, good 270 Winchoator or ' cash.324-3043.- .

123 Skiing Equlpmoni180 BLIZZARD SK IS Soloman 444 bindings, now.

I 543-4278._________________HART Cutlass Ski's. 200 conllmotors. Look Novada blndlngs--$85. Lango Boota. sizo 10-$55. 734-4186.' '

_ ..SKUS_wllti_blndlnga:_Hflri.. . SP-120, 180. eenllmoioro. H a r t SSL - g la s o , 190 coniimoiora- $75 each. 734- • 7926. s I

124 . ‘ SnowVehlclos

•1976 ARCTIC CAT Pontoro* Excolleni condlllon. $950: Call 537-6042. '1073 ARCTIC CAT Choetoh 440- wllh covor. Excoilont condlllon. Phone 734-6310.'72 ARCTIC CAT 400* $500 +

j« ltor/?j5paro3/cover.H uns 734-6057 ollor5pm. ■________________68 Artic Cat Ponlhor 332 oinglo. 1972 399 Pa'nlhor. Both mochlnos oro ox«-collonl.934-4£98._________ _1675 .IDX-8 440: 1874 .lDX-8 440. Trailer & covers In- Cludod.324-5a30allor5PM.4 PL'ACE Snow Mobllo Trallor- romovablo 2' sides. Coll B34-8164 oflor Cpm.I. POLARIS 1873 SOOcc 3 cylindor TX, oxcoiionl condl­llon. JBOO, 1874 4 40TX, lalr condlllQn.$700,825-5fl01. .1672 Scorpion 400. $350 firm, , Call 733-9639 or 536-2233. ' 1973 SCORPION 400, Porora I ouopQ/islon, - 934-5047 oftor ,Spm. ____________ • I1 872 &.1974 SKI-DOO 440-fl. !

fcxoollon i condition, • Call 423-5650.__________. ‘1972 SNO .lET, good eondl- , Ilon, now drlvo bolt i brako. ' $250. Altor3r30 733-S958.- - 1075SNO-.l6T440;Lossthan r 1.000 mllos. $500. Call 733- I3313.____________• ,398 YAMAHA snow-machino. c englno. $75. Call 734-4555. 7 ask for Linda.____________ f1973 YAMAHA 292. oxcoiiont 7 condition. $425. 734-3026. c

f125 . TrtYDlTraliers |1

1978 WILDERNESS 20: Travol" 0 'Trolfof- landom axlo. ooll- 8 .conlalnod. Rooso hitch ond'-Wi load lovolera. $4000. 326- tl 4533. , _ C

---------- SoowVfhtctn-------1

— (fi I n H i

Guqrqnti For Your 1


— . ‘ ' J■lioj • ,

leod ----------- --------------

^ H ow Mc.CIE_________ ,lood I----------------------------

^ . . , • N O RTI

i_ ♦ A Kro'd ♦ K 8 1- ■ w a s r ■ .

i^ i l l ’' K f l ^8 ' - ♦ J 0 7 6 3 4

_ I ♦ Q J O S . 4

i i i . '% I_____ _ _____ r_A Qjood^ * 4- I . * A ■ ■

igs**^ ~ .V u ln e ra b T e T T r _ . - j D e a l e r : S o u t ) i

^ “^1 N o r t l i 'E

j P ass P/llh ' .P as.s I’ a.'is Phot ■ - ' no.

— O p e n i n g le n t


)io ' 100 I B y -O s w a ld JucoL

I - n n tl A la n S j)n ta(;

A la n : “ H o w a h j in d s t h a t sh o w by I h f b e s t of

nd c o n t r a c t p l a y e r s '’a. O s w a ld : " W e i

I m u c h s c ie n c e in- . d a y s . O n c o t ouilllL im c tn hift4 -an d w c p la y e d thi

;k, - , f r o 'r h o n e to 'f o u r v of s la m t r y . O p e n e r

g u e s s a b o u t b id d l , la te H a l S im .s wn;

e s t e x p o n e n t of

Fo ■ _______ _______________

n" 125 . fravcl Trailers

or a r i s t o c r a t L ^-L lnor ,1 Irallor houso, 15'. plonly ol

he ad ro o m , f u rn a c o .- -davono-bod combo, ovon.

duol lanks. 3 bods, oloctrle“• wator pump, poria-polllo,

Ico box. carpot, now tiros.?- bottory (or puiDp and lights.'

lots o( alorago, vory gobd condiilonr- I'vo pullod ll

da oaslly wllh omoll Ford- Courlor pickup. 733-3S44,

CLEAN USED RV s closeoul '; oalo. Alios Solos Co.. Flerol

ond Easltond, 734-0219,' 20 FOOT - oolf-contolnod

‘follO'’- *300- 543-

5 1971 ROADRUNNER. 15'.V. oxcoiiont condition. Sparo

liro, sway conlroi hitch,J-g $1495.423-4471.____________la 1978 8x35 Cualom PoTk ]. M o d o l I m p o U ^ ^ d J .

Buchonan. 734-3887 or 888- J_ 27S0a[lorS.

° ,118 - ’CamporaiSfifllla

, I CAMPER IV Fully sell- conlalnod, vory .^ Ico . In- cludos bum porr hydraulic la c k s , ■•itQp4 . j - ^ o l u x o oppilancos. You muol soo lo

i; bollove. Woo $2995...NOW $22951 Magic Valloy Mobllo

K Homoo, 2W. mllo 'w o'sTTIH hospllal._________________

30" CAMPER SHELL lor ■ • long bod pickup- Inoulotod,5 wllh lloor. $500. 733i303rfr f r 8 Fnclory Bulll CAMPER-

cranka up/dow n. Slovo.J Irldge. $ 5 5 0 /trn d o .' lor ‘ Ilvosloek. 326-4000. 'I . GOOD •1970 "9M,' S ocu illy J .

Campor 'wllh fockfl. Soil i conulnod. For solo or trodo . lor 18 or 2<r frovol trollor.

733-1110,_________________, IDAHO Cruloer 8’ compor,

sllde-ln. no ovoraKol. lUsffd' vory IlitloC llko n e w f '131)0, - •43O-55C0.__________ > '

. LIKE NEV/ 1975 '8'~ 'T irfa'irr ‘ Hllioi'f Compbr- (o r'.m ore ! ln(orm«llon'call. 733-8901.1973 9' Pilgrim, 'Jocko , , Icobox, dbl, otalnlosa stool alnka. walor pump, corpol,

; slpiago. $1450. 733-5880 ali'or j

SHELL for ohort bo,x. 'g'ood ! c o n d U ^ n ^ B 3 7 ^ 9 ^ o llo ^ 6 j

127 Molof Homes ]

7 ■FOH-RENT-Solf-contatnod |mini motor homos, coll,RuK- ■Il-Easy, 734-3222.___________ ,11952 FORD bus, oxcellont lor

. camping. $1200 or bool ollor. 1733-28J5allorS. tRENT - 23' motor homo.' I733-1874. 'RENT: 1978 Tioga. Sloops 8. ’Rosorvo eatlvl Rill Pnninniii "

- -5 U 7l^67a:6 il2 .678:9703 “" H “ 107im OGa'22'^6ioopo 4. 440 i ' j

engine. A/C. cruiso controii, t l 8 track'-slorflo. irallor Hllch, i

- -tu«i<»-»c5Tilrot.- Mlcholln . tiros, roor balh, Excolleni condlIlorf.678-1245. ' 1:

J . - -

^eed Resu Today 73:

BWDGE' a i d J a c o b y a n d A l a n i

o d e l T b iddinj I sl-tiool. As f

TH • 1-29 Hal had a :“J did not bid I'3 Alan:K , could find tfl 2 .s^jadcs in :

KAST - biddint; seqi.♦ 5 - .M odel T bl.V J 10 y * shown here• Q 10 8 5 plc and c f fe♦ 10 7-6 4 :if pcrts of tha t

r»« il|c co rrec t 'Q fl’ C heart su it. :Q_c_^2___________ todayX jZ jfl:

down a lT h e He drew trui

N o r t i r - s a t i t r h nndofc lub j ted-a hea r t I

EokI Soulli and rose w West look hif

P/1.S.H G+ -g iv e Hal a r u' “ Ha

best. Hc wa: I . r-. f. • •. slam if

a d ;+ Q h eart king oisingleton or once.” .

A « K l h <

^ - A Virginiaabout som e g rand .

w Uie b idding I’oye alw aysDf th e ea rly Vulnerable ai•s?" able.J d id n 't have F ro m 1n those e a r ly were ra ised)ur p rob lem s 2,250. ThisiL-qnll <;lnm<! UnpODUlar.Lhat th e ju m p 'N '^wsi-ai'eh kirw asd e fin ito •' c r could then

of the l-l-« Sf.if/ort. ^/eiv V

127 >lol0rHomcs ;

• VACATION. SPECIALI For .> I ront 1676 25" Exploror Motor (

Homo. By Iho day, vvook. or Cm o n lh . R eaorvo now . r•loromo . Fiscus, .loromo. r324-4420 or 733-9285 h

. ® 2i!l!£2i i = s = . = _ - - a , h

128 . UtllltyTnllorB o

NEW 14 aTraiB' landom oxlo h Irollors, musi sell ol winter

•pricos. or mako olfor. 678- ^ 2065.

- ----- • V' - " p

122' AuloPartiiAccoawrlos ^- 2 1948 Ford Flolhood V-8 9

onglnos. 1 1952 Flalhoad 6 Icyl. Irom -feop PU. Call 328- '■5937 Irom 8AM-5:30, ask lor “

__________ -.QOOD 327 englno In 1802 .-I „Chov, 3 apood trans. or ‘aulomotic Irons. 678-1756. -,■]

.. -NEWL ond.uaod. V W .parts.-. fcrebuilt onolnos, oil sizoa. i";Fylly guaraniood. Will In- ''stall. 733-7087 atlor Spm. ond ^nnyllmo on wookonds. . ^TWO 14'.' s n o w - t i r o s ,'im ounted on P ly m o u th ' i wheols.Noornavytondlllon,!M.73<.M3i. — JWE REBUILD Hydraulic ,(jacks al ABBOn-S-AUTO 1 SUPPLY,30^hoahOne Sl,

_____. _____ _ C------------------------- :---------- oi

ri33 AulbsWinled.■fuNK CARS for crushing. P'734-Q155. "IS■ 74

CyclostSupplloa H A RLEY DAVIOSOhjm o io r c y c lo a , - lo rom o *Implomoni Co., 324-3311, ^■loromo.________ . 191878 HARLEY DAVIDSON

..1200 cc Eloclra Glldo;'Conlonnlal modol. Full 32

.» dross, low miloaoo. Uko l lNowl MUSrr SELLI Call 303!"voMl733-Sl10_________ __ rai1870 HONDA MT 250. ox- “i!colloni condition. $750 FIRM. 19Call 423-4561. ■ . ________ __ $2i1B87 HONOA CB 450,- has"' boon choppod. In goodcondition. Nooda aomo 19:minor work. Inquire at 734- To5660 during business hours, ofl 42>-4160 ovonlngs.1872 3 50 HONDA, oxcoiionl' Sh'ahapo-, $350. 1977.T0P00 $3,Campor. Ilta small plcJiUpa.. I'oi537-6007 ador 0pm,. „1978 HONDA CR-250H. ex- 42!

..Cpllonl condition. 532-4218.180 4-STROKE twin cylindor coibike o ng lno $50. 292 traROCKWELL onglno-'-$150. clo734-4555. ask for Linda. am IeT/S SUZUKI 250, low, low '

I mile's. Moko oflor. 543-4278. . 1B7VAM4H*'S7“ MCC-V2. U"

T eT C oH ont- ■gtTBpO-,-74;' 175CC-MX, Low uao, '74 - 197

'360CC:MX. --Qood” sh T p o r "J23 834-^57ir:- me

. ■ *18138 :• H«i»yEqulproant ^----------------------"

^ : 3 0 H N O E E R E ~ ' f r a “:U ,- : ^ .U S E D . _ - ____ - 4 “'


J36.500 ■ ‘M J.D .544BLoadar iru<

M2.500 - • 321 J.D . 300 B Backhoe

M ,F.& '?CK H O E E■ » ™ i ■■..........SfS

- E L L I O T T S I N C ,,lllOvorlandAVe. ing,

67B «fl5 ' -MU

' I .

uits Ad 33-09315 ^ 1 ......

in S o n ta g '

ng w e n t— V T

\s f o r g ra n d slam s . a s im p le rule, He - •• -.

lid th e m .”"M odern expert.^

id th e ir w ay to six ^ in a n y nu m b er o T ^ C sequences, but that ' b idd ing you have ere w as sh o rt, sim- iffec tiv e ." ,1: “ V e ry /fe w ex- ;hat c a r ly a a y knew ,;c t w ay lo p lay the It. In fa c t, lo ts of -r l a y c r s v«ould ko . -------- -- - ^the s la m . Not Hai. ^ tru m p s , cash ed his •c a r ts ,- s tr ip p e d - th e —------------------------lubs a n d d iam onds, i r j jp w a rd h is hand ; w ith th e queen, c h is k in g b u t h ad to n ru ff a n d d isc a rd ." —'‘H al’s p lay w as the w as su re to m ake

i . i f E a s t held the lg o r if W est hold it

o r g u a rd e d Just

I h c E x p e r t s

inia re a d e r a sk s if id .s la m bonuses ay s been 1,000 not e a n d 1,500 vuln'er- . -

im 1932 to 1935 they sed to 1,500 and I . lis p ro v ed m ost'' ‘

■iiKNTKllvniSKAXSN.r ----------------------------

>py o f JA C O B Y MOD-icf S I t o s •■yi/in at'a rc o f th is newspj-B ox 489.' R adio C ily • • 'n v York. N .Y . 10019.}

136., Heavy EQulpmcnl

r .WANTED! Cat No#12 Molor• Grodor ,;55-'60 modol. Call• DaloChlidero, 733-6064.

BY OWNER: 1978 .lohn C Deero 550 Crawlor, 8 viay

' h y d ra u lic dozo r. roor hyd/aullcs, .HOPS canopy.Low houra. Coll 733^)570ollor BPM. _____________•530 CASE backhoerWiOOO-or ’ ---------- -- -bosl oflor. 733-2805 alters. CAT944Loador.733-57Sl. .

WE GUARANTEE RESULTSl Pay lb odveniao an Item for salo (or 10 days. l(-ihe llom doosn 'l soli you con elthor not a relund or run your ad 10 moro days no charoo. Coll 733^931 to find out moro about Quarantood ADS.'

■■ 1« -Tfucks - ’'1957 CHEVY pickup, M ton

- . tor M la. 543-4611.543-6653.1955 CHEVY Pickup- now point job, noods onglne work. $650/bosl oiler. 543- 5985^________________

- 1671 CHEVROLET cusipm .d o lu x o , 350 o n g lr lo , automatic, Vory good condl- tlon, $1785. Exlrasl 733-0852.1975 CHEVROLET Sllvorado.All.tho Exlrasl Call 734^92.alior 6PM.__________ / _CUSTOM OAS Tanka.<bo(ds approxlmotoly 150 gallo ti In . .2 componmonls. Has t* e ^

■ (llloroond pumps. F lla u n d o r^ ^ i pickup lool box. $325 FIRM.423-4501.----- .

' 74-T 3W «V on , rolled but • d rlv eo b lo r'» fltin s^ good .$600/lrodo. 71 Chovy Uidn.Huns good. Looks fair, 350 i ' '4 apood ,-$8SO/boai‘ol(or.734-B317.- • ________1874 DODQECIubcobV<<toh 4x4. Automatic, powor aloioT- Ing and brakoa, low rtillsgb.324-8660 ader 5. ,1870 Ford Vpn Econoline 200, - 302. rfuiomallc, Insulatod, radial liros, $ L ^ , 7U-0D8Sa d o r6PM,___________^ ' '1974 FORD Vt Ton Pickup—$2000. 1874 MAZDA . Sla-

'llohWigon. rotary onglno- $1200.733-7754 boloro 5om. ,'1971 FOHD Sport Cualom Vi Ton^ Must' Sacrillco, Boat offorovor$l250.733-M7. .. •1970 FORD. Courier -wlih sholl. Exeollont condlllon.$3,000. Call 467-3226. . ■ ■ leSJ-.FORD-h Ion pickup, - •oxcoiiont con,dliion, 543-427B._____________ _1966 FORO F-100 pickup andcompoc ' ahell..' Aulomallctransmission,'352'V-8.‘Corycloar). Call 734-8340 before fland asK (or Mike Schuli. oDOalor. ' . - ’1B77 FORD ^ Ton Pickup._________Ull loaau. Lowmiloago. 1 11•326-^453 BdorCPM. -----1979 FO ^Dyon-.joaI sbnrpl_— ;— .........

12300 equity tako ovof pay. monlB.Call934-8158. ' ' ■* •1878 QMC 1 Ton Truck-Call 734-7635. .________________1972 QMC -flMMY Super '

'C ustom 8>*rra-Qr«nderP«8l—track axlo, rear aeata.'-row '

------------ = -W 'fN T E F IN ^ lO N A l, F - ..1800 tandooHMSWiy'good shapo. Call 73A7Ti.1959'INTERNATION DIESEL • ' . iruck with 30 fl, spud Irallor.

'324-3552, —:----- -------- ------1874 KIT MARK IV.27 foo t- '- '-flllh* whool. A very well' on-angod ond clean (ra'vol irsller. Phone 734-«40-ond ask for'Mlko,Schulz b»7i5?S^6pm: D'e'aler. ' ' _______MUST SELU 1977 Chovy 3/4 i t '

-T o rt-P lck u p ^ o w er -stiorn ig SIng/brokes. 4. speed-Irani, ' : - '

rdual pae tanke.837-^733.---------------- ^■MUST SELL, Moving, 1874

JU.— = ! r r

J ^

----------------- A c m s s ------i T lV

1 Cfimpasj 43 C point • • <15 F

• • 4 Had llknowlecfuc ‘17 1

8 Part ol the leo t • J2S p .ko 4 a S

13 Upon i S C14Chatood 52 C

particlcs 54 k .15 S6Wefing .. 5 8 ^

■ 16 Part of fl . t, boiilo c

17 .0 4 d (S p ) I I I IS Fal20 Word to call ’

atlention . . j- - - 2 2.-Cam n r . . T ^ r ^

. . - p o in t - RO .23 Fsmilv ^

25 Germanfascist ] (

27 Resident ol 2 CSilka (

31 Soits 3 134 Morlnr iray 4 h35 Ftjppu ,37 Look slyly 5 (38 Durden I 40 Sharp 6 I

p f l [3


- ’ 5 > .

- T F 1 ? “ _______________


• - |2 7 - - |2 8 [29

38 39

' 43

50 51

s i “ “ 59

■ 63 “

' . 66

140 • • . Trucks, 1 TON Sorvlco truck wilh '

■■—compfosBOf. msko ollor. 734-asra bolwoon 8 ande.1S04 VW Van* rvns groall Q ood body. Excollont MPQ. $600/ bast ollor. 734-2569, WANTEOI Nowor Ford pickup wllh worn-oul molor.

•. C«1I53W2W.

142. .. bnpo rt-S ^ .C tra

1978-B-210 Dalsun, Qood ' c o n d i t i o n . A u to m a tic

" '- 'tra n sm lB s lo n •«--hBtctibaeK.- -73M 57B/________^OO'YOU NEED HELP with yotir tranBportallon nouds?Call Wayno Bohrn at Bluo L a k o s V o lk s w a o o n . Poracho* Audi." Phono 733-2854. • . _______1970 RABBII^v m ^ ' ^ mllos, lour door. sunTOW n . LaaflDd.97S-24S5- '


1974 .Oalsun 710 hardlop ■ sodan. Automalic. /adlals. -

Good condlilon. 423-4414.1978 TOYOTA .Collca Ult BacK* air, 8 track, powor alQorlng, luvars, radlala.

- " 734-9063, ~ >'73 VW. Bus- 1 o o io r. 4 spood , -A/C,. Ilko now, L oB S /43 ,000 ' m lloa on odornotor. S2500/would con- 6l<lor-'> irad o . Financing avaHabls.733-4157. i9 ra ~ V H ^ ^ N ^ ^ ^ d condl-

'm '. : : , - ; . 4Wh«IDrtirfl»

1974 BLAZIER. Robullt ongltiB,'m any oxlras, Ex- coU ont’ -oondlllon. $4000. 'S43«1020; _________1970.BLAZER, automatic, olr. Excollont condlilon. '$249$,Call 733-1365, •__________1978 .CHEVY Suburban 3/4 ton -4 whool. drlvo. AIC,- pow or,. s loorlnQ /brakos .

- trailer package; Stereo, CB. unll, _much.,.moroI.l60.Q00_ .'

' m ile s . $7,aoo, 8 o e a t.Lynwood 78. Twin Falls, •

•■1977 CHEROKEE, CHIEF-' . luggage, rack, d u a l^anka... ^

. hoadora, low mllssgo. Coj><: ' a tdartrade. 733^)581.

o • 1975 CHEVY'1 ton, cab ond - ehssalB, tike now, havo to-—

sell now, will nol tum down

a'""""-"_ _ _ _ C D f l ! C f lJ lL 4 9 5 J M t . f i f i f l U L t__

w hool. drlvo'Of 1B71 Ford ■* .LT0 .^?p lt1 .run good.-88a-

2 1 6 0 .^ ^ • •. 1978 OATStJN K ln g c k b > ^

14,OOO mllos, & spood, diBo .........bfRkijtik,^M/EM_caaflolle.._

„BtBroo,-rTfBa^lrtpotB.J4800...-_ ,7 ^ 1 0 » ; or 32ft^ afler .

1976 OOOQE Club cab sport,’ short box. 29.000 miles, air, '

power, 400 C.L, automatic, rmmoculate, »37-«1ia days.

■ ■ r S37W17evenlngs._______ .

^ ^|Soof*raM 57^belw oon-T u te .____________ •11177 FORD F-160 4X4, air, new -tires &’mags. $8,000; fi<t,lf,733-«02ani1lme.

, ViKINQ 6Q0« lb. pow or^ , wench. Call 733-

4EEH C u a lo m * ^

■ -onnhlHnn

S h e

2’ Ini}a^Ti?l “ AjsAcr to 'twinicf sport u " . , ' i , i „

13 Cries £ m u m 15 Firmly estab- T

lished (2w ds)l7 T , „ u u .

blunder . i- 1 1 la Singer Toime • j j

n i i f)4 Moribund U— Ll—)8 Hard ' U ' y' o ' t o ■iO Passion Ti oI m o ” ")2 Belongiticj 10 A c ' t i b • p

)3 Porteni .14 Housuioi) ' *'ouso[)

Icaiure 8 Goal .>5 Shelley w o i r ' 9 Q'larity ol dir 55 Emocmuni. _ Oasri>niii!tJ / Wont cjuickly Snunf’te r— )8 Not many H Alisiracl

•Iti Navy iliip

•pteli>r'tnbl)t)1 Electric fish 21 Tibetan ox2 01 lhe se;i 24 Gunny bay

(abbt) 2QFIV3 Thcrclori; , 27 Sea leim4 Heyerdahl's 28 Sole _ - •

ra li(2 ff/d s) 29 PoUuiei 'C ,5 Compass 30 Privaiion

OOmi' 32 Asi'onaul6 Engrave Sla'ytc

4 [5 [g [7 j [F_ _ _

____________:____ _16 ' '

13 ' n ^ 1 2 5 2<

i i i t e z z z o l E41 ■

4 ^ 4'


>9 SD • 61

■ 64 ^


148 4WheolDii»cs 66 FORO Bronco.-wonch, apoko whools. Plua traitor hllch lor 73 & up Biaior. 934-

. 557V____________ ____1977 FORD F-150 Short wldo bod. Undor 27.000 mllos. 4 spood, Mlng llnlsh palnl, Hoavy duly Busponsfon, $5995 llrm. 733-5773.1978 FORO Explorer 150.4X4, 27.000•mllos. wttllo SpsJio whools wllh all terrain radial t tm ,. auxiliary 'lanks, roU-

' bar, driving lights, Roal aharpi 733-5699 allor 5PM.

- -1908' FOUR"whool drlvo ' "Chovy pickup. Now onglno. vorycloan.733-7058, •1067.IEEPWaDflonoor. $700, SoootlorSpm944 Kolherlno, ,B u h l .....________________1973 .lEEP PICKUP 4x4, good condtilon. $2700.734-2586..lEEP WAGONEER 1977. 401

‘ * Engino. Loadodl Low mlloa 8, IIKO now.$7195.324-3063.1B67 .lEEP 4x4, oxcoilonl ahapo. groat gas mllago.


148 AntlQuoAulos

1936 FORD Pickup, Roslora- blo condlilon. Extra parts,Call733<l043.____________1857 FORD 6 cyllndor 4 Door- □ood condlilon, Qost Qllor ovor$750.543-iM4. ’1949 HUDSON Commodoro 6 - onglno runs obod, Noods paint, Intorlor. $500/bosl ol- lor, 734-3734 allor 5pm.

152 AutOi-euIck

1976 BUICK SKYHAWK hal- c h b a c k S . Alao 1987.

- Chovrolol Mallbu-lor.parta. Taking bids, 423-5t22.day8.1975 BUICK REQAL Sport, low mlloago, call altor 5 p .m ,, or, wookenda 733-5510.MUST SELLI -70 Buick SkWArk- bluo. .good condi­tion. Aulo,'powor sloerlng, tipo . Will noaaiiaio, 733. •

_ . f l |3 .c v o a l2 a L - ’' . ,

,■ IM '^ to i-C itiii i ic

> - 475^ Aulo Dealers

V ' n

— \ -{ • -

' ^ ■ ■ . f f ' " ' 611.1

* 2 6, P l u i M l

— *■' 'So ts .iilon#y“Oit“htfij

> l , c i r g i

!0'fr?viCiii F’uiilo' ■ ------ “

i p ' p T i i 'I t SlT 0 H lU iS bl

T b l ^ B T |W E U ' k plIv’B B i l r . cc

l i @ : i I N r T T T n ^ niT n T lM B a s T 'a E)| d t i . I j | ! i I Air^ -pt

T ' f i r J l A s ! t ! v br

?D j A - t - J N P 'n r E 10

33 Short playli.''36'Tlimk 1fl

__________jV iv .f i j ' *“■

.,4G Layer 0) cloil':----- ^4 8 -5 c cp ro u t— " T '- ‘ — _hr ) 50 Esau's counlty I®X 51 Afirona Clly 4,y 53 Low Ude ,

55'Secial club cc(abljt) $1

56,Qatc — Rl57 Iticteased

• 59 Noun sulln' ^I'yton 61 Rosary bead q,

8 [9 h o I l H

T t Ll$1

Ii l l d26 19

.:________ __ ___ 0). 32 33.___________ A'

= = — - = t t : w 3 7 - - . : , • ■ n_v ___ ________________ " 'I Bm p T -A l ■46 p\

. __ I I I - 73--------: ----------- "ifl


s T l s T T s T l. ----------- 1- ' Hr

62 21

65 16

08 .» i<\ A' J l— U— J-------1 ^

_______________ ■ R.■ . - l l 156 Autos-Ctifyslor

la1977 CHRYLSER Nowpon. 4 01 door. Exeollonrcondltlon.' • Will soli $1000. undifTmosl d x iu lo r p r l c o s . C a ll '6 w o o k d a x s a lff ir 6 or -* wookonds 734-72w; 5 , FOR s i l K BY“ 0WNER: 1976 M Black Cordoba, 30.000 mllos, 5C black vinyl lop, loalhor In- .i'l torlor, AM/FM otoroo. powor - .1 windows aAd to o ls . $4850. „ Caii 733-7583 aller Boni. "

9:158 Aulos-CT0»roIai 15

- -1975CAMARO-6 cyHndor;-3 ?!;apood, rodiol llros. $2350, |

. Musl 80111324-6403. *" 1B72 CAMERO; V-8. powor - alooring. aulomallc, A/C, 1/ AM/FM e ' track Storoo, bodu tilu r Iniorior. $2600, — Allor 4pm. 324-2876,_______1974 CAMERO- brow n w/vinyl rool. Msgs, rodlal TA's, 4 spood, lach, w/ good palnl/body. Runs good. Moko offor. Coil 734.5823.1976 CAMARO TypO LT, pow er Bloorlng, powor brakos. till whool. roar window dologgor. AM-FM sloroo. 4-spood. Z-28 hood,350, while wilh whllo vinyl lop. Anytime 324-5927. or 733-3033 08k lor Larry Golay, .1978 Camorp Roily Sport LT.Air, cruiso conlrol, AM/FM rodio. powor -f exlros. B09l roosofloblo olfor. 734-7999 allorePM,_______________1975 CHEVY Mallbu Ciasslc- Fully loadod. Excollont condilion. Caii 734-9497.1973 CORVAIR VAN, Now motor, Osky T.R.W.. lolol sodI, Woolach. Bloowoti Warnor go^gos. now rodlal

' TAs. lour spood. noods irilo*lor-work. $000. or trodo lor pickup or snow machino. eom-8pm coll 786-4036. Allor

' 0 call 788-3682. - • . ' 197S NOVA.Cuslom. buckol sea ts ,., consolfl • automalic,. — chromo ftiaga, lot'll mlloago,

'ExcollonI condition. $ 3 1 5 0 7 '/■ 734-5391. __________ /

: --•1974-.VEQA-8tst^onwngon,- 0^ly35,000mllo’8.$1495. Call 733-1385."

1J5 . -Aulo Dealers'- —


, l y mn =

LooW ' ^ o r D o y

M l l o a g o - ^i t f u l l n s ' OT' n to v lfT g 'b y " "

f e ' ' - * —

^ s t A l

¥ C i a s

ISS . Autos •Chovrolol IS

1972 EL CAyiNO- gold viith iflblack.vlnyl lop, black vinyl Oip ro to clo -to p . oxco ilon l L<condition. Loadod. $2000. ti(734-6l00or734-4728. ' i jEXCELLENT '72 Chovy Im- w

-pats''Hardtop-^ A/C, powor Abrokos/stoorlng. now llros, bi26.136 actual mlloa. {2200. ciwiil nogotislo. Days, 423 A4702 or 423-5058 cfior 7pm. bi1078 MONTE CARLO, lm | imaculoto. Only 6,000 mllos '• Loadodl $400 bolow DookConsidor trodo. 733-1670. .1075 Nova:20r Halchbock- Powor. aJr. radio, fodials. If Excollont 'C ondiilon :~"1"

______ w01

_ieo__________ ftu to jJW fli. J iIflBfl. DODGE DART, Qood 1?

" tondillon, $225. Phono 734-^11<- _____________ ___bl1974 DODGE Monaco. Good 01condilion & woii loododl n$1200orbeslolfor,423-4504, 5:

_REPO:1B73,DotJoo.C''«B9C oxcollont 8hopo. $1350 or d, highest bid. 733-7202. GWANT TO'BUY 1966 or 1667 ol Dodge ChatQor. 324-5696,

IM . Airtos-Ford-

1972 FORD LTO Cou"rmy' ~ ScTuifo Wagon. V-6, air. power alooring and brakos.Lighi bluo. wood grain.- ' $1200. Allor6 543-<649. Mlko,1976 FORD LTO. a ir. ai/iomolic, 4 door, powor atoorinp A brakes, 837-6235,1076 GRANADA-Ghia 20- oxcollont condilion, Cruisc.A/C. powor Bloorlng. aulo.

, V-6. ' onolne. 4?.Q0Q_m!lofl.__Wholosalo $3300. Financing nvoiiabio.733-41S7.

■' 1072 MUSTANG QRANOE,'-Air, qnow tiros. 8 track,

powor s lo o rin g /b ra k o s i aulomatic, 51.000 milos. Period condilion, $2000, 734-7347.aftor5. ^

■"iflaa MUSTANG, good condi-. lion, $750,324-5005 oflor 6.NOW SELLING 1S77 FORO LTD lour doors arid,other. Ilnoxars. Ho:lt Pont A Car, 210ShoshonoSi:w.

rIW ' «jlM-Lli>celn

/ i BEDROOM duplox, luity c a rp o io d , b p rH a n c o a . Avallablo 2/15. $^<5 monlh. 734-1376 or 734-2660, 09k lorRo:a.___________________1076 LINCOLN Town Car 4D Sedan- oxcoilonl condilion. loalhor intorlor. Bolow t)00k, oniy $6875.326-5097, '

166 . Autos-Morcury -

1 8 7 6 B 0 ‘ B C A T . SlolionWagon- Fully loaded.Mini condilion, $3400. 734-“ 21__________________1876 BOOCAT, 3-dOOr,

■ oharp, 27,000 miloa. now , radial tiros. AM-FM radio, 26 -mlloa por gallon. $2,500. 934-6237. Qoodlno.________1977 MERCURY.Marquis. 40, ■ 000 milos, now Mlchelin tires, air. Excollont condi­tion, 934-5560,

iis , Aulo Dealers


u t o &

5 S i f l e <

Its .A u toa -O U ^.M ,J,3

1973 OLOS Cusiom-Crurser nDeluxe wagon - 3 soater. mLoadod, Excellent condl- ,-«<lion. $2400,878-2485. 9J1978 Red Olda Cutlass s wagon. Excoiidnt condition.Air. pow er slooring & 17brakes, IIIL whooi. cruiso --c o n tro l , luggago rack. l> AM/FM radio cassollorV eol «belted tires. Rocondlllonod, P'ExcollonI intorlor. $3,500. <>J734-2462. 15

- • - • ' atol

170 , • Autes-PentlK -J.','

’1973 GflANO-PRlX.- Maroorr • 6f 'wIlh’ bIock '^Inyno^400‘V:3- ongino wllh aii nccossorlos ' P; and many exlros, 326-4178. » n 1970 GRAND RRiX. 62,000 Ii« actual miles, now Micholin = tires, powor stooring and brakes, 400. cubic Inch " eng ine. Runs excollont. N ow ^a in i. Phono 536-5622. x '

US72-GRAN PRIX Model -I. 2 -Cidoor. Illl slooiing whooi, a)r. G'Good condilion. Tako bosi s iolfbr. 536-2024, oc

175 AaloOealeis 17




VcttkSvvP o r s c h e

1S43Blii»l.ak<______ .7 .33-29

Mon.»Fri. 8 -6 p .m .-

I '

* Tl


Truck ds Tot_17D ;. AulwPontJic •

1977 PONTIAC Gr»n Prix,. Mual soli. Low mlloaoe, Llke-

-•nowl Best oiler ovor $4600. 034-8156aiter5. '

172 . A u tM 'P ly m o o th1978 PLyMOUTH Voiare Wagon • oxirosi Assume prosont loan -f oquily pr oldor car/equliy, 733-9132.1975 Plymoulh Grand Fury,400 cu.ln. 2 bbl, .carb., automalic, power slooring. olr. Vinyl lop. now radial

.tiro s. 55.000 miles. Very clean. $?.000, 733-2120 aflor

• 6PM. .......................................1 9 7 2 - m .'-YMOUTH 9 Passongo r Stotionwaoon-

_ iu n a __goo d — $300/trad # —I l v e 8 ^ ^ ^ « W W ^ _ _ _

1 7 4 r i lW tM 'O thW '


■ C om plele line ol 1978 General Moiors cars lor - sale. Low miles and lully CQolpped. 733-5527.734-8140,

175 Auto Dealers



' }


L A K E Sw q g e n 3 - A u d io k o s B lvd .N . .2 9 5 4 . . .........' . ' I1. — S ot. 6 - 6 p.m.

^ .td iile 9 n m a n i '> l « V i f ' s p ie s y e a r Wills Mo V alley Toyota b u y s i



r. W .w j

k AAar Iqy!^

175 - Anto Dealers \i\


a t AGE I19771ERCURYC0NNo. 8 - 4 2 A ...................

1976 BiliCK 2-DOORN o. 8 - 4 7 4 A ...........

1976 MERCORY MONN 0 .8 - 4 3 9 A .....................

1974 CHEVROLET MCN o. B-560A ...........


1971 CHRYSmNEfN 0 .7 -5 5 7 A ......................

1971 PONTIAC CATANo. y - 4 i 3 U .....................

1974 IHC TRAVELALlN 0 .7 -8 1 7 A . . . . . . . . .

1976 DATS0HSTATIIN o. B-643A .....................

1971 GMC’/2 TON PN o. F8-886A ................

T h e se Are O n

B eing 1

Hgtfl; SaSTOE/R

G i v e U s i

PHA' • ‘ I t ' s Fiin ToLStiVf

1 E 5 4 B lu e L a k e s B lvd . I

y J g L

o V M a n S e ^ ^ o y o S \yr C a r^ S a le r M anager M otors h a d , on b e h a lf < r e r s h e lp e d m ak e Toyo

p f t ^ EjvRSAl

Sales O flU T SALES-NO.I

V M o n d a y .,lam

J i.y {gaujPL;.v' i . u a '*' !* -.i-Urj ' ■

nMJa'rySfl. 1979^ Tim oa-N ew a.

k e t ^

m • Auto Dealers 175




IHTEfiO ^ ^



m m i r a r "




n l y A F e w O f T h el O K e r e d t h l s W c

a HI i=! A T r y B e r b r e Y o i

ANSENCHEVMVB A-'-79 Chevy—An AilAme I. North . Open’.Ul 7:00 P.

f e

t ^ j M ^ o n g r a f u l a t e i »r,‘ fo r th e tre m en d o u f r of T oyo ta USA. Mfiflic rota No. 1.




S . . .A M e :- .. .• J U P

• p r a i o i n i » t o t o t a

J75________ taH Dealeri. ^


«M95 ; 195 *2995 *2995 *900 ^


he B a rg a in s IVeek

Km p That b r« a t QM PM ltftgW lth

OanMlna OM .Parts -

o u B u y

ROLET "lmei1cahi:ar’' ......................O P .M . Z a3 r3 0 3 3


DUSflic ;, ;


............ .............._.J.

i m r T ------------------7 :


w 8^T w lnF «IH .kJthpB -11 ,

Gnttyin o t# ^

B y JO ^ M O W E I C O L U M B f!^rthB T C l-f

D o c u m e o ta ry 'f l l in m a k ; Woodwahl adm its h is new r G ritsI” falls In ooe a re a -

! r re sd v e s tbe ffram m atlcal d ■.wtethCT “^ 1 8 . Is good or

N Wha t tbe tbe ^y ear-< : ;C aroJlaa m oviem aker's i

detchttlne, however, Is tha DOT. love th e lr .^ ts ..w ith .

; 'Hthat oftea Itf puzzling to the& :>f!rleods.!! Whffl It comes to ^ t s . W i ;; low-budget film leaves fe 11 untunjcd. N eariy e v d y sc 11 society, from black chi I < s te re o to lc a l rednecks to I I i N ew Y o it Times food d i ; . l .C la Ib (^ , Is I n t ^ e w e d ; ; su b jec t

4 i . ' ‘U 5 » jr itS J Q u £ fI f i ,^ e c

I ' b is delicacy In hts ]

I - ;C la lbom erono^f the-wor ; known cooking expehs, g r . SimflOMw, Miss., w h < « h(


' ® '

'L . ' '

' i '

■: j ;

DURING * ? k : jllR J




! wiison•T w Ii

• J e ro m s

i .■ _ „ v ■'


I DlSCOt____1 M u ffle rs , Ex

. ■■ C t t m p l i i f i

............. '— V a s t

-d u a l ;£ = i z ^ = = = $ Y !

I I o n

: i, ia L te ^ P j! .....’ ^ '- rH W litr i tE x lii

f I b b c■ ■■■ • '-rr ■ ‘Wl

—— ... -- __ ■■ —

B-12Tlm os-N pw fl,Tw InFalli

so lv ed Insai ' developed hli—fUPI) “ — — lum py- com la k e 'r S ta n routinely pltir tew film " I t 's across IheSou sa — It never • But the fUr ol dilemma of th e history a o r a re proves condt

-----------■ . '•" s ta n c c lsn o tjiar-old South “ You -can ( i~ f U n r a o S breakfast, Hin th a t& u tb e r- "ac to r."ith .a passion____Woodwahl.befrNorthenr “ celebration (

-O t -Southern , Woodward's waSn’t conten 1 few stones know all aboi ' segment of south of the Mi ChUdren lo th e talking, to illustrious So, he took h d i t lc Craig o f Brooklyn

ved on the things, he foun h im : "Yea, gl

v e n J ia n k e e s , foodlsn’titTii- o m c - f l s - b e ^ ^ * ' i r r T 3 r n s lisN ew Y ork m o u th -w a te

accompanied tworld’s best-------- In-Columbli

g r ^ .up in shown only foi ) he said he - i t has drawn sL

• * ■


■ o

I ’ . •


P R I C E ! .

N-BATESV in Falls ' • Burley

O B IO IN JU .V H IQ U iP M IM T i l fil B I P tA C lM lM T


lUNtPHSE x h a u st & T ail P ipes » t a . l ii » t a i l n t l o B . .

------------------I M t i u i f c J - M K h t -m aku and In sta ll

t M u m x n p ~

f STEMS— -c r o l l m ak«*

Pickuns— Trucks- -i i a u S t SystenI' ie rv lce•S f '- r N o t a S ide line—

a t T S j i s sIWIN FAILS ^


-flIlB, Idaho M onday . Januar;uary 26,1879

rra^calcj b y n e whis taste for the white, ■

> m -b a5 ed ;"fo o d " th a t''ls w ilunked on breakfast p la tes tl South. ; . g<film, wliich also explores, aj / and production of grits, tt idusively the m ushy sub- Jtjustabreakfastrood . “ p< in ea t grits anytime, for • 0 lunch o r dinner,’’ says one ' In

gl■d.-Who . calls-b is-film a — h in oH vhat 1 think the best Tl culture Is all about,” p< tent to le t the people who gi bout grits — those living e> ! Mason-Dixon line— do all la

lk his cam era to the s tree ts- co m among other- • Ninmd a young m an who told . W> , ^ t s . T ha t’s th a t Italian tn1— ; — — -------------- -------- :=15!’’ Is a fa s t-p aced ,. ga i te r in g d o c u m e n ta r y an x lby lively music. thiib lan -w here-it-has-been-------four times free o fth a rg e , W( 1 standing-room crowds. . lo£

'jT' ’ ] /L ^ d M |^ H

■ 6 . ? .... \

— HpUSlON.................. • • kM: IHIRDA'


beam■ 1 , Ayaila

o -


4 .

d ilen im m o v ie

_ l_ W o o d w a n U naUve o(5pj wlK) Is the filmmaker in res th e South Carolina A rts Cor got th e Idea for the ago whUe eating brealifa: favorite diner-1900,BIock.

" I noticed that only ab< people asked the w aitress tc

• ^ t s , ^ said Woodwahl. In In ^ ira ^ o n , he ran back to 1 grabbed a cajnera anil re tun

.re s ta u r a n t .^ _______ - v.“ I w as token by tlic spont

people who w a n l^ to to: g r i t s ,h e . s a ld . "ItAvas'so f exciting thnt it evolved Into la rg e rp ro jec t.’’

• With a little seed moiiey': commission and the help National Endowment of tl Woodward began h lr s e a rc i Uue m eaning of grits.

— H e-trekked to-hlgbTsefaool gam es, amusement parks, co and restauran ts; asking pcc they fell about grits.

— ^To—help—finance—th e r - Woodward .took out.som e.] loans.

BEYCY b U ’l

y : i . : .

3 5 ' R O ttn -

$ | 9 9


ned ceilinglable a t . ..

T W IH P A L tSa W y 1390H[ghl<ridAv..


old J q iao ese lesled ablUtv

■ hum an boaiM autUoii t o r p j

!pBrtflnhTTTg~'’K ild e n c e a t J a p a a ^ w e a ta m ls s to n “tt« laU (m en Uirec yea rs " M so ld to a ii last in hisi Sam urai, mUilliwut Ihrec ™ m ia v e rs i to hold Iho couli

ta a m o t .) h is oftice, = = im c d to th e

ta lk about BUFFALO;> fresh and t r o v ^ la l sket lto a m uch was removed

hallway of the ^ 'fro m the Vuhjlsgoingba Ip of the L eg is la tu re tho A rts, A bgott-sald 1

ch for the choice” b u t to ] the hallw ay foil

Plrfootballr tio jr ty ttf fco tn co rn fie ld s CuIIiot In Publl eople how Boahl C bafrr

his pxnip look ^ro Jec t7 7 _ T lec lflfiaaU h o u !-personal with a draw ing 1

among Ihe coU«



I ;fE J


^ '


~1 i i e s d a y , w



iigue sw o rd I)RK (UPI) - A 316-year-se Infantry sword w ith the <Ilty to cut through fivo 1lea In one blow w as sold a t I« 3 ^ - _____ _____ rd '18 'one 'df a handful of/eapons w ith lhe five-body ie n i^ v e d on. Us haft. It. i

an anonymous dealer. • I d a y s -^ f , the JapancMlUltaiy swords w ere tested fs strung up In a row so’ *)uld cut through them a t I

m alesk^tchhcy, N.Y. ( UPI ) ’ con- P Icetc i of a nude m ale thated last week from the Pthe E rie County Leglsla-’ bbackondisplay. . Pire C h a irm an 'A lb e r t P. 1 lawm akers have "noto put the picture back In Tfo U ^ ^ a jT M ^ m e n ^ d a j ^

ibllc Places, l>ilnnan L a n y Griffis said w ked a t the work, and st k)uI3 be displayed along ngd fth i^ fem a lB flg u re s ^ ollection of po rtra its and

" ■ T HA D O W 01M O N E Y (


L A S T3



i f r 3 ) l 1920 K im boriy I


Mid Winter


m m^ P F Bi■V.___ j ■

u d o rih a m p o o ~ so rS 'h D trc u

W e d n e s d a y T h u r s d a T hrough F eb ru a ry •

/ .Colief b \ J

I y u t o‘ ■'I • Lynw*

'■I rShoppInq

{ Brings $1^,C'fhe sword w as one of a

wnfilgned to the Sotheb ^ r n e t galleries by Bumpt NewYork.

I t ' w as forged by ti sw ordm aker'-N aghlsa In ]

, pre-sale g a U ^ estim ate 0 price was J7,500 to J10,000.

New York dea le r Lelghlo paid the top p rice In the sale — for another In fan try 's tr ib u te d . to l h e g re a t Sadatsugu. >

hang^d fieuTpastoral s c € Q ^ .‘ ••“ We don’t feel these picl

pornographic.” Griffis said, both mB|e and female,ohav. propcrfSbiect for a rtis ts anc Pjibllc tiAwj Ihrough the year . The m ale sketch was remi

Thursday a t th e rcquest of le Ronald B ^ t t and MIchac

Iheplcture. ,Meanwhile, women-leglsla

staff m em bers had demam “ CltRer the fem ale .sketch cor

too o r the m ale sketch go bad expression of sexual equality.

) ? A D O U B O N T H E S I


B R IQ lR eg .S '

S E A FI H og.S l

ROM/3V ^ e e g .s i



^ 2

rz<rcu l; 7 ' - ' '’~ .T »

• Aul

ll^eof ■HAIR .

w ifcd VlnQC«nl#r,- “ | | ^

------* ________________

0 0 0 ' •’ I ; * ® ;a c ^ ^ o ; S t o w ]

Sfufrof, legal’7 — --— '-TR EN TO N ,":

the n o te d - 'a p p e a ls c ou rt 1 I. 1663, The ah offensive of the s a le Jcrsey law.

The hdDig w ilonLonghy D ivision'Judgi l e - 513,500 who reviewed I

sword a t- Uon „ t j j„Vei >t B l t c h u ^ j.R ,

- J.R. was ft :_____ ■■-.-.-T quency and ass

weapon— th e c ----------;--------^ "an d h ls^ y e a w

- When J .R . 0

Iclures a re 'Id. -N udes srow'cd and n« v , ^ S a

S ’;!™ '"® l k ehallen moired la s tleglslatoni “ “

ae l AIk s I ^

; ' ' : cd u i^ haye c a l ilatora an d startei^s pistols

xime down hod found thai ack up a s a offeaslvo weap ly. 'circum stances.




QHTQLAZE ’ • '8 1 .7 5 ............................. - I

. FOAM $ 1 eS 1 .9 5 ..................... ..

1AMYMAZES 1 ) 7 5 - : . . . . ^ ........... I


lo'cATEO tl — * WaTERN»

I D p C T ' O n T . S ^I I I F L L ..J33M A IN A V

^ '■ 734-858

K N E|l_-=

T' lTuno'ipu"" ^O -guK iutor . \ U .W ndcnoiti V UmltM >uiomniicflnd j \ o n wnuai'oiiino-------------;—VrjipurouncJ/Cfiain —itnko.'Hnnd Gua id.. nloivlcotuto - /j/^

iro.fuoiufos, ' WITHCHi


ge m les ‘ - vlingdog ,1 w eaponN ," N X '^ t lP i ) '- A 's t a i e 'ir t has Piled a dog can b e 've weapon under New ;

g w as m ade by AppellateJdge MUton B. Conford, ' ___ed the delinquency convlc- jven lle Iden tU i^ i}ply a s

1 found guilty of delin- a ssa u lt with an offensive - .

b e dog he sicked on a m an a is ) ld d a u g h tc rm a p a rk ;----------------- 7

I. o h l e ^ his dog, Rusty, n, s lc * ‘Im,” tb e 'a n b n a l d m enaced with its teeth,5 two to cow eirlhe court

Uenged a^ow eir cou rt's estion lng whether. R usty conslitered an offensive

lif^llUr(^lnlon,-said s ta te ' called unloaded guns-and to ls offensive weapons.IH(h*»TT.9 SiipW»m^ ________ __th a t - a shoe ean bc an weapon under the rig h t :es. . ‘

— '

/ '• .



- i ------- ' r

139por sq.ll.

160‘pOrsq.JI. • • - ■

13 9 Mporsq. fl. '

YL ' -: e sEOtNTHE .............JNAUTO .OINC tn Fall* Moll IAVE.£AST . _•8581________n i u n r ' ’—’ — •XATiUmU

__________________ _


no5) ^lo iloek /

onhand /

-S -----.



top related