+ + +. + + introduction + info@samittech.com track time is a enterprise grade web based software...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Track Time is a enterprise grade web based software with robust features to simplify Time & Attendance process. It provides comprehensive solution for improving business productivity and also ensures on-time payment of salaries, when integrated with payroll software. It adapts to any organization’s Time & Attendance business needs & helps managers to track employee attendance accurately against the approved leaves & allocated shifts.


1. Shift Management2. Multiple Organization Attendance3. On duty Management4. Leave & Permission Management5. Terminal Configuration6. Automatic Scheduling of Reports7. Multiple Organizational Attendance8. Dashboard9. 24 Hours shift10. Attendance Reports/ Exception Reports

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How it works?

+www.samittech.com info@samittech.com

Track time has a mobile app where the management can know the attendance of the employees at any time across the GlobeThe employees can shift in using the mobile application where it saves time Employee Shift In, Shift Out, Late Entry, Early Exit , On duty details at ease

Why choose Track Time

Shift Management

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Shift Management Software of Track Time facilitates you to optimize shift scheduling effectively and efficiently. This feature ensures you to plan and schedule employee shifts without any complication ensuring a smooth process flow. It bridges the communication gap that can happen over manual methods and proactively manages and tracks employee shifts.

With this feature, you can define all possible shifts that are suitable for your organization, allocate temporary shifts and you can even exchange shifts between two employees to simply swap the shift of the two employees planned.

In addition to shift time management, you can also state break timings and monitor them to improve workforce productivity.

Improved Shift Allocation – Import & Export

Functional updates performed allows authorized user to import the shift details & weekly off details using CSV import. In addition, facilitates the user to modify the already allocated shifts in a user friendly manner. Helps the authorized user to export the allocated shift details organization wise in CSV & XLS format.

Leave & Permission

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Leave Management Software feature of Track Time enables employee to login and submit their leave or permission request to any authorized personnel like HR / Department Manager who has been given privilege to view any particular employees leave request and he can either approve or reject his leave or permission application based on various eligibility criteria.

An e-mail with appropriate status (Pending, Forwarded, Approved, and Rejected) will be automatically triggered for all stakeholders in this process.

With our Leave Management Software you can define various types of leave (Casual Leave, Medical Leave, Earned Leave, Loss of Pay etc) whichever is applicable to all levels of employee in the organization.

This feature also gives insight details on the number of leaves taken by a particular employee on monthly / yearly basis, leave frequency etc.


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On Duty Management:Track Time On Duty Management feature facilitates the employee to login & submit their On Duty request and the authorized HR manager / project leader can view the request & approve or reject the request based on the eligibility. You can also decide & select whether to include Holiday & Weekly off for On duty availing. Also the On Duty report can be exported in to payroll software thus simplifying salary calculation process.

Overtime Management:Track Time's Overtime Management feature helps you to define and configure overtime settings like minimum & maximum overtime hours, calculation factor for weekly off overtime and holiday overtime hours effortlessly. It enables the approval authority to approve / reject / forward the overtime hours of an employee, based on the company’s rules and regulations. Also with the help of our compromised Overtime Reports you can view the details of Worked Hours, OT hours, Weekly off OT hours, Holiday OT hours for each employee & each date between the selected periods.


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Terminal Configuration:With Track Time’s configuration ability to fit your organizations business rules such as Configurable data collection mechanism from various databases, an option for processing real-time data from terminals across the organization including remote locations.

You can configure the Biometric and Smartcard devices with related information and map it with entrances and punch types in much easy way.

Automatic Scheduling of


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Automatic Scheduling & Email triggering of reports for better user friendliness & tracking

This module facilitates the Authorized user to select the reports from reports module which have to be sent through email and also the schedule basis (daily, weekly, monthly) of sending the individual report In addition to that authorized user can add email templates for each user group & In this template they can select the employees under the specific user group for whom the email (To, CC & Subject)has to be sent can be configured.

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Detailed Attendance Report:

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Monthly Attendance Report:

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All Swipes Report:

Report types

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Types of Reports:

1. Exception Reports Discrepancy


Late Entry

Early Exit

2. Shift Reports

Emp Shift Allocation

3. OT comp off report4. Leave5. Permission6. Employee Details/History7. Organizational

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